schrodinger.ui.qt.schart module

A module for plotting with QChart.

Simple chart with a scatter plot and trendline:

self.chart = schart.SChart(

title=’Simple Chart’, xtitle=’Hobnobs’, ytitle=’Grobniks’, layout=layout)

xvals = [3, 5, 9] yvals = [7, 12, 14] series_data = self.chart.addDataSeries(‘Production’, xvals,

yvals=yvals, fit=True)

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.compute_tick_interval(length, max_ticks=11, deltas=(1, 2, 5, 10, 10))

Computes the tick interval to span length with a maximum number of ticks using deltas to get the preferred tick intervals (scaled to a range of 0-10).

Note: delta should start with 1 and end with two 10s.

  • length (float) – the length of the axis, usually the highest - lowest value

  • max_ticks (int) – the maximum number of ticks to use

  • deltas (indexable of float) – the preferred tick intervals to use


the tick interval to use

Return type


class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SeriesData(series, bar_set=None)

Bases: object

Holds the data for a plotted series

__init__(series, bar_set=None)

Create a SeriesData object

  • series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The plotted series

  • bar_set (QtCharts.QBarSet) – For histograms, the plotted bar set

createTrendLine(name=None, fitter=None)

Add or recompute a trendline to a series

  • name (str) – The name of the trendline series

  • fitter (callable) – The function to fit the data. Must have the same API as the fitLine method. If not provided, a linear regression is performed


FitError – If an error occurs when fitting the data

static fitLine(xvals, yvals, buffer=0)

Fit a trendline to the data

  • xvals (list) – The x values

  • yvals (list) – The y values

  • buffer (float) – The data points returned will be at the minimum x value minus the buffer and the maximum x value plus the buffer

Return type

(list of float, list of float, scipy.stats._stats_mstats_common.LinregressResult`)


The x values of the data points the form the line, the corresponding y values, and the scipy line fit resuls object

exception schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.FitError

Bases: Exception

Raised for an error in fitting a trendline

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.BarSeriesSizeSpinBox(text, side='left', stretch=True, after_label='', layout=None, tip=None, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.ui.qt.swidgets.SLabeledDoubleSpinBox

A spinbox that can have its value updated without emitting a signal

A group of these spinboxes are all connected together. When the value of one spinbox changes, all of the others update their values. Thus, we need to catch the signal when the first spinbox value is changed, but need a way to update all the others without also triggering their valueChanged signals or we end up in an infinite loop.


Change the value of the spinbox without emitting a signal


value (flot) – The new value of the spinbox

AdaptiveDecimalStepType = 1
class ButtonSymbols(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

UpDownArrows = 0
PlusMinus = 1
NoButtons = 2
CorrectToNearestValue = 1
CorrectToPreviousValue = 0
class CorrectionMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

CorrectToPreviousValue = 0
CorrectToNearestValue = 1
DefaultStepType = 0
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
NoButtons = 2
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
PlusMinus = 1
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
StepDownEnabled = 2
class StepEnabledFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

StepNone = 0
StepUpEnabled = 1
StepDownEnabled = 2
StepNone = 0
class StepType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

DefaultStepType = 0
AdaptiveDecimalStepType = 1
StepUpEnabled = 1
UpDownArrows = 0
__init__(text, side='left', stretch=True, after_label='', layout=None, tip=None, **kwargs)

Create a SLabledDoubleSpinBox instance

  • text (str) – The text of the label

  • side (str) – ‘left’ if the label should appear to the left of the SDoubleSpinBox (default), or ‘top’ if the label should appear above it

  • stretch (bool) – Whether to put a stretch after the SDoubleSpinBox (or after the after_label). Default is True, even if side=’top’.

  • after_label (str) – Label text to put after the SDoubleSpinBox - default is None

  • layout (QLayout) – If supplied, the SDoubleSpinBox created will be added to this layout

  • tip (str) – The tooltip to apply to the labels and spinbox

acceptDrops(self) bool
accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
alignment(self) Qt.AlignmentFlag
autoFillBackground(self) bool
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
buttonSymbols(self) QAbstractSpinBox.ButtonSymbols
changeEvent(self, e: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion
cleanText(self) str
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, e: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, e: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
correctionMode(self) QAbstractSpinBox.CorrectionMode
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
decimals(self) int
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]

editingFinished(self) [signal]

effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)
event(self, event: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
fixup(self, str: str) str
focusInEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameSize(self) QSize
geometry(self) QRect
grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasAcceptableInput(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hasFrame(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, e: QHideEvent)
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionSpinBox)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isAccelerated(self) bool
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isGroupSeparatorShown(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isReadOnly(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
keyPressEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
keyboardTracking(self) bool
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
lineEdit(self) QLineEdit
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximum(self) float
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
minimum(self) float
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, e: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint
prefix(self) str
previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None

Reset the labels and ComboBox to their default values

resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeEvent(self, e: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAccelerated(self, on: bool)
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAlignment(self, flag: Qt.AlignmentFlag)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setButtonSymbols(self, bs: QAbstractSpinBox.ButtonSymbols)
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCorrectionMode(self, cm: QAbstractSpinBox.CorrectionMode)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDecimals(self, prec: int)
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)

Set all child widgets to enabled state of state


state (bool) – True if widgets should be enabled, False if not

setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setFrame(self, a0: bool)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroupSeparatorShown(self, shown: bool)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setKeyboardTracking(self, kt: bool)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLineEdit(self, e: QLineEdit)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximum(self, max: float)
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMinimum(self, min: float)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setPrefix(self, p: str)
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setRange(self, min: float, max: float)
setReadOnly(self, r: bool)
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSingleStep(self, val: float)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setSpecialValueText(self, s: str)
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStepType(self, stepType: QAbstractSpinBox.StepType)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setSuffix(self, s: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setValue(self, val: float)

Set all child widgets to visible state of state


state (bool) – True if widgets should be visible, False if not

setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
setWrapping(self, w: bool)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showEvent(self, e: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
singleStep(self) float
size(self) QSize
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
specialValueText(self) str
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
stepBy(self, steps: int)
stepEnabled(self) QAbstractSpinBox.StepEnabledFlag
stepType(self) QAbstractSpinBox.StepType
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
suffix(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
text(self) str

textChanged(self, a0: str) [signal]

textFromValue(self, v: float) str
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, e: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
validate(self, input: str, pos: int) Tuple[QValidator.State, str, int]
value(self) float

valueChanged(self, a0: float) [signal]

valueFromText(self, text: str) float
visibleRegion(self) QRegion
whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, e: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
wrapping(self) bool
x(self) int
y(self) int

Place this layout into the parent GUI, not the ComboBox

class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SeriesParams(series, layout, row, name_only=False)

Bases: object

A set of widgets that control the visual plotting of a QChart series

SHAPES = {'Circle': MarkerShape.MarkerShapeCircle, 'Rectangle': MarkerShape.MarkerShapeRectangle}
LINE = 'line'
SCATTER = 'scatter'
BAR = 'bar'
SUPPORTED_TYPES = {<class 'PyQt6.QtCharts.QScatterSeries'>: 'scatter', <class 'PyQt6.QtCharts.QLineSeries'>: 'line', <class 'PyQt6.QtCharts.QBarSeries'>: 'bar'}
__init__(series, layout, row, name_only=False)

Create a SeriesParams object

Note that there is no overall enclosing frame or layout for this set of widgets because they are placed individually in cells of a grid layout.

