schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc module

Utilities for working with VOTCA

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.ColumnData(type, default)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MoleculeData(index, name, mtype, posx, posy, posz)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 4


Alias for field number 5


Check if a property is a votca property


prop (str) – The property to check

Return type

str or None


If the property is a votca property, the type of property is returned as a module-level constant. If the property is not recognized as a VOTCA property, None is returned.


Parse a property name and return the information from it if it is a VOTCA mobility or velocity property


prop (str) – The property to check

Return type

(int, str, str) or None


The integer is the field index, the first string is the charge (HOLE or ELECTRON) and the second string is the axis name. None is returned if the property is not a mobility or velocity property.


Parse a property name and return the information from it if it is a VOTCA field property


prop (str) – The property to check

Return type

(int, str) or None


The integer is the field index, the string is the axis name. None is returned if the property is not a field property.


Parse a property name and return the information from it if it is a VOTCA database property


prop (str) – The property to check

Return type

(int, list) or None


The integer is the field index, the list contains the charges (HOLE and/or ELECTRON). None is returned if the property is not a database property

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.AxisData

Bases: object

Holds data that differs on the X, Y and Z axes


Create an AxisData object

setComponent(axis, value)

Set the data for one axis


axis (str or int) – Either the capital name of an axis (X, Y, Z) or the numerical index of that axis

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SQLCursor(path)

Bases: object

Context manager for reading or modifying an SQL database. Ensures that changes are committed and the cursor/connection are closed when finished.:

cmd = "black SQL magic"
with SQLCursor(path_to_sql_file) as cursor:
class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table(filename)

Bases: object

Base table class for internal and VOTCA SQL tables

CREATION_COMMAND = 'CREATE TABLE {name} ({columns});'
ADDROW_COMMAND = 'INSERT INTO {name} ({cols}) VALUES ({ph})'
SQL_ID = '_id'
SQID = 'id'
NAME = 'name'
TYPE = 'type'
MOL = 'mol'
POSX = 'posX'
POSY = 'posY'
POSZ = 'posZ'
FRAME = 'frame'
TOP = 'top'
SEG = 'seg'

Create a Table instance


filename (str) – The path to the SQL file


Set the SQL cursor this table should use


cursor (sqlite3.Cursor) – The cursor to use for database read/writes


Create this table in the database


SQLCreationError – If the cursor is not defined

getMoleculeInfo(molecule, centroid=True)

Get common database information for a molecule object

  • molecule (schrodinger.structure._StructureMolecule) – The molecule object to get information for

  • centroid (bool) – Include information about the molecule’s centroid. If False, all centroid information will be 0.

Return type



A MoleculeData object containing the information

static getSegmentType(molecule)

Get the segment type for this molecule

Segment names will be type_X, where X is the molecule number


molecule (structure._Molecule) – The molecule object

Return type



The segment type for this molecule

static getAllSegmentTypes(struct)

Get all the segment types for this structure


struct (structure.Structure) – The structure object

Return type



Each item of the set is the name of a segment type

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.FramesTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The frames table

TABLE_NAME = 'frames'
TIME = 'time'
STEP = 'step'
BOX11 = 'box11'
BOX12 = 'box12'
BOX13 = 'box13'
BOX21 = 'box21'
BOX22 = 'box22'
BOX23 = 'box23'
BOX31 = 'box31'
BOX32 = 'box32'
BOX33 = 'box33'
CANRIGID = 'canRigid'
COLUMNS = {'box11': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box12': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box13': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box21': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box22': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box23': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box31': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box32': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'box33': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'canRigid': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'step': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'time': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0)}

Add a frame row to the table

The main frame information is the PBC box


struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure with the PBC information

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MoleculesTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The molecules table

TABLE_NAME = 'molecules'
COLUMNS = {'frame': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'name': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'top': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'type': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None)}

Add a row


molecule (schrodinger.structure._StructureMolecule) – The molecule object to add a row for

