schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping module¶
Map an all-atom structure to DPD coarse-grained one
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MAPPED_MOL_DATA(species, mol_idx, mapped_struct)¶
- mapped_struct¶
Alias for field number 2
- mol_idx¶
Alias for field number 1
- species¶
Alias for field number 0
- schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.find_new_group_id(groupids)¶
Find new key that is not already contained in the dict provided
- Parameters
groupids (list) – the list of groupids
- Return type
- Returns
id for a new key
- exception schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MappingError¶
Exception raised when mapping fails.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.TagFullStructure(full_struct, mapped_mols_data)¶
Copy the mapping from tagged molecules to the full structure.
- __init__(full_struct, mapped_mols_data)¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
full_struct (structure.Structure) – the full input structure
mapped_mols_data (list(MAPPED_MOL_DATA)) – list of mapped molecules data, including their species name, molecule index, and the full input structure where the molecules’ atoms are tagged according to the mapping
- static markOriginalAtomIds(struct)¶
Tag atoms with their original index. This is needed before extracting molecule structures.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – input structure
- Return type
- Returns
the structure with original atom indexes tagged
- tagFullStructure()¶
Map the structure by adding grouping properties to the atoms.
- Return type
tuple(structure.Structure, list(str))
- Returns
mapped structure and the list of CG bead names
- mapTaggedAtoms()¶
Map the atoms that are used for mapping in sample molecules to the corresponding atoms in the rest of the structure.
- matchConformer(atom_ids, tagged_ids, smp_mol, mol_mapper, smp_mol_st)¶
Find the mapping between a given conformer molecule and the original sample molecule, and mark each mapped atom id as a property in the mapped structure. If the two molecules are the same, the mapping is trivial and we can skip using the atom_mapper.
- Parameters
atom_ids (frozenset) – Atom ids for the conformer
smp_mol (MartiniMolecule or DpdMolecule) – The molecule data object for the sample mol
atom_mapper (atom_mapper.ConnectivityAtomMapper) – The atom mapper
tagged_ids (list) – Atom ids from the sample molecule
smp_mol_st (structure.Structure) – The sample molecule structure
- addGroupingProps()¶
Add grouping properties to the mapped structure. The grouping properties are retrieved from sample molecules which are mapped and passed on to the rest of the structure.
- removeStaleProps()¶
Remove properties that are no longer needed.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.CGGraphHelper¶
Includes methods to generate and analyze graphs
- static classifyNodeClusters(node_clusters, st_graph)¶
Sort the given node clusters. Clusters that produce isomorphic subgraphs are considered equivalent, and any nodes that seed equivalent clusters are assigned to the same category together.
- Parameters
node_clusters (dict) – dictionary of nodes_clusters where the key is the node index and value is list of cluster nodes
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – The structure graph
- Return type
- Returns
Mapping of symmetry ids and the nodes that belong to the same category
- static s2GraphMightHavePath(graph, scale)¶
Check if a graph with scale+2 nodes might have a long path. The only way it can is if the graph is linear.
- Parameters
graph (networkx.Graph) – The graph
scale (int) – The mapping scale
- Return type
tuple(bool, int or None)
- Returns
First element is whether or not the graph is linear, second element is the path length if the graph is linear, None otherwise.
- static s3GraphMightHavePath(graph, scale)¶
Check if a graph with scale+3 nodes might have a long path. There are a couple easy checks: 1) if there is at least one degree-4 node, then we are fine, 2) if there are more than 2 degree-3 nodes, we are also fine. Also, if the graph is linear, the path length is trivial.
- Parameters
graph (networkx.Graph) – The graph
scale (int) – The mapping scale
- Return type
tuple(bool, int or None)
- Returns
First element is whether or not the graph might have a long path, second element is the path length if the graph is linear, None otherwise.
- static mightHaveLongPath(bead_nodes, st_graph, scale)¶
Run fast tests to see if the bead subgraph might have a long path. A long path in this context means that the longest path in the bead is at least scale+1 (path lengths equal to or bigger than this will be penalized). If the path length is also trivial (e.g. the graph is linear) also return the path length
- Parameters
bead_nodes (list) – List of bead nodes
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – The structure graph
scale (int) – The CG mapping scale
- Return type
tuple(bool, int or None)
- Returns
First item is whether or not the bead might contain a long path. Second item is the path length if the path length is trivial, otherwise None
- static getPathLength(bead_nodes, st_graph)¶
Get the longest path length between nodes in a bead
- Parameters
bead_nodes (list) – list of nodes in the bead
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – input graph
- Return type
- Returns
The longest path length between the nodes
- static getCGGraph(mapping_cg, st_graph)¶
Get coarse-grained graph from mapping
- Parameters
mapping_cg (Mapping) – mapping object
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – input full graph
- Return type
- Returns
the coarse grained graph
- static getDualGraph(st_graph, node_clusters=None)¶
In a dual graph, nodes i and j are connected only if their corresponding node clusters have no overlapping nodes. If node_clusters is None, then the dual graph is constructed by connecting nodes i and j if they are at least 3 bonds away from each other.
- Parameters
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – input graph
node_clusters (dict) – dictionary of node clusters for each node in the graph
martini_edges – list of nodes that are martini rings
- Type
list or None
- Return type
- Returns
the dual graph
- static getJoiningGraph(joinees, joiners, cg_graph, martini_edges=None)¶
Create a graph of the joiners and the joinees to determine which nodes should be joined. The graph is constructed by removing all edges but those between joiners and joinees. Connected components will be used to find bead pairs that will be joined.
