Classes and functions to deal reading XML generated by Quantum Espresso.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved."""
import math
import operator
import os
import tarfile
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import islice
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import numpy
import scipy.constants as const
from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants import FF_CUSTOM_CHARGE
from schrodinger.application.matsci import msutils
from schrodinger.application.matsci import msprops
from schrodinger.application.matsci.clusterstruct import DEFAULT_CHARGE_PROP
from schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso import utils as qeu
from schrodinger.application.matsci.nano import xtal
from schrodinger.structutils import color
# Paths in XML
INPUT_TAG = 'input'
TITLE_TAG = INPUT_TAG + '/control_variables/title'
HAS_FORCES = INPUT_TAG + '/control_variables/forces'
KPTS_IBZ = INPUT_TAG + '/k_points_IBZ'
MP_MESH_INPUT = KPTS_IBZ + '/monkhorst_pack'
TOT_CHARGE_TAG = INPUT_TAG + '/bands/tot_charge'
ESM_BC_TAG = INPUT_TAG + '/boundary_conditions/esm/bc'
ESM_EFIELD_TAG = INPUT_TAG + '/boundary_conditions/esm/efield'
MD_TIMESTEP_TAG = INPUT_TAG + '/ion_control/md/timestep'
NOSYM_TAG = INPUT_TAG + '/symmetry_flags/nosym'
FREE_POS_TAG = INPUT_TAG + '/free_positions'
OUTPUT_TAG = 'output'
ATOMIC_STRUCTURE_TAG = 'atomic_structure'
ATOMIC_SPECIES_TAG = 'atomic_species/species'
DFT_HU_TAG = 'dft/dftU/Hubbard_U'
TOT_ENERGY_TAG = 'total_energy/etot'
TOT_MAG_TAG = 'magnetization/total'
ECUTWFC_TAG = 'basis_set/ecutwfc'
ECUTRHO_TAG = 'basis_set/ecutrho'
DFT_FUNCT_TAG = 'dft/functional'
DFT_VDW_TAG = 'dft/vdW/vdw_corr'
BAND_STRUCTURE_TAG = 'band_structure'
FORCES_TAG = 'forces'
TWO_EFERMIS_TAG = BAND_STRUCTURE_TAG + '/two_fermi_energies'
HOMO_TAG = BAND_STRUCTURE_TAG + '/highestOccupiedLevel'
MP_MESH = BAND_STRUCTURE_TAG + '/starting_k_points/monkhorst_pack'
STRESS_TAG = 'stress'
# Timing
TIMING_TAG = 'timing_info'
SPIN_UP = 'up'
SPIN_DW = 'dw'
BAND_INDEX_KEY = 'band_index'
KPOINT_INDEX_KEY = 'kpoint_index'
KPOINT_KEY = 'kpoint'
ENERGY_KEY = 'energy'
DIRECT_KEY = 'direct'
IS_METAL_KEY = 'is_metal'
IS_DIRECT_KEY = 'is_direct'
BAND_GAP_KEY = 'band_gap'
TRANSITION_KEY = 'transition'
SQRT_1PI = 1.0 / math.sqrt(math.pi)
KptLegend = namedtuple('KptLegend', ['label', 'coords'])
WfcType = namedtuple('WfcType',
['atom_idx', 'atom_type', 'n_qn', 'l_qn', 'm_qn'])
EsmType = namedtuple('EsmType', ['data', 'bc_type', 'efield'])
BOLTZ_THZ_PER_K = const.value(
"Boltzmann constant in Hz/K") / const.tera # Boltzmann constant in THz/K
THZ_TO_J = const.value("hertz-joule relationship") * const.tera
[docs]def gaussian_delta(eigenval, energies, degauss):
Get Gaussian-function values
:type eigenval: float
:param eigenval: Energy at which to calculate Gaussian delta
:type energies: `numpy.array`
:param energies: Energy grid
:type degauss: float
:param degauss: Broadening
:rtype: `numpy.array`
:return: delta values on the grid
arg = (energies - eigenval)**2 / (degauss**2)
# In previous versions (< 17-4) if argument of the exp() was smaller than
# -10, exponent became to small for matplotlib and 'spikes' were observed.
# In the current version (17-4), I see no spikes in the plots, thus
# releasing the condition. '10' has been identified empirically by
# plotting DOS.
exp_arg = numpy.exp(-arg)
return exp_arg
[docs]class KPoint(object):
Class to hold information about a k-point.
[docs] def __init__(self, tag, vecs=None):
Initialize KPoint object from ElementTree element.
:type tag: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param tag: k_point tag
:type vecs: numpy array (3x3)
:param vecs: Cell vectors
self.cart_coords = numpy.array(self.getCoords(tag.text))
self.weight = float(tag.attrib['weight'])
self.label, self.frac_coords = list(
map(str.strip, tag.attrib['label'].split('=', 1)))
self.frac_coords = numpy.array(self.getCoords(self.frac_coords))
except KeyError: # 'label' attribute is missing
self.label = ''
self.frac_coords = []
if vecs is not None and not len(self.frac_coords):
alat = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(vecs[0], vecs[0]))
frac = xtal.trans_cart_to_frac_from_vecs(self.cart_coords,
self.frac_coords = frac / alat
[docs] def getCoords(self, coords_str):
Return list of coordinates.
:type coords_str: str
:param coords_str: String representing K-point coordinates
:rtype: list of three floats
:return: K-point coordinates
return list(map(float, coords_str.strip().split()))
[docs] def getCoordsStr(self, frac=False):
Get string representation of the coordinates.
:type frac: bool
:param frac: If True, self.frac_coords are returned, otherwise
:rtype: str
:return: String representation of the coordinates
if frac:
return '%.3f, %.3f, %.3f' % tuple(self.frac_coords)
return '%.3f, %.3f, %.3f' % tuple(self.cart_coords)
[docs] @staticmethod
def getKptFromCfg(kpt):
kpt_np = numpy.array(kpt[:3])
label = '%.3f %.3f %.3f' % tuple(kpt_np)
if len(kpt) == 4:
label = str(kpt[3]) + ' = ' + label
return kpt_np, label
[docs]class DOS(object):
Basic DOS class, based on the class from pymatgen (MIT license).
[docs] def __init__(self, band, dos_fn):
Initialize DOS object. 'band' can be None, in this case, dos_fn MUST
point to the .dos file. If both 'band' and 'dos_fn' are present, former
one has priority.
:type band: `BandStructure`
:param band: BandStructure object to extract eigenvalues and k-points
:type dos_fn: str
:param dos_fn: .dos filename. This file holds DOS plot data
self.dos = None
if band is None:
self.band = None
self.band = band
self.efermi = self.band.efermi
self.is_spin_polarized = band.is_spin_polarized
def _getDOSFromFile(self, dos_fn):
Read energies and densities from a .dos file and sets: self.energies_ev
and self.dos
:type dos_fn: str
:param dos_fn: .dos filename. This file holds DOS plot data
data = numpy.loadtxt(dos_fn)
if len(data) < 3:
raise ValueError('Unknown data format in %s file' % dos_fn)
self.energies_ev = data[:, 0]
self.dos = {SPIN_UP: data[:, 1]}
# Spin-polarized case
self.is_spin_polarized = data.shape[1] == 6
if self.is_spin_polarized:
self.dos[SPIN_DW] = data[:, 2]
self.idos = {SPIN_UP: data[:, 3], SPIN_DW: data[:, 4]}
self.idos = {SPIN_UP: data[:, 2]}
with open(dos_fn) as file_fh:
line = file_fh.readline()
if not line.startswith('#'):
raise ValueError('Could not find correct data in %s file.' %
# First line from .dos should look like:
# '# E (eV) dos(E) Int dos(E) EFermi = 4.597 eV'
self.efermi = float(line.split()[-2]) / qeu.RY2EV
except (TypeError, IndexError) as msg:
raise ValueError('Could not parse Fermi energy from line: '
'"%s" in %s file.' % (line, dos_fn))
[docs] def canBroaden(self):
Can getDOS (broadening) be called on this object.