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SitesMixin

Bases: object

Mixin for votca and matsci site tables

HAS_E = 'has_e'
HAS_H = 'has_h'
OCCPE = 'occPe'
OCCPH = 'occPh'
COMMON_COLUMNS = {'UcCnNe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcCnNh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcNcCe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcNcCh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UnCnNe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UnCnNh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'has_e': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'has_h': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'mol': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'name': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'occPe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'occPh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'posX': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posY': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posZ': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'type': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None)}
class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SegmentsTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SitesMixin, schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The segments table

TABLE_NAME = 'segments'
EANION = 'eAnion'
ENEUTRAL = 'eNeutral'
ECATION = 'eCation'
COLUMNS = {'UcCnNe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcCnNh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcNcCe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcNcCh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UnCnNe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UnCnNh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'eAnion': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'eCation': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'eNeutral': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'frame': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'has_e': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'has_h': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'mol': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'name': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'occPe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'occPh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'posX': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posY': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posZ': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'top': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'type': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None)}
addRow(molecule, stypes)

Add a row

  • molecule (schrodinger.structure._StructureMolecule) – The molecule object to add a row for

  • stypes (dict) – Keys are segment names (atom pdbres names), values are the index of that segment

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SegmentTypesTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The segmentTypes table

TABLE_NAME = 'segmentTypes'
BASIS = 'basis'
ORBFILE = 'orbfile'
TORBNRS = 'torbnrs'
COORDFILE = 'coordfile'
CANRIGID = 'canRigid'
COLUMNS = {'basis': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default='noname'), 'canRigid': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'coordfile': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default='nofile'), 'frame': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'name': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'orbfile': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default='nofile'), 'top': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'torbnrs': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default='NOT_USED')}
addRow(stype, index)

Add a row

  • stype (str) – The segment type name (should be an atom.pdbres name)

  • index (int) – The segment type index

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.FragmentsTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The fragments table

TABLE_NAME = 'fragments'
SYMMETRY = 'symmetry'
LEG1 = 'leg1'
LEG2 = 'leg2'
LEG3 = 'leg3'
COLUMNS = {'frame': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'leg1': ColumnData(type='INT', default=1), 'leg2': ColumnData(type='INT', default=2), 'leg3': ColumnData(type='INT', default=3), 'mol': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'name': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'posX': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posY': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posZ': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'seg': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'symmetry': ColumnData(type='INT', default=-1), 'top': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'type': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None)}

Add a row


molecule (schrodinger.structure._StructureMolecule) – The molecule object to add a row for

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.AtomsTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The atoms table

TABLE_NAME = 'atoms'
FRAG = 'frag'
RESNR = 'resnr'
RESNAME = 'resname'
WEIGHT = 'weight'
ELEMENT = 'element'
QMID = 'qmid'
QMPOSX = 'qmPosX'
QMPOSY = 'qmPosY'
QMPOSZ = 'qmPosZ'
COLUMNS = {'element': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'frag': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'frame': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'mol': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'name': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'posX': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posY': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posZ': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'qmPosX': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0.0), 'qmPosY': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0.0), 'qmPosZ': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0.0), 'qmid': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'resname': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'resnr': ColumnData(type='INT', default=1), 'seg': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'top': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'type': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'weight': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None)}

Add a row


atom (structure.Structure._StructureAtom) – The atom to add a row for

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.PairsMixin

Bases: object

Mixin for Matsci and VOTCA pair tables

DRX = 'drx'
DRY = 'dry'
DRZ = 'drz'
COM_DRX = 'com_drx'
COM_DRY = 'com_dry'
COM_DRZ = 'com_drz'
PERIODIC_Z = 'periodic_z'
RATE12E = 'rate12e'
RATE21E = 'rate21e'
RATE12H = 'rate12h'
RATE21H = 'rate21h'
addRow(index, dimer, struct)

Add a row to the table

classmethod setRowValues(mols, val_dict, cursor)

