schrodinger.seam.metric module

NOTE: The Metrics API is still actively being developed and is subject to change.

An API to access the user defined and Beam provided metrics of a Seam pipeline.

class schrodinger.seam.metric.ExecutionMetrics(output_pcolls: Dict[str, int] = <factory>, user_labels: List[str] = <factory>, execution_times_seconds: Dict[str, float] = <factory>)

Bases: object

output_pcolls: Dict[str, int]
user_labels: List[str]
execution_times_seconds: Dict[str, float]
__init__(output_pcolls: typing.Dict[str, int] = <factory>, user_labels: typing.List[str] = <factory>, execution_times_seconds: typing.Dict[str, float] = <factory>) None
class schrodinger.seam.metric.SeamMetrics(*args, stage_metrics: Dict[str, schrodinger.seam.metric.ExecutionMetrics], **kwargs)

Bases: apache_beam.metrics.metric.MetricResults

__init__(*args, stage_metrics: Dict[str, schrodinger.seam.metric.ExecutionMetrics], **kwargs)
query(filter: Optional[apache_beam.metrics.metric.MetricsFilter] = None) Dict[str, List[apache_beam.metrics.execution.MetricResult]]

Queries the runner for existing user metrics that match the filter.

It should return a dictionary, with lists of each kind of metric, and each list contains the corresponding kind of MetricResult. Like so:


“counters”: [MetricResult(counter_key, committed, attempted), …], “distributions”: [MetricResult(dist_key, committed, attempted), …], “gauges”: [] // Empty list if nothing matched the filter.


The committed / attempted values are DistributionResult / GaugeResult / int objects.

save(file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path])

Save a JSON dump of the metrics to a file.


file_path – The path to the file to save the metrics to.