schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components module¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LRSort(value)¶
An enumeration.
- Owner = 1¶
- Folder = 2¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.StatusBarDialog[source]¶
Helper class to setup the status bar for the panel. This class acts as the parent to avoid thread issues.
- Accepted = 1¶
- class DialogCode¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Rejected = 0¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- accept(self)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accepted¶
accepted(self) [signal]
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- StatusBarDialog.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- done(self, int)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- exec(self) int ¶
- exec_(self) int ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- finished¶
finished(self, int) [signal]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- StatusBarDialog.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSizeGripEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- StatusBarDialog.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- open(self)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- reject(self)¶
- rejected¶
rejected(self) [signal]
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- StatusBarDialog.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- StatusBarDialog.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- result(self) int ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- StatusBarDialog.scroll(self, int, int)
- StatusBarDialog.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- StatusBarDialog.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- StatusBarDialog.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- StatusBarDialog.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- StatusBarDialog.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- StatusBarDialog.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- StatusBarDialog.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModal(self, bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setResult(self, int)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeGripEnabled(self, bool)¶
- StatusBarDialog.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- StatusBarDialog.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- StatusBarDialog.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LRSortCombo(parent=None)[source]¶
Combo box used to specify the method used to sort and organize live reports. Emits a custom signal with an enum designating the sort method.
- Variables
LRSortMethodChanged (QtCore.pyqtSignal) – signal indicating that a new live report sort method has been chosen; emitted with an
- LRSortMethodChanged¶
- onCurrentIndexChanged()[source]¶
When the user makes a selection in this combo box, emit the enum value associated with their selection (rather than the less-useful index of the selection).
- AdjustToContents = 0¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLength = 2¶
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon = 3¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InsertAfterCurrent = 4¶
- InsertAlphabetically = 6¶
- InsertAtBottom = 3¶
- InsertAtCurrent = 2¶
- InsertAtTop = 1¶
- InsertBeforeCurrent = 5¶
- class InsertPolicy¶
- NoInsert = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, int) [signal] activated(self, str) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addItem(self, str, userData: Any = None)¶
- addItem(self, QIcon, str, userData: Any = None) None
- addItems(self, Iterable[str])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LRSortCombo.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearEditText(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- count(self) int ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- currentData(self, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) Any ¶
- currentIndex(self) int ¶
- currentIndexChanged¶
currentIndexChanged(self, int) [signal] currentIndexChanged(self, str) [signal]
- currentText(self) str ¶
- currentTextChanged¶
currentTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- duplicatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- editTextChanged¶
editTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findData(self, Any, role: int = Qt.UserRole, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) int ¶
- findText(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) int ¶
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- hidePopup(self)¶
- highlighted¶
highlighted(self, int) [signal] highlighted(self, str) [signal]
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionComboBox)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery, Any) Any
- LRSortCombo.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- insertItem(self, int, str, userData: Any = None)¶
- insertItem(self, int, QIcon, str, userData: Any = None) None
- insertItems(self, int, Iterable[str])¶
- insertPolicy(self) QComboBox.InsertPolicy ¶
- insertSeparator(self, int)¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, int, role: int = Qt.UserRole) Any ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemIcon(self, int) QIcon ¶
- itemText(self, int) str ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEdit(self) QLineEdit ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maxCount(self) int ¶
- maxVisibleItems(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumContentsLength(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- modelColumn(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LRSortCombo.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeItem(self, int)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LRSortCombo.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LRSortCombo.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootModelIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- LRSortCombo.scroll(self, int, int)
- LRSortCombo.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LRSortCombo.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setCompleter(self, QCompleter)¶
- LRSortCombo.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, int)¶
- setCurrentText(self, str)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDuplicatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditText(self, str)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LRSortCombo.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LRSortCombo.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setInsertPolicy(self, QComboBox.InsertPolicy)¶
- setItemData(self, int, Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemIcon(self, int, QIcon)¶
- setItemText(self, int, str)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineEdit(self, QLineEdit)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaxCount(self, int)¶
- setMaxVisibleItems(self, int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LRSortCombo.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumContentsLength(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LRSortCombo.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- setModelColumn(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRootModelIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- LRSortCombo.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LRSortCombo.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setValidator(self, QValidator)¶
- setView(self, QAbstractItemView)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- showPopup(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- LRSortCombo.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- view(self) QAbstractItemView ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper[source]¶
Base class for a widget subclass to hold a search box QLineEdit and a QTreeView below. This is a helper class only and should be sub-classed. This class should NOT be used directly.
- setUpWidgets(model, view)[source]¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- searchTextChanged(search_text)[source]¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.CascadingCheckboxItem(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A subclass of QStandardItem that implements checkboxes that automatically respond to changes in child/parent check state. Checking or unchecking an item will cause all of its children to become checked/unchecked accordingly and will update its parent to be either checked, unchecked, or partially checked, depending on the state of all of the other children.
- getChildItems(column=0)[source]¶
Returns a list of all the child items. A column may be optionally specified if desired, otherwise the first column’s item will be returned from each descendent row.
- Parameters
column (int) – the column of the item to be returned from each row
- updateCheckState()[source]¶
Updates the item’s check state depending on the check state of all the child items. If all the child items are checked or unchecked, this item will be checked/unchecked accordingly. If only some of the children are checked, this item will be partially checked.
- updateEnabled()[source]¶
If this item has children and they are all disabled, disable this item. If any such children are enabled, enable this item.
- setData(value, role)[source]¶
Overrides setData() to trigger an update of the parent item’s check state and enabled state, and propagate check state to all the child items (i.e. checking this item will cause all its child items to become checked).
See parent class for documentation on parameters.
- class ItemType¶
- Type = 0¶
- UserType = 1000¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleText(self) str ¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- appendRows(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- background(self) QBrush ¶
- checkState(self) Qt.CheckState ¶
- child(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- clearData(self)¶
- clone(self) QStandardItem ¶
- column(self) int ¶
- columnCount(self) int ¶
- data(self, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1) Any ¶
- emitDataChanged(self)¶
- flags(self) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- foreground(self) QBrush ¶
- hasChildren(self) bool ¶
- icon(self) QIcon ¶
- index(self) QModelIndex ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- CascadingCheckboxItem.insertColumns(self, int, int)
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- CascadingCheckboxItem.insertRows(self, int, int)
- insertRows(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem]) None ¶
- isAutoTristate(self) bool ¶
- isCheckable(self) bool ¶
- isDragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isDropEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isSelectable(self) bool ¶
- isTristate(self) bool ¶
- isUserTristate(self) bool ¶
- model(self) QStandardItemModel ¶
- parent(self) QStandardItem ¶
- read(self, QDataStream)¶
- removeColumn(self, int)¶
- CascadingCheckboxItem.removeColumns(self, int, int)
- removeRow(self, int)¶
- CascadingCheckboxItem.removeRows(self, int, int)
- row(self) int ¶
- rowCount(self) int ¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleText(self, str)¶
- setAutoTristate(self, bool)¶
- setBackground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setCheckState(self, Qt.CheckState)¶
- setCheckable(self, bool)¶
- CascadingCheckboxItem.setChild(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setChild(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setFlags(self, Union[Qt.ItemFlags, Qt.ItemFlag])¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForeground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSelectable(self, bool)¶
- setSizeHint(self, QSize)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- setTextAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setTristate(self, bool)¶
- setUserTristate(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sortChildren(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- takeChild(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- type(self) int ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- write(self, QDataStream)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LDDataCheckboxItem(ld_data)[source]¶
that stores and knows how to display adata_classes.LDData
instance.- __init__(ld_data)[source]¶
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – LD data instance
- property ld_data¶
- class ItemType¶
- Type = 0¶
- UserType = 1000¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleText(self) str ¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- appendRows(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- background(self) QBrush ¶
- checkState(self) Qt.CheckState ¶
- child(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- clearData(self)¶
- clone(self) QStandardItem ¶
- column(self) int ¶
- columnCount(self) int ¶
- data(self, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1) Any ¶
- emitDataChanged(self)¶
- flags(self) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- foreground(self) QBrush ¶
- getChildItems(column=0)¶
Returns a list of all the child items. A column may be optionally specified if desired, otherwise the first column’s item will be returned from each descendent row.
- Parameters
column (int) – the column of the item to be returned from each row
- hasChildren(self) bool ¶
- icon(self) QIcon ¶
- index(self) QModelIndex ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- LDDataCheckboxItem.insertColumns(self, int, int)
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- LDDataCheckboxItem.insertRows(self, int, int)
- insertRows(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem]) None ¶
- isAutoTristate(self) bool ¶
- isCheckable(self) bool ¶
- isDragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isDropEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isSelectable(self) bool ¶
- isTristate(self) bool ¶
- isUserTristate(self) bool ¶
- model(self) QStandardItemModel ¶
- parent(self) QStandardItem ¶
- read(self, QDataStream)¶
- removeColumn(self, int)¶
- LDDataCheckboxItem.removeColumns(self, int, int)
- removeRow(self, int)¶
- LDDataCheckboxItem.removeRows(self, int, int)
- row(self) int ¶
- rowCount(self) int ¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleText(self, str)¶
- setAutoTristate(self, bool)¶
- setBackground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setCheckState(self, Qt.CheckState)¶
- setCheckable(self, bool)¶
- LDDataCheckboxItem.setChild(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setChild(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(value, role)¶
Overrides setData() to trigger an update of the parent item’s check state and enabled state, and propagate check state to all the child items (i.e. checking this item will cause all its child items to become checked).
See parent class for documentation on parameters.
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFlags(self, Union[Qt.ItemFlags, Qt.ItemFlag])¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForeground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSelectable(self, bool)¶
- setSizeHint(self, QSize)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- setTextAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setTristate(self, bool)¶
- setUserTristate(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sortChildren(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- takeChild(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- type(self) int ¶
- updateCheckState()¶
Updates the item’s check state depending on the check state of all the child items. If all the child items are checked or unchecked, this item will be checked/unchecked accordingly. If only some of the children are checked, this item will be partially checked.
- updateEnabled()¶
If this item has children and they are all disabled, disable this item. If any such children are enabled, enable this item.
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- write(self, QDataStream)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LDDataSelectionModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A tree structured model for storing LD data by family name.
- Variables
item_dict (dict(data_classes.LDData, QtGui.QStandardItem)) – a dictionary mapping LD data to items from this model
- loadData(ld_data_list)[source]¶
Replaces the data in the model with the specified list of export data.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (list(data_classes.LDData)) – a list of LD data to export
- getCheckedData()[source]¶
Recursively traverses the entire tree and returns LD data instances checked by the user.
- Returns
LD data specified for export by the user
- Return type
- setItemsChecked(ld_data_list, checked)[source]¶
Set the checkstate of the items associated with the supplied data, if they are enabled.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (List[data_classes.LDData]) – a list of
instances corresponding to items in the modelchecked (bool) – whether to check or uncheck the specified item
- setItemEnabled(ld_data, enable)[source]¶
Set an item to be enabled or disabled.
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – data object associated with the item to be enabled or disabled
enable (bool) – whether to enable (
) or disable (False
) the specified item
- getItemTooltip(ld_data)[source]¶
Return the tooltip of the item associated with the supplied LD data object.
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – a LiveDesign data object
- Returns
tooltip text, if the specified item can be found; otherwise,
- Return type
str or NoneType
- setItemTooltip(ld_data, tooltip)[source]¶
Apply a tooltip to an item.
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – data object associated with the item to set the tooltip on
tooltip (str) – tooltip text
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- LDDataSelectionModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDDataSelectionModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDDataSelectionModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- clearItemData(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(self, QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- LDDataSelectionModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findItems(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly, column: int = 0) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- flags(self, QModelIndex) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- horizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- indexFromItem(self, QStandardItem) QModelIndex ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- LDDataSelectionModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- LDDataSelectionModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- invisibleRootItem(self) QStandardItem ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- item(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- itemChanged¶
itemChanged(self, QStandardItem) [signal]
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- itemFromIndex(self, QModelIndex) QStandardItem ¶
- itemPrototype(self) QStandardItem ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- LDDataSelectionModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDDataSelectionModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDDataSelectionModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDDataSelectionModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- parent(self) QObject
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.setItem(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setItem(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setItemPrototype(self, QStandardItem)¶
- setItemRoleNames(self, Dict[int, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]])¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSortRole(self, int)¶
- setVerticalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setVerticalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- LDDataSelectionModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- sortRole(self) int ¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- takeItem(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeVerticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- verticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LDDataSelectionTreeView[source]¶
A class for displaying LD data selection.
