schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets module¶
Contains widgets that are useful in MatSci desmond panels.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.get_row_from_proj_table(struct)¶
Given an input structure, return the row from the project table
- Parameters
st (
) – structure to get associated row of from project table- Return type
- Returns
the row from project table
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.get_cms_path_from_proj_table(struct, traj=False)¶
Get cms path and optionally trajectory path for the passed structure in maestro from project table
- Parameters
struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – Structure to get associated cms
traj (bool) – If True, get traj for the passed structure. Default is False.
- Return type
tuple(str or None, str or None)
- Returns
Path to the associated cms file and trajectory for the structure. None if there is no associated cms.
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.check_cms_trj_properties_are_found(cms_file, trj_dir, source_path)¶
Check if the CMS and trj properties were found and raise ValueError if not
- Parameters
str (trj_dir) – Path to source cms and trj folder
str – Path to the associated CMS file
str – Path to the associated trajectory
- Return str,str
Path to the cms file trajectory frames if both are found.
- Raises
ValueError – Raises error if the cms file or trajectory is not found
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.get_cms_and_trj_path(struct, source_path=None)¶
Get trajectory and cms path for the passed structure in maestro
- Parameters
schrodinger.structure.Structure (struct) – Structure to get associated cms and trajectory of
str (source_path) – Path to source cms and trj folder in case they do not exist in the working folder. Structure source path will be used in case it is not passed.
- Return str,str
Path to the cms file trajectory frames if both are found.
- Raises
ValueError – In case the cms file or trajectory is not found
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.FrameSpinBox(layout, commands=None)¶
A spin box to change and set the frames for the trajectory
- __init__(layout, commands=None)¶
Create a FrameSpinBox instance
- Parameters
layout (QLayout) – If supplied, the FrameSpinBox created will be added to this layout
commands (list) – The list of callbacks for the valueChanged signal.
- AdaptiveDecimalStepType = 1¶
- class ButtonSymbols(value)¶
An enumeration.
- UpDownArrows = 0¶
- PlusMinus = 1¶
- NoButtons = 2¶
- CorrectToNearestValue = 1¶
- CorrectToPreviousValue = 0¶
- class CorrectionMode(value)¶
An enumeration.
- CorrectToPreviousValue = 0¶
- CorrectToNearestValue = 1¶
- DefaultStepType = 0¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoButtons = 2¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric(value)¶
An enumeration.
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PlusMinus = 1¶
- class RenderFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- StepDownEnabled = 2¶
- class StepEnabledFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- StepNone = 0¶
- StepUpEnabled = 1¶
- StepDownEnabled = 2¶
- StepNone = 0¶
- class StepType(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DefaultStepType = 0¶
- AdaptiveDecimalStepType = 1¶
- StepUpEnabled = 1¶
- UpDownArrows = 0¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alignment(self) Qt.AlignmentFlag ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- buttonSymbols(self) QAbstractSpinBox.ButtonSymbols ¶
- changeEvent(self, e: QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget ¶
- childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- cleanText(self) str ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, e: QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, e: QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- correctionMode(self) QAbstractSpinBox.CorrectionMode ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- displayIntegerBase(self) int ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- editingFinished¶
editingFinished(self) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)¶
- event(self, e: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool ¶
- find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- fixup(self, str: str) str ¶
- focusInEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAcceptableInput(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, e: QHideEvent)¶
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionSpinBox)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)¶
- insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- interpretText(self)¶
- isAccelerated(self) bool ¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isGroupSeparatorShown(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isReadOnly(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- keyboardTracking(self) bool ¶
- killTimer(self, id: int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- lineEdit(self) QLineEdit ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximum(self) int ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimum(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, a0: QPoint)¶
- move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
- moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, e: QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- prefix(self) str ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, id: int)¶
- removeAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
- reset()¶
Reset the spin box to its default value
- resize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- resizeEvent(self, e: QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- screen(self) QScreen ¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
- selectAll(self)¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAccelerated(self, on: bool)¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, name: str)¶
- setAlignment(self, flag: Qt.AlignmentFlag)¶
- setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)¶
- setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setButtonSymbols(self, bs: QAbstractSpinBox.ButtonSymbols)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCorrectionMode(self, cm: QAbstractSpinBox.CorrectionMode)¶
- setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setDisplayIntegerBase(self, base: int)¶
- setEnabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, h: int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- setFixedWidth(self, w: int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, a0: QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, a0: bool)¶
- setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setGroupSeparatorShown(self, shown: bool)¶
- setHidden(self, hidden: bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)¶
- setKeyboardTracking(self, kt: bool)¶
- setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineEdit(self, e: QLineEdit)¶
- setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
- setMaximum(self, max: int)¶
- setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)¶
- setMinimum(self, min: int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
- setPrefix(self, p: str)¶
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- setRange(self, min: int, max: int)¶
- setReadOnly(self, r: bool)¶
- setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSingleStep(self, val: int)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
- setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setSpecialValueText(self, s: str)¶
- setStatusTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setStepType(self, stepType: QAbstractSpinBox.StepType)¶
- setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)¶
- setSuffix(self, s: str)¶
- setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setValue(self, val: int)¶
- setVisible(self, visible: bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- setWrapping(self, w: bool)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, e: QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- singleStep(self) int ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- specialValueText(self) str ¶
- stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- stepBy(self, steps: int)¶
- stepDown(self)¶
- stepEnabled(self) QAbstractSpinBox.StepEnabledFlag ¶
- stepType(self) QAbstractSpinBox.StepType ¶
- stepUp(self)¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- suffix(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textChanged¶
textChanged(self, a0: str) [signal]
- textFromValue(self, v: int) str ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, e: QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, a0: QRect) None
- update(self, a0: QRegion) None
- update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validate(self, input: str, pos: int) Tuple[QValidator.State, str, int] ¶
- value(self) int ¶
- valueChanged¶
valueChanged(self, a0: int) [signal]
- valueFromText(self, text: str) int ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, e: QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowState ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- wrapping(self) bool ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajRangeSelectorDialog(master)¶
Trajectory range selector dialog with fixed labels, a spinbox for step, and no overlapping of sliders
- DIALOG_SIZE = (490, 160)¶
- __init__(master)¶
Create a TrajRangeSelectorDialog instance
- layOut()¶
Layout the widgets in the Dialog
- updateRangeLabel()¶
Function to change label when spinbox values are changed or slider is moved
- slidersMoved()¶
Sets values in spinboxes and label when the sliders are moved
- reset()¶
Reset the widgets
- getStep()¶
Get the trajectory step
- Return int
The step
- getFrames()¶
Get the frame numbers based on the range and step
- Return list
list of frames numbers
- accept()¶
Save the step value in addition to what parent does
- reject()¶
Restore step value in addition to what parent does
- setTrajLimits(min_f, max_f, step_size)¶
Set the limits for trajectory range
- Parameters
min_f (float) – minimum value of the trajectory frames
max_f (float) – maximum value of the trajectory frames
step_size (float) – step size of the frames
- setTempRangeToSlider(traj_range)¶
Set temporary trajectory range values to the range selection widgets
- Parameters
traj_range (SimpleNamespace) – set of values for the minimum and maximum number of frames and the step size.