  • series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The plotted series. Currently this class is only implemented with Line and Scatter series in mind.

  • layout (QtWidgets.QGridLayout) – The layout to place these widgets in

  • row (int) – The row of the grid layout for these widgets

  • name_only (bool) – Show only the edit for the name of the series

static getParamRows(series, layout, row)

Get a SeriesParam object for each set of plot items managed by this series. For an QXYSeries, there will be one SeriesParam. For a QBarSeries, there will be one SeriesParam for each QBarSet.

  • series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The series to create parameters for

  • layout (swidgets.SGridBoxLayout) – The layout to place the SeriesParam widgets in

  • row (int) – The row of the grid layout to place the widgets in

Return type



Each item of the list


Get the current size of the series. What “size” means depends on the the series type

Return type



The series size


Set the size of the series. What size means depends on the series type.


Get the name of the series

Return type



The name of the series


Set the name of the series based on the widget settings


Get the color of the series


Get the color from the color widget

Return type



The current color of the color widget


Set the color of the series


Apply the current widget settings to the series

class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.BarSeriesParams(barset, *args, subrow=False, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SeriesParams

A set of widgets that control the visual plotting of a QChart bar series

__init__(barset, *args, subrow=False, **kwargs)

Create a BarSeriesParams instance

  • barset (QtCharts.QBarSet) – The bar set for these parameters

  • subrow (bool) – False if this is for the first bar set in the series, True if for one of the lower ones. Only the first bar set sets the properties that must be the same for all sets in the series


See paraent method for documentation


See paraent method for documentation


See paraent method for documentation


See paraent method for documentation


See paraent method for documentation


See paraent method for documentation

BAR = 'bar'
LINE = 'line'
SCATTER = 'scatter'
SHAPES = {'Circle': MarkerShape.MarkerShapeCircle, 'Rectangle': MarkerShape.MarkerShapeRectangle}
SUPPORTED_TYPES = {<class 'PyQt6.QtCharts.QScatterSeries'>: 'scatter', <class 'PyQt6.QtCharts.QLineSeries'>: 'line', <class 'PyQt6.QtCharts.QBarSeries'>: 'bar'}

Apply the current widget settings to the series


Get the color from the color widget

Return type



The current color of the color widget

static getParamRows(series, layout, row)

Get a SeriesParam object for each set of plot items managed by this series. For an QXYSeries, there will be one SeriesParam. For a QBarSeries, there will be one SeriesParam for each QBarSet.

  • series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The series to create parameters for

  • layout (swidgets.SGridBoxLayout) – The layout to place the SeriesParam widgets in

  • row (int) – The row of the grid layout to place the widgets in

Return type



Each item of the list

class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SeriesDialog(series, *args, title='Series Parameters', help_topic='QCHART_SERIES_DIALOG', **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.ui.qt.swidgets.SDialog

A dialog allowing the user to control the visual look of series

__init__(series, *args, title='Series Parameters', help_topic='QCHART_SERIES_DIALOG', **kwargs)

Create a SeriesDialog object


series (list) – The list of series to display in this dialog

See parent class for additional documentation


Lay out the widgets


Apply the current settings

Accepted = 1
class DialogCode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Rejected = 0
Accepted = 1
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Rejected = 0
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
acceptDrops(self) bool

accepted(self) [signal]

accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
autoFillBackground(self) bool
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
done(self, a0: int)
dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)

Display an error dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the error dialog

event(self, a0: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
exec(self) int
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]

finished(self, result: int) [signal]

focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameSize(self) QSize
geometry(self) QRect

Display the help topic for this dialog

grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)

Display an information dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the information dialog

inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isSizeGripEnabled(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint
previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

question(msg, button1='OK', button2='Cancel')

Display a question dialog with a message Returns True if first button (default OK) is pressed, False otherwise.

  • msg (str) – The message to display in the question dialog

  • button1 (str) – The text to display on first button

  • button2 (str) – The text to display on second button

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect

rejected(self) [signal]

releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None

Reset the panel when the Reset button is pressed. Must be re-implemented in a subclass

resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
result(self) int
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setModal(self, modal: bool)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setResult(self, r: int)
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizeGripEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
visibleRegion(self) QRegion

Display a warning dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the warning dialog

whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) int
y(self) int
class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.AxisParams(axis, series, label, layout, row)

Bases: object

A set of widgets to control QChart axis parameters

__init__(axis, series, label, layout, row)

Create an AxisParams object

The widgets are in an enclosing frame.

  • axis (QtCharts.QValueAxis) – The axis to control

  • series (list) – The list of data series on the plot

  • label (str) – The name of the axis in the dialog

  • layout (QtWidgets.QGridBoxLayout) – The layout to place the widgets into

  • row (int) – The row in the grid layout where these params start


Apply the current widget settings


Check if the current state of the log checkbox is different from the current type of axis

Return type



True if the current axis is inconsistent with the state of the log checkbox

class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.AxesDialog(axes, series, *args, title='Axes Parameters', help_topic='QCHART_AXES_DIALOG', **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.ui.qt.swidgets.SDialog

A dialog for controlling the axes in a QtChart


axes (list) – A list of QAbstractAxes objects this dialog should control

See parent class for additional documentation

__init__(axes, series, *args, title='Axes Parameters', help_topic='QCHART_AXES_DIALOG', **kwargs)

Create an AxesDialog object


Lay out the widgets


Apply the current settings

Accepted = 1
class DialogCode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Rejected = 0
Accepted = 1
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Rejected = 0
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
acceptDrops(self) bool

accepted(self) [signal]

accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
autoFillBackground(self) bool
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
done(self, a0: int)
dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)

Display an error dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the error dialog

event(self, a0: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
exec(self) int
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]

finished(self, result: int) [signal]

focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameSize(self) QSize
geometry(self) QRect

Display the help topic for this dialog

grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)

Display an information dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the information dialog

inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isSizeGripEnabled(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint
previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

question(msg, button1='OK', button2='Cancel')

Display a question dialog with a message Returns True if first button (default OK) is pressed, False otherwise.

