schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils module

Utilities for Jaguar multistage workflow.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


Set up the logger used in this module.


related_filename (str) – the base name of this file name will be used as the base name of the log file name if not running under job control, otherwise the job name will be used

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.parse_yes_no_setting(setting, keyword)

Translate an English word into a boolean if possible

  • setting (str) – The text (true/false/yes/no/on/off etc) to convert

  • keyword (str) – The associated keyword to show in error messages

Return type



True if the setting translates to Truthy, False if it translates to Falsey


InvalidStageFileError – If setting can’t be translated

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.InvalidStageFileError

Bases: Exception

Class for any exception that occurs when reading in a settings file

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.MissingDataError

Bases: Exception

Raised when an expected structure property for Analysis is not found

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ParameterLine(line, index)

Bases: object

Base class for lines that take keyword=value parameters

__init__(line, index)

Create a ParameterLine object

  • line (str) – The line to parse from the input file

  • index (int) – The 1-based index of this stage


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line


Parse the line into a set of keyword-value pairs


line (str) – The line to parse from the input file

Return type



Keys are lowercase keywords, values are values


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line

validateKeywords(keywords, index)

Validate and pull information from the keywords

  • keywords (dict) – Keys are class constant keywords

  • index (int) – The 1-based index of this stage


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line

classmethod writeParameterLine(keywords, datafile)

Write a line with these settings to the given file

  • keywords (dict) – The current settings

  • datafile (file) – The file object to write to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.CustomScriptLine(line, index)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ParameterLine

Holds general information about a custom script

Used in the meta workflow driver but not the Jaguar multistage workflow

INPUT = 'input'
OUTPUT = 'output'
TRAJECTORY = 'trajectory'
PATH = 'path'
USE_JC = 'use_jc'
ALL_KEYS = {'input', 'output', 'path', 'trajectory', 'use_jc'}
MAEGZ = 'maegz'
CMS = 'cms'
OTHER = 'other'
ALLOWED_INPUT = {'cms', 'maegz', 'other'}
ALLOWED_OUTPUT = {'cms', 'maegz'}
DO_NOT_CHECK_PATH = 'Not_located'
validateKeywords(keywords, index)

Validate and pull information from the keywords

  • keywords (dict) – Keys are class constant keywords

  • index (int) – The 1-based index of this stage


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.StageInfoLine(line, index)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ParameterLine

Holds general information about a stage: name, parent, etc.

Used in the meta workflow driver but not the Jaguar multistage workflow

NAME = 'name'
PARENT = 'parent'
MAIN = 'main'
REQUIRES = 'requires'
SPLITTER = 'splitter'
SUBJOBS = 'subjobs'
THREADS = 'threads'
ALL_KEYS = {'main', 'name', 'parent', 'requires', 'splitter', 'subjobs', 'threads'}
__init__(line, index)

Create a StageInfoLine object

  • line (str) – The line to parse from the input file

  • index (int) – The 1-based index of this stage


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line

validateKeywords(keywords, index)

Validate and pull information from the keywords

  • keywords (dict) – Keys are class constant keywords

  • index (int) – The 1-based index of this stage


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.SimulationParams(line, partial=False)

