schrodinger.protein.residue module


Decorator to return early from residue comparison methods.

Returns default_return if: - the other residue is a gap - the residues are different types (e.g. protein/DNA or DNA/RNA) - either residue is an unknown residue

class schrodinger.protein.residue.ResidueChainKey(resnum: int, inscode: str)

Bases: NamedTuple

Key to partially identify a structured residue relative to its chain

resnum: int

Alias for field number 0

inscode: str

Alias for field number 1

class schrodinger.protein.residue.ResidueKey(entry_id: int, chain: str, resnum: int, inscode: str)

Bases: NamedTuple

Key to partially identify a structured residue.

Order and items based on MaestroStructureModel._getKey

entry_id: int

Alias for field number 0

chain: str

Alias for field number 1

resnum: int

Alias for field number 2

inscode: str

Alias for field number 3

schrodinger.protein.residue.get_matrix_value(matrix, first, second)

Return a similarity matrix value for a specified pair of residues.


Map an ASCII letter to the circled Unicode variant


letter (str) – ASCII letter to map


ValueError – if the input is not an ASCII letter


Creates residue key relative to entry and chain for structure residue.


(resnum, inscode)

Return type

tuple(int, str)

schrodinger.protein.residue.get_residue_key(residue, entry_id, chain)

Creates residue key for residue.

  • residue (Residue) – Residue

  • entry_id (str or int) – Entry ID

  • chain (str) – Chain name


The residue key containing entry_id, chain, resnum, and inscode

Return type


schrodinger.protein.residue.get_structure_residue_key(structure_residue, entry_id)

Creates residue key for structure residue.

  • structure_residue (schrodinger.structure._Residue) – Structure residue

  • entry_id (str or int) – Entry ID


The residue key containing entry_id, chain, resnum, and inscode

Return type


schrodinger.protein.residue.get_formatted_residue(res) str

Create the formatted residue string.


res (residue.Residue) – residue


formatted string

schrodinger.protein.residue.get_formatted_residue_range(start_res, end_res) str

Create the residue range tooltip.


a formatted string to be used


Check if a list of residues is contiguous, and put them in contiguous order if they are not.


residues (list) – List of schrodinger.structure._Residue objects

Return type



List of schrodinger.structure._Residue objects in contiguous order, or None if the residues were not contiguous.

class schrodinger.protein.residue.HELIX_PROPENSITY(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

NoPropensity = 1
Likely = 2
Weak = 3
Ambivalent = 4
HelixBreaking = 5
class schrodinger.protein.residue.BETA_STRAND_PROPENSITY(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

NoPropensity = 1
StrandBreaking = 2
Ambivalent = 3
StrandForming = 4
class schrodinger.protein.residue.TURN_PROPENSITY(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

NoPropensity = 1
TurnForming = 2
Ambivalent = 3
TurnBreaking = 4
class schrodinger.protein.residue.HELIX_TERMINATION_TENDENCY(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

NoTendency = 1
HelixStarting = 2
Ambivalent = 3
HelixEnding = 4
class schrodinger.protein.residue.SOLVENT_EXPOSURE_TENDENCY(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

NoTendency = 1
Surface = 2
Ambivalent = 3
Buried = 4
class schrodinger.protein.residue.STERIC_GROUP(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

NoSteric = 1
Small = 2
Ambivalent = 3
Polar = 4
Aromatic = 5
class schrodinger.protein.residue.SIDE_CHAIN_CHEM(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

NoSideChainChem = 1
AcidicHydrophilic = 2
BasicHydrophilic = 3
NeutralHydrophobicAliphatic = 4
NeutralHydrophobicAromatic = 5
NeutralHydrophilic = 6
PrimaryThiol = 7
IminoAcid = 8
class schrodinger.protein.residue.RESIDUE_CHARGE(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

Positive = 1
Negative = 2
Neutral = 3
class schrodinger.protein.residue.ElementType(short_code, long_code, name)

Bases: object

__init__(short_code, long_code, name)
makeVariant(long_code, short_code=None, *, nonstandard=True)

Create a variant of an element type with a new long and short code.

  • long_code (str) – A 2+ character string representing the element type

  • short_code (str) – A 1 character string representing the element type

  • nonstandard (bool) – Whether the variant should be considered nonstandard. If False, the residue will be generally treated identically to its standard (e.g. HIE/HIS)


The variant element type

Return type


class schrodinger.protein.residue.ResidueType(short_code, long_code, name, charge=None, hydrophobicity=None, hydrophilicity=None, helix_propensity=None, beta_strand_propensity=None, turn_propensity=None, helix_termination_tendency=None, exposure_tendency=None, steric_group=None, side_chain_chem=None, isoelectric_point=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.ElementType

__init__(short_code, long_code, name, charge=None, hydrophobicity=None, hydrophilicity=None, helix_propensity=None, beta_strand_propensity=None, turn_propensity=None, helix_termination_tendency=None, exposure_tendency=None, steric_group=None, side_chain_chem=None, isoelectric_point=None)
class schrodinger.protein.residue.NucleotideType(short_code, long_code, name, charge=None, hydrophobicity=None, hydrophilicity=None, helix_propensity=None, beta_strand_propensity=None, turn_propensity=None, helix_termination_tendency=None, exposure_tendency=None, steric_group=None, side_chain_chem=None, isoelectric_point=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.ResidueType

class schrodinger.protein.residue.DeoxyribonucleotideType(short_code, long_code, name, charge=None, hydrophobicity=None, hydrophilicity=None, helix_propensity=None, beta_strand_propensity=None, turn_propensity=None, helix_termination_tendency=None, exposure_tendency=None, steric_group=None, side_chain_chem=None, isoelectric_point=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.NucleotideType

class schrodinger.protein.residue.RibonucleotideType(short_code, long_code, name, charge=None, hydrophobicity=None, hydrophilicity=None, helix_propensity=None, beta_strand_propensity=None, turn_propensity=None, helix_termination_tendency=None, exposure_tendency=None, steric_group=None, side_chain_chem=None, isoelectric_point=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.NucleotideType


Helper function to create modified amino acids and modified nucleotides

  • variants – A list of modified residues. The modified residue will have all the same properties as the standard one (hydophobicity, charge, etc.) but its long code (ie, its PDB residue name) will differ, and if a tuple of (string, string) is provided, both its long code and short code will differ.