- AboveItem = 1¶
- AdjustIgnored = 0¶
- AdjustToContents = 2¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AllEditTriggers = 31¶
- AnimatingState = 6¶
- AnyKeyPressed = 16¶
- BelowItem = 2¶
- Box = 1¶
- CollapsingState = 5¶
- ContiguousSelection = 4¶
- CurrentChanged = 1¶
- class CursorAction¶
- DoubleClicked = 2¶
- DragDrop = 3¶
- class DragDropMode¶
- DragOnly = 1¶
- DragSelectingState = 2¶
- DraggingState = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class DropIndicatorPosition¶
- DropOnly = 2¶
- EditKeyPressed = 8¶
- class EditTrigger¶
- class EditTriggers¶
- class EditTriggers(Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger]) None
- class EditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- EditingState = 3¶
- EnsureVisible = 0¶
- ExpandingState = 4¶
- ExtendedSelection = 3¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InternalMove = 4¶
- MoveDown = 1¶
- MoveEnd = 5¶
- MoveHome = 4¶
- MoveLeft = 2¶
- MoveNext = 8¶
- MovePageDown = 7¶
- MovePageUp = 6¶
- MovePrevious = 9¶
- MoveRight = 3¶
- MoveUp = 0¶
- MultiSelection = 2¶
- NoDragDrop = 0¶
- NoEditTriggers = 0¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- NoSelection = 0¶
- NoState = 0¶
- OnItem = 0¶
- OnViewport = 3¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- PositionAtBottom = 2¶
- PositionAtCenter = 3¶
- PositionAtTop = 1¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class ScrollHint¶
- class ScrollMode¶
- ScrollPerItem = 0¶
- ScrollPerPixel = 1¶
- SelectColumns = 2¶
- SelectItems = 0¶
- SelectRows = 1¶
- SelectedClicked = 4¶
- class SelectionBehavior¶
- class SelectionMode¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- SingleSelection = 1¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- class State¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addScrollBarWidget(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- allColumnsShowFocus(self) bool ¶
- alternatingRowColors(self) bool ¶
- autoExpandDelay(self) int ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- autoScrollMargin(self) int ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- clearSelection(self)¶
- clicked¶
clicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEditor(self, QWidget, QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- closePersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- collapse(self, QModelIndex)¶
- collapseAll(self)¶
- collapsed¶
collapsed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- columnAt(self, int) int ¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.columnCountChanged(self, int, int)
- columnMoved(self)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.columnResized(self, int, int, int)
- columnViewportPosition(self, int) int ¶
- columnWidth(self, int) int ¶
- commitData(self, QWidget)¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- cornerWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.currentChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- currentIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
- defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction ¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- doubleClicked¶
doubleClicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode ¶
- dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawBranches(self, QPainter, QRect, QModelIndex)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- drawRow(self, QPainter, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- drawTree(self, QPainter, QRegion)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex)¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, QEvent) bool
- editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers ¶
- editorDestroyed(self, QObject)¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- entered¶
entered(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- executeDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- expand(self, QModelIndex)¶
- expandAll(self)¶
- expandToDepth(self, int)¶
- expanded¶
expanded(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- expandsOnDoubleClick(self) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAutoScroll(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- header(self) QHeaderView ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideColumn(self, int)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- horizontalOffset(self) int ¶
- horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- horizontalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- iconSizeChanged¶
iconSizeChanged(self, QSize) [signal]
- indentation(self) int ¶
- indexAbove(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- indexAt(self, QPoint) QModelIndex ¶
- indexBelow(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- indexRowSizeHint(self, QModelIndex) int ¶
- indexWidget(self, QModelIndex) QWidget ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isAnimated(self) bool ¶
- isColumnHidden(self, int) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isExpanded(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isFirstColumnSpanned(self, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHeaderHidden(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isIndexHidden(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isPersistentEditorOpen(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isRowHidden(self, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSortingEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegate(self, QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
- itemDelegateForColumn(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegateForRow(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemsExpandable(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- keyboardSearch(self, str)¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumViewportSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveCursor(self, QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, Union[Qt.KeyboardModifiers, Qt.KeyboardModifier]) QModelIndex ¶
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- openPersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- pressed¶
pressed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- reexpand(self)¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset(self)¶
- resetHorizontalScrollMode(self)¶
- resetIndentation(self)¶
- resetVerticalScrollMode(self)¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeColumnToContents(self, int)¶
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- rootIsDecorated(self) bool ¶
- rowHeight(self, QModelIndex) int ¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- scheduleDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.scroll(self, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- scrollBarWidgets(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) List[QWidget] ¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.scrollContentsBy(self, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.scrollDirtyRegion(self, int, int)
- scrollTo(self, QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)¶
- scrollToBottom(self)¶
- scrollToTop(self)¶
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior ¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.selectionChanged(self, QItemSelection, QItemSelection)
- selectionCommand(self, QModelIndex, event: QEvent = None) QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags ¶
- selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode ¶
- selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAllColumnsShowFocus(self, bool)¶
- setAlternatingRowColors(self, bool)¶
- setAnimated(self, bool)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoExpandDelay(self, int)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScroll(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScrollMargin(self, int)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setColumnHidden(self, int, bool)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setColumnWidth(self, int, int)
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCornerWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultDropAction(self, Qt.DropAction)¶
- setDirtyRegion(self, QRegion)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragDropMode(self, QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)¶
- setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropIndicatorShown(self, bool)¶
- setEditTriggers(self, Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger])¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setExpanded(self, QModelIndex, bool)¶
- setExpandsOnDoubleClick(self, bool)¶
- setFirstColumnSpanned(self, int, QModelIndex, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHeader(self, QHeaderView)¶
- setHeaderHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setHorizontalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setIndentation(self, int)¶
- setIndexWidget(self, QModelIndex, QWidget)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForColumn(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForRow(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemsExpandable(self, bool)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRootIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setRootIsDecorated(self, bool)¶
- setRowHidden(self, int, QModelIndex, bool)¶
- setSelection(self, QRect, Union[QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag])¶
- setSelectionBehavior(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)¶
- setSelectionMode(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)¶
- setSelectionModel(self, QItemSelectionModel)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setSortingEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setState(self, QAbstractItemView.State)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setTextElideMode(self, Qt.TextElideMode)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setTreePosition(self, int)¶
- setUniformRowHeights(self, bool)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVerticalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setVerticalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- LDDataSelectionTreeView.setViewportMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setViewportMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setWordWrap(self, bool)¶
- setupViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- show(self)¶
- showColumn(self, int)¶
- showDropIndicator(self) bool ¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForColumn(self, int) int ¶
- sizeHintForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForRow(self, int) int ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- sortByColumn(self, int, Qt.SortOrder)¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startDrag(self, Union[Qt.DropActions, Qt.DropAction])¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- state(self) QAbstractItemView.State ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- treePosition(self) int ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- uniformRowHeights(self) bool ¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QModelIndex) None
- updateEditorData(self)¶
- updateEditorGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- verticalOffset(self) int ¶
- verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- verticalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- viewOptions(self) QStyleOptionViewItem ¶
- viewport(self) QWidget ¶
- viewportEntered¶
viewportEntered(self) [signal]
- viewportEvent(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- viewportMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- viewportSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- visualRect(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- visualRegionForSelection(self, QItemSelection) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- wordWrap(self) bool ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LDDataTree(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A QWidget with a initialization mixin to group together a search bar LineEdit and the LD Data Selection QTreeView.
- dataChanged¶
- initSetUp()[source]¶
Sets up the model, view, proxy and search box.
See BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper.setUpWidgets for more info.
- initLayOut()[source]¶
Create a vertical layout for the widget (
) and populate it with two vertical sub-layouts:main_layout
.If the user has specified the
data member, insert the resultantui_widget
.If the widget already has a layout defined, this method will produce a warning (but not a traceback).
will be inserted into the existing widget layout, which will not be the same aswidget_layout
. It is therefore recommended that this mixin is used only with widgets that do not already have a layout.Suggested subclass use: create, initialize, and populate layouts.
- loadData(ld_data_list)[source]¶
for more information.
- getCheckedData()[source]¶
for more information.
- setCheckedData(ld_data_list)[source]¶
Check the items corresponding to the supplied LD data (if found), and uncheck all other items.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (list(data_classes.LDData)) – a list of LD data instances that should be checked in the tree
- setItemChecked(ld_data, checked)[source]¶
Convenience method to check or uncheck a single item.
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – a LD data object corresponding to an item in the model
checked (bool) – whether to check or uncheck the specified item
- setItemsChecked(ld_data_list, checked)[source]¶
Set the checkstate of the items associated with the supplied data, if they are enabled.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (List[data_classes.LDData]) – a list of
instances corresponding to items in the modelchecked (bool) – whether to check or uncheck the specified items
- isItemChecked(ld_data)[source]¶
Return whether the item associated with the specified LiveDesign data object is checked.
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – a
instance corresponding to an item in the model- Returns
whether the specified item is checked, if possible; if the item cannot be found, return
- Return type
bool or NoneType
- isItemEnabled(ld_data)[source]¶
Return whether the specified item is enabled.
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – a
instance corresponding to an item in the model- Returns
if possible, whether the specified item is enabled; if no such item exists, return
- Return type
bool or NoneType
- uncheckAll()[source]¶
for more information.
- initSetDefaults()[source]¶
Set widget to its default state. If the widget uses a model/mapper, it’s preferable to reset the widget state by resetting the model.
- setItemsEnabled(ld_data_list, enabled)[source]¶
Enable or disable the items associated with the specified data list.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (list(data_classes.LDData)) – a list of LD Data objects that correspond to items that should be enabled or disabled
enabled (bool) – enable (
) or disable (False
) specified items
- getItemTooltip(ld_data)[source]¶
Get the tooltip for the item associated with the specified LD data.
- Parameters
ld_data (data_classes.LDData) – a LD data object
- Returns
the tooltip text of the item associated with the supplied LD data object, if possible. If there is no item associated with the LD data object, return
- Return type
str or NoneType
- setItemsTooltip(ld_data_list, tooltip)[source]¶
Set tooltip for items associated with the specified data list.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (list(data_classes.LDData)) – a list of LD Data objects that correspond to items to set the tooltip on
tooltip (str) – the tooltip text
- expandFamily(family_name)[source]¶
Expand the item associated with the supplied family name if possible.
- Parameters
family_name (str) – the family name of the item to expand
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LDDataTree.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initFinalize()¶
Suggested subclass use: perform any remaining initialization.
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initSetOptions()¶
Suggested subclass use: set instance variables, excluding layouts and subwidgets. Also use here to (optionally) apply the legacy stylesheet spacing settings (PANEL-19101).
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- LDDataTree.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LDDataTree.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LDDataTree.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resetWidgets()¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LDDataTree.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- LDDataTree.scroll(self, int, int)
- LDDataTree.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- searchTextChanged(search_text)¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LDDataTree.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- LDDataTree.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LDDataTree.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LDDataTree.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LDDataTree.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LDDataTree.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- LDDataTree.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LDDataTree.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpLayout()¶
Sets up the layout, but needs to be added to the widget by the subclass.
- setUpWidgets(model, view)¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWidgetLayout()¶
Set the widget layout
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- ui_module = None¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- LDDataTree.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.ColumnSelectionModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
A tree structured model for storing data by family.
- loadData(columns, unavailable_ids=None)[source]¶
Populates the model using a list of ldclient.models.Column objects. This clears out all previous data in the model.
- Parameters
columns (list of ldclient.models.Column) – the list of columns to add
unavailable_ids (
, orNone
) – list of column IDs that should always be unavailable for import
- getCheckedColumns(all_checked: bool = False)[source]¶
Traverse all the columns and return all the checked properties.
- Parameters
all_checked – if the all columns checked property is enabled
- Returns
the checked properties
- Return type
list of structure.PropertyName
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- ColumnSelectionModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ColumnSelectionModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ColumnSelectionModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ColumnSelectionModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearItemData(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(self, QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- ColumnSelectionModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findItems(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly, column: int = 0) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- flags(self, QModelIndex) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- horizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- indexFromItem(self, QStandardItem) QModelIndex ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- ColumnSelectionModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- ColumnSelectionModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- invisibleRootItem(self) QStandardItem ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- item(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- itemChanged¶
itemChanged(self, QStandardItem) [signal]
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- itemFromIndex(self, QModelIndex) QStandardItem ¶
- itemPrototype(self) QStandardItem ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- ColumnSelectionModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- parent(self) QObject
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.setItem(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setItem(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setItemPrototype(self, QStandardItem)¶
- setItemRoleNames(self, Dict[int, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]])¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSortRole(self, int)¶
- setVerticalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setVerticalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- ColumnSelectionModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- sortRole(self) int ¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- takeItem(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeVerticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- verticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.ColumnSelectionProxyModel(parent=None)[source]¶
A proxy model to filter an assay model based on the availability
- filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent)[source]¶
See Qt Documentation for more information on parameters.
This filter accepts a particular row if any of the following are true: 1. The proxy model is currently set to show unavailable items 2. The item is marked as available
Note that the conditions specified above are searched in that order.
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(self, QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- dynamicSortFilter(self) bool ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- filterAcceptsColumn(self, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- filterCaseSensitivity(self) Qt.CaseSensitivity ¶
- filterKeyColumn(self) int ¶
- filterRegExp(self) QRegExp ¶
- filterRegularExpression(self) QRegularExpression ¶
- filterRole(self) int ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- flags(self, QModelIndex) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- invalidate(self)¶
- invalidateFilter(self)¶
- isRecursiveFilteringEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSortLocaleAware(self) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.lessThan(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex) -> bool
- mapFromSource(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- mapSelectionFromSource(self, QItemSelection) QItemSelection ¶
- mapSelectionToSource(self, QItemSelection) QItemSelection ¶
- mapToSource(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- parent(self) QObject
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setDynamicSortFilter(self, bool)¶
- setFilterCaseSensitivity(self, Qt.CaseSensitivity)¶
- setFilterFixedString(self, str)¶
- setFilterKeyColumn(self, int)¶
- setFilterRegExp(self, QRegExp)¶
- setFilterRegExp(self, str) None
- setFilterRegularExpression(self, QRegularExpression)¶
- setFilterRegularExpression(self, str) None
- setFilterRole(self, int)¶
- setFilterWildcard(self, str)¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRecursiveFilteringEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setSortCaseSensitivity(self, Qt.CaseSensitivity)¶
- setSortLocaleAware(self, bool)¶
- setSortRole(self, int)¶
- setSourceModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- ColumnSelectionProxyModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- sortCaseSensitivity(self) Qt.CaseSensitivity ¶
- sortColumn(self) int ¶
- sortOrder(self) Qt.SortOrder ¶
- sortRole(self) int ¶
- sourceModel(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- sourceModelChanged¶
sourceModelChanged(self) [signal]
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.StructSelectionModel[source]¶
A selection model for storing structures to be selected.
- loadData(structs: List[schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure])[source]¶
Populate the model using a list of structures. This clears all previous data in the model.
- Parameters
structs – structures to be included in the table
- getCheckedStructs(all_checked: bool = False) List[schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure] [source]¶
Obtain a list of all checked structures.
- Parameters
all_checked – if all structures should be included
- Returns
all structures that are checked
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- StructSelectionModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- StructSelectionModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- StructSelectionModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StructSelectionModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StructSelectionModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- StructSelectionModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- StructSelectionModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearItemData(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- StructSelectionModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(self, QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- StructSelectionModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findItems(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly, column: int = 0) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- flags(self, QModelIndex) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StructSelectionModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- horizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- StructSelectionModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- indexFromItem(self, QStandardItem) QModelIndex ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- StructSelectionModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- StructSelectionModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- invisibleRootItem(self) QStandardItem ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- item(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- itemChanged¶
itemChanged(self, QStandardItem) [signal]
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- itemFromIndex(self, QModelIndex) QStandardItem ¶
- itemPrototype(self) QStandardItem ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- StructSelectionModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StructSelectionModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StructSelectionModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StructSelectionModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- parent(self) QObject
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StructSelectionModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StructSelectionModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- StructSelectionModel.setItem(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setItem(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setItemPrototype(self, QStandardItem)¶
- setItemRoleNames(self, Dict[int, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]])¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSortRole(self, int)¶
- setVerticalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setVerticalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- StructSelectionModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- sortRole(self) int ¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- takeItem(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeVerticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- verticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.ColumnCheckboxItem(col, force_unavailable=False)[source]¶
A CascadingCheckboxItem that stores and knows how to display a Column object.
- UNAVAIL_VALUE_TYPES = ['attachment']¶
- __init__(col, force_unavailable=False)[source]¶
- Parameters
col (ldclient.models.Column) – the object describing a live report column.
force_unavailable (
) – ifTrue
, make this column unavailable for import by disabling it in the list view
- class ItemType¶
- Type = 0¶
- UserType = 1000¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleText(self) str ¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- appendRows(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- background(self) QBrush ¶
- checkState(self) Qt.CheckState ¶
- child(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- clearData(self)¶
- clone(self) QStandardItem ¶
- columnCount(self) int ¶
- data(self, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1) Any ¶
- emitDataChanged(self)¶
- flags(self) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- foreground(self) QBrush ¶
- hasChildren(self) bool ¶
- icon(self) QIcon ¶
- index(self) QModelIndex ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- ColumnCheckboxItem.insertColumns(self, int, int)
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- ColumnCheckboxItem.insertRows(self, int, int)
- insertRows(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem]) None ¶
- isAutoTristate(self) bool ¶
- isCheckable(self) bool ¶
- isDragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isDropEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isSelectable(self) bool ¶
- isTristate(self) bool ¶
- isUserTristate(self) bool ¶
- model(self) QStandardItemModel ¶
- parent(self) QStandardItem ¶
- read(self, QDataStream)¶
- removeColumn(self, int)¶
- ColumnCheckboxItem.removeColumns(self, int, int)
- removeRow(self, int)¶
- ColumnCheckboxItem.removeRows(self, int, int)
- row(self) int ¶
- rowCount(self) int ¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleText(self, str)¶
- setAutoTristate(self, bool)¶
- setBackground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setCheckState(self, Qt.CheckState)¶
- setCheckable(self, bool)¶
- ColumnCheckboxItem.setChild(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setChild(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, Any, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFlags(self, Union[Qt.ItemFlags, Qt.ItemFlag])¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForeground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSelectable(self, bool)¶
- setSizeHint(self, QSize)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- setTextAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setTristate(self, bool)¶
- setUserTristate(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sortChildren(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- takeChild(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- type(self) int ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- write(self, QDataStream)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.StructCheckboxItem(struct)[source]¶
A CascadingCheckboxItem that stores and displays a Structure.