  • msg (str) – The message to display in the question dialog

  • button1 (str) – The text to display on first button

  • button2 (str) – The text to display on second button

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect

rejected(self) [signal]

releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None

Reset the panel when the Reset button is pressed. Must be re-implemented in a subclass

resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
result(self) int
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setModal(self, modal: bool)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setResult(self, r: int)
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizeGripEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
visibleRegion(self) QRegion

Display a warning dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the warning dialog

whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) int
y(self) int
class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.BinsDialog(series, *args, title='Number of Bins', help_topic='QCHART_BINS_DIALOG', **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.ui.qt.swidgets.SDialog

A dialog for controlling the bins in a QtChart histogram

BINS = 'Number of bins:'
EDGES = 'Define bin edges:'
__init__(series, *args, title='Number of Bins', help_topic='QCHART_BINS_DIALOG', **kwargs)

Create an BinsDialog object


series (list) – The list of series to display in this dialog

See parent class for additional documentation


Lay out the widgets


React to changing between defining the number of bins and the edge values


update (bool) – Whether to update the plotted bins


React to a change in the interactivity state

updateBins(edges=None, force=False)

Update the plotted bins

  • edges (list) – A list of the bin edges. Each item is a float

  • force (bool) – Whether to force the update regardless of the interactivity state


Update the bins and close the dialog


Reset the bins to their original state and close the dialog

Accepted = 1
class DialogCode(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Rejected = 0
Accepted = 1
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Rejected = 0
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
acceptDrops(self) bool

accepted(self) [signal]

accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
autoFillBackground(self) bool
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
done(self, a0: int)
dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)

Display an error dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the error dialog

event(self, a0: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
exec(self) int
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]

finished(self, result: int) [signal]

focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameSize(self) QSize
geometry(self) QRect

Display the help topic for this dialog

grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)

Display an information dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the information dialog

inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isSizeGripEnabled(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint
previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

question(msg, button1='OK', button2='Cancel')

Display a question dialog with a message Returns True if first button (default OK) is pressed, False otherwise.

  • msg (str) – The message to display in the question dialog

  • button1 (str) – The text to display on first button

  • button2 (str) – The text to display on second button

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect

rejected(self) [signal]

releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None

Reset the panel when the Reset button is pressed. Must be re-implemented in a subclass

resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
result(self) int
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setModal(self, modal: bool)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setResult(self, r: int)
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizeGripEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
visibleRegion(self) QRegion

Display a warning dialog with a message


msg (str) – The message to display in the warning dialog

whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) int
y(self) int
class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SChartView(chart, width, height, layout=None)

Bases: PyQt6.QtCharts.QChartView

The View for a QChart

__init__(chart, width, height, layout=None)

Create an SChartView object

  • chart (QtCharts.QChart) – The chart for this view

  • width (int) – The recommended minimum width (pixels) of the chart

  • height (int) – The recommended minimum height (pixels) of the chart

  • layout (QtWidgets.QBoxLayout) – The layout to place this chart into


Overwrite the parent method to ensure a minimum height and width of the chart. Without this QCharts open at a minimum unreadable size.

See parent method for implementation details

updateHoverLabel(xval, yval, bold=False)

Update the text in the hover label

Can be overwritten in subclasses to show custom data


Clear the hover label text


Make sure the hover label is in the upper right corner of the view

paintEvent(*args, **kwargs)

Overwrite the parent method to make sure the hover label stays put

See parent method for implementation details

AdjustIgnored = 0
AdjustToContents = 2
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AnchorUnderMouse = 2
AnchorViewCenter = 1
BoundingRectViewportUpdate = 4
Box = 1
CacheBackground = 1
class CacheModeFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

CacheNone = 0
CacheBackground = 1
CacheNone = 0
ClickThroughRubberBand = 128
DontAdjustForAntialiasing = 2
DontSavePainterState = 1
class DragMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoDrag = 0
ScrollHandDrag = 1
RubberBandDrag = 2
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
FullViewportUpdate = 0
HLine = 4
HorizontalRubberBand = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
MinimalViewportUpdate = 1
NoAnchor = 0
NoDrag = 0
NoFrame = 0
NoRubberBand = 0
NoViewportUpdate = 3
class OptimizationFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DontSavePainterState = 1
DontAdjustForAntialiasing = 2
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
Panel = 2
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Plain = 16
Raised = 32
RectangleRubberBand = 3
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
class RubberBand(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

NoRubberBand = 0
VerticalRubberBand = 1
HorizontalRubberBand = 2
RectangleRubberBand = 3
ClickThroughRubberBand = 128
RubberBandDrag = 2
ScrollHandDrag = 1
class Shadow(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Plain = 16
Raised = 32
Sunken = 48
Shadow_Mask = 240
class Shape(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

NoFrame = 0
Box = 1
Panel = 2
WinPanel = 3
HLine = 4
VLine = 5
StyledPanel = 6
Shape_Mask = 15
class SizeAdjustPolicy(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

AdjustIgnored = 0
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AdjustToContents = 2
SmartViewportUpdate = 2
class StyleMask(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Shadow_Mask = 240
Shape_Mask = 15
StyledPanel = 6
Sunken = 48
VLine = 5
VerticalRubberBand = 1
class ViewportAnchor(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoAnchor = 0
AnchorViewCenter = 1
AnchorUnderMouse = 2
class ViewportUpdateMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

FullViewportUpdate = 0
MinimalViewportUpdate = 1
SmartViewportUpdate = 2
BoundingRectViewportUpdate = 4
NoViewportUpdate = 3
WinPanel = 3
acceptDrops(self) bool
accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
addScrollBarWidget(self, widget: QWidget, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag)
alignment(self) Qt.AlignmentFlag
autoFillBackground(self) bool
backgroundBrush(self) QBrush
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsView.CacheModeFlag
centerOn(self, pos: QPointF)
centerOn(self, item: QGraphicsItem) None
centerOn(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
chart(self) QChart
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
cornerWidget(self) QWidget
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMode(self) QGraphicsView.DragMode
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QDragMoveEvent)
drawBackground(self, painter: QPainter, rect: QRectF)
drawForeground(self, painter: QPainter, rect: QRectF)
drawFrame(self, a0: QPainter)
dropEvent(self, event: QDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, item: QGraphicsItem, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)
event(self, event: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
fitInView(self, rect: QRectF, mode: Qt.AspectRatioMode = Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)
fitInView(self, item: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.AspectRatioMode = Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio) None
fitInView(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, mode: Qt.AspectRatioMode = Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio) None
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundBrush(self) QBrush
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameRect(self) QRect
frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow
frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape
frameSize(self) QSize
frameStyle(self) int
frameWidth(self) int
geometry(self) QRect
grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)
horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar
horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionFrame)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
invalidateScene(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), layers: QGraphicsScene.SceneLayer = QGraphicsScene.AllLayers)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isInteractive(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isTransformed(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
itemAt(self, pos: QPoint) QGraphicsItem
itemAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QGraphicsItem
items(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, pos: QPoint) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, x: int, y: int) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, rect: QRect, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, polygon: QPolygon, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
lineWidth(self) int
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPoint
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygon
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygon
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPoint
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygon
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, point: QPoint) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRect) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygon) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: int, ay: int) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: int, ay: int, w: int, h: int) QPolygonF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumViewportSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
midLineWidth(self) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

