schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget module¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.ASLSelectorCheckableComboBox(text=None, item_name='item', layout=None, items=None, max_selected_items=None, command=None, stretch=True, width=80, **kwargs)¶
Combobox for ASL names with check-able options
- addItems(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overwrite parent to select all the items when new item is added
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.MeasurementTableFrame(panel)¶
Tab containing the pick peaks from the plot.
- AXIS_COL = 'Axis/Plane'¶
- NAME_COL = 'Name'¶
- LENGTH_COL = 'Length (Å)'¶
- ASL_COL = 'ASL'¶
- LINE_COL = 'MLine'¶
- COL_NAMES = ['Axis/Plane', 'Name', 'Length (Å)', 'ASL']¶
- __init__(panel)¶
- Parameters
panel (
) – Parent panel object
- updateData(mlines)¶
Update table with all the measurement lines
- Parameters
mlines (list(MeasurementLine)) – List of all measurement lines in the plots
- exportData()¶
Export the qpeaks from the table and corresponding real units lengths.
- deleteSelectedRows()¶
Delete the selected rows from the table.
- reset()¶
Reset the frame widgets
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.CustomToolbar(canvas)¶
Custom NavToolbar to contain toolbar option to add measure lines to the plot
- __init__(canvas)¶
Create the toolbar
- Parameters
canvas (schrodinger.mpl_backend_agg.FigureCanvasQTAgg) – The matplotlib canvas
- zoom(*args)¶
Modify mathplotlib zoom function so zoom button and measure buttons are exclusive.
- pan(*args)¶
Modify mathplotlib pan function so pan button and peak edit buttons are exclusive.
- resetZoomBtn()¶
Reset zoom button state
- resetPanBtn()¶
Reset zoom button state
- resetMeasureBtn()¶
Reset measure button state to unchecked
- measureDepth()¶
Connect to edit peaks function in the plot and make checked icons (zoom and pan) unchecked. Also add the mode message to the plot.
- reset()¶
Reset toolbar
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.MeasurementLine(plot_frame, xval, yval)¶
Object containing Line2D and Annotations in the plot and its value.
- __init__(plot_frame, xval, yval)¶
Create plot canvas with updated toolbar,
- Parameters
plot_frame (PlotFrame) – Plot frame containing the plot.
xval (float) – x value at which the first point is to be drawn
yval (float) – y value at which the first point is to be drawn
- checkFinalPointRange()¶
A dialog box is displayed with a message if the projected point is outside the plot area.
- addFinalPoint(xval, yval)¶
Add the 2nd point and related annotation. If plot type is linear then y value will be ignored and taken from the first point.
- Parameters
xval (float) – x value at which the second point is to be drawn
yval (float) – y value at which the second point is to be drawn
- getMinDistance(xval, yval)¶
Get the minimum distance of the input point with the two data points.
- Parameters
xval (float) – x value of the point to calculate the distance from
yval (float) – y value of the point to calculate the distance from
- Return float
Minimum distance of from the measurement point
- addAnnotation()¶
Replot the the annotation and markers
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.BasePlotFrame(panel, parent_tab)¶
Class to initialize all the plots.
- __init__(panel, parent_tab)¶
- Parameters
panel (SimulationProfileAnalysisViewerPanel) – Parent panel object
- loadData(data, asls, bin_edges, asl_names)¶
Read and initialize data.
- Parameters
data (dict) – dictionary containing all the data for each asl.
asls (list) – list of asls used in calculations.
bin_edges (dict) – dictionary containing bin edges of ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’ axis.
asl_names (dict) – dictionary where the key is the asl and the value is the associated given name for it.
- getCurrentASLData(asl, axis=None)¶
Get the data for the passed asl for the current selected time range
- Parameters
asl (str) – asl for which data is to be found
axis (str or None) – Axis for which data is needed. If None it will get the current select axis in combobox
- Return numpy.ndarray
The average data for the asl in the current time range
- getSelectedAslNames()¶
The selected asl names in the panel
- Return list(str)
List of asl(s) for 1D plot and the list of single asl str for the 2D plot
- getCurrentAxis()¶
Get the current selected axis. For 1D plot it will be X,Y, or Z. And for 2D plot it will be XY, XZ, or YZ.
