Transitioning from FlexNet licensing to Schrödinger License Manager

Steps to take when transitioning from FlexNet licensing

If you currently have FlexNet-based Schrödinger licenses and will be switching to Schrödinger License Manager licenses, we recommend the following for a smooth transition:

  • Setup Schrodinger License Manager before your old licenses expire

    This will allow you to run both license managers in parallel.

  • Use the existing server machine, but choose a different port

    We recommend you use the existing server machine, but you need to choose a different port so the new license server process won't conflict with the FlexNet license server processes. By default, the Schrödinger FlexNet license server processes bind to ports 27008 and 53000, and 53000 is the default port for ‘licserverd’. So start up ‘licserverd’ with a non-default value via the ‘--port’ option (e.g., 53001)

  • Adjust your firewalls / network security

    You must adjust your firewalls / network security to allow access to the new Schrödinger License Manager process with the new port and/or server information (with Schrödinger License Manager either the port or the server machine must be different so as not to conflict with the FlexNet licensing).

  • Client machines must be configured to correctly identify the new server

    When clients are switched over to use Schrödinger License Manager, they will no longer use the server information specified previously in FlexNet client license files or environment variables.

  • Download and install Schrödinger software version 2025-1. Schrödinger License Manager is available in the 2023-1 software release through the current release (2025-1). FlexNet is no longer available. In order to use Schrödinger software, you must have a valid Schrödinger License Manager license.



Options for transitioning from FlexNet to SLM

Running both license servers in parallel on same machine (recommended)



  • No need to deploy new server hardware
  • Can deploy and test SLM in parallel to existing FlexNet licenses



  • Firewall configuration: requires use of new port on server to be opened for incoming connections


Action Needed:

  • When starting the SLM license server process or installing the system service that will do so, choose a port (default 53000) that differs from those used by the FlexNet processes (default 27008 and 53000). For example, if the FlexNet processes are using the default ports, choose port 53001 for SLM. Although the license server machine remains the same, firewalls might need to be adjusted to allow connections to this new port of the server.

Stop serving Schrödinger Licenses on FlexNet and switch to Schrödinger License Manager



  • No need to deploy new server hardware
  • No need to open any more ports on server



  • Abrupt transition from FlexNet to SLM may cause running job failures


Action Needed:

  • The FlexNet server processes (using ports 27008 and 53000 by default) must be shut down before starting the SLM license server process. When starting the SLM license server process or installing the system service that will do so, choose one of the ports that were used by the FlexNet server (e.g., the default port 53000). Since the same port and server machine are being used, no changes to firewalls should be needed.

Using a new server machine for Schrödinger License Manager



  • Can deploy SLM in parallel to existing FlexNet license



  • Requires new server hardware
  • Firewall configuration: requires use of port on new server to be opened for incoming connections


Action Needed:

  • When starting the SLM license server process or installing the system service that will do so, the choice of port (the default is 53000) can be made independently of the ports used by the FlexNet server (default 27008 and 53000). Because the SLM server is new, firewalls might need to be adjusted to allow clients to connect to the new server and port. If the SLM server is configured one of the same ports that the FlexNet server did (e.g., 53000), that might simplify or eliminate the needed firewall changes, depending on how the firewall rules were constructed.



NOTE: Whichever option you choose, all machines that will be running Schrödinger software will need to be configured as clients of the SLM server. Even if you use the same machine and port for the SLM server that you used for the FlexNet server, existing FlexNet client configurations WILL NOT work with SLM.

Ready to get started? See Server-based License Server Set-up