schrodinger.ui.qt.propertyselector module

This module provides a PropertySelector GUI class for viewing and selecting properties. Pass the widget a list of properties (via the constructor or the setProperties() method), and then extract properties selected by the user with the getSelected() method.

PropertySelector will display properties without the type (e.g., i_, s_) or owner/family (e.g., mmod_, sd_) tags, for readability. The list of properties displayed can be limited to a single family.

The listbox component can be set to multiple or single selection with the boolean “multi” initialization option.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

class schrodinger.ui.qt.propertyselector.PropertySelector(parent, proplist=None, multi=False, presort=True, show_family_menu=True, show_family_name=True, show_alpha_toggle=False, show_filter_field=False, show_aux_listbox=False, move_to_aux=False)

Bases: object

Class for selecting properties, with features to organize by family/owner, filter by name, and/or sort items in the list. The PropertySelector displays a list of property user names, specified as structure.PropertyName objects.

Duplicate user names are distinguished by creating a PropertyName.user_name attribute to with a unique numerical id suffix. e.g. foo, foo-1, foo-2. The name checking is done once, at __init__.

  • propfamiles – Family name keys for a list of structure.PropertyName instances in that group.

  • displayed_aux_proplist (list) – List of PropertyNames currently displayed in the auxilary listbox, in the order they appear in the list. This is typically a subset of self.proplist.

  • move_to_aux (bool) – If True, items will be moved from main table to auxilary table when they are selected. If false, they will be duplicated in both tables if selected (default False)

__init__(parent, proplist=None, multi=False, presort=True, show_family_menu=True, show_family_name=True, show_alpha_toggle=False, show_filter_field=False, show_aux_listbox=False, move_to_aux=False)

PropertySelector requires <parent> argument, which should be a Qt Widget into which this frame should be added.

  • proplist (list(str) or list(structure.PropertyName)) – The order of data name items in the list is the default order of items in the list box.

  • multi (bool) – True allows selecting multiple properties. Default is False, single item selection.

  • show_family_menu (bool) – True add property family menu to control visible list items. Default is True.

  • show_family_name (bool) – True displays the family/owner in parentheses after each name.

  • show_alpha_toggle (bool) – True displays the alphabetize checkbox toggle.

  • show_filter_field (bool) – True displays the string filter controls.

  • show_aux_listbox (bool) – True displays the auxilary listbox, add and remove buttons, and decrement/increment buttons. self.getSelected() returns all the items in the auxilary list box, in the order they appear.

  • presort (bool) – True orders the properties alphabetically by PropertyName.userName() values.

  • move_to_aux (bool) – If True, items will be moved from main table to auxilary table when they are selected. If false, they will be duplicated in both tables if selected.


Enable or disable buttons as needed. Called when selection in the tables changes.


Alternate order the displayed list items, either alphabetically or in the native order depending on the value of self.alpha_toggle.


is_toggled (bool) – whether to alphabetize the property names


Assigns PropertyName.user_name attributes, for all members in self.proplist. The user_names are unique within the PropertySelector instance.

The user_name strings are typically just the PropertyName.userName(), but may be modified with a numerical suffix to make them unique, or decorated with the family name (which does not garuntee uniqeness, but may make the items easier for the end user to visually group).


Called when value of the family pull-down menu is changed.


Limit the specified list items to those items that match the self.filter_field filter regex and family option menu.


Create a dictionary of families. keys for a list of PropertyNames in that family.

setProperties(proplist, selected_indexes=None)

Set the listbox items to the structure.PropertyName.user_name attributes for the PropertyName instances in proplist.

  • proplist (list of str (data names) or structure.PropertyName.) – A list of properties to show.

  • selected_indexes (list of int) – List of indexes of <proplist> that should be initially selected.

displayProperties(display_list, selected_list=None)

Adjust the display state and selection states to specified lists of PropertyName objects. Use only when selection or display state changes. Use setProperties() to use different properties.

display_list (list)

A list of PropertyName objects to display.

selected_list (list)

A list of PropertyName objects to select.