- __init__(struct)[source]¶
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – the structure to be filtered on
- property structure¶
- class ItemType¶
- Type = 0¶
- UserType = 1000¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleText(self) str ¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- appendRows(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- background(self) QBrush ¶
- checkState(self) Qt.CheckState ¶
- child(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- clearData(self)¶
- clone(self) QStandardItem ¶
- column(self) int ¶
- columnCount(self) int ¶
- data(self, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1) Any ¶
- emitDataChanged(self)¶
- flags(self) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- foreground(self) QBrush ¶
- hasChildren(self) bool ¶
- icon(self) QIcon ¶
- index(self) QModelIndex ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- StructCheckboxItem.insertColumns(self, int, int)
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- StructCheckboxItem.insertRows(self, int, int)
- insertRows(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem]) None ¶
- isAutoTristate(self) bool ¶
- isCheckable(self) bool ¶
- isDragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isDropEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isSelectable(self) bool ¶
- isTristate(self) bool ¶
- isUserTristate(self) bool ¶
- model(self) QStandardItemModel ¶
- parent(self) QStandardItem ¶
- read(self, QDataStream)¶
- removeColumn(self, int)¶
- StructCheckboxItem.removeColumns(self, int, int)
- removeRow(self, int)¶
- StructCheckboxItem.removeRows(self, int, int)
- row(self) int ¶
- rowCount(self) int ¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleText(self, str)¶
- setAutoTristate(self, bool)¶
- setBackground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setCheckState(self, Qt.CheckState)¶
- setCheckable(self, bool)¶
- StructCheckboxItem.setChild(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setChild(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, Any, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFlags(self, Union[Qt.ItemFlags, Qt.ItemFlag])¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForeground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSelectable(self, bool)¶
- setSizeHint(self, QSize)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- setTextAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setTristate(self, bool)¶
- setUserTristate(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sortChildren(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- takeChild(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- type(self) int ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- write(self, QDataStream)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.SelectionListView[source]¶
A class for displaying a column selection
- AboveItem = 1¶
- Adjust = 1¶
- AdjustIgnored = 0¶
- AdjustToContents = 2¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AllEditTriggers = 31¶
- AnimatingState = 6¶
- AnyKeyPressed = 16¶
- Batched = 1¶
- BelowItem = 2¶
- Box = 1¶
- CollapsingState = 5¶
- ContiguousSelection = 4¶
- CurrentChanged = 1¶
- class CursorAction¶
- DoubleClicked = 2¶
- DragDrop = 3¶
- class DragDropMode¶
- DragOnly = 1¶
- DragSelectingState = 2¶
- DraggingState = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class DropIndicatorPosition¶
- DropOnly = 2¶
- EditKeyPressed = 8¶
- class EditTrigger¶
- class EditTriggers¶
- class EditTriggers(Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger]) None
- class EditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- EditingState = 3¶
- EnsureVisible = 0¶
- ExpandingState = 4¶
- ExtendedSelection = 3¶
- Fixed = 0¶
- class Flow¶
- Free = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IconMode = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InternalMove = 4¶
- class LayoutMode¶
- LeftToRight = 0¶
- ListMode = 0¶
- MoveDown = 1¶
- MoveEnd = 5¶
- MoveHome = 4¶
- MoveLeft = 2¶
- MoveNext = 8¶
- MovePageDown = 7¶
- MovePageUp = 6¶
- MovePrevious = 9¶
- MoveRight = 3¶
- MoveUp = 0¶
- class Movement¶
- MultiSelection = 2¶
- NoDragDrop = 0¶
- NoEditTriggers = 0¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- NoSelection = 0¶
- NoState = 0¶
- OnItem = 0¶
- OnViewport = 3¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- PositionAtBottom = 2¶
- PositionAtCenter = 3¶
- PositionAtTop = 1¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class ResizeMode¶
- class ScrollHint¶
- class ScrollMode¶
- ScrollPerItem = 0¶
- ScrollPerPixel = 1¶
- SelectColumns = 2¶
- SelectItems = 0¶
- SelectRows = 1¶
- SelectedClicked = 4¶
- class SelectionBehavior¶
- class SelectionMode¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- SinglePass = 0¶
- SingleSelection = 1¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- Snap = 2¶
- class State¶
- Static = 0¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- TopToBottom = 1¶
- VLine = 5¶
- class ViewMode¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addScrollBarWidget(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alternatingRowColors(self) bool ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- autoScrollMargin(self) int ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- batchSize(self) int ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- SelectionListView.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- clearPropertyFlags(self)¶
- clearSelection(self)¶
- clicked¶
clicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEditor(self, QWidget, QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- closePersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- commitData(self, QWidget)¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- cornerWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- SelectionListView.currentChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- currentIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- SelectionListView.dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
- defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction ¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- doubleClicked¶
doubleClicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode ¶
- dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex)¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, QEvent) bool
- editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers ¶
- editorDestroyed(self, QObject)¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- entered¶
entered(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- executeDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- flow(self) QListView.Flow ¶
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- gridSize(self) QSize ¶
- hasAutoScroll(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- horizontalOffset(self) int ¶
- horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- horizontalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- iconSizeChanged¶
iconSizeChanged(self, QSize) [signal]
- indexAt(self, QPoint) QModelIndex ¶
- indexWidget(self, QModelIndex) QWidget ¶
- indexesMoved¶
indexesMoved(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) [signal]
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- SelectionListView.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isIndexHidden(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isPersistentEditorOpen(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isRowHidden(self, int) bool ¶
- isSelectionRectVisible(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- isWrapping(self) bool ¶
- itemAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegate(self, QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
- itemDelegateForColumn(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegateForRow(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- keyboardSearch(self, str)¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- layoutMode(self) QListView.LayoutMode ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumViewportSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- modelColumn(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- SelectionListView.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveCursor(self, QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, Union[Qt.KeyboardModifiers, Qt.KeyboardModifier]) QModelIndex ¶
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- movement(self) QListView.Movement ¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- openPersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- pressed¶
pressed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- rectForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- SelectionListView.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset(self)¶
- resetHorizontalScrollMode(self)¶
- resetVerticalScrollMode(self)¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- SelectionListView.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- resizeMode(self) QListView.ResizeMode ¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- SelectionListView.rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- SelectionListView.rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- scheduleDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- SelectionListView.scroll(self, int, int)
- SelectionListView.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- scrollBarWidgets(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) List[QWidget] ¶
- SelectionListView.scrollContentsBy(self, int, int)
- SelectionListView.scrollDirtyRegion(self, int, int)
- scrollTo(self, QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)¶
- scrollToBottom(self)¶
- scrollToTop(self)¶
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior ¶
- SelectionListView.selectionChanged(self, QItemSelection, QItemSelection)
- selectionCommand(self, QModelIndex, event: QEvent = None) QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags ¶
- selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode ¶
- selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlternatingRowColors(self, bool)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScroll(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScrollMargin(self, int)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- SelectionListView.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setBatchSize(self, int)¶
- SelectionListView.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCornerWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultDropAction(self, Qt.DropAction)¶
- setDirtyRegion(self, QRegion)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragDropMode(self, QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)¶
- setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropIndicatorShown(self, bool)¶
- setEditTriggers(self, Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger])¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- SelectionListView.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFlow(self, QListView.Flow)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- SelectionListView.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setGridSize(self, QSize)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setHorizontalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setIndexWidget(self, QModelIndex, QWidget)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setItemAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForColumn(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForRow(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLayoutMode(self, QListView.LayoutMode)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- SelectionListView.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- SelectionListView.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- setModelColumn(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setMovement(self, QListView.Movement)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPositionForIndex(self, QPoint, QModelIndex)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setResizeMode(self, QListView.ResizeMode)¶
- setRootIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setRowHidden(self, int, bool)¶
- setSelection(self, QRect, Union[QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag])¶
- setSelectionBehavior(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)¶
- setSelectionMode(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)¶
- setSelectionModel(self, QItemSelectionModel)¶
- setSelectionRectVisible(self, bool)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- SelectionListView.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setSpacing(self, int)¶
- setState(self, QAbstractItemView.State)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- SelectionListView.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setTextElideMode(self, Qt.TextElideMode)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUniformItemSizes(self, bool)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVerticalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setVerticalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setViewMode(self, QListView.ViewMode)¶
- setViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- SelectionListView.setViewportMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setViewportMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setWordWrap(self, bool)¶
- setWrapping(self, bool)¶
- setupViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- show(self)¶
- showDropIndicator(self) bool ¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForColumn(self, int) int ¶
- sizeHintForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForRow(self, int) int ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- spacing(self) int ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startDrag(self, Union[Qt.DropActions, Qt.DropAction])¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- state(self) QAbstractItemView.State ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- uniformItemSizes(self) bool ¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QModelIndex) None
- updateEditorData(self)¶
- updateEditorGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- verticalOffset(self) int ¶
- verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- verticalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- viewMode(self) QListView.ViewMode ¶
- viewOptions(self) QStyleOptionViewItem ¶
- viewport(self) QWidget ¶
- viewportEntered¶
viewportEntered(self) [signal]
- viewportEvent(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- viewportMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- viewportSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- visualRect(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- visualRegionForSelection(self, QItemSelection) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- wordWrap(self) bool ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.ExportRow(ld_data=None, assay=None, endpoint=None, units=None, decimal=None, option=None, assay_folder_path=None)[source]¶
An object for data in each row in the table.
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.ExportTableModel[source]¶
- Column¶
alias of
alias of
- property disable_lr_columns¶
- Returns
whether to disable certain live report-dependent export columns
- Return type
- getLRDependentColumns()[source]¶
Return a list of columns that should be disabled if a live report is not selected in the panel.
- Returns
a list of columns that depend on the live report selection
- Return type
enum values
- loadData(ld_data_list)[source]¶
Load in the data values to be shown as rows with default information for Assays and Endpoints. Note, this method resets the table.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (list(data_classes.LDData)) – list of data values
- loadMappings(map_rows)[source]¶
Load in the mapping data. The properties in the mapping data are assumed to already exist in the table. Note, that this method does not reset the table.
- Parameters
map_rows (List of ExportRow) – mapped row data to set
- Returns
whether the loading of the mapping data was successful
- Return type
- getMappableRows()[source]¶
Get rows that can be saved to a mapping state.
- Returns
mapped row data
- Return type
List of ExportRow
- loadAssayData(assay_paths, favorite_assay_paths)[source]¶
Load in the complete Assay data - full path name - wrapped as BaseLDTreeItemWrapper
- Parameters
assay_paths (List of paths) – Assay data to store.
favorite_assay_paths (List of (assay names, folder path) tuples) – Favorite Assay data to store.
- loadEndpointData(endpoint_map)[source]¶
Set the assay path to endpoint dictionary.
- Parameters
endpoint_map (dict(str, set(str))) – a dictionary that maps assay folder paths to endpoints
- flags(index)[source]¶
See Qt documentation for an method documentation. Overriding table_helper.RowBasedTableModel.
- getPropertyExportSpecMap()[source]¶
Return a dictionary mapping LDData to corresponding property export specs.
Property export specs are export specs that represent data meant to be stored as structure properties for export to LiveDesign.
- Returns
a dictionary mapping an
instance to the corresponding export spec for property rows in this table- Return type
- get3DExportSpecMap()[source]¶
Return dictionary mapping LDData to corresponding 3D export specs in this table.
- Returns
a dictionary mapping an
instance to the corresponding export spec for 3D data rows in this table- Return type
- getFFCExportSpecMap()[source]¶
Return dictionary mapping LDData to corresponding freeform column export specs in this table.
- Returns
a dictionary mapping an
instance to the corresponding export spec for FFC data rows in this table- Return type
- getExportSpecMap(rows=None)[source]¶
Return a list of specs corresponding to the supplied list of rows.
- isCustomMaestroAssay(assay_index)[source]¶
Checks if the given assay index is a custom Maestro assay, which is the initial custom assay of ‘Maestro’ selected for Maestro properties, along with the endpoint.
- Parameters
assay_index (
) – the index of the assay cell- Returns
whether the assay holds the initial ‘Maestro’ assay set for maestro properties.
- Return type
- COLUMN = None¶
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- EDITABLE_COLS = <object object>¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NO_DATA_CHANGED = <object object>¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- UNEDITABLE_COLS = <object object>¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- af2SettingsGetValue()¶
This function adds support for the settings mixin. It allows to save table cell values in case this table is included in the settings panel. Returns list of rows if table model is of RowBasedTableModel class type.
- Returns
list of rows in tbe table’s model.
- Return type
list or None
- af2SettingsSetValue(value)¶
This function adds support for the settings mixin. It allows to set table cell values when this table is included in the settings panel.
- Parameters
value (list) – settings value, which is a list of row data here.
- appendRow(*args, **kwargs)¶
Add a row to the table. All arguments are passed to
initialization.- Returns
The row number of the new row
- Return type
- appendRowObject(row)¶
Add a row to the table.
- Parameters
row (
) – Row object to add to the table.- Returns
The row number of the new row
- Return type
- ExportTableModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ExportTableModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ExportTableModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ExportTableModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ExportTableModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ExportTableModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- ExportTableModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- columnChanged(col_number)¶
Call this method when a specific column object has been modified. Will cause the view to redraw that column.
- Parameters
col_number (int) – 0-indexed column number in the model.
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- ExportTableModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(index, role=0)¶
Provide data for the specified index and role. Classes should not redefine this method. Instead, new methods should be created and decorated with
.See Qt documentation for an explanation of arguments and return value
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- ExportTableModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- formatFloat(value, role, digits, fmt='')¶
Format floating point values for display or sorting. If
, thenvalue
will be returned as a string with the specified formatting. All otherrole
values are assumed to be a sorting role and value will be returned unchanged.- Parameters
value (float) – The floating point value to format
role (int) – The Qt data role
digits (int) – The number of digits to include after the decimal point for Qt.DisplayRole
fmt (str) – Additional floating point formatting options
- Returns
The formatted or unmodified value
- Return type
str or float
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ExportTableModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(section, orientation, role=0)¶
Provide column headers, and optionally column tooltips and row numbers.
See Qt documentation for an explanation of arguments and return value
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- ExportTableModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ExportTableModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ExportTableModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- modelResetContext()¶
A context manager for resetting the model. See
for a decorator version of this.
- ExportTableModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ExportTableModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ExportTableModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ExportTableModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ExportTableModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ExportTableModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeRowsByIndices(indices)¶
Remove all rows from the model specified by the given QModelIndex items.
- removeRowsByRowNumbers(rows)¶
Remove the given rows from the model, specified by row number, 0-indexed.
- replaceRows(new_rows)¶
Replace the contents of the model with the contents of the given list. The change will be presented to the view as a series of row insertions and deletions rather than as a model reset. This allows the view to properly update table selections and scroll bar position. This method may only be used if:
objects can be compared using < and ==the contents of the model (i.e.
