Source code for schrodinger.application.desmond.meta

Module for all metadynamics backend functionality


# Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

#- Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------

import math
import sys
from past.utils import old_div

import numpy

from schrodinger.application.desmond.cms import Cms
from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants import SIM_BOX
from schrodinger.application.desmond.enhsamp import parseStr
from schrodinger.job import jobcontrol
from schrodinger.utils import sea
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger import adapter

[docs]class CV: """ base class for collective variable """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, width, wall, floor): self.dim = dim self.width = width self.wall = wall self.floor = floor
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvid): raise NotImplementedError("")
[docs]class CVrgyr(CV): """ Radius of Gyration Collective Variable """ cvrgyr_template = \ """ #radius of gyration definition %(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s; %(cvname)s_cog = center_of_geometry(%(cvname)s_sel); %(cvname)s_coord_range = series (i=0:length(%(cvname)s_sel)) norm2(min_image(pos(%(cvname)s_sel[i])-%(cvname)s_cog)); %(cvname)s=sqrt(%(cvname)s_coord_range/length(%(cvname)s_sel)); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """
[docs] def __init__(self, atomlist, width): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, None, None) self._atomlist = atomlist
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['atomlist'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._atomlist) return self.cvrgyr_template % template_dict
[docs]class CVrgyr_mass(CV): """ Radius of Gyration Collective Variable """ cvrgyr_mass_template = \ """ #mass-weighted radius of gyration definition %(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s; %(cvname)s_com = center_of_mass(%(cvname)s_sel); %(cvname)s_coord_range = series (i=0:length(%(cvname)s_sel)) mass(%(cvname)s_sel[i])*norm2(min_image(pos(%(cvname)s_sel[i])-%(cvname)s_com)); %(cvname)s=sqrt(%(cvname)s_coord_range/sum(mass(%(cvname)s_sel))); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """
[docs] def __init__(self, atomlist, width): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, None, None) self._atomlist = atomlist
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['atomlist'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._atomlist) return self.cvrgyr_mass_template % template_dict
[docs]class CVrmsd(CV): """ rmsd collective variable """ cvrmsd_template = \ """ # rmsd definition %(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s; %(cvname)s_ref = array( %(xyz_ref)s ); %(cvname)s = rmsd( %(cvname)s_ref, %(cvname)s_sel ); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """ cvrmsd_weights_template = \ """ # rmsd definition %(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s; %(cvname)s_ref = array( %(xyz_ref)s ); %(cvname)s_rmsd_weights = array( %(rmsd_weights)s ); %(cvname)s_superpos_weights = array( %(superpos_weights)s ); %(cvname)s = rmsd( %(cvname)s_ref, %(cvname)s_sel, %(cvname)s_rmsd_weights, %(cvname)s_superpos_weights ); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """
[docs] def __init__(self, atomlist, xyz_coords_ref, width, rmsd_weights=None, superpos_weights=None): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, None, None) self._atomlist = atomlist self._xyz_coords_ref = xyz_coords_ref self._rmsd_weights = rmsd_weights self._superpos_weights = superpos_weights
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['xyz_ref'] = list2str(self._xyz_coords_ref) template_dict['atomlist'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._atomlist) if (self._rmsd_weights is not None and self._superpos_weights is not None): template_dict['rmsd_weights'] = list2str(self._rmsd_weights) template_dict['superpos_weights'] = list2str(self._superpos_weights) return self.cvrmsd_weights_template % template_dict elif (self._rmsd_weights is not None or self._superpos_weights is not None): raise RuntimeError("Superposition and RMSD weights must both be " + "defined if using either one") return self.cvrmsd_template % template_dict
[docs]class CVrmsd_symm(CV): """ rmsd collective variable """ cvrmsd_setup_template = \ """ # setting up rmsd_symm with total of %(nconfs)s conformations %(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s; """ cvrmsd_conf_template = \ """ # rmsd_symm definition #%(confnum)s %(cvname)s_ref_%(confnum)s = array( %(xyz_ref)s ); %(cvname)s_%(confnum)s = rmsd( %(cvname)s_ref_%(confnum)s, %(cvname)s_sel ); """ cvrmsd_template = \ """ %(cvname)s = min( array( %(confs)s )); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s ); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """
[docs] def __init__(self, atomlist, xyz_coords_ref_list, width): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, None, None) # atomlist will b a list of atomlist self._atomlist = atomlist self._xyz_coords_ref = xyz_coords_ref_list
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['atomlist'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._atomlist) nconfs = len(self._xyz_coords_ref) template_dict['nconfs'] = nconfs mexpression = self.cvrmsd_setup_template % template_dict for conf_num in range(nconfs): template_dict['xyz_ref'] = list2str(self._xyz_coords_ref[conf_num]) template_dict['confnum'] = conf_num mexpression += self.cvrmsd_conf_template % template_dict confs_str = '' for i in range(nconfs): confs_str += cvname + '_' + str(i) + ', ' template_dict['confs'] = confs_str[0:len(confs_str) - 2] mexpression += self.cvrmsd_template % template_dict return mexpression