optimizationFlags(self) QGraphicsView.OptimizationFlag
overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint
previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, painter: QPainter, target: QRectF = QRectF(), source: QRect = QRect(), mode: Qt.AspectRatioMode = Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
renderHints(self) QPainter.RenderHint
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeAnchor(self) QGraphicsView.ViewportAnchor
resizeEvent(self, event: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
rotate(self, angle: float)
rubberBand(self) QChartView.RubberBand

rubberBandChanged(self, viewportRect: QRect, fromScenePoint: QPointF, toScenePoint: QPointF) [signal]

rubberBandRect(self) QRect
rubberBandSelectionMode(self) Qt.ItemSelectionMode
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
scale(self, sx: float, sy: float)
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneRect(self) QRectF
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
scrollBarWidgets(self, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag) List[QWidget]
scrollContentsBy(self, dx: int, dy: int)
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAlignment(self, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsView.CacheModeFlag)
setChart(self, chart: QChart)
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCornerWidget(self, widget: QWidget)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setDragMode(self, mode: QGraphicsView.DragMode)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setFrameRect(self, a0: QRect)
setFrameShadow(self, a0: QFrame.Shadow)
setFrameShape(self, a0: QFrame.Shape)
setFrameStyle(self, a0: int)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setHorizontalScrollBar(self, scrollbar: QScrollBar)
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, a0: Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setInteractive(self, allowed: bool)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLineWidth(self, a0: int)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMidLineWidth(self, a0: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setOptimizationFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsView.OptimizationFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setOptimizationFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsView.OptimizationFlag)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setRenderHint(self, hint: QPainter.RenderHint, on: bool = True)
setRenderHints(self, hints: QPainter.RenderHint)
setResizeAnchor(self, anchor: QGraphicsView.ViewportAnchor)
setRubberBand(self, rubberBands: QChartView.RubberBand)
setRubberBandSelectionMode(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode)
setScene(self, scene: QGraphicsScene)
setSceneRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setSceneRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, aw: float, ah: float) None
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, policy: QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformationAnchor(self, anchor: QGraphicsView.ViewportAnchor)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setVerticalScrollBar(self, scrollbar: QScrollBar)
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, a0: Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
setViewport(self, widget: QWidget)
setViewportMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setViewportMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setViewportUpdateMode(self, mode: QGraphicsView.ViewportUpdateMode)
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
setupViewport(self, widget: QWidget)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
shear(self, sh: float, sv: float)
showEvent(self, event: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
transform(self) QTransform
transformationAnchor(self) QGraphicsView.ViewportAnchor
translate(self, dx: float, dy: float)
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updateScene(self, rects: Iterable[QRectF])
updateSceneRect(self, rect: QRectF)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar
verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy
viewport(self) QWidget
viewportEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
viewportMargins(self) QMargins
viewportSizeHint(self) QSize
viewportTransform(self) QTransform
viewportUpdateMode(self) QGraphicsView.ViewportUpdateMode
visibleRegion(self) QRegion
whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, event: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) int
y(self) int
class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SHistogramBarSeries(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: PyQt6.QtCharts.QBarSeries

A QBarSeries with additional functionality for histograms

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

See parent class for documentation


Set the edges (the bin boundaries). Since the bins occur between the edges, there will be one more edge than there is bins


edges (list or numpy.array) – The bin edges. The first bin appears between edges[0] and edges[1], the last bin appears between edges[-2] and edges[-1]


Get the edges (the bin boundaries). Since the bins occur between the edges, there will be one more edge than there is bins

Return type

list or numpy.array


The bin edges. The first bin appears between edges[0] and edges[1], the last bin appears between edges[-2] and edges[-1]


Check if this series has edges set yet or not

Return type



Whether edges are set for this series or not


Update all the histograms in this series based on the bin setting


bin_settings (str, int or list) – This is passed to the numpy.histogram method or the user’s supplied histogram method as the bins parameter. May be a string such as SChart.AUTO to indicate how the bins are to be determined. May be an integer to give the total number of bins, or may be a list of bin edge values.


Update the plot axes based on the current histograms

getBinIndices(data, include_last_edge=True)

Get the zero-based bin indices of the passed data. The left limit of each bin is closed and the right limit is open. The index is -1 or num_bins if the value falls outside the range.

  • data (array_like) – The data to get indices for

  • include_last_edge (bool) – Whether the last right limit should be closed

Return list

List of bin indices of each value in the passed data


Get the number of bins

Return int

The number of bins

LabelsCenter = 0
LabelsInsideBase = 2
LabelsInsideEnd = 1
LabelsOutsideEnd = 3
class LabelsPosition(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

LabelsCenter = 0
LabelsInsideEnd = 1
LabelsInsideBase = 2
LabelsOutsideEnd = 3
class SeriesType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

SeriesTypeLine = 0
SeriesTypeArea = 1
SeriesTypeBar = 2
SeriesTypeStackedBar = 3
SeriesTypePercentBar = 4
SeriesTypePie = 5
SeriesTypeScatter = 6
SeriesTypeSpline = 7
SeriesTypeHorizontalBar = 8
SeriesTypeHorizontalStackedBar = 9
SeriesTypeHorizontalPercentBar = 10
SeriesTypeBoxPlot = 11
SeriesTypeCandlestick = 12
SeriesTypeArea = 1
SeriesTypeBar = 2
SeriesTypeBoxPlot = 11
SeriesTypeCandlestick = 12
SeriesTypeHorizontalBar = 8
SeriesTypeHorizontalPercentBar = 10
SeriesTypeHorizontalStackedBar = 9
SeriesTypeLine = 0
SeriesTypePercentBar = 4
SeriesTypePie = 5
SeriesTypeScatter = 6
SeriesTypeSpline = 7
SeriesTypeStackedBar = 3

Return len(self).

append(self, set: QBarSet) bool
append(self, sets: Iterable[QBarSet]) bool
attachAxis(self, axis: QAbstractAxis) bool
attachedAxes(self) List[QAbstractAxis]
barSets(self) List[QBarSet]
barWidth(self) float

barsetsAdded(self, sets: Iterable[QBarSet]) [signal]


barsetsRemoved(self, sets: Iterable[QBarSet]) [signal]

blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
chart(self) QChart
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]

clicked(self, index: int, barset: QBarSet) [signal]

connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
count(self) int

countChanged(self) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

detachAxis(self, axis: QAbstractAxis) bool
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)

doubleClicked(self, index: int, barset: QBarSet) [signal]

dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
event(self, a0: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]

hovered(self, status: bool, index: int, barset: QBarSet) [signal]

inherits(self, classname: str) bool
insert(self, index: int, set: QBarSet) bool
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isLabelsVisible(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
killTimer(self, id: int)
labelsAngle(self) float

labelsAngleChanged(self, angle: float) [signal]

labelsFormat(self) str

labelsFormatChanged(self, format: str) [signal]

labelsPosition(self) QAbstractBarSeries.LabelsPosition

labelsPositionChanged(self, position: QAbstractBarSeries.LabelsPosition) [signal]

labelsPrecision(self) int

labelsPrecisionChanged(self, precision: int) [signal]