Bases: object

Holds information about an MD simulation stage

MD = 'md'
BROWNIE = 'brownie'
MS_RELAX = 'matsci_relaxation'
COMPRESSIVE_RELAX = 'compress_relaxation'
SEMI_CRYSTALLINE1_RELAX = 'semi_crystal_relaxation1'
SEMI_CRYSTALLINE2_RELAX = 'semi_crystal_relaxation2'
CUSTOM_MSJ = 'custom'
TYPE = 'type'
ENSEMBLE = 'ensemble'
TIME = 'time'
TEMP = 'temp'
PRESSURE = 'pressure'
TIMESTEP = 'timestep'
TRJINT = 'trj_interval'
TRJINT_STRINGER = 'trajectory_dot_interval'
SEED = 'seed'
SEED_STRINGER = 'random_seed'
ANALYSIS = 'analysis'
AVERAGE = 'average'
ANISOTROPIC = 'anisotropic'
PATH = 'path'
ALL_KEYS = ['ensemble', 'time', 'temp', 'pressure', 'seed', 'analysis', 'average', 'timestep', 'trj_interval', 'anisotropic', 'path']
PATH_ONLY = {'path'}
TEMP_ONLY = {'temp'}
RAW_MD_KEYS = {'analysis', 'anisotropic', 'average', 'ensemble', 'pressure', 'seed', 'temp', 'time', 'timestep', 'trj_interval'}
ALLOWED_KEYS = {'brownie': {'analysis', 'anisotropic', 'average', 'ensemble', 'pressure', 'seed', 'temp', 'time', 'timestep', 'trj_interval'}, 'compress_relaxation': {'temp'}, 'custom': {'path'}, 'matsci_relaxation': {'temp'}, 'md': {'analysis', 'anisotropic', 'average', 'ensemble', 'pressure', 'seed', 'temp', 'time', 'timestep', 'trj_interval'}, 'semi_crystal_relaxation1': {'temp'}, 'semi_crystal_relaxation2': {'temp'}}
__init__(line, partial=False)

Create a Simulation instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

type=stype temp=300…

  • line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

  • partial (bool) – True if partially-incomplete data is allowed


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line


Validate and parse information from the keywords


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line


Validate that the msj file was given, exists and associated cfg files also exist


InvalidStageFileError – If any condition is not met

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.CommandLine(line)

Bases: object

Holds information about a workflow command line

INPUT_MASK = '$input'
TRAJ_MASK = '$trj'
PARENT_OUTFILE_MASK = '$parent_outfile'

Create a CommandLine instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

[$SCHRODINGER/run] driver_path command line tokens

Any string in the command that depends on a job-specific name should be given as simply $input. For instance, in a command such as:

$SCHRODINGER/run -flob hobnob -j jobname.txt jobname.maegz

The command should be provided is:

$SCHRODINGER/run -flob hobnob -j $input.txt $input.maegz

$input will be replaced at runtime with the name of the job

If a trajectory path from the previous step is part of the command, that should be given as just $trj (i.e. -trj $trj)

Command line values that have a space in them - such as an ASL string - should be put inside double quotes: “mol.num 7”


line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from


InvalidStageFileError – If something is wrong with the line

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ParentStageData(line)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about a parent stage


Create a ParentStageData instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:



line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

static writeInheritableParentDataToFile(parent, wavefunction, hessian, datafile)

Write inheritable parent stage data to a file in a format that this class can read in.

  • parent (int) – The stage number of the parent stage

  • wavefunction (bool) – Whether to use the wavefunction from the parent stage

  • hessian (bool) – Whether to use the hessian from the parent stage

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to

static writeNonInheritableParentDataToFile(parents, datafile)

Write noninheritable parent stage data to a file in a format that this class can read in.

  • parents (list) – the stage numbers of the parent stages

  • datafile (file) – the file to write the data to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.GeomConstraint(line)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about geometry constraints


Create a GeomConstraint instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

entry_id target value index index …


line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

static writeData(eid, target, ctype, idxs, afile)

Write the given data to file.

  • eid (str) – the entry ID

  • target (float or None) – the target value for the constraint if there is one

  • ctype (int) – the Jaguar constraint type

  • idxs (list) – contains indices of atoms defining the constraint

  • afile (file) – the file to write the data to

static writeModelDataToFile(model, datafile, eid)

Write geometry constraint data from a model to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • model ( ContraintCoordinatesModel) – The model containing restraints to write

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to

  • eid (str) – The entry id for this geometry constraint

static writeDictDataToFile(adict, datafile)

Write geometry constraint data from a dictionary to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • adict (dictionary) – keys are entry IDs, values are lists of GeomConstraint

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to


Apply this geometry constraint to a JaguarInput object


jagin ( – The JaguarInput object to apply this constraint to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ActiveCoord(line)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about active coordinates


Create an ActiveCoord instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

entry_id type index index …


line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

static writeData(eid, ctype, idxs, afile)

Write the given data to file.