- Parameters
joinees (list) – list of joinee beads
joiners (list) – list of joiner beads
cg_graph (networkx.Graph) – coarse-grained graph
martini_edges – list of nodes that are martini rings
- Type
list or None
- Return type
- Returns
joining graph
- static getSwappingGraph(acceptors, donors, cg_graph)¶
Construct a graph used to determine which nodes should be swapped. Donors, the large beads will donate a node to the acceptor bead, which is a small bead. The graph is constructed by removing all edges but those between donors and acceptors. Connected components will be used to find bead pairs that will exchange nodes.
- Parameters
acceptors (list) – list of acceptor beads
donors (list) – list of donor beads
cg_graph (networkx.Graph) – coarse-grained graph
- Return type
- Returns
swapping graph
- static modifyGraphForMartiniRings(graph, martini_edges)¶
Modify a the given graph by disconnecting martini rings from the rest of the graph. This should be used to prevent the rings from being swapped or joined with other beads while mapping the residue.
- Parameters
graph (networkx.Graph) – input graph
martini_edges (list) – list of nodes that are martini rings
- Return type
- Returns
modified graph
- static getEdgeList(mapping, st_graph)¶
Get list of edges for the coarse-grained network.
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – CG mapping for a section of (or an entire) molecule
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – Structure graph for the underlying atomistic (not CG) representation of the molecule
- Return type
tuple(list, dict)
- Returns
List of all edges, and a dict containing edge attributes (bond orders for the CG bonds)
- static matchIsomorphicGraphs(graphs)¶
Get a graph matchers object for a pair of graphs.
- static getRingDecorations(ring_nodes, res_graph)¶
For a given ring, find the atoms that are connected to it in the residue graph and categorize them as short (dangly) end (one atom), long (dangly) end (two atoms), and connection node (one atom) that conncets the ring to the rest of the residue.
- Parameters
ring_nodes (list) – list of nodes in the ring
res_graph (networkx.Graph) – residue graph
- Return type
tuple(list, list, list)
- Returns
short end, long end, and connection nodes
- static getWeightedRingGraph(st_graph, ring, short_end, long_end, connection_nodes)¶
To create a ring graph, we need to add the different weights to the dangling nodes based on thier size. The weights will be used to find centrality scores for the nodes in the ring.
- Parameters
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – input graph
ring (list) – list of nodes in the ring
short_end (list) – list of nodes in the short end of the ring
long_end (list) – list of nodes in the long end of the ring
connection_nodes (list) – list of nodes that connect the short and long ends
- Return type
- Returns
the ring graph with weights for nodes
- static getNodeCentralityType(st_graph)¶
Get a centrality type dictionary from the structure graph. This will be used to determine the type of the node based on its centrality score.
- Parameters
st_graph (networkx.Graph) – input graph
- Return type
- Returns
dictionary of node centrality type, with score as key and list of nodes as value
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.Mapping¶
Data structure to store CG mappings of atoms into beads.
- __init__()¶
Create an instance.
- update(other_mapping)¶
Update the mapping and add all groups from another mapping.
- Parameters
other_mapping (Mapping) – The other mapping to update with
- createNewGroup(bead, bead_idx=None)¶
Create a new bead. If provided index is None or already exists, one is generated
- Parameters
bead (list) – The new bead (list of nodes).
bead_idx (init) – The index of the new group
- Return type
- Returns
The index of the created group
- addNodeToGroup(node, bead)¶
Add a node to a bead and if not already present and update both group_node and node_group dictionaries.
- Parameters
node (int) – The node to be added to the bead
bead (int) – The index of the bead that node is being added to
- removeNodeFromGroup(node, bead)¶
Remove a node from a bead, if present.
- Parameters
node (int) – The node to remove
bead (int) – The bead that node is being removed from
- deleteGroup(bead)¶
Delete a bead from group_node and node_group dictionaries.
- Parameters
bead (int) – The bead being deleted
- deleteNode(node)¶
Delete a node from node_group and group_node dictionaries.
- Parameters
node (init) – The node being deleted
- setGroup(bead_idx, bead)¶
Set an existing bead group.
- Parameters
bead_idx – The bead index
bead (list(int)) – The bead
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.StructureAnalyzer(struct, scale, mapping_method='dpd', implicit_ions=False, reuse_bead_names=False)¶
Analyzing input structure.
- __init__(struct, scale, mapping_method='dpd', implicit_ions=False, reuse_bead_names=False)¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – input structure
scale (int) – Coarse graining scale, number of AA atoms per CG bead
mapping_method (str) – Coarse graining method, MARTINI or DPD
implicit_ions (bool) – If True, small ions will not be mapped in DPD
reuse_bead_names (bool) – If True, bead names will be reused
- getMolInfo()¶
For each unique species in the structure, create a MoleculeData object holding the species information, and store them in a list.
- getUniqueSpecies()¶
Get unique species in the structure. Structure are found using their stereochemically unaware SMILES.
- Return type
)- Returns
list of all species found in the structure
- getSpeciesMolNum(mol_species)¶
Get a sample molecule index for the given species.
- Parameters
mol_species (SpeciesData) – The species object
- Return type
- Returns
The molecule index of the species
- translateMappingToProps()¶
Name the beads in the structure.
- Return type
list(str), list(MAPPED_MOL_DATA)
- Returns
list of bead names and list of mapped molecule data
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.StructData(molecule_st, scale, mapping_method='dpd')¶
A dataclass to information related to the structure of a species.
