schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline module

Common command line arguments Lightweight framework for defining new command line arguments.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.get_sim_time_message(default_time: float, leg_type: Optional[str] = None, default_arg: Optional[str] = None)

Get the help message for the sim time arguments to the FEP interfaces

class schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option(name, default, help, dest)

Bases: NamedTuple

name: Union[str, List]

Alias for field number 0

default: object

Alias for field number 1

help: str

Alias for field number 2

dest: Dict

Alias for field number 3

class schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.SingleOptionAction(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: argparse.Action

Argparse action handler that only allows a flag to be used once.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)
schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.define_options(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, options: List[schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option])

Define the options on a specified parser.

  • parser – Add options to this parser.

  • options – List of options in the format (name, default, help, dest).

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.get_common_options() List[schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option]

Return list of options common to all scripts.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.get_common_fep_options() List[schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option]

Return list of options common to all fep scripts.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.suppress_options(options: List[schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option], excluded: Set[str])

Modify the options as specified by excluded by replacing the help text with argparse.SUPPRESS, which will effectively hide the specified options in the command line. No effects if either options or excluded is an empty container.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.get_parser(usage: str, options: List[schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option], add_help: bool = True, add_subhost: bool = True) argparse.ArgumentParser

Return a command-line parser with the given options.

  • usage – Usage to display if no arguments given.

  • options – List of options

  • add_help – Whether to add help flag to the parser


Configured command-line parser

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.parse_known_options(usage: str, options: List[schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option], argv: List[str], add_subhost: bool = True) Tuple[argparse.Namespace, List[str], argparse.ArgumentParser]

Parse and return the parsed options.

  • usage – Usage to display if no arguments given.

  • options – List of options in the format (name, default, help, destination).

  • argv – List of input arguments.


(Known parsed options, unknown options)


SystemExit – If no arguments given, show the usage and exit.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.parse_options(usage: str, options: List[schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.Option], argv: List[str], add_subhost: bool = True) argparse.Namespace

Parse and return the parsed options.

  • usage – Usage to display if no arguments given.

  • options – List of options in the format (name, default, help, dest).

  • argv – List of input arguments

  • add_subhost – Add the -SUBHOST option?


Parsed options


SystemExit – If no arguments given or if there is unknown arguments, show the usage and exit.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.check_discontinued_args(args: List[str])

Check for the presence of arguments that have been removed and exit if any are used.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.check_jobname(jobname: str) Optional[str]

Check whether the given job name contains problematic characters. It cannot start with a “-” or contain a “=”.

class schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.BaseArgs(opt: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: object

Base class for arguments. A subclass of this class contains all the command-line arguments. The jobcontrol-related arguments, which are consumed by the toplevel script, are recovered.

__init__(opt: argparse.Namespace)

opt – Command line options with corresponding values.

property mode: schrodinger.application.desmond.constants.UiMode
validate() List[str]

Validate the parameters.


a list of error messages for invalid parameters

copy_parser_attributes(opt: argparse.Namespace)

Copy parser options (e.g: time, buffer, …) from opt to self. Subclass needs to call this method in __init__


If the JOBNAME was not set and this is a new job, automatically generate a job name.


Set the mps oversubcription factor. If val is auto, the mps factor will be determined automatically. Otherwise it is set directly, and should have an int value. 0 is treated equivalently to the value 1.

class schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.FepArgs(opt: argparse.Namespace)

Bases: schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.BaseArgs

property mode: schrodinger.application.desmond.constants.UiMode
copy_parser_attributes(opt: argparse.Namespace)

Copy parser options (e.g: time, buffer, …) from opt to self. Subclass needs to call this method in __init__

validate() List[str]

Validate the parameters.


a list of error messages for invalid parameters


Raise a warning if restarting and trying to set ppj.


UserWarning – If ppj set for a restarted job.

check_duplicate_titles(sts: List[schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure])
get_time_for_leg(leg_type: str) Optional[float]

Get simulation time for FEP leg. Implemented in subclasses of FepArgs.

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.get_fep_supported_ff_names(use_display_name: bool = True) List[str]

Return a list of OPLS names that are supported by FEP products. The function first gets the available OPLS, and eliminates OPLS versions specified by UNSUPPORTED_OPLS_VERSIONS.


use_display_name – whether to return OPLS in their common name or display name


A tuple containing all the OPLS supported by FEP

schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.verify_args_validate(args_obj: schrodinger.application.desmond.starter.ui.cmdline.BaseArgs)

Verifies that no validation error occurs


args_obj – instance of BaseArgs or its subclass


SystemExit – for invalid arguments