schrodinger.application.desmond.meta module¶
Module for all metadynamics backend functionality
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CV(dim, width, wall, floor)[source]¶
base class for collective variable
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVrgyr(atomlist, width)[source]¶
Radius of Gyration Collective Variable
- cvrgyr_template = '\n#radius of gyration definition\n%(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s;\n%(cvname)s_cog = center_of_geometry(%(cvname)s_sel);\n%(cvname)s_coord_range = series (i=0:length(%(cvname)s_sel))\n norm2(min_image(pos(%(cvname)s_sel[i])-%(cvname)s_cog));\n%(cvname)s=sqrt(%(cvname)s_coord_range/length(%(cvname)s_sel));\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVrgyr_mass(atomlist, width)[source]¶
Radius of Gyration Collective Variable
- cvrgyr_mass_template = '\n#mass-weighted radius of gyration definition\n%(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s;\n%(cvname)s_com = center_of_mass(%(cvname)s_sel);\n%(cvname)s_coord_range = series (i=0:length(%(cvname)s_sel))\n mass(%(cvname)s_sel[i])*norm2(min_image(pos(%(cvname)s_sel[i])-%(cvname)s_com));\n%(cvname)s=sqrt(%(cvname)s_coord_range/sum(mass(%(cvname)s_sel)));\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n\n'¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVrmsd(atomlist, xyz_coords_ref, width, rmsd_weights=None, superpos_weights=None)[source]¶
rmsd collective variable
- cvrmsd_template = '\n# rmsd definition\n%(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s;\n%(cvname)s_ref = array( %(xyz_ref)s );\n%(cvname)s = rmsd( %(cvname)s_ref, %(cvname)s_sel );\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- cvrmsd_weights_template = '\n# rmsd definition\n%(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s;\n%(cvname)s_ref = array( %(xyz_ref)s );\n%(cvname)s_rmsd_weights = array( %(rmsd_weights)s );\n%(cvname)s_superpos_weights = array( %(superpos_weights)s );\n%(cvname)s = rmsd( %(cvname)s_ref, %(cvname)s_sel, %(cvname)s_rmsd_weights, %(cvname)s_superpos_weights );\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVrmsd_symm(atomlist, xyz_coords_ref_list, width)[source]¶
rmsd collective variable
- cvrmsd_setup_template = '\n# setting up rmsd_symm with total of %(nconfs)s conformations\n%(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s;\n\n'¶
- cvrmsd_conf_template = '\n# rmsd_symm definition #%(confnum)s\n%(cvname)s_ref_%(confnum)s = array( %(xyz_ref)s );\n%(cvname)s_%(confnum)s = rmsd( %(cvname)s_ref_%(confnum)s, %(cvname)s_sel );\n'¶
- cvrmsd_template = '\n%(cvname)s = min( array( %(confs)s ));\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s );\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVwhim(atomlist, eigval, width)[source]¶
whim collective variable
- cvwhim_template = '\n#whim definition\n%(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s;\n%(cvname)s_whim = whim(%(cvname)s_sel, mass(%(cvname)s_sel));\n%(cvname)s = %(cvname)s_whim[%(eigval)i];\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVzdist0(atomlist, width)[source]¶
This collective variable reports an absolute Z-distance from the simulation box origin (Z==0). This cv is useful when for membrane penetration studies.
- cvzdist0_template = '\n# Z-dist definition\n%(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(atomlist)s );\n%(cvname)s_z = %(cvname)s_g0[2];\n%(cvname)s = sqrt(%(cvname)s_z^2);\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVzdist(atomlist, width, wall, floor)[source]¶
This collective variable reports an absolute Z-distance. this CV is used for membrane penetration studies.
- cvzdist_template = '\n# Z-dist definition\n%(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(atomlist)s );\n%(cvname)s = %(cvname)s_g0[2];\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- cvdist_wall_template = '\n# the upper bound, wall params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2;\n# location at %(wall)f; hight is 1000\n%(cvname)s_wall = 1000 / (1 + exp(( %(wall)f - %(cvname)s) / 0.2) );\n'¶
- cvdist_floor_template = "\n# lower bound wall or 'floor' params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2;\n# location at %(floor)f; # hight is 1000\n%(cvname)s_floor = 1000 / (1 + exp((%(cvname)s - %(floor)f) / 0.2) );\n"¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVDist(p0, p1, width, wall, floor)[source]¶
distance collective variable
- cvdist_template = '\n# distance definition\n%(cvname)s_p0 = %(p0_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s_p1 = %(p1_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s = dist(%(cvname)s_p0, %(cvname)s_p1);\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- cvdist_grp_template = '\n# distance definition for group of atoms\n%(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(p0_atomsel)s );\n%(cvname)s_g1 = center_of_mass ( %(p1_atomsel)s );\n%(cvname)s = norm(min_image(%(cvname)s_g0 - %(cvname)s_g1));\nprint ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s);\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- cvdist_wall_template = '\n# the upper bound, wall params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2;\n# location at %(wall)f; hight is 1000\n%(cvname)s_wall = 1000 / (1 + exp(( %(wall)f - %(cvname)s) / 0.2) );\n'¶
- cvdist_floor_template = "\n# lower bound wall or 'floor' params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2;\n# location at %(floor)f; # hight is 1000\n%(cvname)s_floor = 1000 / (1 + exp((%(cvname)s - %(floor)f) / 0.2) );\n\n"¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVAngle(p0, p1, p2, width, wall, floor)[source]¶
A class to define angle collective variable. Note that due to numerical instability, cosine of the angle is used instead of radian.