- setTempTrajRange()¶
Read values from widgets and store the temporary range value in traj_range property
- changeLimitsEnd()¶
Change limits of end time spin box to reflect the left slider position
- changeLimitsStart()¶
Change limits of start time spin box to reflect the right slider position
- getRangeLabel()¶
This function returns text string showing trajectory range in ns.
- Returns
range string
- Return type
- Accepted = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric(value)¶
An enumeration.
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Rejected = 0¶
- class RenderFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accepted¶
accepted(self) [signal]
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget ¶
- childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- done(self, a0: int)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)¶
- error(msg)¶
Display an error dialog with a message
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the error dialog
- event(self, a0: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool ¶
- exec(self) int ¶
- find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- finished¶
finished(self, result: int) [signal]
- focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- giveHelp()¶
Display the help topic for this dialog
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)¶
- info(msg)¶
Display an information dialog with a message
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the information dialog
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)¶
- insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSizeGripEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, id: int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, a0: QPoint)¶
- move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
- moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- open(self)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- question(msg, button1='OK', button2='Cancel')¶
Display a question dialog with a message Returns True if first button (default OK) is pressed, False otherwise.
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the question dialog
button1 (str) – The text to display on first button
button2 (str) – The text to display on second button
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- rejected¶
rejected(self) [signal]
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, id: int)¶
- removeAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
- resize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool ¶
- result(self) int ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- screen(self) QScreen ¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, name: str)¶
- setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)¶
- setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, h: int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- setFixedWidth(self, w: int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, a0: QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, hidden: bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)¶
- setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)¶
- setModal(self, modal: bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- setResult(self, r: int)¶
- setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeGripEnabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
- setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)¶
- setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setVisible(self, visible: bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, a0: QRect) None
- update(self, a0: QRegion) None
- update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- warning(msg)¶
Display a warning dialog with a message
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the warning dialog
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowState ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajRangeSelectorFrame(layout)¶
Frame that adds trajectory selection button and label. It is connected to a dialog to select the trajectory range
- __init__(layout)¶
- Parameters
layout (QLayout) – layout to add the button to
- updateTrajectoryRangeLabel()¶
Update the trajectory range label with new range from traj dialog and correct the text
- showTrajRangeSelectorDialog()¶
Show traj dialog
- updateTrj(trj_path)¶
Load new trajectory range
- Parameters
trj_path (str) – path to the trajectory.
- Return bool
True if trajectory range was loaded, else False
- getFlags()¶
Get flags for current selected trajectory range
- getRange()¶
Get current range of frames selected
- Return type
- Returns
lower limit and upper limit of the selected range of frames
- setRange(start_val=None, end_val=None)¶
Set the frame range (in number and not time) for trajectory selection
- Parameters
start_val (int) – lower limit for frame in trajectory selection
end_val (int) – upper limit for frame in trajectory selection
- setEnabled(state)¶
Enable or disable the button and label for showing the traj dialog
- Parameters
state (bool) – True to enable the button, and False to disable
- reset()¶
Reset the frame
- getInputs()¶
Get the minimum, maximum and step value of trajectory frames
- Returns
min,max and step value of trajectory frames
- Return type
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric(value)¶
An enumeration.
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape(value)¶
An enumeration.
- NoFrame = 0¶
- Box = 1¶
- Panel = 2¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- HLine = 4¶
- VLine = 5¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- addStretch()¶
Add stretch to the frame layout.
- addWidget(widget)¶
Add widget to the frame layout.
- Parameters
widget (QWidget) – Widget to place on the layout
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget ¶
- childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, a0: QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)¶
- event(self, e: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool ¶
- find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)¶
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)¶
- insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, id: int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, a0: QPoint)¶
- move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
- moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, id: int)¶
- removeAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
- resize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- screen(self) QScreen ¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, name: str)¶
- setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)¶
- setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, h: int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- setFixedWidth(self, w: int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, a0: QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, a0: QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, a0: QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, a0: int)¶
- setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, hidden: bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)¶
- setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, a0: int)¶
- setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, a0: int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
- setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)¶
- setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setVisible(self, visible: bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, a0: QRect) None
- update(self, a0: QRegion) None
- update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowState ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.copy_cms_and_trj(cms_file, trj_path, jobname)¶
Copy cms and trj to the job directory
- Parameters
cms_file (str) – The path to the input cms file
trj_path (str) – The path to the input trj dir
jobname (str) – The job name
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajAnalysisGuiMixin¶
Class for extension of af2 to add widgets to gui for desmond trajectory analysis.