labelsVisibleChanged(self) [signal]

metaObject(self) QMetaObject
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
name(self) str

nameChanged(self) [signal]

objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

opacity(self) float

opacityChanged(self) [signal]

parent(self) QObject

pressed(self, index: int, barset: QBarSet) [signal]

property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int

released(self, index: int, barset: QBarSet) [signal]

remove(self, set: QBarSet) bool
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setBarWidth(self, width: float)
setLabelsAngle(self, angle: float)
setLabelsFormat(self, format: str)
setLabelsPosition(self, position: QAbstractBarSeries.LabelsPosition)
setLabelsPrecision(self, precision: int)
setLabelsVisible(self, visible: bool = True)
setName(self, name: str)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setParent(self, a0: QObject)
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setUseOpenGL(self, enable: bool = True)
setVisible(self, visible: bool = True)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
take(self, set: QBarSet) bool
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
type(self) QAbstractSeries.SeriesType
useOpenGL(self) bool

useOpenGLChanged(self) [signal]


visibleChanged(self) [signal]

class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SHistogramBarSet(data, name, series, fitter=<function histogram>)

Bases: PyQt6.QtCharts.QBarSet

A QBarSet with additional functionality for histograms

__init__(data, name, series, fitter=<function histogram>)

Create an SHistogramBarSet instance

  • data (list) – If fitter is not None, data is the values that the fitter will compute the histogram from. If fitter is None, data is the pre-computed histogram values

  • name (str) – The name of this histogram set

  • series (SHistogramBarSeries) – The series this barset is part of

  • fitter (callable) – The function used to fit the histogram. By default it is the numpy.histogram function. Any user-supplied function should have the same api. Use None to indicate that the list of values in data are the precomputed histogram values and should not be recomputed.


Fix the legend marker shapes for this bar set


legend (QLegend) – The legend containing markers for this set


Update the histogram based on the current bin settings


bin_settings (str, int or list) – This is passed to the numpy.histogram method or the user’s supplied histogram method as the bins parameter. May be a string such as SChart.AUTO to indicate how the bins are to be determined. May be an integer to give the total number of bins, or may be a list of bin edge values.

Return type

(numpy.array, numpy.array)


The first array is the list of values, one for each bin of the histogram. The second array is the bin ediges. There is one more edge than bin.


Return len(self).

append(self, values: Iterable[float])
append(self, value: float) None
at(self, index: int) float
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
borderColor(self) QColor

borderColorChanged(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient]) [signal]

brush(self) QBrush

brushChanged(self) [signal]

childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]

clicked(self, index: int) [signal]

color(self) QColor

colorChanged(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient]) [signal]

connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
count(self) int
customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
deselectBar(self, index: int)
deselectBars(self, indexes: Iterable[int])

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)

doubleClicked(self, index: int) [signal]

dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
event(self, a0: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]

hovered(self, status: bool, index: int) [signal]

inherits(self, classname: str) bool
insert(self, index: int, value: float)
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isBarSelected(self, index: int) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
killTimer(self, id: int)
label(self) str
labelBrush(self) QBrush

labelBrushChanged(self) [signal]


labelChanged(self) [signal]

labelColor(self) QColor

labelColorChanged(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient]) [signal]

labelFont(self) QFont

labelFontChanged(self) [signal]

metaObject(self) QMetaObject
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

parent(self) QObject
pen(self) QPen

penChanged(self) [signal]


pressed(self, index: int) [signal]

property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int

released(self, index: int) [signal]

remove(self, index: int, count: int = 1)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
replace(self, index: int, value: float)
selectBar(self, index: int)
selectBars(self, indexes: Iterable[int])
selectedBars(self) List[int]

selectedBarsChanged(self, indexes: Iterable[int]) [signal]

selectedColor(self) QColor

selectedColorChanged(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient]) [signal]

sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setBarSelected(self, index: int, selected: bool)
setBorderColor(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setColor(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setLabel(self, label: str)
setLabelBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setLabelColor(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setLabelFont(self, font: QFont)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setParent(self, a0: QObject)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setSelectedColor(self, color: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
signalsBlocked(self) bool
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
sum(self) float
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toggleSelection(self, indexes: Iterable[int])
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str

valueChanged(self, index: int) [signal]


valuesAdded(self, index: int, count: int) [signal]


valuesRemoved(self, index: int, count: int) [signal]

class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SChart(master=None, title='', xtype=None, ytype=None, xlog=None, ylog=None, xtitle='', ytitle='', width=400, height=400, legend='right', tracker=True, tools=('zoom_in', 'axes', 'series', 'copy', 'legend'), colors=(< 9>, < 7>, <GlobalColor.darkGreen: 14>, <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>, <GlobalColor.cyan: 10>, <GlobalColor.magenta: 11>, <GlobalColor.darkYellow: 18>, <GlobalColor.darkBlue: 15>, < 8>, <GlobalColor.darkRed: 13>, <GlobalColor.gray: 5>, <GlobalColor.darkCyan: 16>, <GlobalColor.darkMagenta: 17>, <GlobalColor.yellow: 12>), viewclass=<class 'schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SChartView'>, layout=None)

Bases: PyQt6.QtCharts.QChart

A customized implementation of the QChart class

LINE = 'line'
SCATTER = 'scatter'
RIGHT = 'right'
LEFT = 'left'
BOTTOM = 'bottom'
TOP = 'top'
ALIGNMENTS = {'bottom': AlignmentFlag.AlignBottom, 'left': AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft, 'right': AlignmentFlag.AlignRight, 'top': AlignmentFlag.AlignTop}
ZOOM = 'zoom_in'
AXES = 'axes'
SERIES = 'series'
COPY = 'copy'
LEGEND = 'legend'
BINS = 'bins'
DEFAULT_TOOLS = ['zoom_in', 'axes', 'series', 'copy', 'legend']
VALUE = 'value'
LOG = 'log'
CATEGORY = 'category'
BASE_10 = 10
AUTO = 'auto'
COLORS = (< 9>, < 7>, <GlobalColor.darkGreen: 14>, <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>, <GlobalColor.cyan: 10>, <GlobalColor.magenta: 11>, <GlobalColor.darkYellow: 18>, <GlobalColor.darkBlue: 15>, < 8>, <GlobalColor.darkRed: 13>, <GlobalColor.gray: 5>, <GlobalColor.darkCyan: 16>, <GlobalColor.darkMagenta: 17>, <GlobalColor.yellow: 12>)
__init__(master=None, title='', xtype=None, ytype=None, xlog=None, ylog=None, xtitle='', ytitle='', width=400, height=400, legend='right', tracker=True, tools=('zoom_in', 'axes', 'series', 'copy', 'legend'), colors=(< 9>, < 7>, <GlobalColor.darkGreen: 14>, <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>, <GlobalColor.cyan: 10>, <GlobalColor.magenta: 11>, <GlobalColor.darkYellow: 18>, <GlobalColor.darkBlue: 15>, < 8>, <GlobalColor.darkRed: 13>, <GlobalColor.gray: 5>, <GlobalColor.darkCyan: 16>, <GlobalColor.darkMagenta: 17>, <GlobalColor.yellow: 12>), viewclass=<class 'schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SChartView'>, layout=None)

Create an SChart object

  • master (QtWidgets.QWidget) – A QWidget - required for parenting dialogs

  • title (str) – The chart title

  • xtype (str) – The type of x axis. If None, it will be inferred.