:rtype: bool
:return: True if it can, otherwise False
return self.band is not None
[docs] def getDOS(self, degauss, delta_e=DOS_ENERGY_GRID_SPACING):
Broaden energies and set DOS in self.dos. This requires self.band to be
set in the constructor. Saves degauss in self.degauss.
:type degauss: float
:param degauss: Used only if dos is True, broadening (eV) for computing
:type delta_e: float
:param delta_e: Used only if dos is True, energy grid spacing (in eV)
:raise ValueError: If self.band is None
if self.band is None:
raise ValueError('getDOS is called, however self.band is None')
self.degauss = degauss / qeu.RY2EV
e_min = self.band.bands[SPIN_UP][0].min(0)
if self.band.is_spin_polarized:
e_min = min(e_min, self.band.bands[SPIN_DW][0].min(0))
e_min -= 3.0 * self.degauss
e_max = self.band.bands[SPIN_UP][-1].max(0)
if self.band.is_spin_polarized:
e_max = max(e_max, self.band.bands[SPIN_DW][-1].max(0))
e_max += 3.0 * self.degauss
delta_e /= qeu.RY2EV
self.energies = numpy.arange(e_min - delta_e, e_max + delta_e, delta_e)
self.energies_ev = self.energies * qeu.RY2EV
self.dos = {SPIN_UP: numpy.zeros(shape=(len(self.energies)))}
if self.band.is_spin_polarized:
self.dos[SPIN_DW] = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(self.energies)))
self.idos = {SPIN_UP: numpy.zeros(shape=(len(self.energies)))}
if self.band.is_spin_polarized:
self.idos[SPIN_DW] = numpy.zeros(shape=(len(self.energies)))
for spin in self.band.bands:
for iband in range(self.band.nb_bands):
for jkpoint in range(len(self.band.kpoints)):
eigenval = self.band.bands[spin][iband][jkpoint]
kpt_weight = self.band.kpoints[jkpoint].weight
delta = gaussian_delta(eigenval, self.energies,
self.dos[spin] += (kpt_weight * delta * SQRT_1PI /
self.idos[spin] = numpy.cumsum(self.dos[spin]) * delta_e
self.dos[spin] /= qeu.RY2EV
[docs] def getDensities(self, spin=None):
Get density of states for a particular spin.
:type spin: str or None
:param spin: Can be SPIN_UP or SPIN_DW or None.
:rtype: `numpy.array`
:return: Density of states for a particular spin. If Spin is None,
the sum of all spins is returned.
if self.dos is None:
return None
elif spin is None:
if SPIN_DW in self.dos:
result = self.dos[SPIN_UP] + self.dos[SPIN_DW]
result = self.dos[SPIN_UP].copy()
result = self.dos[spin].copy()
return result
[docs] def getCbmVbm(self, tol=0.001, abs_tol=False, spin=None):
Get Conduction Band Minimum (cbm) and Valence Band Maximum (vbm).
:type tol: float
:param: tolerance in occupations for determining the cbm/vbm
:type abs_tol: bool
:param abs_tol: An absolute tolerance (True) or a relative one (False)
:type spin: str or None
:param spin: Possible values are None - finds the cbm/vbm in the summed
densities, SPIN_UP - finds the cbm/vbm in the up spin channel,
SPIN_DW - finds the cbm/vbm in the down spin channel.
:rtype: float, float
:return: cbm and vbm in Ry corresponding to the gap
# determine tolerance
tdos = self.getDensities(spin)
if not abs_tol:
tol = tol * tdos.sum() / tdos.shape[0]
# find index of fermi energy
i_fermi = 0
while self.energies[i_fermi] <= self.efermi:
i_fermi += 1
# work backwards until tolerance is reached
i_gap_start = i_fermi
while i_gap_start - 1 >= 0 and tdos[i_gap_start - 1] <= tol:
i_gap_start -= 1
# work forwards until tolerance is reached
i_gap_end = i_gap_start
while i_gap_end < tdos.shape[0] and tdos[i_gap_end] <= tol:
i_gap_end += 1
i_gap_end -= 1
return self.energies[i_gap_end], self.energies[i_gap_start]
[docs] def getGap(self, tol=0.001, abs_tol=False, spin=None):
Get the gap.
:type tol: float
:param: tolerance in occupations for determining the gap
:type abs_tol: bool
:param abs_tol: An absolute tolerance (True) or a relative one (False)
:type spin: str or None
:param spin: Possible values are None - finds the gap in the summed
densities, SPIN_UP - finds the gap in the up spin channel,
SPIN_DW - finds the gap in the down spin channel.
:rtype: float
:return: gap in Ry or 0.0, if it is a metal
(cbm, vbm) = self.getCbmVbm(tol, abs_tol, spin)
return max(cbm - vbm, 0.0)
[docs]class PhDOS(object):
Phonon DOS class.
[docs] def __init__(self, file_fh):
Initialize PhDOS object.
:type file_fh: File handler of phonon DOS from matdyn.x
:param file_fh: file object
self.frequencies, self.densities = numpy.loadtxt(file_fh,
usecols=(0, 1))
# Convert from cm-1 (output of matdyn) to THz (expected by c_v, etc.)
self.frequencies /= qeu.THZ2CM1
ind = numpy.searchsorted(self.frequencies, 0)
if ind >= len(self.frequencies):
raise IOError('No positive frequencies found.')
self.positive_frequencies = self.frequencies[ind:]
self.positive_densities = self.densities[ind:]
[docs] def c_v(self, temperature):
Constant volume specific heat C_v at temperature T obtained from the
integration of the DOS. Only positive frequencies will be used.
Result in J/(K*mol-c). A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell,
that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To
compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the
number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided
the division is performed internally and the result is in J/(K*mol).
:type temperature: float
:param temperature: Temperature at which to evaluate C_v, in K
:rtype: float
:return: Constant volume specific heat C_v in J/(K*mol)
# This function is based on pymatgen/phonon/dos.py (MIT, LEGAL-413)
if temperature == 0:
return 0.
freqs = self.positive_frequencies
dens = self.positive_densities
csch2 = lambda x: 1. / (numpy.sinh(x)**2)
wd2kt = freqs / (2. * BOLTZ_THZ_PER_K * temperature)
csch2_val = csch2(wd2kt)
csch2_val[csch2_val == numpy.inf] = 0.
c_v = numpy.trapz(wd2kt**2 * csch2_val * dens, x=freqs)
c_v *= const.Boltzmann * const.Avogadro
return c_v
[docs] def entropy(self, temperature):
Vibrational entropy at temperature T obtained from the integration of
the DOS. Only positive frequencies will be used. Result in J/(K*mol-c).