- addLoadTrajButton(layout, setup_method=None, allow_gcmc=True)¶
Load button to load structure from workspace and associated trajectory
- Parameters
layout (QLayout) – layout to add the button and range selector to
setup_method (callable) – The method to call to setup the panel
allow_gcmc (bool) – Whether gcmc cms’s should be allowed
- resetPanel()¶
Reset the panel variables and widgets set by this mixin
- Raises
NotImplementedError – Will raise error if load button is not added
- toggleStateMain(state)¶
Enable and disable trajectory traj button and label
- Parameters
state (bool) – True to enable the button, and False to disable
- getTrajFlags()¶
Get the command line flags for cms file, trajectory path, and trajectory range.
- Return list
A list of command line flags and values
- validateCMS(**kwargs)¶
- getIncludedEntry()¶
Get included entry in maestro
- Return schrodinger.structure.Structure
Structure in workspace
- Return schrodinger.structure.Structure
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.TrajectoryCompoundParam(*args, _param_type=<object object>, **kwargs)¶
- Class to link the inputs from the panel to the model.task.input object and
define input parameters
- Parameters
cms_file (tasks.Taskfile) – The cms file on which trajectory density analysis calculations will be performed
trj (tasks.TaskFile) – The associated trajectory of the input cms file
trj_max (int) – Maximum value of the trajectory frames
trj_min (int) – Minimum value of the trajectory frames
trj_step (int or None) – Step size of the frames if the frames need to be skipped. None if nothing is skipped
- cms_file: schrodinger.tasks.tasks.TaskFile¶
Base class for all Param classes. A Param is a descriptor for storing data, which means that a single Param instance will manage the data values for multiple instances of the class that owns it. Example:
class Coord(CompoundParam): x: int y: int
An instance of the Coord class can be created normally, and Params can be accessed as normal attributes:
coord = Coord() coord.x = 4
When a Param value is set, the
signal is emitted. Params can be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON. Params can also be nested:class Atom(CompoundParam): coord: Coord element: str
- trj: schrodinger.tasks.tasks.TaskFile¶
Base class for all Param classes. A Param is a descriptor for storing data, which means that a single Param instance will manage the data values for multiple instances of the class that owns it. Example:
class Coord(CompoundParam): x: int y: int
An instance of the Coord class can be created normally, and Params can be accessed as normal attributes:
coord = Coord() coord.x = 4
When a Param value is set, the
signal is emitted. Params can be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON. Params can also be nested:class Atom(CompoundParam): coord: Coord element: str
- trj_max: int¶
Base class for all Param classes. A Param is a descriptor for storing data, which means that a single Param instance will manage the data values for multiple instances of the class that owns it. Example:
class Coord(CompoundParam): x: int y: int
An instance of the Coord class can be created normally, and Params can be accessed as normal attributes:
coord = Coord() coord.x = 4
When a Param value is set, the
signal is emitted. Params can be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON. Params can also be nested:class Atom(CompoundParam): coord: Coord element: str
- trj_min: int¶
Base class for all Param classes. A Param is a descriptor for storing data, which means that a single Param instance will manage the data values for multiple instances of the class that owns it. Example:
class Coord(CompoundParam): x: int y: int
An instance of the Coord class can be created normally, and Params can be accessed as normal attributes:
coord = Coord() coord.x = 4
When a Param value is set, the
signal is emitted. Params can be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON. Params can also be nested:class Atom(CompoundParam): coord: Coord element: str
- trj_step: int¶
Base class for all Param classes. A Param is a descriptor for storing data, which means that a single Param instance will manage the data values for multiple instances of the class that owns it. Example:
class Coord(CompoundParam): x: int y: int
An instance of the Coord class can be created normally, and Params can be accessed as normal attributes:
coord = Coord() coord.x = 4
When a Param value is set, the
signal is emitted. Params can be serialized and deserialized to and from JSON. Params can also be nested:class Atom(CompoundParam): coord: Coord element: str
- setAttributes(inputs)¶
Set the attributes of the instance of model.task.input
- Parameters
inputs (dict) – inputs from all the stages in the panel
- DataClass¶
This class can be used to declare a public attribute on a
. Declared public attributes can be used without error.Example usage:
class Coord(CompoundParam): x: int y: int note = NonParamAttribute() coord = Coord() coord.note = "hello" # No error
- __init__(default_value=<object object>, _param_type=<object object>, **kwargs)¶
- classmethod addSubParam(name, param, update_owner=True)¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- block_signal_propagation()¶
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- cms_fileChanged¶
- cms_fileReplaced¶
- classmethod configureParam()¶
Override this class method to set up the abstract param class (e.g. setParamReference on child params.)
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- classmethod defaultValue()¶
Returns the default value for this abstract param:
default_atom = Atom.defaultValue() assert Atom.coord.x == 0
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- event(self, a0: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- classmethod fromJson(json_obj)¶
A factory method which constructs a new object from a given dict loaded from a json string or file.
- Parameters
json_obj (dict) – A json-loaded dictionary to create an object from.
- Returns
An instance of this class.
- Return type
- classmethod fromJsonImplementation(json_dict)¶
Sets the value of this compound param value object from a JSON dict.
This should never be called directly.
- getAbstractParam()¶
Return the corresponding abstract param for this instance.
- classmethod getJsonBlacklist()¶
Override to customize what params are serialized.
Implementations should return a list of abstract params that should be omitted from serialization.
