schrodinger.application.matsci.species module¶
Module to group structure object in to subgroup of species
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SUB_STRUCT_INFO(main_st, sub_st, aids)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- aids¶
Alias for field number 2
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- main_st¶
Alias for field number 0
- sub_st¶
Alias for field number 1
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SC_TYPE_DATA(menus, finder, signature, split_unique)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- finder¶
Alias for field number 1
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
Alias for field number 0
- signature¶
Alias for field number 2
- split_unique¶
Alias for field number 3
- schrodinger.application.matsci.species.format_species_display_name(name, count, is_cg=False, typo_type=None)¶
Gets the formatted species display name for the name of the atom/particle with the count
- Parameters
name (str) – The element/particle name
count (int) – The number of element/particle names in the structure
is_cg (bool) – Whether the structure is coarse-grained.
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- Returns
The formatted name
- Return type
- schrodinger.application.matsci.species.get_molecular_formula(struct, is_cg=None, typo_type=None)¶
Gets the molecular formula for the passed structure.
- Parameters
struct (
) – the structure to get formula fromis_cg (bool or None) – Whether the structure is coarse-grained. Will check if None is passed.
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- Return type
- Returns
‘molecular formula’ based for the passed molecule
- schrodinger.application.matsci.species.group_objects_by_hash(grp_list, hash_func)¶
Group a list of objects by their hashes, where their hashes are calculated by the given hashing function
- Parameters
grp_list (list) – The list of objects to group
hash_func (callable) – The function to generate hash for the passed object
- Returns
Dictionary where the key is the hash generated for the object and value is the list of object which generated the given hash
- Return type
- schrodinger.application.matsci.species.split_using_composition(atom_collections)¶
Splits list of atom collections to unique atom collections and non-unique atom collections using their elemental composition.
- Parameters
atom_collections (list(
)) – A list of atom collections- Returns
The first element is the list of atom collections with unique elemental composition and second element is the list of atom collections that have non-unique elemental composition
- Return type
tuple(list, list)
- schrodinger.application.matsci.species.get_unique_molecule_nums(struct)¶
Get the molecule number of unique representative molecules in the structure
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure to unique molecule number in- Return type
- Returns
list of molecule numbers that are unique
- schrodinger.application.matsci.species.get_unique_molecule_struct(struct)¶
Gets the structure comprising only unique representative molecules.
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure to find unique molecules from- Returns
The structure with only unique molecules
- Return type
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.BaseSignature¶
Base signature class to calculate key and name for a passed structure
- abstract getKeyName(struct, is_cg=None, unique=False, typo_type=None)¶
Signature function to calculate key and name for passed structure
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure to find signatureis_cg (bool) – Whether the structure is CG. If None then structure is tested for CG.
unique (bool) – Whether the structure is unique substructure
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- Returns
Tuple of two items where first item is the key and second the name
- Return type
tuple(str, str)
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MolecularFormulaSignature¶
Signature class to calculate signature using molecular formula
- getKeyName(struct, is_cg=None, unique=False, typo_type=None)¶
Calculate key and name the molecular formula. See parent for more information.
- Returns
Tuple of two items. Both items here are the generated molecular formula
- Return type
tuple(str, str)
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SmilesSignature(stereo_allowed=True)¶
Signature class to calculate signature using smiles structure
- __init__(stereo_allowed=True)¶
Constructs a new SmilesSignature
- Parameters
stereo_allowed (bool) – Whether the SMILES pattern should be stereo aware
- getKeyName(struct, is_cg=None, unique=False, typo_type=None)¶
Calculate key as smiles and name as molecular formula. See parent for more information.
- Returns
Tuple of two items. Both items here are the generated molecular formula
- Return type
tuple(str, str)
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.PolymerSmilesSignature(stereo_allowed=True)¶
Signature class to calculate signature using polymer name. Revert to SMILES if the structure is not a polymer.
- getKeyName(struct, is_cg=None, unique=False, typo_type=None)¶
Calculate key and name as polymer name. It will revert to calculating key as smiles and name as molecular formula if the structure is not a polymer. See parent for more information.
- Returns
Tuple of two items. Both items here are the generated molecular formula
- Return type
tuple(str, str)
- __init__(stereo_allowed=True)¶
Constructs a new SmilesSignature
- Parameters
stereo_allowed (bool) – Whether the SMILES pattern should be stereo aware
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SpeciesData(key, name)¶
Tracks information about each chemically distinct group of atoms in a system
- __init__(key, name)¶
Constructs a new instance.
- Parameters
key (str) – The key unique to the group of atoms
name (str) – The name of the group of atoms
- property count¶
Get the number of groups in the species
- addAtomGroup(struct, atom_group)¶
Add a new group of atoms to the species
- Parameters
struct (
) – structure to which the atoms belong toatom_group (iterable) – Atom indices of atoms belonging to the group
- getStructures()¶
Get all structures to which the group of atoms in this species belong to
- Returns
All structures to which the group of atoms in this species belong to
- Return type
- getAtomGroups(struct)¶
Gets the groups of atoms belonging to passed structure for the current species.
