
Functions and classes for defining the input to the distributed_frequencies workflow.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

class Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[dict] = None, jaguar_keywords: Optional[dict] = None, jobname: Optional[str] = None)


A class to completely specify a distributed_frequencies calculation.

Example usage:

input = DistributedFrequenciesInput()
# Set user-defined values
input.setValue('integerKW', 3)
input.setValue('floatKW', '7.0')
input.setValue('stringKW', 'foo')

# Print all keyword/value pairs.
for keyword in input:
    print(keyword {keyword} has value {input[keyword]})

# Handling the case of trying to set an unsupported keyword
    input['mykeyword'] = 'value'
except WorkflowKeywordException as e:
input_file_keys = ['infile', 'guess_file']
workflow_name = 'distributed_frequencies'
__init__(inputfile: Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[dict] = None, jaguar_keywords: Optional[dict] = None, jobname: Optional[str] = None)

Create a DistributedFrequenciesInput instance. If a keyword is specified in both ‘inputfile’ and ‘keywords’, then the values in ‘keywords’ will be set preferrentially.

  • inputfile – Path to a distributed_frequencies input file

  • keywords – distributed_frequencies keyword/value pairs

  • jaguar_keywords – Jaguar &gen section keyword/value pairs

  • jobname – Name of job, if it is not None it will be set to the basename of the input file name.

static generate_keywords() dict

Initialize dictionary of all possible distributed_frequencies keywords

getInputMolecule() schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure

Return input molecule. If no file found, return None.


Input Structure

validate_jaguar_keywords(st: schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure)

Perform a check to ensure that Jaguar keywords are not set in a way that cannot be handled.


st – Structure whose basis needs validating

validate(validate_struct: bool = True)

Perform a self-consistency check of all currently set keywords.


validate_struct – Whether to validate input structures

:raise WorkflowKeywordConflictError if conflicting values found :raise WorkflowConservationError if charge/multiplicity unphysical