[docs]class CVwhim(CV): """ whim collective variable """ cvwhim_template = \ """ #whim definition %(cvname)s_sel = %(atomlist)s; %(cvname)s_whim = whim(%(cvname)s_sel, mass(%(cvname)s_sel)); %(cvname)s = %(cvname)s_whim[%(eigval)i]; print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """
[docs] def __init__(self, atomlist, eigval, width): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, None, None) self._atomlist = atomlist self._eigval = eigval - 1
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['eigval'] = self._eigval template_dict['atomlist'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._atomlist) return self.cvwhim_template % template_dict
[docs]class CVzdist0(CV): """ This collective variable reports an absolute Z-distance from the simulation box origin (Z==0). This cv is useful when for membrane penetration studies. """ cvzdist0_template = \ """ # Z-dist definition %(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(atomlist)s ); %(cvname)s_z = %(cvname)s_g0[2]; %(cvname)s = sqrt(%(cvname)s_z^2); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """
[docs] def __init__(self, atomlist, width): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, None, None) self._atomlist = atomlist
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['atomlist'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._atomlist) return self.cvzdist0_template % template_dict
[docs]class CVzdist(CV): """ This collective variable reports an absolute Z-distance. this CV is used for membrane penetration studies. """ cvzdist_template = \ """ # Z-dist definition %(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(atomlist)s ); %(cvname)s = %(cvname)s_g0[2]; print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """ #in gnuplot: 'plot [0:10] 1000/(1+exp((4-x)/ 0.2))' cvdist_wall_template = \ """ # the upper bound, wall params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2; # location at %(wall)f; hight is 1000 %(cvname)s_wall = 1000 / (1 + exp(( %(wall)f - %(cvname)s) / 0.2) ); """ #in gnuplot: 'plot [0:10] 1000/(1+exp((x-4)/ 0.2))' cvdist_floor_template = \ """ # lower bound wall or 'floor' params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2; # location at %(floor)f; # hight is 1000 %(cvname)s_floor = 1000 / (1 + exp((%(cvname)s - %(floor)f) / 0.2) ); """
[docs] def __init__(self, atomlist, width, wall, floor): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, wall, floor) self._atomlist = atomlist
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['atomlist'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._atomlist) mexpr_wall = '' mexpr_floor = '' if (self.wall is not None): template_dict['wall'] = self.wall mexpr_wall = self.cvdist_wall_template % template_dict if (self.floor is not None): template_dict['floor'] = self.floor mexpr_floor = self.cvdist_floor_template % template_dict return self.cvzdist_template % template_dict + mexpr_wall + mexpr_floor
[docs]class CVDist(CV): """ distance collective variable """ cvdist_template = \ """ # distance definition %(cvname)s_p0 = %(p0_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s_p1 = %(p1_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s = dist(%(cvname)s_p0, %(cvname)s_p1); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """ cvdist_grp_template = \ """ # distance definition for group of atoms %(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(p0_atomsel)s ); %(cvname)s_g1 = center_of_mass ( %(p1_atomsel)s ); %(cvname)s = norm(min_image(%(cvname)s_g0 - %(cvname)s_g1)); print ("%(cvname)s", %(cvname)s); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """ #in gnuplot: 'plot [0:10] 1000/(1+exp((4-x)/ 0.2))' cvdist_wall_template = \ """ # the upper bound, wall params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2; # location at %(wall)f; hight is 1000 %(cvname)s_wall = 1000 / (1 + exp(( %(wall)f - %(cvname)s) / 0.2) ); """ #in gnuplot: 'plot [0:10] 1000/(1+exp((x-4)/ 0.2))' cvdist_floor_template = \ """ # lower bound wall or 'floor' params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.2; # location at %(floor)f; # hight is 1000 %(cvname)s_floor = 1000 / (1 + exp((%(cvname)s - %(floor)f) / 0.2) ); """
[docs] def __init__(self, p0, p1, width, wall, floor): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, wall, floor) self._p0 = p0 self._p1 = p1 self._groups = False if ((not (isinstance(p0, int))) | (not (isinstance(p1, int)))): self._groups = True
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['p0_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p0) template_dict['p1_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p1) mexpr_wall = '' mexpr_floor = '' if (self._groups): mexpr_dist = self.cvdist_grp_template % template_dict else: mexpr_dist = self.cvdist_template % template_dict if (self.wall is not None): template_dict['wall'] = self.wall mexpr_wall = self.cvdist_wall_template % template_dict if (self.floor is not None): template_dict['floor'] = self.floor mexpr_floor = self.cvdist_floor_template % template_dict return mexpr_dist + mexpr_wall + mexpr_floor
