schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets module¶
Contains widgets that are useful in MatSci desmond panels.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.get_row_from_proj_table(struct)¶
Given an input structure, return the row from the project table
- Parameters
st (
) – structure to get associated row of from project table- Return type
- Returns
the row from project table
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.get_cms_path_from_proj_table(struct, traj=False)¶
Get cms path and optionally trajectory path for the passed structure in maestro from project table
- Parameters
struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – Structure to get associated cms
traj (bool) – If True, get traj for the passed structure. Default is False.
- Return type
tuple(str or None, str or None)
- Returns
Path to the associated cms file and trajectory for the structure. None if there is no associated cms.
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.check_cms_trj_properties_are_found(cms_file, trj_dir, source_path)¶
Check if the CMS and trj properties were found and raise ValueError if not
- Parameters
str (trj_dir) – Path to source cms and trj folder
str – Path to the associated CMS file
str – Path to the associated trajectory
- Return str,str
Path to the cms file trajectory frames if both are found.
- Raises
ValueError – Raises error if the cms file or trajectory is not found
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.get_cms_and_trj_path(struct, source_path=None)¶
Get trajectory and cms path for the passed structure in maestro
- Parameters
schrodinger.structure.Structure (struct) – Structure to get associated cms and trajectory of
str (source_path) – Path to source cms and trj folder in case they do not exist in the working folder. Structure source path will be used in case it is not passed.
- Return str,str
Path to the cms file trajectory frames if both are found.
- Raises
ValueError – In case the cms file or trajectory is not found
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.FrameSpinBox(layout, commands=None)¶
A spin box to change and set the frames for the trajectory
- __init__(layout, commands=None)¶
Create a FrameSpinBox instance
- Parameters
layout (QLayout) – If supplied, the FrameSpinBox created will be added to this layout
commands (list) – The list of callbacks for the valueChanged signal.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajRangeSelectorDialog(master)¶
Trajectory range selector dialog with fixed labels, a spinbox for step, and no overlapping of sliders
- DIALOG_SIZE = (490, 160)¶
- __init__(master)¶
Create a TrajRangeSelectorDialog instance
- layOut()¶
Layout the widgets in the Dialog
- updateRangeLabel()¶
Function to change label when spinbox values are changed or slider is moved
- slidersMoved()¶
Sets values in spinboxes and label when the sliders are moved
- reset()¶
Reset the widgets
- getStep()¶
Get the trajectory step
- Return int
The step
- getFrames()¶
Get the frame numbers based on the range and step
- Return list
list of frames numbers
- accept()¶
Save the step value in addition to what parent does
- reject()¶
Restore step value in addition to what parent does
- setTrajLimits(min_f, max_f, step_size, last_f_time)¶
Set the limits for trajectory range
- Parameters
min_f (float) – minimum value of the trajectory frames
max_f (float) – maximum value of the trajectory frames
step_size (float) – step size of the frames
last_f_time (float) – last frame time
- setTempRangeToSlider(traj_range)¶
Set temporary trajectory range values to the range selection widgets
- Parameters
traj_range (SimpleNamespace) – set of values for the minimum and maximum number of frames and the step size.
- setTempTrajRange()¶
Read values from widgets and store the temporary range value in traj_range property
- changeLimitsEnd()¶
Change limits of end time spin box to reflect the left slider position
- changeLimitsStart()¶
Change limits of start time spin box to reflect the right slider position
- getRangeLabel()¶
This function returns text string showing trajectory range in ns.
- Returns
range string
- Return type
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajRangeSelectorFrame(layout)¶
Frame that adds trajectory selection button and label. It is connected to a dialog to select the trajectory range
- __init__(layout)¶
- Parameters
layout (QLayout) – layout to add the button to
- updateTrajectoryRangeLabel()¶
Update the trajectory range label with new range from traj dialog and correct the text
- showTrajRangeSelectorDialog()¶
Show traj dialog
- updateTrj(trj_path)¶
Load new trajectory range
- Parameters
trj_path (str) – path to the trajectory.
