schrodinger.application.matsci.graph module

Module containing methods applied on networkx graph

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.graph.NetworkLoopError

Bases: Exception

Raised when the whole network is infinite


Generator of the disconnect graphs in the passed graph.


graph ('networkx.classes.graph.Graph') – The graph to find subgraphs in

Return type



subgraph of the graph


Return cycles (fused and non-fused) in the graph


graph ('networkx.classes.graph.Graph') – The graph to find cycles in

Return type



list of sets of nodes that make each cycle

schrodinger.application.matsci.graph.get_sorted_shortest_path(graph, end_nodes, max_fix=False)

Get the shortest path with lowest indexes. Networkx does not handle degeneracy due to cycles properly, so using all_shortest_paths to compare each path

  • graph ('networkx.classes.graph.Graph') – The graph to calculate the shortest path in

  • end_nodes (list) – The start and end nodes

  • max_fix (bool) – Whether to fix internal degeneracy when maximum number of path checks are reached


The sorted shortest path.

Return type

list of node index for shortest ordered path between the end nodes

schrodinger.application.matsci.graph.break_infinite_segment(graph, end_nodes)

Break a infinite loop segment to make it finite

  • graph ('networkx.classes.graph.Graph') – The graph to make finite

  • end_nodes (list) – The start and end nodes


NetworkLoopError – If the segment cannot be made finite

schrodinger.application.matsci.graph.find_backbone(graph, prefer_indexes=None, max_fix=True)

Find the shortest path between atoms that are furthest apart

  • graph ('networkx.classes.graph.Graph') – The graph to find longest path in

  • prefer_indexes (set) – A list of preferred atom indexes to choose for the head and tail of the backbone. For paths of equal lengths, the chosen path will start and end with atoms in the prefer_indexes set if one is available. Can be used, for instance, to prefer backbones that start and end with hydrogen atoms.

  • max_fix (bool) – Whether to fix internal degeneracy when maximum number of path checks are reached

Return type



list of nodes in the longest path in the graph. Between the two end node, the node with lower index is considered as the first element of the list and the other as the last. In case of degeneracy due to cycles nodes in the path, the shortest path containing lowest indexes is selected.

schrodinger.application.matsci.graph.find_head_tail(graph, prefer_indexes=None)

Find the two nodes that are furthest apart in the graph.

  • graph ('networkx.classes.graph.Graph') – The graph to find the longest path in

  • prefer_indexes (set) – A list of preferred atom indexes to choose for the head and tail of the backbone. For paths of equal lengths, the chosen path will start and end with atoms in the prefer_indexes set if one is available. Can be used, for instance, to prefer backbones that start and end with hydrogen atoms.

rytpe: list return: list of two nodes that are furthest apart in the graph


Find the segments in the input graph. Segments are path containing nodes where no node appears in a segment twice. Longest segments are always created first and then recursively smaller ones.


graph ('networkx.classes.graph.Graph') – The graph to find segments in

Return type



list of list of nodes. Each sublist is a list of ordered nodes, starting from lower index of the two end nodes, forming the longest path graph not containing the nodes already considered.