schrodinger.graphics3d.arrow module

Maestro 3D arrows.

The arrow module allows creation and drawing of arrows. Clients draw using graphics3d.common.Group instances, aliased here as ArrowGroup, not through Arrow instances.

Control over the endpoints, radius, color, resolution and transparency of a arrow are provided. See the Arrow class for more info.

To draw any number of arrows create Arrow instances, add them to a Group instance.

Copyright Schrodinger LLC, All rights reserved.

class schrodinger.graphics3d.arrow.MaestroArrow(xhead=None, yhead=None, zhead=None, xtail=None, ytail=None, ztail=None, color=None, r=0.0, g=1.0, b=0.0, radius=0.15, transparency=None, opacity=1.0, resolution=16, body_percentage=0.75, remove_endcaps=False)

Bases: schrodinger.graphics3d.common._MaestroPrimitiveMixin, schrodinger.graphics3d.common.Primitive

Class for creating a 3D arrow in Maestro

Arrows should be added to a Group and drawing done via the Group. See the Group documentation.

API Example:

import schrodinger.maestro.maestro as maestro
import schrodinger.graphics3d.common as common
import schrodinger.graphics3d.arrow as arrow

arrow_grp = common.Group()
st = maestro.workspace_get()
for bond in
    ar = arrow.MaestroArrow(
        xhead=bond.atom2.x, yhead=bond.atom2.y, zhead=bond.atom2.z,
        xtail=bond.atom1.x, ytail=bond.atom1.y, ztail=bond.atom1.z,
    # Add the primative to the container.

# Unlike Arrow MaestroArrow simply needs to be shown to be drawn.
# No special callback like there is for Arrows is needed.

# Hide the markers.

# Remove the markers and the callback.
__init__(xhead=None, yhead=None, zhead=None, xtail=None, ytail=None, ztail=None, color=None, r=0.0, g=1.0, b=0.0, radius=0.15, transparency=None, opacity=1.0, resolution=16, body_percentage=0.75, remove_endcaps=False)

Constructor requires:

  • xhead – x coordinate of head position

  • yhead – y coordinate of head position

  • zhead – z coordinate of head position

  • xtail – x coordinate of tail position

  • ytail – y coordinate of tail position

  • ztail – z coordinate of tail position

  • color – One of Color object (Color class) or Color name (string) or Tuple of (R, G, B) (each a float in range 0.0-1.0)

  • radius – radius of the arrow in Angstroms Default: .15

  • opacity – 0.0 (invisible) through 1.0 (opaque) Default: 0.0

  • resolution – Ranges from ?? to ??. Default: ??

  • remove_endcaps – Whether to remove cylinder endcaps on arrow body.


Calculate the intermediate coordinate between head and body

property xhead
property yhead
property zhead
property xtail
property ytail
property ztail
property radius