A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the number of
Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To compare with experimental
data the result should be divided by the number of unit formulas in the
cell. If the structure is provided the division is performed internally
and the result is in J/(K*mol).
:type temperature: float
:param temperature: Temperature at which to evaluate C_v, in K
:rtype: float
:return: Vibrational entropy in J/(K*mol)
# This function is based on pymatgen/phonon/dos.py (MIT, LEGAL-413)
if temperature == 0:
return 0.
freqs = self.positive_frequencies
dens = self.positive_densities
coth = lambda x: 1. / numpy.tanh(x)
wd2kt = freqs / (2. * BOLTZ_THZ_PER_K * temperature)
coth_val = coth(wd2kt)
coth_val[coth_val == numpy.inf] = 0.
log_val = numpy.log(2 * numpy.sinh(wd2kt))
log_val[log_val == -numpy.inf] = 0.
ent = numpy.trapz((wd2kt * coth_val - log_val) * dens, x=freqs)
ent *= const.Boltzmann * const.Avogadro
return ent
[docs] def internal_energy(self, temperature):
Phonon contribution to the internal energy at temperature T obtained
from the integration of the DOS. Only positive frequencies will be used.
Result in J/mol-c. A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is,
the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To compare with
experimental data the result should be divided by the number of unit
formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the division is
performed internally and the result is in J/mol.
:type temperature: float
:param temperature: Temperature at which to evaluate energy, in K
:rtype: float
:return: Phonon contribution to the internal energy, in J/mol.
# This function is based on pymatgen/phonon/dos.py (MIT, LEGAL-413)
if temperature == 0:
return self.zero_point_energy()
freqs = self.positive_frequencies
dens = self.positive_densities
coth = lambda x: 1. / numpy.tanh(x)
wd2kt = freqs / (2. * BOLTZ_THZ_PER_K * temperature)
coth_val = coth(wd2kt)
coth_val[coth_val == numpy.inf] = 0.
energy = numpy.trapz(freqs * coth_val * dens, x=freqs) / 2.
energy *= THZ_TO_J * const.Avogadro
return energy
[docs] def helmholtz_free_energy(self, temperature):
Phonon contribution to the Helmholtz free energy at temperature T
obtained from the integration of the DOS. Only positive frequencies will
be used. Result in J/mol-c. A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell,
that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To
compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the
number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the
division is performed internally and the result is in J/mol.
:type temperature: float
:param temperature: Temperature at which to evaluate free energy, in K
:rtype: float
:return: Phonon contribution to the Helmholtz free energy, in J/mol
if temperature == 0:
return self.zero_point_energy()
freqs = self.positive_frequencies
dens = self.positive_densities
wd2kt = freqs / (2. * BOLTZ_THZ_PER_K * temperature)
log_val = numpy.log(2. * numpy.sinh(wd2kt))
log_val[log_val == -numpy.inf] = 0.
fenergy = numpy.trapz(log_val * dens, x=freqs)
fenergy *= const.Boltzmann * const.Avogadro * temperature
return fenergy
[docs] def zero_point_energy(self):
Zero point energy energy of the system. Only positive frequencies will
be used. Result in J/mol-c. A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell,
that is, the number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell. To
compare with experimental data the result should be divided by the
number of unit formulas in the cell. If the structure is provided the
division is performed internally and the result is in J/mol.
:type temperature: float
:param temperature: Temperature at which to evaluate ZPE, in K
:rtype: float
:return: Phonon contribution to ZPE, in J/mol
freqs = self.positive_frequencies
dens = self.positive_densities
zpe = 0.5 * numpy.trapz(freqs * dens, x=freqs)
zpe *= THZ_TO_J * const.Avogadro
return zpe
[docs]class PDOS(object):
Class that holds partial DOS (PDOS) data. Call getPDOS to get broadened
# PDOS can be (or not) summed over:
# - PDOS: original data - currently disabled, due to rare probable use
# - Local PDOS (LDOS): Summed over m quantum number
# - Atomic PDOS (ADOS): Summed over atomic index and m quantum number
# - Element PDOS (EDOS): Summed over atomic index and all quantum numbers
# - AIDOS: Summed over atomic type and all quantum numbers
# - ALDOS: Summed over atomic type only
[docs] def __init__(self, proj, wfc_types, efermi, band):
Initialize PDOS object. Constructor only assigns values, call getPDOS
for broadening.
:type proj: dict of 3d numpy.array
:param proj: Dict with SPIN_UP, SPIN_DW (optional) keys, each containing
a 3D array containing: index of projected atom wavefunction, index of
k-point, index of band and WFC projection as value.
:type wfc_types: list of `WfcType`
:param wfc_types: List containing wavefunction types description
:type efermi: float
:param efermi: Fermi energy in eV
:type band: `BandStructure`
:type band: Band structure object, needed for k-points weights and
self.proj = proj
self.wfc_types = wfc_types
self.efermi = efermi
self.band = band
self.energies = None
self.kpts_weights = [kpt.weight for kpt in self.band.kpoints]
self.is_spin_polarized = len(self.proj) == 2
self.nwfc, self.nkpts, self.nbnd = proj[SPIN_UP].shape
def _getPDOSDict(is_spin_polarized, nsteps):
Get an empty dictionary with correct number of spin keys and arrays for
PDOS data.
:type is_spin_polarized: bool
:param: If True, create dict for holding spin polarized PDOS, otherwise
create for closed-shell PDOS
:type nsteps: int
:param nsteps: 1D grid size
:rtype: dict
:return: Dictionary to hold PDOS data
dos = {SPIN_UP: numpy.zeros(shape=(nsteps))}
if is_spin_polarized:
dos[SPIN_DW] = numpy.zeros(shape=(nsteps))
return dos
[docs] def getPDOS(self, degauss, delta_e=DOS_ENERGY_GRID_SPACING):
Calculate PDOS and set in self.pdos. Saves degauss in self.degauss.