[docs]class CVAngle(CV): """ A class to define angle collective variable. Note that due to numerical instability, cosine of the angle is used instead of radian. """ cvangle_template = \ """ # angle definition %(cvname)s_p0 = %(p0_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s_p1 = %(p1_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s_p2 = %(p2_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s = angle_gid(%(cvname)s_p0, %(cvname)s_p1, %(cvname)s_p2); print ("%(cvname)s", acos(%(cvname)s) ); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """ cvangle_grp_template = \ """ # angle definition for group of atoms %(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(p0_atomsel)s ); %(cvname)s_g1 = center_of_mass ( %(p1_atomsel)s ); %(cvname)s_g2 = center_of_mass ( %(p2_atomsel)s ); %(cvname)s_v0 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g0 - %(cvname)s_g1); %(cvname)s_v1 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g2 - %(cvname)s_g1); %(cvname)s = angle(%(cvname)s_v0, %(cvname)s_v1); print ("%(cvname)s", acos(%(cvname)s) ); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """ #in gnuplot: 'plot [0:10] 1000/(1+exp((2.8-x)/0.05))' cvangle_wall_template = \ """ # the upper bound, wall params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.57 degree; # location at %(wall)f; hight is 1000 %(cvname)s_wall = 1000 / (1 + exp(( %(wall)f - acos(%(cvname)s))/0.05) ); """ #in gnuplot: 'plot [0:10] 1000/(1+exp((x-1.4)/0.05))' cvangle_floor_template = \ """ # lower bound wall or 'floor' params for %(cvname)s are: width is 0.57 degree; # location at %(floor)f; # hight is 1000 %(cvname)s_floor = 1000/(1 + (exp((acos(%(cvname)s)- %(floor)f)/0.05)) ); """
[docs] def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, width, wall, floor): CV.__init__(self, 1, width, wall, floor) self._p0 = p0 self._p1 = p1 self._p2 = p2 self._groups = False if ((not (isinstance(p0, int))) | (not (isinstance(p1, int))) | (not (isinstance(p2, int)))): self._groups = True
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['p0_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p0) template_dict['p1_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p1) template_dict['p2_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p2) mexpr_wall = '' mexpr_floor = '' if (self._groups): mexpr_angle = self.cvangle_grp_template % template_dict else: mexpr_angle = self.cvangle_template % template_dict if (self.wall is not None): template_dict['wall'] = self.wall mexpr_wall = self.cvangle_wall_template % template_dict if (self.floor is not None): template_dict['floor'] = self.floor mexpr_floor = self.cvangle_floor_template % template_dict return mexpr_angle + mexpr_wall + mexpr_floor
[docs]class CVDihedral(CV): """ A class to define dihedral collective variable. Note that this collective variable is a two dimensional one. The first element is the cosine of the dihedral, and the second element is the sine of the dihedral angle. """ cvdihedral_template = \ """ # dihedral definition %(cvname)s_p0 = %(p0_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s_p1 = %(p1_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s_p2 = %(p2_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s_p3 = %(p3_atomsel)s; %(cvname)s = dihedral_gid(%(cvname)s_p0, %(cvname)s_p1, %(cvname)s_p2, %(cvname)s_p3); print ("%(cvname)s", atan2(%(cvname)s)); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """ cvdihedral_grp_template = \ """ # dihedral definition for group of atoms %(cvname)s_g0 = center_of_mass ( %(p0_atomsel)s); %(cvname)s_g1 = center_of_mass ( %(p1_atomsel)s); %(cvname)s_g2 = center_of_mass ( %(p2_atomsel)s); %(cvname)s_g3 = center_of_mass ( %(p3_atomsel)s); %(cvname)s_v0 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g1 - %(cvname)s_g0); %(cvname)s_v1 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g2 - %(cvname)s_g1); %(cvname)s_v2 = min_image(%(cvname)s_g3 - %(cvname)s_g2); %(cvname)s = dihedral(%(cvname)s_v0, %(cvname)s_v1, %(cvname)s_v2); print ("%(cvname)s", atan2(%(cvname)s[1],%(cvname)s[0])); # the width for %(cvname)s will be set to: %(width)s """
[docs] def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, p3, width, wall, floor): CV.__init__(self, 2, width, wall, floor) self._p0 = p0 self._p1 = p1 self._p2 = p2 self._p3 = p3 self._groups = False if ((not (isinstance(p0, int))) | (not (isinstance(p1, int))) | (not (isinstance(p2, int))) | (not (isinstance(p3, int)))): self._groups = True
[docs] def getMExpr(self, model, cvname): template_dict = {} template_dict['cvname'] = cvname template_dict['width'] = self.width template_dict['p0_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p0) template_dict['p1_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p1) template_dict['p2_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p2) template_dict['p3_atomsel'] = model.atid2atomsel(self._p3) if (self._groups): mexpr_dihed = self.cvdihedral_grp_template % template_dict else: mexpr_dihed = self.cvdihedral_template % template_dict return mexpr_dihed
[docs]class CmsModel:
[docs] def __init__(self, model): self._model = model
[docs] def atid2atomsel(self, atid): if isinstance(atid, int): return 'atomsel("atom. %d")' % atid return 'atomsel("atom. %s")' % list2str(atid)
[docs]def list2str(lst): s = '' n = len(lst) if n > 0: for e in lst[:-1]: s += str(e) + ', ' s += str(lst[-1]) return s
[docs]class Meta: declare_template =\ """ declare_meta( dimension = %(dimension)d, cutoff = %(cutoff)f, first = %(first)f, interval = %(interval)f, name = "%(meta_name)s", initial = ""); declare_output( name = "%(output_name)s", first = %(first)f, interval= %(interval)f); """ meta_template =\ """ # height used for this run is: %(height)f meta(0, %(height_width)s, %(cv)s); """ meta_well_tempered_template = \ """ # height used for this run is: %(height)f, sampling temperature kT is: %(kTemp)f. meta(0, array( %(height)f * exp( meta(0, %(height_width)s, %(cv)s )/(-1.0 * %(kTemp)f) ), %(width)s ), %(cv)s); """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._cvs = [] self.height = 0.0 self.first = 0.0 self.interval = 0.04 self.cutoff = 9.0 self.kTemp = -1.0 = "kerseq" self.cv_name = "cvseq"