) are sorted in ascending orderthe contents of
are sorted in ascending order
This method is primarily intended for use when the table contains rows based on project table rows. On every project change, the project table can be reread and used to generate
and this method can then properly update the model.- Parameters
new_rows (list) – A list of
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowChanged(row_number)¶
Call this method when a specific row object has been modified. Will cause the view to redraw that row.
- Parameters
row_number (int) – 0-indexed row number in the model. Corresponds to the index in the “.rows” iterator.
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- property rows¶
Iterate over all rows in the model. If any data is changed, call rowChanged() method with the row’s 0-indexed number to update the view.
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setData(index, value, role=2)¶
Set data for the specified index and role. Whenever possible, sub- classes should redefine
rather than this method.See Qt documentation for an explanation of arguments and return value.
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.EditRole) bool ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- ExportTableModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.ExportTableView(parent)[source]¶
The table view showing all the Properties and Assay / Endpoints. Assay and Endpoint columns are set with different PopUp Delegates to show when the respective column cells are edited.
- property Column¶
- onCommitDataToSelected(editor, index, delegate)[source]¶
Called when “Apply to Selected Rows” is clicked in Assay or Endpoint popup.
See parent class for args documentations.
- setExtraColumnsVisible(visible)[source]¶
Show or hide units and decimal places columns from table.
- Parameters
hide (bool) – whether to show or hide columns.
- AboveItem = 1¶
- AdjustIgnored = 0¶
- AdjustToContents = 2¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AllEditTriggers = 31¶
- AnimatingState = 6¶
- AnyKeyPressed = 16¶
- BelowItem = 2¶
- Box = 1¶
- CollapsingState = 5¶
- ContiguousSelection = 4¶
- CurrentChanged = 1¶
- class CursorAction¶
- DoubleClicked = 2¶
- DragDrop = 3¶
- class DragDropMode¶
- DragOnly = 1¶
- DragSelectingState = 2¶
- DraggingState = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class DropIndicatorPosition¶
- DropOnly = 2¶
- EditKeyPressed = 8¶
- class EditTrigger¶
- class EditTriggers¶
- class EditTriggers(Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger]) None
- class EditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- EditingState = 3¶
- EnsureVisible = 0¶
- ExpandingState = 4¶
- ExtendedSelection = 3¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InternalMove = 4¶
- MoveDown = 1¶
- MoveEnd = 5¶
- MoveHome = 4¶
- MoveLeft = 2¶
- MoveNext = 8¶
- MovePageDown = 7¶
- MovePageUp = 6¶
- MovePrevious = 9¶
- MoveRight = 3¶
- MoveUp = 0¶
- MultiSelection = 2¶
- NoDragDrop = 0¶
- NoEditTriggers = 0¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- NoSelection = 0¶
- NoState = 0¶
- OnItem = 0¶
- OnViewport = 3¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- PositionAtBottom = 2¶
- PositionAtCenter = 3¶
- PositionAtTop = 1¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class ScrollHint¶
- class ScrollMode¶
- ScrollPerItem = 0¶
- ScrollPerPixel = 1¶
- SelectColumns = 2¶
- SelectItems = 0¶
- SelectRows = 1¶
- SelectedClicked = 4¶
- class SelectionBehavior¶
- class SelectionMode¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- SingleSelection = 1¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- class State¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addScrollBarWidget(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alternatingRowColors(self) bool ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- autoScrollMargin(self) int ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- ExportTableView.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- clearSelection(self)¶
- clearSpans(self)¶
- clicked¶
clicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEditor(self, QWidget, QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- closePersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- columnAt(self, int) int ¶
- ExportTableView.columnCountChanged(self, int, int)
- ExportTableView.columnMoved(self, int, int, int)
- ExportTableView.columnResized(self, int, int, int)
- ExportTableView.columnSpan(self, int, int) -> int
- columnViewportPosition(self, int) int ¶
- columnWidth(self, int) int ¶
- commitData(self, QWidget)¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- cornerWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- ExportTableView.currentChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- currentIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- ExportTableView.dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
- defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction ¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- doubleClicked¶
doubleClicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode ¶
- dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex)¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, QEvent) bool
- editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers ¶
- editorDestroyed(self, QObject)¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- entered¶
entered(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- executeDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- gridStyle(self) Qt.PenStyle ¶
- hasAutoScroll(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideColumn(self, int)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- hideRow(self, int)¶
- horizontalHeader(self) QHeaderView ¶
- horizontalOffset(self) int ¶
- horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- horizontalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- iconSizeChanged¶
iconSizeChanged(self, QSize) [signal]
- indexAt(self, QPoint) QModelIndex ¶
- indexWidget(self, QModelIndex) QWidget ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- ExportTableView.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isColumnHidden(self, int) bool ¶
- isCornerButtonEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isIndexHidden(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isPersistentEditorOpen(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isRowHidden(self, int) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSortingEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegate(self, QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
- itemDelegateForColumn(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegateForRow(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- keyboardSearch(self, str)¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumViewportSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- ExportTableView.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveCursor(self, QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, Union[Qt.KeyboardModifiers, Qt.KeyboardModifier]) QModelIndex ¶
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- openPersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- pressed¶
pressed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- ExportTableView.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset(self)¶
- resetHorizontalScrollMode(self)¶
- resetVerticalScrollMode(self)¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- ExportTableView.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeColumnToContents(self, int)¶
- resizeColumnsToContents(self)¶
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- resizeRowToContents(self, int)¶
- resizeRowsToContents(self)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- rowAt(self, int) int ¶
- ExportTableView.rowCountChanged(self, int, int)
- rowHeight(self, int) int ¶
- ExportTableView.rowMoved(self, int, int, int)
- ExportTableView.rowResized(self, int, int, int)
- ExportTableView.rowSpan(self, int, int) -> int
- rowViewportPosition(self, int) int ¶
- ExportTableView.rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ExportTableView.rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- scheduleDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- ExportTableView.scroll(self, int, int)
- ExportTableView.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- scrollBarWidgets(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) List[QWidget] ¶
- ExportTableView.scrollContentsBy(self, int, int)
- ExportTableView.scrollDirtyRegion(self, int, int)
- scrollTo(self, QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)¶
- scrollToBottom(self)¶
- scrollToTop(self)¶
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectColumn(self, int)¶
- selectRow(self, int)¶
- selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior ¶
- ExportTableView.selectionChanged(self, QItemSelection, QItemSelection)
- selectionCommand(self, QModelIndex, event: QEvent = None) QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags ¶
- selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode ¶
- selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlternatingRowColors(self, bool)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScroll(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScrollMargin(self, int)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- ExportTableView.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setColumnHidden(self, int, bool)¶
- ExportTableView.setColumnWidth(self, int, int)
- ExportTableView.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCornerButtonEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setCornerWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultDropAction(self, Qt.DropAction)¶
- setDirtyRegion(self, QRegion)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragDropMode(self, QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)¶
- setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropIndicatorShown(self, bool)¶
- setEditTriggers(self, Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger])¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- ExportTableView.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- ExportTableView.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setGridStyle(self, Qt.PenStyle)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHorizontalHeader(self, QHeaderView)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setHorizontalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setIndexWidget(self, QModelIndex, QWidget)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForColumn(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForRow(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- ExportTableView.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- ExportTableView.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRootIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- ExportTableView.setRowHeight(self, int, int)
- setRowHidden(self, int, bool)¶
- setSelection(self, QRect, Union[QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag])¶
- setSelectionBehavior(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)¶
- setSelectionMode(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)¶
- setSelectionModel(self, QItemSelectionModel)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShowGrid(self, bool)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- ExportTableView.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setSortingEnabled(self, bool)¶
- ExportTableView.setSpan(self, int, int, int, int)
- setState(self, QAbstractItemView.State)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- ExportTableView.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setTextElideMode(self, Qt.TextElideMode)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVerticalHeader(self, QHeaderView)¶
- setVerticalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setVerticalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- ExportTableView.setViewportMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setViewportMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setWordWrap(self, bool)¶
- setupViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- show(self)¶
- showColumn(self, int)¶
- showDropIndicator(self) bool ¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showGrid(self) bool ¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- showRow(self, int)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForColumn(self, int) int ¶
- sizeHintForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForRow(self, int) int ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- sortByColumn(self, int, Qt.SortOrder)¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startDrag(self, Union[Qt.DropActions, Qt.DropAction])¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- state(self) QAbstractItemView.State ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QModelIndex) None
- updateEditorData(self)¶
- updateEditorGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- verticalHeader(self) QHeaderView ¶
- verticalOffset(self) int ¶
- verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- verticalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- viewOptions(self) QStyleOptionViewItem ¶
- viewport(self) QWidget ¶
- viewportEntered¶
viewportEntered(self) [signal]
- viewportEvent(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- viewportMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- viewportSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- visualRect(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- visualRegionForSelection(self, QItemSelection) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- wordWrap(self) bool ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.PathTreeDict(paths=None)[source]¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
True if the dictionary has the specified key, else False.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- clear() None. Remove all items from D. ¶
- copy() a shallow copy of D. ¶
- default_factory¶
Factory for default value called by __missing__().
- fromkeys(value=None, /)¶
Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
- get(key, default=None, /)¶
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- items() a set-like object providing a view on D’s items ¶
- keys() a set-like object providing a view on D’s keys ¶
- pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. ¶
If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
- popitem()¶
Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.
- setdefault(key, default=None, /)¶
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. ¶
If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values() an object providing a view on D’s values ¶
- schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.make_ld_item_tree(ld_items)[source]¶
Makes LD folder/assay(model) tree.
- Parameters
ld_items (list of BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – List of LD items.
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LDTreeItem(ld_item)[source]¶
A custom Tree item.
- __init__(ld_item)[source]¶
- Parameters
ld_item (BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – an object that holds a name and folder_path attributes.
- class ItemType¶
- Type = 0¶
- UserType = 1000¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleText(self) str ¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- appendRows(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- background(self) QBrush ¶
- checkState(self) Qt.CheckState ¶
- child(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- clearData(self)¶
- clone(self) QStandardItem ¶
- column(self) int ¶
- columnCount(self) int ¶
- data(self, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1) Any ¶
- emitDataChanged(self)¶
- flags(self) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- foreground(self) QBrush ¶
- hasChildren(self) bool ¶
- icon(self) QIcon ¶
- index(self) QModelIndex ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- LDTreeItem.insertColumns(self, int, int)
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- LDTreeItem.insertRows(self, int, int)
- insertRows(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem]) None ¶
- isAutoTristate(self) bool ¶
- isCheckable(self) bool ¶
- isDragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isDropEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isSelectable(self) bool ¶
- isTristate(self) bool ¶
- isUserTristate(self) bool ¶
- model(self) QStandardItemModel ¶
- parent(self) QStandardItem ¶
- read(self, QDataStream)¶
- removeColumn(self, int)¶
- LDTreeItem.removeColumns(self, int, int)
- removeRow(self, int)¶
- LDTreeItem.removeRows(self, int, int)
- row(self) int ¶
- rowCount(self) int ¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleText(self, str)¶
- setAutoTristate(self, bool)¶
- setBackground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setCheckState(self, Qt.CheckState)¶
- setCheckable(self, bool)¶
- LDTreeItem.setChild(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setChild(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, Any, role: int = Qt.UserRole + 1)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFlags(self, Union[Qt.ItemFlags, Qt.ItemFlag])¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForeground(self, Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient])¶
- setIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSelectable(self, bool)¶
- setSizeHint(self, QSize)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- setTextAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setTristate(self, bool)¶
- setUserTristate(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sortChildren(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- takeChild(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- type(self) int ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- write(self, QDataStream)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LDSelectionModel[source]¶
Tree model class which stores BaseLDTreeItemWrappers.
- loadData(ld_items)[source]¶
Load in the generic LiveDesign item and store in Tree form. Note: All previous rows in model are removed.
- Parameters
ld_items (List of BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – an object that holds a name and folder_path attributes.
- loadRows(row_data)[source]¶
Load in data and append each data item as a row in Tree. Note: All previous rows in model are removed.
- Parameters
row_data (list of str) – text to set for each row.
- loadRow(row_data)[source]¶
Append a single row to the tree model. This method does not clear the model.
- Parameters
row_data (str) – text to set for row.
- findItem(item_id, item=None)[source]¶
Recursively finds the livereport item under a given QStandardItem that matches the lr_id. If item is None, the search will start from the root of the model
- Parameters
item_id (str) – Id of the item to be found in the model
item (QStandardItem) – A model item under which the item_id has to be searched. If None, the serach will start from the root item of the model
- Returns
Returns the matched livereport item or None
- Return type
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- LDSelectionModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDSelectionModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDSelectionModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDSelectionModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDSelectionModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDSelectionModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- LDSelectionModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearItemData(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- LDSelectionModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(self, QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- LDSelectionModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findItems(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly, column: int = 0) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LDSelectionModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- horizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- LDSelectionModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- indexFromItem(self, QStandardItem) QModelIndex ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- LDSelectionModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- LDSelectionModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- invisibleRootItem(self) QStandardItem ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- item(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- itemChanged¶
itemChanged(self, QStandardItem) [signal]
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- itemFromIndex(self, QModelIndex) QStandardItem ¶
- itemPrototype(self) QStandardItem ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- LDSelectionModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDSelectionModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDSelectionModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LDSelectionModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- parent(self) QObject
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LDSelectionModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LDSelectionModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- LDSelectionModel.setItem(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setItem(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setItemPrototype(self, QStandardItem)¶
- setItemRoleNames(self, Dict[int, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]])¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSortRole(self, int)¶
- setVerticalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setVerticalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- LDSelectionModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- sortRole(self) int ¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- takeItem(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeVerticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- verticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.EndpointSelectionModel[source]¶
- flags(index)[source]¶
Prevent user from selecting endpoints with the
text. It indicates that the correct endpoint could not be parsed from LiveDesign.
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- appendColumn(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- appendRow(self, QStandardItem) None
- EndpointSelectionModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- EndpointSelectionModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- EndpointSelectionModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- EndpointSelectionModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- EndpointSelectionModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- EndpointSelectionModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearItemData(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- EndpointSelectionModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findItem(item_id, item=None)¶
Recursively finds the livereport item under a given QStandardItem that matches the lr_id. If item is None, the search will start from the root of the model
- Parameters
item_id (str) – Id of the item to be found in the model
item (QStandardItem) – A model item under which the item_id has to be searched. If None, the serach will start from the root item of the model
- Returns
Returns the matched livereport item or None
- Return type
- findItems(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly, column: int = 0) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- horizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- indexFromItem(self, QStandardItem) QModelIndex ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- EndpointSelectionModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, Iterable[QStandardItem])¶
- insertRow(self, int, QStandardItem) None
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool
- EndpointSelectionModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- invisibleRootItem(self) QStandardItem ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- item(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- itemChanged¶
itemChanged(self, QStandardItem) [signal]
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- itemFromIndex(self, QModelIndex) QStandardItem ¶
- itemPrototype(self) QStandardItem ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- loadData(ld_items)¶
Load in the generic LiveDesign item and store in Tree form. Note: All previous rows in model are removed.
- Parameters
ld_items (List of BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – an object that holds a name and folder_path attributes.
- loadRow(row_data)¶
Append a single row to the tree model. This method does not clear the model.
- Parameters
row_data (str) – text to set for row.
- loadRows(row_data)¶
Load in data and append each data item as a row in Tree. Note: All previous rows in model are removed.
