schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints module

Collection of functions intended as bbchem web endpoints.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.split_data_blocks(data: str, input_format: schrodinger.rdkit_extensions.Format, options: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.registration.RegistrationOptions] = None)

Iterates across serialized formats, yielding a single data block at a time. Supports iterating across SD, Maestro, and FASTA files; other formats are returned as a single block. NOTE: if a FASTA mapping is set on the registration options, the FASTA is parsed as a single block.

  • data – input text string

  • input_format – input format of the data

  • options – registration options


an iterator of data blocks

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.to_registration_data(data: str, input_format: schrodinger.rdkit_extensions.Format, options: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.registration.RegistrationOptions] = None) Iterator[Union[schrodinger.livedesign.registration.RegistrationData, Exception]]

Generalizes small molecule and biologics registration processes, returning all data LiveDesign stores in it’s internal databases. This includes returning rdmol binaries directly as for each entity. Output includes properties from the input mol, computed properties, and potentially any child data of derived virtuals.

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.to_format(mol_input: str, input_format: schrodinger.rdkit_extensions.Format, output_format: schrodinger.rdkit_extensions.Format, additional_properties: Optional[Dict] = None) str

Main entrypoint for converting to a serialized text format.

  • mol_input – serialized mol

  • input_format – input format of the mol string

  • output_format – desired format for output string

  • additional_properties – property data to include on serialization


converted text string

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.to_image(mol_input: str, fallback_entity: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.entity_type.EntityClass] = None, options: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.draw.ImageGenOptions] = None) bytes

Generates an image from a serialized input string

  • mol_input – serialized mol

  • fallback_entity – entity class to use for a fallback image

  • options – image generation options


generated image SVG or PNG bytes

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.to_fingerprint(mol_input: str, use:, substructure_options: Optional[schrodinger.rdkit.substructure.QueryOptions] = None) rdkit.DataStructs.cDataStructs.ExplicitBitVect

Generates a substructure or similarity fingerprint for a given mol.

  • mol_input – serialized mol

  • use – type of fingerprint to generate

  • substructure_options – substructure matching options

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.num_substructure_matches(*args, **kwargs) int

number of substructure/subsequence matches

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.has_substructure_match(*args, **kwargs) bool

whether any substructure/subsequence match was found

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.to_sequence_viewer_data(mol_binary_str: str, scheme: schrodinger.infra.util.AntibodyCDRScheme = AntibodyCDRScheme.Kabat) Dict[str, Dict]

biologics sequence viewer data for the given mol

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.generate_image(mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, alignment_mol: Optional[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol] = None, substructure_options: Optional[schrodinger.rdkit.substructure.QueryOptions] = None, highlight_mol: Optional[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol] = None, draw_options: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.draw.ImageGenOptions] = None) bytes

Generates an image used in LiveDesign which may have a request for compound alignment, or substructure highlighting, or both.

  • mol – compound to generate an image of

  • alignment_mol – molecule to align to prior to image generation

  • substructure_options – substructure matching options

  • highlight_mol – core to highlight in generated image

  • draw_options – image generation options


generated image as a string

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.generate_sar_analysis_image(match_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, scaffold_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, substructure_options: Optional[schrodinger.rdkit.substructure.QueryOptions] = None, draw_options: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.draw.ImageGenOptions] = None) bytes

Generates an image used in LiveDesign that is specifically from SAR analysis output, highlighting the core and all r-groups from the decomposition.

  • match_mol – source molecule for R-group decomposition to highlight and generate image of

  • scaffold_mol – scaffold molecule on which to find R-groups

  • substructure_options – substructure matching options

  • draw_options – image generation options


generated image as a string

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.pop_properties(mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol) dict

mol – molecule to extract, then clear all properties from


map of all removed properties as strings

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.set_properties(mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, new_props: dict)
  • mol – molecule to clear, then set given properties on

  • new_props – map of properties to add onto the molecule

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.split_fragments(mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol)

input molecule


iterable containing each fragment mol

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.enumerate_stereoisomers(mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, max_stereoisomers: int = 512) Iterator[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol]

Generates stereoisomers from a specified SDF structure string.

  • structure – structure from which to generate stereoisomers

  • max_stereoisomers – maximum number of stereoisomers to generate


generated stereoisomers

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.rgroup_decompose(scaffold_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, match_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, options: Optional[schrodinger.rdkit.substructure.QueryOptions] = None) List[dict]

Decomposes a molecule into its core and R-groups given a scaffold

  • scaffold_mol – scaffold molecule on which to find R-groups

  • match_mol – source molecule for R-group decomposition

  • stereospecific – whether to consider bond stereochemistry and atom chirality of scaffold


list of dicts of R-group matches

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.get_rgroup_labels(scaffold_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol) List[str]

scaffold_mol – scaffold molecule


R-group labels present on the scaffold

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.setup_reaction(rxn_input: str) str

Tidy up and convert user sketched reactions into a format that can be used for reaction enumeration.


rxn_input – a RXNBlock or RXNSMARTS describing the user’s reaction.


a SMARTS string describing the cleaned up reaction

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.run_reaction(rxn_input: str, reactant_lists: List[List[str]]) Generator[List[str], None, None]

Execute a reaction on one or more sets of reagents

Basically, each “reaction” can have one or more than reagents, and could be run on one or more sets of reagents.

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.get_PLDB_SMARTS(smiles: str) Tuple[str, List]

Generates SMARTS from the given mol with a unique atom map number on each atom, which PLDB uses to indicate canonical atom indices. Also collects which of those indices are marked with the SKETCHER_SELECTED_PROP to return a list of the indices of all sketcher-selected atoms.


mol – input SMILES


(PLDB compatible SMARTS pattern, list of selected atom indices)

schrodinger.livedesign.bbchem_endpoints.get_json_formatted_structure_hierarchy(mol_input: str, input_format: schrodinger.rdkit_extensions.Format) str

Generates a JSON string representing the structure hierarchy of the molecule. This is used by LiveDesign to display the structure hierarchy viewer for the molecule and its components.

Note that this only process the first structure in the given string.

  • mol_input – serialized mol

  • input_format – input format of the mol string


JSON string representing the structure hierarchy