[docs] def generateCfg(self, model=None): mexpr = self._getMExpr(CmsModel(model)) #print mexpr cfg_str = parseStr(model, mexpr) #print cfg_str #sys.exit(1) return cfg_str
def _getMExpr(self, model): dim = sum([cv.dim for cv in self._cvs]) width = [] for cv in self._cvs: w = cv.width if isinstance(w, int) or isinstance(w, float): width.append(w) elif isinstance(w, list): width.extend(w) else: raise TypeError height = self.height kTemp = self.kTemp template_dict = {} template_dict['first'] = self.first template_dict['interval'] = self.interval template_dict['cutoff'] = self.cutoff template_dict['meta_name'] = template_dict['output_name'] = self.cv_name template_dict['height'] = height template_dict['dimension'] = dim if (kTemp < 0): height_width = [height] height_width.extend(width) template_dict['height_width'] = 'array(%s)' % list2str(height_width) else: template_dict['width'] = list2str(width) template_dict['kTemp'] = kTemp height_width = [0.0] for i in range(len(width)): height_width.append(0.0) template_dict['height_width'] = 'array(%s)' % list2str(height_width) # declare statement must show up before anything else mexpr = [self.declare_template % template_dict] # define collective variables hw_varname = ['height'] cv_varname = [] for i, cv in enumerate(self._cvs): name = "cv_%02d" % i mexpr.append(cv.getMExpr(model, name)) cv_varname.append(name) hw_varname.append(name + '_width') template_dict['cv'] = 'array(%s)' % list2str(cv_varname) for i, cv in enumerate(self._cvs): if (cv.wall is not None): name = "cv_%02d_wall" % i mexpr.append(name + " + # add a wall") if (cv.floor is not None): name = "cv_%02d_floor" % i mexpr.append(name + " + # add a floor") if (kTemp < 0): # if well-tempered kTemp value is defined mexpr.append(self.meta_template % template_dict) else: mexpr.append(self.meta_well_tempered_template % template_dict) return '\n'.join(mexpr)
[docs] def addCV(self, cv): self._cvs.append(cv)
meta_def_v2_sample = \ """ meta = { interval = 0.04 height = 0.5 kTemp = 2.4 name = "kerseq" cv_name = "cvseq" cv = [ { type = dist atom = [1 3] width = 0.4 ktemp = 2.4 # well-tempering option wall = 10.0 # upper bound for the dist CV floor = 3.0 # lower bound for the dist CV } { type = angle atom = [1 3 5] width = 0.4 } { type = dihedral atom = [1 3 5 7] width = 0.4 } { type = rmsd atom = [1 3 4 5 5 6 8 10] width = 0.4 } { type = rmsd_alt atom = [1 3 4 5 5 6 8 10] width = 0.4 } { type = rmsd_symm atom = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] width = 0.4 } { type = zdist0 atom = [1 2 3 4 5] width = 0.5 } { type = zdist atom = [1 2 3 4 5] width = 0.5 } ] } """
[docs]def parse_meta(m, model): def get_atom_list(cv_atom): atom_list = [] for atom in cv_atom: atom_list.append(atom.val) return atom_list def set_parameter(meta, meta_sea, key): if key in meta_sea: setattr(meta, key, meta_sea[key].val) meta = Meta() set_parameter(meta, m, 'interval') set_parameter(meta, m, 'first') set_parameter(meta, m, 'height') set_parameter(meta, m, 'cv_name') set_parameter(meta, m, 'name') set_parameter(meta, m, 'cutoff') set_parameter(meta, m, 'kTemp') if model is None: return meta for cv in cv_type = cv['type'].val.lower() wall = None floor = None if cv_type == 'dist': atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom) if len(atom_list) != 2: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: Distance-CV requires exactly 2 atoms/sites. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val if 'wall' in cv: wall = cv['wall'].val if 'floor' in cv: floor = cv['floor'].val # Check if the distances between the atoms/sites is: # floor <= dist(a,b) <= wall # TODO: Periodicity of the system is not taken into the # account. center_of_mass function needs to to be expanded to do # this (Ev:125371). currentVal = get_distance(model, atom_list) if wall is not None and wall > 0 and wall <= currentVal: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: the current Distance-CV value (" + str(currentVal) + " Ang) exceeds the specified \'wall\' value (" + str(wall) + " Ang). Please increase the wall distance and resubmit your job." ) if floor is not None and floor > 0 and floor >= currentVal: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: the current Distance-CV value (" + str(currentVal) + " Ang) is less than the specified \'floor\' value (" + str(wall) + " Ang). Please reduce the floor distance and resubmit your job." ) meta.addCV(CVDist(atom_list[0], atom_list[1], width, wall, floor)) elif cv_type == "angle": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom) if len(atom_list) != 3: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: Angle-CV requires exactly 3 atoms/sites. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = (cv['width'].val) * math.pi / 180.00 if 'wall' in cv: wall = cv['wall'].val * math.pi / 180.00 if 'floor' in cv: floor = cv['floor'].val * math.pi / 180.00 meta.addCV( CVAngle(atom_list[0], atom_list[1], atom_list[2], width, wall, floor)) elif cv_type == "dihedral": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom) if len(atom_list) != 4: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: Dihedral-CV requires exactly 4 atoms/sites. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = (cv['width'].val) * math.pi / 180.0 if 'wall' in cv: wall = cv['wall'].val * math.pi / 180.00 if 'floor' in cv: floor = cv['floor'].val * math.pi / 180.00 meta.addCV( CVDihedral(atom_list[0], atom_list[1], atom_list[2], atom_list[3], [width, width], wall, floor)) elif cv_type in ["rmsd", "rmsd_alt"]: rmsd_weights = None superpos_weights = None atom_list = [] for e in get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0]: atom_list.append(e) if len(atom_list) <= 3: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: RMSD-CV requires more than 3 atom. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val ref_coords = [] if cv_type == 'rmsd_alt': # use alternative coordinates set at setup, for rmsd_alt calculations for anum in atom_list: ref_coords.append(model.atom[anum].property['r_altx']) ref_coords.append(model.atom[anum].property['r_alty']) ref_coords.append(model.atom[anum].property['r_altz']) else: for anum in atom_list: ref_coords.extend(model.atom[anum].xyz) # use weights by setting r_mtd_rmsd_weight atom level property has_rmsd_prop = any([ 'r_mtd_rmsd_weight' in model.atom[i].property for i in atom_list ]) has_superpos_prop = any([ 'r_mtd_superpos_weight' in model.atom[i].property for i in atom_list ]) if (has_rmsd_prop and has_superpos_prop): rmsd_weights = [] superpos_weights = [] for anum in atom_list: rmsd_weights.append(model.atom[anum].property.get( "r_mtd_rmsd_weight", 0)) superpos_weights.append(model.atom[anum].property.get( "r_mtd_superpos_weight", 0)) elif (has_rmsd_prop or has_superpos_prop): raise RuntimeError( "Metadyanamics: If r_mtd_rmsd_weight is " "defined then r_mtd_superpos_weight must be defined " "as well") meta.addCV( CVrmsd(atom_list, ref_coords, width, rmsd_weights, superpos_weights)) elif cv_type == "rmsd_symm": atom_list = [] for e in get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0]: #for e in get_atom_list(cv.atom): atom_list.append(e) if len(atom_list) <= 3: raise RuntimeError( "Metadyamics: RMSD_SYMM-CV requires more than 3 atoms. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) atom_list_combinations = get_local_symmetry(model, atom_list) width = cv['width'].val atom_map = {} # enumerate atom numbers sorted_atom_list = sorted(atom_list_combinations[0]) for i, e in enumerate(atom_list_combinations[0]): atom_map[e] = i ref_coords_list = [] for comb in atom_list_combinations: ref_coords = [] for num in sorted_atom_list: anum = comb[atom_map[num]] ref_coords.append(model.atom[anum].x) ref_coords.append(model.atom[anum].y) ref_coords.append(model.atom[anum].z) ref_coords_list.append(ref_coords) meta.addCV(CVrmsd_symm(sorted_atom_list, ref_coords_list, width)) elif cv_type == "zdist0": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0] if len(atom_list) < 1: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: Zdist0-CV requires more than 1 atom. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val meta.addCV(CVzdist0(atom_list, width)) elif cv_type == "zdist": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0] if len(atom_list) < 1: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: Zdist-CV requires more than 1 atom. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val if 'wall' in cv: wall = cv['wall'].val if 'floor' in cv: floor = cv['floor'].val meta.addCV(CVzdist(atom_list, width, wall, floor)) elif cv_type == "rgyr": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0] if len(atom_list) < 2: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: Rgyr requires more than 2 atom. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val meta.addCV(CVrgyr(atom_list, width)) elif cv_type == "rgyr_mass": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0] if len(atom_list) < 2: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: Rgyr requires more than 2 atom. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val meta.addCV(CVrgyr_mass(atom_list, width)) elif cv_type == "whim1": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0] if len(atom_list) < 2: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: WHIM_1 requires more than 2 atom. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val meta.addCV(CVwhim(atom_list, 1, width)) elif cv_type == "whim2": atom_list = get_atom_list(cv.atom)[0] if len(atom_list) < 2: raise RuntimeError( "Metadynamics: WHIM_1 requires more than 2 atom. You selected: " + str(len(atom_list))) width = cv['width'].val meta.addCV(CVwhim(atom_list, 2, width)) else: raise RuntimeError("unrecognized cv type: %s", cv_type) return meta
[docs]def generate_meta_cfg(meta_def, model): """ Generate part of the config file for metadynamics simulation :param meta_def: The content of definition file for collective variables. :param model: topology file. :type meta_def: sea.Sea object :type model: cms.Cms object :return a string. Exception will be raised if encounting any errors. """ meta = parse_meta(meta_def, model) return meta.generateCfg(model)
[docs]def get_meta_cfg_filename(meta_def): """ Returns the name of the kerseq and cvseq files given a metadynamics definition file :param meta_def: The content of definition file for collective variables. :param model: topology file. """ meta = parse_meta(meta_def, None) m = sea.Map(meta.generateCfg()).val kername = m['metadynamics_accumulators'][0]['name'] cvname = m['name'] return "force.term.ES = { = %s name = %s}" %\ (kername, cvname)
[docs]class MetaDynamicsAnalysis: """ Analysis tools for Desmond's metadynamics jobs. The class can be used and run from the command-line or as a module. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_fname, inp_fname=None, key=None): self.cutoff = 9.0 self.height = [] = [] self.bins = [] self.ranges = [] self.time = [] = [] if not inp_fname and not key: raise RuntimeError('Either the frontend .cfg file or a sea.Map key ' 'must be provided') if key is None: self._parseInp(inp_fname) else: self._getInp(key) self._parseData(data_fname)
