schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer module

class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HexColor(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Acidic = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Basic = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Aliphatic = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Aromatic = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Hydrophilic = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Thiol = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
IminoAcid = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
VariablePolar = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
NABackBone = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Adenine = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Cytosine = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Guanine = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Thymine = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Uracil = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Other = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Chem = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Black = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Gray3 = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Gray4 = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
Gray6 = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
DarkRed = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
White = <PyQt6.QtGui.QColor object>
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.ZOrder(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Enum describing which layer (Z value) each GraphicsItem is drawn on.

BehindMonomer = 1
DefaultMonomerItem = 2
InFrontMonomer = 3
schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.get_polymer_type(monomer: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom) schrodinger.protein.helm._helm_parser.PolymerType
schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.get_natural_analog(monomer: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom) str
schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.protect_painter(painter_method: Callable) Callable

Decorator which can be applied to paint methods to ensure the state of the painter isn’t modified


painter_method – method to wrap. Should take a painter as its first argument


wrapped function

class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer(*, res_name: str, polymer_type: schrodinger.protein.helm._helm_parser.PolymerType, is_branch: bool, is_smiles: bool, position: PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF, res_display_type=None)

Bases: object

__init__(*, res_name: str, polymer_type: schrodinger.protein.helm._helm_parser.PolymerType, is_branch: bool, is_smiles: bool, position: PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF, res_display_type=None)
property is_standard: bool
property is_d_amino_acid: bool
property is_nucleotide_sugar: bool
property is_nucleotide_phosphate: bool
property is_nucleotide_backbone: bool
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerTextLabel(text: str, size: int = 14, weight: PyQt6.QtGui.QFont.Weight = Weight.Normal, color: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HexColor = HexColor.Black, parent=None)

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsPathItem

GraphicsItem used for text labeling all monomers. Sets default font, etc., specific to the Helm rendering use case.

Text is rendered as a path for portability across platforms.

__init__(text: str, size: int = 14, weight: PyQt6.QtGui.QFont.Weight = Weight.Normal, color: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HexColor = HexColor.Black, parent=None)
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
path(self) QPainterPath
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPath(self, path: QPainterPath)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: object

Mixin which establishes the necessary methods to render the monomer item in the QGraphicsScene. Handles position offsets so that the center of the shape appears at the position set in the monomer object

Also defines default brush and pen settings

__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.


Initialize the current monomer

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

setShape() None

Set the shape and/or bounding box of the monomer. Must be implemented by inheriting classes for them to be rendered in the scene

class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.AminoAcidMonomerBase(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem

Item representing an amino acid’s position and graphical details in the scene


Set the size of the monomer rectangle

paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.StandardAminoAcidMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.AminoAcidMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size of the monomer rectangle

setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.DAminoAcidMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.AminoAcidMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size of the monomer rectangle

setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.OtherAminoAcidMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.AminoAcidMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size of the monomer rectangle

setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBPhosphateMonomerBase(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsEllipseItem

Item representing a nucleic acid backbone phosphate group’s position and graphical details in the scene

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Compute the size of the smallest monomer GraphicsItem that can fit the text label, given that the monomer is ellipse-shaped.


Set the size of the monomer ellipse

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setSpanAngle(self, angle: int)
setStartAngle(self, angle: int)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
spanAngle(self) int
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
startAngle(self) int
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBStandardPhosphateMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBPhosphateMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Compute the size of the smallest monomer GraphicsItem that can fit the text label, given that the monomer is ellipse-shaped.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size of the monomer ellipse

setSpanAngle(self, angle: int)
setStartAngle(self, angle: int)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
spanAngle(self) int
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
startAngle(self) int
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBModifiedPhosphateMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBPhosphateMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Compute the size of the smallest monomer GraphicsItem that can fit the text label, given that the monomer is ellipse-shaped.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size of the monomer ellipse

setSpanAngle(self, angle: int)
setStartAngle(self, angle: int)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
spanAngle(self) int
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
startAngle(self) int
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBSugarMonomerBase(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem

Item representing a nucleic acid backbone sugar group’s position and graphical details in the scene. Used for both ribose and deoxyribose.


