schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume module

Analyzes free volume in a structure

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.GridRadius(grid, radius)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.FatalCoordinateError

Bases: Exception

Raised if something is wrong with matching the current coordinates to the ones used to compute free volume. Typically and atom number or element mismatch

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.archive_folder(filename, archive_folder)

Archive and delete the passed folder

  • filename (str) – Filename of the archived file

  • archive_folder (str) – The folder to archive


Unarchive the free volume surface folders related to the passed structure


struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure for which freevolume was calculated


Get the structure that the free volume calculation was run on


struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure that contains the properties that point to the free volume structure

Return type

schrodinger.structure.Structure or None


The structure from the free volume calculation or None if it couldn’t be found (due to missing property or file)


Check that the given structure matches the structure the free volume calculation was run on. In addition to basic number/type of atoms, the coordinates must also be the same since the void data has XYZ information incorporated in it.


struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure that contains the properties that point to the free volume structure

Return type

schrodinger.structure.Structure, False, or None


False if the structures match (number of atoms, elements and XYZ), Structure if the coordinates do not match - in this case the returned structure is a structure with the original free volume coordinates suitable for passing to fix_free_volume_coordinates, None if the free volume structure couldn’t be found (due to missing property or file)


FatalCoordinateError – If something unfixable does not match between the two structures, such as number of atoms or elements

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.fix_free_volume_coordinates(struct, fv_struct=None)

Change the coordinates of struct to be those from the free volume calculation. Note that this assumes check_coordinates_changed has been called first (and the results dealt with).

The structure is modified in-place

  • struct (structure.Structure) – The structure to modify

  • struct – The structure with the coordinates to transfer to struct. If not given, the structure obtained by get_free_volume_structure will be used.

Get atom indexes for atoms that are either crosslinkable, crosslinked or both.


struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to look for atoms in.

Return type

set, set, set


In order, indexes for atoms that are both crosslinked AND crosslinkable, atoms that are crosslinkable, atoms that are crosslinked. The sets are mutually exclusive.

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.get_atom_layers(atom, origin, num_layers, layer_width, axis)

Get the range of layers that the given atom would intersect.

  • atom (schrodinger.structure._StructureAtom) – The atom to find the layers for

  • origin (float) – The offset to add to each layer because the system starts at a point other than zero. The offset is along the axis defined by the axis parameter.

  • num_layers (int) – The number of layers

  • layer_width (float) – The width of each layer

  • axis (int) – 0, 1 or 2 to indicate the layers are cross sections of the X, Y or Z axis

Return type



Each item of the list is a layer the atom intersects based on its VdW radius


Given a string, extract the floating point grid spacing and probe radius values


word (str) – The string to extract the grid & radius from

Return type



The GridRadius namedtuple with the extracted values

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.get_grid_radius_property_values(struct, propbase)

Get all the grid and radius values for properties on the structure that begin with the given base string.

  • struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to extract the properties from

  • propbase (str) – The starting string for properties to search for

Return type



Keys are GridRadius instances, values are the property value for that set of grid/radius values.

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.get_file_data(struct, propbase, file_reader, override_path=None)

Use file_reader to extract the data from the files specified by the given structure properties

  • struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to get data for

  • propbase (str) – The starting string for properties to search for

  • file_reader (callable) – The function that will read the data from the file

  • override_path (str or None) – If given, look for files in this directory rather than the one specified in the structure property

Return type

(OrderedDict, list)


Keys of the dict are GridRadius objects, values are the data extracted from the file for that set of Grid and Radius values. keys are orderd by (radius, grid) sort order. Each item of the list is a str that gives the path of a file that could not be located.


Read the void volume data file located at path


path (str) – The path to the file

Return type



The volumes from the file, each item is a float


Read the trajectory void volume data file located at path


path (str) – The path to the file

Return type



The volumes from the file where the key is the frame id and values are list of volume in that frame


Read the void data file located at path


path (str) – The path to the file

Return type



Keys are INFO and VOIDS. INFO value is a VoidInfo object, VOIDS value is a list of Void objects sorted from largest to smallest.


Read the all frames void data files located inside the path


path (str) – The path to the void files folder

Return type



Dictionary where the key is the frame id and value is the void data for the frame. Void data is a dictionary where keys are INFO and VOIDS. INFO value is a VoidInfo object, VOIDS value is a list of Void objects sorted from largest to smallest.

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.get_volume_data(struct, path=None, read_trj=False)

Get all the volume data available for the given structure

  • struct (schrodigner.structure.Structure) – The structure to get volume data for

  • path (str or None) – If given, look for files in this directory rather than the one specified in the structure property

  • read_trj (bool) – Read trajectory analysis volume data if True, else will read the static structure analysis data.

Return type

(See read_volume_file or read_trj_volume_file function, list)


The volume data collected from struct, and a list of paths to files that could not be read

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.get_voids_data(struct, path=None, read_trj=False)

Get all the void data available for the given structure

  • struct (schrodigner.structure.Structure) – The structure to get volume data for

  • path (str or None) – If given, look for files in this directory rather than the one specified in the structure property

  • read_trj (bool) – Read trajectory analysis void data if True, else will read the static structure analysis data.