  • variants – list of (ResidueType, list of string or (string,string))


a list of residue variants

Return type

list of ResidueType


Merge any number of dictionaries into a single dictionary.

Note that repeated keys will be silently overwritten with the last value.


Return a cached map of amino acid element types.

Includes definitions from the nonstandard residues database.

Return type



Returns whether any of the given residues are structured.


residues (iterable(residue.Residue)) – The iterable of residues to check


True if the given residues contain one that is structured.

Return type


class schrodinger.protein.residue.AbstractSequenceElement

Bases: schrodinger.models.json.JsonableClassMixin

property is_res

Utility function to check whether a residue is not a gap

property sequence

The sequence that this element is part of. Will be None if this residue is not part of a sequence. Stored as a weakref to avoid circular references. :rtype: sequence.AbstractSingleChainSequence


Whether this element has a structure i.e. whether it has corresponding XYZ coordinates in Maestro.

Return type


property idx_in_seq
property gapless_idx_in_seq

Return the index of this residue within its sequence ignoring gaps


Index of this residue in its sequence or None if it is not part of a sequence.

Return type

int or None

class schrodinger.protein.residue.Gap

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.AbstractSequenceElement

is_gap = True

Abstract method that must be defined by all derived classes. Converts an instance of the derived class into a jsonifiable object.


A dict made up of JSON native datatypes or Jsonable objects. See the link below for a table of such types.

classmethod fromJsonImplementation(json_obj)

Abstract method that must be defined by all derived classes. Takes in a dictionary and constructs an instance of the derived class.


json_dict (dict) – A dictionary loaded from a JSON string or file.


An instance of the derived class.

Return type


class schrodinger.protein.residue.Residue(element_type, inscode=None, resnum=None, seqres_only=False)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.AbstractSequenceElement

An amino acid residue.

is_gap = False
pred_accessibility: schrodinger.protein.predictors.SolventAccessibility
pred_disordered: schrodinger.protein.predictors.Disordered
pred_domain_arr: schrodinger.protein.predictors.DomainArrangement
kinase_features: schrodinger.protein.annotation.KinaseFeatureLabel
SLOT_BLOCKLIST = {'disulfide_bond', 'pred_disulfide_bond', 'sequence', 'type'}
property descriptors
property kinase_conservation
__init__(element_type, inscode=None, resnum=None, seqres_only=False)
  • element_type (ResidueType) – The kind of the residue

  • inscode (str) – The insertion code

  • resnum (int) – PDB residue number

  • seqres_only (bool) – Whether this residue only appears in the SEQRES record of a structure. Only applies to sequences associated with a structure.


Abstract method that must be defined by all derived classes. Converts an instance of the derived class into a jsonifiable object.


A dict made up of JSON native datatypes or Jsonable objects. See the link below for a table of such types.

classmethod fromJsonImplementation(json_obj)

Abstract method that must be defined by all derived classes. Takes in a dictionary and constructs an instance of the derived class.


json_dict (dict) – A dictionary loaded from a JSON string or file.


An instance of the derived class.

Return type



Get a key that uniquely identifies the residue relative to structures.


Residue key as (entry_id, chain, inscode, resnum, molnum, pdbname), or None if residue is unparented or has no structure

Return type

ResidueKey or NoneType

hasSetResNum() bool

Whether a specific resnum has been set

property resnum

If resnum is set to None, resnum will be auto-generated from column number.

property inscode

If inscode and rescode are both set to None, the inscode will be ‘+’.

property rescode
property short_code
property long_code
property chain

The name of the sequence chain that this residue belongs to. :rtype: str

property structure_chain

The name of chain for the structure that this sequence is associated with. This is normally the same as chain, but it can be different if the user manually links this sequence to a structure with differing chain names.

Return type


property hydrophobicity

Hydrophobicity for the ResidueType on the Kyte-Doolittle scale, if available; otherwise None.

Return type


property hydrophilicity

Hydrophilicity for the ResidueType on the Hopp-Woods scale, if available; otherwise None

Return type


property charge

charge of the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property helix_propensity

Helix propensity for the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property beta_strand_propensity

Beta-strand propensity for the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property turn_propensity

Turn propensity for the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property helix_termination_tendency

Helix termination tendency for the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property exposure_tendency

Solvent exposure tendency for the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property steric_group

Steric group for the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property side_chain_chem

Side chain chemistry for the ResidueType of the residue

Return type


property ss_prediction_psipred

Returns a DSSP code matching the secondary structure prediction for the residue or None. Value is calculated from thePsiPred backend.

property ss_prediction_sspro

Returns a DSSP code matching the secondary structure prediction for the residue or None. Value is calculated from the SSpro backend.

property isoelectric_point

A float representing the isoelectric point value for the ResidueType of the residue