- ALL_SMARTS = {'Acid_Chloride': 'C(=O)Cl', 'Aldehyde': '[CH;D2;!$(C-[!#6;!#1])]=O', 'Amine': '[N;$(N-[#6]);!$(N-[!#6;!#1]);!$(N-C=[O,N,S])]', 'Azide': '[N;H0;$(N-[#6]);D2]=[N;D2]=[N;D1]', 'Boronic_Acid': '[$(B-!@[#6])](O)(O)', 'Carboxylic_acid': 'C(=O)[O;H,-]', 'Halogen': '[$([F,Cl,Br,I]-!@[#6]);!$([F,Cl,Br,I]-!@C-!@[F,Cl,Br,I]);!$([F,Cl,Br,I]-[C,S](=[O,S,N]))]', 'Isocyanate': '[$(N-!@[#6])](=!@C=!@O)', 'Nitro': '[N;H0;$(N-[#6]);D3](=[O;D1])~[O;D1]', 'Sulfonyl_Chloride': '[$(S-!@[#6])](=O)(=O)(Cl)', 'Terminal_Alkyne': '[C;$(C#[CH])]', 'dangling_atoms': '[!#1;X4&H3,X3&H2,X2&H1,X1&H0]-[!#1]', 'higher_order_bonds': '[!#1]=,#[!#1]'}¶
- __init__(molecule_st, scale, mapping_method='dpd')¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
molecule_st (structure.Structure) – molecule structure
scale (int) – Coarse graining scale, number of AA atoms per CG bead
mapping_method (str) – Coarse graining method
- getBeadSize(mapping, bead_idx)¶
Get the size of a bead in the provided mapping.
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – mapping object
bead_idx (int) – index of the bead
- Return type
- Returns
size of the bead
- getDpdBeadSize(mapping, bead_idx)¶
Get the size of a DPD bead in the provided mapping.
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – mapping object
bead_idx (int) – index of the bead
- Return type
- Returns
size of the bead
- getMartiniBeadSize(mapping, bead_idx)¶
Get the size of a Martini bead in the provided mapping.
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – mapping object
bead_idx (int) – index of the bead
- Return type
- Returns
size of the bead
- getNonRingContToSize(bead, mapping)¶
Get the contribution of non-ring nodes to the size of the bead.
- Parameters
bead (list) – list of nodes in the bead
mapping (Mapping) – mapping object
- Return type
- Returns
contribution of non-ring nodes to the size of the bead
- getRingNodeContToSize(bead, mapping)¶
Get the contribution of nodes that are on one or multiple rings to the size of the bead.
- Parameters
bead (list) – list of nodes in the bead
mapping (Mapping) – mapping object
- Return type
- Returns
contribution of nodes on the ring to the size of the bead
- findExclusiveAtoms()¶
Find unsharable atoms in a structure.
- Return type
- Returns
list of atom indexes
- property sorted_func_groups¶
Sort functional groups based on complexity.
- Return type
list(tuple(str, str))
- Returns
list of functional groups sorted by complexity
- createGroupMapping(struct_groups, node_to_atom_idx)¶
Create a mapping for all atoms that are found to belong to a defined group.
- Parameters
struct_groups (list(tuple(str, str))) – A list of atom indexes that belong to a the definied groups.
node_to_atom_idx (dict) – A dictionary of node number to atom index conversion
- Return type
- Returns
A mapping of functional groups
- findGroupsMapping(node_to_atom_idx)¶
Find functional groups and pre-defined groups (if requested) in the structure.
- updateFunctionalGroups(func_groups_indexes, predefined_indexes)¶
Update functional groups by removing groups that include atoms that already belong to a predefined group. And add all predefined groups as a functional group.
- Parameters
func_groups_indexes (list(list(int))) – list of atom indexes that match the functional groups.
predefined_indexes (list(list(int))) – List of atom indexes that match the predefined groups.
- Return type
- Returns
List of atom indexes forming functional groups.
- findSMARTSMatchingIndexes(smarts_info, allow_partial_overlap=True, match_scale=False)¶
Find indexes of atoms that match the provided smarts pattern.
- Parameters
smarts_info (list) – SMARTS pattern and their name to be matched.
allow_partial_overlap (bool) – If True, allow atoms to belong to more than one group. If False, atoms can only belong to one group.
match_scale (bool) – If True, compare the size of the groups against the CG scale, and filter out groups that are larger than the scale.
- Return type
- Returns
List of lists of atom indexes that match the smarts pattern.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MoleculeData(molecule_st, scale, struct, mol_idx, species, mol_count, mapping_method='dpd')¶
A dataclass to hold Molecule information.
- UNK = 'UNK '¶
alias of
- class BEAD_TYPE(bead_graph, name, beads, smarts)¶
- bead_graph¶
Alias for field number 0
- beads¶
Alias for field number 2
- name¶
Alias for field number 1
- smarts¶
Alias for field number 3
- class NODE_GROUP_TYPE(atom_idx, bead_names, bead_nums, atom_nums)¶
- atom_idx¶
Alias for field number 0
- atom_nums¶
Alias for field number 3
- bead_names¶
Alias for field number 1
- bead_nums¶
Alias for field number 2
- class MAPPED_BEAD_INFO(name, smarts, charge, multi_mol)¶
- charge¶
Alias for field number 2
- multi_mol¶
Alias for field number 3
- name¶
Alias for field number 0
- smarts¶
Alias for field number 1
- __init__(molecule_st, scale, struct, mol_idx, species, mol_count, mapping_method='dpd')¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
molecule_st (structure.Structure) – molecule structure
scale (int) – Coarse graining scale, number of AA atoms per CG bead
struct (structure.Structure) – The input structure
mol_idx (int) – molecule index in the input structure
species (str) – species display name
mol_count (int) – molecule count in the unique species
mapping_method (str) – Coarse graining method
- processMoleculeInfo()¶
Process molecule information, such as type, graph and initial mapping. Find residues if the molecule is a large molecule.
- getInitialMapping()¶
Initialize the type of molecule.
- getMoleculeGraph()¶
Initialize molecule graph and data corresponding to molecule structure.