- ..NOTE
Returned abstract params must be direct child params of
, notcls.coord.x
- classmethod getParamSignal(obj, signal_type='Changed')¶
- classmethod getParamValue(obj)¶
Enables access to a param value on a compound param via an abstract param reference:
a = Atom() assert Atom.coord.x.getParamValue(a) == 0 # ints default to 0 a.coord.x = 3 assert Atom.coord.x.getParamValue(a) == 3
- Parameters
param (CompoundParam) – The owner param to get a param value from
- classmethod getSubParam(name)¶
Get the value of a subparam using the string name:
c = Coord() assert c.getSubParam('x') == 0
Using the string name to access params is generally discouraged, but can be useful for serializing/deserializing param data.
- Parameters
name (str) – The name of the subparam to get the value for.
- classmethod getSubParams()¶
Return a dictionary mapping subparam names to their values.
- getTypeHint()¶
- get_version()¶
Method to get the version of a particular object. Defaults to the current version of mmshare. This class can be overridden for custom versioning behavior.
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initAbstract()¶
- initConcrete()¶
Override to customize initialization of concrete params.
- initializeValue()¶
Override to dynamically set up the default value of the param. Useful for default values that are determined at runtime. This is called any time the param is reset.
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- classmethod isAbstract()¶
Whether the param is an “abstract” param.
- isDefault()¶
Whether the current value of this instance matches the default value.
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- killTimer(self, id: int)¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- classmethod owner()¶
Get the owner of the param:
# Can be called on an abstract param: assert Coord.x.owner() == Coord # ...or on an instance of a CompoundParam a = Atom() assert a.coord.owner() == a
- classmethod ownerChain()¶
Returns a list of param owners starting from the toplevel param and ending with self. Examples:
will return[foo, bar, atom, coord]
where every item is a concrete
will return[Foo,, Foo.atom.coord, Foo.atom.coord.x]
where every item is an abstract params.
- classmethod paramName()¶
Get the name of the param:
# Can be called on an abstract param: print(Coord.x.paramName()) # 'x' # ...or on an instance of a CompoundParam a = Atom() a.coord.paramName() # 'coord'
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- reset(*abstract_params)¶
Resets this compound param to its default value:
class Line(CompoundParam): start = Coord(x=1, y=2) end = Coord(x=4, y=5) line = Line() line.start.x = line.end.x = 10 assert line.start.x == line.end.x == 10 line.reset() assert line.start.x == 1 assert line.end.x == 4
Any number of abstract params may be passed in to perform a partial reset of only the specified params:
line.start.x = line.end.x = 10 line.reset(Line.start.x) # resets just start.x assert line.start.x == 1 assert line.end.x == 10 line.reset(Line.end) # resets the entire end point assert line.end.x == 4 line.start.y = line.end.y = 10 line.reset(Line.start.y, Line.end.y) # resets the y-coord of both assert line.start.y == 2 assert line.end.y == 5
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- classmethod setParamValue(obj, value)¶
Set the value of a param on an object by specifying the instance and the value:
# Setting the param value of a basic param a = Atom() Atom.coord.x.setParamValue(a, 5) assert a.coord.x == 5 # setParamValue can also be used to set the value of CompoundParams c = Coord() c.x = 10 atom.coord.setParamValue(a, c) assert atom.coord.x == 10
- Parameters
param – The owner param to set a subparam value of.
value – The value to set the subparam value to.
- setParent(self, a0: QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- classmethod setReference(param1, param2)¶
Call this class method from configureParam to indicate that two params should be kept in sync. The initial values will start with the default value of
. Example:class Square(CompoundParam): width: float = 5 height: float = 10 @classmethod def configureParam(cls): super().configureParam() cls.setReference(cls.width, cls.height) square = Square() assert square.width == square.height == 5 # Default value of width # takes priority square.height = 7 assert square.width == square.height == 7 square.width = 6 assert square.width == square.height == 6
- Parameters
param1 – The first abstract param to keep synced
param2 – The second abstract param. After instantiation, this param will take on the value of param1.
- setValue(value=None, **kwargs)¶
Set the value of this
to matchvalue
.- Parameters
value – The value to set this
to. It should be the same type as thisCompoundParam
.kwargs – For internal use only.
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- skip_eq_check()¶
- startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)¶
- toDict()¶
Return a dictionary version of this
. The returned dictionary is fully nested and contains noCompoundParam
instancesa = Atom() a_dict = a.toDict() assert a_dict['coord']['x'] == 0 assert a_dict['coord'] == {'x':0, 'y':0}
- toJson(_mark_version=True)¶
Create and returns a data structure made up of jsonable items.
- Return type
An instance of one the classes from NATIVE_JSON_DATATYPES
- toJsonImplementation()¶
Returns a JSON representation of this value object.
This should never be called directly.
- tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- trjChanged¶
- trjReplaced¶
- trj_maxChanged¶
- trj_maxReplaced¶
- trj_minChanged¶
- trj_minReplaced¶
- trj_stepChanged¶
- trj_stepReplaced¶
- valueChanged¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.SubstrateRestraintGroupBox(panel, parent_layout, *, cms_check=True, checkable=False, **kwargs)¶
Group box used to define which atoms in a panel’s MD system are substrates, at which point Desmond force restraints can be added to those substrate atoms.
- __init__(panel, parent_layout, *, cms_check=True, checkable=False, **kwargs)¶
Initialize a group box tailored for defining and restraining substrate atoms.
- Parameters
panel (MultiDesmondJobApp) – The Maestro panel that this widget should be associated with
parent_layout (QBoxLayout) – The layout to place this SGroupBox into
cms_check (bool) – Whether the input structure should be cms only
checkable (bool) – Whether the groupbox is checkable, False by default.