:type degauss: float
:param degauss: Broadening (eV) for computing PDOS
:type delta_e: float
:param delta_e: Energy grid spacing eV
self.degauss = degauss / qeu.RY2EV
delta_e /= qeu.RY2EV
e_min = self.band.bands[SPIN_UP][0].min(0)
if self.band.is_spin_polarized:
e_min = min(e_min, self.band.bands[SPIN_DW][0].min(0))
e_min -= 3.0 * self.degauss
e_max = self.band.bands[SPIN_UP][-1].max(0)
if self.band.is_spin_polarized:
e_max = max(e_max, self.band.bands[SPIN_DW][-1].max(0))
e_max += 3.0 * self.degauss
nsteps = int(round((e_max - e_min) / delta_e + 0.5))
self.energies = numpy.array(
[e_min + delta_e * nstep for nstep in range(nsteps)]) * qeu.RY2EV
self.pdos = [None] * self.NUM_IDX
for idx in range(self.NUM_IDX):
# Argument MUST be callable, that's why lambda
self.pdos[idx] = defaultdict(
lambda: self._getPDOSDict(self.is_spin_polarized, nsteps))
# TDOS is total PDOS (it is different that just DOS)
self.tdos = {SPIN_UP: numpy.zeros(shape=(nsteps))}
if SPIN_DW in self.proj:
self.tdos[SPIN_DW] = numpy.zeros(shape=(nsteps))
ie_delta = 5 * int(round(self.degauss / delta_e))
for spin in self.proj:
for kpt in range(self.nkpts):
kptw = self.kpts_weights[kpt]
for iband in range(self.nbnd):
eband = self.band.bands[spin][iband][kpt]
ie_mid = int(round((eband - e_min) / delta_e))
start_idx = max(ie_mid - ie_delta, 0)
end_idx = min(ie_mid + ie_delta, nsteps)
start = e_min + delta_e * start_idx
stop = e_min + delta_e * end_idx
energies = numpy.linspace(start, stop, end_idx - start_idx)
delta = gaussian_delta(eband, energies, self.degauss)
for nwfc in range(self.nwfc):
proj = self.proj[spin][nwfc, kpt, iband]
val = (delta * proj * kptw * SQRT_1PI / self.degauss /
wfc_type = self.wfc_types[nwfc]
# Deal with PDOS - currently disabled
#pwfc_type = WfcType(wfc_type.atom_idx,
# wfc_type.atom_type, wfc_type.n_qn, wfc_type.l_qn,
# wfc_type.m_qn)
#self.pdos[self.PDOS_IDX][spin][pwfc_type][start_idx:end_idx] += val
# Deal with LDOS - currently disabled
#lwfc_type = WfcType(wfc_type.atom_idx,
# wfc_type.atom_type, wfc_type.n_qn,
# wfc_type.l_qn, None)
# start_idx:end_idx] += val
# Deal with ADOS - currently disabled
#awfc_type = WfcType(None, wfc_type.atom_type,
# wfc_type.n_qn, wfc_type.l_qn, None)
# start_idx:end_idx] += val
# Deal with EDOS - currently disabled
#ewfc_type = WfcType(None, wfc_type.atom_type, None,
# None, None)
# start_idx:end_idx] += val
# Deal with AIDOS
aiwfc_type = WfcType(wfc_type.atom_idx, None, None,
None, None)
start_idx:end_idx] += val
# Deal with ALDOS
alwfc_type = WfcType(wfc_type.atom_idx, None,
wfc_type.n_qn, wfc_type.l_qn, None)
start_idx:end_idx] += val
# Deal with TDOS - currently disabled
#self.tdos[spin][start_idx:end_idx] += val
[docs]class BandStructure(object):
This class is based on the class from pymatgen (MIT license).
[docs] def __init__(self, kpoints, eigenvals, efermi, struct=None):
Initialize BandStructure object.
:type kpoints: list of Kpoint objects
:param: List of k-points for this band structure
:type eigenvals: dict
:param eigenvals: Energies of the band structure in the shape::
{SPIN_UP: numpy.array([iband, jkpoint]), \
SPIN_DW: numpy.array([iband, jkpoint])}
SPIN_DW key can be present or not depending on the calculation type
:type efermi: float
:param efermi: Fermi energy in Hartree
:type struct: `structure.Structure`
:param struct: Related structure
self.kpoints = kpoints
self.bands = eigenvals
self.efermi = efermi
self.struct = struct
self.nb_bands = len(self.bands[SPIN_UP])
self.is_spin_polarized = len(self.bands) == 2
[docs] def getVbmCbm(self, vbm=True):
Return data about the valence band maximum (VBM) or conduction band
minimum (CBM).
:type vbm: bool
:param vbm: If True calculates VBM, if False CBM
:rtype: dict
- BAND_INDEX_KEY: A dict with spin keys pointing to a list of the
indices of the band containing the VBM (please note that you
can have several bands sharing the VBM) {SPIN_UP:[],
- KPOINT_INDEX_KEY: The list of indices in self.kpoints for the
kpoint vbm. Please note that there can be several
kpoint_indices relating to the same kpoint (e.g., Gamma can
occur at different spots in the band structure line plot)
- KPOINT_KEY: The kpoint (as a kpoint object)
- ENERGY_KEY: The energy of the VBM
# Based on: pymatgen/electronic_structure/bandstructure.py
# MIT license
# Check if VBM is requested
if vbm:
op1 = operator.le
op2 = operator.gt
op1 = operator.gt
op2 = operator.le
null_ret = {
if self.isMetal():
return null_ret
extreme_val = -numpy.inf if vbm else numpy.inf
extreme = {SPIN_UP: extreme_val, SPIN_DW: extreme_val}
index = None
kpointvbm = {SPIN_UP: None, SPIN_DW: None}
for iband in range(self.nb_bands):
for jkpoint in range(len(self.kpoints)):
for spin in self.bands:
if op1(self.bands[spin][iband][jkpoint], self.efermi):
if op2(self.bands[spin][iband][jkpoint], extreme[spin]):
extreme[spin] = self.bands[spin][iband][jkpoint]
index = jkpoint
kpointvbm[spin] = self.kpoints[jkpoint]
if index is None:
# All bands are above (for vbm=True) or below Fermi
return null_ret
list_ind_kpts = []
# get all other bands sharing the vbm
list_ind_band = {SPIN_UP: []}
if self.is_spin_polarized:
list_ind_band[SPIN_DW] = []
for spin in self.bands:
for iband in range(self.nb_bands):
diff = self.bands[spin][iband][index] - extreme[spin]
if math.fabs(diff) < 0.001:
return {
BAND_INDEX_KEY: list_ind_band,
KPOINT_INDEX_KEY: list_ind_kpts,
KPOINT_KEY: kpointvbm,
ENERGY_KEY: extreme
[docs] def getBandGap(self):
Get band gap data.
:rtype: dict
:return: dict with keys ENERGY_KEY, DIRECT_KEY, TRANSITION_KEY:
ENERGY_KEY: band gap energy
DIRECT_KEY: A boolean telling if the gap is direct or not
TRANSITION_KEY: kpoint labels of the transition (e.g., "\Gamma-X")
# Based on: pymatgen/pymatgen/electronic_structure/bandstructure.py
# MIT license
result = {
SPIN_UP: 0.0,
SPIN_DW: 0.0
SPIN_UP: False,
SPIN_DW: False
SPIN_UP: '',
BAND_GAP_KEY: float('inf'),
result[IS_METAL_KEY] = self.isMetal()
if result[IS_METAL_KEY]:
result[BAND_GAP_KEY] = 0.0
return result
cbm = self.getVbmCbm(vbm=False)
vbm = self.getVbmCbm()
if vbm[ENERGY_KEY] is None or cbm[ENERGY_KEY] is None:
return result
for spin in self.bands:
result[ENERGY_KEY][spin] = cbm[ENERGY_KEY][spin] - \
# Update "global" band gap with the smallest band gap
result[BAND_GAP_KEY] = min(result[BAND_GAP_KEY],
if numpy.linalg.norm(cbm[KPOINT_KEY][spin].cart_coords -
vbm[KPOINT_KEY][spin].cart_coords) < 0.01:
result[DIRECT_KEY][spin] = True
# Update is direct band gap if gap for this spin is the smallest one
if result[ENERGY_KEY][spin] == result[BAND_GAP_KEY]:
result[IS_DIRECT_KEY] = result[DIRECT_KEY][spin]
transition_str = '%.3f, %.3f, %.3f' % \
if vbm[KPOINT_KEY][spin].label:
label = vbm[KPOINT_KEY][spin].label.replace('\\', '')
transition_str += ' (%s)' % label
transition_str += ' -> %.3f, %.3f, %.3f' % \
if cbm[KPOINT_KEY][spin].label:
label = cbm[KPOINT_KEY][spin].label.replace('\\', '')
transition_str += ' (%s)' % label
result[TRANSITION_KEY][spin] = transition_str
return result
[docs] def generatePlotData(self):
Generate distances between k-points (in self.distances)
for plotting band structure.