- findResidues()¶
Get ResidueData objects for the sample residues found in the molecule.
- getSampleResidues()¶
Get the unique residues in the molecule and used them as samples to be mapped. In case the size of the same of type of residues are different, e.g. N-terminal or C-terminal residues in a protein sequence, we will only keep the largest residue as the sample.
- Return type
- Returns
a dictionary of the sample residues and their nodes
- getResiduesData()¶
Get ResidueData objects for the sample residues found in the molecule.
- Return type
- Returns
list of ResidueData objects
- getMoleculeType()¶
Classify molecule into large molecule, small solvent, or small ions based on number of heavy atp,s and formal charge.
- checkMoleculeRings()¶
Identify rings in the input structure that belong to this moleucle instance. Create a mapping object of identified rings and their nodes.
- findStructAromaticBonds()¶
Find aromatic bonds in the structure, used to update structure graph edge attributes.
- isRingEligible(ring)¶
Is the ring eligible to be considered as a ring based on its size and coarse graining scale and aromaticity, which depends on mapping method, Martini or DPD.
- Parameters
ring (structure.Ring) – the ring
- Return type
- Returns
True if the ring is eligible, False otherwise
- getAugmentedStructGraph()¶
Generate a networkx.Graph object of the molecule structure. Heavy atoms are used as nodes in the graph. The Graph is augmented using the chemical information of the structure: atomic numbers are added as node attributions and bond orders are used as edge attributes.
- getBondsOrderAttr(atom)¶
Get bond pairs and the bond orders for the given atom to be added to networkx.Graph in dict((int,int): {‘bond_order’: int}) format
- Parameters
atom (structure.Structure.atom) – the atom
- Return type
- Returns
dictionary of bond pairs and their orders
- getAtomicNumAttr(atom)¶
Get atomic number of the atom to be added to networkx.Graph in dict(int:{‘atomic_number’}) format
- Return type
- Returns
a dictionary of the atom index and its atomic number
- getAtomicChargeAttr(atom)¶
Get formal charge of the atom to be added to networkx.Graph in dict(int:{‘formal_charge’}) format
- Return type
- Returns
a dictionary of the atom index and its atomic charge
- getResidues()¶
Find residues/polymers/repeating units in the molecule. Create dictionaries of all residues by their name and index and all the graph nodes that belong to them.
- Return type
- Returns
dictionary of all residues by their name and index and list of their graph nodes
- getIsomorphicFragments()¶
Create an isomorphic mapping for the molecule, to be used to translate the sample residue mapping to all other residues.
- Return type
- Returns
a dictionary of the isomorphic mapping between the sample residues and all other residues
- Raises
MappingError – if the isomorphic mapping cannot be found
- getNodeToAtomConversion()¶
Find mapping between self.st_graph nodes (self.struct atom indexes) and self.molecile_st atom indexes.
- Return type
- Returns
a dictionary of the atom index and the graph node index
- translateMappingToProps(known_bead_names)¶
Translate the mapping solution to the atom properties on the mapped structure. That is each atom in this molecule will have a property of the bead name and number it belongs to, and its order in the bead. This is used to create the CG structure.
- Parameters
known_bead_names (dict) – a dictionary of known bead names and their smarts
- addAtomProps(shared_node_types)¶
Add the grouping atom properties to the mapped structure, for each atom based on its node type.
- getBeadsType(known_bead_names)¶
Bead types for each mapped bead in mapping is defined. This includes bead name, the count number of the bead in the molecule. Beads are compared based on their netwrokx graphs.
- Parameters
known_bead_names (dict) – a dictionary of known bead names and their smarts
- getMappedBeadInfo(bead_smarts, bead_charge)¶
Get the information of a mapped bead as requested.
- Parameters
bead_smarts (bool) – if True, the smarts for each bead is found.
bead_charge (bool) – if True, the total charge of the beads is calculated.
- Return type
- Returns
List of namedtuples of the beads name, smarts, charge, and multi_mol value. If smarts and charge are not requested, they are None. Default value for multi_mol is 1.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.DpdMolecule(molecule_st, scale, struct, mol_idx, species, mol_count, mapping_method='dpd')¶
A DPD molecule class to hold DPD molecule information.
- isRingEligible(ring)¶
Consider rings that are smaller than the CG scale.
- Parameters
ring (structure.Ring) – the ring
- Return type
- Returns
True if the ring is eligible, False otherwise
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MartiniMolecule(*args, mapping_method='martini')¶
A Martini molecule class to hold Martini molecule information.
- class RING_INFO(ring_graph, short_end, long_end, centrality)¶
- centrality¶
Alias for field number 3
- long_end¶
Alias for field number 2
- ring_graph¶
Alias for field number 0
- short_end¶
Alias for field number 1
- __init__(*args, mapping_method='martini')¶
Initialize the instance.
- processMoleculeInfo()¶
Overwrite the method to process Martini fragments.
- findFragments()¶
Get ResidueData objects for the sample residues found in the molecule.
- Return type
- Returns
list of ResidueData objects
- classifyMartiniFragments(nodes)¶
Classify residue nodes into rings with topological symmetry and other fragments.
- Parameters
nodes (list) – list of nodes that belong to the residue
- Return type
tuple(list, list)
- Returns
list of symm ring fragments and list of all otehr fragments
- isRingEligible(ring)¶
Decide if the ring is eligible to be considered as a ring through mapping.
