schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.strain module

This module provides classes and methods used to describe deformations and strains, including applying those deformations to structure objects and generating deformed structure sets for further calculations.

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class schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.strain.Deformation(deformation_gradient)

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.tensors.SquareTensor

Subclass of SquareTensor that describes the deformation gradient tensor


checks to determine whether the deformation is independent


Gets indices of perturbed elements of the deformation gradient, i. e. those that differ from the identity

property green_lagrange_strain

calculates the euler-lagrange strain from the deformation gradient


Apply the deformation gradient to a structure.

structure (Structure object): the structure object to

be modified by the deformation

classmethod from_index_amount(matrixpos, amt)

Factory method for constructing a Deformation object from a matrix position and amount

matrixpos (tuple): tuple corresponding the matrix position to

have a perturbation added

amt (float): amount to add to the identity matrix at position


class schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.strain.DeformedStructureSet(structure, norm_strains=None, shear_strains=None, symmetry=False)


class that generates a set of independently deformed structures that can be used to calculate linear stress-strain response

NORM_INDICES = [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]
NORM_STRAINS = [-0.01, -0.005, 0.005, 0.01]
SHEAR_INDICES = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]
SHEAR_STRAINS = [-0.06, -0.03, 0.03, 0.06]
__init__(structure, norm_strains=None, shear_strains=None, symmetry=False)

constructs the deformed geometries of a structure. Generates m + n deformed structures according to the supplied parameters.

  • structure (Structure) – structure to undergo deformation

  • shear_strains (list[float]) – strain values to apply to each shear mode.

  • symmetry (bool) – whether or not to use symmetry reduction.


norm_strains: strain values to apply to each normal mode.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.strain.Strain(strain_matrix, dfm=None, dfm_shape='upper')

Bases: schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.tensors.SquareTensor

Subclass of SquareTensor that describes the Green-Lagrange strain tensor.

classmethod from_deformation(deformation)

Factory method that returns a Strain object from a deformation gradient


deformation (3x3 array-like):

classmethod from_index_amount(idx, amount)

Like Deformation.from_index_amount, except generates a strain from the zero 3x3 tensor or voigt vector with the amount specified in the index location. Ensures symmetric strain.

  • idx (tuple or integer) – index to be perturbed, can be voigt or full-tensor notation

  • amount (float) – amount to perturb selected index

property deformation_matrix

returns the deformation matrix

property von_mises_strain

Equivalent strain to Von Mises Stress

schrodinger.application.matsci.elasticity.strain.convert_strain_to_deformation(strain, shape='upper')

This function converts a strain to a deformation gradient that will produce that strain. Supports three methods:

  • strain – (3x3 array-like) strain matrix

  • shape (str) – method for determining deformation, supports: - “upper” produces an upper triangular defo - “lower” produces a lower triangular defo - “symmetric” produces a symmetric defo