schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput module¶
Classes and functions to deal with XML input generation for Quantum Espresso.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.DataType(engine, path)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- engine¶
Alias for field number 0
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- path¶
Alias for field number 1
- schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.validate_value(name, value, allowed_values)¶
Check that value is in list of allowed values.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the variable
value (str or int or float) – Value of the variable
allowed_values (list) – List of values
- Raises
ValueError – If value is not in list
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.GenericType¶
Generic class for different input types.
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.BandsType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to bands.
- TOT_CHARGE_KEY = 'total_charge'¶
- TOT_MAG_KEY = 'total_magnetization'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'nbnd': 0, 'nbnd_empty_percent': 20.0, 'occupations': 'smearing', 'smearing_degauss': 0.01, 'smearing_type': 'gaussian', 'total_charge': 0.0, 'total_magnetization': -10000.0}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize object.
- setNBands(nbands)¶
Set _nbands. This is different than self.nbdn. nbnd is coming from the CFG, this value can come from other places, like PPs.
- Parameters
nbands (int) – Number of bands
- getNbnd()¶
Get nbnb value.
- Raises
ValueError – If number of bands is zero or None (boolean False)
- Return int nbnd
Number of bands
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.BasisType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to basis.
- GAMMA_ONLY_KEY = 'gamma_only'¶
- SPLINE_PS_KEY = 'spline_ps'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'ecutrho': 0.0, 'ecutwfc': 0.0, 'fft_grid': [], 'fft_smooth_grid': [], 'gamma_only': False, 'spline_ps': False}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.ElectronControlType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to electron control.
- DEFAULTS = {'conv_thr': 1e-06, 'diago_cg_maxiter': 20, 'diago_full_acc': False, 'diago_thr_init': 0.0, 'diagonalization': 'davidson', 'max_steps': 100, 'mixing_beta': 0.7, 'mixing_mode': 'plain', 'mixing_ndim': 8, 'real_space_q': False}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.KpointsType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to k-points.
- KPTS_MESH_KEY = 'kpts_mesh'¶
- AUTOMATIC_BAND = 'automatic'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'kpts_band': False, 'kpts_band_line_density': 20, 'kpts_dens': 0, 'kpts_dens_force_gamma': False, 'kpts_list': [], 'kpts_mesh': [6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 1], 'kpts_spacing': 0, 'kpts_spacing_force_gamma': False}¶
- KPTS_TYPES = {'kpts_band', 'kpts_dens', 'kpts_list', 'kpts_mesh', 'kpts_spacing'}¶
- loadFromStructure(struct, dim, use_symmetry)¶
Load data from structure.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure used for k-point generation
dim (msconst.DIMENSIONALITY) – Dimensionality of the structure
use_symmetry (bool) – Whether to use_symmetry
- static getSpgSymbol(struct, use_symmetry)¶
Given a structure get its space group.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Input structure
use_symmetry (bool) – Whether to convert to conventional cell and reassign the space group
- static getMeshShift(do_shift)¶
Get MP mesh shift.
- Parameters
do_shift (bool) – Whether to do shift or not (Gamma centered)
- Return type
- Returns
K-point mesh shift
- classmethod getFromSpacing(spacing, rvecs, force_gamma=False, is_2d=False)¶
Get MP mesh from K-point spacing.
- Parameters
rvecs (numpy.array) – Reciprocal lattice vectors
spacing (float) – K-point spacing in 1/A
force_gamma (bool) – Enforce Gamma-centered mesh
is_2d (bool) – Whether this is for 2D surface (kz must be 0)
- Return type
list of 6 floats
- Returns
First 3 floats represent the number of kpoints in grid directions, next 3 floats, offsets in the corresponding direction
- getNKpts()¶
Get total number of k-points based on k-points definition. If k-points type is defined, throw a ValueError.
- Return type
- Returns
Number of k-points
- Raises
ValueError – If k-points type is not defined
- matdynStr()¶
Get kpoint list suitable for matdyn input.
