schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install module¶
License Installation APIs
APIs in this module optionally accept a logger for user-facing info/debug-level messages. If not provided, they log to an internal NullHandler by default.
- class schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install.LicenseFileType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Describes the type of a license file to be installed.
This enum should remain private; it contains values that are only relevant to license installation, and never for client application purposes.
- SERVER_IDENTIFIER = 'server-identifier'¶
points to license server; contents are exactly as expected by mmlic3
- LOCAL_ENTITLEMENT = 'local-entitlement'¶
contains entitlements; contents are exactly as expected by mmlic3
- SERVER_ENTITLEMENT = 'server-entitlement'¶
contains entitlements; contents are exactly as expected by licserverd
- LOCAL_ENTITLEMENT_BLOB = 'local-entitlement-blob'¶
Raw JSON blob where the “licenseFile” key contains a LOCAL_ENTITLEMENT. This file is usually sent in emails.
- SERVER_ENTITLEMENT_BLOB = 'server-entitlement-blob'¶
Raw JSON blob where the “licenseFile” key contains a SERVER_ENTITLEMENT. This file is usually sent in emails.
Distinguished from LOCAL_ENTITLEMENT_BLOB because it also contains TLS info: - “tlsKey” contains a private key (see footnote [1]) - “tlsCert” contains the public certificate corresponding to “tlsKey”, bundled with a chain to the root.
[1] For those interested in the security aspects:
Generally transmitting a private key over a network is discouraged, even if the connection is secured with TLS. However, we are ok with it because this private key is ONLY used to secure connections to the license server, which only serves Schrodinger Licensing.
The root Certificate Authority here is privately owned and managed by Schrodinger, and is not used for any other purpose besides licensing infrastructure.
If you’re still not convinced, we allow generation of a private key locally and then only sending a public key + Certificate Signing Request to websvc. This lets us deliver a valid certificate bundle without your private key ever leaving your machine, remaining private :)
This is not an automated process yet, so reach out to Licensing if interested.
- RAW_WEBSVC_RESPONSE = 'raw-websvc-response'¶
completely raw netsuite response from websvc endpoint; “license_key” field contains either SERVER_ENTITLEMENT_BLOB or LOCAL_ENTITLEMENT_BLOB
- schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install.install_server_identifier(server_address: str, license_dir: str | None = None, *, tls_server_name: str | None = None, tls_verify: bool = False, logger: logging.Logger | None = None) str ¶
An opinionated helper to install a server-identifier license file for the specified server.
The server address string MAY NOT contain advanced server configuration options; specify those as keyword arguments, instead.
- Parameters
server_address – license server address in the form ‘hostname:port’
license_dir – directory to write the license file. If unspecified, uses first writeable directory from search_path().
tls_server_name – optional custom server name to use for TLS Hostname Verification.
tls_verify – if True, verifies that TLS will work with the hostname provided.
logger – logger to use for messages
- Returns
path to the written license file
- Raises
AddressError for an incorrect server address
- Raises
NoWritableDirectoryError if no license directory can be written to
- Raises
TLSVerifyError if we couldn’t fetch TLS information from the server
- Raises
TLSHostnameError if the server does not have a valid TLS certificate for the hostname
- Raises
LicenseError otherwise
- schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install.detect_license_file_type(filename: str) tuple[str, schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install.LicenseFileType] ¶
Detect the type of a license file.
- Returns
a tuple of the file contents and the LicenseFileType
- Raises
LicenseError for any filesystem-level problems reading the file
- Raises
BadLicenseInput if the file is not a recognized format
- schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install.install_local_entitlement(filepath: str, license_dir: str | None = None, *, skip_validation: bool = False, root_cert: str = '', logger: logging.Logger | None = None) str ¶
Install a local-entitlement file from an existing file.
The file contents may specify either a local-entitlement or a local-entitlement blob, and will be checked.
- Parameters
filepath – the source license file
license_dir – directory to write the license file. If unspecified, uses first writable directory from search_path().
skip_validation – whether to skip validation of the entitlement file.
root_cert – trusted root certificate to verify the certificate chain. This is optional and used for testing to use test root certificate. Otherwise default to production one.
logger – logger to use for messages
- Returns
path to the written license file
- Raises
BadLicenseInputError if the contents are not a recognized format
- Raises
WrongFileType if the contents are not a local-entitlement file
- Raises
LicenseVerificationError if the entitlement could not be validated
- Raises
LicenseError otherwise
- schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install.install_local_entitlement_from_key(key: str, license_dir: str | None = None, *, hostnames: list[str], machine_ids: list[str], netsuite_info: dict | None = None, logger: logging.Logger | None = None) str ¶
Install a local-entitlement license file from a netsuite key. The license will be valid for the specified machine IDs. The file will be installed to license_dir if specified, or else the first writable directory from search_path().
- Parameters
key – license key string
license_dir – directory to write the license file (or None to use default)
hostnames – list of hostnames, sent for informational purposes
machine_ids – list of machine IDs that the license will be valid for
netsuite_info – info about the key, if already known, to avoid another call to netsuite. Otherwise, will be queried.
logger – logger to use for messages
- Returns
path to the written license file
- Raises
NetsuiteError if querying or validating the key fails
- Raises
WrongFileType if the key is not for a local-entitlement file
- Raises
NoWritableDirectoryError if no license directory can be written to
- Raises
LicenseError otherwise
- schrodinger.application.licensing.licserver.install.archive_license_file(license_file: str) str ¶
Move the license file from its current location to an “archived” directory.
The “archived” directory is created in the same directory as the license file.
- For example, a license file at:
- will be archived to:
- Parameters
license_file – path to the license file
- Returns
the new path to the archived file
- Raises
LicenseError if the file does not exist or cannot be archived