- cvangle_template = '\n# angle definition\n%(cvname)s_p0 = %(p0_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s_p1 = %(p1_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s_p2 = %(p2_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s = angle_gid(%(cvname)s_p0, %(cvname)s_p1, %(cvname)s_p2);\nprint ("%(cvname)s", acos(%(cvname)s) );\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- cvangle_grp_template = '\n# angle definition for group of atoms\n%(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(p0_atomsel)s );\n%(cvname)s_g1 = center_of_mass ( %(p1_atomsel)s );\n%(cvname)s_g2 = center_of_mass ( %(p2_atomsel)s );\n%(cvname)s_v0 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g0 - %(cvname)s_g1);\n%(cvname)s_v1 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g2 - %(cvname)s_g1);\n%(cvname)s = angle(%(cvname)s_v0, %(cvname)s_v1);\nprint ("%(cvname)s", acos(%(cvname)s) );\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n '¶
- cvangle_wall_template = '\n# the upper bound, wall params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.57 degree;\n# location at %(wall)f; hight is 1000\n%(cvname)s_wall = 1000 / (1 + exp(( %(wall)f - acos(%(cvname)s))/0.05) );\n'¶
- cvangle_floor_template = "\n# lower bound wall or 'floor' params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.57 degree;\n# location at %(floor)f; # hight is 1000\n%(cvname)s_floor = 1000/(1 + (exp((acos(%(cvname)s)- %(floor)f)/0.05)) );\n"¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.CVDihedral(p0, p1, p2, p3, width, wall, floor)[source]¶
A class to define dihedral collective variable. Note that this collective variable is a two dimensional one. The first element is the cosine of the dihedral, and the second element is the sine of the dihedral angle.
- cvdihedral_template = '\n# dihedral definition\n%(cvname)s_p0 = %(p0_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s_p1 = %(p1_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s_p2 = %(p2_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s_p3 = %(p3_atomsel)s;\n%(cvname)s = dihedral_gid(%(cvname)s_p0, %(cvname)s_p1, %(cvname)s_p2, %(cvname)s_p3);\nprint ("%(cvname)s", atan2(%(cvname)s));\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- cvdihedral_grp_template = '\n# dihedral definition for group of atoms\n%(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(p0_atomsel)s);\n%(cvname)s_g1 = center_of_mass ( %(p1_atomsel)s);\n%(cvname)s_g2 = center_of_mass ( %(p2_atomsel)s);\n%(cvname)s_g3 = center_of_mass ( %(p3_atomsel)s);\n\n%(cvname)s_v0 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g1 - %(cvname)s_g0);\n%(cvname)s_v1 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g2 - %(cvname)s_g1);\n%(cvname)s_v2 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g3 - %(cvname)s_g2);\n\n%(cvname)s = dihedral(%(cvname)s_v0, %(cvname)s_v1, %(cvname)s_v2);\nprint ("%(cvname)s", atan2(%(cvname)s[1],%(cvname)s[0]));\n# the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s\n'¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.Meta[source]¶
- declare_template = '\ndeclare_meta(\n dimension = %(dimension)d,\n cutoff = %(cutoff)f,\n first = %(first)f,\n interval = %(interval)f,\n name = "%(meta_name)s",\n initial = "");\n\ndeclare_output(\n name = "%(output_name)s",\n first = %(first)f,\n interval= %(interval)f);\n'¶
- meta_template = '\n# height used for this run is: %(height)f\nmeta(0, %(height_width)s,\n %(cv)s);\n'¶
- meta_well_tempered_template = '\n# height used for this run is: %(height)f, sampling temperature kT is: %(kTemp)f.\nmeta(0,\n array( %(height)f * exp( meta(0, %(height_width)s, %(cv)s )/(-1.0 * %(kTemp)f) ), %(width)s ),\n %(cv)s);\n'¶
- schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.generate_meta_cfg(meta_def, model)[source]¶
Generate part of the config file for metadynamics simulation :param meta_def: The content of definition file for collective variables. :param model: topology file. :type meta_def: sea.Sea object :type model: cms.Cms object :return a string. Exception will be raised if encounting any errors.
- schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.get_meta_cfg_filename(meta_def)[source]¶
Returns the name of the kerseq and cvseq files given a metadynamics definition file :param meta_def: The content of definition file for collective variables. :param model: topology file.
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.MetaDynamicsAnalysis(data_fname, inp_fname=None, key=None)[source]¶
Analysis tools for Desmond’s metadynamics jobs. The class can be used and run from the command-line or as a module.
- computeFES(out_fname='', units='degrees', progress_callback=None)[source]¶
This function figures out the grid from the ranges and the bins given the cfg. For each gaussian, add it to the previous gaussian sum for each grid point.
- static convertDataToPlot(bins, data)[source]¶
Converts data, usually read in from an exported plot result, to structures usable by the plot.
- Parameters
bins (list or tuple) – The FES shape
data – List of lists containing cv and FES values
- Returns
list of x and y values
- Returns
array of FES
- static convertPlotToData(bins, edges, FES)[source]¶
Takes data used to plot FES values and converts it to a list of lists for exporting purposes.
- Parameters
bins (list or tuple) – The FES shape
edges (List of lists) – The x and y values for the plot
) – The FES values for the plot
- Returns
List of lists containing cv and FES values
- schrodinger.application.desmond.meta.read_meta_cfg(config, model)[source]¶
Read config file for metadynamics simulation :param meta_def: The content of definition file for collective variables. :param model: topology file. :type meta_def: string :type model: cms.Cms object :return a Meta