schrodinger.application.desmond.kinetics.mtd_cleanup module

Unbinding Kinetics Cleanup workflow for infrequent MtD subjobs. Generate reports and copy one subjob cms/xtc that best matches the predicted tau.

class schrodinger.application.desmond.kinetics.mtd_cleanup.ResultsCols(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: enum.Enum

PATH = 'Path'
NAME = 'Name'
PRED_RES_TIME = 'Pred.Res.Time(s)'
P_VALUE = 'P-value'
SIM_TIME = 'Sim.Time(ns)'
SIMS = '#Sims'
UNBOUND_SIMS = '#Unbound.Sims'
class schrodinger.application.desmond.kinetics.mtd_cleanup.CleanUp(chkpt_file: str, asl_receptor: str, asl_ligand: str, mtd_reports: bool, residence_time_cutoff: float = 1000000000000.0)

Bases: object

Class for cleaning up unbinding kinetics mtd subjobs.

TODO: Return the traj for the subjob closes to the predicted value


__init__(chkpt_file: str, asl_receptor: str, asl_ligand: str, mtd_reports: bool, residence_time_cutoff: float = 1000000000000.0)
  • chkpt_file – Multisim checkpoint filenames from the master stage

  • asl_receptor – Atom selection language for the receptor

  • asl_ligand – Atom selection language for the ligand

  • mtd_reports – Generate PNG reports with detail mtd subjob analysis

  • residence_time_cutoff – A cutoff value to determine if the ligand is too slow to unbind

  • path_cv_idcs – List of indices for all path CVs used to bias metadynamics unbinding simulations.

  • subjob_to_unbinding_path_map – Dictionary linking the subjob names to their unbinding path structures.

property exec_dir

Run the cleanup workflow.

If unbinding paths are found, write summary structure showing sampled paths

and their associated path CVs.


Print formatted results to the log file.


Extract files from tgz archives

schrodinger.application.desmond.kinetics.mtd_cleanup.parse_cmd(cmdline: List[str]) argparse.Namespace