  • eid (str) – the entry ID

  • ctype (int) – the Jaguar active coordinate type

  • idxs (list) – contains indices of atoms defining the active coordinate

  • afile (file) – the file to write the data to

static writeModelDataToFile(model, datafile, eid)

Write active coordinate data using a geometry constraint model to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • model ( ContraintCoordinatesModel) – The model containing active coordinates to write

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to

  • eid (str) – The entry id for this active coordinate

static writeDictDataToFile(adict, datafile)

Write active coordinate data from the given dictionary to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • adict (dict) – keys are entry IDs, values are lists of ActiveCoord

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to


Apply this active coordinate to a JaguarInput object


jagin ( – The JaguarInput object to apply this active coordinate to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.AtomBasis(line)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about by-atom basis sets


Create a AtomBasis instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

entry_id index basis_set


line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

static writeData(eid, anum, basis, afile)

Write the given data to file.

  • eid (str) – the entry ID

  • anum (int) – the atom number

  • basis (str) – the basis

  • afile (file) – the file to write the data to

static writeModelDataToFile(model, datafile)

Write by-atom basis set data from a model to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • model ( basis_set_widgets.BasisSetModel) – The model containing restraints to write

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to

static writeDictDataToFile(adict, datafile)

Write by-atom basis set data from a dictionary to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • adict (dict) – keys are entry IDs, values are lists of AtomBasis

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to


Apply this basis set to a JaguarInput object


jagin ( – The JaguarInput object to apply this atom basis set to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ChargeConstraint(line)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about by-atom charge constraints


Create a ChargeConstraint instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

entry_id index basis_set


line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

static writeData(eid, charge, weights, afile)

Write the given data to file.

  • eid (str) – the entry ID

  • charge (float) – the charge

  • weights (dict) – keys are atom indices, values are float weights

  • afile (file) – the file to write the data to

static writeModelDataToFile(model, datafile)

Write by-atom charge constraint data from a model to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • model ( basis_set_widgets.ChargeConstraintsModel) – The model containing restraints to write

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to

static writeDictDataToFile(adict, datafile)

Write by-atom charge constraint data from a dictionary to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • adict (dict) – keys are entry IDs, values are lists of ChargeConstraint

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to


Apply this charge constraint to a JaguarInput object


jagin ( – The JaguarInput object to apply this constraint to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.StageKeywords(line, use_eid=True)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about keywords

__init__(line, use_eid=True)

Create a StageKeywords instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

entry_id keyword=value keyword=value …

  • line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

  • use_eid (bool) – If True, require the line to start with an entry id. If False, the line should not start with an entry id.

static writeKeywordsToFile(keywords, datafile)

Write keyword data to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • keywords (dict) – keys are entry IDs, values dicts with Jaguar (key, value) pairs

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to

static writeDictDataToFile(adict, datafile)

Write keyword data from the given dictionary to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • adict (dict) – keys are entry IDs, values are lists of StageKeywords

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to


Apply these keywords to a JaguarInput object


jagin ( – The JaguarInput object to apply these keywords to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.QMMoleculeKeywords(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.StageKeywords

A StageKeywords subclass with additional properties for Meta Workflows

ESP_FOR_MD = 'esp_for_md'
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

See parent class for additional documentation

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ExtraSectionData

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates text for extra sections


Create an ExtraSectionData instance

Use addLine to add a line of text


Add a line of text to the extra section text block


line (str) – The line of text to add to the extra section block


Add this block of text at the bottom of a jaguar input file


input_file (file) – The input file to add the text to

static writeSectionsToFile(sections, datafile)

Write extra sections data to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • sections (str) – The extra text to add

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.OverrideKeywords(line)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about override keywords - these are keywords that either can’t be set by the GUI or override the values set in the GUI. They apply to all structures


