schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput module¶
Classes and functions to deal reading XML generated by Quantum Espresso.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.KptLegend(label, coords)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- coords¶
Alias for field number 1
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- label¶
Alias for field number 0
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.WfcType(atom_idx, atom_type, n_qn, l_qn, m_qn)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- atom_idx¶
Alias for field number 0
- atom_type¶
Alias for field number 1
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- l_qn¶
Alias for field number 3
- m_qn¶
Alias for field number 4
- n_qn¶
Alias for field number 2
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.EsmType(data, bc_type, efield)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- bc_type¶
Alias for field number 1
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- data¶
Alias for field number 0
- efield¶
Alias for field number 2
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.gaussian_delta(eigenval, energies, degauss)[source]¶
Get Gaussian-function values
- Parameters
eigenval (float) – Energy at which to calculate Gaussian delta
energies (
) – Energy griddegauss (float) – Broadening
- Return type
- Returns
delta values on the grid
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.KPoint(tag, vecs=None)[source]¶
Class to hold information about a k-point.
- __init__(tag, vecs=None)[source]¶
Initialize KPoint object from ElementTree element.
- Parameters
tag (
) – k_point tagvecs (numpy array (3x3)) – Cell vectors
- getCoords(coords_str)[source]¶
Return list of coordinates.
- Parameters
coords_str (str) – String representing K-point coordinates
- Return type
list of three floats
- Returns
K-point coordinates
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.DOS(band, dos_fn)[source]¶
Basic DOS class, based on the class from pymatgen (MIT license).
- __init__(band, dos_fn)[source]¶
Initialize DOS object. ‘band’ can be None, in this case, dos_fn MUST point to the .dos file. If both ‘band’ and ‘dos_fn’ are present, former one has priority.
- Parameters
band (
) – BandStructure object to extract eigenvalues and k-points fromdos_fn (str) – .dos filename. This file holds DOS plot data
- canBroaden()[source]¶
Can getDOS (broadening) be called on this object.
- Return type
- Returns
True if it can, otherwise False
- getDOS(degauss, delta_e=0.01)[source]¶
Broaden energies and set DOS in self.dos. This requires to be set in the constructor. Saves degauss in self.degauss.
- Parameters
degauss (float) – Used only if dos is True, broadening (eV) for computing DOS
delta_e (float) – Used only if dos is True, energy grid spacing (in eV)
- Raises
ValueError – If is None
- getDensities(spin=None)[source]¶
Get density of states for a particular spin.
- Parameters
spin (str or None) – Can be SPIN_UP or SPIN_DW or None.
- Return type
- Returns
Density of states for a particular spin. If Spin is None, the sum of all spins is returned.
- getCbmVbm(tol=0.001, abs_tol=False, spin=None)[source]¶
Get Conduction Band Minimum (cbm) and Valence Band Maximum (vbm).
- Param
tolerance in occupations for determining the cbm/vbm
- Parameters
abs_tol (bool) – An absolute tolerance (True) or a relative one (False)
spin (str or None) – Possible values are None - finds the cbm/vbm in the summed densities, SPIN_UP - finds the cbm/vbm in the up spin channel, SPIN_DW - finds the cbm/vbm in the down spin channel.
- Return type
float, float
- Returns
cbm and vbm in Ry corresponding to the gap
- getGap(tol=0.001, abs_tol=False, spin=None)[source]¶
Get the gap.
- Param
tolerance in occupations for determining the gap
- Parameters
abs_tol (bool) – An absolute tolerance (True) or a relative one (False)
spin (str or None) – Possible values are None - finds the gap in the summed densities, SPIN_UP - finds the gap in the up spin channel, SPIN_DW - finds the gap in the down spin channel.
- Return type
- Returns
gap in Ry or 0.0, if it is a metal
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.PhDOS(file_fh)[source]¶
Phonon DOS class.
- __init__(file_fh)[source]¶
Initialize PhDOS object.
- Parameters
file_fh (File handler of phonon DOS from matdyn.x) – file object
- c_v(temperature)[source]¶
Constant volume specific heat C_v at temperature T obtained from the integration of the DOS. Only positive frequencies will be used. Result in J/(K*mol-c). A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the division is performed internally and the result is in J/(K*mol).
- Parameters
temperature (float) – Temperature at which to evaluate C_v, in K
- Return type
- Returns
Constant volume specific heat C_v in J/(K*mol)
- entropy(temperature)[source]¶
Vibrational entropy at temperature T obtained from the integration of the DOS. Only positive frequencies will be used. Result in J/(K*mol-c). A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the division is performed internally and the result is in J/(K*mol).
- Parameters
temperature (float) – Temperature at which to evaluate C_v, in K
- Return type
- Returns
Vibrational entropy in J/(K*mol)
- internal_energy(temperature)[source]¶
Phonon contribution to the internal energy at temperature T obtained from the integration of the DOS. Only positive frequencies will be used. Result in J/mol-c. A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the division is performed internally and the result is in J/mol.
- Parameters
temperature (float) – Temperature at which to evaluate energy, in K
- Return type
- Returns
Phonon contribution to the internal energy, in J/mol.
- helmholtz_free_energy(temperature)[source]¶
Phonon contribution to the Helmholtz free energy at temperature T obtained from the integration of the DOS. Only positive frequencies will be used. Result in J/mol-c. A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the division is performed internally and the result is in J/mol.