- Parameters
struct (
) – structure to which the group of atoms need to be searched.- Returns
All the groups of atoms belonging to passed structure
- Return type
- getAllAtomIds(struct)¶
Gets all atom indices belonging to the species for the passed structure. If all atom groups belong to same structure then structure is optional.
- Parameters
struct (
) – structure to which the group of atoms need to be searched.- Returns
all atom indices belonging to the species for the passed structure
- Return type
- isAtomMember(atom_id, struct)¶
Check if atom is a part of the species. If all atom groups belong to same structure then structure is optional.
- Parameters
atom_id (int) – Index of the atom to check
struct (
) – structure to which the group of atoms need to be searched.
- Return type
- Returns
Whether the atom is part of the species
- Raises
RuntimeError – If struct is None and the species contains atom indices from different structures.
- getExampleAtomGroup(struct)¶
Get a group of atoms for the species with the lowest atom index
- Parameters
struct (
) – structure to which the group of atoms sample should belong to.- Return type
- Returns
The first of group of atoms of the species
- getSampleAtomId(struct)¶
Gets the sample atom index that belongs to the species.
- Parameters
struct (
) – structure to which the sample atom should belong to.- Return type
- Returns
Index of an atom that belongs to the species
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MoleculeSpeciesFinder(signature, split_unique=True)¶
Class to find unique molecule species in structures.
- __init__(signature, split_unique=True)¶
Constructs a new instance of MoleculeSpeciesFinder
- Parameters
signature (
) – The signature class to generate name and key for the speciessplit_unique (bool) – Whether to split using composition before splitting using signature key. Note this is skipped when finding species in multiple structures.
- getKeyNamePrefix(struct)¶
Gets the prefix for the key and name generated from the signature
- Parameters
struct (
) – The sub structure used to generate key and name- Returns
The prefix for key and name generated by the signature
- Return type
- iterAtomCollections(struct)¶
Generate atom collections of molecules for the passed structure
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure to be divided into molecules- Returns
Atom collections for the passed structure that divides the structure into list of molecules
- Return type
- getSubStAndAids(struct)¶
Gets the extracted sub structures and their associated atom indices
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure
- getAtomGroupKeyName(sub_st, is_cg, unique, typo_type)¶
Gets the substructure key and name from the signature
- Parameters
sub_st (
) – The sub structure for current group of atomsis_cg (bool) – Whether the substructure is cg
unique (bool) – Whether the substructure is unique in composition
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- Return type
typle(str, str)
- Returns
Tuple with two items. First item is the signature key associated with the substructure and the second item is the signature name for the substructure
- addAtomGroup(sub_st_info, is_cg, unique=False, typo_type=None)¶
Add group of atom to species
- Parameters
sub_st_info (
) – Namedtuple containing information regarding the group of atoms to be addedis_cg (bool) – Whether the substructure is cg
unique (bool) – Whether the substructure is unique in composition
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- getSampleAtomAndStructTag(species)¶
Gets the sample atom and structure tag for the passed species
- Parameters
species (
) – The species to get the structure tag and sample atom from- Returns
Tuple containing two items. First is the sample atom and second is the structure tag for the sample structure.
- Return type
, str)
- getExampleTag(species)¶
Get the example tag for the passed species
- Parameters
species (
) – The species to get the example tag from- Returns
The example tag for the passed species
- Return type
- setDisplayNames(all_species)¶
Sets the display names for the list of species such that they are unique
- Parameters
all_species (list(
)) – All species
- findSpeciesInStruct(struct, split_unique, typo_type)¶
Finds a species in passed structure
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure to find species insplit_unique (bool) – Whether structure split first based on it composition
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- getSpecies(structs, typo_type=None)¶
Gets the species for the passed structure
- Parameters
structs (list(
)) – The list of structures to find species intypo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no display name is not set for the species.
- Returns
The list of species
- Return type
- addSpeciesAsProps(all_species)¶
Add Species name as an atom property in its structure
- Parameters
all_species (list(SpeciesData)) – List of species
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.ResidueSpeciesFinder(signature, split_unique=True)¶
Class to find unique residue species in structures.
- getKeyNamePrefix(struct)¶
Gets the prefix for the key and name generated from the signature
- Parameters
struct (
) – The sub structure used to generate key and name- Returns
The prefix for key and name generated by the signature
- Return type
- iterAtomCollections(struct)¶
Generate atom collections of residues for the passed structure
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure to be divided into residues- Returns
Atom collections for the passed structure that divides the structure into list of residues
- Return type
- getExampleTag(species)¶
Get the example tag for the passed species
- Parameters
species (
) – The species to get the example tag from- Returns
The example tag for the passed species
- Return type
- __init__(signature, split_unique=True)¶
Constructs a new instance of MoleculeSpeciesFinder
- Parameters
signature (
) – The signature class to generate name and key for the speciessplit_unique (bool) – Whether to split using composition before splitting using signature key. Note this is skipped when finding species in multiple structures.