Set the values of columns in the row for the given pair of molecules

  • mols (iterable) – The two mol numbers involved in this pair

  • val_dict (dict) – Dict mapping column names to their values

  • cursor (sqlite3.Cursor) – The cursor to use


RuntimeError – If value has spaces

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.PairsTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.PairsMixin, schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The votca pairs table

TABLE_NAME = 'pairs'
SEG1 = 'seg1'
SEG2 = 'seg2'
SITE1 = 'seg1'
SITE2 = 'seg2'
LOE = 'lOe'
LOH = 'lOh'
HAS_E = 'has_e'
HAS_H = 'has_h'
JEFF2E = 'Jeff2e'
JEFF2H = 'Jeff2h'
COLUMNS = {'Jeff2e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Jeff2h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'com_drx': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'com_dry': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'com_drz': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'drx': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'dry': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'drz': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'frame': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'has_e': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'has_h': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'lOe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'lOh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'rate12e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'rate12h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'rate21e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'rate21h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'seg1': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'seg2': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'top': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'type': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0)}
COUPLING_COLUMNS = {'electron': ['Jeff2e'], 'hole': ['Jeff2h']}
class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SuperExchangeTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The superExchange table

Note: unused

TABLE_NAME = 'superExchange'
COLUMNS = {'frame': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'top': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'type': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None)}
class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SchrodingerTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

The schrodinger table. This contains Schrodinger-specific information and is not used by VOTCA

TABLE_NAME = 'schrodinger'
MOLFORM = 'mol_formula'
VOLUME = 'pbc_volume_Ang3'
JOBID = 'jobid'
STRUCTURE_PATH = 'structure_path'
STRUCTURE_FILE = 'structure_file'
CONCENTRATIONS_FILE = 'concentrations_file'
PAIR_DISTANCE = 'pair_distance_Ang'
PAIR_TYPE = 'pair_type'
VERSION = 'version'
JUMPFILE = 'jumpfile'
JUMPSUMMARY = 'jumpsummary'
RUNTIME = 'runtime'
SEED = 'seed'
FIELDX = 'fieldX'
FIELDY = 'fieldY'
FIELDZ = 'fieldZ'
AVECTOR = 'a_vector'
BVECTOR = 'b_vector'
CVECTOR = 'c_vector'
TEMPERATURE = 'temperature'
RATEFILE = 'ratefile'
CARRIERTYPE = 'carriertype'
SITE_KEYWORDS = 'site_keywords'
FIX_SITE_KEYWORDS = 'site_fix_keywords'
MATSCI_ENGINE = 'matsci_engine'
AVERAGE_JEFF = 'average_jeff'
COLUMNS = {'a_vector': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'average_jeff': ColumnData(type='INT', default=1), 'b_vector': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'c_vector': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'carriertype': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'concentrations_file': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'fieldX': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'fieldY': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'fieldZ': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'jobid': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'jumpsummary': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'matsci_engine': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'mol_formula': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'pair_distance_Ang': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0.0), 'pair_type': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'pbc_volume_Ang3': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0.0), 'ratefile': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'runtime': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'seed': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'site_fix_keywords': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'site_keywords': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'structure_file': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'structure_path': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'temperature': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'version': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0.92)}

Add a row


struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure for the database

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.BaseDatabaseManager(struct, filename)

Bases: object

Manage initialization and filling of SQL database tables

class Cursor(manager)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SQLCursor

Context manager for obtaining a cursor object for use by the tables. Note that when adding many rows it saves a huge amount of time to create the cursor once and then close it when finished rather than create/close a cursor for each row.

__init__(struct, filename)

Create a BaseDatabaseManager instance


Fill the schrodinger table

fillPairs(dist, pair_type='heavy')

Find all dimers in the given structure based on the normal Schrodinger dimer finding algorithm. Add all found dimers to the given SQL file.