- Return bool
True if trajectory range was loaded, else False
- getFlags()¶
Get flags for current selected trajectory range
- getRange()¶
Get current range of frames selected
- Return type
- Returns
lower limit and upper limit of the selected range of frames
- setRange(start_val=None, end_val=None)¶
Set the frame range (in number and not time) for trajectory selection
- Parameters
start_val (int) – lower limit for frame in trajectory selection
end_val (int) – upper limit for frame in trajectory selection
- setEnabled(state)¶
Enable or disable the button and label for showing the traj dialog
- Parameters
state (bool) – True to enable the button, and False to disable
- reset()¶
Reset the frame
- getInputs()¶
Get the minimum, maximum and step value of trajectory frames
- Returns
min,max and step value of trajectory frames
- Return type
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.copy_cms_and_trj(cms_file, trj_path, jobname)¶
Copy cms and trj to the job directory
- Parameters
cms_file (str) – The path to the input cms file
trj_path (str) – The path to the input trj dir
jobname (str) – The job name
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajAnalysisGuiMixin¶
Class for extension of af2 to add widgets to gui for desmond trajectory analysis.
- addLoadTrajButton(layout, setup_method=None, allow_gcmc=True)¶
Load button to load structure from workspace and associated trajectory
- Parameters
layout (QLayout) – layout to add the button and range selector to
setup_method (callable) – The method to call to setup the panel
allow_gcmc (bool) – Whether gcmc cms’s should be allowed
- resetPanel()¶
Reset the panel variables and widgets set by this mixin
- Raises
NotImplementedError – Will raise error if load button is not added
- toggleStateMain(state)¶
Enable and disable trajectory traj button and label
- Parameters
state (bool) – True to enable the button, and False to disable
- getTrajFlags()¶
Get the command line flags for cms file, trajectory path, and trajectory range.
- Return list
A list of command line flags and values
- validateCMS()¶
Check if valid structure has been loaded.
- Return type
bool or (bool, str)
- Returns
The bool is True if file is loaded. False with message pop up if file is not loaded.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajectoryTimeSlider(layout=None, command=None, parent=None)¶
Mixin class to add the time slider and play/pause buttons and related methods.
- INTERVAL = 100¶
- ICON_SIZE = 24¶
- __init__(layout=None, command=None, parent=None)¶
Add time slider and play button to the layout
- Parameters
layout (QLayout) – Layout to place the time slider into
command (python callable) – The callback for the valueChanged signal.
parent (QWidget) – The widget that owns this table widget
time_stamps (list) – Trajectory time range data to set the timer interval
- addTimerButton(layout=None)¶
Add Timer button to the timer
- Parameters
layout (QWidgets.QHBoxLayout) – Layout to add the play/pause button
- initVariables()¶
Initialize variables
- toggleTimer()¶
Response to the timer button
- repeatingMethod()¶
Repeating method for timer. Resets the timer to start position.
- setTimeSlider(time_stamps)¶
Set the time range, maximum and minimum value for the time slider.
- Parameters
time_stamps (list) – Trajectory time range data to set the timer interval
- floatValue()¶
Get the current float value. The float value differs from the slider value in that the slider value is an integer, while the float value is a float calculated by multiplying float_step by the integer value.
- Return type
- Returns
The current widget float value
- setFloatValue(float_value)¶
Set the current float value of the slider. The value gets rounded to the nearest acceptable slider value.
- Parameters
float_value (float) – The value to set
- reset()¶
Reset the time slider
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.SubstrateRestraintGroupBox(panel, parent_layout, *, title=None, cms_check=True, checkable=False, **kwargs)¶
Group box used to define which atoms in a panel’s MD system are substrates, at which point Desmond force restraints can be added to those substrate atoms.
- __init__(panel, parent_layout, *, title=None, cms_check=True, checkable=False, **kwargs)¶
Initialize a group box tailored for defining and restraining substrate atoms.
- Parameters
panel (MultiDesmondJobApp) – The Maestro panel that this widget should be associated with
parent_layout (QBoxLayout) – The layout to place this SGroupBox into
title (str) – Title of the group box
cms_check (bool) – Whether the input structure should be cms only
checkable (bool) – Whether the groupbox is checkable, False by default.
- getForceConstant()¶
Gets the currently-assigned force constant
- Return type
- Returns
the force constant currently entered into the widget, in units of kcal/mol/Ang^2
- setForceConstant(force_constant)¶
Sets the force constant to a given value
- Parameters
force_constant (float) – the force constant you want to set in the widget, in units of kcal/mol/Ang^2
- getCommandLineFlags()¶
Returns the command line flags associated with this widget.
