schrodinger.application.bindingsite.intfield module

Logic to compute “interaction fields” between (protein) atoms and “probe” particles.


Returns direction of “ideal” hydrogen bond that would be formed by the given atom. It is not always right, e.g. for O in C-O-H. This needs to be refined or proven irrelevant.

schrodinger.application.bindingsite.intfield.get_interaction_sites(st, atom_indices=None, probes=None, logger=None)

Identifies interaction sites among the protein atoms according to their atom types.

  • st (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – Structure.

  • atom_indices (iterable over int) – Iterable over the contributing atom indices.

  • probes (container of str) – Probes of interest.


List of atoms that interact with the requested probes. Individual atom contributions are given by tuples that hold the -1/0/1 integers (see INTERACTIONS) associated with the corresponding probe.

Return type

list(tuple(schrodinger.structure._StructureAtom, tuple(int)))

class schrodinger.application.bindingsite.intfield.Field(st, atom_indices=None, probes=None, alpha=1.0, r_cut=4.0, a_cut=60.0, logger=None)

Bases: object

Handles computation of the “interaction potentials” generated by the “interaction sites” (protein atoms) acting on “probes”.

__init__(st, atom_indices=None, probes=None, alpha=1.0, r_cut=4.0, a_cut=60.0, logger=None)
  • st (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – Structure.

  • atom_indices (iterable over int) – Iterable over the contributing atom indices.

  • probes (container of str) – Probes of interest.

  • alpha (float) – Interaction range (length scale of exponential decay).

  • r_cut (float) – Ignore contributions from atoms further than r_cut from a probe.

  • a_cut (float) – Ignore hydrogen bond interactions for angles exceeding a_cut.


Returns distance to the nearest atom that contributes to the potentials.