  • dist (float) – The distance threshold for defining dimers

  • pair_type (str) – Either SQL_HEAVY (heavy atom distances only) or SQL_ALL (all atoms are considered when determining pair distance)

Return type



The number of dimers found


Should be overwritten by child classes to create the tables

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.VotcaDatabaseManager(struct, filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.BaseDatabaseManager

Database manager for votca engine

TABLE_CLASSES = (<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.FramesTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.PairsTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MoleculesTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SegmentsTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.FragmentsTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.AtomsTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SegmentTypesTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SchrodingerTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SuperExchangeTable'>)

alias of schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SegmentsTable


alias of schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.PairsTable


Create all the tables and fill all but the pairs table with initial data


Fill the atoms table


Fill the fragments table


Fill the frames table


Fill the molecules table


Fill the segmentTypes table


Fill the segments table


RuntimeError – If fillSegmentTypes has not been called yet

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.sql_command(cursor, cmd)

Perform the given command without closing the cursor or saving the results to the database

  • cursor (sqlite3.Cursor) – The cursor used

  • cmd (str) – The SQL command to perform

Return type



True if the command executed, False if the command raised a no such table error


sqlite3.OperationalError – in unknown circumstances

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.table_rows(db_path, table, orderby=None)

Generator for all the rows in a specific table of the database

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the database

  • table (str) – The name of the table to get the rows for

Return type



Yields each row in the table

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.delete_all_rows(db_path, table)

Delete all the rows in this table

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the database

  • table (str) – The name of the table to get the rows for


Detect if this exception is due to the requested table not existing


exc (Exception) – The Exception to check

Return type



Whether this exception is for a missing table

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.add_schrodinger_column(db_path, name)

Add a column to the schrodinger table. This may be needed if the SQL file was created with an older version that didn’t include this column

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

  • name (str) – The name of the column, must be a key in SchrodingerTable.COLUMNS

  • DuplicateColumnError – If the column already exists

  • KeyError – If name is not a SchrodingerTable column name

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.DuplicateColumnError

Bases: sqlite3.OperationalError

Specific to trying to ADD COLUMN when one already exists

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.add_column(cursor, table_name, col_name, extra_sql=None)

Add a column to a given database using the given cursor.

  • cursor (sqlite3.Cursor) – The cursor to use for database read/writes

  • table_name (str) – The name of the table to add a column to

  • col_name (str) – The name of the new column

  • extra_sql (str or None) – Optional additional text to add to the sql command, for example, “REAL DEFAULT ‘0.0’”


DuplicateColumnError – If the column already exists in the table

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.get_dimer_com_sep(dimer, struct)

Get the centroid separation vector for a dimer taking into account periodic boundaries.

Return type

tuple(float, float, float)


the x, y, and z components of the centroid separation between the dimer molecules, taking into account PBC.


Check if the pairs table has COM distance columns or not. This is useful for validating both GUI and driver and as a check before calling add_com_to_pairs_table.


db_path (str) – The path to the SQL file

Return type



True if the pairs table in the db already has COM_DX,Y,Z cols, otherwise False

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.add_com_to_pairs_table(db_path, struct=None)

Add center of mass (COM) distance to pairs table.

This function can work in one of two ways: provide a struct if one is available, or if a struct is not available, set struct=None and the necessary data will be gathered if available from the existing database tables.

  • db_path (str) – The path to the SQL file

  • struct (Structure) – the structure with associated PBC and molecule information. If None, the PBC and molecule information will be obtained from the database, if it is available.

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.set_schrodinger_db_value(db_path, name, value)

Set the value of the given column in the Schrodinger table.

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

  • name (str) – The name of the column, must be a key in SchrodingerTable.COLUMNS

  • value – The value to put into the database. The type of the parameter should be consistent with the expected type for that column.