- Return type
- Returns
Kpoint list
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.SpinType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to spin.
- DEFAULTS = {'spin_type': 'cs'}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize SpinType object from string.
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- getNSpin()¶
Get nspin based on the spin settings.
- Returns
Spin type in the PW integer representation
- Return type
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.VdwType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to vdw type.
- DEFAULTS = {'correction': '', 'dftd3_threebody': True, 'dftd3_version': 3, 'london_rcut': 200, 'london_s6': 0.75, 'xdm_a1': 0.6836, 'xdm_a2': 1.5045}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize VdwType object from dictionary.
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.HybridType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to hybrid functional type.
- SCREEN_PARAM_KEY = 'screening_parameter'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'ecutfock': None, 'ecutvcut': 0.7, 'exxdiv_treatment': 'gygi-baldereschi', 'qpts_mesh': [1, 1, 1], 'qpts_spacing': 0.0, 'screening_parameter': 0.106, 'x_gamma_extrapolation': True}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize object.
- loadFromStructure(struct, dim)¶
Load data from structure.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure used for k-point generation
dim (msconst.DIMENSIONALITY) – Dimensionality of the structure
- setLRC(is_lrc)¶
Set _is_lrc value.
- Parameters
is_lrc (bool) – Whether this belongs to LRC or hybrid functional
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.DftUType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to Dft U.
- DEFAULTS = {'dftu_type': '', 'projection_type': 'atomic', 'structure_type': None}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.DftType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to dft type.
- DEFAULTS = {'dftu': {'dftu_type': '', 'projection_type': 'atomic', 'structure_type': None}, 'functional': '', 'hybrid': {'ecutfock': None, 'ecutvcut': 0.7, 'exxdiv_treatment': 'gygi-baldereschi', 'qpts_mesh': [1, 1, 1], 'qpts_spacing': 0.0, 'screening_parameter': 0.106, 'x_gamma_extrapolation': True}, 'vdw': {'correction': '', 'dftd3_threebody': True, 'dftd3_version': 3, 'london_rcut': 200, 'london_s6': 0.75, 'xdm_a1': 0.6836, 'xdm_a2': 1.5045}}¶
- property vdw¶
- property hybrid¶
Get hybrid attribute (self._hybrid).
- Returns
Hybrid attribute
- Return type
- property dftu¶
Get DftU attribute from self._dftu.
- Returns
Hybrid attribute
- Return type
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.PseudopotentialsType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to pseudopotentials.
- DEFAULTS = {'species': {}}¶
- setStructureType(struct_type)¶
Set structure_type in self.struct_type and atom types in self.st_species.
- Parameters
struct_type (StructureType) – Structure type used to calculate number of valence electrons in the cell
- getData()¶
Get pseudopotentials file paths and other related data from the database having the same functional and family.
- Return type
dict, float, float, float
- Returns
Dict with paths to PPs ({‘element’: ‘path’}), number of valence electrons, max ecutwfc, max ecutrho for elements
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.StructureType(structs, to_primitive, *, niggli_reduce=False, log=None)¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to structure.
- X = 0¶
- Y = 1¶
- Z = 2¶
- __init__(structs, to_primitive, *, niggli_reduce=False, log=None)¶
Initialize StructureType object.
- Parameters
struct – Structure(s) to generate XML from
to_primitive (bool or None) – Whether to use primitive (True), conventional (False), don’t run spglib (None)
niggli_reduce (bool) – Whether to Niggli reduce cell
- static getSymmetrizedCell(struct, space_group, to_primitive, *, niggli_reduce=False, log=None)¶
Get symmetrized cell using spglib.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Input structure
space_group (str) – Space group
to_primitive (bool) – Whether to obtain primitive (True) or conventional (False)
niggli_reduce (bool) – Whether to Niggli reduce cell
log (method) – Log function
- getAtomicStructure()¶
Generate XML input related to atomic_structure.
- Return type
- Returns
cell xml data
- getAtomicSpecies(ppfiles)¶
Generate XML input related to atomic species.