- Parameters
temperature (float) – Temperature at which to evaluate free energy, in K
- Return type
- Returns
Phonon contribution to the Helmholtz free energy, in J/mol
- zero_point_energy()[source]¶
Zero point energy energy of the system. Only positive frequencies will be used. Result in J/mol-c. A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the division is performed internally and the result is in J/mol.
- Parameters
temperature (float) – Temperature at which to evaluate ZPE, in K
- Return type
- Returns
Phonon contribution to ZPE, in J/mol
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.PDOS(proj, wfc_types, efermi, band)[source]¶
Class that holds partial DOS (PDOS) data. Call getPDOS to get broadened data.
- NUM_IDX = 5¶
- LDOS_IDX = 0¶
- ADOS_IDX = 1¶
- EDOS_IDX = 2¶
- AIDOS_IDX = 3¶
- ALDOS_IDX = 4¶
- __init__(proj, wfc_types, efermi, band)[source]¶
Initialize PDOS object. Constructor only assigns values, call getPDOS for broadening.
- Parameters
proj (dict of 3d numpy.array) – Dict with SPIN_UP, SPIN_DW (optional) keys, each containing a 3D array containing: index of projected atom wavefunction, index of k-point, index of band and WFC projection as value.
wfc_types (list of
) – List containing wavefunction types descriptionefermi (float) – Fermi energy in eV
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.BandStructure(kpoints, eigenvals, efermi, struct=None)[source]¶
This class is based on the class from pymatgen (MIT license).
- __init__(kpoints, eigenvals, efermi, struct=None)[source]¶
Initialize BandStructure object.
- Param
List of k-points for this band structure
- Parameters
eigenvals (dict) –
Energies of the band structure in the shape:
{SPIN_UP: numpy.array([iband, jkpoint]), SPIN_DW: numpy.array([iband, jkpoint])}
SPIN_DW key can be present or not depending on the calculation type
- Parameters
efermi (float) – Fermi energy in Hartree
struct (
) – Related structure
- isMetal()[source]¶
Check if the band structure indicates a metal by looking if the Fermi level crosses a band.
- Return type
- Returns
True, if the system is metallic
- getVbmCbm(vbm=True)[source]¶
Return data about the valence band maximum (VBM) or conduction band minimum (CBM).
- Parameters
vbm (bool) – If True calculates VBM, if False CBM
- Return type
- Returns
dict with keys BAND_INDEX_KEY, KPOINT_INDEX_KEY, KPOINT_KEY, ENERGY_KEY where: - BAND_INDEX_KEY: A dict with spin keys pointing to a list of the indices of the band containing the VBM (please note that you can have several bands sharing the VBM) {SPIN_UP:[], SPIN_DW:[]} - KPOINT_INDEX_KEY: The list of indices in self.kpoints for the kpoint vbm. Please note that there can be several kpoint_indices relating to the same kpoint (e.g., Gamma can occur at different spots in the band structure line plot) - KPOINT_KEY: The kpoint (as a kpoint object) - ENERGY_KEY: The energy of the VBM
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeoutput.Output(qegz_fn, tree=None, dos_fn=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class to deal with QE XML output parsing.
- PROPERTIES = ('struct', 'band', 'dos', 'pdos', 'esm', 'neb', 'phdos', 'phband', 'dynamics', 'epsilon', 'hpu')¶
- EPS_METAL_ERR = 'Metallic system encountered in epsilon calculation.'¶
- __init__(qegz_fn, tree=None, dos_fn=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Initialize Output object. Supported properties are requested in kwargs and defined in self.PROPERTIES.
- Parameters
qegz_fn (str) – Archive name of the compressed .save folder
tree (ElementTree or None) – Use tree if not None otherwise read tree from the file
dos_fn (str or None) – File to read dos property from, will be used if dos=True
- classmethod getProperties(**kwargs)[source]¶
Get properties (namedtuple) from kwargs. Supported properties are defined in self.PROPERTIES.
- Return type
- Returns
Properties requested
- setDOSFromFile(dos_fn)[source]¶
Parse .dos file and set DOS into self.dos.
- Parameters
dos_fn (str) – File to read dos property from
- processEpsilonFile(tgz, tgz_file)[source]¶
Process file from archive, if it is epsilon, return parsed data
- Parameters
tgz (TarFile) – Tar archive
tgz_file (str) – Filename
- Return type
dict or None
- Returns
Dict with one key (real or imag) and corresponding data in value or None if extensions didn’t match
- Raises
ValueError – When numpy can’t parse the data
- processFile(tgz, tgz_file, options)[source]¶
Process file from archive and set object properties.
- Parameters
tgz (TarFile) – Tar archive
tgz_file (str) – Filename
options (namedtuple) – Properties to get
- getTree(qegz_fn, options)[source]¶
Get data in from of tree from archived file
- Parameters
qegz_fn (str) – Archive name
options (namedtuple) – Properties to get
- Returns
Data from data-file-schema.xml
- Return type
- getMDStepStruct(root, step, timestep)[source]¶
Extract MD step structure from step XML.
- Parameters
root (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Root XML element
step (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Step element
timestep (float) – MD time step
- Return type
or None- Returns
Structure of the MD step, standardized structure if requested and found
- static getFreePositions(root, natom)[source]¶
Get atom free_positions from the XML data
- Parameters
root (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – Root XML element
natom (int) – Number of atoms in the structure
- Return type
- Returns
Atom free positions