getSimilarity(ref_res, similarity_matrix={('A', 'A'): 4, ('A', 'B'): - 2, ('A', 'C'): 0, ('A', 'D'): - 2, ('A', 'E'): - 1, ('A', 'F'): - 2, ('A', 'G'): 0, ('A', 'H'): - 2, ('A', 'I'): - 1, ('A', 'K'): - 1, ('A', 'L'): - 1, ('A', 'M'): - 1, ('A', 'N'): - 2, ('A', 'P'): - 1, ('A', 'Q'): - 1, ('A', 'R'): - 1, ('A', 'S'): 1, ('A', 'T'): 0, ('A', 'V'): 0, ('A', 'W'): - 3, ('A', 'X'): 0, ('A', 'Y'): - 2, ('A', 'Z'): - 1, ('B', 'A'): - 2, ('B', 'B'): 4, ('B', 'C'): - 3, ('B', 'D'): 4, ('B', 'E'): 1, ('B', 'F'): - 3, ('B', 'G'): - 1, ('B', 'H'): 0, ('B', 'I'): - 3, ('B', 'K'): 0, ('B', 'L'): - 4, ('B', 'M'): - 3, ('B', 'N'): 3, ('B', 'P'): - 2, ('B', 'Q'): 0, ('B', 'R'): - 1, ('B', 'S'): 0, ('B', 'T'): - 1, ('B', 'V'): - 3, ('B', 'W'): - 4, ('B', 'X'): - 1, ('B', 'Y'): - 3, ('B', 'Z'): 1, ('C', 'A'): 0, ('C', 'B'): - 3, ('C', 'C'): 9, ('C', 'D'): - 3, ('C', 'E'): - 4, ('C', 'F'): - 2, ('C', 'G'): - 3, ('C', 'H'): - 3, ('C', 'I'): - 1, ('C', 'K'): - 3, ('C', 'L'): - 1, ('C', 'M'): - 1, ('C', 'N'): - 3, ('C', 'P'): - 3, ('C', 'Q'): - 3, ('C', 'R'): - 3, ('C', 'S'): - 1, ('C', 'T'): - 1, ('C', 'V'): - 1, ('C', 'W'): - 2, ('C', 'X'): - 2, ('C', 'Y'): - 2, ('C', 'Z'): - 3, ('D', 'A'): - 2, ('D', 'B'): 4, ('D', 'C'): - 3, ('D', 'D'): 6, ('D', 'E'): 2, ('D', 'F'): - 3, ('D', 'G'): - 1, ('D', 'H'): - 1, ('D', 'I'): - 3, ('D', 'K'): - 1, ('D', 'L'): - 4, ('D', 'M'): - 3, ('D', 'N'): 1, ('D', 'P'): - 1, ('D', 'Q'): 0, ('D', 'R'): - 2, ('D', 'S'): 0, ('D', 'T'): - 1, ('D', 'V'): - 3, ('D', 'W'): - 4, ('D', 'X'): - 1, ('D', 'Y'): - 3, ('D', 'Z'): 1, ('E', 'A'): - 1, ('E', 'B'): 1, ('E', 'C'): - 4, ('E', 'D'): 2, ('E', 'E'): 5, ('E', 'F'): - 3, ('E', 'G'): - 2, ('E', 'H'): 0, ('E', 'I'): - 3, ('E', 'K'): 1, ('E', 'L'): - 3, ('E', 'M'): - 2, ('E', 'N'): 0, ('E', 'P'): - 1, ('E', 'Q'): 2, ('E', 'R'): 0, ('E', 'S'): 0, ('E', 'T'): - 1, ('E', 'V'): - 2, ('E', 'W'): - 3, ('E', 'X'): - 1, ('E', 'Y'): - 2, ('E', 'Z'): 4, ('F', 'A'): - 2, ('F', 'B'): - 3, ('F', 'C'): - 2, ('F', 'D'): - 3, ('F', 'E'): - 3, ('F', 'F'): 6, ('F', 'G'): - 3, ('F', 'H'): - 1, ('F', 'I'): 0, ('F', 'K'): - 3, ('F', 'L'): 0, ('F', 'M'): 0, ('F', 'N'): - 3, ('F', 'P'): - 4, ('F', 'Q'): - 3, ('F', 'R'): - 3, ('F', 'S'): - 2, ('F', 'T'): - 2, ('F', 'V'): - 1, ('F', 'W'): 1, ('F', 'X'): - 1, ('F', 'Y'): 3, ('F', 'Z'): - 3, ('G', 'A'): 0, ('G', 'B'): - 1, ('G', 'C'): - 3, ('G', 'D'): - 1, ('G', 'E'): - 2, ('G', 'F'): - 3, ('G', 'G'): 6, ('G', 'H'): - 2, ('G', 'I'): - 4, ('G', 'K'): - 2, ('G', 'L'): - 4, ('G', 'M'): - 3, ('G', 'N'): 0, ('G', 'P'): - 2, ('G', 'Q'): - 2, ('G', 'R'): - 2, ('G', 'S'): 0, ('G', 'T'): - 2, ('G', 'V'): - 3, ('G', 'W'): - 2, ('G', 'X'): - 1, ('G', 'Y'): - 3, ('G', 'Z'): - 2, ('H', 'A'): - 2, ('H', 'B'): 0, ('H', 'C'): - 3, ('H', 'D'): - 1, ('H', 'E'): 0, ('H', 'F'): - 1, ('H', 'G'): - 2, ('H', 'H'): 8, ('H', 'I'): - 3, ('H', 'K'): - 1, ('H', 'L'): - 3, ('H', 'M'): - 2, ('H', 'N'): 1, ('H', 'P'): - 2, ('H', 'Q'): 0, ('H', 'R'): 0, ('H', 'S'): - 1, ('H', 'T'): - 2, ('H', 'V'): - 3, ('H', 'W'): - 2, ('H', 'X'): - 1, ('H', 'Y'): 2, ('H', 'Z'): 0, ('I', 'A'): - 1, ('I', 'B'): - 3, ('I', 'C'): - 1, ('I', 'D'): - 3, ('I', 'E'): - 3, ('I', 'F'): 0, ('I', 'G'): - 4, ('I', 'H'): - 3, ('I', 'I'): 4, ('I', 'K'): - 3, ('I', 'L'): 2, ('I', 'M'): 1, ('I', 'N'): - 3, ('I', 'P'): - 3, ('I', 'Q'): - 3, ('I', 'R'): - 3, ('I', 'S'): - 2, ('I', 'T'): - 1, ('I', 'V'): 3, ('I', 'W'): - 3, ('I', 'X'): - 1, ('I', 'Y'): - 1, ('I', 'Z'): - 3, ('K', 'A'): - 1, ('K', 'B'): 0, ('K', 'C'): - 3, ('K', 'D'): - 1, ('K', 'E'): 1, ('K', 'F'): - 3, ('K', 'G'): - 2, ('K', 'H'): - 1, ('K', 'I'): - 3, ('K', 'K'): 5, ('K', 'L'): - 2, ('K', 'M'): - 1, ('K', 'N'): 0, ('K', 'P'): - 1, ('K', 'Q'): 1, ('K', 'R'): 2, ('K', 'S'): 0, ('K', 'T'): - 1, ('K', 'V'): - 2, ('K', 'W'): - 3, ('K', 'X'): - 1, ('K', 'Y'): - 2, ('K', 'Z'): 1, ('L', 'A'): - 1, ('L', 'B'): - 4, ('L', 'C'): - 1, ('L', 'D'): - 4, ('L', 'E'): - 3, ('L', 'F'): 0, ('L', 'G'): - 4, ('L', 'H'): - 3, ('L', 'I'): 2, ('L', 'K'): - 2, ('L', 'L'): 4, ('L', 'M'): 2, ('L', 'N'): - 3, ('L', 'P'): - 3, ('L', 'Q'): - 2, ('L', 'R'): - 2, ('L', 'S'): - 2, ('L', 'T'): - 1, ('L', 'V'): 1, ('L', 'W'): - 2, ('L', 'X'): - 1, ('L', 'Y'): - 1, ('L', 'Z'): - 3, ('M', 'A'): - 1, ('M', 'B'): - 3, ('M', 'C'): - 1, ('M', 'D'): - 3, ('M', 'E'): - 2, ('M', 'F'): 0, ('M', 'G'): - 3, ('M', 'H'): - 2, ('M', 'I'): 1, ('M', 'K'): - 