- Return str
name of the selected axis
- removeClosestMLine(xval, yval)¶
Find the closest measurement line to the passed point and remove it from the plot.
- Parameters
xval (float) – x value of the point to calculate the distance from and remove
yval (float) – y value of the point to calculate the distance from and remove
- getAcuteAngle(vec_A, vec_B)¶
Returns the acute angle in degrees.
- Parameters
vec_A (numpy.array) – vector representation of vec_A
vec_B (numpy.array) – vector representation of vec_B
- Return type
- Returns
The acute angle between vec_A and vec_B
- getDiagonalFinalPoint(s_point, e_point)¶
Returns the projection of the end point of the line such that it is parallel to x=y or x=-y.
- Parameters
s_point (numpy.array) – start point of the line
e_point (numpy.array) – end point of the line
- Return type
float, float
- Returns
The projected x and y value on x=y or x=-y line.
- getFinalPoint(e_x, e_y)¶
Returns the final endpoint of the line.If the shift key is not pressed, the original point are returned. Else, the projected point are returned such that the line is parallel to x-axis or y-axis or x=y or x=-y.
- Parameters
e_x (float) – x coordinate of the endpoint of the line.
e_y (float) – y coordinate of the endpoint of the line.
- Return type
float, float
- Returns
The projected point parallel to x=0 or y=0 or x=y or x=-y or the original point.
- isShiftPressed()¶
Whether the shift key is pressed.
- Return type
- Returns
state of the shift key press
- measureDepth(event=None)¶
React to button press. If measure depth is checked then it will add a single point on 1st left click and will add point and annotation on next click (left or right). If the 1st click is right click it will find the closest measurement line and delete it.
- replot()¶
Replot the plot
- reset()¶
Clear and reset stored data and replot to get default plot.
- addMeasurement(mline)¶
Add the measurement line to the measurement line list.
- Parameters
mline (MeasurementLine) – The MeasurementLine to add to the list
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.ImagePlotFrame(panel, parent_tab)¶
Class to setup a frame with projection density plot
- PLOT_TYPE = 'Planes'¶
- SLICES = dict_values(['XY', 'XZ', 'YZ'])¶
- plotData()¶
Plot data with current selection
- setAxisLabels()¶
Set axis label based on axis selection
- getMList(asl=None, axis=None)¶
Return the current list of measurement lines
- Parameters
asl (str or None) – Get the measurement lines for the passed asl, if passed None it will get for currently selected asl
axis (str or None) – Get the measurement lines for the passed axis, if passed None it will get for currently selected axis
- Return list(MeasurementLine)
list of measurement lines
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.LinePlotFrame(*args, image_width=0.85, **kwargs)¶
Class to setup a frame with line plot of 1d density profile.
- PLOT_TYPE = 'Axis'¶
- SLICES = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']¶
- __init__(*args, image_width=0.85, **kwargs)¶
initialize the Line plot frame. See base class for input arguments.
- Parameters
image_width (float) – Scale with plot with image_width value. This allows legend to be shown outside the plot. The acceptable values are between 0 and 1.
- setAxisLabels()¶
Set axis label based on axis selection
- plotData()¶
Plot data with current selection
- getMList(axis=None, **kwargs)¶
Return the current list of measurement lines
- Parameters
axis (str or None) – Get the measurement lines for the passed axis, if passed None it will get for currently selected axis
- Return list(MeasurementLine)
list of measurement lines
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.density_analysis_widget.DensityTab(panel, dimension, include_all_and_none=False)¶
Tab containing plot selection options and plot.
- __init__(panel, dimension, include_all_and_none=False)¶
- Parameters
panel (SimulationProfileAnalysisViewerPanel) – Parent panel object
dimension (int) – the dimension of the plot, 1 will create tab for line plot and 2 will create image plot.
include_all_and_none (bool) – Include all and none options in the 1D line plot
- axisChanged()¶
React to change in axis
- loadData(data, asls, bin_edges, asl_names, add_item=True)¶
Load the data to combobox and plot
- Parameters
data (dict) – dictionary containing all the data for each asl
asls (list) – list of asls used in calculations
bin_edges (dict) – dictionary containing bin edges of ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘z’ axis.
asl_names (dict) – dictionary where the key is the asl and the value is the associated given name for it.
- reset()¶
Reset the tab.