schrodinger.application.pymol.export_handler module

class schrodinger.application.pymol.export_handler.ExportToPyMolMediator(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Mediator class that is intended to extend as a communication bridge between PyMOL instances and Maestro.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
export(export_data: schrodinger.application.pymol.gui_models.ExportToPymolSettings, maestro_settings: schrodinger.application.pymol.mae_sync.MaestroSettingsModel)

Triggers export operation from Maestro, to the latest active PyMOL instance. It creates a new instance if no instance exists. MRCA stands for Most Recently Created and Active. If our PyMOL instance list, in order of creation, is [Inst1(active), Inst2(active), Inst3(inactive)] then the MRCA instance for this list is Inst2.

Throw RuntimeError

unspecified path to launch pymol.

Throw RuntimeError

send triggered on no MRCA instance.

Throw RuntimeError

unable to send a command to pymol.

Throw FileNotFoundError

specified pymol location path not found.

schrodinger.application.pymol.export_handler.get_limit_for_export_mode(export_mode: schrodinger.application.pymol.gui_models.ProjectExportMode, pt_export_mode: schrodinger.application.pymol.gui_models.ProjectTableExportMode) str

Returns the limit for the export operation. See schrodinger.utils.pymol.process_prj for more details on limit.

  • export_mode – project export mode.

  • pt_export_mode – project table export mode.