- Param
Dictionary containing paths to PPs ({‘Element’: ‘Path’})
- Return type
- Returns
species xml data
- fetchPPDB(functional)¶
Get pseudopotentials file paths and other related data from the database having the same functional and family.
- Parameters
functional (str) – DFT Functional (one of the DFT_FUNCTIONALS)
- Return type
dict, float, float, float
- Returns
Dict with paths to PPs ({‘element’: ‘path’}), number of valence electrons, max ecutwfc, max ecutrho for elements
- alignStructWithPlane(vector_index)¶
Slide structure (self.struct) along the axis such that all atoms are on top of the plane perpendicular to the axis defined by vector_index.
- Parameters
vector_index (int) – Vector index (X or Y or Z) to align structure to the perpendicular plane
- validateStruct(struct)¶
Validate provided structure against self.struct.
- Parameters
struct (
) – Structure to validate- Raises
ValueError – If number of atoms or atomic types differ compared to the initial structure (self.structure)
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.ControlType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to control.
- FORCES_KEY = 'forces'¶
- RESTART_MODE_KEY = 'restart_mode'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'calculation_type': '', 'disk_io': 'low', 'etot_conv_thr': 1e-05, 'forc_conv_thr': 0.001, 'forces': False, 'max_seconds': 10000000.0, 'prefix': '', 'press_conv_thr': 0.5, 'relax_steps': 50, 'restart_mode': 'from_scratch', 'stress': False, 'title': 'Default Title', 'wf_collect': False, 'wf_keep': False}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.SymmetryType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to symmetry.
- USE_SYMM_KEY = 'use_symmetry'¶
- USE_PRIM_KEY = 'use_primitive'¶
- USE_CONV_KEY = 'use_conventional'¶
- NIGGLI_REDUCE = 'niggli_reduce'¶
- USE_ALL_FRAC_KEY = 'use_all_frac'¶
- NO_INV_KEY = 'noinv'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'niggli_reduce': False, 'noinv': False, 'use_all_frac': False, 'use_conventional': False, 'use_primitive': False, 'use_symmetry': False}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.FreePositionsType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to Cartesian atomic constraints.
- DEFAULTS = {}¶
- class PWallType(prefac, expval, cutoff)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- cutoff¶
Alias for field number 2
- expval¶
Alias for field number 1
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- prefac¶
Alias for field number 0
- static saveConstraint(data, atom)¶
Static method to save Cartesian atomic constraint.
- Parameters
data (list of 3 integers) – Cartesian constraints for each coordinate: 1 - not constrained, 0 - constrained (QE convention)
atom (
) – Atom to add/modify constraint to
- Raises
ValueError – If data is not a list of 3 elements
- static savePotentialWallConstraint(struct, prefac, expval, cutoff)¶
Save potential wall constraint. External force = prefac * exponent * Exp(-exponent). Force is only applied on atoms within the cutoff.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure to add constraint to as a property
prefac (float) – Prefactor
expval (float) – Exponent value
cutoff (float) – Cutoff (in A)
- static getPotentialWallConstraint(struct)¶
Get potential wall constraint if present from the structure.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure to read from
- Return type
str, PWallType
- Returns
Potential wall barrier XML string or empty string, wall params or None
- static saveTorsionConstraint(struct, indices)¶
Static method to save torsion angle constraint.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure to add constraint to as a property
indices (list) – Atomic indices that describe a torsion angle
- Raises
ValueError – If data is not a list of 3 elements
- static getTorsionConstraint(struct)¶
Get torsion constraints if present from the structure.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure to read from
- Return type
str, int
- Returns
Torsion constraints XML string and number of constraints
- static saveDistanceConstraint(struct, indices, target=None)¶
Save distance constraint.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure to add constraint to as a property
indices (list) – Atomic indices to use (2 atoms are required)
target (float) – Target distance in Angstrom
- Raises
ValueError – If indices is not an list of 2
- static getDistanceConstraint(struct)¶
Get distance constraints if present from the structure.