- getForceConstant()¶
Gets the currently-assigned force constant
- Return type
- Returns
the force constant currently entered into the widget, in units of kcal/mol/Ang^2
- setForceConstant(force_constant)¶
Sets the force constant to a given value
- Parameters
force_constant (float) – the force constant you want to set in the widget, in units of kcal/mol/Ang^2
- getCommandLineFlags()¶
Returns the command line flags associated with this widget.
- Return type
- Returns
Command-line flags and their values. If no ASL is set, then returns an empty list.
- getASL()¶
- checkASL()¶
Check if asl contains sets, or
- Parameters
asl (str) – asl in the line edit
- error(msg)¶
Raises an error in the parent panel
- validateASL(**kwargs)¶
- reset()¶
Reset the widget
- ASL_ITEMS = {'Displayed Atoms': 'displayed_atoms', 'Heavy Atoms': 'heavy_atoms', 'Hydrogens-All': 'all_hydrogens', 'Hydrogens-Nonpolar': 'non_polar_hydrogens', 'Hydrogens-Polar': 'polar_hydrogens', 'Ions': 'ions', 'Membrane': 'membrane', 'Metal Atoms': 'metals', 'Nucleic Acids': 'nucleic_acids', 'Protein': '(protein) and not ligand', 'Protein Backbone': '(backbone) and not ligand', 'Protein Side Chains': '(withinbonds 1 sidechain) and not ligand', 'Waters': 'water', 'Workspace Selection': 'workspace_selection'}¶
- ASL_NOT_ALLOWED = {'', '', 'set'}¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- PLUS_TIP_WITH_SAVE = '<nobr>Click to choose from saved ASLs, the Workspace </nobr>selection or predefined atom sets, or to open the Atom Selection dialog'¶
- PREF_KEY = 'asl_selector_saved_asls'¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric(value)¶
An enumeration.
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alignment(self) Qt.AlignmentFlag ¶
- aslItemClicked(asl, text=None)¶
Overwrite parent method to update the name in addition to the asl
- Parameters
asl (str) – The asl for the item that was clicked
text (str) – The name for the item that was clicked
- aslModified¶
- aslTextModified¶
- atomSelectionDialogAboutToBeShown¶
- atomSelectionDialogDismissed¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget ¶
- childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearAslText()¶
Currently, the reset button is used to clear asl string
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- clicked¶
clicked(self, checked: bool = False) [signal]
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- deleteSavedItem(name)¶
Remove the saved item with this name from the preferences
- Parameters
name (
) – Item name to remove
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dumpSavedItems(saved_items_dict)¶
Store all saved items to preferences
- Parameters
saved_items_dict (
) – dict where keys are names and values are items
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)¶
- event(self, a0: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool ¶
- find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- forgetMessageBoxResponse(key)¶
Forgets any previously saved response that was stored via a save_response_key.
- Parameters
key – the key for the response to forget
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getAsl()¶
Return the selected ASL string
- getNameAndSave(value, default_name='')¶
Shows a
to provide a name to save the value to preferences.- Parameters
value (Any builtin jsonable type. Ex:
but notset
) – Value to be saved to preferencesdefault_name (
) – Default name to populate theNewNameDialog
- getSavedItems()¶
Get all saved items from preferences
- Returns
Dict where keys are names and values are items
- Return type
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)¶
- info(*args, **kwargs)¶
Shows a popup information message box. For parameter documentation see
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionGroupBox)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)¶
- insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool ¶
- isCheckable(self) bool ¶
- isChecked(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isFlat(self) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, id: int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- loadWorkspaceSelection()¶
Loads workspace selection to the AtomSelector
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, a0: QPoint)¶
- move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
- moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pickMolecule()¶
Set the pick_menu with pick molecule option.
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- question(*args, **kwargs)¶
Shows a popup question message box. For parameter documentation see
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, id: int)¶
- removeAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
- resize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool ¶
- saveASL()¶
Save the current asl using the name the user provides
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- screen(self) QScreen ¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, name: str)¶
- setAlignment(self, a0: int)¶
- setAsl(asl)¶
- setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)¶
- setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setCheckable(self, b: bool)¶
- setChecked(self, b: bool)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDarkStyle()¶
Set dark style to ‘All’ and ‘+’ buttons
- setDisabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, h: int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- setFixedWidth(self, w: int)¶
- setFlat(self, b: bool)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, a0: QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, hidden: bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)¶
- setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)¶
- setMarkersEnabled(enable: bool)¶
Set enabled/disabled state of the
checkbox. Note: Disabling theMarkers
checkbox hides the workspace markers.- Parameters
enable – Whether to enable or disable the
- setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
- setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)¶
- setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- setToolTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setVisible(self, visible: bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- setupPickToggle(pick_text)¶
Set up pick toggle by creating pick layout, and adding pick toggle & combo menu to it.
- Parameters
pick_text (str) – Text that will be displayed on the bottom of the main Maestro window when the pick button is checked.
- setupPlusButton(layout, button_height, show_select, show_previous)¶
Setups the plus button by adding the button and its popup widget
- Parameters
layout (QtWidgets.QLayout) – Layout to which the plus button should be added.
button_height (int) – Height and width of the plus button.
show_previous (bool) – Whether to show the “Previous” button. Clicking it would select the previous ASL that was used.
show_select (bool) – Whether to show the “Select…” button. Clicking it would show an ASL selection dialog.