- Parameters
ring (structure.Ring) – the ring
- Return type
- Returns
True if the ring is eligible, False otherwise
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.ResidueData(name, graph, mol_st, mol_rings_mapping, scale, mol_func_groups, exclusive_atoms, node_to_atom_idx, predefined_mapping, mapping_method='dpd')¶
A class to store data for a residue (repeating unit) in the molecule
- __init__(name, graph, mol_st, mol_rings_mapping, scale, mol_func_groups, exclusive_atoms, node_to_atom_idx, predefined_mapping, mapping_method='dpd')¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
name (str) – the name of the residue
graph (networkx.Graph) – the residue graph
mol_st (structure.Structure) – Molecule structure
mol_rings_mapping (Mapping) – The mapping of nodes that belong to a ring
scale (int) – Coarse graining scale, number of AA atoms per CG bead
mol_func_groups (Mapping) – The mapping of all functional groups in the molecule
exclusive_atoms (list(int)) – list of all unsharable atoms in the molecule
node_to_atom_idx (dict) – A dictionary of node number to atom index
predefined_mapping (Mapping) – The mapping of predefined groups in the molecule
mapping_method (str) – Coarse graining method
- findGroupsFromMolecule(mol_mapping, graph)¶
Find groups that are mapped in the molecule and match the residue graph.
- findFuncGroupsFromMolecule(graph)¶
Find matches of functional groups and predefined groups in the residue.
- getContractedGraphAndMapping()¶
Contracted graph is generated where functional groups are contracted into a single node, in the contracted graph. Contracted mapping is generated to be able to map back contracted graph to the full graph.
- getContractedMapping()¶
Contract any functional groups to a single node, and record the mapping for the contraction
- Return type
- Returns
The contracted mapping for the contraction
- getNodeClusterSets()¶
Clustering nodes with their neighbors at different scales. This is to account for nodes topological and chemical environment. Starting from a seed node and growing the cluster using multiple scales. The set and the scale that achieves best mapping will be used in the driver.
- Return type
- Returns
A list of dictionaries, one dict for each scale. Each dict contains the seed node as the key and a list of nodes that are similar to the seed as the value.
- getTrialScales(size_contracted_graph)¶
Get the trial scales for the node clusters.
- Parameters
size_contracted_graph (int) – The size of the contracted graph
- Return type
- Returns
The trial scales
- growNodeCluster(seed_node, scale, graph, mapping, use_degree=False)¶
Growing a cluster of nodes starting from a seed node and adding its neighbors until the cluster’s size reaches the input scale.
Here the contracted graph should be used to ensure that functional groups are not split. Contracted mapping is needed to find the actual size of the cluster.
- Parameters
seed_node (int) – The seed node to start growing the cluster from.
scale (int) – The scale of the node cluster.
graph (networkx.Graph) – The contracted graph.
mapping (Mapping) – The contracted mapping.
use_degree (bool) – Whether to use the degree of the nodes to calculate the cluster size
- Return type
- Returns
The node cluster as a list of nodes
- getClusterSize(cluster, graph, mapping, use_degree)¶
Calculating the size of a node cluster. The size is the number of nodes in the cluster. If use_degree is True, the sum of the degrees of the nodes minus 2, if use_degree is True.
- Parameters
cluster (list(int)) – The cluster.
graph (networkx.Graph) – The graph.
mapping (Mapping) – The mapping.
use_degree (bool) – Whether to use the degree of the nodes
- Return type
- Returns
The size of the cluster
- expandNodeClusters(mapping, clusters)¶
For node clusters calculated the full cluster by expanding functional groups beads to their constituents nodes.
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – The contracted mapping of functional groups to the full structure nodes
clusters (dict) – Dictionary of node clusters
- Return type
- Returns
Dictionary of node clusters with the functional groups expanded
- getColoredMapping(node_clusters)¶
Get a mapping, based on an initial guess from the vertex coloring solution to the dual graph of the input graph of CG functional groups.
- Parameters
node_clusters (dict) – dictionary of nodes in the graph and their clusters
- Return type
- Returns
The new mapping
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MartiniResidueData(*args, mapping_method='martini')¶
A MArtini residue, or a fragment that is not a topologically symmetric ring, e.g. a non symmetrical ring fragment or a non-ring fragment.
- __init__(*args, mapping_method='martini')¶
Initialize the instance.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.SymmRingFragmentData(ring_info, *args)¶
A Martini fragment that is a topologically symmetric ring.
- class RING_NODE_TYPE(index, score, similar_neigh, nodes)¶
- index¶
Alias for field number 0
- nodes¶
Alias for field number 3
- score¶
Alias for field number 1
- similar_neigh¶
Alias for field number 2
- __init__(ring_info, *args)¶
Initialize an instance.
- getFragRingMapping()¶
Get a mapping of the nodes of this fragment that are in a ring. Note we need to use the molecule rings mapping and filter nodes that belong to this fragment, since we don’t have acess to the ring structure. Also note that not all nodes on this fragment are in a ring, they can be on the edge or the dangling ends of the ring fragment.
- Return type
- Returns
The mapping of the nodes of this fragment that are in a ring
- classifyRingNodeTypes()¶
Classify nodes based on their centrality score and topology of the ring. Create RING_NODE_TYPE objects for all nodes of the same centrality score, and track if there are nodes of the same type that are neighbors. Store the information in a list of RING_NODE_TYPE objects.
Check if the node is shared between two or more rings.
- Parameters
node (int) – The node to check
- Return type
- Returns
Whether the node is shared
- getMappingOrderPermulations()¶
Get order of mapping node types in the ring. And if they should be joined with their same type neighbors or not. This is used to generate all possible permutations of node types in the ring for mapping, to ensure symmetry and topology of the structure is maintained through mapping.
- Return type
list(list(NODE_TYPE, bool))
- Returns
A list of all possible permutations of node types in the ring
- getRingOrderPermutations()¶
Generate all possible permutations of node types in the ring for mapping, to ensure symmetry and topology of the structure is maintained through mapping. E.g. a permulation list of [[X, Y], [Y, X]] means first we map all nodes of type X (centrality score of X) with all their neighbors and proceed to nodes of type Y. In the second round, we start mapping nodes of type Y and proceed to nodes of type X.