def _parseInp(self, inp_fname): try: fh = open(inp_fname, "r") s = fh.close() except IOError: raise IOError("Reading the metadynamics input file failed: %s" % inp_fname) try: key = sea.Map(s) except ValueError: raise IOError("Parsing the metadynamics input file failed: %s" % inp_fname) # This allows the parsing of -in.cfg... if hasattr(key, 'meta'): self._getInp(key.meta) # ...and -out.cfg files else: self._getInp(key.ORIG_CFG.meta) def _getInp(self, meta): try: self.cutoff = meta.cutoff.val except: self.cutoff = 9.0 for r in try: self.bins.append(r.nbin.val) except: self.bins.append(21) name = r.type.val try: cv_range = r.range.val if ([] == cv_range): raise AttributeError() if (name in ('angle', 'dihedral')): cv_range = [ cv_range[0] * math.pi / 180.0, cv_range[1] * math.pi / 180.0 ] self.ranges.append(cv_range) except AttributeError: if name == 'angle': self.ranges.append([0, math.pi]) elif name == 'dihedral': self.ranges.append([-math.pi, math.pi]) else: self.ranges.append([]) def _parseData(self, data_fname): try: fh = open(data_fname, "r") s = fh.readlines() fh.close() except IOError: raise IOError("Reading the metadynamics data file failed: %s" % data_fname) rc = data = [] for line in s: fields = line.split() if len(fields) == 0 or fields[0] == '#': continue if (float(fields[1]) == 0.0): continue self.time.append(float(fields[0])) self.height.append(float(fields[1])) row_rc = [] n = 2 simple_cvs = [ 'dist', 'rmsd', 'rmsd_alt', 'zdist0', 'zdist', 'rmsd_symm', 'rgyr', 'rgyr_mass', 'whim1', 'whim2' ] for r in rc: each_rc = [] if r in simple_cvs: each_rc.append(float(fields[n])) each_rc.append(float(fields[n + 1])) n += 2 elif r == 'angle': # angle is reported in kernel file as cos(angle), converted back to radians each_rc.append(math.acos(float(fields[n]))) each_rc.append(float(fields[n + 1])) n += 2 elif r == 'dihedral': # dihedrals are reported in kernel file as combination of two CVs cos(angle) # and sin(angle), here we compress them back to one CV cosphi = float(fields[n]) wcosphi = float(fields[n + 1]) sinphi = float(fields[n + 2]) #if ((cosphi <= 0.0) & (sinphi <= 0.0)): phi = -1*math.acos(cosphi) #if ((cosphi <= 0.0) & (sinphi > 0.0)): phi = math.acos(cosphi) #if ((cosphi > 0.0) & (sinphi <= 0.0)): phi = -1*math.acos(cosphi) #if ((cosphi > 0.0) & (sinphi > 0.0)): phi = math.acos(cosphi) phi = math.atan2(sinphi, cosphi) each_rc.append(phi) each_rc.append(wcosphi) n += 4 row_rc.append(each_rc) data.append(row_rc) self.time = numpy.array(self.time) self.height = numpy.array(self.height) data = numpy.array(data) self.centers = data[:, :, 0] self.scales = numpy.reciprocal(data[:, :, 1])
[docs] def evaluate(self, x): h = self.height centers = self.centers scales = self.scales nker = centers.shape[0] dihedral = [] non_dihedral = [] rc = for i, r in enumerate(rc): if r == 'dihedral': dihedral.append(i) else: non_dihedral.append(i) c2 = self.cutoff * self.cutoff pe = 0.0 for c in range(nker): z2 = 0.0 for i in non_dihedral: v = (x[i] - centers[c, i]) * scales[c, i] z2 += v * v if z2 >= c2: continue for i in dihedral: v = (math.cos(x[i]) - math.cos(centers[c, i])) * scales[c, i] z2 += v * v v = (math.sin(x[i]) - math.sin(centers[c, i])) * scales[c, i] z2 += v * v if z2 < c2: pe += h[c] * math.exp(-0.5 * z2) return -pe
[docs] def computeFES(self, out_fname='', units='degrees', progress_callback=None): """ This function figures out the grid from the ranges and the bins given the cfg. For each gaussian, add it to the previous gaussian sum for each grid point. """ # Units the data is in ('radians' or 'degrees') if units not in ['radians', 'degrees']: raise RuntimeError('Invalid "units" supplied. Choices are: ' '"radians", "degrees"') # the range for dist-cv is dynamically set for i in range(len(self.ranges)): if not self.ranges[i]: self.ranges[i] = [ self.centers[:, i].min(), self.centers[:, i].max() ] shape = tuple(self.bins) edges = [] # generate edges for FES calculation for i in range(len(self.bins)): r = old_div((self.ranges[i][1] - self.ranges[i][0]), (self.bins[i] - 1)) edges.append( numpy.arange(self.ranges[i][0], self.ranges[i][1] + r, r)) FES = numpy.zeros(shape) data = [] total_steps = numpy.cumprod(shape)[-1] step = 0 interval = int(old_div(total_steps, 100)) # 1% intervals if interval == 0: interval = 1 backend = jobcontrol.get_backend() if backend: # Setting the JC backend callback to "progress_callback" will allow # jobs in JC to be monitored as well as jobs that are being run in # a thread to be given updates progress_callback = backend.setJobProgress progress_callback(description="Calculating free energy surface") if progress_callback: progress_callback(step, total_steps) for idx in numpy.ndindex(shape): x = [] for i in range(len(idx)): x.append(edges[i][idx[i]]) FES[idx] = self.evaluate(x) x.append(FES[idx]) # Convert the data values to degrees if units specified are degrees # This needs to happen after the evaluate call b/c evaluate expects # the values to be in radians angstrom_units = [ 'dist', 'rmsd', 'rmsd_alt', 'rmsd_symm', 'zdist', 'zdist0', 'rgyr', 'rgyr_mass', 'whim1', 'whim2', 'whim3' ] if units == 'degrees': for i, cv in enumerate( if cv in angstrom_units: continue else: x[i] = numpy.degrees(x[i]) data.append(x) step += 1 if progress_callback: # Insure updates only happen at 5% intervals if step % interval == 0: progress_callback(step, total_steps) # Make sure to get the last update too if progress_callback: progress_callback(step, total_steps) if out_fname: self.writeFES(out_fname, data, self.bins,, units) if backend: # If running under job control backend.addOutputFile(out_fname) return (data, units)