Set the size of the monomer rectangle

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBStandardSugarMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBSugarMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size of the monomer rectangle

setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBModifiedSugarMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.BBSugarMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size of the monomer rectangle

setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NABaseMonomerBase(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsPolygonItem

Item representing a nucleobase’s position and graphical details in the scene

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Compute the size of the smallest monomer GraphicsItem that can fit the text label, given that the monomer is diamond-shaped.

getPolygonVertices() List[PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF]

Get the polygon vertices to create the required diamond shape


A list of vertices in clockwise order


Set the size and vertices of the monomer item diamond

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
fillRule(self) Qt.FillRule
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
polygon(self) QPolygonF
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFillRule(self, rule: Qt.FillRule)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPolygon(self, polygon: QPolygonF)
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NAStandardBaseMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NABaseMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
fillRule(self) Qt.FillRule
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Compute the size of the smallest monomer GraphicsItem that can fit the text label, given that the monomer is diamond-shaped.

getPolygonVertices() List[PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF]

Get the polygon vertices to create the required diamond shape


A list of vertices in clockwise order

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
polygon(self) QPolygonF
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFillRule(self, rule: Qt.FillRule)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPolygon(self, polygon: QPolygonF)
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size and vertices of the monomer item diamond

setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NAUnnaturalBaseMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NABaseMonomerBase

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
fillRule(self) Qt.FillRule
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Compute the size of the smallest monomer GraphicsItem that can fit the text label, given that the monomer is diamond-shaped.

getPolygonVertices() List[PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF]

Get the polygon vertices to create the required diamond shape


A list of vertices in clockwise order

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
polygon(self) QPolygonF
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFillRule(self, rule: Qt.FillRule)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPolygon(self, polygon: QPolygonF)
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)

Set the size and vertices of the monomer item diamond

setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.ChemMonomerItem(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsRectItem

Catchall class for non-peptide, non-nucleotide elements.


Set the size of the monomer rectangle

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getLabelText() str

Get the text to be displayed in the monomer’s label.

If the assigned name is too long, truncate it and add an ellipsis.

getMonomerResizingProposal(text_x_radius: float, text_y_radius: float) Tuple[float, float]

Method with class-specific logic to figure out how to resize the monomer given the final size of its text label. Args are the text label’s size; returns size of the smallest monomer that properly contains the text.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
rect(self) QRectF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setRect(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)

Initialize the current monomer


Updates the geometry of the monomer and monomer label in order to prevent the label text from overflowing the monomer shape.

shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.monomer_item_factory(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer) schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin

Implement logic specifying different graphical styles (implemented by each child class) for a monomer.


monomer – Monomer properties, determined by HelmScene.getMonomerData.


Graphics item to be added to the current QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene.

class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector(start: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, end: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, is_cyclic: bool = True)

Bases: object

start: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin
end: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin
is_cyclic: bool = True
getMonomers() Tuple[schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer, schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer]

Convenience function returning a 2-tuple of the (start, end) monomer definitions.

getMonomerTypes() Tuple[schrodinger.protein.helm._helm_parser.PolymerType, schrodinger.protein.helm._helm_parser.PolymerType]

Convenience function returning a 2-tuple of the PolymerType of the start and end monomers.

property has_branch: bool
property is_disulfide_bridge: bool
property polymer_type: schrodinger.protein.helm._helm_parser.PolymerType

Determine the PolymerType of the connector, based on the PolymerType of the two monomers it connects.

__init__(start: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, end: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, is_cyclic: bool = True) None
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnectorItemMixin(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: object

Base class for all connectors.