- Return type
- Returns
Command-line flags and their values. If no ASL is set, then returns an empty list.
- getASL()¶
- checkASL()¶
Check if asl contains sets, or
- Parameters
asl (str) – asl in the line edit
- error(msg)¶
Raises an error in the parent panel
- validateASL()¶
Check that the ASL is valid.
- Return type
bool or bool, msg
- Returns
True if everything is OK, (True, msg) if the user should be asked if “msg” is OK to continue.
- reset()¶
Reset the widget
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.AdvancedMDOptions(master, button_label='Advanced MD Options...', title='Advanced MD Options', help_topic='MATERIALS_SCIENCE_ADVANCED_MD_OPTIONS', layout=None)¶
Advanced Simulation options. This class will create the advanced dialog in DesmondMDWidget
- __init__(master, button_label='Advanced MD Options...', title='Advanced MD Options', help_topic='MATERIALS_SCIENCE_ADVANCED_MD_OPTIONS', layout=None)¶
Creat an SDialog object
- Parameters
master (QWidget) – The parent of this dialog
user_accept_function (callable) – A function to call from a custom accept method implemented in a subclass
standard_buttons (list) – List of standard buttons to add - each item must be a QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton constant (i.e. QDialogButtonBox.Ok). The default if no standard buttons or non-standard buttons are provided is Ok and Cancel.
nonstandard_buttons (list of (QPushButton, QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole) tuples) – Each item of the list is a tuple containing an existing button and a ButtonRole such as AcceptRole. The default if no standard buttons or non-standard buttons are provided is Ok and Cancel buttons.
help_topic (str) – The help topic for this panel. If the help topic is provided a help button will automatically be added to the panel.
title (str) – The dialog window title
- layOut()¶
Lay out the widgets for the dialog
- showForEdit()¶
Show the dialog
- udpateToolTip()¶
Update advance setting button tooltip
- accept()¶
Overwrite accept method.
- reset()¶
Overwrite reset method
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.DesmondMDWEdit(*args, **kwargs)¶
The standard edit used by DesmondMDWidgets
- LE_WIDTH = 80¶
- BOTTOM_DATOR = 1e-10¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Create a DesmondMDWEdit instance
See parent class for additional documentation
- getValidator()¶
Get the validator for this edit
- Return type
- Returns
The validator to use
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.DesmondMDWidgets(input_selector=None, time_changed_command=None, timestep_changed_command=None, show_temp=True, temp_changed_command=None, show_press=True, show_save=True, show_enegrp=False, show_ptensor=False, show_eneseq=False, show_seed=True, show_trj_interval=True, show_advanced_options=False, show_coulomb=False, enegrp_changed_command=None, ensembles=None, isotropy=None, defaults=None, thermo_methods=None, baro_methods=None, time_use_ps=False, combined_trj=False, **kwargs)¶
Frame that holds core MD related fields, to be reused in the panels that submit desmond jobs.
- TRJ_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields ~%d frames'¶
- ENEGRP_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields %d records'¶
- PTENSOR_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields %d records'¶
- ENESEQ_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields %d records'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'-coulomb_cutoff': 9.0, '-md_baro_relax_time': 2.0, '-md_enegrp_int': 4.8, '-md_eneseq_int': 1.2, '-md_press': 1.01325, '-md_ptensor_int': 4.8, '-md_temp': 300.0, '-md_thermo_relax_time': 1.0, '-md_time': 1.0, '-md_timestep': 2.0, '-md_trj_int': 4.8}¶
- class NUM_FRMS_TYPE(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
- enegrp = 1¶
- eneseq = 2¶
- ptensor = 3¶
- trj = 4¶
- __init__(input_selector=None, time_changed_command=None, timestep_changed_command=None, show_temp=True, temp_changed_command=None, show_press=True, show_save=True, show_enegrp=False, show_ptensor=False, show_eneseq=False, show_seed=True, show_trj_interval=True, show_advanced_options=False, show_coulomb=False, enegrp_changed_command=None, ensembles=None, isotropy=None, defaults=None, thermo_methods=None, baro_methods=None, time_use_ps=False, combined_trj=False, **kwargs)¶
Initialize object and place widgets on the layout. See swidgets.SFrame for more documentation.