- Return type
- Returns
A list of all possible permutations of nodes in the ring
- swapOrder(order, pair1, pair2)¶
Swap positions of two elements in a list. pair1 and pair2 can be either a single swap (int) or a double swap (tuple).
- Parameters
order (list) – The list to swap elements in
pair1 (int or tuple(int, int)) – The RING_NODE_TYPE.index of the first node type to be swapped with pair2 or a tuple of two indexes to be swapped with each other.
pair2 (int or tuple(int, int)) – The RING_NODE_TYPE.index of the first node type to be swapped with pair1 or a tuple of two indexes to be swapped with each other.
- Return type
- Returns
The new list with the elements swapped
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MappingValidator(fragment, scale)¶
A validator object used to score CG mappings.
- __init__(fragment, scale)¶
Create an instance. :param fragment: The fragment that is being mapped, can be a whole molecule or a residue. :type fragment: MoleculeData or ResidueData
- Parameters
scale (int) – Coarse graining scale, number of AA atoms per CG bead
- validateMapping(mapping)¶
Validate a mapping.
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be validated
- Return type
- Returns
whether the mapping is valid
- validateNodes(mapping)¶
validate nodes in the mapping
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be validated
- Return type
- Returns
whether the mapping is valid
- validateBeads(mapping)¶
Validate beads in the mapping
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be validated
- Return type
- Returns
whether the mapping is valid
- validateFuncGroups(mapping)¶
Validate functional groups are intact
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – The mapping to be validated
- Return type
- Returns
whether functional groups are intact
- validatePredefinedMapping(mapping)¶
Validate that pre-defined groups are not expanded.
- isScoreImproved(new_score, best_score, new_mapping, best_mapping)¶
Validate if the score and the new mapping is improved compared to the best mapping from the previous iteration.
Find number of shared nodes in the mapping
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – The mapping
graph (networkx.Graph) – The graph
- Return type
- Returns
number of shared nodes in the mapping
Validate number of shared nodes between two beads against node degrees in the graph.
- Parameters
node (int) – the shared node
neighbors (list(int)) – shared nodes neighbors
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be validated
residue_graph (networkx.Graph) – the graph of the residue (or the whole molecule)
- Return type
- Returns
whether the mapping is valid
Validate whether shared nodes have at least one unshared neighbors in each bead that they belong to.
- Parameters
node (int) – the shared node
neighbors_list (list(int)) – shared nodes neighbors
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be validated
- Return type
- Returns
whether the mapping is valid
- computeCostFunction(mapping)¶
Compute the objective function for a given group mapping.
Inspired from T. Bereau and K. Kremer, JCTC 2015. See eq. 1 and the surrounding discussion
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – CG mapping dict for a section of (or an entire) molecule
- Return type
- Returns
Objective function score
- getNumBrokenRings(mapping)¶
Calculate the number of rings whose CG representation involves more than one group. Attempts to favor CG mappings that center groups on rings (if rings are present)
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – CG mapping for a section of (or an entire) molecule
- Return type
- Returns
number of broken rings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.BaseMapper(molecule, scale)¶
Class for mapping a molecule to a DPD coarse-grained model
- __init__(molecule, scale)¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
scale (int) – Coarse graining scale, number of AA atoms per CG bead
molecule (MoleculeData) – the molecule to be mapped
- map()¶
Map the AA molecule to a coarse-grained model, depending on the coarse-graining method, e.g. DPD or Martini.
- mapResidue(residue)¶
Map a residue to a DPD coarse-grained model
- Parameters
residue (ResidueData) – the residue to be mapped
- Return type
tuple(Mapping, dict)
- Returns
the best mapping and the best expanded node clusters for the residue
- homogenizeBeadSizes(residue, mapping, symmetry_mapping, validator, allow_swapping=True)¶
Homogenize the bead sizes of a residue in iterations until the score stops improving. The homogenization is done by joining small beads with their neighbors, or swapping nodes from the largest neighbors to the smallest beads.
- Parameters
residue (ResidueData) – Residue object that holds the residue data
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be homogenized
symmetry_mapping (dict) – a dictionary of classified node clusters
validator (MappingValidator) – a validator object to validate the mapping
allow_swapping (bool) – If true, swap nodes between beads
- Return type
- Returns
Homogenized mapping
- moveNodesInIteration(mapping, score, residue, symmetry_mapping, validator, join=True)¶
Move nodes between beads in iteration in order to homogenize bead sizes. Finds the smallest groups (acceptors) in the current mapping, sorts the set of acceptors according to their symmetry groups, and then for each symmetric subset iterates over symmetric sets and eligible neighboring groups and moves nodes between beads by either joining them or swapping one of their nodes to another bead.
- Parameters
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be homogenized
score (float) – the score of the mapping
residue (ResidueData) – Residue object that holds the residue data
symmetry_mapping (dict) – a dictionary of classified node clusters
validator (MappingValidator) – a validator object to validate the mapping
join (bool) – whether to join beads or swap nodes between beads
- Return type
tuple(Mapping or NoneType, float)
- Returns
The best mapping and score for the iteration over acceptor groups. If score is not improved, returned mapping will be None.
- getMartiniEdgesInMapping(residue, mapping, cg_graph)¶
Find groups that are rings in the mapping.
- Parameters
residue (ResidueData) – The residue object
mapping (Mapping) – The mapping
- Return type
- Returns
A list of groups indexes that are rings in the mapping
- joinBeads(temp_mapping, joiners, joinees, cg_graph, validator, best_score, martini_edges=None)¶
Join the smallest beads in the mapping with their smallest neighbors.