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure) – Structure to read from
- Return type
str, int
- Returns
Distance constraints XML string, number of constraints
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.InputType(data)¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to input.
- __init__(data)¶
Initialize InputType object from the string.
- Param
Tuple that contains XML for different part of the input
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.NEBInputType(data)¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to NEB input.
- __init__(data)¶
Initialize InputType object from the string.
- Param
Tuple that contains XML for different part of the input
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.PHInputType(data)¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to PHonon input.
- __init__(data)¶
Initialize InputType object from the string.
- Param
Tuple that contains XML for different part of the input
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.MdType¶
Class to generate XML section related to MD control.
- DEFAULTS = {'deltat': 1.0, 'ion_temperature': 'rescale-v', 'nraise': 1, 'pot_extrapolation': 'atomic', 'tempw': 300.0, 'timestep': 2.0, 'wfc_extrapolation': 'none'}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.IonControlType¶
Class to generate QE ionic control XML section related to control.
- ION_DYNAMICS_KEY = 'ion_dynamics'¶
- REFOLD_POS_KEY = 'refold_pos'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'dynamics': {'deltat': 1.0, 'ion_temperature': 'rescale-v', 'nraise': 1, 'pot_extrapolation': 'atomic', 'tempw': 300.0, 'timestep': 2.0, 'wfc_extrapolation': 'none'}, 'ion_dynamics': 'bfgs', 'refold_pos': False}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.CellControlType¶
Class to generate QE cell control XML section related to control.
- CELL_DYNAMICS_KEY = 'cell_dynamics'¶
- PRESSURE_KEY = 'pressure'¶
- CELL_FACTOR_KEY = 'cell_factor'¶
- CELL_DOFREE_KEY = 'cell_dofree'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'cell_dofree': 'all', 'cell_dynamics': 'bfgs', 'cell_factor': 2.0, 'pressure': 0.0}¶
- CELL_DOFREE_XML = {'2Dshape': 'fix_area', '2Dxy': 'fix_xy', 'shape': 'fix_volume', 'volume': 'isotropic'}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.EsmType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to esm type.
- BC_KEY = 'bc'¶
- BC_W_KEY = 'offset'¶
- BC_EFIELD_KEY = 'efield'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'bc': 'bc1', 'efield': 0.0, 'offset': 0.0}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.BoundaryType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to boundary conditions type.
- ASSUME_ISOLATED_KEY = 'assume_isolated'¶
- ESM_KEY = 'esm'¶
- EFERMI_KEY = 'efermi'¶
- RELATIVE_POT_KEY = 'relative_pot'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'assume_isolated': '', 'efermi': 0.0, 'esm': {'bc': 'bc1', 'efield': 0.0, 'offset': 0.0}, 'relative_pot': None}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.NEBPathType¶
Class to generate QE input XML section related to the NEB path.
- MIMAGE_KEY = 'minimum_image'¶
- NIMAGE_KEY = 'nimages'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'climbing_image': 'no-CI', 'esm': False, 'esm_efermi': 0.0, 'esm_first_image_charge': 0.0, 'esm_last_image_charge': 0.0, 'minimum_image': True, 'nimages': 4, 'nsteps': 50, 'optimization_scheme': 'broyden', 'optimize_first_last': False, 'path_thr': 0.05, 'restart_mode': 'from_scratch', 'string_method': 'neb', 'use_masses': False}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.PHControlType¶
Class to generate phonon control input XML section related to control.
- QPTS_MESH_KEY = 'qpts_mesh'¶
- QPTS_SPACING_KEY = 'qpts_spacing'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'alpha_mix': 0.7, 'epsil': False, 'fpol': False, 'ldisp': True, 'lraman': False, 'niter_ph': 100, 'nmix_ph': 4, 'prefix': '', 'qpts_mesh': [1, 1, 1], 'tr2_ph': 1e-12, 'trans': True, 'zeu': False, 'zue': False}¶
- setStructure(struct)¶
Copy structure into self.struct.