- Parameters
input_selector (
) – Input selector objecttime_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of MD time field
timestep_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of MD time step field
show_temp (bool) – Show or not MD temperature field
temp_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of MD temp step field
show_press (bool) – Show or not MD pressure field
show_save (bool) – Show or not Save MD related data widget
show_enegrp (bool) – Show or not energy group recording interval widget
show_ptensor (bool) – Whether to show pressure tensor recording interval
show_eneseq (bool) – Show or not energy recording interval widget
show_seed (bool) – Show or not random seed widget
show_trj_interval (bool) – Show or not the widgets for saving trajectory intervals
show_advanced_options (bool) – Show advanced option dialog
show_coulomb (bool) – Show coulomb combobox to select Coulomb method
enegrp_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of enegrp interval field
ensembles (None or list) – Show choice of desmond ensembles
isotropy (None or dict) – Show choice of desmond barostat isotropy policies. Keys are user-facing text for each isotropy policy, values are the value from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants.IsotropyPolicy.
defaults (dict or None) – Dict with the default values of MD fields
thermo_methods (dict or None) – Provide a dict with cms model type as keys and list of enabled thermostat for these methods as values. See
for example.baro_methods (dict or None) – Provide a dict with cms model type as keys and list of enabled barostat for these methods as values. See
for example.time_use_ps (bool) – If True, use ps for the time field, otherwise ns (which is default in Desmond GUI)
- layOut()¶
Add MD widgets to layout
- updateBarrierLabel(struct=None)¶
Update the barrier label using the potential barrier on the structure
- Parameters
struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to check for a potential barrier
- addAdvancedWidgets(layout)¶
Advanced MD Widgets
- updateEnsembleParameters()¶
Update timestep, thermostat method, thermostat relaxation time, barostat method and barostat relaxation time upon structure changed.
- classmethod getTimeStepFromModel(model_type, model=None)¶
Return type of model and default timestep for the model. Three possible types of model are AA, DPD and COARSE_GRAIN (see msconst).
- Parameters
model (cms.Cms) – input selector model
model_type (str) – type of the desmond system model type
- Returns
return timestep corresponding to the different desmond model.
- Return type
- setThermoRelaxationMethod(model_type)¶
Set thermostat option based on model type
- Parameters
model_type (str) – type of the cms model
- setBaroRelaxationMethod(model_type)¶
Set barostat option based on model type
- Parameters
model_type (str) – type of the cms model
- getAdvancedSettingString()¶
Update advance setting label
- Return type
- Returns
Advanced setting in the string format joined by “/”.
- updateAllNumFrames()¶
Update all known frames.
- updateNumFrames(num_frms_type)¶
Update approximate the number of recordings and interval (if needed).
- Parameters
num_frms_type (NUM_FRMS_TYPE) – Type of the recordings to update
- getTimestepPS()¶
Returns the simulation timestep in picoseconds.
- Return type
- Returns
Time in picoseconds
- getTimePS()¶
Returns the simulation time in picoseconds.
- Return type
- Returns
Time in picoseconds
- onTimeChanged()¶
Called when simulation time changes.
- onTimestepChanged()¶
Called when time step changes.
- onTrjIntervalChanged()¶
Called when trajectory interval changes.
- onEneGrpIntervalChanged()¶
Called when energy group interval changes.
- onPtensorIntervalChanged()¶
Called when energy group interval changes.
- onEneSeqIntervalChanged()¶
Called when energy interval changes.
- onEnsembleChanged()¶
Called when ensemble changes.
- getCommandLineFlags()¶
Return a list containing the proper command-line flags and their values, e.g.:
cmd = [EXEC, infile_path] cmd += rs_widget.getCommandLineFlag()
- Return type
- Returns
command-line flags and their values
- setFromCommandLineFlags(flags)¶
Set the state of these widgets from command line flag values
- Parameters
flags (dict) – Keys are command line flags, values are flag values. For flags that take no value, the value is ignored - the presence of the key indicates the flag is present.
- getSimulationParam()¶
Get parameters compatible with kwargs of MSJStringer method. The method can be used in as
.- Return type
dict, dict
- Returns
First dictionary contains the msj parameters acceptable by MSJStringer class. Second dictionary contains other parameters related to MD. These parameters are not directly used by MSJStringer.
- reset()¶
Reset widgets.
- resetAdvancedWidgets()¶
Reset advanced widgets