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.store_schrodinger_job_props(db_path, mae_name, struct)

Store Schrodinger information about the current job in the database

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

  • mae_name (str) – The name of the Maestro file that will hold the structure

  • struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to add corresponding job info props to

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.get_schrodinger_db_value(db_path, name)

Get the value for the given column from the Schrodinger table in the database

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

  • name (str) – The name of the column to get the data from

Return type

variable or None


The value for the given column in the Schrodinger table, or None if no such table exists or no such column exists

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.get_db_structure_path(db_path, existence_check=True)

Get the path to the structure that created this database

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

  • existence_check (bool) – If True, return None if the path in the database does not point to an existing file. If False, return the path regardless of whether the file exists.

Return type

pathlib.Path or None


The Path to the structure file, or None if no path is found in the database or existence_check=True and the file does not exist

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.add_pairs_to_database(struct, path, dist, pair_type='heavy')

Find all dimers in the given structure based on the normal Schrodinger dimer finding algorithm. Add all found dimers to the given VOTCA SQL file.

  • struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure with the pairs

  • path (str) – The path to the SQL database

  • dist (float) – The distance threshold for defining dimers

  • pair_type (str) – Either SQL_HEAVY (heavy atom distances only) or SQL_ALL (all atoms are considered when determining pair distance)

Return type



The number of dimers found


Get the pairs from the database


db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

Return type



Each item of the list is a schrodinger.application.matsci.clusterstruct.Dimer object. The list is empty if the pairs table has not been populated. Note that the Dimer objects will not have set the home_atom or neighbor_atom properties of the neighbor_info property.


Check if the database has pair data


db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the database

Return type

bool or str


If no data, False. If data, the distance type used to find pairs - either SQL_HEAVY or SQL_ALL


Get the parameters used to determine the existing pairs in the database


db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the database

Return type

(str, float) or None


The type of distance used to find pairs (SQL_HEAVY or SQL_ALL) and the distance cutoff for pairs. None is returned if no pair data exists.


Get whether the database is made for the internal engine. Returns False if the corresponding column doesn’t exist in the database (older versions)


db_path (str) – The path to database file

Return bool

Whether the database is for internal engine

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.get_database_manager_class(db_path=None, is_matsci=None)

Get the database manager class using either the database path or the explicit is_matsci bool

  • db_path (str) – The path to an existing database file

  • is_matsci (bool) – Whether the database will be for matsci engine

Return BaseDatabaseManager

either MatSciDatabaseManager or VotcaDatabaseManager


Get the sites table class for the sql file


db_path (str) – The path to sql file

Return type

SegmentsTable or MatSciSitesTable


The sites table class


Get the pairs table class for the sql file


db_path (str) – The path to sql file

Return type

PairsTable or MatSciPairsTable


The pairs table class

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.find_missing_coupling_data(path, charge)

Find any pair coupings that are 0

  • path (str) – The path to the database file

  • charge (str) – Either HOLE or ELECTRON

Return type



Each item is a tuple with the molecule numbers of the two molecules involved in the missing coupling term.

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.find_missing_site_energies(path, charge)

Find any segment that has any site energy property equal to 0

  • path (str) – The path to the database file

  • charge (str) – Either HOLE or ELECTRON

Return type



Each item is the integer SQID (which translates to molecule number) of any segment with missing site energy information

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.copy_rates_csv_to_db(db_path, e12_csv=None, e21_csv=None, h12_csv=None, h21_csv=None)

Copy rates from formatted rates csv file from ML workflow to sql database

  • db_path (str) – the path to the database sql file

  • e12_csv (Optional[str]) – the path to the electron 12 rate csv file

  • e21_csv (Optional[str]) – the path to the electron 21 rate csv file

  • h12_csv (Optional[str]) – the path to the hole 12 rate csv file

  • h21_csv (Optional[str]) – the path to the hole 21 rate csv file


Get the hole hopping rates from the database


db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

Return type

dict (key: tuple(int,int). val: float)


Dictionary where the key is the directed pair of site indices (source site, destination site) the val is the hole hopping rate in that direction


Get the electron hopping rates from the database. Note: site indexes here are 1-indexed, taken directly from the database.


db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

Return type

dict (key: tuple(int,int). val: float)


Dictionary where the key is the directed pair of site indices (source site, destination site), the val is the electron hopping rate in that direction

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.get_pair_rates_from_database(db_path, particle_type='h')

Get the hopping rates from the database. Note: site indexes here are 1-indexed, taken directly from the database.