# Based on: pymatgen/pymatgen/electronic_structure/bandstructure.py
# MIT license
self.distances = []
self.xticks = []
self.xticklabels = []
self.kpts_legend = []
previous_kpoint = self.kpoints[0]
previous_distance = 0.0
for indx in range(len(self.kpoints)):
numpy.linalg.norm(self.kpoints[indx].cart_coords -
previous_kpoint.cart_coords) +
previous_kpoint = self.kpoints[indx]
previous_distance = self.distances[indx]
if previous_kpoint.label:
label = r'$%s$' % previous_kpoint.label
coords = previous_kpoint.getCoordsStr(frac=True)
except ValueError:
self.kpts_legend.append(KptLegend(label, coords))
[docs]class Output(object):
Class to deal with QE XML output parsing.
PROPERTIES = ('struct', 'band', 'dos', 'pdos', 'esm', 'neb', 'phdos',
'phband', 'dynamics', 'epsilon', 'hpu')
EPS_METAL_ERR = 'Metallic system encountered in epsilon calculation.'
[docs] def __init__(self, qegz_fn, tree=None, dos_fn=None, **kwargs):
Initialize Output object. Supported properties are requested in kwargs
and defined in self.PROPERTIES.
:param str qegz_fn: Archive name of the compressed .save folder
:type tree: ElementTree or None
:param tree: Use tree if not None otherwise read tree from the file
:type dos_fn: str or None
:param dos_fn: File to read dos property from, will be used if dos=True
self.properties = self.getProperties(**kwargs)
self.ok = True
self.error = ''
self.struct = None
self.band = None
self.dos = None
self.pdos = None
self.lowdin = None
self.esm = None
self.phdos = None
self.phband = None
self.hpu = None
self.epsilon = {}
self.upfs = dict()
self.forces = None
self.neb_outs = []
self.md_steps = []
if self.properties.dos and dos_fn:
except Exception as err:
# Don't ever raise
self.ok = False
self.error = str(err)
if tree is None:
tree = self.getTree(qegz_fn, self.properties)
if not self.ok:
if not tree:
self.error = ('Could not find "data-file-schema.xml" file in %s' %
self.ok = False
root = tree.getroot()
self.title = root.find(TITLE_TAG).text
output = root.find(OUTPUT_TAG)
self.alat, self.vecs = self._getVecsFromTree(output)
self._getBasicInfo(root, output)
if self.properties.struct:
self.struct = self._getStructFromTree(root, output)
self.forces = self._getAtomsForces(root, output)
if self.lowdin:
for atom in self.struct.atom:
if atom.index in self.lowdin:
if msprops.QE_LOWDIN_TCHARGE in atom.property:
lcharge = atom.property[msprops.QE_LOWDIN_TCHARGE]
melement = qeu.get_mag_hubbu(atom)
atom.property[cprop] = melement.zval - lcharge
# Get band gap if structure is requested
if (self.properties.struct or self.properties.band or
self.properties.dos or self.properties.pdos):
self._getBandFromTree(root, output)
# Get band gap if structure is requested
if self.properties.struct:
result = self.band.getBandGap()
self.struct.property[msprops.QE_BAND_GAP] = \
result[BAND_GAP_KEY] * qeu.RY2EV
self.struct.property[msprops.QE_IS_METAL] = result[IS_METAL_KEY]
self.struct.property[msprops.QE_IS_DIRECT_BAND_GAP] = \
if self.properties.dos:
if self.properties.pdos:
self._getPDOS(self.pdos_proj, self.pdos_wfc_types)
if self.properties.dynamics:
timestep = float(root.find(MD_TIMESTEP_TAG).text) * qeu.AU2PS
for step in root.iter('step'):
struct = self.getMDStepStruct(root, step, timestep)
[docs] @classmethod
def getProperties(cls, **kwargs):
Get properties (namedtuple) from kwargs. Supported properties are
defined in self.PROPERTIES.
:rtype: namedtuple
:return: Properties requested
Properties = namedtuple('Properties',
defaults=(False,) * len(cls.PROPERTIES))
return Properties()._replace(**kwargs)
[docs] def setDOSFromFile(self, dos_fn):
Parse .dos file and set DOS into self.dos.
:param str dos_fn: File to read dos property from
self.dos = DOS(None, dos_fn)
except ValueError as err:
self.dos = None
self.ok = False
self.error = 'Could not read DOS from %s.' % dos_fn
[docs] def processEpsilonFile(self, tgz, tgz_file):
Process file from archive, if it is epsilon, return parsed data
:param TarFile tgz: Tar archive
:param str tgz_file: Filename
:rtype: dict or None
:return: Dict with one key (real or imag) and corresponding data in
value or None if extensions didn't match
:raise ValueError: When numpy can't parse the data
exts = {'real': qeu.EPS_R_PREFIX, 'imag': qeu.EPS_I_PREFIX}
for key, ext in exts.items():
if tgz_file.name.startswith(ext):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
return {key: numpy.loadtxt(file_fh, unpack=True)}
except ValueError as err:
if 'could not convert string to float' in str(err):
raise ValueError(self.EPS_METAL_ERR)
# Re-raise general ValueError
[docs] def processFile(self, tgz, tgz_file, options):
Process file from archive and set object properties.
:param TarFile tgz: Tar archive
:param str tgz_file: Filename
:param namedtuple options: Properties to get
if (options.esm and self.esm is None and
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
self.esm = EsmType(numpy.loadtxt(file_fh, unpack=True), '', 0.0)
if options.epsilon and tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.DAT_EXT):
epsilon_data = self.processEpsilonFile(tgz, tgz_file)
if epsilon_data:
if (options.phdos and self.phdos is None and
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
self.phdos = PhDOS(file_fh)
if (options.phband and self.phband is None and
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
tmp = numpy.genfromtxt(file_fh, dtype=None, encoding=None)
tmp_len = len(tmp.dtype.names)
tmp_names = tmp.dtype.names
self.phband = numpy.zeros(shape=(tmp_len - 1, tmp.shape[0]))
self.phband[0] = tmp[tmp.dtype.names[0]]
for idx in range(2, tmp_len):
self.phband[idx - 1] = tmp[tmp.dtype.names[idx]]
self.phband_labels = []
self.phband_ticks = []
self.phband_fcoords = []
for idx, label in enumerate(tmp[tmp_names[1]]):
label = msutils.getstr(label)
if label != '*':
llist = label.replace('_', ' ').split('=')
self.phband_labels.append(r'$%s$' % llist[0].strip())
self.phband_ticks.append(self.phband[0, idx])
if options.pdos:
if tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.PROJWFC_UP_EXT):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
self.pdos_proj[SPIN_UP], self.pdos_wfc_types = \
if tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.PROJWFC_DW_EXT):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
self.pdos_proj[SPIN_DW], not_needed = \
if tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.LOWDIN_EXT):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
self.lowdin = self._parseLowdin(file_fh)
if tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.UPF_EXT):
tmp, file_fn = os.path.split(tgz_file.name)
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
self.upfs[file_fn] = qeu.UPFParser(None,
if options.hpu and tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.HP_EXT):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
self.hpu = self.parseHP(file_fh)
[docs] def getTree(self, qegz_fn, options):
Get data in from of tree from archived file
:param str qegz_fn: Archive name
:param namedtuple options: Properties to get
:return: Data from data-file-schema.xml
:rtype: `xml.etree.ElementTree`
self.pdos_proj = {}
self.pdos_wfc_types = None
neb_error = 'Could not find NEB output file.'