__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
setup() None
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnectorItemMixin, PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsLineItem

Base class for all connectors rendered as a straight line.

setup() None
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.PolylineHelmConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnectorItemMixin, PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsPathItem

Base class for all connectors rendered as a polyline (”/‾\”).

setup() None
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
path(self) QPainterPath
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPath(self, path: QPainterPath)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.ArrowheadConnectorMixin

Bases: object

Mixin for adding arrowheads to the start or end of a HelmConnectorItemMixin graphics item.

add_arrowhead(pos: PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF) PyQt6.QtWidgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
getArrowheadPos(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, other_monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin) PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF

Logic for determining where the arrowhead should be attached to monomer, given that the other end of the connector is attached to other_monomer. Returns a position in the global QGraphicsScene coordinate system.

class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.AALinearConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem

Graphics Item representing a non-branching connector between two amino acids.

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.AABranchingConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.ArrowheadConnectorMixin, schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem

Graphics Item representing a branching connector between two amino acids.

__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
add_arrowhead(pos: PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF) PyQt6.QtWidgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getArrowheadPos(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, other_monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin) PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF

Logic for determining where the arrowhead should be attached to monomer, given that the other end of the connector is attached to other_monomer. Returns a position in the global QGraphicsScene coordinate system.

graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.DisulfideConnectorMixin(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.ArrowheadConnectorMixin

Mixin for representing disulfide bridges.

__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
add_arrowhead(pos: PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF) PyQt6.QtWidgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
getArrowheadPos(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, other_monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin) PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF

Logic for determining where the arrowhead should be attached to monomer, given that the other end of the connector is attached to other_monomer. Returns a position in the global QGraphicsScene coordinate system.

class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.DisulfideLinearConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.DisulfideConnectorMixin, schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.PolylineHelmConnectorItem

Graphics Item representing disulfide bridges between two amino acids that have been laid out in a linear arrangement.

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
add_arrowhead(pos: PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF) PyQt6.QtWidgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
brush(self) QBrush
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getArrowheadPos(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, other_monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin) PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF

Logic for determining where the arrowhead should be attached to monomer, given that the other end of the connector is attached to other_monomer. Returns a position in the global QGraphicsScene coordinate system.

getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
path(self) QPainterPath
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPath(self, path: QPainterPath)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.DisulfideCyclicConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.DisulfideConnectorMixin, schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem

Graphics Item representing disulfide bridges between two amino acids that have been laid out in a cyclic arrangement, in which the bridge closes the cycle.

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
add_arrowhead(pos: PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF) PyQt6.QtWidgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getArrowheadPos(monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin, other_monomer: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomerItemMixin) PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF

Logic for determining where the arrowhead should be attached to monomer, given that the other end of the connector is attached to other_monomer. Returns a position in the global QGraphicsScene coordinate system.

getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NABackboneConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem

Graphics Item representing backbone connections between nucleotides.

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NABackboneBaseConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem

Graphics Item representing a connection between a nucleotide backbone and base.

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.NABaseConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem

Graphics Item representing a connection between two base pairs.

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.ChemConnectorItem(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)

Bases: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.LineHelmConnectorItem

Catchall class for all connectors where one or both endpoints is a Chem (non-peptide, non-nucleotide) element.

class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
__init__(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector, parent=None)
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
data(self, key: int) Any
deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
effectiveOpacity(self) float
ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
getEndPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
getStartPos() PyQt6.QtCore.QPointF
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
line(self) QLineF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
opacity(self) float
opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pen(self) QPen
pos(self) QPointF
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
rotation(self) float
scale(self) float
scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLine(self, line: QLineF)
setLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) None
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPen(self, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
setup() None
shape(self) QPainterPath
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float
y(self) float
zValue(self) float
schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.connector_item_factory(connector: schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector) PyQt6.QtWidgets.QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem

Implement logic specifying different graphical styles (implemented by each child class) for a connector.


connector – Connector properties, determined by HelmScene.getConnectorData.