1, ('M', 'L'): 2, ('M', 'M'): 5, ('M', 'N'): - 2, ('M', 'P'): - 2, ('M', 'Q'): 0, ('M', 'R'): - 1, ('M', 'S'): - 1, ('M', 'T'): - 1, ('M', 'V'): 1, ('M', 'W'): - 1, ('M', 'X'): - 1, ('M', 'Y'): - 1, ('M', 'Z'): - 1, ('N', 'A'): - 2, ('N', 'B'): 3, ('N', 'C'): - 3, ('N', 'D'): 1, ('N', 'E'): 0, ('N', 'F'): - 3, ('N', 'G'): 0, ('N', 'H'): 1, ('N', 'I'): - 3, ('N', 'K'): 0, ('N', 'L'): - 3, ('N', 'M'): - 2, ('N', 'N'): 6, ('N', 'P'): - 2, ('N', 'Q'): 0, ('N', 'R'): 0, ('N', 'S'): 1, ('N', 'T'): 0, ('N', 'V'): - 3, ('N', 'W'): - 4, ('N', 'X'): - 1, ('N', 'Y'): - 2, ('N', 'Z'): 0, ('P', 'A'): - 1, ('P', 'B'): - 2, ('P', 'C'): - 3, ('P', 'D'): - 1, ('P', 'E'): - 1, ('P', 'F'): - 4, ('P', 'G'): - 2, ('P', 'H'): - 2, ('P', 'I'): - 3, ('P', 'K'): - 1, ('P', 'L'): - 3, ('P', 'M'): - 2, ('P', 'N'): - 2, ('P', 'P'): 7, ('P', 'Q'): - 1, ('P', 'R'): - 2, ('P', 'S'): - 1, ('P', 'T'): - 1, ('P', 'V'): - 2, ('P', 'W'): - 4, ('P', 'X'): - 2, ('P', 'Y'): - 3, ('P', 'Z'): - 1, ('Q', 'A'): - 1, ('Q', 'B'): 0, ('Q', 'C'): - 3, ('Q', 'D'): 0, ('Q', 'E'): 2, ('Q', 'F'): - 3, ('Q', 'G'): - 2, ('Q', 'H'): 0, ('Q', 'I'): - 3, ('Q', 'K'): 1, ('Q', 'L'): - 2, ('Q', 'M'): 0, ('Q', 'N'): 0, ('Q', 'P'): - 1, ('Q', 'Q'): 5, ('Q', 'R'): 1, ('Q', 'S'): 0, ('Q', 'T'): - 1, ('Q', 'V'): - 2, ('Q', 'W'): - 2, ('Q', 'X'): - 1, ('Q', 'Y'): - 1, ('Q', 'Z'): 3, ('R', 'A'): - 1, ('R', 'B'): - 1, ('R', 'C'): - 3, ('R', 'D'): - 2, ('R', 'E'): 0, ('R', 'F'): - 3, ('R', 'G'): - 2, ('R', 'H'): 0, ('R', 'I'): - 3, ('R', 'K'): 2, ('R', 'L'): - 2, ('R', 'M'): - 1, ('R', 'N'): 0, ('R', 'P'): - 2, ('R', 'Q'): 1, ('R', 'R'): 5, ('R', 'S'): - 1, ('R', 'T'): - 1, ('R', 'V'): - 3, ('R', 'W'): - 3, ('R', 'X'): - 1, ('R', 'Y'): - 2, ('R', 'Z'): 0, ('S', 'A'): 1, ('S', 'B'): 0, ('S', 'C'): - 1, ('S', 'D'): 0, ('S', 'E'): 0, ('S', 'F'): - 2, ('S', 'G'): 0, ('S', 'H'): - 1, ('S', 'I'): - 2, ('S', 'K'): 0, ('S', 'L'): - 2, ('S', 'M'): - 1, ('S', 'N'): 1, ('S', 'P'): - 1, ('S', 'Q'): 0, ('S', 'R'): - 1, ('S', 'S'): 4, ('S', 'T'): 1, ('S', 'V'): - 2, ('S', 'W'): - 3, ('S', 'X'): 0, ('S', 'Y'): - 2, ('S', 'Z'): 0, ('T', 'A'): 0, ('T', 'B'): - 1, ('T', 'C'): - 1, ('T', 'D'): - 1, ('T', 'E'): - 1, ('T', 'F'): - 2, ('T', 'G'): - 2, ('T', 'H'): - 2, ('T', 'I'): - 1, ('T', 'K'): - 1, ('T', 'L'): - 1, ('T', 'M'): - 1, ('T', 'N'): 0, ('T', 'P'): - 1, ('T', 'Q'): - 1, ('T', 'R'): - 1, ('T', 'S'): 1, ('T', 'T'): 5, ('T', 'V'): 0, ('T', 'W'): - 2, ('T', 'X'): 0, ('T', 'Y'): - 2, ('T', 'Z'): - 1, ('V', 'A'): 0, ('V', 'B'): - 3, ('V', 'C'): - 1, ('V', 'D'): - 3, ('V', 'E'): - 2, ('V', 'F'): - 1, ('V', 'G'): - 3, ('V', 'H'): - 3, ('V', 'I'): 3, ('V', 'K'): - 2, ('V', 'L'): 1, ('V', 'M'): 1, ('V', 'N'): - 3, ('V', 'P'): - 2, ('V', 'Q'): - 2, ('V', 'R'): - 3, ('V', 'S'): - 2, ('V', 'T'): 0, ('V', 'V'): 4, ('V', 'W'): - 3, ('V', 'X'): - 1, ('V', 'Y'): - 1, ('V', 'Z'): - 2, ('W', 'A'): - 3, ('W', 'B'): - 4, ('W', 'C'): - 2, ('W', 'D'): - 4, ('W', 'E'): - 3, ('W', 'F'): 1, ('W', 'G'): - 2, ('W', 'H'): - 2, ('W', 'I'): - 3, ('W', 'K'): - 3, ('W', 'L'): - 2, ('W', 'M'): - 1, ('W', 'N'): - 4, ('W', 'P'): - 4, ('W', 'Q'): - 2, ('W', 'R'): - 3, ('W', 'S'): - 3, ('W', 'T'): - 2, ('W', 'V'): - 3, ('W', 'W'): 11, ('W', 'X'): - 2, ('W', 'Y'): 2, ('W', 'Z'): - 3, ('X', 'A'): 0, ('X', 'B'): - 1, ('X', 'C'): - 2, ('X', 'D'): - 1, ('X', 'E'): - 1, ('X', 'F'): - 1, ('X', 'G'): - 1, ('X', 'H'): - 1, ('X', 'I'): - 1, ('X', 'K'): - 1, ('X', 'L'): - 1, ('X', 'M'): - 1, ('X', 'N'): - 1, ('X', 'P'): - 2, ('X', 'Q'): - 1, ('X', 'R'): - 1, ('X', 'S'): 0, ('X', 'T'): 0, ('X', 'V'): - 1, ('X', 'W'): - 2, ('X', 'X'): - 1, ('X', 'Y'): - 1, ('X', 'Z'): - 1, ('Y', 'A'): - 2, ('Y', 'B'): - 3, ('Y', 'C'): - 2, ('Y', 'D'): - 3, ('Y', 'E'): - 2, ('Y', 'F'): 3, ('Y', 'G'): - 3, ('Y', 'H'): 2, ('Y', 'I'): - 1, ('Y', 'K'): - 2, ('Y', 'L'): - 1, ('Y', 'M'): - 1, ('Y', 'N'): - 2, ('Y', 'P'): - 3, ('Y', 'Q'): - 1, ('Y', 'R'): - 2, ('Y', 'S'): - 2, ('Y', 'T'): - 2, ('Y', 'V'): - 1, ('Y', 'W'): 2, ('Y', 'X'): - 1, ('Y', 'Y'): 7, ('Y', 'Z'): - 2, ('Z', 'A'): - 1, ('Z', 'B'): 1, ('Z', 'C'): - 3, ('Z', 'D'): 1, ('Z', 'E'): 4, ('Z', 'F'): - 3, ('Z', 'G'): - 2, ('Z', 'H'): 0, ('Z', 'I'): - 3, ('Z', 'K'): 1, ('Z', 'L'): - 3, ('Z', 'M'): - 1, ('Z', 'N'): 0, ('Z', 'P'): - 1, ('Z', 'Q'): 3, ('Z', 'R'): 0, ('Z', 'S'): 0, ('Z', 'T'): - 1, ('Z', 'V'): - 2, ('Z', 'W'): - 3, ('Z', 'X'): - 1, ('Z', 'Y'): - 2, ('Z', 'Z'): 4})