  • db_path (str or pathlib.Path) – The path to the SQL file

  • particle_type (str) – H_ENDING for hole, or E_ENDING for electron

Return type

dict (key: tuple(int,int). val: float)


Dictionary where the key is the directed pair of site indices (source site, destination site), the val is the hopping rate in that direction

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.copy_sql_data(source, destination, table, columns)

Copy the column from table in the source database to the destination database

  • source (str or pathlib.path) – the path to the source database

  • destination (str or pathlib.path) – the path to the destination database

  • table (str) – The name of the table to copy from

  • columns (list) – A list of column names to copy

  • IndexError – If the two databases do not have the same number of rows

  • DuplicateColumnError – If new_cals=True is used but the cols already exist in the destination table

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.set_column_constant(db_path, table, column, constant)

Set all rows of a given column to the value constant.

Caution: this loses all current data in that column.

  • db_path (str) – The path to the SQL file

  • table (str) – The name of the table to copy from

  • column (str) – The name of the column

  • constant (float or str) – The value to set

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SQLCreationError

Bases: Exception

Raised if an issue occurs when creating the database

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.generate_votca_database(struct, backend=None, matsci_engine=False)

Create a VOTCA SQL database and include data on species and pairs

Note that VOTCA requires the segments in a system be ordered such that all segments of the same type appear together in order. This function returns the reordered structure used to create the database. (segments=molecules)

  • struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to create a database for

  • backend (scschrodigner.job.jobcontrol._Backend) – The backend if one exists

  • matsci_engine (bool) – Whether the database will be for the internal engine

Return type



The name of the sql file that was created


SQLCreationError – If the sql file can’t be created

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MatSciSitesTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SitesMixin, schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

Sites table for the internal engine

TABLE_NAME = 'sites'
OCCP_SING = 'occP_singlet'
OCCP_TRIP = 'occP_triplet'
INJECTS_E = 'injects_e'
INJECTS_H = 'injects_h'
E_INJECTIONS = 'e_injections'
H_INJECTIONS = 'h_injections'
E_ANNIHILIATIONS = 'e_annihilations'
H_ANNIHILIATIONS = 'h_annihilations'
RAD_DECAYS = 'radiative_decays'
NONRAD_DECAYS = 'nonradiative_decays'
CURRENT_MAGNITUDE_E = 'current_magnitude_e'
CURRENT_X_E = 'current_x_e'
CURRENT_Y_E = 'current_y_e'
CURRENT_Z_E = 'current_z_e'
CURRENT_MAGNITUDE_H = 'current_magnitude_h'
CURRENT_X_H = 'current_x_h'
CURRENT_Y_H = 'current_y_h'
CURRENT_Z_H = 'current_z_h'
COLUMNS = {'UcCnNe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcCnNh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcNcCe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UcNcCh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UnCnNe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'UnCnNh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_magnitude_e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_magnitude_h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_x_e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_x_h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_y_e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_y_h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_z_e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'current_z_h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'e_annihilations': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'e_injections': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'h_annihilations': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'h_injections': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'has_e': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'has_h': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'injects_e': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'injects_h': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'mol': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'name': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None), 'nonradiative_decays': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'occP_singlet': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'occP_triplet': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'occPe': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'occPh': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=-1), 'posX': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posY': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'posZ': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'radiative_decays': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'type': ColumnData(type='TEXT', default=None)}

Add a row


molecule (schrodinger.structure._StructureMolecule) – The molecule object to add a row for

class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MatSciPairsTable(filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.PairsMixin, schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.Table