Create a OverrideKeywords instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

keyword=value keyword=value …


line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

static writeKeyStringToFile(keystring, datafile)

Write override keyword data to a file in a format that this class can read in

  • keystring (str) – the string of keyword=value pairs to write

  • datafile (file) – The file to write the data to


Apply these keywords to a JaguarInput object


jagin ( – The JaguarInput object to apply these keywords to


Return Jaguar output structure property keys that are created from the given input keywords.


keywords (dict) – Jaguar keywords

Return type



structure property keys

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.AnalyzeStageData(line)

Bases: object

Holds and manipulates data about an analysis stage


Create an Analyze instance from a line of text

Expected tab-delimited format:

stage_idx property_key property_key float str stage_idx stage_idx…


line (str) – The line of text to create the instance from

static writeAnalyzeDataToFile(data, datafile)

Write analyze data to a file in a format that this class can read in.

  • data (list) – contains (parent_st_idx, key, parent_key, prefactor, function, parent_idx, parent_idx, …) tuples

  • datafile (file) – the file to write the data to


Return the thermochemistry keys for this analyze stage term.


parent_st_dict (dict) – contains parent index, structure pairs

Return type



the thermochemistry keys

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.write_stages_file(stages, file_path)

Write stages to a file with the given path.

  • stages (list) – contains StageData

  • file_path (str) – the file path

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.StageData(index)

Bases: object

Hold and manipulate all the settings for a stage in the workflow

DATA_CLASSES = {'ACTIVE_COORDINATES': <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ActiveCoord'>, 'ATOM_BASIS': <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.AtomBasis'>, 'CHARGE_CONSTRAINTS': <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.ChargeConstraint'>, 'GEOM_CONSTRAINTS': <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.GeomConstraint'>, 'KEYWORDS': <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.StageKeywords'>}

Create a StageData instance


index (int) – The 1-based index of this stage

parseDataLine(line, ltype, partial=False)

Parse a data line

  • line (str) – The line of data to parse

  • ltype (str) – The type of data in this line. Should be a module constant PARENT, EXTRA_SECTIONS, ANALYZE, or one of the DATA_CLASSES keys

  • partial (bool) – True if partially-incomplete data is allowed

applyEntryData(jagin, eid)

Apply all entry data for entry eid to the given JaguarInput object


Get the keywords for this stage for the given eid. If no eid is given, keywords for a random entry will be returned.


eid (str or None) – If str, keywords for this entry will be supplied. If None, a random entry will be chosen.

Return type



keys are keywords, values are values for that keyword


Return output structure property keys that are created by this stage.


st (schrodinger.structure.Structure or None) – if given and the stage is an analysis stage then the thermochemistry wildcards are considered

Return type



structure property keys

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.JMSWorkFlow(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguarworkflows.WorkFlow

A Jaguar Multistage WorkFlow object that controls all the steps for an entry

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Create a JSMWorkFlow instance

  • stages (list) – A list of StageData objects, one for each step in the workflow

  • smap_name (str) – The name of the master smap file

  • hierarchical (bool) – in the output structure file hierarchically group structures by stage using a job name and original structure title header

See parent class for additional documentation


Create all the steps for this workflow, one for each stage

class schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.JMSStep(stage, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguarworkflows.Step

A step in the Jaguar Multistage Workflow

__init__(stage, *args, **kwargs)

Create a JMSStep instance


stage (StageData) – The settings for this step

See parent class for additional documentation


Return the thermochemistry extensions for this stage.


parent_st_dict (dict) – contains parent index, structure pairs

Return type



the thermochemistry extensions


Start the job - create the input and write it, adding necessary output files to make sure they get copied back


Overwrite the parent class method to return the structure from the inheritable parent step if an inheritable parent exists, otherwise return the original structure


Overwrite the parent class method to avoid setting default keywords values and to apply data from the StageData class for this step

Return type or None


The JaguarInput object for this step, or None if it could not be created.