- Parameters
struct (
) – Structure used for k-point generation (‘kpts_dens’ case)
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.PHDynmatType¶
Class to generate dynmat control input.
- DEFAULTS = {'asr': 'crystal', 'axis': 3, 'loto_2d': False, 'lperm': False, 'lplasma': False, 'q_dir': [0, 0, 0]}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.ElasticType¶
Elastic settings class.
- STRAIN_DEFO_KEY = 'deformation_matrix'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'deformation_matrix': []}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.GIPAWType¶
gipaw.x input file class.
- JOBTYPE = 'jobtype'¶
- Q_GIPAW = 'q_gipaw'¶
- SPLINE_PS = 'spline_ps'¶
- USE_NMR_MACROSCOPIC_SHAPE = 'use_nmr_macroscopic_shape'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'jobtype': 'nmr', 'q_gipaw': 0.01, 'spline_ps': True, 'use_nmr_macroscopic_shape': False}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.EpsilonType¶
Epsilon.x input file class.
- SMEARTYPES = ['lorentz', 'gauss']¶
- CALCULATIONS = ['eps', 'jdos', 'offdiag']¶
- INTERSMEAR_KEY = 'intersmear'¶
- INTRASMEAR_KEY = 'intrasmear'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'calculation': 'eps', 'intersmear': 0.136, 'intrasmear': 0.0, 'nw': 60, 'prefix': '', 'shift': 0.0, 'smeartype': 'lorentz', 'wmax': 30.0, 'wmin': 0.0}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.PPlotType¶
pp.x input file class.
- DEFAULTS = {'plot_num': 0, 'spin_component': 0}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.HPType¶
hp.x input file class.
- QPTS_MESH_KEY = 'qpts_mesh'¶
- QPTS_SPACING_KEY = 'qpts_spacing'¶
- DISABLE_TYPE_KEY = 'disable_type_analysis'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'disable_type_analysis': True, 'qpts_mesh': [2, 2, 2], 'qpts_spacing': 0}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.TurboLanczosType¶
turbo_lanczos.x input file class.
- ITERMAX = 'itermax'¶
- IPOL = 'ipol'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'ipol': 4, 'itermax': 500}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.TurboEelsType¶
turbo_eels.x input file class.
- APPROX = 'approximation'¶
- ITERMAX = 'itermax'¶
- Q_MESH = 'q_mesh'¶
- CALC = 'calculator'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'approximation': 'TDDFT', 'calculator': 'lanczos', 'itermax': 500, 'q_mesh': [0.1, 0, 0]}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.TurboSpectrumType¶
turbo_spectrum.x input file class.
- ITERMAX = 'itermax'¶
- ITERMAX0 = 'itermax0'¶
- IPOL = 'ipol'¶
- EELS = 'eels'¶
- UNITS = 'units'¶
- INC = 'increment'¶
- START = 'start'¶
- END = 'end'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'eels': False, 'end': 2.5, 'increment': 0.001, 'ipol': 4, 'itermax': 500, 'itermax0': 500, 'start': 0.0, 'units': 0}¶
- __init__()¶
Initialize GenericType object and update attributes from data.
- updateWithData(data)¶
Update attributes from data. Set object attribute from data. Example: self.attribute =
- Parameters
data (dict) – Dictionary of settings
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.CustomNEBType(method: str = 'improvedtangent', opt_method: str = 'ode', nsteps: int = 50, path_thr: float = 0.05, climb: bool = True)¶
Tuple to hold custom neb input.
- method: str¶
Alias for field number 0
- opt_method: str¶
Alias for field number 1
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- nsteps: int¶
Alias for field number 2
- path_thr: float¶
Alias for field number 3
- climb: bool¶
Alias for field number 4
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.espresso.qeinput.DimerNEBType(nsteps: int = 50, max_force_thr: float = 0.05)¶
Tuple to hold dimer NEB input.
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- nsteps: int¶
Alias for field number 0
- max_force_thr: float¶
Alias for field number 1