tree = None
with tarfile.open(qegz_fn, 'r') as tgz:
for tgz_file in tgz:
if (tree is None and
'data-file-schema.xml' in tgz_file.name):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
tree = ElementTree.parse(file_fh)
if options.neb and tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.NEB_EXT):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
tree = ElementTree.parse(file_fh)
Output(None, tree=tree, struct=True))
if not self.neb_outs[-1].ok:
raise IOError(self.neb_outs[-1].error)
if options.neb and tgz_file.name.endswith(qeu.NEB_OUT_EXT):
with tgz.extractfile(tgz_file) as file_fh:
for line in file_fh:
line = msutils.getstr(line).strip()
if line.startswith('neb: convergence achieved'):
neb_error = ''
neb_error = ('NEB calculation did not '
self.processFile(tgz, tgz_file, options)
if options.pdos and (len(self.pdos_proj) not in (1, 2) or
SPIN_UP not in self.pdos_proj):
raise IOError('PDOS is requested, however wrong number of '
'PDOS files (.up, .down) has been found.')
if options.esm and self.esm is None:
raise IOError('ESM is requested, however *%s file could '
'not be found.' % qeu.ESM_EXT)
if options.epsilon and not self.epsilon:
raise IOError('Epsilon is requested, however *%s file '
'could not be found.' % qeu.DAT_EXT)
if options.phdos and self.phdos is None:
raise IOError('Phonon DOS is requested, however *%s file '
'could not be found.' % qeu.PHDOS_EXT)
if options.phband and self.phband is None:
raise IOError('Phonon dispersion is requested, however *%s '
'file could not be found.' % qeu.GP_EXT)
if options.hpu and self.hpu is None:
raise IOError('HP is requested, however *%s file could not '
'be found.' % qeu.HP_EXT)
if options.neb and neb_error:
raise ValueError(neb_error)
# Except Exception to ensure that driver doesn't crash in a workflow
except (IOError, ElementTree.ParseError, ValueError, Exception) as err:
self.ok = False
self.error = str(err)
return tree
[docs] def getMDStepStruct(self, root, step, timestep):
Extract MD step structure from step XML.
:param xml.etree.ElementTree.Element root: Root XML element
:param xml.etree.ElementTree.Element step: Step element
:param float timestep: MD time step
:rtype: `structure.Structure`, `structure.Structure` or None
:return: Structure of the MD step, standardized structure if requested
and found
struct = self._getStructFromTree(root, step)
struct = xtal.chorus_to_lower_triangle(struct)
nstep = int(step.attrib['n_step'])
struct.property[msprops.QE_MD_NSTEP] = nstep
struct.property[msprops.QE_MD_CURTIME] = nstep * timestep
struct.property[msprops.QE_ETOT] = \
float(step.find(TOT_ENERGY_TAG).text) * qeu.HA2RY
return struct
def _convertTagToCoords(self, element):
Convert text from element having such text: 'float float float' to list
of floats.
:type element: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param element: Element to parse
:rtype: list of floats
:return: List of floats converted from the element's text
coords = list(map(float, element.text.strip().split()))
coords = [coord * qeu.B2A for coord in coords]
return coords
def _getVecsFromTree(self, root):
Parse and set alat (in self.alat), cell vectors (in self.vecs) and cell
volume (in self.volume) in A^3 from XML tree.
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Output element that contains required information
:rtype: float, numpy.array
:return: lattice parameter (alat) and lattice vectors
atomic_structure = root.find(ATOMIC_STRUCTURE_TAG)
alat = float(atomic_structure.attrib['alat'])
vecs = []
for indx in range(1, 4):
vec_tag = root.find(CELL_VECTORS_TAG % indx)
vec = self._convertTagToCoords(vec_tag)
return alat, numpy.array(vecs)
def _getMagHubbUSpecies(self, root):
Get a dict with species (element name + a number) as keys and starting
magnetizations and Hubbard U as values.
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Element that contains required information
:rtype: dict
:return: dict with species (element name + a number) as keys and
MagElement namedtuple with starting magnetization and Hubbard U
parameters. If neither magnetization nor Hubbard U are defined
(or zero), key is not set
ret = {}
for atom_species in root.iterfind(ATOMIC_SPECIES_TAG):
mag_tag = atom_species.find('starting_magnetization')
species = atom_species.attrib['name']
ret[species] = qeu.get_null_mag_element()
if mag_tag is not None:
val = float(mag_tag.text.strip())
ret[species] = ret[species]._replace(mag=val)
upf_tag = atom_species.find('pseudo_file')
upf_fn = upf_tag.text.strip()
if upf_fn in self.upfs:
ret[species] = ret[species]._replace(
for hubb_u in root.iterfind(DFT_HU_TAG):
val = float(hubb_u.text.strip()) * qeu.RY2EV
species = hubb_u.attrib['specie']
if species in ret:
ret[species] = ret[species]._replace(hubb_u=val)
ret[species] = qeu.get_null_mag_element()
return ret
[docs] @staticmethod
def getFreePositions(root, natom):
Get atom free_positions from the XML data
:param xml.etree.ElementTree.Element root: Root XML element
:param int natom: Number of atoms in the structure
:rtype: numpy.array
:return: Atom free positions
free_pos = root.find(FREE_POS_TAG)
if free_pos is None:
# Missing from NEB output, needs fixing
return numpy.ones((natom, 3), dtype=int)
free_pos = list(map(int, free_pos.text.split()))
free_pos = numpy.array(free_pos, dtype=int).reshape(natom, 3)
return free_pos
def _getStructFromTree(self, root, output):
Parse and set a structure (in self.struct) from XML tree.
:param xml.etree.ElementTree.Element root: Root XML element
:param xml.etree.ElementTree.Element output: Output XML element
:type search_std_cell: bool
:param search_prim: If True, search for standard conventional cell,
otherwise use cell information as is.
:rtype: `structure.Structure`, `structure.Structure` or None
:return: Structure generated from XML data, and standardized structure,
if requested (by search_std_cell) and found
def get_structure(vecs, fcoords, anums, free_pos):
Get structure from vectors, coordinates and elements.