- Parameters
row_data (list of str) – text to set for each row.
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- EndpointSelectionModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- EndpointSelectionModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- EndpointSelectionModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- EndpointSelectionModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- parent(self) QObject
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setColumnCount(self, int)¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.setItem(self, int, int, QStandardItem)
- setItem(self, int, QStandardItem) None ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setItemPrototype(self, QStandardItem)¶
- setItemRoleNames(self, Dict[int, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]])¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRowCount(self, int)¶
- setSortRole(self, int)¶
- setVerticalHeaderItem(self, int, QStandardItem)¶
- setVerticalHeaderLabels(self, Iterable[str])¶
- EndpointSelectionModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- sortRole(self) int ¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- takeColumn(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeHorizontalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- takeItem(self, int, column: int = 0) QStandardItem ¶
- takeRow(self, int) List[QStandardItem] ¶
- takeVerticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- verticalHeaderItem(self, int) QStandardItem ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.BaseLDTreeItemWrapper(ld_name, ld_id=None, path='', linked_path=None, show_path=False)[source]¶
Simple wrapper for storing either a or, and the folder path used to determine its position in the tree. By building a common wrapper for both items, much of the popup tree item code is simplified.
- __init__(ld_name, ld_id=None, path='', linked_path=None, show_path=False)[source]¶
- Parameters
ld_name (str) – or
ld_id (str or None) – as a unique identifier
path (str) – the folder path to determine position in tree.
linked_path (str) – for items duplicated in favorites, the original folder path
show_path (bool) – whether to show the linked_path in the display name
:raise ValueError if no name is given.
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LDSelectionTreeView[source]¶
Base class for Selecting an item from a Tree.
- itemSelected¶
- scrollToItemWithPath(full_assay_path)[source]¶
Find the item with the given path, scroll to it, and select it. Useful for making the last selected item visible when a cell is clicked again.
- Parameters
full_assay_path (str) – the full path of the assay including the name
- AboveItem = 1¶
- AdjustIgnored = 0¶
- AdjustToContents = 2¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AllEditTriggers = 31¶
- AnimatingState = 6¶
- AnyKeyPressed = 16¶
- BelowItem = 2¶
- Box = 1¶
- CollapsingState = 5¶
- ContiguousSelection = 4¶
- CurrentChanged = 1¶
- class CursorAction¶
- DoubleClicked = 2¶
- DragDrop = 3¶
- class DragDropMode¶
- DragOnly = 1¶
- DragSelectingState = 2¶
- DraggingState = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class DropIndicatorPosition¶
- DropOnly = 2¶
- EditKeyPressed = 8¶
- class EditTrigger¶
- class EditTriggers¶
- class EditTriggers(Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger]) None
- class EditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- EditingState = 3¶
- EnsureVisible = 0¶
- ExpandingState = 4¶
- ExtendedSelection = 3¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InternalMove = 4¶
- MoveDown = 1¶
- MoveEnd = 5¶
- MoveHome = 4¶
- MoveLeft = 2¶
- MoveNext = 8¶
- MovePageDown = 7¶
- MovePageUp = 6¶
- MovePrevious = 9¶
- MoveRight = 3¶
- MoveUp = 0¶
- MultiSelection = 2¶
- NoDragDrop = 0¶
- NoEditTriggers = 0¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- NoSelection = 0¶
- NoState = 0¶
- OnItem = 0¶
- OnViewport = 3¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- PositionAtBottom = 2¶
- PositionAtCenter = 3¶
- PositionAtTop = 1¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class ScrollHint¶
- class ScrollMode¶
- ScrollPerItem = 0¶
- ScrollPerPixel = 1¶
- SelectColumns = 2¶
- SelectItems = 0¶
- SelectRows = 1¶
- SelectedClicked = 4¶
- class SelectionBehavior¶
- class SelectionMode¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- SingleSelection = 1¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- class State¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addScrollBarWidget(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- allColumnsShowFocus(self) bool ¶
- alternatingRowColors(self) bool ¶
- autoExpandDelay(self) int ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- autoScrollMargin(self) int ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- clearSelection(self)¶
- clicked¶
clicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEditor(self, QWidget, QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- closePersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- collapse(self, QModelIndex)¶
- collapseAll(self)¶
- collapsed¶
collapsed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- columnAt(self, int) int ¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.columnCountChanged(self, int, int)
- columnMoved(self)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.columnResized(self, int, int, int)
- columnViewportPosition(self, int) int ¶
- columnWidth(self, int) int ¶
- commitData(self, QWidget)¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- cornerWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.currentChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- currentIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
- defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction ¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- doubleClicked¶
doubleClicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode ¶
- dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawBranches(self, QPainter, QRect, QModelIndex)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- drawRow(self, QPainter, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- drawTree(self, QPainter, QRegion)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex)¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, QEvent) bool
- editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers ¶
- editorDestroyed(self, QObject)¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- entered¶
entered(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- executeDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- expand(self, QModelIndex)¶
- expandAll(self)¶
- expandToDepth(self, int)¶
- expanded¶
expanded(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- expandsOnDoubleClick(self) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAutoScroll(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- header(self) QHeaderView ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideColumn(self, int)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- horizontalOffset(self) int ¶
- horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- horizontalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- iconSizeChanged¶
iconSizeChanged(self, QSize) [signal]
- indentation(self) int ¶
- indexAbove(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- indexAt(self, QPoint) QModelIndex ¶
- indexBelow(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- indexRowSizeHint(self, QModelIndex) int ¶
- indexWidget(self, QModelIndex) QWidget ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isAnimated(self) bool ¶
- isColumnHidden(self, int) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isExpanded(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isFirstColumnSpanned(self, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHeaderHidden(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isIndexHidden(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isPersistentEditorOpen(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isRowHidden(self, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSortingEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegate(self, QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
- itemDelegateForColumn(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegateForRow(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemsExpandable(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- keyboardSearch(self, str)¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumViewportSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveCursor(self, QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, Union[Qt.KeyboardModifiers, Qt.KeyboardModifier]) QModelIndex ¶
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- openPersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- pressed¶
pressed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- reexpand(self)¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset(self)¶
- resetHorizontalScrollMode(self)¶
- resetIndentation(self)¶
- resetVerticalScrollMode(self)¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeColumnToContents(self, int)¶
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- rootIsDecorated(self) bool ¶
- rowHeight(self, QModelIndex) int ¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDSelectionTreeView.rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LDSelectionTreeView.rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- scheduleDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.scroll(self, int, int)
- LDSelectionTreeView.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- scrollBarWidgets(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) List[QWidget] ¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.scrollContentsBy(self, int, int)
- LDSelectionTreeView.scrollDirtyRegion(self, int, int)
- scrollTo(self, QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)¶
- scrollToBottom(self)¶
- scrollToTop(self)¶
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior ¶
- selectionCommand(self, QModelIndex, event: QEvent = None) QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags ¶
- selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode ¶
- selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAllColumnsShowFocus(self, bool)¶
- setAlternatingRowColors(self, bool)¶
- setAnimated(self, bool)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoExpandDelay(self, int)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScroll(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScrollMargin(self, int)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setColumnHidden(self, int, bool)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setColumnWidth(self, int, int)
- LDSelectionTreeView.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCornerWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultDropAction(self, Qt.DropAction)¶
- setDirtyRegion(self, QRegion)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragDropMode(self, QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)¶
- setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropIndicatorShown(self, bool)¶
- setEditTriggers(self, Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger])¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setExpanded(self, QModelIndex, bool)¶
- setExpandsOnDoubleClick(self, bool)¶
- setFirstColumnSpanned(self, int, QModelIndex, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHeader(self, QHeaderView)¶
- setHeaderHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setHorizontalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setIndentation(self, int)¶
- setIndexWidget(self, QModelIndex, QWidget)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForColumn(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForRow(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemsExpandable(self, bool)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRootIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setRootIsDecorated(self, bool)¶
- setRowHidden(self, int, QModelIndex, bool)¶
- setSelection(self, QRect, Union[QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag])¶
- setSelectionBehavior(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)¶
- setSelectionMode(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)¶
- setSelectionModel(self, QItemSelectionModel)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setSortingEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setState(self, QAbstractItemView.State)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setTextElideMode(self, Qt.TextElideMode)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setTreePosition(self, int)¶
- setUniformRowHeights(self, bool)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVerticalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setVerticalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- LDSelectionTreeView.setViewportMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setViewportMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setWordWrap(self, bool)¶
- setupViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- show(self)¶
- showColumn(self, int)¶
- showDropIndicator(self) bool ¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForColumn(self, int) int ¶
- sizeHintForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForRow(self, int) int ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- sortByColumn(self, int, Qt.SortOrder)¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startDrag(self, Union[Qt.DropActions, Qt.DropAction])¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- state(self) QAbstractItemView.State ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- treePosition(self) int ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- uniformRowHeights(self) bool ¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QModelIndex) None
- updateEditorData(self)¶
- updateEditorGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- verticalOffset(self) int ¶
- verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- verticalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- viewOptions(self) QStyleOptionViewItem ¶
- viewport(self) QWidget ¶
- viewportEntered¶
viewportEntered(self) [signal]
- viewportEvent(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- viewportMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- viewportSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- visualRect(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- visualRegionForSelection(self, QItemSelection) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- wordWrap(self) bool ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.StringSearchFilterProxyModel(parent=None)[source]¶
A proxy model to filter a tree model to show both parents and children nodes if they match the regular expression string.
- filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent)[source]¶
See Qt Documentation for more information on parameters.
This filter accepts a particular row if any of the following are true: 1. The index’s item’s text matches the reg exp. 2. Any of the index’s children match the reg exp. 3. Any of the index’s parents (up to the root) match the reg exp.
Note that the conditions specified above are searched in that order.
- filterAcceptsIndex(index)[source]¶
Checks whether this index’s item should be accepted by the filter. This DFS method checks if either this index’s item’s text or any of its children matches the filter reg exp.
- Parameters
index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the index to filter in or out according to regular exp.
- Returns
whether the index should be accepted by the filter
- Return type
- filterAcceptsParent(index)[source]¶
Checks whether this index’s item’s text or any of its ancestors matches the filter reg exp.
- Parameters
index (QtCore.QModelIndex) – the index to filter in or out according to regular exp.
- Returns
whether the index should be accepted by the filter
- Return type
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(self, QModelIndex, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- dynamicSortFilter(self) bool ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- filterAcceptsColumn(self, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- filterCaseSensitivity(self) Qt.CaseSensitivity ¶
- filterKeyColumn(self) int ¶
- filterRegExp(self) QRegExp ¶
- filterRegularExpression(self) QRegularExpression ¶
- filterRole(self) int ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- flags(self, QModelIndex) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, role: int = Qt.DisplayRole) Any ¶
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- invalidate(self)¶
- invalidateFilter(self)¶
- isRecursiveFilteringEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSortLocaleAware(self) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.lessThan(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex) -> bool
- mapFromSource(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- mapSelectionFromSource(self, QItemSelection) QItemSelection ¶
- mapSelectionToSource(self, QItemSelection) QItemSelection ¶
- mapToSource(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- parent(self) QObject
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setDynamicSortFilter(self, bool)¶
- setFilterCaseSensitivity(self, Qt.CaseSensitivity)¶
- setFilterFixedString(self, str)¶
- setFilterKeyColumn(self, int)¶
- setFilterRegExp(self, QRegExp)¶
- setFilterRegExp(self, str) None
- setFilterRegularExpression(self, QRegularExpression)¶
- setFilterRegularExpression(self, str) None
- setFilterRole(self, int)¶
- setFilterWildcard(self, str)¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.EditRole) bool ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRecursiveFilteringEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setSortCaseSensitivity(self, Qt.CaseSensitivity)¶
- setSortLocaleAware(self, bool)¶
- setSortRole(self, int)¶
- setSourceModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- StringSearchFilterProxyModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- sortCaseSensitivity(self) Qt.CaseSensitivity ¶
- sortColumn(self) int ¶
- sortOrder(self) Qt.SortOrder ¶
- sortRole(self) int ¶
- sourceModel(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- sourceModelChanged¶
sourceModelChanged(self) [signal]
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.BaseSelectionPopUp(parent)[source]¶
Base class for a popup used to selecting either an Assay or Live Report - this class only adds the common widgets and aesthetics to confirm both Popups look identical.
- setup()[source]¶
Sets up the model, view, proxy and search box.
See BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper.setUpWidgets for more info.
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- __init__(parent)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- estimateMaxHeight()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable height of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable height. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable height
- Return type
- estimateMaxWidth()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable width of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable width. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable width
- Return type
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is hidden.
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- installPopUpEventFilter(event_filter)¶
Install the provided event filter on all widgets within this pop up that can receive focus.
- Note
This function only installs the event filter on immediate children of this widget. As a result, keyboard events on grandchildren (or later descendant) widgets will not be handled properly. If this causes issues, the implementation will have to be modified.
- Parameters
event_filter (
) – The event filter to install
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEditUpdated(text)¶
Update this pop up in response to the user changing the line edit text. Note that, by default, this widget will not be able to send signals during execution of this method. This prevents an infinite loop of
. To modify this behavior, subclassLineEditWithPopUp
and reimplementLineEditWithPopUp.popUpUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text of the line edit
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- popUpResized¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resetWidgets()¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int)
- BaseSelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- searchTextChanged(search_text)¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- BaseSelectionPopUp.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpLayout()¶
Sets up the layout, but needs to be added to the widget by the subclass.
- setUpWidgets(model, view)¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- subWidgetHasFocus()¶
Return True if any widget within the pop up has focus. False otherwise.
- Note
Note that combo boxes have various list view and frame children that can receive focus (and which of these widgets can receive focus varies by OS). As a result, we check the full ancestry of the focus widget here rather than just checking it’s parent. Also note that we can’t use Qt’s isAncestorOf() function to check ancestry, since combo box drop downs are considered to be their own window and isAncestorOf() requires ancestors to be part of the same window.
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- BaseSelectionPopUp.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibilityChanged¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup(parent)[source]¶
that also has a combo box that can be used to select how Live Report data is organized.- Variables
LRSortMethodChanged (QtCore.pyqtSignal) – signal indicating that a new live report sort method has been chosen; emitted with an
- LRSortMethodChanged¶
- setUpWidgets(model, view)[source]¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- __init__(parent)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- estimateMaxHeight()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable height of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable height. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable height
- Return type
- estimateMaxWidth()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable width of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable width. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable width
- Return type
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is hidden.
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- installPopUpEventFilter(event_filter)¶
Install the provided event filter on all widgets within this pop up that can receive focus.
- Note
This function only installs the event filter on immediate children of this widget. As a result, keyboard events on grandchildren (or later descendant) widgets will not be handled properly. If this causes issues, the implementation will have to be modified.
- Parameters
event_filter (
) – The event filter to install
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEditUpdated(text)¶
Update this pop up in response to the user changing the line edit text. Note that, by default, this widget will not be able to send signals during execution of this method. This prevents an infinite loop of
. To modify this behavior, subclassLineEditWithPopUp
and reimplementLineEditWithPopUp.popUpUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text of the line edit
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- popUpResized¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset()¶
- resetWidgets()¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.scroll(self, int, int)
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- searchTextChanged(search_text)¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setup()¶
Sets up the model, view, proxy and search box.
See BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper.setUpWidgets for more info.