Return type

(See read_void_file or read_trj_void_file function, list)


The volume data collected from struct, and a list of paths to the files that could not be read.

schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.create_surface_from_void(void, void_info)

Create void surface

  • void (Void) – The void to make a surface for

  • void_info (VoidInfo) – The VoidInfo object for this void

Return type



surface created using the void and void info

class schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.JsonObject

Bases: object

Base class for custom objects that can be serialized and deserialized by json


Return a json-serializable object for this instance

Return type



A json-serializable object for this instance

classmethod fromJsonData(data)

Create a new VoidInfo object from json data


data (dict) – A dict such as returned by the jsonData method

Return type



A new class object created using the data in dict

class schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.VoidInfo(origin, numxyz, spacing, periodic, probe)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.JsonObject

Holds general information about the void calculation

__init__(origin, numxyz, spacing, periodic, probe)

Create a VoidInfo object

  • origin (iterable) – The x, y, z coordinates of the grid origin

  • numxyz (iterable) – The number of gridpoints in the x, y and z direction

  • spacing (iterable) – The spacing of gridpoints in the x, y and z direction

  • periodic (bool) – Whether the grid is periodic

  • probe (float) – The probe radius used in the void calculation


Get the xyz coordinates a node represents


node (tuple) – A graph node (a, b, c) for coordinate a, b, c in the grid

Return type



[x, y, z] coordinates of the node

class schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.Void(size=0, volume=0, nodes=None, surf_name=None, surf_comment=None, surf_file=None)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.JsonObject

Holds information about a single Void

__init__(size=0, volume=0, nodes=None, surf_name=None, surf_comment=None, surf_file=None)

Create a Void instance

  • size (int) – The number of nodes in the void

  • volume (float) – The volume the void represents

  • nodes (iterable) – The collection of grid nodes that make up the void

  • surf_name (str) – Name of the surface of the void

  • surf_comment (str) – Comment for the surface of the void

  • surf_file (str) – Name of the surface file associated with the current void


Find all the surface nodes in the void


vinfo (VoidInfo) – The VoidInfo object used to compute the void

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.FreeVolumeException

Bases: Exception

Raised if something goes wrong with computing the Free Volume

class schrodinger.application.matsci.freevolume.FreeVolumeDriver(grid=0.25, probe=1.4, generic_title='free_volume', logger=None, verbose=True, only_large_void_surf=True)

Bases: object

Driver to compute Free Volume

__init__(grid=0.25, probe=1.4, generic_title='free_volume', logger=None, verbose=True, only_large_void_surf=True)

Create a FreeVolumeDriver instance

  • grid (float) – The requested grid spacing

  • probe (float) – The probe radius

  • generic_title (str) – The title to use if a structure does not have one

  • logger (None or logging.logger) – If None, no logging will be done and FreeVolumeException will be raised if an error occurs. If a logger, logging will be done and the system will exit on an error.

  • verbose (bool) – Turns on additional logging

  • only_large_void_surf (bool) – Will calculate surface of all voids if True. If case of False it will calculate surface of voids with volume greater than 1 A^3.

property is_cms
Return type



whether the last structure loaded into the driver was a Cms object

log(msg, is_verbose=False, **kwargs)

Log a message if logging is being used


msg (str) – The message to log

Additional keyword arguments are passed to textlogger.log_msg

logError(msg, **kwargs)

Log an error message if logging is being used and exit, otherwise raise an Exception.


msg (str) – The message to log

Additional keyword arguments are passed to textlogger.log_error


Find the free volume in the structure. Results are stored as properties on the structure


struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure or cms.Cms) – The structure/system to find the free volume in

  • FreeVolumeException – if the PBC dimensions are too small or memory usage grows too large and no logger exists

  • SystemExit – if the PBC dimensions are too small or memory usage grows too large and a logger exists


Get the volume of each void

Return type



A list of void volumes. Each item is a float.


Get the property name with grbit for the class added as a suffix to the passed property base name.


propbase (str) – the property basename (prefix) to add the grbit to

Return type



property name with grbit added to it


Calculate the absolute free volume and free volume percentage from the analyzed graph

Return type

(float, float)


Tuple with two values. First is the absolute free volume and second is the free volume percentage.


Define all the voids found in the structure


Get the current total volume of the graph

Return type



The volume of all the remaining nodes in the graph

getVoidData(voids_filename, archive_data=True)

Get the void data from the current analysis

  • voids_filename (str) – name of the voids json file

  • archive_data (bool) – whether to archive void data. Archiving helps transferring of files easier.

Return type



Keys are INFO and VOIDS. INFO value is a VoidInfo object, VOIDS value is a list of Void objects sorted from largest to smallest.

createSurfaces(voids, void_info, surf_folder)

Create a surfaces for voids larger than 1 A^3 and store them inside surf folder. Also set the name, comment, and location of the created surface file for the void as an attribute in the void.

  • void (Void) – The void to make a surface for

  • void_info (VoidInfo) – The VoidInfo object for this void

  • surf_folder (str) – Folder to store all the surface files inside


Write all the data to files

The actual node graph is written to a pkl file

The void data is written to a json file

The volumes are written to a simple text file, one volume per line

The structure is written to a Maestro file


basename (str) – Use this instead of the structure title as the base file name

Return type

str, str, str


The paths to the files written (volume file, void file, graph file)


Get the basename from the structure

Return type



basename from structure title or the generic name cleaned and uniquified.


Clear out the graph for this driver to preserve memory space