Returns the similarity between the residue and a reference residue


similarity score based on the similarity matrix

Return type


getBinarySimilarity(ref_res, similarity_matrix={('A', 'A'): 4, ('A', 'B'): - 2, ('A', 'C'): 0, ('A', 'D'): - 2, ('A', 'E'): - 1, ('A', 'F'): - 2, ('A', 'G'): 0, ('A', 'H'): - 2, ('A', 'I'): - 1, ('A', 'K'): - 1, ('A', 'L'): - 1, ('A', 'M'): - 1, ('A', 'N'): - 2, ('A', 'P'): - 1, ('A', 'Q'): - 1, ('A', 'R'): - 1, ('A', 'S'): 1, ('A', 'T'): 0, ('A', 'V'): 0, ('A', 'W'): - 3, ('A', 'X'): 0, ('A', 'Y'): - 2, ('A', 'Z'): - 1, ('B', 'A'): - 2, ('B', 'B'): 4, ('B', 'C'): - 3, ('B', 'D'): 4, ('B', 'E'): 1, ('B', 'F'): - 3, ('B', 'G'): - 1, ('B', 'H'): 0, ('B', 'I'): - 3, ('B', 'K'): 0, ('B', 'L'): - 4, ('B', 'M'): - 3, ('B', 'N'): 3, ('B', 'P'): - 2, ('B', 'Q'): 0, ('B', 'R'): - 1, ('B', 'S'): 0, ('B', 'T'): - 1, ('B', 'V'): - 3, ('B', 'W'): - 4, ('B', 'X'): - 1, ('B', 'Y'): - 3, ('B', 'Z'): 1, ('C', 'A'): 0, ('C', 'B'): - 3, ('C', 'C'): 9, ('C', 'D'): - 3, ('C', 'E'): - 4, ('C', 'F'): - 2, ('C', 'G'): - 3, ('C', 'H'): - 3, ('C', 'I'): - 1, ('C', 'K'): - 3, ('C', 'L'): - 1, ('C', 'M'): - 1, ('C', 'N'): - 3, ('C', 'P'): - 3, ('C', 'Q'): - 3, ('C', 'R'): - 3, ('C', 'S'): - 1, ('C', 'T'): - 1, ('C', 'V'): - 1, ('C', 'W'): - 2, ('C', 'X'): - 2, ('C', 'Y'): - 2, ('C', 'Z'): - 3, ('D', 'A'): - 2, ('D', 'B'): 4, ('D', 'C'): - 3, ('D', 'D'): 6, ('D', 'E'): 2, ('D', 'F'): - 3, ('D', 'G'): - 1, ('D', 'H'): - 1, ('D', 'I'): - 3, ('D', 'K'): - 1, ('D', 'L'): - 4, ('D', 'M'): - 3, ('D', 'N'): 1, ('D', 'P'): - 1, ('D', 'Q'): 0, ('D', 'R'): - 2, ('D', 'S'): 0, ('D', 'T'): - 1, ('D', 'V'): - 3, ('D', 'W'): - 4, ('D', 'X'): - 1, ('D', 'Y'): - 3, ('D', 'Z'): 1, ('E', 'A'): - 1, ('E', 'B'): 1, ('E', 'C'): - 4, ('E', 'D'): 2, ('E', 'E'): 5, ('E', 'F'): - 3, ('E', 'G'): - 2, ('E', 'H'): 0, ('E', 'I'): - 3, ('E', 'K'): 1, ('E', 'L'): - 3, ('E', 'M'): - 2, ('E', 'N'): 0, ('E', 'P'): - 1, ('E', 'Q'): 2, ('E', 'R'): 0, ('E', 'S'): 0, ('E', 'T'): - 1, ('E', 'V'): - 2, ('E', 'W'): - 3, ('E', 'X'): - 1, ('E', 'Y'): - 2, ('E', 'Z'): 4, ('F', 'A'): - 2, ('F', 'B'): - 3, ('F', 'C'): - 2, ('F', 'D'): - 3, ('F', 'E'): - 3, ('F', 'F'): 6, ('F', 'G'): - 3, ('F', 'H'): - 1, ('F', 'I'): 0, ('F', 'K'): - 3, ('F', 'L'): 0, ('F', 'M'): 0, ('F', 'N'): - 3, ('F', 'P'): - 4, ('F', 'Q'): - 3, ('F', 'R'): - 3, ('F', 'S'): - 2, ('F', 'T'): - 2, ('F', 'V'): - 1, ('F', 'W'): 1, ('F', 'X'): - 1, ('F', 'Y'): 3, ('F', 'Z'): - 3, ('G', 'A'): 0, ('G', 'B'): - 1, ('G', 'C'): - 3, ('G', 'D'): - 1, ('G', 'E'): - 2, ('G', 'F'): - 3, ('G', 'G'): 6, ('G', 'H'): - 2, ('G', 'I'): - 4, ('G', 'K'): - 2, ('G', 'L'): - 4, ('G', 'M'): - 3, ('G', 'N'): 0, ('G', 'P'): - 2, ('G', 'Q'): - 2, ('G', 'R'): - 2, ('G', 'S'): 0, ('G', 'T'): - 2, ('G', 'V'): - 3, ('G', 'W'): - 2, ('G', 'X'): - 1, ('G', 'Y'): - 3, ('G', 'Z'): - 2, ('H', 'A'): - 2, ('H', 'B'): 0, ('H', 'C'): - 3, ('H', 'D'): - 1, ('H', 'E'): 0, ('H', 'F'): - 1, ('H', 'G'): - 2, ('H', 'H'): 