- setupSaveWidgets()¶
Set up the widgets required for saving and loading ASLs
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMessageBox(*args, **kwargs)¶
Shows a popup message box. For parameter documentation see
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)¶
- title(self) str ¶
- toggled¶
toggled(self, a0: bool) [signal]
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, a0: QRect) None
- update(self, a0: QRegion) None
- update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)¶
- updatePlusButtonStyle()¶
Update plus_button style
- updateSavedASLs()¶
Update the saved asl items in the menu
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validateAsl(struct=None)¶
Validate the ASL, optionally against a structure as well
- Parameters
struct (structure.Structure or None) – The structure to validate the ASL against
- Return type
- Returns
True if the ASL is valid, False otherwise
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- warning(*args, **kwargs)¶
Shows a popup warning message box. For parameter documentation see
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowState ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.AdvancedMDOptions(master, button_label='Advanced MD Options...', title='Advanced MD Options', help_topic='MATERIALS_SCIENCE_ADVANCED_MD_OPTIONS', layout=None)¶
Advanced Simulation options. This class will create the advanced dialog in DesmondMDWidget
- __init__(master, button_label='Advanced MD Options...', title='Advanced MD Options', help_topic='MATERIALS_SCIENCE_ADVANCED_MD_OPTIONS', layout=None)¶
Creat an SDialog object
- Parameters
master (QWidget) – The parent of this dialog
user_accept_function (callable) – A function to call from a custom accept method implemented in a subclass
standard_buttons (list) – List of standard buttons to add - each item must be a QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton constant (i.e. QDialogButtonBox.Ok). The default if no standard buttons or non-standard buttons are provided is Ok and Cancel.
nonstandard_buttons (list of (QPushButton, QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole) tuples) – Each item of the list is a tuple containing an existing button and a ButtonRole such as AcceptRole. The default if no standard buttons or non-standard buttons are provided is Ok and Cancel buttons.
help_topic (str) – The help topic for this panel. If the help topic is provided a help button will automatically be added to the panel.
title (str) – The dialog window title
- layOut()¶
Lay out the widgets for the dialog
- showForEdit()¶
Show the dialog
- udpateToolTip()¶
Update advance setting button tooltip
- accept()¶
Overwrite accept method.
- reset()¶
Overwrite reset method
- Accepted = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric(value)¶
An enumeration.
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Rejected = 0¶
- class RenderFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accepted¶
accepted(self) [signal]
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget ¶
- childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- done(self, a0: int)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)¶
- error(msg)¶
Display an error dialog with a message
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the error dialog
- event(self, a0: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool ¶
- exec(self) int ¶
- find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- finished¶
finished(self, result: int) [signal]
- focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- giveHelp()¶
Display the help topic for this dialog
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)¶
- info(msg)¶
Display an information dialog with a message
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the information dialog
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)¶
- insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSizeGripEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, id: int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, a0: QPoint)¶
- move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
- moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- open(self)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- question(msg, button1='OK', button2='Cancel')¶
Display a question dialog with a message Returns True if first button (default OK) is pressed, False otherwise.
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the question dialog
button1 (str) – The text to display on first button
button2 (str) – The text to display on second button
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- reject(self)¶
- rejected¶
rejected(self) [signal]
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, id: int)¶
- removeAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
- resize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool ¶
- result(self) int ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- screen(self) QScreen ¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, name: str)¶
- setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)¶
- setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, h: int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- setFixedWidth(self, w: int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, a0: QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, hidden: bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)¶
- setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)¶
- setModal(self, modal: bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- setResult(self, r: int)¶
- setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeGripEnabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
- setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)¶
- setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setVisible(self, visible: bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, a0: QRect) None
- update(self, a0: QRegion) None
- update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- warning(msg)¶
Display a warning dialog with a message
- Parameters
msg (str) – The message to display in the warning dialog
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowState ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.DesmondMDWEdit(*args, **kwargs)¶
The standard edit used by DesmondMDWidgets
- LE_WIDTH = 80¶
- BOTTOM_DATOR = 1e-10¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Create a DesmondMDWEdit instance
See parent class for additional documentation
- getValidator()¶
Get the validator for this edit
- Return type
- Returns
The validator to use
- AV_ERROR_MSG = 'always_valid must be used in conjuction with a QValidator that has a restoreLastValidValue method.'¶
- class ActionPosition(value)¶
An enumeration.
- LeadingPosition = 0¶
- TrailingPosition = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class EchoMode(value)¶
An enumeration.
- Normal = 0¶
- NoEcho = 1¶
- Password = 2¶
- PasswordEchoOnEdit = 3¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- LeadingPosition = 0¶
- NoEcho = 1¶
- Normal = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric(value)¶
An enumeration.
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- Password = 2¶
- PasswordEchoOnEdit = 3¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- TrailingPosition = 1¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, a0: QAction)¶
- addAction(self, action: QAction, position: QLineEdit.ActionPosition) None
- addAction(self, icon: QIcon, position: QLineEdit.ActionPosition) QAction
- addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alignment(self) Qt.AlignmentFlag ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- backspace(self)¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clear(self)¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)¶
- completer(self) QCompleter ¶
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- copy(self)¶
- create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createStandardContextMenu(self) QMenu ¶
- createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- cursorMoveStyle(self) Qt.CursorMoveStyle ¶
- cursorPositionChanged¶
cursorPositionChanged(self, a0: int, a1: int) [signal]
- cursorRect(self) QRect ¶
- cursorWordBackward(self, mark: bool)¶
- cursorWordForward(self, mark: bool)¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- cut(self)¶
- del_(self)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- deselect(self)¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- displayText(self) str ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, e: QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, e: QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- echoMode(self) QLineEdit.EchoMode ¶
- editingFinished¶
editingFinished(self) [signal]
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- end(self, mark: bool)¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)¶
- event(self, a0: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(edit, event)¶
Filter FocusOut events so we can restore the last valid value
Note: This could have been done in the event() method rather than eventFilter() method, but doing it this way allows us to NOT process events for line edits that don’t always_valid validity, which saves on overhead.
