schrodinger.application.bioluminate.actions.factory module

Contains Qt actions specific to the BioLuminate application.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


Helper function to get the action’s object name according to the syntax useed to create the name. The syntax is “action_<text>” where text is the text used when setting the action.

schrodinger.application.bioluminate.actions.factory.replace_slot(owner, name, slot)

Removes all slots from the action and replaces it with another slot.

  • owner – The owner of the action

  • name – The name used when creating the SAction

  • slot (callable) – The new slot to connect to


AttributeError – When no action is found with that name in the owner

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.actions.factory.SAction(parent, name, text='', tooltip='', status_tip='', icon=None, slot=None, parent_slot=None, checkable=False, checked=False, visible=True, data=None, shortcut=None)

Bases: PyQt6.QtGui.QAction

A QAction that enforces standards that are expected by some BioLuminate methods. The setObjectName method is used and the name conforms to the global ACTION_NAME variable in the factory module.

__init__(parent, name, text='', tooltip='', status_tip='', icon=None, slot=None, parent_slot=None, checkable=False, checked=False, visible=True, data=None, shortcut=None)

Create a SAction object

  • parent – The parent object of this action. This is used for all parent_slot calls.

  • name (str) – This will be used to name the object. The name will have action_ prepended to it.

  • text (str) – The text to use for the action menus and toolbars

  • tooltip (str) – The action’s tooltip

  • status_tip – The string to show in the status bar when the action is hovered over.

  • status_tip – The string to show in the status bar when the action is hovered over.

  • icon (string) – The icon path used to create a QtGui.QIcon

  • slot (callable) – The function called when action is executed

  • parent_slot (string) – The name of the parent function called when action is executed

  • checkable (bool) – Whether action has on/off state.

  • checkable – Whether action is on or off. Only good when checkable is True.

  • visible (bool) – Whether the action is shown or hidden

  • data (mixed) – Data associated with action

  • shortcut (string) – Shortcut to action

connectSlot(slot_callable=None, slot_name=None)

Connects action to a slot by either supplying a callable or a method name that belongs to the action’s parent widget. The slot_callable will override slot_name if both are passed in.

  • slot_callable (callable) – A function passed in to connect to the action

  • slot_name (string) – A method name found in the actions parent


Disconnects slots connected to this action.

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.actions.factory.Factory(parent)

Bases: object

A class dedicated to the creation, deletion and modification of groups of actions.

connectAction(action, slot)

Connects an action to a slot


Gets an action from the action name


Clears all actions in the factory


Removes an action from the stored actions based on action name

createActions(action_params, action_order=None, parent=None)

Creates actions.

  • action_params (dict) – Parameters used to create an action.

  • action_order (list of strings) – Order of actions (must be keys in action_params

  • parent (object) – Parent of actions. Default: self.parent



addActions(action_params, action_order=None, parent=None)

Add actions to the current action list

setActions(action_params, action_order=None, parent=None)

Replace current acction with new actions


Return self.actions list as a QtWidgets.QMenu


Return self.actions list as a QtWidgets.QMenuBar

getToolBar(title=None, movable=False)

Return self.actions list as a QtWidgets.QToolBar


title – Title to set to the toolbar


Add a context menu to parent.


parent (object) – Parent of actions. Default: self.parent

addSubMenu(action_params, action_order=None, parent=None, add_separator=False, text=None, icon=None)

Adds a submenu to an action and appends the action to self.actions.