8, ('H', 'I'): - 3, ('H', 'K'): - 1, ('H', 'L'): - 3, ('H', 'M'): - 2, ('H', 'N'): 1, ('H', 'P'): - 2, ('H', 'Q'): 0, ('H', 'R'): 0, ('H', 'S'): - 1, ('H', 'T'): - 2, ('H', 'V'): - 3, ('H', 'W'): - 2, ('H', 'X'): - 1, ('H', 'Y'): 2, ('H', 'Z'): 0, ('I', 'A'): - 1, ('I', 'B'): - 3, ('I', 'C'): - 1, ('I', 'D'): - 3, ('I', 'E'): - 3, ('I', 'F'): 0, ('I', 'G'): - 4, ('I', 'H'): - 3, ('I', 'I'): 4, ('I', 'K'): - 3, ('I', 'L'): 2, ('I', 'M'): 1, ('I', 'N'): - 3, ('I', 'P'): - 3, ('I', 'Q'): - 3, ('I', 'R'): - 3, ('I', 'S'): - 2, ('I', 'T'): - 1, ('I', 'V'): 3, ('I', 'W'): - 3, ('I', 'X'): - 1, ('I', 'Y'): - 1, ('I', 'Z'): - 3, ('K', 'A'): - 1, ('K', 'B'): 0, ('K', 'C'): - 3, ('K', 'D'): - 1, ('K', 'E'): 1, ('K', 'F'): - 3, ('K', 'G'): - 2, ('K', 'H'): - 1, ('K', 'I'): - 3, ('K', 'K'): 5, ('K', 'L'): - 2, ('K', 'M'): - 1, ('K', 'N'): 0, ('K', 'P'): - 1, ('K', 'Q'): 1, ('K', 'R'): 2, ('K', 'S'): 0, ('K', 'T'): - 1, ('K', 'V'): - 2, ('K', 'W'): - 3, ('K', 'X'): - 1, ('K', 'Y'): - 2, ('K', 'Z'): 1, ('L', 'A'): - 1, ('L', 'B'): - 4, ('L', 'C'): - 1, ('L', 'D'): - 4, ('L', 'E'): - 3, ('L', 'F'): 0, ('L', 'G'): - 4, ('L', 'H'): - 3, ('L', 'I'): 2, ('L', 'K'): - 2, ('L', 'L'): 4, ('L', 'M'): 2, ('L', 'N'): - 3, ('L', 'P'): - 3, ('L', 'Q'): - 2, ('L', 'R'): - 2, ('L', 'S'): - 2, ('L', 'T'): - 1, ('L', 'V'): 1, ('L', 'W'): - 2, ('L', 'X'): - 1, ('L', 'Y'): - 1, ('L', 'Z'): - 3, ('M', 'A'): - 1, ('M', 'B'): - 3, ('M', 'C'): - 1, ('M', 'D'): - 3, ('M', 'E'): - 2, ('M', 'F'): 0, ('M', 'G'): - 3, ('M', 'H'): - 2, ('M', 'I'): 1, ('M', 'K'): - 1, ('M', 'L'): 2, ('M', 'M'): 5, ('M', 'N'): - 2, ('M', 'P'): - 2, ('M', 'Q'): 0, ('M', 'R'): - 1, ('M', 'S'): - 1, ('M', 'T'): - 1, ('M', 'V'): 1, ('M', 'W'): - 1, ('M', 'X'): - 1, ('M', 'Y'): - 1, ('M', 'Z'): - 1, ('N', 'A'): - 2, ('N', 'B'): 3, ('N', 'C'): - 3, ('N', 'D'): 1, ('N', 'E'): 0, ('N', 'F'): - 3, ('N', 'G'): 0, ('N', 'H'): 1, ('N', 'I'): - 3, ('N', 'K'): 0, ('N', 'L'): - 3, ('N', 'M'): - 2, ('N', 'N'): 6, ('N', 'P'): - 2, ('N', 'Q'): 0, ('N', 'R'): 0, ('N', 'S'): 1, ('N', 'T'): 0, ('N', 'V'): - 3, ('N', 'W'): - 4, ('N', 'X'): - 1, ('N', 'Y'): - 2, ('N', 'Z'): 0, ('P', 'A'): - 1, ('P', 'B'): - 2, ('P', 'C'): - 3, ('P', 'D'): - 1, ('P', 'E'): - 1, ('P', 'F'): - 4, ('P', 'G'): - 2, ('P', 'H'): - 2, ('P', 'I'): - 3, ('P', 'K'): - 1, ('P', 'L'): - 3, ('P', 'M'): - 2, ('P', 'N'): - 2, ('P', 'P'): 7, ('P', 'Q'): - 1, ('P', 'R'): - 2, ('P', 'S'): - 1, ('P', 'T'): - 1, ('P', 'V'): - 2, ('P', 'W'): - 4, ('P', 'X'): - 2, ('P', 'Y'): - 3, ('P', 'Z'): - 1, ('Q', 'A'): - 1, ('Q', 'B'): 0, ('Q', 'C'): - 3, ('Q', 'D'): 0, ('Q', 'E'): 2, ('Q', 'F'): - 3, ('Q', 'G'): - 2, ('Q', 'H'): 0, ('Q', 'I'): - 3, ('Q', 'K'): 1, ('Q', 'L'): - 2, ('Q', 'M'): 0, ('Q', 'N'): 0, ('Q', 'P'): - 1, ('Q', 'Q'): 5, ('Q', 'R'): 1, ('Q', 'S'): 0, ('Q', 'T'): - 1, ('Q', 'V'): - 2, ('Q', 'W'): - 2, ('Q', 'X'): - 1, ('Q', 'Y'): - 1, ('Q', 'Z'): 3, ('R', 'A'): - 1, ('R', 'B'): - 1, ('R', 'C'): - 3, ('R', 'D'): - 2, ('R', 