[docs] @staticmethod def convertDataToPlot(bins, data): """ Converts data, usually read in from an exported plot result, to structures usable by the plot. :param bins: The FES shape :type bins: list or tuple :param data: List of lists containing cv and FES values :returns: list of x and y values :returns: array of FES """ bins = tuple(bins) blen = bins[0] edges = [] FES = None # If the length of the bins is 1 we have a line plot if len(bins) == 1: edges.append(numpy.array([d[0] for d in data])) FES = numpy.array([d[1] for d in data]) # If the length of the bins is 2 we have a colormesh and the # data needs to be parsed differently elif len(bins) == 2: # This gets the first value from every i'th array, where i # is the length of the bin edges.append(numpy.array([d[0] for d in data[::blen]])) # This gets the 2nd value from the 0th array to the i'th # array, where i is the length of the bin edges.append(numpy.array([d[1] for d in data[0:blen]])) FES = numpy.zeros(bins) for i, d in enumerate(data): r = i % blen s = old_div(i, blen) #BUGFIX FES[r][s] = d[-1] return (edges, FES)
[docs] @staticmethod def convertPlotToData(bins, edges, FES): """ Takes data used to plot FES values and converts it to a list of lists for exporting purposes. :param bins: The FES shape :type bins: list or tuple :param edges: The x and y values for the plot :type edges: List of lists :param FES: The FES values for the plot :type FES: `numpy.array` :returns: List of lists containing cv and FES values """ bins = tuple(bins) nbins = len(bins) data = [] for idx in numpy.ndindex(bins): x = [] for i in range(len(idx)): x.append(edges[i][idx[i]]) if nbins == 2: fes_idx = (idx[1], idx[0]) else: fes_idx = idx[0] x.append(FES[fes_idx]) data.append(x) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def writeFES(fname, data, fes_shape, cvs, units): """ Write out the free energy distribution in a common way. The GUI utilizing this class needs to write out `data` from `self.computeFES` """ header = '# Desmond Metadynamics - Free Energy Surface\n' header += '# FES shape: %s\n' % ' '.join(str(b) for b in fes_shape) header += '# FES units: %s\n' % units header += '# %s free_energy\n\n' % ' '.join(cvs) f = open(fname, "w") f.write(header) for x in data: f.write('%s\n' % ' '.join(str(f) for f in x)) f.close() return fname
[docs]def read_meta_cfg(config, model): """ Read config file for metadynamics simulation :param meta_def: The content of definition file for collective variables. :param model: topology file. :type meta_def: string :type model: cms.Cms object :return a Meta """ try: fh = open(config, "r") s = fh.close() except IOError: raise IOError("Reading the metadynamics input file failed: %s" % config) try: key = sea.Map(s) except ValueError: raise IOError("Parsing the metadynamics input file failed: %s" % config) try: m = parse_meta(key.meta, model) except: m = parse_meta(key.ORIG_CFG.meta, model) m.generateCfg(model)
[docs]def get_distance(model, atom_list): """ Check distance of the two groups of atoms defined in the atom list :param model: topology file :type model: cms.Cms object :param atom_list: atom list :type atom_list: list """ import math from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages.analysis import Pbc if isinstance(atom_list[0], int): atom = model.atom[atom_list[0]] p1 = numpy.array([atom.x, atom.y, atom.z]) else: p1 = analyze.center_of_mass(model, atom_list[0]) if isinstance(atom_list[1], int): atom = model.atom[atom_list[1]] p2 = numpy.array([atom.x, atom.y, atom.z]) else: p2 = analyze.center_of_mass(model, atom_list[1]) box = numpy.reshape(numpy.array([[prop] for prop in SIM_BOX]), (3, 3)) bc = Pbc(box) diff = bc.calcMinimumDiff(p1, p2) distance = math.sqrt(diff[0]**2 + diff[1]**2 + diff[2]**2) return distance
if __name__ == '__main__': from schrodinger.utils import cmdline usage = ''' %prog -i meta.inp -d kerseq -o output Description: %prog computes free energy distribution ''' cmdline = cmdline.SingleDashOptionParser(usage=usage, version='%prog 1.0') cmdline.add_option('-i', dest='input', help="meta dynamics input cfg file name") cmdline.add_option('-d', dest='data', help="meta data file name (kerseq file)") cmdline.add_option('-o', dest='output', help="output file name") cmdline.add_option('-m', dest='model', help="input cms file") opts, args = cmdline.parse_args() if not opts.input: print("Error: input file must be specified, use -h for help.") sys.exit(1) #meta = MetaDynamicsAnalysis(,inp_fname=opts.input ) #print meta.evaluate([1.0, 0.1, 0.1]) #meta.computeFES(opts.output) if (opts.input and opts.model): read_meta_cfg(opts.input, Cms(opts.model)) elif (opts.input and and opts.output): meta = MetaDynamicsAnalysis(, inp_fname=opts.input) meta.computeFES(opts.output)
[docs]def get_local_symmetry(st, atom_list): # get hydrogens that are attached to the atoms of interest (needed for substructure matching) a = [str(e) for e in atom_list] asl_list_str = ', '.join(a) asl_select = '((withinbonds 1 (a.num ' + asl_list_str + ')) and (atom.ele H)) or (a.num ' + asl_list_str + ' )' st_indexes = analyze.evaluate_asl(st, asl_select) st_temp = st.extract(st_indexes, copy_props=True) coo_smarts = '[C-0X3,N+X3](=[O-0X1])[O-X1]' #carboxylate oxigens or nitro (-NO2) group coo_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, coo_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(coo_frags): print("\t", len(coo_frags), " Carboxylate or nitro fragment(s) detected") for i in coo_frags: st_temp.atom[i[1]].formal_charge = -1 st_temp.addBond(i[0], i[1], 1) soo_smarts = '[#6,#7][S-0X4](=[O-0X1])(=[O-0X1])[#6,#7]' #sulfonyl oxygens soo_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, soo_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(soo_frags): print("\t", len(soo_frags), " Sulfonyl fragment(s) detected") for i in soo_frags: st_temp.atom[i[2]].formal_charge = -1 st_temp.addBond(i[1], i[2], 1) piperazine_smarts = '[!