- addAtomGroup(sub_st_info, is_cg, unique=False, typo_type=None)¶
Add group of atom to species
- Parameters
sub_st_info (
) – Namedtuple containing information regarding the group of atoms to be addedis_cg (bool) – Whether the substructure is cg
unique (bool) – Whether the substructure is unique in composition
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- addSpeciesAsProps(all_species)¶
Add Species name as an atom property in its structure
- Parameters
all_species (list(SpeciesData)) – List of species
- findSpeciesInStruct(struct, split_unique, typo_type)¶
Finds a species in passed structure
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure to find species insplit_unique (bool) – Whether structure split first based on it composition
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- getAtomGroupKeyName(sub_st, is_cg, unique, typo_type)¶
Gets the substructure key and name from the signature
- Parameters
sub_st (
) – The sub structure for current group of atomsis_cg (bool) – Whether the substructure is cg
unique (bool) – Whether the substructure is unique in composition
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no formatting will be done.
- Return type
typle(str, str)
- Returns
Tuple with two items. First item is the signature key associated with the substructure and the second item is the signature name for the substructure
- getSampleAtomAndStructTag(species)¶
Gets the sample atom and structure tag for the passed species
- Parameters
species (
) – The species to get the structure tag and sample atom from- Returns
Tuple containing two items. First is the sample atom and second is the structure tag for the sample structure.
- Return type
, str)
- getSpecies(structs, typo_type=None)¶
Gets the species for the passed structure
- Parameters
structs (list(
)) – The list of structures to find species intypo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no display name is not set for the species.
- Returns
The list of species
- Return type
- getSubStAndAids(struct)¶
Gets the extracted sub structures and their associated atom indices
- Parameters
struct (
) – The structure
- setDisplayNames(all_species)¶
Sets the display names for the list of species such that they are unique
- Parameters
all_species (list(
)) – All species
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SpeciesCollectionTypes(value)¶
Enumeration for various species collection types
- Variables
formula (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Molecules grouped using their molecular formula
mol (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Molecules grouped using their stereochemically unaware SMILES
chiral_mol (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Molecules grouped using their stereochemically aware SMILES
poly_mol (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Molecules grouped using their polymer name. If polymer name is not available then stereochemically unaware SMILES is used.
poly_chiral_mol (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Molecules grouped using their polymer name. If polymer name is not available then stereochemically unaware SMILES is used.
formula_res (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Residues grouped using their molecular formula
res (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Residues grouped using their stereochemically unaware SMILES
chiral_res (SC_TYPE_DATA) – Residues grouped using their stereochemically aware SMILES
- formula = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Molecule', 'Formula'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MoleculeSpeciesFinder'>, signature=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MolecularFormulaSignature'>, split_unique=False)¶
- mol = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Molecule', 'SMILES'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MoleculeSpeciesFinder'>, signature=functools.partial(<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SmilesSignature'>, False), split_unique=True)¶
- chiral_mol = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Molecule', 'Chiral SMILES'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MoleculeSpeciesFinder'>, signature=functools.partial(<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SmilesSignature'>, True), split_unique=True)¶
- poly_mol = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Polymer', 'Name and SMILES'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MoleculeSpeciesFinder'>, signature=functools.partial(<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.PolymerSmilesSignature'>, False), split_unique=True)¶
- poly_chiral_mol = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Polymer', 'Name and Chiral SMILES'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MoleculeSpeciesFinder'>, signature=functools.partial(<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.PolymerSmilesSignature'>, True), split_unique=True)¶
- formula_res = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Residue', 'Formula'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.ResidueSpeciesFinder'>, signature=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.MolecularFormulaSignature'>, split_unique=False)¶
- res = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Residue', 'SMILES'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.ResidueSpeciesFinder'>, signature=functools.partial(<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SmilesSignature'>, False), split_unique=False)¶
- chiral_res = SC_TYPE_DATA(menus=['Residue', 'Chiral SMILES'], finder=<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.ResidueSpeciesFinder'>, signature=functools.partial(<class 'schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SmilesSignature'>, True), split_unique=False)¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.species.SpeciesCollection(sc_type, typo_type=None)¶
Class to find and interact with species in a structure.
- __init__(sc_type, typo_type=None)¶
Constructs a new instance SpeciesCollection
- Parameters
sc_type (str) – Name of the SpeciesCollectionTypes
typo_type (TYPO_TYPE or None) – The typography type style used for formatting text. If None no display name is not set for the species.
- __len__()¶
Get the number species in current species collection
- Return type
- Returns
The number species in the collection
- loadSpecies(structs)¶
Load species in the current species collection
- Parameters
structs – The structure to find species in
- getSpeciesFromAtomIndex(atom_idx, struct)¶
Select the species data in which the atom index belongs to
- Parameters
atom_idx (int) – The atom index
structs – The structure to find species belong to
- Returns
- Return type
The species data in which the atom index belongs to.
- Raises
KeyError – If the atom index is not found in any of the species.
- getSpeciesCount()¶
Get the species count for each species
- Return type
- Returns
Dictionary containing the species name and count