:type vecs: numpy.array(3x3 float)
:param vecs: lattice vectors
:type fcoords: numpy.array(int x 3 float)
:param coords: Fractional atomic coordinates
:type anums: list(int)
:param anums: List of elements
:param numpy.array free_pos: Free positions for all the atoms
:rtype: `structure.Structure`
:return: Generated structure
coords = xtal.trans_frac_to_cart_from_vecs(fcoords, *vecs)
struct = structure.create_new_structure()
xtal.set_pbc_properties(struct, vecs.flat)
for xyz, anum, atom_free_pos in zip(coords, anums, free_pos):
mag_element = mag_elements[anum]
atom = struct.addAtom('C', *xyz)
mag_element_zero = qeu.get_null_mag_element()
mag_hubbu = mag_hubbu_species.get(mag_element, mag_element_zero)
atom.element = qeu.get_element(mag_element)
qeu.set_mag_hubbu(atom, mag_hubbu)
qeu.set_atom_cart_constr(atom, atom_free_pos)
# Generate bonding
xtal.connect_atoms(struct, pbc_bonding=True)
# Color atoms
color.apply_color_scheme(struct, 'element')
# Set physical properties
# Set total energy, energy and density cutoffs
struct.property[msprops.QE_ETOT] = self.etot
struct.property[msprops.QE_MTOT] = self.mtot
struct.property[msprops.QE_ECUTWFC] = self.ecutwfc
struct.property[msprops.QE_ECUTRHO] = self.ecutrho
struct.property[msprops.QE_EFERMI] = self.efermi
struct.property[msprops.QE_MP_MESH] = self.kpts_mesh_output
struct.property[msprops.QE_DFT_FUNCT_STR] = self.dft_funct
if self.dft_vdw_corr:
struct.property[msprops.QE_DFT_VDW_CORR] = self.dft_vdw_corr
struct.property[msprops.QE_NKS] = self.nks
if self.nbnd is not None:
struct.property[msprops.QE_NBND] = self.nbnd
struct.property[msprops.QE_IS_SPIN_POLARIZED] = False
struct.property[msprops.QE_NBND] = (self.nbnd_up + self.nbnd_dw)
struct.property[msprops.QE_NBND_DW] = self.nbnd_dw
struct.property[msprops.QE_IS_SPIN_POLARIZED] = True
# Assign space group and space group ID
xtal.assign_space_group(struct, xtal.ASSIGN_SPG_SYMPREC)
# Anchor to origin
struct.property[xtal.PBC_POSITION_KEY] = \
xtal.ANCHOR_PBC_POSITION % ('0', '0', '0')
if self.timing_cpu is not None:
struct.property[msprops.QE_TIMING_CPU] = self.timing_cpu
if self.timing_wall is not None:
struct.property[msprops.QE_TIMING_WALL] = self.timing_wall
return struct
mag_hubbu_species = self._getMagHubbUSpecies(output)
alat, vecs = self._getVecsFromTree(output)
mag_elements = []
coords = []
for atom in output.iterfind(ATOMIC_POSITIONS_TAG):
xyz = self._convertTagToCoords(atom)
mag_element = atom.attrib['name'].strip()
anums = [mag_elements.index(x) for x in mag_elements]
fcoords = xtal.trans_cart_to_frac_from_vecs(coords, *vecs)
free_pos = self.getFreePositions(root, len(fcoords))
struct = get_structure(vecs, fcoords, anums, free_pos)
if self.hpu:
# Use Hubbard U if hpu has been parsed
for idx, hubb_u in self.hpu.items():
atom = struct.atom[idx]
mag_element = qeu.get_mag_hubbu(atom)
mag_element = mag_element._replace(hubb_u=hubb_u, hubb_j0=0.)
qeu.set_mag_hubbu(atom, mag_element)
struct.property[msprops.QE_HAS_HUBBARD] = qeu.has_hubbard(struct)
return struct
[docs] def getMaeStructure(self):
Get structure with lower triangular form of lattice vectors matrix
:rtype: structure.Structure
:return: Updated structure
assert self.struct
struct = xtal.chorus_to_lower_triangle(self.struct.copy())
return struct
def _getInputKpoints(self, root):
Return k-points present in the input section of the output schema.
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Element with required information
:rtype: list of KPoint
:return: list of KPoint objects
kpts_ibz = root.find(KPTS_IBZ)
kpts_list = list(kpts_ibz.iter('k_point'))
kpts = []
for kpoint_tag in kpts_list:
kpts.append(KPoint(kpoint_tag, self.vecs))
return kpts
def _getKpointsMesh(root, path):
Return k-points present in the input section of the output schema.
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Element with required information
:param str path: Path to use in root element
:return str: String with mesh
ret = ''
pack_tag = root.find(path)
if pack_tag is not None:
ret = ','.join(
pack_tag.attrib[nki] for nki in ['nk1', 'nk2', 'nk3'])
return ret
def _getTiming(root):
Get timings (WALL, CPU) from the output
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Element that contains required information
:rtype: (float, float) or (None, None)
:return: Return total time for wall, cpu in s. If absent return None
wall, cpu = None, None
if not root.find(TIMING_TAG):
return wall, cpu
wall = float(root.find(TIMING_TOTAL_WALL_TAG).text)
cpu = float(root.find(TIMING_TOTAL_CPU_TAG).text)
return wall, cpu
def _getBasicInfo(self, root, output):
Parse and set attributes several attributes.
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Root element that contains required information
:type output: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param output: Output element that contains required information
# Both should be present for open shell
if (output.find(NBND_UP_TAG) is not None and
output.find(NBND_DW_TAG) is not None):
self.nbnd_up = int(output.find(NBND_UP_TAG).text)
self.nbnd_dw = int(output.find(NBND_DW_TAG).text)
self.nbnd = None
self.nbnd = int(output.find(NBND_TAG).text)
self.nbnd_up = self.nbnd
self.nbnd_dw = 0
self.timing_wall, self.timing_cpu = self._getTiming(root)
self.nks = int(output.find(NKS_TAG).text)
self.etot = float(output.find(TOT_ENERGY_TAG).text) * qeu.HA2RY
self.mtot = float(output.find(TOT_MAG_TAG).text)
self.ecutwfc = float(output.find(ECUTWFC_TAG).text) * qeu.HA2RY
self.ecutrho = float(output.find(ECUTRHO_TAG).text) * qeu.HA2RY
self.tot_charge = float(root.find(TOT_CHARGE_TAG).text)
self.dft_funct = output.find(DFT_FUNCT_TAG).text.strip()
self.dft_vdw_corr = output.find(DFT_VDW_TAG).text.strip()
except AttributeError:
self.dft_vdw_corr = None
self.kpts_mesh = self._getKpointsMesh(root, MP_MESH_INPUT)
self.kpts_mesh_output = self._getKpointsMesh(output, MP_MESH)
self.stress = self._getStress(output)
self.efermi = 0.0
# E Fermi 2 appears if tot_magnetization != -1.0
self.efermi2 = 0.0
self.efermi = float(output.find(EFERMI_TAG).text) * qeu.HA2RY
except AttributeError:
self.efermi, self.efermi2 = [
float(x) * qeu.HA2RY
for x in output.find(TWO_EFERMIS_TAG).text.split()
except AttributeError:
self.efermi = float(output.find(HOMO_TAG).text) * qeu.HA2RY
# Parse ESM related stuff, if requested
if self.esm:
esm_bc_type = root.find(ESM_BC_TAG).text
except AttributeError:
esm_bc_type = ''
esm_efield = float(root.find(ESM_EFIELD_TAG).text)
except AttributeError:
esm_efield = 0.0
self.esm = self.esm._replace(bc_type=esm_bc_type, efield=esm_efield)
def _getStress(self, output):
Get stress from output XML node, if not there, return zero matrix.