'E'): 0, ('R', 'F'): - 3, ('R', 'G'): - 2, ('R', 'H'): 0, ('R', 'I'): - 3, ('R', 'K'): 2, ('R', 'L'): - 2, ('R', 'M'): - 1, ('R', 'N'): 0, ('R', 'P'): - 2, ('R', 'Q'): 1, ('R', 'R'): 5, ('R', 'S'): - 1, ('R', 'T'): - 1, ('R', 'V'): - 3, ('R', 'W'): - 3, ('R', 'X'): - 1, ('R', 'Y'): - 2, ('R', 'Z'): 0, ('S', 'A'): 1, ('S', 'B'): 0, ('S', 'C'): - 1, ('S', 'D'): 0, ('S', 'E'): 0, ('S', 'F'): - 2, ('S', 'G'): 0, ('S', 'H'): - 1, ('S', 'I'): - 2, ('S', 'K'): 0, ('S', 'L'): - 2, ('S', 'M'): - 1, ('S', 'N'): 1, ('S', 'P'): - 1, ('S', 'Q'): 0, ('S', 'R'): - 1, ('S', 'S'): 4, ('S', 'T'): 1, ('S', 'V'): - 2, ('S', 'W'): - 3, ('S', 'X'): 0, ('S', 'Y'): - 2, ('S', 'Z'): 0, ('T', 'A'): 0, ('T', 'B'): - 1, ('T', 'C'): - 1, ('T', 'D'): - 1, ('T', 'E'): - 1, ('T', 'F'): - 2, ('T', 'G'): - 2, ('T', 'H'): - 2, ('T', 'I'): - 1, ('T', 'K'): - 1, ('T', 'L'): - 1, ('T', 'M'): - 1, ('T', 'N'): 0, ('T', 'P'): - 1, ('T', 'Q'): - 1, ('T', 'R'): - 1, ('T', 'S'): 1, ('T', 'T'): 5, ('T', 'V'): 0, ('T', 'W'): - 2, ('T', 'X'): 0, ('T', 'Y'): - 2, ('T', 'Z'): - 1, ('V', 'A'): 0, ('V', 'B'): - 3, ('V', 'C'): - 1, ('V', 'D'): - 3, ('V', 'E'): - 2, ('V', 'F'): - 1, ('V', 'G'): - 3, ('V', 'H'): - 3, ('V', 'I'): 3, ('V', 'K'): - 2, ('V', 'L'): 1, ('V', 'M'): 1, ('V', 'N'): - 3, ('V', 'P'): - 2, ('V', 'Q'): - 2, ('V', 'R'): - 3, ('V', 'S'): - 2, ('V', 'T'): 0, ('V', 'V'): 4, ('V', 'W'): - 3, ('V', 'X'): - 1, ('V', 'Y'): - 1, ('V', 'Z'): - 2, ('W', 'A'): - 3, ('W', 'B'): - 4, ('W', 'C'): - 2, ('W', 'D'): - 4, ('W', 'E'): - 3, ('W', 'F'): 1, ('W', 'G'): - 2, ('W', 'H'): - 2, ('W', 'I'): - 3, ('W', 'K'): - 3, ('W', 'L'): - 2, ('W', 'M'): - 1, ('W', 'N'): - 4, ('W', 'P'): - 4, ('W', 'Q'): - 2, ('W', 'R'): - 3, ('W', 'S'): - 3, ('W', 'T'): - 2, ('W', 'V'): - 3, ('W', 'W'): 11, ('W', 'X'): - 2, ('W', 'Y'): 2, ('W', 'Z'): - 3, ('X', 'A'): 0, ('X', 'B'): - 1, ('X', 'C'): - 2, ('X', 'D'): - 1, ('X', 'E'): - 1, ('X', 'F'): - 1, ('X', 'G'): - 1, ('X', 'H'): - 1, ('X', 'I'): - 1, ('X', 'K'): - 1, ('X', 'L'): - 1, ('X', 'M'): - 1, ('X', 'N'): - 1, ('X', 'P'): - 2, ('X', 'Q'): - 1, ('X', 'R'): - 1, ('X', 'S'): 0, ('X', 'T'): 0, ('X', 'V'): - 1, ('X', 'W'): - 2, ('X', 'X'): - 1, ('X', 'Y'): - 1, ('X', 'Z'): - 1, ('Y', 'A'): - 2, ('Y', 'B'): - 3, ('Y', 'C'): - 2, ('Y', 'D'): - 3, ('Y', 'E'): - 2, ('Y', 'F'): 3, ('Y', 'G'): - 3, ('Y', 'H'): 2, ('Y', 'I'): - 1, ('Y', 'K'): - 2, ('Y', 'L'): - 1, ('Y', 'M'): - 1, ('Y', 'N'): - 2, ('Y', 'P'): - 3, ('Y', 'Q'): - 1, ('Y', 'R'): - 2, ('Y', 'S'): - 2, ('Y', 'T'): - 2, ('Y', 'V'): - 1, ('Y', 'W'): 2, ('Y', 'X'): - 1, ('Y', 'Y'): 7, ('Y', 'Z'): - 2, ('Z', 'A'): - 1, ('Z', 'B'): 1, ('Z', 'C'): - 3, ('Z', 'D'): 1, ('Z', 'E'): 4, ('Z', 'F'): - 3, ('Z', 'G'): - 2, ('Z', 'H'): 0, ('Z', 'I'): - 3, ('Z', 'K'): 1, ('Z', 'L'): - 3, ('Z', 'M'): - 1, ('Z', 'N'): 0, ('Z', 'P'): - 1, ('Z', 'Q'): 3, ('Z', 'R'): 0, ('Z', 'S'): 0, ('Z', 'T'): - 1, ('Z', 'V'): - 2, ('Z', 'W'): - 3, ('Z', 'X'): - 1, ('Z', 'Y'): - 2, ('Z', 'Z'): 4})