- Parameters
edit (QWidget) – The widget that generated this event - will be this instance (self)
event (QEvent) – The QEvent object generated by the event
- Return type
- Returns
Whether event processing should stop for this event
- find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- float()¶
Returns the current value of the LineEdit as a float
- Return type
- Returns
Current float value of the LineEdit
- focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(event)¶
Call self.focus_out_command when text modified, if present. This does NOT create race conditions with SLineEdit.eventFilter for always_valid=True. And the focus_out_command is only executed when the text is changed.
- Parameters
event (QEvent) – Focus out event
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getString()¶
Returns the current value of the LineEdit as a string
- Return type
- Returns
The current string value of the LineEdit
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasAcceptableInput(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasFrame(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasSelectedText(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)¶
- home(self, mark: bool)¶
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMask(self) str ¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, property: Qt.InputMethodQuery, argument: Any) Any
- inputRejected¶
inputRejected(self) [signal]
- insert(self, a0: str)¶
- insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)¶
- insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- int()¶
Returns the current value of the LineEdit as a float
- Return type
- Returns
Current int value of the LineEdit
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool ¶
- isClearButtonEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isModified(self) bool ¶
- isReadOnly(self) bool ¶
- isRedoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isUndoAvailable(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- paste(self)¶
- placeholderText(self) str ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- redo(self)¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- removeAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
- reset()¶
Reset the label and line edit to their default values
- resizeEvent(resize_event)¶
This is used to place the clear text button
- restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool ¶
- returnPressed¶
returnPressed(self) [signal]
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- screen(self) QScreen ¶
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedText(self) str ¶
- selectionChanged¶
selectionChanged(self) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, name: str)¶
- setAlignment(self, flag: Qt.AlignmentFlag)¶
- setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setClearButton(show_clear)¶
This function sets up the clearButton depending on whether the line edit is using it or not. :param show_clear: Whether to show the button or not (at any time) :type show_clear: bool
- setClearButtonEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setCompleter(self, completer: QCompleter)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setCursorMoveStyle(self, style: Qt.CursorMoveStyle)¶
- setDisabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, b: bool)¶
- setEchoMode(self, a0: QLineEdit.EchoMode)¶
- setEnabled(state)¶
Set all child widgets to enabled state of state
- Parameters
state (bool) – True if widgets should be enabled, False if not
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, a0: QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrame(self, a0: bool)¶
- setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, hidden: bool)¶
- setIndicator(state, tip=None)¶
Set the state of the indicator icon
- Parameters
state (int) – The new state of the indicator. Should be one of the module constants INDICATOR_VALID, INDICATOR_INTERMEDIATE, INDICATOR_INVALID
tip (str) – The new tooltip for the indicator icon - if not provided, the tooltips, if any, given to the constructor will be used.
- setInputMask(self, inputMask: str)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)¶
- setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
- setModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
- setPlaceholderText(self, a0: str)¶
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- setReadOnly(self, a0: bool)¶
- setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)¶
- setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setText(text, only_if_valid=False)¶
Set the text of the edit.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text to set in the edit
only_if_valid (bool) – Only set the text if it validates as acceptable via the edit’s validator.
- setTextMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setTextMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setToAlwaysValid()¶
Set this instance to always replace invalid text with valid text per validation performed by self.validator
NOTE: The original value is never validated, so we need to set the validator last_valid_value property by hand. Note that forcing a validation here doesn’t work - appears to be a PyQt bug (or feature) where validation doesn’t work inside the __init__method. store it as the last valid value.
- setToolTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setValidator(self, a0: QValidator)¶
- setVisible(state)¶
Set all child widgets to visible state of state
- Parameters
state (bool) – True if widgets should be visible, False if not
- setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setWindowRole(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- text(self) str ¶
- textChanged¶
textChanged(self, a0: str) [signal]
- textEdited¶
textEdited(self, a0: str) [signal]
- textMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- undo(self)¶
- ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, a0: QRect) None
- update(self, a0: QRegion) None
- update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- updateClearButton(text)¶
Show the clear button if it’s turned on, and the text is non-empty
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- validator(self) QValidator ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)¶
- winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowState ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.deswidgets.DesmondMDWidgets(input_selector=None, time_changed_command=None, timestep_changed_command=None, show_temp=True, temp_changed_command=None, show_press=True, show_save=True, show_enegrp=False, show_ptensor=False, show_eneseq=False, show_seed=True, show_trj_interval=True, show_advanced_options=False, show_coulomb=False, enegrp_changed_command=None, ensembles=None, isotropy=None, defaults=None, thermo_methods=None, baro_methods=None, time_use_ps=False, combined_trj=False, **kwargs)¶
Frame that holds core MD related fields, to be reused in the panels that submit desmond jobs.
- TRJ_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields %d frames'¶
- ENEGRP_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields %d records'¶
- PTENSOR_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields %d records'¶
- ENESEQ_NFRM_LABEL = 'yields %d records'¶
- DEFAULTS = {'-coulomb_cutoff': 9.0, '-md_baro_relax_time': 1.2, '-md_enegrp_int': 4.8, '-md_eneseq_int': 1.2, '-md_press': 1.01325, '-md_ptensor_int': 4.8, '-md_temp': 300.0, '-md_thermo_relax_time': 1.2, '-md_time': 1.0, '-md_timestep': 2.0, '-md_trj_int': 4.8}¶
- class NUM_FRMS_TYPE(value)¶
An enumeration.
- enegrp = 1¶
- eneseq = 2¶
- ptensor = 3¶
- trj = 4¶
- __init__(input_selector=None, time_changed_command=None, timestep_changed_command=None, show_temp=True, temp_changed_command=None, show_press=True, show_save=True, show_enegrp=False, show_ptensor=False, show_eneseq=False, show_seed=True, show_trj_interval=True, show_advanced_options=False, show_coulomb=False, enegrp_changed_command=None, ensembles=None, isotropy=None, defaults=None, thermo_methods=None, baro_methods=None, time_use_ps=False, combined_trj=False, **kwargs)¶
Initialize object and place widgets on the layout. See swidgets.SFrame for more documentation.