  • ytype (str) – The type of y axis. If None, it will be inferred.

  • xlog (int) – The log base of the X axis (None for a non-log axis)

  • ylog (int) – The log base of the Y axis (None for a non-log axis)

  • xtitle (str) – The title of the X axis

  • ytitle (str) – The title of the Y axis

  • width (int) – The recommended minimum width (pixels) of the chart

  • height (int) – The recommended minimum height (pixels) of the chart

  • legend (str or None) – The alignment of the legend relative to the chart (one of the class legend side constants TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT, LEFT), or None to not show the legend

  • tracker (bool) – Whether to show the label in the upper right corner that tracks the mouse coordinates

  • tools (tuple of str) – The tools to include in the toolbar - should be a tuple of class tools constants.

  • colors (list or None) – A list of colors to use when adding series without specifying the color explicitly. Use None to get the default QChart color cycle, which has 5 colors in the default theme and cycles repeatedly through them without noting which colors currently exist on the chart - leading often to multiple series with the same colors in dynamic charts. With colors specified, an attempt is made to reuse colors early in the list if no current series has that color, and no existing color is reused - instead a random color will be generated if all colors current exist on the chart.

  • viewclass (class or None) – The view class (not object) for this chart - typically a subclass of SChartView

  • layout (QtWidgets.QBoxLayout) – The layout to place this chart into


Create the toolbar


layout (QtWidgets.QBoxLayout) – The layout to place this toolbar into


Get the chart image

Return type



The chart image as a QImage


Copy the chart image to the clipboard


Export the chart image to a file


file_path (str) – The path to export the image to

Return type



True if exported, False if export failed


Open the dialog that allows the user to modify the histogram bins


Get the next color to use for plotting a series. Colors at the beginning of the list will be reused if no series with that color currently exists. If all available colors are currently used, a random color will be generated.

Return type

QtGui.QColor or None


The next color to use for plotting, or None if there is no color list defined

static setSeriesSize(series, size)

Set the size for this series. This is marker size for scatter plots or thickness for line plots.

  • series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeres) – The series to modify

  • size (int) – The size for the series


RuntimeError – If the series is not scatter or line


Open the dialog that allows user control of series parameters


Open the dialog that allows user control of axis parameters


Reset axis labels’ angle and font size


Unzoom the plot and reset the axes parameters if necessary


Set the legend visibility


show (bool) – The legend visibility


Catch the mouse moving in the chart and update the hover tracking label with its coordinates


event (QtGui.QHoverEvent) – The event object


Hide the position tracker when the mouse leaves the chart area


event (QtGui.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent) – The hover leave event


Add the series to the chart


This function changes the color of black series to a theme color - this is done automatically by QtCharts when adding a series


series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The series to add to the chart

static changeAxisFontSize(axis, labels=0, title=0)

Change the font sizes for the axis

  • axis (QAbstractAxis) – The axis

  • labels (int) – The font size for labels

  • title (int) – The font size for the title

static isLogAxis(axis)

Check if this axis is a log axis

Return type



Whether the axis is log or not

static isValueAxis(axis)

Check if this axis is a value axis

Return type



Whether the axis is value or not

toggleLogAxis(old_axis, base=10)

Change a linear axis to log, or vise versa

  • old_axis (QAbstractAxis) – The axis to change

  • base (int) – The log base if changing to a log axis

Return type



The new axis


RuntimeError – if old_axis is not a QLogValueAxis or QValueAxis

createAxis(side, title, log=10, unique=True, atype='value')

Create an axis on one side of the chart. Note that if an axis in that direction already exists, there will be multiple axes in that direction.

  • side (str) – A side class constant giving the side of the chart the axis will be on

  • title (str) – The label for the axis

  • log (int) – The log base of the axis if a log axis is requested

  • unique (bool) – If True, remove any existing axis on this side. Any series attached to a removed axis must be manually attached to a new axis.

  • atype (str) – The type of axis. Should be a class axis type constant

Return type



The axis that was created

setXMinMax(minimum=None, maximum=None, side='bottom')

Set the min and max values of the x axis

  • minimum (float) – The minimum value of the axis

  • maximum (float) – The maximum value of the axis

  • side (str) – The side of the plot the desired axis is attached to. Must be a class side constant.

setYMinMax(minimum=None, maximum=None, side='left')

Set the min and max values of the y axis

  • minimum (float) – The minimum value of the axis

  • maximum (float) – The maximum value of the axis

  • side (str) – The side of the plot the desired axis is attached to Must be a class side constant.

setAxisMinMax(axis, minimum, maximum)

Set the min and max values of an axis

  • axis (QtCharts.QAbstractAxis) – The axis to set.

  • minimum (float) – The minimum value of the axis

  • maximum (float) – The maximum value of the axis

setXAutoRange(buffer=0, buffer_pct=10.0, side='bottom')

Automatically set the x axis range based on the min and max values of the plotted data

  • buffer (float) – Additional absolute amount to increase the axis range beyond the min and max plotted values (0 will truncate the axis at exactly the min and max values)

  • buffer_pct (float) – Additional percent amount to increase the axis range beyond the min and max plotted values. The percent is computed of the entire range and then applied to both the low and high end of the axis.

  • side (str) – The side of the plot the desired axis is attached to Must be a class side constant.

setYAutoRange(buffer=0, buffer_pct=10.0, side='left')

Automatically set the y axis range based on the min and max values of the plotted data

  • buffer (float) – Additional absolute amount to increase the axis range beyond the min and max plotted values (0 will truncate the axis at exactly the min and max values)

  • buffer_pct (float) – Additional percent amount to increase the axis range beyond the min and max plotted values. The percent is computed of the entire range and then applied to both the low and high end of the axis.

  • side (str) – The side of the plot the desired axis is attached to Must be a class side constant.

static getAxisDataRange(axis, series)

Find the range of data attached to the given axis

  • axis (QtCharts.QAbstractAxis) – The axis

  • series (list) – The current list of data series

Return type

float, float


The min and max data values. numpy.inf is returned if there is no associated data

setAxisAutoRange(axis, buffer=0, buffer_pct=10.0)

Automatically set the y axis range based on the min and max values of the plotted data

  • axis (QtCharts.QAbstractAxis) – The axis to set.

  • buffer (float) – Additional absolute amount to increase the axis range beyond the min and max plotted values (0 will truncate the axis at exactly the min and max values)

  • buffer_pct (float) – Additional percent amount to increase the axis range beyond the min and max plotted values. The percent is computed of the entire range and then applied to both the low and high end of the axis.

warning(msg, **kwargs)

Pop up a warning dialog with the given message


msg (str) – The message to display


Get the axis associated with the given side of the chart. If more than one axis is associated with that side, the first one is returned.


side (str) – The side of the plot the desired axis is attached to. Must be a class side constant.