Graphics item to be added to the current QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene.

class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmFallbackImage(entity_class: schrodinger.livedesign.entity_type.EntityClass)

Bases: PyQt6.QtSvgWidgets.QGraphicsSvgItem

GraphicsItem for the stock image (in .svg format) shown when the input polymer is too complex to display in detail, as measured by N_MONOMER_MAX

__init__(entity_class: schrodinger.livedesign.entity_type.EntityClass)
class CacheMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoCache = 0
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
DeviceCoordinateCache = 2
class GraphicsItemChange(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
class GraphicsItemFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemAcceptsInputMethod = 4096
ItemChildAddedChange = 6
ItemChildRemovedChange = 7
ItemClipsChildrenToShape = 16
ItemClipsToShape = 8
ItemContainsChildrenInShape = 524288
ItemCoordinateCache = 1
ItemCursorChange = 17
ItemCursorHasChanged = 18
ItemDoesntPropagateOpacityToChildren = 128
ItemEnabledChange = 3
ItemEnabledHasChanged = 13
ItemFlagsChange = 21
ItemFlagsHaveChanged = 22
ItemHasNoContents = 1024
ItemIgnoresParentOpacity = 64
ItemIgnoresTransformations = 32
ItemIsFocusable = 4
ItemIsMovable = 1
ItemIsPanel = 16384
ItemIsSelectable = 2
ItemNegativeZStacksBehindParent = 8192
ItemOpacityChange = 25
ItemOpacityHasChanged = 26
ItemParentChange = 5
ItemParentHasChanged = 15
ItemPositionChange = 0
ItemPositionHasChanged = 9
ItemRotationChange = 28
ItemRotationHasChanged = 29
ItemScaleChange = 30
ItemScaleHasChanged = 31
ItemSceneChange = 11
ItemSceneHasChanged = 16
ItemScenePositionHasChanged = 27
ItemSelectedChange = 4
ItemSelectedHasChanged = 14
ItemSendsGeometryChanges = 2048
ItemSendsScenePositionChanges = 65536
ItemStacksBehindParent = 256
ItemToolTipChange = 19
ItemToolTipHasChanged = 20
ItemTransformChange = 8
ItemTransformHasChanged = 10
ItemTransformOriginPointChange = 32
ItemTransformOriginPointHasChanged = 33
ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption = 512
ItemVisibleChange = 2
ItemVisibleHasChanged = 12
ItemZValueChange = 23
ItemZValueHasChanged = 24
NoCache = 0
NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
class PanelModality(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NonModal = 0
PanelModal = 1
SceneModal = 2
SceneModal = 2
Type = 1
UserType = 65536
acceptDrops(self) bool
acceptHoverEvents(self) bool
acceptTouchEvents(self) bool
acceptedMouseButtons(self) Qt.MouseButton
advance(self, phase: int)
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
boundingRect(self) QRectF
boundingRegion(self, itemToDeviceTransform: QTransform) QRegion
boundingRegionGranularity(self) float
cacheMode(self) QGraphicsItem.CacheMode
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
childItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenBoundingRect(self) QRectF
clipPath(self) QPainterPath
collidesWithItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidesWithPath(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) bool
collidingItems(self, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
commonAncestorItem(self, other: QGraphicsItem) QGraphicsItem
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contains(self, point: QPointF) bool
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
cursor(self) QCursor
customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
data(self, key: int) Any