- Parameters
temp_mapping (Mapping) – the temporary mapping at this iteration
joiners (list) – list of joiner beads
joinees (list) – list of joinee beads
cg_graph (networkx.Graph) – the coarse-grained graph
validator (MappingValidator) – a validator object to validate the mapping
best_score (float) – the best score achieved so far
martini_edges – list of groups indexes that are rings in the mapping, used when mapping a Martini fragment
- Type
list or NoneType
- Return type
tuple(Mapping or None, float)
- Returns
The new mapping with small beads joined together and the score for this mapping. If score is not improved, returned mapping will be None.
- swapBeads(temp_mapping, acceptors, donors, residue, cg_graph, validator, best_score, martini_edges=None)¶
Performs one iteration of the homogenizeGroupSizes node-swap stage. Finds the smallest groups (acceptors) in the current mapping, sorts the set of acceptors according to their symmetry, and then for each symmetric subset iterates over symmetric sets of the largest neighboring groups (donors) to find the best choice for the node-swap.
- Parameters
temp_mapping (Mapping) – temporary mapping at the current iteration
acceptors (list) – list of acceptor beads
donors (list) – list of donor beads
residue (ResidueData) – The residue object
cg_graph (networkx.Graph) – The coarse-grained graph
validator (MappingValidator) – a validator object to validate the mapping
best_score (float) – the best score so far
martini_edges – list of groups indexes that are rings in the mapping, used when mapping a Martini fragment
- Type
list or NoneType
- Return type
tuple(Mapping or NoneType, float)
- Returns
The best swap mapping and swap score for the iteration over donor groups. If score is not improved, returned mapping will be None.
- sharingNodesInSymmRing(swap_pair, acceptors, mapping, residue)¶
Decide if the swapping pairs will share or donate nodes to each other, for a Martini symmetric ring.
- Parameters
swap_pair (tuple) – The pair of group ids that will undergo node swap
acceptors (list) – List of acceptor beads
mapping (Mapping) – The cg mapping at the current iteration
residue (ResidueData) – The residue object that is being mapped
- Return type
bool or NoneType
- Returns
If True, the swapping pairs will share nodes, otherwise nodes are donated. None for fragments that are not Martini rings.
- getSwaps(graph)¶
For a given graph, decompose nodes to list of pairs of beads that will undergo swaps.
- Parameters
graph (networkx.Graph) – The subgraph
- Return type
list(tuple(int, int))
- Returns
List of pairs of beads that will undergo swaps
- mapSubgraph(subgraph, new_mapping, is_symm_ring=False)¶
Use networkx.coloring to cluster nodes in a graph.
- processSwapPair(swap, acceptors, mapping)¶
Process the swapping pair.
- Parameters
swap (tuple) – The pair of group ids that will undergo node swap
acceptors (list) – List of acceptor beads
mapping (Mapping) – The cg mapping at the current iteration
- Return type
tuple(int, int, set, list)
- Returns
The acceptor and donor indexes, the nodes that will undergo swap and the nodes that are already shared between the swapping pairs.
- performSwapping(acceptors, swap, mapping, residue, symm_ring_shared)¶
Carry out the given swap move. If any nodes are already shared between the swapping pairs, the shared node will be donated to the acceptor. Otherwise, a node will be shared between the two.
- Parameters
acceptors (list(int)) – List of acceptor beads
mapping (Mapping) – The cg mapping at the current iteration
swap (list) – The pair of group ids that will undergo node swap
residue (ResidueData) – The residue object that is being mapped
symm_ring_shared – For swaps in symmetric rings, whether the swapping pairs share nodes or donates nodes to each other. None for all other swaps.
- Type
bool or NoneType
- Return type
- Returns
The new mapping
- fixDisconnectedDonors(acceptor_idx, donor_idx, mapping, residue)¶
Check if swapping nodes caused the donor group being broken (becoming disconnected). If so, the largest connected component of the resulting donor group becomes the new donor group, and any remaining connected components of the broken donor group become part of the acceptor group.
- Parameters
acceptor_idx (int) – Group id for the acceptor
donor_idx (int) – Group id for the donor
mapping (Mapping) – The current mapping
residue (ResidueData) – The residue object that is being mapped
- Return type
- Returns
The new mapping
Any nodes that are to be swapped and are not already shared, become shared here, unless that are marked as ‘exclusive’ (i.e. not to be shared). If a node is exclusive, it is instead completely donated from the donor to the acceptor group. In this case, must also check if the node is part of a functional group, in which case the entire functional group is donated from the donor to the acceptor.
- Parameters
accept_idx (int) – The acceptor bead index
donor_idx (int) – The donor bead index
swap (list(int)) – The list of nodes that are already shared between donor and acceptor
mapping (Mapping) – The cg mapping at the current iteration
residue (ResidueData) – The residue object that is being mapped
- Return type
- Returns
The new mapping
- donateNodes(accept_idx, donor_idx, shared_nodes, mapping)¶
Any nodes that are already shared between the acceptor and the donor groups, become exclusive to the acceptor group. If a given shared node belongs to a functional group, the entire functional group must be transferred from the donor to the acceptor.
- moveNodesBetweenBeads(bead, acceptor, donor, mapping)¶
Move all nodes in the bead (functional group) from donor to the acceptor.
- categorizeSymmetryMappings(mapping, symmetry_mapping)¶
Categorize CG beads into same groups based on the symmetry mapping. This is to ensure that symmetrical beads are all homogenized the same.
- groupSymmetricBeads(beads, cg_symmetry_dict)¶
Sort and group beads based on their symmetry ids.