Return type



The axis attached to this side of the chart

  • KeyError – if side is not a valid constant

  • ValueError – If no such axis exists

property bottom_axis

Get the axis on the bottom. Will return the first one if more than one exist


ValueError – If no such axis exists

Return type



The axis attached to the bottom side of the chart

property left_axis

Get the axis on the left. Will return the first one if more than one exist


ValueError – If no such axis exists

Return type



The axis attached to the left side of the chart

property top_axis

Get the axis on the top. Will return the first one if more than one exist


ValueError – If no such axis exists

Return type



The axis attached on the top side of the chart

property right_axis

Get the axis on the right. Will return the first one if more than one exist


ValueError – If no such axis exists

Return type



The axis attached on the right side of the chart

static getSeriesXVals(series)

Get the x values for a series


series (QtCharts.QXYSeries) – The series to get data from

Return type



The x values of all points in the series


ValueError – if series is not a supported type

static getSeriesYVals(series)

Get the y values for a series. Note that for bar series, ALL the y values of all the bar sets are returned as a single list.


series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The series to get data from. Only QXYSeries and QBarSeries are currently supported

Return type



The y values of all points in the series


ValueError – if series is not a supported type

addDataSeries(name, xvals, yvals=None, series_type=None, color=None, shape=None, size=None, line_style=PenStyle.SolidLine, legend=True, autorange=True, fit=False, fitter=None, xside='bottom', yside='left')

Add a new data series to the chart

  • name (str) – The name of the series - this will be the name of the series shown in the legend

  • xvals (list of float or list of tuple) – Either a list of x data, or a list of (x, y) tuples

  • yvals (list) – List of y data if xvals is not (x, y) tuples

  • series_type (str) – The series type - must be a class series type constant

  • color (QtGui.QColor or Qt.GlobalColor constant or None) – The color for this series. If None, a color from the current color list will be used.

  • shape (QtCharts.QScatterSeries.MarkerShape) – For scatter series, the shape of the markers

  • size (int) – For scatter series, the size of the markers. For line series, the thickness of the line.

  • line_style (int) – Type of the line. Values from Qt::PenStyle enum

  • legend (bool) – Whether the series should show in the legend

  • autorange (bool) – Whether to auto-set the axes ranges after adding this series

  • fit (bool) – Whether to add a trendline to the series

  • fitter (callable) – A function to call to fit the trendline. Must follow the API of the fitLine method

  • xside (str) – The X axis side to attach the series to. Should be either BOTTOM or TOP

  • yside (str) – The Y axis side to attach the series to. Should be either LEFT or RIGHT

Return type



The newly created series will be in the SeriesData.series property. If a trendline is added, data about the trendline will also be included.

addHistogram(name, values, bin_settings='auto', bar_series=None, color=None, size=1, legend=True, fitter=<function histogram>, xside='bottom', yside='left', barset_class=<class 'schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SHistogramBarSet'>, barseries_class=<class 'schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.SHistogramBarSeries'>)

Add a new histogram to the chart.

Note that for QCharts, a “bar set” is a set of bars that make up a histogram (or other data related by a bunch of bars). A “bar series” is a collection of one or more bar sets. For instance, if you wanted to display two different histograms on the same chart in the same location. A bar set is much more analogous to a normal QXYSeries than a bar series is.

  • name (str) – The name of the histogram - this will be the name of the series shown in the legend

  • values (list) – The set of values from which the histogram will be computed. See also the fitter parameter.

  • bin_settings (str, int or list) – This is passed to the numpy.histogram method or the user’s supplied histogram method as the bins parameter. May be a string such as SChart.AUTO to indicate how the bins are to be determined. May be an integer to give the total number of bins, or may be a list of bin edge values. See also the bar_series parameter.

  • bar_series (SHistogramBarSeries) – An existing series that this histogram should be associated with. If used, the value of bin_settings is ignored if the bar_series has existing edges.

  • color (QtGui.QColor or Qt.GlobalColor constant or None) – The color for this histogram. If None, a color from the current color list will be used.

  • size (int) – The width of the histogram bars. 1 indicates bars that should touch but not overlap. Values < 1 will leave a proportionate amount of space between the bars.

  • legend (bool) – Whether the series should show in the legend

  • fitter (callable) – A function to call to compute the histogram using the data in values. Must follow the API of the numpy.histgram function. If None, then the data in values is considered the pre-computed histogram and will be used directly without modification. In this case, the bin_settings should be the list of bin edges.

  • xside (str) – The X axis side to attach the series to. Should be either BOTTOM or TOP

  • yside (str) – The Y axis side to attach the series to. Should be either LEFT or RIGHT

  • barset_class (class) – The class to use to create the bar set for this histogram

  • barseries_class (class) – The class to use to create the bar series this histogram should be attached to.

Return type



The bar series will be in the SeriesData.series property. The new bar set will be in the SeriesData.bar_set property.

seriesHovered(point, is_hovered)

Callback for when the mouse is over a point in the series

  • point (QtCore.QPointF) – The point the mouse is over

  • is_hovered – True if the mouse is over the point, False if the mouse left the point.

barsHovered(is_hovered, index)

Callback for when the mouse is over a bar in a bar set

  • is_hovered – True if the mouse is over the bar, False if the mouse left the bar.

  • index (int) – The index of the bar the mouse is over. It may belong to one of many different bar sets

addAndAttachSeries(series, xside='bottom', yside='left')

Add the series to the chart and attach it to the x and y axes

  • series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The series to add to the chart

  • xside (str) – The X axis side to attach the series to. Should be either BOTTOM or TOP

  • yside (str) – The Y axis side to attach the series to. Should be either LEFT or RIGHT

addTrendLine(data, name=None, fitter=None)

Add a trendline to a series

  • data (SeriesData) – The SeriesData that contains the series to add the trendline to

  • name (str) – The name of the trendline series

  • fitter (callable) – The function to fit the data. Must have the same API as the fitLine method.

showSeriesInLegend(series, show=True)

Set the visibility of the given series in the legend

  • series (QtCharts.QAbstractSeries) – The series to set the visibility for

  • show (bool) – Whether to show the series or not


Remove all the series from the chart, resets the view, and resets axis labels

AllAnimations = 3
class AnimationOption(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