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- subWidgetHasFocus()¶
Return True if any widget within the pop up has focus. False otherwise.
- Note
Note that combo boxes have various list view and frame children that can receive focus (and which of these widgets can receive focus varies by OS). As a result, we check the full ancestry of the focus widget here rather than just checking it’s parent. Also note that we can’t use Qt’s isAncestorOf() function to check ancestry, since combo box drop downs are considered to be their own window and isAncestorOf() requires ancestors to be part of the same window.
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- BaseLiveReportSelectionPopup.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibilityChanged¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LiveReportSelectionPopup(parent)[source]¶
A popup for selecting Live Reports. Contains a refresh button.
- refreshRequested¶
- PRE_REFRESH_TEXT = 'Refresh'¶
- REFRESHING_TEXT = 'Refreshing...'¶
- setUpWidgets(model, view)[source]¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- LRSortMethodChanged¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- __init__(parent)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- estimateMaxHeight()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable height of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable height. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable height
- Return type
- estimateMaxWidth()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable width of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable width. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable width
- Return type
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is hidden.
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- installPopUpEventFilter(event_filter)¶
Install the provided event filter on all widgets within this pop up that can receive focus.
- Note
This function only installs the event filter on immediate children of this widget. As a result, keyboard events on grandchildren (or later descendant) widgets will not be handled properly. If this causes issues, the implementation will have to be modified.
- Parameters
event_filter (
) – The event filter to install
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEditUpdated(text)¶
Update this pop up in response to the user changing the line edit text. Note that, by default, this widget will not be able to send signals during execution of this method. This prevents an infinite loop of
. To modify this behavior, subclassLineEditWithPopUp
and reimplementLineEditWithPopUp.popUpUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text of the line edit
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- popUpResized¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset()¶
- resetWidgets()¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.scroll(self, int, int)
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- searchTextChanged(search_text)¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setup()¶
Sets up the model, view, proxy and search box.
See BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper.setUpWidgets for more info.
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- subWidgetHasFocus()¶
Return True if any widget within the pop up has focus. False otherwise.
- Note
Note that combo boxes have various list view and frame children that can receive focus (and which of these widgets can receive focus varies by OS). As a result, we check the full ancestry of the focus widget here rather than just checking it’s parent. Also note that we can’t use Qt’s isAncestorOf() function to check ancestry, since combo box drop downs are considered to be their own window and isAncestorOf() requires ancestors to be part of the same window.
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- LiveReportSelectionPopup.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibilityChanged¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LiveReportSelectionComboBox(parent, lr_widget)[source]¶
A custom Combo Box to show a Popup (LiveReportSelectionPopup) when the user clicks on the menu arrow. Also provides a “refresh” button to update the list of live reports from the host.
- Variables
refreshRequested – signal indicating that a refresh was requested from the pop up.
liveReportSelected (
) – signal emitted when a live report has been chosen in the combo box, with an argument of the live report id.LRSortMethodChanged (QtCore.pyqtSignal) – signal indicating that a new live report sort method has been chosen; emitted with an
- refreshRequested¶
- liveReportSelected¶
- LRSortMethodChanged¶
- __init__(parent, lr_widget)[source]¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
parent (
) – the Qt parent widget
- setData(live_reports)[source]¶
Load in the live reports to the Tree widget.
- Parameters
live_reports (List of BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – live reports to be added.
- addNewLiveReport()[source]¶
Generates a new name for the live report depending on any reports selected in the tree and the current date. Sets value on combo box for a new report.
- Returns
Name of new live report
- Return type
- onLiveReportSelected(item)[source]¶
Slot connected to tree view’s selection.
- Parameters
item (BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – selected live report item in the tree view.
- setCurrentLR(lr_id)[source]¶
Sets the current livereport to the item pointed by lr_id
- Parameters
lr_id (str) – Livereport id
- Returns
True if success else False
- Return type
- ALIGN_TOP = 0¶
- AdjustToContents = 0¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLength = 2¶
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon = 3¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InsertAfterCurrent = 4¶
- InsertAlphabetically = 6¶
- InsertAtBottom = 3¶
- InsertAtCurrent = 2¶
- InsertAtTop = 1¶
- InsertBeforeCurrent = 5¶
- class InsertPolicy¶
- NoInsert = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, int) [signal] activated(self, str) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addItem(self, str, userData: Any = None)¶
- addItem(self, QIcon, str, userData: Any = None) None
- addItems(self, Iterable[str])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearEditText(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- count(self) int ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- currentData(self, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) Any ¶
- currentIndex(self) int ¶
- currentIndexChanged¶
currentIndexChanged(self, int) [signal] currentIndexChanged(self, str) [signal]
- currentText(self) str ¶
- currentTextChanged¶
currentTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- duplicatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- editTextChanged¶
editTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findData(self, Any, role: int = Qt.UserRole, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) int ¶
- findText(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) int ¶
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- hidePopup(self)¶
- highlighted¶
highlighted(self, int) [signal] highlighted(self, str) [signal]
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionComboBox)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery, Any) Any
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- insertItem(self, int, str, userData: Any = None)¶
- insertItem(self, int, QIcon, str, userData: Any = None) None
- insertItems(self, int, Iterable[str])¶
- insertPolicy(self) QComboBox.InsertPolicy ¶
- insertSeparator(self, int)¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, int, role: int = Qt.UserRole) Any ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemIcon(self, int) QIcon ¶
- itemText(self, int) str ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEdit(self) QLineEdit ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maxCount(self) int ¶
- maxVisibleItems(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumContentsLength(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- modelColumn(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is moved
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- popUpClosing¶
- popUpUpdated(text)¶
Whenever the pop up emits the dataChanged signal, update the widget. This function should be implemented in subclasses if required.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text emitted with the dataChanged signal
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeItem(self, int)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is resized
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootModelIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.scroll(self, int, int)
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setCompleter(self, QCompleter)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, int)¶
- setCurrentText(self, str)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDuplicatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditText(self, str)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setInsertPolicy(self, QComboBox.InsertPolicy)¶
- setItemData(self, int, Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemIcon(self, int, QIcon)¶
- setItemText(self, int, str)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineEdit(self, QLineEdit)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaxCount(self, int)¶
- setMaxVisibleItems(self, int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumContentsLength(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- setModelColumn(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPopUp(pop_up)¶
Set the pop up widget to the specified pop up widget instance.
- setPopUpClass(pop_up_class)¶
If a pop up class was not specified via the constructor, use this method to set it after the fact. Useful for placing widgets into
- setPopupHalign(popup_halign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should have its right edge aligned with the right edge of the widget (ALIGN_RIGHT), have its left edge aligned with the left edge of the widget (ALIGN_LEFT), or have it’s horizontal alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO). Note that this setting is moot if the widget is wider than the pop up’s size hint, as the pop up will be extended to the same width as the widget.
- Parameters
popup_halign (int) – The desired horizontal alignment of the pop up. Must be one of ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_LEFT, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setPopupValign(popup_valign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should appear above (ALIGN_TOP), below (ALIGN_BOTTOM) the widget, or have it’s vertical alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO).
- Parameters
popup_valign (int) – The desired vertical alignment of the pop up. Must be either ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRootModelIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setValidator(self, QValidator)¶
- setView(self, QAbstractItemView)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is shown
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- showPopup(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- LiveReportSelectionComboBox.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- view(self) QAbstractItemView ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LiveReportSelector(parent, lr_widget, allow_add=True)[source]¶
A widget containing a
and a create new LR button.- Variables
refreshRequested (QtCore.pyqtSignal) – signals that the user has requested a refresh by clicking on the refresh button
liveReportSelected (
) – signal emitted when a live report has been chosen in the combo box, with an argument of the live report id.newLiveReportSelected (
) – signal emitted when a live report has been created, with an argument of the live report id.LRSortMethodChanged (QtCore.pyqtSignal) – signal indicating that a new live report sort method has been chosen; emitted with an
- refreshRequested¶
- liveReportSelected¶
- newLiveReportSelected¶
- LRSortMethodChanged¶
- initSetUp()[source]¶
Creates widget from
and stores itui_widget
.Suggested subclass use: create and initialize subwidgets, and connect signals.
- initLayOut()[source]¶
Create a vertical layout for the widget (
) and populate it with two vertical sub-layouts:main_layout
.If the user has specified the
data member, insert the resultantui_widget
.If the widget already has a layout defined, this method will produce a warning (but not a traceback).
will be inserted into the existing widget layout, which will not be the same aswidget_layout
. It is therefore recommended that this mixin is used only with widgets that do not already have a layout.Suggested subclass use: create, initialize, and populate layouts.
- initSetDefaults()[source]¶
Set widget to its default state. If the widget uses a model/mapper, it’s preferable to reset the widget state by resetting the model.
- setData(live_reports)[source]¶
Load in the live reports to the Tree widget on the combo box.
- Parameters
live_reports (List of BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – live reports to be added.
- setLiveReport(live_report_id)[source]¶
Set the active live report, refreshing the available list if necessary.
- Parameters
live_report_id (str) – the live report ID of the desired live report
- Returns
True if success else False
- Return type
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LiveReportSelector.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initFinalize()¶
Suggested subclass use: perform any remaining initialization.
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initSetOptions()¶
Suggested subclass use: set instance variables, excluding layouts and subwidgets. Also use here to (optionally) apply the legacy stylesheet spacing settings (PANEL-19101).
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- LiveReportSelector.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LiveReportSelector.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LiveReportSelector.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveReportSelector.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- LiveReportSelector.scroll(self, int, int)
- LiveReportSelector.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LiveReportSelector.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- LiveReportSelector.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveReportSelector.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LiveReportSelector.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveReportSelector.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveReportSelector.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- LiveReportSelector.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LiveReportSelector.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWidgetLayout()¶
Set the widget layout
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- ui_module = None¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- LiveReportSelector.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.AddNewLineEdit(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
- default_text = ''¶
- class ActionPosition¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class EchoMode¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- LeadingPosition = 0¶
- NoEcho = 1¶
- Normal = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Password = 2¶
- PasswordEchoOnEdit = 3¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- TrailingPosition = 1¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addAction(self, QAction, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) None
- addAction(self, QIcon, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) QAction
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- backspace(self)¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- AddNewLineEdit.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- copy(self)¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createStandardContextMenu(self) QMenu ¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- cursorBackward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorForward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorMoveStyle(self) Qt.CursorMoveStyle ¶
- cursorPosition(self) int ¶
- cursorPositionAt(self, QPoint) int ¶
- cursorPositionChanged¶
cursorPositionChanged(self, int, int) [signal]
- cursorRect(self) QRect ¶
- cursorWordBackward(self, bool)¶
- cursorWordForward(self, bool)¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- cut(self)¶
- del_(self)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- deselect(self)¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self) str ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- echoMode(self) QLineEdit.EchoMode ¶
- editingFinished¶
editingFinished(self) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- end(self, bool)¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- getTextMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAcceptableInput(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasSelectedText(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- home(self, bool)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMask(self) str ¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery, Any) Any
- inputRejected¶
inputRejected(self) [signal]
- insert(self, str)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isClearButtonEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isModified(self) bool ¶
- isReadOnly(self) bool ¶
- isRedoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isUndoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maxLength(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- paste(self)¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- placeholderText(self) str ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- redo(self)¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- returnPressed¶
returnPressed(self) [signal]
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- AddNewLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int)
- AddNewLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedText(self) str ¶
- selectionChanged¶
selectionChanged(self) [signal]
- selectionEnd(self) int ¶
- selectionLength(self) int ¶
- selectionStart(self) int ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setClearButtonEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setCompleter(self, QCompleter)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setCursorMoveStyle(self, Qt.CursorMoveStyle)¶
- setCursorPosition(self, int)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEchoMode(self, QLineEdit.EchoMode)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMask(self, str)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaxLength(self, int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModified(self, bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPlaceholderText(self, str)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setReadOnly(self, bool)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setSelection(self, int, int)
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- AddNewLineEdit.setTextMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setTextMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setValidator(self, QValidator)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textChanged¶
textChanged(self, str) [signal]
- textEdited¶
textEdited(self, str) [signal]
- textMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- undo(self)¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- AddNewLineEdit.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.AbstractSelectionPopUp(parent)[source]¶
A popup for selecting LiveDesign values.
- newValueSelected¶
- SEARCH_TEXT = 'Placeholder search text'¶
- setup()[source]¶
Sets up the model, view, proxy and search box.
See BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper.setUpWidgets for more info.
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- __init__(parent)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- estimateMaxHeight()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable height of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable height. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable height
- Return type
- estimateMaxWidth()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable width of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable width. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable width
- Return type
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is hidden.
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- installPopUpEventFilter(event_filter)¶
Install the provided event filter on all widgets within this pop up that can receive focus.
- Note
This function only installs the event filter on immediate children of this widget. As a result, keyboard events on grandchildren (or later descendant) widgets will not be handled properly. If this causes issues, the implementation will have to be modified.
- Parameters
event_filter (
) – The event filter to install
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEditUpdated(text)¶
Update this pop up in response to the user changing the line edit text. Note that, by default, this widget will not be able to send signals during execution of this method. This prevents an infinite loop of
. To modify this behavior, subclassLineEditWithPopUp
and reimplementLineEditWithPopUp.popUpUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text of the line edit
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- popUpResized¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset()¶
- resetWidgets()¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int)
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- searchTextChanged(search_text)¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpLayout()¶
Sets up the layout, but needs to be added to the widget by the subclass.
- setUpWidgets(model, view)¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- subWidgetHasFocus()¶
Return True if any widget within the pop up has focus. False otherwise.
- Note
Note that combo boxes have various list view and frame children that can receive focus (and which of these widgets can receive focus varies by OS). As a result, we check the full ancestry of the focus widget here rather than just checking it’s parent. Also note that we can’t use Qt’s isAncestorOf() function to check ancestry, since combo box drop downs are considered to be their own window and isAncestorOf() requires ancestors to be part of the same window.
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- AbstractSelectionPopUp.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibilityChanged¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.AbstractSelectionLineEdit(parent, initial_rows=1)[source]¶
Custom Line Edit to show a Selection PopUp when the user clicks on the table cell.
- newValueSelected¶
- valueSelected¶
- numSelectedRowsChanged¶
- POPUP_CLS = NotImplemented¶
- __init__(parent, initial_rows=1)[source]¶
- Parameters
parent (
) – the Qt parent widgetinitial_rows (int) – Initial rows selected on creation of widget
- addNew(name)[source]¶
Adds the new value name to the table cell and the popup tree.
- Parameters
name (str) – new value name
- onValueSelected(item)[source]¶
Slot connected to the view’s selection.
- Parameters
item (BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – selected item in the tree view.