- Parameters
beads (list) – beads to be sorted
cg_symmetry_dict (dict) – dictionary of beads and the symmetry ids of the nodes that are grouped in that bead.
- Return type
- Returns
dictionary of symmetry ids and the beads that belong to the symmetry group
- findGroupsInSet(residue, mapping, beads=None, smallest=True)¶
Find group of beads in the mapping based on their size.
- Parameters
residue (ResidueData) – the residue to be mapped
mapping (Mapping) – bead mapping
beads (list) – list of beads to search within. If None, search all beads
smallest (bool) – if True, find the smallest beads, else find the largest
- Return type
tuple(list, int)
- Returns
the eligible beads and their size
- expandResidualMapping(residue_mapping, residue_node_clusters=None)¶
Expand the mapping of the sample residue to all other residues it represents.
- Parameters
residue_mapping (dict) – Mapping for each sample residue
residue_node_clusters (dict or None) – Best node cluster found for each residue
- Return type
- Returns
Mapping for all residues
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.DpdMapper(molecule, scale)¶
Mapper for DPD coarse-grained model
- map()¶
Map the molecule to a DPD coarse-grained model
- getSwaps(graph)¶
For a given graph, decompose nodes to list of pairs of beads that will undergo swaps.
- Parameters
graph (networkx.Graph) – The subgraph
- Return type
list(tuple(int, int))
- Returns
List of pairs of beads that will undergo swaps
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MartiniMapper(molecule, scale=4)¶
- __init__(molecule, scale=4)¶
Initialize the MartiniMapper. The scale is set to MARTINI_SCALE for a Martini model.
- map()¶
Map the molecule to a Martini coarse-grained model
- static joinFragmentOverlaps(mappings)¶
Join overlapping fragments of a residue. If two fragments have beads that share more than one node, the beads are merged.
- homogenizeRingBeadSizes(residue, mapping, symmetry_mapping, validator)¶
Homogenize the bead sizes of a residue in iterations until the score stops improving. The homogenization is done by swapping nodes from the largest neighbors to the smallest beads.
- Parameters
residue (ResidueData) – Residue object that holds the residue data
mapping (Mapping) – the mapping to be homogenized
symmetry_mapping (dict) – a dictionary of classified node clusters
validator (MappingValidator) – a validator object to validate the mapping
- Return type
- Returns
Homogenized Martini Rings mapping
- mapSymmRingFragment(fragment)¶
Map Martini fragments with a symmetrical ring. Ring nodes are classified based on their centrality score as a measure of the ring topology. To map, we generate different permutations of grouping nodes types and group nodes in the ring. The best mapping is selected by swaping nodes between beads until best score is achieved.
- Parameters
fragment (SymmRingFragmentData) – fragment object that holds the fragment data
- Return type
tuple(Mapping, None)
- Returns
The best mapping. None is added to match self.mapResidue.
- getMappingFromOrder(fragment, order)¶
Map nodes into beads based on the order of nodes types given in order list.
- Parameters
fragment (SymmRingFragmentData) – fragment object that holds the fragment data
order (list) – The order of the grouping
- Return type
- Returns
The mapping
- getSwaps(graph)¶
For a given graph, all nodes that are connected by an edge will be added as a swaping pair.
- Parameters
graph (networkx.Graph) – The subgraph
- Return type
list(tuple(int, int))
- Returns
list of pairs of beads that will undergo swaps
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MappingMethod¶
Class to decide the class bundle corresponding to a give CG mapping method.
alias of
- METHODS = {'dpd': MethodBundle(mol_data=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.DpdMolecule'>, res_data=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.ResidueData'>, mapper=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.DpdMapper'>, scale=None), 'martini': MethodBundle(mol_data=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MartiniMolecule'>, res_data=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MartiniResidueData'>, mapper=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.MartiniMapper'>, scale=4)}¶
- static molecule(method)¶
Get the molecule classe based on the method.
- Parameters
method (str) – The method name
- Return type
DPDMoleculs or MartiniMolecule
- Returns
The molecule class
- static residue(method)¶
Get the residue class based on the method.
- Parameters
method (str) – The method name
- Return type
- Returns
The residue class
- static mapper(method)¶
Get the mapper class based on the method.
- Parameters
method (str) – The method name
- Return type
- Returns
The mapper class
- static scale(method, inp_scale)¶
Get the scale based on the method.
- Parameters
method (str) – The method name
inp_scale (int) – The input scale
- Return type
- Returns
The scale
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.automated_cg_mapping.AutomatedCGMapping(struct, scale=4, bead_smarts=False, bead_charge=False, predefined_patterns=None, method='dpd', implicit_ions=False, reuse_bead_names=False, allow_residue_overlap=True)¶
Main class to map the atomistic structure to coarse-grained
- __init__(struct, scale=4, bead_smarts=False, bead_charge=False, predefined_patterns=None, method='dpd', implicit_ions=False, reuse_bead_names=False, allow_residue_overlap=True)¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – All-atom structure to be mapped to CG
scale (int) – Coarse graining scale, number of AA atoms per CG bead.
bead_smarts (bool) – If True, will get SMARTS for found beads.
bead_charge (bool) – If True, will get charges for found beads.
predefined_patterns (dict) – dictionary of names and pre-defined SMARTS patterns that need to be mapped in one bead
method (str) – The method to be used for mapping
implicit_ions (bool) – If True, small ions won’t be mapped to CG beads. By default, small ions are mapped explicitly.
reuse_bead_names (bool) – If True, will ensure beads with same smarts on different molecules have the same name.
allow_residue_overlap (bool) – If True, residues can overlap in the mapping
- static sortMappedBeads(mapping)¶
Sort the mapped beads based on node ids.
- map()¶
Run the workflow.