NoAnimation = 0
GridAxisAnimations = 1
SeriesAnimations = 2
AllAnimations = 3
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class ChartTheme(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ChartThemeLight = 0
ChartThemeBlueCerulean = 1
ChartThemeDark = 2
ChartThemeBrownSand = 3
ChartThemeBlueNcs = 4
ChartThemeHighContrast = 5
ChartThemeBlueIcy = 6
ChartThemeQt = 7
ChartThemeBlueCerulean = 1
ChartThemeBlueIcy = 6
ChartThemeBlueNcs = 4
ChartThemeBrownSand = 3
ChartThemeDark = 2
ChartThemeHighContrast = 5
ChartThemeLight = 0
ChartThemeQt = 7
class ChartType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ChartTypeUndefined = 0
ChartTypeCartesian = 1
ChartTypePolar = 2
ChartTypeCartesian = 1
ChartTypePolar = 2
ChartTypeUndefined = 0
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
GridAxisAnimations = 1
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoAnimation = 0
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
SeriesAnimations = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
addAxis(self, axis: QAbstractAxis, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag)
advance(self, phase: int)
animationDuration(self) int
animationEasingCurve(self) QEasingCurve
animationOptions(self) QChart.AnimationOption
autoFillBackground(self) bool
axes(self, orientation: Qt.Orientation = Qt.Horizontal | Qt.Vertical, series: typing.Optional[QAbstractSeries] = None) List[QAbstractAxis]
backgroundBrush(self) QBrush
backgroundPen(self) QPen
backgroundRoundness(self) float
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
changeEvent(self, event: QEvent)
chartType(self) QChart.ChartType
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, event: QCloseEvent)
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contentsRect(self) QRectF
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
data(self, key: int) Any

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveOpacity(self) float
effectiveSizeHint(self, which: Qt.SizeHint, constraint: QSizeF = QSizeF()) QSizeF

enabledChanged(self) [signal]

ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
event(self, event: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
focusWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
font(self) QFont
geometry(self) QRectF

geometryChanged(self) [signal]

getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[float, float, float, float]
getWindowFrameMargins(self) Tuple[float, float, float, float]
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabKeyboardEvent(self, event: QEvent)
grabMouseEvent(self, event: QEvent)
grabShortcut(self, sequence: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsItem(self) QGraphicsItem
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hideEvent(self, event: QHideEvent)
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOption)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBackgroundVisible(self) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isDropShadowEnabled(self) bool
isEmpty(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isLayout(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isPlotAreaBackgroundVisible(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
isZoomed(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QGraphicsLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
legend(self) QLegend
locale(self) QLocale
localizeNumbers(self) bool
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToPosition(self, value: QPointF, series: typing.Optional[QAbstractSeries] = None) QPointF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToValue(self, position: QPointF, series: typing.Optional[QAbstractSeries] = None) QPointF
margins(self) QMargins
maximumHeight(self) float
maximumSize(self) QSizeF
maximumWidth(self) float
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
minimumHeight(self) float
minimumSize(self) QSizeF
minimumWidth(self) float
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
moveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

opacity(self) float

opacityChanged(self) [signal]

opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
ownedByLayout(self) bool
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
paintWindowFrame(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
palette(self) QPalette
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parent(self) QObject

parentChanged(self) [signal]

parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentLayoutItem(self) QGraphicsLayoutItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
plotArea(self) QRectF
plotAreaBackgroundBrush(self) QBrush
plotAreaBackgroundPen(self) QPen

plotAreaChanged(self, plotArea: QRectF) [signal]

pos(self) QPointF
preferredHeight(self) float
preferredSize(self) QSizeF
preferredWidth(self) float
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRectF
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeAxis(self, axis: QAbstractAxis)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
removeSeries(self, series: QAbstractSeries)
resize(self, size: QSizeF)
resize(self, w: float, h: float) None
resizeEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent)
rotation(self) float

rotationChanged(self) [signal]

scale(self) float

scaleChanged(self) [signal]

scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float)
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
series(self) List[QAbstractSeries]
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setAnimationDuration(self, msecs: int)
setAnimationEasingCurve(self, curve: Union[QEasingCurve, QEasingCurve.Type])
setAnimationOptions(self, options: QChart.AnimationOption)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setBackgroundPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setBackgroundRoundness(self, diameter: float)
setBackgroundVisible(self, visible: bool = True)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMarginsF)
setContentsMargins(self, left: float, top: float, right: float, bottom: float) None
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setDropShadowEnabled(self, enabled: bool = True)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setFont(self, font: QFont)
setGeometry(self, rect: QRectF)
setGeometry(self, ax: float, ay: float, aw: float, ah: float) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGraphicsItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLayout(self, layout: QGraphicsLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setLocalizeNumbers(self, localize: bool)
setMargins(self, margins: QMargins)
setMaximumHeight(self, height: float)
setMaximumSize(self, size: QSizeF)
setMaximumSize(self, aw: float, ah: float) None
setMaximumWidth(self, width: float)
setMinimumHeight(self, height: float)
setMinimumSize(self, size: QSizeF)
setMinimumSize(self, aw: float, ah: float) None
setMinimumWidth(self, width: float)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setOwnedByLayout(self, ownedByLayout: bool)
setPalette(self, palette: QPalette)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParent(self, a0: QObject)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setParentLayoutItem(self, parent: QGraphicsLayoutItem)
setPlotArea(self, rect: QRectF)
setPlotAreaBackgroundBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPlotAreaBackgroundPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPlotAreaBackgroundVisible(self, visible: bool = True)
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setPreferredHeight(self, height: float)
setPreferredSize(self, size: QSizeF)
setPreferredSize(self, aw: float, ah: float) None
setPreferredWidth(self, width: float)
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizePolicy(self, policy: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hPolicy: QSizePolicy.Policy, vPolicy: QSizePolicy.Policy, controlType: QSizePolicy.ControlType = QSizePolicy.DefaultType) None
setStyle(self, style: QStyle)
setTabOrder(first: QGraphicsWidget, second: QGraphicsWidget)
setTheme(self, theme: QChart.ChartTheme)
setTitle(self, title: str)
setTitleBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setTitleFont(self, font: QFont)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWindowFlags(self, wFlags: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowFrameMargins(self, margins: QMarginsF)
setWindowFrameMargins(self, left: float, top: float, right: float, bottom: float) None
setWindowTitle(self, title: str)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
shape(self) QPainterPath
showEvent(self, event: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSizeF
sizeHint(self, which: Qt.SizeHint, constraint: QSizeF = QSizeF()) QSizeF
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
style(self) QStyle
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
theme(self) QChart.ChartTheme
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
title(self) str
titleBrush(self) QBrush
titleFont(self) QFont
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
ungrabKeyboardEvent(self, event: QEvent)
ungrabMouseEvent(self, event: QEvent)
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None

visibleChanged(self) [signal]

wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowFrameEvent(self, e: QEvent) bool
windowFrameGeometry(self) QRectF
windowFrameRect(self) QRectF
windowFrameSectionAt(self, pos: QPointF) Qt.WindowFrameSection
windowTitle(self) str
windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) float

xChanged(self) [signal]

y(self) float

yChanged(self) [signal]


zChanged(self) [signal]

zValue(self) float
zoom(self, factor: float)
zoomIn(self, rect: QRectF) None
class schrodinger.ui.qt.schart.Callout(chart, series, pos, text_list)

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem

A callout is a rounded rectangle that displays values for a point on a QChart

__init__(chart, series, pos, text_list)
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
pos(self) QPointF
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)

Creates a bounding rect based on text length/height and chart position

boundingRect(self) QRectF