Return a list of selected PropertyName objects.


Select all properties in the listbox.


Clear property selection


Enable/disable the PropertySelector widget


Reorders the displayed list items in self.aux_listbox such that the selected item moves down one rung in the listbox.


Reorders the displayed list items in self.aux_listbox such that the selected item moves up one rung in the listbox.


Adds items selected in self.listbox to self.aux_listbox.


Removes selected item from self.aux_listbox.

showAuxProperties(proplist, selected_indexes=None)

Display the auxilary listbox items to the structure.PropertyName.user_name attributes for the PropertyName instances in proplist.

proplist (list)

List of structure.PropertyName instances.

selected_indexes (list)

List of indexes of <proplist> that should be selected.

class schrodinger.ui.qt.propertyselector.PropertySelectorMenu(optionmenu, command=None, proplist=None)

Bases: object

Pull-down menu style property selected widget. Used by VSW and Generate Phase DB GUIs

__init__(optionmenu, command=None, proplist=None)

Return PropertyName object for the selected property, or None.


Select the specified property. <property> must be a data name string or a PropertyName object.


Change the list of properties. ‘proplist’ must be a list of PropertyName objects (from the ‘’ module) or data names


proplist (list of str (data names) or structure.PropertyName.) – A list of properties to show.

class schrodinger.ui.qt.propertyselector.PropertySelectorDialog(parent, type_filter=None, allow_empty=False, title='Choose Property', accept_text='Select', **kwargs)

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QDialog

A popup window that allows the user to grab a property. Use chooseFromPT() or chooseFromList() method to execute/show the dialog.

__init__(parent, type_filter=None, allow_empty=False, title='Choose Property', accept_text='Select', **kwargs)

Create a dialog that allows the user to choose property(ies).

  • parent (QWidget) – the parent widget for this dialog

  • type_filter (list) – List of property types (first character of property name) to accept. Should be one or more of i, r, b and s.

  • allow_empty – Whether to allow the user to accept the dialog when no property is selected. By default a warning dialog will appear in such case.

  • title (str) – Title to use for the dialog window

All keyword arguments supported by PropertySelector class can also be used. For example, set “multi=True” to allow selection of more than one property.


Ask the user to choose from the available Project Table properties.

:return list of PropertyName objects for properties that were selected.

Returns None if the user cancelled. NOTE: If allow_empty is True, the returned list may be empty.

chooseFromList(proplist, selected_indexes=None)

Ask the user to choose from the given list of properties.

  • proplist (list of str (data names) or structure.PropertyName.) – A list of properties to show.

  • selected_indexes (list of int) – List of indexes of <proplist> that should be initially selected, if desired.

:return list of PropertyName objects for properties that were selected.

Returns None if the user cancelled. NOTE: If allow_empty is True, the returned list may be empty.

class schrodinger.ui.qt.propertyselector.MyWindow(*args)

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QWidget

class schrodinger.ui.qt.propertyselector.PropertySelectorList(parent=None, proplist=None, multi=False, reorderable=False)

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QFrame

A widget for showing properties in a QListWidget, and letting the user select a property (or multiple properties) in it. Above the list widget there is a field for searching for properties.

__init__(parent=None, proplist=None, multi=False, reorderable=False)
  • parent (QObject) – The parent of this widget.

  • proplist (list) – list of property data names to show.

  • multi (bool) – Whether multiple properties can be selected. Default is False.

  • reorderable (bool) – True if items can be dragged around to reorder.


Selects the given property data name.


Return the list of selected property data names.


Return the list of all property data names.


Filter the items in the list widget according to the contents of the LineEdit and our filter rules


filtervalue (str) – The current value to filter the ListWidget by


Add specified properties to the list widget.


proplist (list of str (data names) or structure.PropertyName.) – A list of properties to show.


Removes all items from the ListWidget