
Functions and classes for defining the input to a Hydrokinetic workflow.

class, keywords=None, jaguar_keywords=None, jobname=None, add_hydrokinetic_jaguar_defaults=False)


A class to completely specify a Hydrokinetic calculation.

Example usage:

input = HydrokineticInput() input.setValue(‘integerKW’, 3) input.setValue(‘floatKW’, ‘7.0’) input.setValue(‘stringKW’, ‘foo’)

for keyword in input:

print “keyword ‘%s’ has value %s” % (keyword, input[keyword])


input[‘mykeyword’] = ‘value’

except WorkflowKeywordException as e:

print e.allowed_keywords

input_file_keys = ['input']
__init__(inputfile=None, keywords=None, jaguar_keywords=None, jobname=None, add_hydrokinetic_jaguar_defaults=False)

Create a HydrokineticInput instance. If a keyword is specified in both ‘inputfile’ and ‘keywords’, then the values in ‘keywords’ will be set preferrentially. This also applies to ‘jaguar_keywords’.

  • inputfile (str) – Path to a Hydrokinetic input file

  • keywords (dict) – Hydrokinetic keyword/value pairs

  • jaguar_keywords (dict) – Jaguar &gen section keyword/value pairs

  • jobname (string) – Name of job, if it is not None it will be set to the basename of the input file name.

  • add_hydrokinetic_jaguar_defaults (boolean) – if True add some custom Jaguar defaults


Initialize dictionary of all possible Hydrokinetic keywords


Set multiple Jaguar &gen section keywords.


keywords (dict of string/anytype pairs) – Jaguar &gen section keyword/value pairs

getInputMolecule(fileonly=False, clean_st=False)

Return list of input molecules. If no file(s) found, return empty list.

  • fileonly (bool) – if True, return only file paths, else Structures.

  • clean_st (bool) – if True redefine bonding using mmlewis.


reactant Structures or file paths.


Perform a self-consistency check of all currently set keywords.

:raise WorkflowKeywordConflictError if conflicting values found :raise WorkflowConservationError if matter not conserved :raise JaguarUnsupportedBasisSet: if basis is not supported


Perform a check to ensure that Jaguar keywords are not set that Hydrokinetic cannot handle.


Set the attribute jobname.


jobname (string) – input name of job. If jobname is None we try to use self._inputfile. If that is also None we assign a unique name.


Read an existing Hydrokinetic input file. Any keywords specified in the input file will override existing values in this HydrokineticInput instance.

Jaguar &gen section keywords are defined like:

&JaguarKeywords key=val key=val … &

Constraints can be defined with

&Constraints st_title atom_index1 atom_index2… value &


inputfile (str) – Path to a Hydrokinetic input file


If the default template file is not set and the keyword use_default_templates is True and that file exists, set the template file to the default one.


Remove full paths from file specifications. A new input file is no longer written, if that is desired the user must call the save method.


Update full paths for file specifications to reflect the CWD. This is useful if running this job in a subdirectory or on a remote host.


Return the constraints defined in the input file


a dict relating structure titles to constraints the constraints are given as a list of Coordinate instances and the titles refer to the titles of the input molecules.

getDefault(keyword: str)

Return the default value for Workflow keyword ‘keyword’. The return type depends on the keyword.


keyword – name of keyword

:raise WorkflowKeywordError if no keyword found

getFrozenAtoms() Dict[str, List[]]

Return the frozen atoms defined in the input file


a dict relating structure titles to constraints the constraints are given as a list of Coordinate instances and the titles refer to the titles of the input molecules.

getJaguarNonDefault() Dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary of all non-default Jaguar keys except ‘multip’ and ‘molchg’, which must be retrieved explicitly.

getJaguarValue(key: str) Any

Return the value for Jaguar keyword ‘key’. The return type depends on the keyword.


key – name of keyword


Return a dictionary of all non-default-value WorkflowKeyword instances indexed by name.

getValue(keyword: str)

Return the value for Workflow keyword. The return type depends on the keyword.


keyword – name of keyword

:raise WorkflowKeywordError if no keyword found

get_input_files() Set[str]

Return set of expected input files.

have_constraints() bool

Do we have internal coordinate constraints

have_frozen_atoms() bool

Do we have frozen atom constraints

isNonDefault(keyword: str) bool

Has the specified keyword been set to a non-default value?


keyword – The key to check


True if the specified keyword is set to a non-default value. False otherwise.

property keywords

Reset all keywords to their default states.

resetKey(keyword: str)

Reset keyword to default state.


keyword – name of keyword

save(name: str)

Create a Workflow input file called ‘name’ in the current working directory based on this class instance. Only write the non-default keyword values.


name – Path to a Workflow input file

setConstraints(constraints: Dict[str, List[]])

Set the constraints.


constraints (dict of str: Coordinate instance) – dictionary relating structure title to a list of Coordinate instances which define the constraints

setFrozenAtoms(frozen_atoms: Dict[str, List[]])

Set the constraints.


frozen_atoms – dictionary relating structure title to a list of Coordinate instances which define the frozen atoms

setJaguarValue(key: str, value: Any)

Set the Jaguar &gen section keyword ‘key’ to value ‘value’.

  • key – name of keyword

  • value – value of keyword

:raise JaguarKeywordException if keyword is invalid

setValue(keyword: str, value: Any)

Set the Workflow keyword ‘keyword’ to value ‘value’. Note that there may be type-checking and conversion by the WorkflowKeyword class.

  • keyword – name of keyword

  • value – value of keyword. If ‘value’ is None, the keyword will be reset.


WorkflowKeywordException – if no keyword found or there is an issue with the keyword or value


Set multiple Workflow keywords.


keywords (dict of string/anytype pairs) – keyword/value pairs

property values

Support access to WorkflowKeyword values via attribute syntax. e.g.:

wi = WorkflowInput()
print wi.values.optimize   # print 'optimize' keyword value
workflow_name = 'Workflow'

Returns the name of the users template file that should be found in .schrodinger/hydrokinetic_templates. The file may or may not exist., autots_kwds, fname='')

Create AutoTS template file for use in Hydrokinetic from HydrokineticInput.

  • hinp (HydrokineticInput) – HydrokineticInput instance containing keywords for AutoTS

  • autots_kwds (dict) – AutoTS workflow keywords to use

  • fname (str) – filename to use for AutoTS template file