- Parameters
input_selector (
) – Input selector objecttime_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of MD time field
timestep_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of MD time step field
show_temp (bool) – Show or not MD temperature field
temp_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of MD temp step field
show_press (bool) – Show or not MD pressure field
show_save (bool) – Show or not Save MD related data widget
show_enegrp (bool) – Show or not energy group recording interval widget
show_ptensor (bool) – Whether to show pressure tensor recording interval
show_eneseq (bool) – Show or not energy recording interval widget
show_seed (bool) – Show or not random seed widget
show_trj_interval (bool) – Show or not the widgets for saving trajectory intervals
show_advanced_options (bool) – Show advanced option dialog
show_coulomb (bool) – Show coulomb combobox to select Coulomb method
enegrp_changed_command (Method or None) – Called on focus out event of enegrp interval field
ensembles (None or list) – Show choice of desmond ensembles
isotropy (None or dict) – Show choice of desmond barostat isotropy policies. Keys are user-facing text for each isotropy policy, values are the value from schrodinger.application.desmond.constants.IsotropyPolicy.
defaults (dict or None) – Dict with the default values of MD fields
thermo_methods (dict or None) – Provide a dict with cms model type as keys and list of enabled thermostat for these methods as values. See
for example.baro_methods (dict or None) – Provide a dict with cms model type as keys and list of enabled barostat for these methods as values. See
for example.time_use_ps (bool) – If True, use ps for the time field, otherwise ns (which is default in Desmond GUI)
- layOut()¶
Add MD widgets to layout
- addAdvancedWidgets(layout)¶
Advanced MD Widgets
- updateEnsembleParameters()¶
Update timestep, thermostat method, thermostat relaxation time, barostat method and barostat relaxation time upon structure changed.
- getModelTypeAndTimeStep(model)¶
Return type of model and default timestep for the model. Three possible types of model are AA, DPD and COARSE_GRAIN (see msconst).
- Parameters
model (cms.Cms) – input selector model
- Returns
return the type of model and corresponding timestep.
- Return type
string, float
- setThermoRelaxationMethod(model_type)¶
Set thermostat option based on model type
- Parameters
model_type (str) – type of the cms model
- setBaroRelaxationMethod(model_type)¶
Set barostat option based on model type
- Parameters
model_type (str) – type of the cms model
- getAdvancedSettingString()¶
Update advance setting label
- Return type
- Returns
Advanced setting in the string format joined by “/”.
- updateAllNumFrames()¶
Update all known frames.
- updateNumFrames(num_frms_type)¶
Update approximate the number of recordings and interval (if needed).
- Parameters
num_frms_type (NUM_FRMS_TYPE) – Type of the recordings to update
- getTimestepPS()¶
Returns the simulation timestep in picoseconds.
- Return type
- Returns
Time in picoseconds
- getTimePS()¶
Returns the simulation time in picoseconds.
- Return type
- Returns
Time in picoseconds
- onTimeChanged()¶
Called when simulation time changes.
- onTimestepChanged()¶
Called when time step changes.
- onTrjIntervalChanged()¶
Called when trajectory interval changes.
- onEneGrpIntervalChanged()¶
Called when energy group interval changes.
- onPtensorIntervalChanged()¶
Called when energy group interval changes.
- onEneSeqIntervalChanged()¶
Called when energy interval changes.
- onEnsembleChanged()¶
Called when ensemble changes.
- getCommandLineFlags()¶
Return a list containing the proper command-line flags and their values, e.g.:
cmd = [EXEC, infile_path] cmd += rs_widget.getCommandLineFlag()
- Return type
- Returns
command-line flags and their values
- setFromCommandLineFlags(flags)¶
Set the state of these widgets from command line flag values
- Parameters
flags (dict) – Keys are command line flags, values are flag values. For flags that take no value, the value is ignored - the presence of the key indicates the flag is present.
- reset()¶
Reset widgets.
- resetAdvancedWidgets()¶
Reset advanced widgets
- Box = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric(value)¶
An enumeration.
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape(value)¶
An enumeration.
- NoFrame = 0¶
- Box = 1¶
- Panel = 2¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- HLine = 4¶
- VLine = 5¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- VLine = 5¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- addStretch()¶
Add stretch to the frame layout.
- addWidget(widget)¶
Add widget to the frame layout.
- Parameters
widget (QWidget) – Widget to place on the layout
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget ¶
- childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
- childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, a0: QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)¶
- event(self, e: QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool ¶
- find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, a0: QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)¶
- inherits(self, classname: str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)¶
- insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, id: int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, a0: QPoint)¶
- move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
- moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, name: str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, id: int)¶
- removeAction(self, action: QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)¶
- render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
- repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
- resize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- screen(self) QScreen ¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)¶
- scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, name: str)¶
- setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)¶
- setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)¶
- setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, a0: bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, h: int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)¶
- setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
- setFixedWidth(self, w: int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, a0: QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, a0: QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, a0: QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, a0: int)¶
- setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)¶
- setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, hidden: bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)¶
- setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLineWidth(self, a0: int)¶
- setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)¶
- setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, a0: int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)¶
- setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
- setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, name: str)¶
- setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
- setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool ¶
- setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)¶
- setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
- setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)¶
- setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, a0: str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)¶
- setVisible(self, visible: bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)¶
- setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, a0: str)¶
- setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)¶
- setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, a0: QRect) None
- update(self, a0: QRegion) None
- update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowState ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