:type output: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param output: Output element that contains required information
:rtype: numpy.array((3, 3))
:return: Stress tensor in kBar
stress = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
tmp = output.find(STRESS_TAG).text
data = tmp.split()
stress = numpy.array(data, dtype=float).reshape((3, 3))
except AttributeError:
return stress * qeu.HA2KBAR
def _getAtomsForces(self, root, output):
Get forces on atoms. QE input should contain tprnfor = .true.
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Element that contains required information
:type output: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param output: Output element that contains required information
:rtype: numpy.array or None
:return: Atoms forces in Ry/au if present, otherwise None
has_forces = msutils.setting_to_bool(root.find(HAS_FORCES).text.strip())
if not has_forces:
return None
forces = list(map(float, output.find(FORCES_TAG).text.strip().split()))
forces = numpy.array(forces).reshape(-1, 3) * qeu.HA2RY
return forces
def _getBandFromTree(self, root, output):
Parse and set the BandStructure object in self.band from XML tree.
:type root: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param root: Element that contains required information
:type output: `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`
:param output: Output element that contains required information
kpts = []
bands = {}
bnds_up = numpy.zeros(shape=(self.nbnd_up, self.nks))
bnds_dw = numpy.zeros(shape=(self.nbnd_dw, self.nks))
# Get K-points labels, if present
input_kpts = self._getInputKpoints(root)
# Iterate over k-point energies
for kindx, energy in enumerate(output.iterfind(KS_ENERGIES_TAG)):
kpoint_tag = energy.find('k_point')
kpoint = KPoint(kpoint_tag, self.vecs)
# Looking for k-point from the input with the same Cartesian
# coordinates and hopefully a label
for input_kpt in input_kpts:
if numpy.linalg.norm(input_kpt.cart_coords -
kpoint.cart_coords) < 0.01:
# Weight should be set from the output. It could be
# different from the input in the lsda case.
input_kpt.weight = kpoint.weight
kpoint = input_kpt
orb_energies = list(
up_energies = orb_energies[:self.nbnd_up]
for oindx, orb_e in enumerate(up_energies):
bnds_up[oindx][kindx] = orb_e * qeu.HA2RY
# Prevent empty lists for 'down' energies (closed-shell case)
dw_energies = orb_energies[self.nbnd_up:(self.nbnd_up +
for oindx, orb_e in enumerate(dw_energies):
bnds_dw[oindx][kindx] = orb_e * qeu.HA2RY
bands[SPIN_UP] = bnds_up
if len(bnds_dw):
bands[SPIN_DW] = bnds_dw
self.band = BandStructure(kpts, bands, self.efermi)
def _getPDOS(self, proj, wfc_types):
Initialize PDOS object in self.pdos.
:type proj: 2D numpy.array
:param proj: 2D array containing index of projected atom wavefunction
(WFC) and k-point as indexes and WFC projection as value
:type wfc_types: OrderedDict
:param wfc_types: OrderedDict containing label of the projected WFC as
key, and WFC index as value.
self.pdos = PDOS(proj, wfc_types, self.efermi * qeu.RY2EV, self.band)
def _getDOS(self):
Initialize DOS object in self.dos.
self.dos = DOS(self.band, None)
def _parsePDOSProj(self, proj_fh):
Parse and return data from .prowfc_* file. This is generated by
:type proj_fh: File handler object
:param proj_fh: Handler to the .projwfc_* file
:rtype: (numpy.array, OrderedDict())
:return: 3D array containing: index of projected atom wavefunction
(WFC), index of k-point, index of band and WFC projection as value.
OrderedDict containing label of the projected WFC as key, and WFC index
as value.
proj_fh.readline() # Title
tmp = proj_fh.readline().split() # Gridx, grid, nat, ntyp
nat = int(tmp[-2])
ntyp = int(tmp[-1])
proj_fh.readline() # ibrav / celldm
proj_fh.readline() # lattice vectors
proj_fh.readline() # lattice vectors
proj_fh.readline() # lattice vectors
proj_fh.readline() # ecutwfc
[proj_fh.readline() for x in range(ntyp)] # atom types
[proj_fh.readline() for x in range(nat)] # atom coordinates
nwfc, nkpt, nbnd = list(map(int, proj_fh.readline().split()))
proj_fh.readline() # noncolin, lspinorb
proj = numpy.zeros(shape=(nwfc, nkpt, nbnd))
wfc_types = [None] * nwfc
for iwfc in range(nwfc):
tmp = proj_fh.readline().split()
# Example:
# IDX ADX ANAME WFC n l m or j
# 1 1 Si 3S 1 0 1
# N is starting from 1 all time (which is wrong: MATSCI-3883)
atom_idx, atom_type = int(tmp[1]), tmp[2]
atom_type = msutils.getstr(atom_type)
# principal quantum number is smaller than 10
orb_name = msutils.getstr(tmp[3])
n_qn = int(orb_name[0])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
# Some UPFs don't have labels (MATSCI-4777)
n_qn = 0
l_qn = int(tmp[5])
# This could be either m (int) or j (float)
m_qn = float(tmp[6])
wfc_types[iwfc] = WfcType(atom_idx, atom_type, n_qn, l_qn, m_qn)
for ikpt in range(nkpt):
proj[iwfc, ikpt] = numpy.genfromtxt(islice(proj_fh, nbnd),
return proj, wfc_types
def _parseLowdin(self, lowdin_fh):
Parse and return data from .lowdin file. This is generated by
:type lowdin_fh: File handler object
:param lowdin_fh: Handler to the .lowdin file
:rtype: dict
:return: Dictionary with atom indexes as keys and charges as values.
def set_prop_val(atom, line, prop, prop_name, prop_type):
tmp = line.strip().split()
if prop in line:
prop_str = tmp[tmp.index('=') + 1].replace(',', '')
atom[prop_name] = prop_type(prop_str)
charges = dict()
atom_idx = None
for line in lowdin_fh:
line = msutils.getstr(line)
tmp = line.strip().split()
if 'Atom #' in line:
atom_idx = int(tmp[2].replace(':', ''))
charges[atom_idx] = dict()
if atom_idx is None:
set_prop_val(charges[atom_idx], line, 'total charge',
msprops.QE_LOWDIN_TCHARGE, float)
set_prop_val(charges[atom_idx], line, 'spin up',
msprops.QE_LOWDIN_UP, float)
set_prop_val(charges[atom_idx], line, 'spin down',
msprops.QE_LOWDIN_DW, float)
if 'Spilling Parameter:' in line:
spill = float(tmp[2])
for key in charges:
charges[key][msprops.QE_LOWDIN_SPILL] = spill
return charges
[docs] @staticmethod
def parseHP(hp_fh):
Parse and return data from the Hubbard_parameters.dat.
:type hp_fh: File handler object
:param hp_fh: Handler of the Hubbard_parameters.dat
:rtype: dict
:return: Dictionary with atom indexes as keys and Hubbard U as values
ret = dict()
for line in hp_fh:
line = msutils.getstr(line).strip()
# site n. type label spin new_type new_label Hubbard U (eV)
if line.startswith('site n.'):
for line in hp_fh:
line = msutils.getstr(line).strip()
# return on the next empty line
if not line:
return ret
# 1 1 Co 1 1 Co 8.8661
tmp = line.split()
ret[int(tmp[0])] = float(tmp[-1])
return ret