Pairs table for the internal engine

TABLE_NAME = 'pairs'
SITE1 = 'site1'
SITE2 = 'site2'
JEFF2_12E = 'Jeff2_12e'
JEFF2_21E = 'Jeff2_21e'
JEFF2_12H = 'Jeff2_12h'
JEFF2_21H = 'Jeff2_21h'
LAMBDA_12E = 'Lambda_12e'
LAMBDA_21E = 'Lambda_21e'
LAMBDA_12H = 'Lambda_12h'
LAMBDA_21H = 'Lambda_21h'
DELTAE_12E = 'DeltaE_12e'
DELTAE_21E = 'DeltaE_21e'
DELTAE_12H = 'DeltaE_12h'
DELTAE_21H = 'DeltaE_21h'
JUMPS_12E = 'Jumps_12e'
JUMPS_21E = 'Jumps_21e'
JUMPS_12H = 'Jumps_12h'
JUMPS_21H = 'Jumps_21h'
COUPLING_COLUMNS = {'electron': ['Jeff2_12e', 'Jeff2_21e'], 'hole': ['Jeff2_12h', 'Jeff2_21h']}
LAMBDA_COLUMNS = {'electron': ['Lambda_12e', 'Lambda_21e'], 'hole': ['Lambda_12h', 'Lambda_21h']}
DELTAE_COLUMNS = {'electron': ['DeltaE_12e', 'DeltaE_21e'], 'hole': ['DeltaE_12h', 'DeltaE_21h']}
JUMP_COLUMNS = {'electron': ['Jumps_12e', 'Jumps_21e'], 'hole': ['Jumps_12h', 'Jumps_21h']}
RATE_COLUMNS = {'electron': ['rate12e', 'rate21e'], 'hole': ['rate12h', 'rate21h']}
COLUMNS = {'DeltaE_12e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'DeltaE_12h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'DeltaE_21e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'DeltaE_21h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Jeff2_12e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Jeff2_12h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Jeff2_21e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Jeff2_21h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Jumps_12e': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'Jumps_12h': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'Jumps_21e': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'Jumps_21h': ColumnData(type='INT', default=0), 'Lambda_12e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Lambda_12h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Lambda_21e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'Lambda_21h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'com_drx': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'com_dry': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'com_drz': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'drx': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'dry': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'drz': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=None), 'id': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'periodic_z': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'rate12e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'rate12h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'rate21e': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'rate21h': ColumnData(type='REAL', default=0), 'site1': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None), 'site2': ColumnData(type='INT', default=None)}
class schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MatSciDatabaseManager(struct, filename)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.BaseDatabaseManager

Database manager for the internal database

TABLE_CLASSES = (<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MatSciSitesTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MatSciPairsTable'>, <class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.SchrodingerTable'>)

alias of schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MatSciSitesTable


alias of schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.MatSciPairsTable


Create all the tables and fill all but the pairs table with initial data


Fill the sites table


Add the charge flag to the parser


parser (parserutils.DriverParser or argparse._ArgumentGroup) – The parser or argument group to add the flag to


Add KMC flags to the parser


parser (parserutils.DriverParser or argparse._ArgumentGroup) – The parser or argument group to add the flag to


Type the field command line parameter


value (str) – The command line field parameter

Return type

list of tuple


Each item of the list is (X, Y, Z) field strengths in MV/m for one field. Field strengths are floats.


argparse.ArgumentTypeError – If the argument cannot be converted to a length 3 list of floats


Get the name of the SQL file that will be created


jobname (str) – The name of the job

Return type



The name the output sql file will have

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.get_db_table_length(db_path, table)

Get the number of rows in the given table

  • db_path (str) – The path to the database

  • table (str) – The name of the table

Return int

The number of rows


Create the string to set multiple values in a sql row


val_dict (dict) – Dict mapping column names to their values

Return str

The string to put in sql comand

schrodinger.application.matsci.kmc.get_num_missing_data(sql_file, charge)

Get the number of missing sites and coupling data

  • sql_file (str) – The path to the sql file

  • charge (str) – The charge to check for

Return type

tuple of int


The number of missing sites and couplings