Returns if the residue and a reference residue are similar


1 if the similarity score is positive, otherwise 0.

Return type



Return the identity between the residue and a reference residue


ref_res (schrodinger.protein.residue.Residue) – The reference residue


1 if same as the reference residue, 0 otherwise.

Return type



Return the identity between the residue and a reference residue without considering nonstandard amino acids identical to their related standard amino acid.

See getIdentity for additional documentation.


Return whether the residue and a reference residue have similar side-chain chemistry.

The similarity criterion is based on “side chain chemistry” descriptor matching.


ref_res (schrodinger.protein.residue.Residue) – The reference residue


1 if the residue and reference residue are have similar side chain chemistry, 0 otherwise.

Return type



Return all properties for the corresponding structure residue’s alpha carbon. Properties that apply to the whole residue are stored as atom properties on this atom. An empty dictionary will be returned if this residue doesn’t have a corresponding alpha carbon.


A dictionary-like object containing the properties.

Return type

structure._StructureAtomProperty or dict


Updates the descriptor dicts with new descriptor values


descriptors (dict[str, float]) – A dict mapping descriptor names to their values


Get the residue’s value corresponding to the given SequenceProperty object


seq_prop ( – The object describing the residue property


The value of the sequence property

Return type

str, int, float or None

class schrodinger.protein.residue.CombinedChainResidueWrapper(res, combined_chain_seq)

Bases: object

A wrapper for a residue or gap so that res.sequence points to the combined-chain sequence and res.idx_in_seq gives the index within the combined-chain sequence.

Note that these wrappers are generated as needed and the combined-chain sequence does not store any reference to the generated instances. As such, these residues should not be stored using weakrefs and should not be compared using identity. Also note that these residues will not compare equal to the split-chain residues that they wrap.

__init__(res, combined_chain_seq)
property sequence

The combined-chain sequence that the residue is part of, or None if the residue has been removed from the sequence.

Return type

sequence.CombinedChainProteinSequence or None

property idx_in_seq

This residue’s index in the combined-chain sequence, or None if the residue has been removed from the sequence.

Return type

int or None

property split_res

The split-chain residue or gap that this residue is wrapping.

Return type


property split_sequence

The split-chain sequence that this residue is part or, or None if the residue has been removed from the sequence.

Return type

sequence.ProteinSequence or None

property disulfide_bond

The current disulfide bond, if any, that this residue is involved in. :rtype: CombinedChainDisulfideBond or None

class schrodinger.protein.residue.DisulfideBond(res1, res2)

Bases: object

Representation of a disulfide bond.

__init__(res1, res2)
  • res1 (Residue) – A residue in the bond

  • res2 (Residue) – The other residue in the bond

property res_pair

Check whether the disulfide bond is valid and if so, return its seqs.


False if the disulfide bond is invalid, the seqs otherwise.

Return type

bool or list(sequence.ProteinSequence, sequence.ProteinSequence)

property is_intra_sequence

Check whether the bond is valid and intra-sequence.


Whether the bond is a valid, intra-sequence bond.

Return type



ValueError – If the bond is not valid

property is_inter_sequence

Check whether the bond is valid and inter-sequence.


Whether the bond is a valid, inter-sequence bond.

Return type



ValueError – If the bond is not valid

class schrodinger.protein.residue.CombinedChainDisulfideBond(bond, seq)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.DisulfideBond

A disulfide bond in a sequence.CombinedChainProteinSequence.

__init__(bond, seq)
property is_intra_sequence

Check whether the bond is valid and intra-sequence.


Whether the bond is a valid, intra-sequence bond.

Return type



ValueError – If the bond is not valid

property is_inter_sequence

Check whether the bond is valid and inter-sequence.


Whether the bond is a valid, inter-sequence bond.

Return type



ValueError – If the bond is not valid

schrodinger.protein.residue.add_disulfide_bond(res1, res2, known=True)

Add a disulfide bond between two residues.

  • res1 (residue.Residue) – A residue to link with a disulfide bond

  • res2 (residue.Residue) – Another residue to link with a disulfide bond

  • known (bool) – Whether the bond is a known bond or a predicted bond.


Remove a disulfide bond between two residues.


bond (residue.DisulfideBond) – The bond to disconnect

class schrodinger.protein.residue.Nucleotide(element_type, inscode=None, resnum=None, seqres_only=False)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.residue.Residue

pred_accessibility: schrodinger.protein.predictors.SolventAccessibility
pred_disordered: schrodinger.protein.predictors.Disordered
pred_domain_arr: schrodinger.protein.predictors.DomainArrangement
kinase_features: schrodinger.protein.annotation.KinaseFeatureLabel