- ALIGN_TOP = 0¶
- class ActionPosition¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class EchoMode¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- LeadingPosition = 0¶
- NoEcho = 1¶
- Normal = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Password = 2¶
- PasswordEchoOnEdit = 3¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- TrailingPosition = 1¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addAction(self, QAction, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) None
- addAction(self, QIcon, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) QAction
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- backspace(self)¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- copy(self)¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createStandardContextMenu(self) QMenu ¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- cursorBackward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorForward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorMoveStyle(self) Qt.CursorMoveStyle ¶
- cursorPosition(self) int ¶
- cursorPositionAt(self, QPoint) int ¶
- cursorPositionChanged¶
cursorPositionChanged(self, int, int) [signal]
- cursorRect(self) QRect ¶
- cursorWordBackward(self, bool)¶
- cursorWordForward(self, bool)¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- cut(self)¶
- del_(self)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- deselect(self)¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self) str ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- echoMode(self) QLineEdit.EchoMode ¶
- editingFinished¶
editingFinished(self) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- end(self, bool)¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(event)¶
When the line edit receives focus, show the pop up
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- getTextMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAcceptableInput(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasSelectedText(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- home(self, bool)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMask(self) str ¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery, Any) Any
- inputRejected¶
inputRejected(self) [signal]
- insert(self, str)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isClearButtonEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isModified(self) bool ¶
- isReadOnly(self) bool ¶
- isRedoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isUndoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maxLength(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(event)¶
If the user clicks on the line edit and it already has focus, show the pop up again (in case the user hid it with a key press)
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is moved
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- paste(self)¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- placeholderText(self) str ¶
- popUpClosing¶
- popUpUpdated(text)¶
Whenever the pop up emits the dataChanged signal, update the widget. This function should be implemented in subclasses if required.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text emitted with the dataChanged signal
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- redo(self)¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is resized
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- returnPressed¶
returnPressed(self) [signal]
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int)
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedText(self) str ¶
- selectionChanged¶
selectionChanged(self) [signal]
- selectionEnd(self) int ¶
- selectionLength(self) int ¶
- selectionStart(self) int ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setClearButtonEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setCompleter(self, QCompleter)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setCursorMoveStyle(self, Qt.CursorMoveStyle)¶
- setCursorPosition(self, int)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEchoMode(self, QLineEdit.EchoMode)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMask(self, str)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaxLength(self, int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModified(self, bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPlaceholderText(self, str)¶
- setPopUp(pop_up)¶
Set the pop up widget to the specified pop up widget instance.
- setPopUpClass(pop_up_class)¶
If a pop up class was not specified via the constructor, use this method to set it after the fact. Useful for placing widgets into
- setPopupHalign(popup_halign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should have its right edge aligned with the right edge of the widget (ALIGN_RIGHT), have its left edge aligned with the left edge of the widget (ALIGN_LEFT), or have it’s horizontal alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO). Note that this setting is moot if the widget is wider than the pop up’s size hint, as the pop up will be extended to the same width as the widget.
- Parameters
popup_halign (int) – The desired horizontal alignment of the pop up. Must be one of ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_LEFT, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setPopupValign(popup_valign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should appear above (ALIGN_TOP), below (ALIGN_BOTTOM) the widget, or have it’s vertical alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO).
- Parameters
popup_valign (int) – The desired vertical alignment of the pop up. Must be either ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setReadOnly(self, bool)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setSelection(self, int, int)
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.setTextMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setTextMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setValidator(self, QValidator)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is shown
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textChanged¶
textChanged(self, str) [signal]
- textEdited¶
textEdited(self, str) [signal]
- textMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- textUpdated(text)¶
Whenever the text in the line edit is changed, show the pop up and call
. The default implementation prevents thePopUp
from sending signals during the execution ofPopUp.lineEditUpdated
. This prevents an infinite loop ofPopUp.lineEditUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text in the line edit
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- undo(self)¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- AbstractSelectionLineEdit.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.AbstractSelectionPopUpDelegate(parent)[source]¶
Delegate for handling column line edits.
- Variables
numSelectedRowsChanged – signal emitted when the amount of selected rows are changed.
- numSelectedRowsChanged¶
- EDIT_ICON = '/scr/buildbot/savedbuilds/2022-2/NB/build-128/internal/lib/python3.8/site-packages/schrodinger/ui/qt/standard/icons/icon_data/menu-caret/menu-caret_lb.png'¶
- COLUMN_TYPE: <unknown>.ExportTableColumns = NotImplemented¶
- POPUP_CLS = NotImplemented¶
- LINE_EDIT_CLS = NotImplemented¶
- __init__(parent)[source]¶
- Parameters
parent (
) – The Qt parent widgetpop_up_class (type) – The class of the pop up widget. Should be a subclass of
.enable_accept_multi (bool) – Whether committing data to all selected cells at once is enabled. If True,
will be emitted when theLineEditWithPopUp
. If False,commitData
will be emitted instead.
- EditNextItem = 1¶
- EditPreviousItem = 2¶
- class EndEditHint¶
- NoHint = 0¶
- RevertModelCache = 4¶
- SubmitModelCache = 3¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- closeEditor¶
closeEditor(self, QWidget, hint: QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint = QAbstractItemDelegate.NoHint) [signal]
- commitData¶
commitData(self, QWidget) [signal]
- commitDataToSelected¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- createEditor(parent, option, index)¶
Create the editor and connect the
signal. If a subclass needs to modify editor instantiation,_createEditor
should be reimplemented instead of this function to ensure that thepopUpClosing
signal is connected properly.See Qt documentation for an explanation of the arguments and return value.
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyEditor(self, QWidget, QModelIndex)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self, Any, QLocale) str ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- editorEvent(self, QEvent, QAbstractItemModel, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(editor, event)¶
Ignore the editor losing focus, since focus may be switching to one of the pop up widgets. If the editor including the popup loses focus, popUpClosed will be called.
See Qt documentation for an explanation of the arguments and return value.
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- helpEvent(self, QHelpEvent, QAbstractItemView, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemEditorFactory(self) QItemEditorFactory ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- popUpClosed(editor, accept)¶
Respond to the editor closing by either rejecting or accepting the data. If
is True, the data may also be committed to all selected rows.- Parameters
editor (
) – The editor that was just closedaccept (int) – The signal that was emitted by the editor when it closed
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setEditorData(self, QWidget, QModelIndex)¶
- setItemEditorFactory(self, QItemEditorFactory)¶
- setModelData(self, QWidget, QAbstractItemModel, QModelIndex)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sizeHint(self, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintChanged¶
sizeHintChanged(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- updateEditorGeometry(self, QWidget, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.AssaySelectionPopUp(parent)[source]¶
A popup for selecting Assays.
- SEARCH_TEXT = 'Search model or assay name'¶
- setup()[source]¶
Sets up the model, view, proxy and search box.
See BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper.setUpWidgets for more info.
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- __init__(parent)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- estimateMaxHeight()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable height of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable height. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable height
- Return type
- estimateMaxWidth()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable width of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable width. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable width
- Return type
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is hidden.
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- installPopUpEventFilter(event_filter)¶
Install the provided event filter on all widgets within this pop up that can receive focus.
- Note
This function only installs the event filter on immediate children of this widget. As a result, keyboard events on grandchildren (or later descendant) widgets will not be handled properly. If this causes issues, the implementation will have to be modified.
- Parameters
event_filter (
) – The event filter to install
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEditUpdated(text)¶
Update this pop up in response to the user changing the line edit text. Note that, by default, this widget will not be able to send signals during execution of this method. This prevents an infinite loop of
. To modify this behavior, subclassLineEditWithPopUp
and reimplementLineEditWithPopUp.popUpUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text of the line edit
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- newValueSelected¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- popUpResized¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset()¶
- resetWidgets()¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int)
- AssaySelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- searchTextChanged(search_text)¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- selectNewValue()¶
Creates a new value to add to the line edit.
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultText(text)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setNumSelectedRows(num_rows)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- AssaySelectionPopUp.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpLayout()¶
Sets up the layout, but needs to be added to the widget by the subclass.
- setUpWidgets(model, view)¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- subWidgetHasFocus()¶
Return True if any widget within the pop up has focus. False otherwise.
- Note
Note that combo boxes have various list view and frame children that can receive focus (and which of these widgets can receive focus varies by OS). As a result, we check the full ancestry of the focus widget here rather than just checking it’s parent. Also note that we can’t use Qt’s isAncestorOf() function to check ancestry, since combo box drop downs are considered to be their own window and isAncestorOf() requires ancestors to be part of the same window.
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- AssaySelectionPopUp.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibilityChanged¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.AssaySelectionLineEdit(parent, num_rows)[source]¶
Custom Line Edit to show an AssaySelectionPopUp.
- mappingSaved¶
alias of
- __init__(parent, num_rows)[source]¶
- Parameters
parent (
) – the Qt parent widgetinitial_rows (int) – Initial rows selected on creation of widget
- addNew(name)[source]¶
Adds the new value name to the table cell and the popup tree.
- Parameters
name (str) – new value name
- addData(data)[source]¶
Add the assay data to populate the pop up tree model.
- Parameters
data (List of BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – the list of tree item wrappers containing the name and path of the assays
- onValueSelected(item)[source]¶
Slot connected to tree view’s selection.
- Parameters
item (BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – selected Assay item in the tree view.
- saveExpansionBFS(model_idx: PyQt5.QtCore.QModelIndex)[source]¶
Searches for and saves the expanded items of an element and its children. Uses breadth first searching
- getTreePath(model_idx: PyQt5.QtCore.QModelIndex) List[str] [source]¶
Gets full path of element at the model index.
tree path of element Z is [‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’]
- applyMapping(mapping: List[List[str]])[source]¶
Applies the given expansion mapping to elements in the view
- setExpansionBFS(model_idx: PyQt5.QtCore.QModelIndex, mapping: List[List[str]])[source]¶
Applies the expansion states from mapping to the element at the given model index
- getAssayFolderPath()[source]¶
Return the currently selected assay’s folder path. If no assay is selected, None is returned.
- Returns
folder path of currently selected assay.
- Return type
str or None
- setAllAssayData(assays_list, assay_name, assay_folder_path)[source]¶
Set all the assay data including the list of possible assays, the current (ie last selected) assay name value, and the folder path to the current assay (if exists). This will add the possible assays to the popup’s selection view, set the line edit text, store the assay folder path, and scroll to and select the item corresponding to the current selection in the popup.
Note that because the assay name and path does not currently store whether the original location was from its original path or the ‘Project Favorites’ folder, the selection always scrolls to the original location rather than the ‘Project Favorites’ location.
- Parameters
assays_list (List of BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – the list of ld items specifying the assay names and paths
assay_name (str) – the current value of the assay name
assay_folder_path (str) – the current value of the assay folder path
- getNewAssay()[source]¶
Return the newly created assay if one exists.
- Returns
the newly created assay
- Return type
BaseLDTreeItemWrapper or None
- ALIGN_TOP = 0¶
- class ActionPosition¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class EchoMode¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- LeadingPosition = 0¶
- NoEcho = 1¶
- Normal = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Password = 2¶
- PasswordEchoOnEdit = 3¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- TrailingPosition = 1¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addAction(self, QAction, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) None
- addAction(self, QIcon, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) QAction
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- backspace(self)¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- copy(self)¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createStandardContextMenu(self) QMenu ¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- cursorBackward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorForward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorMoveStyle(self) Qt.CursorMoveStyle ¶
- cursorPosition(self) int ¶
- cursorPositionAt(self, QPoint) int ¶
- cursorPositionChanged¶
cursorPositionChanged(self, int, int) [signal]
- cursorRect(self) QRect ¶
- cursorWordBackward(self, bool)¶
- cursorWordForward(self, bool)¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- cut(self)¶
- del_(self)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- deselect(self)¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self) str ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- echoMode(self) QLineEdit.EchoMode ¶
- editingFinished¶
editingFinished(self) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- end(self, bool)¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(event)¶
When the line edit receives focus, show the pop up
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- getTextMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAcceptableInput(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasSelectedText(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- home(self, bool)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMask(self) str ¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery, Any) Any
- inputRejected¶
inputRejected(self) [signal]
- insert(self, str)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isClearButtonEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isModified(self) bool ¶
- isReadOnly(self) bool ¶
- isRedoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isUndoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maxLength(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(event)¶
If the user clicks on the line edit and it already has focus, show the pop up again (in case the user hid it with a key press)
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is moved
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- newValueSelected¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- numSelectedRowsChanged¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- onApplyToRowsClicked()¶
Trigger PopUpDelegate.commitDataToSelected signal
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- paste(self)¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- placeholderText(self) str ¶
- popUpClosing¶
- popUpUpdated(text)¶
Whenever the pop up emits the dataChanged signal, update the widget. This function should be implemented in subclasses if required.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text emitted with the dataChanged signal
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- redo(self)¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is resized
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- returnPressed¶
returnPressed(self) [signal]
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int)
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedText(self) str ¶
- selectionChanged¶
selectionChanged(self) [signal]
- selectionEnd(self) int ¶
- selectionLength(self) int ¶
- selectionStart(self) int ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setClearButtonEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setCompleter(self, QCompleter)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setCursorMoveStyle(self, Qt.CursorMoveStyle)¶
- setCursorPosition(self, int)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEchoMode(self, QLineEdit.EchoMode)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMask(self, str)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaxLength(self, int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModified(self, bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPlaceholderText(self, str)¶
- setPopUp(pop_up)¶
Set the pop up widget to the specified pop up widget instance.
- setPopUpClass(pop_up_class)¶
If a pop up class was not specified via the constructor, use this method to set it after the fact. Useful for placing widgets into
- setPopupHalign(popup_halign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should have its right edge aligned with the right edge of the widget (ALIGN_RIGHT), have its left edge aligned with the left edge of the widget (ALIGN_LEFT), or have it’s horizontal alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO). Note that this setting is moot if the widget is wider than the pop up’s size hint, as the pop up will be extended to the same width as the widget.
- Parameters
popup_halign (int) – The desired horizontal alignment of the pop up. Must be one of ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_LEFT, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setPopupValign(popup_valign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should appear above (ALIGN_TOP), below (ALIGN_BOTTOM) the widget, or have it’s vertical alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO).
- Parameters
popup_valign (int) – The desired vertical alignment of the pop up. Must be either ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setReadOnly(self, bool)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setSelection(self, int, int)
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.setTextMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setTextMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setValidator(self, QValidator)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is shown
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textChanged¶
textChanged(self, str) [signal]
- textEdited¶
textEdited(self, str) [signal]
- textMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- textUpdated(text)¶
Whenever the text in the line edit is changed, show the pop up and call
. The default implementation prevents thePopUp
from sending signals during the execution ofPopUp.lineEditUpdated
. This prevents an infinite loop ofPopUp.lineEditUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text in the line edit
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- undo(self)¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- AssaySelectionLineEdit.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- valueSelected¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.AssaySelectionPopUpDelegate(parent)[source]¶
Delegate for handling assay line edits.
- Variables
newAssaySelected (QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtCore.QModelIndex)) – signal emitted when a new assay is created by user and selected for use. This signal is emitted once the assay data is set in the model, and with the assay index.
assaySelected (QtCore.pyqtSignal(QtCore.QModelIndex)) – signal emitted when an existing assay is selected and applied. This signal is emitted once the assay data is set in the model, and with the assay index.
- newAssaySelected¶
- assaySelected¶
- numSelectedRowsChanged¶
- mappingSaved¶
- COLUMN_TYPE: <unknown>.ExportTableColumns = Column 1 (LiveDesign Column)¶
alias of
alias of
- __init__(parent)[source]¶
- Parameters
parent (
) – The Qt parent widgetpop_up_class (type) – The class of the pop up widget. Should be a subclass of
.enable_accept_multi (bool) – Whether committing data to all selected cells at once is enabled. If True,
will be emitted when theLineEditWithPopUp
. If False,commitData
will be emitted instead.