Get the name of the Jaguar restart file for this step - the restart file contains the wavefunction and hessian

Return type



The name of the Jaguar restart file for this step


Overwrite the parent class method to copy data from the parent step and add extra section data from the StageData object


Add any files to the backend that the Jaguar subjob preserved

write(writer, **kwargs)

In addition to the parent method, also compile any smap data into the master smap file.

See parent method for additional documentation

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.create_workflows(options, jobq, stages, smap_name=None, hierarchical=True, workflow_class=None, robust=False, tmp_logger=None, max_retries=None)

Create a workflow for each structure

  • options (argparse.Namespace) – The command line options

  • jobq (schrodinger.job.queue.JobDJ) – The JobDJ to run subjobs with

  • stages (list) – A list of StageData objects to create JMSStep from

  • smap_name (str) – The name of the master smap file

  • hierarchical (bool) – in the output structure file hierarchically group structures by stage using a job name and original structure title header

  • workflow_class (Jaguar multistage workflow) – Jaguar multistage workflow or any other custom jaguar workflow

  • robust (bool) – If True, use the robust Jaguar driver to run Jaguar jobs. If false, use Jaguar directly.

  • tmp_logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one

  • max_retries (int or None) – see queue.JobControlJob

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.parse_stage_data(data, meta=False, partial=False)

Parse data in settings file format into a list of stages

  • data (list or file) – The data to parse. Can be a list of strings with each item a line of data, or a an open file

  • meta (bool) – If True, this is a meta workflow-like data file. If False, this is a jaguarworkflows-like data file

  • partial (bool) – True if partially-incomplete data is allowed

Return type



A list of StageData objects


InvalidStageFileError – if there is an issue

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.read_stage_datafile(filename, meta=False)

Read in a settings file. Logs an error and exists if an error occurs while reading the file.

  • filename (str) – The name of the settings file to read

  • meta (bool) – If True, this is a meta workflow-like data file. If False, this is a jaguarworkflows-like data file

Return type



A list of StageData objects


InvalidStageFileError – if there is an issue


Validate the information for jaguarworkflows-like stages


stages (list) – contains StageData


InvalidStageFileError – if there is an issue


Validate the stage information for meta workflows-like stages


stages (list) – contains StageData


InvalidStageFileError – if there is an issue

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.validate_stages(stages, meta=False)

Validate stages.

  • stages (list) – contains StageData

  • meta (bool) – If True, this is a meta workflow-like data file. If False, this is a jaguarworkflows-like data file


InvalidStageFileError – if there is an issue


Add a message to the log file and exit with an error code


msg (str) – The message to log

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.log(msg, timestamp=False, pad=False, pad_below=False)

Add a message to the log file

  • msg (str) – The message to log

  • pad (bool) – Whether to pad above this message with a blank line

  • pad_below (bool) – Whether to pad below this message with a blank line

  • timestamp (bool) – Whether to print a timestamp with the message

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.create_smap(basename, output_name, smap_dict=None, finalize_empty=False)

Create the master smap file that will map property files (.vib, .vis, etc) to structures in the compiled structure file

  • basename (str) – The base name of all job files

  • output_name (str) – The name of the output structure file

  • smap_dict (dict) – keys are file names, values are indices, the values are not entry IDs but rather the counting indices (1-based) of the structure in the given output_name file that the given file name key is associated with, values can also be lists of indices for example if a given file name is used for multiple indices

  • finalize_empty (bool) – whether to proceed with finalizing the smap file even if an empty smap_dict has been passed as input

Return type



The name of the smap file created

schrodinger.application.matsci.jaguar_multistage_workflow_utils.finalize_smap(smap_name, backend, finalize_empty=False)

Finish the master smap file and add it to the jobcontrol backend if necessary

  • smap_name (str) – The name of the master smap file

  • backend (schrodinger.job.jobcontrol._Backend) – The job control backend or None if there is no backend

  • finalize_empty (bool) – whether to proceed with finalizing the smap file even if an empty smap_dict has been passed as input