#1][C,N,O]1[C-0X4][C-0X4][C,N,O]([C-0X4])[C-0X4][!#1]1' # 2f4j.pdb piperazine piperazine_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, piperazine_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(piperazine_frags): print("\t", len(piperazine_frags), " Piperazine-like fragment(s) detected") for i in piperazine_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[2], i[3], 2) piperdin_smarts = '[!#1][N,C]1[C-0X4][C-0X4][C,N,O][C-0X4][C-0X4]1' #{2bfy,1i91,1sj0}.pdb piperdin piperdin_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, piperdin_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(piperdin_frags): print("\t", len(piperdin_frags), " Piperdin-like fragment(s) detected") for i in piperdin_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[2], i[3], 2) cyclopropane_smarts = '[#6,#7,#8][C-0X4]1[C-0X4][C-0X4]1' #cyclopropane cyclopropane_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, cyclopropane_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(cyclopropane_frags): print("\t", len(cyclopropane_frags), " Cyclopropane fragment(s) detected") for i in cyclopropane_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[1], i[2], 2) dimethylamino_smarts = '[#1][C,N]([C-0X4]([#1])([#1])[#1])[C-0X4]([#1])([#1])[#1]' #dimethyl {amino dimethylamino_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, dimethylamino_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(dimethylamino_frags): print("\t", len(dimethylamino_frags), " Dimethylamino fragment(s) detected") for i in dimethylamino_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[1], i[6], 2) dimethylether_smarts = '[#8,#16]([C-0X4]([#1])([#1])[#1])[C-0X4]([#1])([#1])[#1]' #dimethyl {ether or sulfide} dimethylether_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, dimethylether_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(dimethylether_frags): print("\t", len(dimethylether_frags), " Dimethylether or sulfide fragment(s) detected") for i in dimethylether_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[0], i[5], 2) difluoro_smarts = '[#6,#7,#8][C]([F])([F])[!#9]' #difluoro group 1xoq, 1mu6 difluoro_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, difluoro_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(difluoro_frags): print("\t", len(difluoro_frags), " Difluoro fragment(s) detected") for i in difluoro_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[1], i[3], 2) azetin_smarts = '[!#1][C-OX4,N+X4]1[C-0X4][C-0X4]([!#1])[C-0X4,N+X4]1' # azetin-like 2chm.pdb azetin_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, azetin_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(azetin_frags): print("\t", len(azetin_frags), " Azetin-like fragment(s) detected") for i in azetin_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[2], i[3], 2) amino_smarts = '[#1][N+X3](=[C-0X3]([!#1])[N-0X3]([#1])[#1])[#1]' #amino group 1o30 amino_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, amino_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(amino_frags): print("\t", len(amino_frags), " Amino fragment(s) detected") for i in amino_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[1], i[2], 1) st_temp.atom[i[1]].formal_charge = 0 cyclopentyl_smarts = '[!#1][!#1]1[C-0X4][C-0X4][C-0X4][C-0X4]1' #cyclopentyl (5-member rings carbon) 1o2h.pdb cyclopentyl_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, cyclopentyl_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(cyclopentyl_frags): print("\t", len(cyclopentyl_frags), " Cyclopentyl ring(s) detected") for i in cyclopentyl_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[1], i[2], 2) cycloheptane_smarts = '[#6,#7,#8]1[C-0X4][C-0X4][c-0X3][c-0X3][C-0X4][C-0X4]1' #cyclopheptane (7-member ring) 1ttm cycloheptane_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, cycloheptane_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(cycloheptane_frags): print("\t", len(cycloheptane_frags), " Cycloheptane ring(s) detected") for i in cycloheptane_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[0], i[1], 2) sulfamate_smarts = '[!#1][O-0X2][S-0X4](=[O-0X1])(=[O-0X1])[#6,#7,#8]' #ulfamate 1ttm sulfamate_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, sulfamate_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(sulfamate_frags): print("\t", len(sulfamate_frags), " Sulfamate ring(s) detected") for i in sulfamate_frags: st_temp.addBond(i[2], i[3], 1) pyrazole_smarts = '[!#1][c-0X3]1[c-0X3][n][n][c-0X3]1' #pyrazole, 1b2y pyrazole_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, pyrazole_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(pyrazole_frags): print("\t", len(pyrazole_frags), " Pyrazole ring(s) detected") for i in pyrazole_frags: st_temp.atom[i[2]].formal_charge = 1 imidazole_smarts = '[!#1][c-0X3]1[n][c-0X3][c-0X3][n]1' #imidazole, 1c1u imidazole_frags = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st, imidazole_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Enable) if len(imidazole_frags): print("\t", len(imidazole_frags), " Imidazole ring(s) detected") for i in imidazole_frags: st_temp.atom[i[2]].formal_charge = 1 heavy_atom_list = analyze.evaluate_asl(st_temp, 'all and not a.e H') st_temp_smarts = adapter.to_smarts(st_temp, atom_subset=heavy_atom_list) st_temp_list = adapter.evaluate_smarts(st_temp, st_temp_smarts, adapter.UniqueFilter_Disable) return st_temp_list