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

deviceTransform(self, viewportTransform: QTransform) QTransform
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveOpacity(self) float
elementId(self) str

enabledChanged(self) [signal]

ensureVisible(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50)
ensureVisible(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, xMargin: int = 50, yMargin: int = 50) None
event(self, ev: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
filtersChildEvents(self) bool
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
flags(self) QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusProxy(self) QGraphicsItem
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
group(self) QGraphicsItemGroup
hasCursor(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hoverEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
hoverMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent)
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
installSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
isActive(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QGraphicsItem) bool
isBlockedByModalPanel(self) Tuple[bool, QGraphicsItem]
isClipped(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isObscured(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF()) bool
isObscured(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) bool
isObscuredBy(self, item: QGraphicsItem) bool
isPanel(self) bool
isSelected(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isUnderMouse(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, parent: QGraphicsItem) bool
isWidget(self) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
itemChange(self, change: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, value: Any) Any
itemTransform(self, other: QGraphicsItem) Tuple[QTransform, bool]
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
killTimer(self, id: int)
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapFromScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectFromScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QRectF
mapRectToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QRectF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToParent(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToParent(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, point: QPointF) QPointF
mapToScene(self, rect: QRectF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, polygon: QPolygonF) QPolygonF
mapToScene(self, path: QPainterPath) QPainterPath
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float) QPointF
mapToScene(self, ax: float, ay: float, w: float, h: float) QPolygonF
maximumCacheSize(self) QSize
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveBy(self, dx: float, dy: float)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

opacity(self) float

opacityChanged(self) [signal]

opaqueArea(self) QPainterPath
paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None)
panel(self) QGraphicsItem
panelModality(self) QGraphicsItem.PanelModality
parent(self) QObject

parentChanged(self) [signal]

parentItem(self) QGraphicsItem
parentObject(self) QGraphicsObject
parentWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
pos(self) QPointF
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
removeSceneEventFilter(self, filterItem: QGraphicsItem)
renderer(self) QSvgRenderer
rotation(self) float

rotationChanged(self) [signal]

scale(self) float

scaleChanged(self) [signal]

scene(self) QGraphicsScene
sceneBoundingRect(self) QRectF
sceneEvent(self, event: QEvent) bool
sceneEventFilter(self, watched: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
scenePos(self) QPointF
sceneTransform(self) QTransform
scroll(self, dx: float, dy: float, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAcceptHoverEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptTouchEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setAcceptedMouseButtons(self, buttons: Qt.MouseButton)
setActive(self, active: bool)
setBoundingRegionGranularity(self, granularity: float)
setCacheMode(self, mode: QGraphicsItem.CacheMode, logicalCacheSize: QSize = QSize())
setCursor(self, cursor: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setData(self, key: int, value: Any)
setElementId(self, id: str)
setEnabled(self, enabled: bool)
setFiltersChildEvents(self, enabled: bool)
setFlag(self, flag: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag, enabled: bool = True)
setFlags(self, flags: QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemFlag)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusProxy(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setMaximumCacheSize(self, size: QSize)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setOpacity(self, opacity: float)
setPanelModality(self, panelModality: QGraphicsItem.PanelModality)
setParent(self, a0: QObject)
setParentItem(self, parent: QGraphicsItem)
setPos(self, pos: QPointF)
setPos(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setRotation(self, angle: float)
setScale(self, scale: float)
setSelected(self, selected: bool)
setSharedRenderer(self, renderer: QSvgRenderer)
setToolTip(self, toolTip: str)
setTransform(self, matrix: QTransform, combine: bool = False)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, origin: QPointF)
setTransformOriginPoint(self, ax: float, ay: float) None
setTransformations(self, transformations: Iterable[QGraphicsTransform])
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setX(self, x: float)
setY(self, y: float)
setZValue(self, z: float)
shape(self) QPainterPath
signalsBlocked(self) bool
stackBefore(self, sibling: QGraphicsItem)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toGraphicsObject(self) QGraphicsObject
toolTip(self) str
topLevelItem(self) QGraphicsItem
topLevelWidget(self) QGraphicsWidget
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
transform(self) QTransform
transformOriginPoint(self) QPointF
transformations(self) List[QGraphicsTransform]
type(self) int
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, ax: float, ay: float, width: float, height: float) None

visibleChanged(self) [signal]

wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
window(self) QGraphicsWidget
x(self) float

xChanged(self) [signal]

y(self) float

yChanged(self) [signal]


zChanged(self) [signal]

zValue(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmScene

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene

Scene object for rendering a helm molecule

setHelmMolecule(helm_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, fallback_entity: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.entity_type.EntityClass])

Set the helm molecule to render and add bond and monomer representations to the scene.