- EDIT_ICON = '/scr/buildbot/savedbuilds/2022-2/NB/build-128/internal/lib/python3.8/site-packages/schrodinger/ui/qt/standard/icons/icon_data/menu-caret/menu-caret_lb.png'¶
- EditNextItem = 1¶
- EditPreviousItem = 2¶
- class EndEditHint¶
- NoHint = 0¶
- RevertModelCache = 4¶
- SubmitModelCache = 3¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- closeEditor¶
closeEditor(self, QWidget, hint: QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint = QAbstractItemDelegate.NoHint) [signal]
- commitData¶
commitData(self, QWidget) [signal]
- commitDataToSelected¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- createEditor(parent, option, index)¶
Create the editor and connect the
signal. If a subclass needs to modify editor instantiation,_createEditor
should be reimplemented instead of this function to ensure that thepopUpClosing
signal is connected properly.See Qt documentation for an explanation of the arguments and return value.
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyEditor(self, QWidget, QModelIndex)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self, Any, QLocale) str ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- editorEvent(self, QEvent, QAbstractItemModel, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(editor, event)¶
Ignore the editor losing focus, since focus may be switching to one of the pop up widgets. If the editor including the popup loses focus, popUpClosed will be called.
See Qt documentation for an explanation of the arguments and return value.
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- helpEvent(self, QHelpEvent, QAbstractItemView, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemEditorFactory(self) QItemEditorFactory ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- paint(self, QPainter, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- popUpClosed(editor, accept)¶
Respond to the editor closing by either rejecting or accepting the data. If
is True, the data may also be committed to all selected rows.- Parameters
editor (
) – The editor that was just closedaccept (int) – The signal that was emitted by the editor when it closed
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setItemEditorFactory(self, QItemEditorFactory)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sizeHint(self, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintChanged¶
sizeHintChanged(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- updateEditorGeometry(self, QWidget, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.EndpointSelectionPopUp(parent)[source]¶
A popup for selecting Endpoints.
- SEARCH_TEXT = 'Search property name'¶
- setup()[source]¶
Sets up the model, view, proxy and search box.
See BaseSearchTreeWidgetHelper.setUpWidgets for more info.
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- __init__(parent)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- estimateMaxHeight()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable height of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable height. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable height
- Return type
- estimateMaxWidth()¶
Return an estimate of the maximum allowable width of this pop up. This estimate is used to ensure that the pop up is positioned within the window. The default implementation uses the current size hint. Subclasses can reimplement this function if they can calculate a more accurate allowable width. This is typically only applicable if the pop up is likely to change size.
- Returns
The maximum allowable width
- Return type
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is hidden.
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- installPopUpEventFilter(event_filter)¶
Install the provided event filter on all widgets within this pop up that can receive focus.
- Note
This function only installs the event filter on immediate children of this widget. As a result, keyboard events on grandchildren (or later descendant) widgets will not be handled properly. If this causes issues, the implementation will have to be modified.
- Parameters
event_filter (
) – The event filter to install
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEditUpdated(text)¶
Update this pop up in response to the user changing the line edit text. Note that, by default, this widget will not be able to send signals during execution of this method. This prevents an infinite loop of
. To modify this behavior, subclassLineEditWithPopUp
and reimplementLineEditWithPopUp.popUpUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text of the line edit
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- newValueSelected¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- popUpResized¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset()¶
- resetWidgets()¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int)
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- searchTextChanged(search_text)¶
Set the search term to the sort filter proxy model to show only the matching tree items. Any filtered in items will be expanded to show all children. Otherwise, all the items will be collapsed.
- Parameters
search_text (str) – search terms to apply to proxy model.
- selectNewValue()¶
Creates a new value to add to the line edit.
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultText(text)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setNumSelectedRows(num_rows)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpLayout()¶
Sets up the layout, but needs to be added to the widget by the subclass.
- setUpWidgets(model, view)¶
Sets up the search box, model, view, and search proxy.
- Parameters
model (
) – model for the treeview (
) – view for the model
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Emit a signal every time this pop up is shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- subWidgetHasFocus()¶
Return True if any widget within the pop up has focus. False otherwise.
- Note
Note that combo boxes have various list view and frame children that can receive focus (and which of these widgets can receive focus varies by OS). As a result, we check the full ancestry of the focus widget here rather than just checking it’s parent. Also note that we can’t use Qt’s isAncestorOf() function to check ancestry, since combo box drop downs are considered to be their own window and isAncestorOf() requires ancestors to be part of the same window.
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- EndpointSelectionPopUp.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibilityChanged¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.EndpointSelectionLineEdit(parent, initial_rows=1)[source]¶
Custom Line Edit to show a PopUp (EndpointSelectionPopUp) when the user double clicks on the table cell.
alias of
- addNew(name)[source]¶
Adds the new value name to the table cell and the popup tree.
- Parameters
name (str) – new value name
- addData(data)[source]¶
Add the endpoint data to populate the pop up tree model.
- Parameters
data (List of str) – data values that need to be added as rows
- onValueSelected(item)[source]¶
Slot connected to tree view’s selection.
- Parameters
item (BaseLDTreeItemWrapper) – selected Endpoint item in the tree view.
- ALIGN_TOP = 0¶
- class ActionPosition¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class EchoMode¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- LeadingPosition = 0¶
- NoEcho = 1¶
- Normal = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Password = 2¶
- PasswordEchoOnEdit = 3¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- TrailingPosition = 1¶
- __init__(parent, initial_rows=1)¶
- Parameters
parent (
) – the Qt parent widgetinitial_rows (int) – Initial rows selected on creation of widget
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addAction(self, QAction, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) None
- addAction(self, QIcon, QLineEdit.ActionPosition) QAction
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- backspace(self)¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- copy(self)¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createStandardContextMenu(self) QMenu ¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- cursorBackward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorForward(self, bool, steps: int = 1)¶
- cursorMoveStyle(self) Qt.CursorMoveStyle ¶
- cursorPosition(self) int ¶
- cursorPositionAt(self, QPoint) int ¶
- cursorPositionChanged¶
cursorPositionChanged(self, int, int) [signal]
- cursorRect(self) QRect ¶
- cursorWordBackward(self, bool)¶
- cursorWordForward(self, bool)¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- cut(self)¶
- del_(self)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- deselect(self)¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self) str ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- echoMode(self) QLineEdit.EchoMode ¶
- editingFinished¶
editingFinished(self) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- end(self, bool)¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(event)¶
When the line edit receives focus, show the pop up
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- getTextMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAcceptableInput(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasSelectedText(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- home(self, bool)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMask(self) str ¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery, Any) Any
- inputRejected¶
inputRejected(self) [signal]
- insert(self, str)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isClearButtonEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isModified(self) bool ¶
- isReadOnly(self) bool ¶
- isRedoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isUndoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maxLength(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(event)¶
If the user clicks on the line edit and it already has focus, show the pop up again (in case the user hid it with a key press)
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is moved
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- newValueSelected¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- numSelectedRowsChanged¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- onApplyToRowsClicked()¶
Trigger PopUpDelegate.commitDataToSelected signal
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- paste(self)¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- placeholderText(self) str ¶
- popUpClosing¶
- popUpUpdated(text)¶
Whenever the pop up emits the dataChanged signal, update the widget. This function should be implemented in subclasses if required.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text emitted with the dataChanged signal
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- redo(self)¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is resized
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- returnPressed¶
returnPressed(self) [signal]
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int)
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedText(self) str ¶
- selectionChanged¶
selectionChanged(self) [signal]
- selectionEnd(self) int ¶
- selectionLength(self) int ¶
- selectionStart(self) int ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setClearButtonEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setCompleter(self, QCompleter)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setCursorMoveStyle(self, Qt.CursorMoveStyle)¶
- setCursorPosition(self, int)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEchoMode(self, QLineEdit.EchoMode)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMask(self, str)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaxLength(self, int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModified(self, bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPlaceholderText(self, str)¶
- setPopUp(pop_up)¶
Set the pop up widget to the specified pop up widget instance.
- setPopUpClass(pop_up_class)¶
If a pop up class was not specified via the constructor, use this method to set it after the fact. Useful for placing widgets into
- setPopupHalign(popup_halign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should have its right edge aligned with the right edge of the widget (ALIGN_RIGHT), have its left edge aligned with the left edge of the widget (ALIGN_LEFT), or have it’s horizontal alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO). Note that this setting is moot if the widget is wider than the pop up’s size hint, as the pop up will be extended to the same width as the widget.
- Parameters
popup_halign (int) – The desired horizontal alignment of the pop up. Must be one of ALIGN_RIGHT, ALIGN_LEFT, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setPopupValign(popup_valign)¶
Specify whether the pop up should appear above (ALIGN_TOP), below (ALIGN_BOTTOM) the widget, or have it’s vertical alignment determined automatically (ALIGN_AUTO).
- Parameters
popup_valign (int) – The desired vertical alignment of the pop up. Must be either ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, or ALIGN_AUTO.
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setReadOnly(self, bool)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setSelection(self, int, int)
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setText(self, str)¶
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.setTextMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setTextMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setValidator(self, QValidator)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Update the pop up position and size when the widget is shown
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textChanged¶
textChanged(self, str) [signal]
- textEdited¶
textEdited(self, str) [signal]
- textMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- textUpdated(text)¶
Whenever the text in the line edit is changed, show the pop up and call
. The default implementation prevents thePopUp
from sending signals during the execution ofPopUp.lineEditUpdated
. This prevents an infinite loop ofPopUp.lineEditUpdated
.- Parameters
text (str) – The current text in the line edit
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- undo(self)¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- EndpointSelectionLineEdit.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- valueSelected¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.EndpointSelectionPopUpDelegate(parent)[source]¶
Delegate for handling endpoint line edit.
- COLUMN_TYPE: <unknown>.ExportTableColumns = Column 2 (LiveDesign Property)¶
alias of
alias of
- __init__(parent)[source]¶
- Parameters
parent (
) – The Qt parent widgetpop_up_class (type) – The class of the pop up widget. Should be a subclass of
.enable_accept_multi (bool) – Whether committing data to all selected cells at once is enabled. If True,
will be emitted when theLineEditWithPopUp
. If False,commitData
will be emitted instead.
- EDIT_ICON = '/scr/buildbot/savedbuilds/2022-2/NB/build-128/internal/lib/python3.8/site-packages/schrodinger/ui/qt/standard/icons/icon_data/menu-caret/menu-caret_lb.png'¶
- EditNextItem = 1¶
- EditPreviousItem = 2¶
- class EndEditHint¶
- NoHint = 0¶
- RevertModelCache = 4¶
- SubmitModelCache = 3¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- closeEditor¶
closeEditor(self, QWidget, hint: QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint = QAbstractItemDelegate.NoHint) [signal]
- commitData¶
commitData(self, QWidget) [signal]
- commitDataToSelected¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- createEditor(parent, option, index)¶
Create the editor and connect the
signal. If a subclass needs to modify editor instantiation,_createEditor
should be reimplemented instead of this function to ensure that thepopUpClosing
signal is connected properly.See Qt documentation for an explanation of the arguments and return value.
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyEditor(self, QWidget, QModelIndex)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self, Any, QLocale) str ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- editorEvent(self, QEvent, QAbstractItemModel, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(editor, event)¶
Ignore the editor losing focus, since focus may be switching to one of the pop up widgets. If the editor including the popup loses focus, popUpClosed will be called.
See Qt documentation for an explanation of the arguments and return value.
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- helpEvent(self, QHelpEvent, QAbstractItemView, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemEditorFactory(self) QItemEditorFactory ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- numSelectedRowsChanged¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- paint(self, QPainter, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- popUpClosed(editor, accept)¶
Respond to the editor closing by either rejecting or accepting the data. If
is True, the data may also be committed to all selected rows.- Parameters
editor (
) – The editor that was just closedaccept (int) – The signal that was emitted by the editor when it closed
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setItemEditorFactory(self, QItemEditorFactory)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sizeHint(self, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintChanged¶
sizeHintChanged(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- updateEditorGeometry(self, QWidget, QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex)¶
- class schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.LiveDesignProjectsCombo(parent=None)[source]¶
This is a standard QComboBox with a few helper methods.
- Variables
projectSelected (
) – signal for when a any project in the combo box is selected. Emitted with the project name and ID.placeholderSelected (
) – signal for when the placeholder in the combo box is selected. Emitted with no arguments.
- projectSelected¶
- placeholderSelected¶
- addProjects(projects)[source]¶
Resets the combobox and adds the new LD projects in alphabetical order, along with the project id as the user data.
- Parameters
projects ([ldclient.models.Project]) – list of LD projects
- currentProjectName()[source]¶
Return the current selected project name or None if no project is selected.
- Returns
project name if applicable
- Return type
str or None
- currentProjectID()[source]¶
Return the current selected project’s id. If placeholder item is currently selected, None will be returned.
- Returns
project id if applicable
- Return type
str or None
- isPlaceholderItemSelected()[source]¶
Returns whether the placeholder text is currently selected.
- Returns
whether the placeholder is selected.
- Return type
- AdjustToContents = 0¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLength = 2¶
- AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon = 3¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InsertAfterCurrent = 4¶
- InsertAlphabetically = 6¶
- InsertAtBottom = 3¶
- InsertAtCurrent = 2¶
- InsertAtTop = 1¶
- InsertBeforeCurrent = 5¶
- class InsertPolicy¶
- NoInsert = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, int) [signal] activated(self, str) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addItem(self, str, userData: Any = None)¶
- addItem(self, QIcon, str, userData: Any = None) None
- addItems(self, Iterable[str])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearEditText(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- count(self) int ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- currentData(self, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole) Any ¶
- currentIndex(self) int ¶
- currentIndexChanged¶
currentIndexChanged(self, int) [signal] currentIndexChanged(self, str) [signal]
- currentText(self) str ¶
- currentTextChanged¶
currentTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- duplicatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- editTextChanged¶
editTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findData(self, Any, role: int = Qt.UserRole, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) int ¶
- findText(self, str, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchExactly | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive) int ¶
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- hidePopup(self)¶
- highlighted¶
highlighted(self, int) [signal] highlighted(self, str) [signal]
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionComboBox)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery, Any) Any
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- insertItem(self, int, str, userData: Any = None)¶
- insertItem(self, int, QIcon, str, userData: Any = None) None
- insertItems(self, int, Iterable[str])¶
- insertPolicy(self) QComboBox.InsertPolicy ¶
- insertSeparator(self, int)¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEditable(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, int, role: int = Qt.UserRole) Any ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemIcon(self, int) QIcon ¶
- itemText(self, int) str ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineEdit(self) QLineEdit ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maxCount(self) int ¶
- maxVisibleItems(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumContentsLength(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- modelColumn(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeItem(self, int)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootModelIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.scroll(self, int, int)
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setCompleter(self, QCompleter)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, int)¶
- setCurrentText(self, str)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDuplicatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setEditText(self, str)¶
- setEditable(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setInsertPolicy(self, QComboBox.InsertPolicy)¶
- setItemData(self, int, Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole)¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemIcon(self, int, QIcon)¶
- setItemText(self, int, str)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineEdit(self, QLineEdit)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaxCount(self, int)¶
- setMaxVisibleItems(self, int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumContentsLength(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- setModelColumn(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setRootModelIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setValidator(self, QValidator)¶
- setView(self, QAbstractItemView)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- showPopup(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- LiveDesignProjectsCombo.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- view(self) QAbstractItemView ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- schrodinger.application.livedesign.panel_components.organize_ld_data_tree(ld_data_list)[source]¶
Given a list of LD data, organize it for display in the exportable data tree.
- Parameters
ld_data_list (list(data_classes.LDData)) – LD data to organize
- Returns
a tuple representing the organized data: each
- Return type
collections.OrderedDict(str, list(data_classes.LDData))