  • helm_mol – Helm data represented by a 2D coarse-grained molecule.

  • fallback_entity – entity class to use for a fallback image

getMonomerData(monomer: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Atom) Tuple[int, schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmMonomer]

Compute the properties of monomer needed for the logic that determines its graphical representation: the HelmMonomerItemMixin child class that monomer_item_factory should dispatch to.


monomer – Representation of the monomer in the input rdkit molecule.


2-tuple of the index of the monomer in the conformer object and a HelmMonomer object with the needed properties.

getConnectorData(bond: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Bond, monomer_lookup: dict) schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmConnector

Compute the properties of bond needed for the logic that determines its graphical representation: the HelmConnectorItemMixin child class that connector_item_factory should dispatch to.

  • bond – Representation of the connector in the input rdkit molecule.

  • monomer_lookup – A dict mapping the monomer’s index in the conformer to its HelmMonomer representation.


A HelmConnector object with the needed properties.

AllLayers = 65535
BackgroundLayer = 2
BspTreeIndex = 0
ForegroundLayer = 4
class ItemIndexMethod(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

BspTreeIndex = 0
NoIndex = -1
ItemLayer = 1
NoIndex = -1
class SceneLayer(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

ItemLayer = 1
BackgroundLayer = 2
ForegroundLayer = 4
AllLayers = 65535
activePanel(self) QGraphicsItem
activeWindow(self) QGraphicsWidget
addEllipse(self, rect: QRectF, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen(), brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QBrush()) QGraphicsEllipseItem
addEllipse(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen(), brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QBrush()) QGraphicsEllipseItem
addItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
addLine(self, line: QLineF, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen()) QGraphicsLineItem
addLine(self, x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen()) QGraphicsLineItem
addPath(self, path: QPainterPath, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen(), brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QBrush()) QGraphicsPathItem
addPixmap(self, pixmap: QPixmap) QGraphicsPixmapItem
addPolygon(self, polygon: QPolygonF, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen(), brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QBrush()) QGraphicsPolygonItem
addRect(self, rect: QRectF, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen(), brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QBrush()) QGraphicsRectItem
addRect(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, pen: Union[QPen, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QPen(), brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient] = QBrush()) QGraphicsRectItem
addSimpleText(self, text: str, font: QFont = QFont()) QGraphicsSimpleTextItem
addText(self, text: str, font: QFont = QFont()) QGraphicsTextItem
addWidget(self, widget: QWidget, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QGraphicsProxyWidget
backgroundBrush(self) QBrush
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
bspTreeDepth(self) int

changed(self, region: Iterable[QRectF]) [signal]

childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
collidingItems(self, item: QGraphicsItem, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape) List[QGraphicsItem]
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contextMenuEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent)
createItemGroup(self, items: Iterable[QGraphicsItem]) QGraphicsItemGroup
customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
destroyItemGroup(self, group: QGraphicsItemGroup)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
drawBackground(self, painter: QPainter, rect: QRectF)
drawForeground(self, painter: QPainter, rect: QRectF)
dropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
event(self, event: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, watched: QObject, event: QEvent) bool
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
focusInEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
focusItem(self) QGraphicsItem

focusItemChanged(self, newFocus: QGraphicsItem, oldFocus: QGraphicsItem, reason: Qt.FocusReason) [signal]

focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOnTouch(self) bool
focusOutEvent(self, event: QFocusEvent)
font(self) QFont
foregroundBrush(self) QBrush
hasFocus(self) bool
height(self) float
helpEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent)
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
invalidate(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF(), layers: QGraphicsScene.SceneLayer = QGraphicsScene.AllLayers)
invalidate(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, layers: QGraphicsScene.SceneLayer = QGraphicsScene.AllLayers) None
isActive(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
itemAt(self, pos: QPointF, deviceTransform: QTransform) QGraphicsItem
itemAt(self, x: float, y: float, deviceTransform: QTransform) QGraphicsItem
itemIndexMethod(self) QGraphicsScene.ItemIndexMethod
items(self, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.DescendingOrder) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, pos: QPointF, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.DescendingOrder, deviceTransform: QTransform = QTransform()) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, rect: QRectF, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.DescendingOrder, deviceTransform: QTransform = QTransform()) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, polygon: QPolygonF, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.DescendingOrder, deviceTransform: QTransform = QTransform()) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, path: QPainterPath, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.DescendingOrder, deviceTransform: QTransform = QTransform()) List[QGraphicsItem]
items(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode, order: Qt.SortOrder, deviceTransform: QTransform = QTransform()) List[QGraphicsItem]
itemsBoundingRect(self) QRectF
keyPressEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, event: QKeyEvent)
killTimer(self, id: int)
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
minimumRenderSize(self) float
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseGrabberItem(self) QGraphicsItem
mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
removeItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
render(self, painter: QPainter, target: QRectF = QRectF(), source: QRectF = QRectF(), mode: Qt.AspectRatioMode = Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
sceneRect(self) QRectF

sceneRectChanged(self, rect: QRectF) [signal]

selectedItems(self) List[QGraphicsItem]
selectionArea(self) QPainterPath

selectionChanged(self) [signal]

sendEvent(self, item: QGraphicsItem, event: QEvent) bool
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setActivePanel(self, item: QGraphicsItem)
setActiveWindow(self, widget: QGraphicsWidget)
setBackgroundBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setBspTreeDepth(self, depth: int)
setFocus(self, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusItem(self, item: QGraphicsItem, focusReason: Qt.FocusReason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)
setFocusOnTouch(self, enabled: bool)
setFont(self, font: QFont)
setForegroundBrush(self, brush: Union[QBrush, QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, int, QGradient])
setItemIndexMethod(self, method: QGraphicsScene.ItemIndexMethod)
setMinimumRenderSize(self, minSize: float)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, palette: QPalette)
setParent(self, a0: QObject)
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setSceneRect(self, rect: QRectF)
setSceneRect(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float) None
setSelectionArea(self, path: QPainterPath, deviceTransform: QTransform)
setSelectionArea(self, path: QPainterPath, selectionOperation: Qt.ItemSelectionOperation = Qt.ReplaceSelection, mode: Qt.ItemSelectionMode = Qt.IntersectsItemShape, deviceTransform: QTransform = QTransform()) None
setStickyFocus(self, enabled: bool)
setStyle(self, style: QStyle)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
stickyFocus(self) bool
style(self) QStyle
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
update(self, rect: QRectF = QRectF())
update(self, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float) None
views(self) List[QGraphicsView]
wheelEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent)
width(self) float
class schrodinger.protein.helm.helm_renderer.HelmWidget(helm_mol: Optional[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol] = None, fallback_entity: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.entity_type.EntityClass] = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QWidget

A widget which creates a visual representation of a coarse-grained 2D helm molecule

__init__(helm_mol: Optional[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol] = None, fallback_entity: Optional[schrodinger.livedesign.entity_type.EntityClass] = None, *args, **kwargs)
layout(self) QLayout
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
acceptDrops(self) bool
accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
autoFillBackground(self) bool
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)
event(self, a0: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameSize(self) QSize
geometry(self) QRect
grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
killTimer(self, id: int)
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint
previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)

Set view size to requested width and height and rescale to show the entire scene :param size: the requested size in pixels

setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
visibleRegion(self) QRegion
whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) int
y(self) int
getScaleFactor(size: PyQt6.QtCore.QSizeF) float
Get the scaling factor to make a view of the requested width and height

fit the scene


size – width and height of the view


Factor by which to rescale the view