
Utility functions and classes for the Jaguar GUIs

class, keyvalue, dielectric, radius, weight, density)

Bases: tuple

__contains__(key, /)

Return key in self.


Return len(self).

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 2

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 4

Count the number of structures currently specified in the input selector widget. Since Jaguar can’t accept more than three structures, this function will return 4 for all values >= 4.


input_selector (schrodinger.ui.qt.input_selector.InputSelector) – The input selector widget


Bases: Exception

An exception indicating that there was an error with the user-specified Jaguar settings

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.


Bases: UserWarning

A warning indicating that a user-specified Jaguar settings could not be loaded into the GUI

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self., value)

This function finds key corresponding to a given value in a dictionary. We assume here that values in a given dictionary are unique.

  • mydict (dict) – dictionary

  • value – value in dictionary. It can be any hashable type.


key, which can be any type., msg=None)

This function checks whether a given line edit widget has a valid input. If it does it will return a float value. Otherwise an exception will be raised. This function should only be used for line edits used to enter float numbers.

  • widget (QLineEdit) – line edit widget

  • msg (str) – text of exception error message


valid float number

Return type

float, *args, **kwargs)

A decorator that will display any JaguarSettingError instances in an error dialog.


If the decorated function raised a JaguarSettingError, False will be returned. Otherwise, the return value of the decorated function will be returned., parent=None)

If the JaguarInput object contains any unknown keywords, warn the user about the unknowns and ask them if they want to continue.


True if we should continue (either there were no unknown keywords, or there were but the user wants to continue). False if we should cancel.

Return type


Calculate the number of protons in the specified structure


struc (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to calculate protons in


The number of protons

Return type


Get information about the specified workspace atom


ws_atom_num (int) – The workspace atom number


A tuple of:

  • The atom name (after Jaguar atom naming has been applied)

  • The atom number relative to the entry (rather than relative to the workspace structure)

  • The entry id

  • The entry title

Return type

tuple = re.compile('^([^\\W\\d]+)(\\d+)$')

A regular expression that matches Jaguar atom names. Group 1 of the match is the element and group 2 is the number.

Convert a Jaguar atom name into a key for use in sorting by number


atom_name (str) – The atom name


A tuple of (atom number, element)

Return type

tuple, task_name, theory, basis)

Generate an appropriate job name for a job with the specified settings. Any settings that are specified as None will be omitted from the job name. If a directory or file with the specified name exists in the current directory, an integer will be appended to the job name.


If generating multiple job names, the input for each job must be saved before the next job name is generated. Otherwise, this function will not be able to append the appropriate integer.

  • struc_name (str or NoneType) – The structure title

  • task_name (str or NoneType) – The task name (i.e. a shortened version of the panel name

  • theory (str or NoneType) – The theory method. Should be “HF”, “LMP2”, or the DFT functional.

  • basis (str or NoneType) – The basis name


The job name

Return type


class, items=None, default_item='', default_index=0, command=None, nocall=False, layout=None, tip='', itemdict=None, adjust_to_contents=True, min_width=None)

Bases: schrodinger.ui.qt.swidgets.SComboBox

A combo box for use in the Jaguar GUI with several Pythonic enhancements

setCurrentMmJagData(jag_input, keyword, setting_name)

Set the combo box selection based on the specified mmjag setting The combo box user data must match the mmjag keyword values. If no matching setting is found, a warning will be issued.

  • jag_input ( – A JaguarInput object containing the settings to load

  • keyword (str) – The mmjag keyword to load

  • setting_name (str) – The name of the setting that is being set. This name will only be used when issuing warnings.

AdjustToContents = 0
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon = 2
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
InsertAfterCurrent = 4
InsertAlphabetically = 6
InsertAtBottom = 3
InsertAtCurrent = 2
InsertAtTop = 1
InsertBeforeCurrent = 5
class InsertPolicy(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoInsert = 0
InsertAtTop = 1
InsertAtCurrent = 2
InsertAtBottom = 3
InsertAfterCurrent = 4
InsertBeforeCurrent = 5
InsertAlphabetically = 6
NoInsert = 0
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
class SizeAdjustPolicy(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

AdjustToContents = 0
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon = 2
__init__(parent=None, items=None, default_item='', default_index=0, command=None, nocall=False, layout=None, tip='', itemdict=None, adjust_to_contents=True, min_width=None)

Create an SComboBox object.

  • parent (QWidget) – The parent widget of this SComboBox

  • items (list) – list of items (str) to be added to the ComboBox - see also itemdict.

  • default_item (str) – text of the item to select initially and upon reset

  • default_index (int) – the index of the item to select initially and upon reset. default_item overrides this parameter.

  • command (callable) – The slot to connect to the currentIndexChanged[str] signal. This command will be called when the default item is selected during initialization unless nocall=True.

  • nocall (bool) – True if command should not be called during initialization, False otherwise

  • layout (QLayout) – The layout to place this widget in

  • tip (str) – The tooltip for the combo

  • itemdict (collections.OrderedDict) – An OrderedDictionary with ComboBox items as keys and data as values. The data for the current ComboBox item is returned by the currentData method. If both items and itemdict are given, items are added first.

  • adjust_to_contents (bool) – True if the size adjust policy should be set to “Adjust to contents”

  • min_width (int) – this property holds the minimum number of characters that should fit into the combobox


Return len(self).

acceptDrops(self) bool
accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]

activated(self, index: int) [signal]

addAction(text, callback)

Add an “action” menu item. When selected by the user, it will invoke the callback and re-select the previously selected item.

addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
addItem(*args, **kwargs)

Add given items and emit signals as needed.

addItems(*args, **kwargs)

Add given items and emit signals as needed.


Add items to the combo box from a dictionary of {text: user_data}. Note that setting the order of elements requires a collections.OrderedDict


items (dict) – A dictionary of {text: user_data} to add to the combo box

autoFillBackground(self) bool
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
changeEvent(self, e: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion
close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
completer(self) QCompleter
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, e: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
count(self) int
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget

Get the user data for the currently selected item


role (int) – The role to retrieve data for


The user data

currentIndex(self) int
currentText(self) str

currentTextChanged(self, a0: str) [signal]

cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)
duplicatesEnabled(self) bool
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]

editTextChanged(self, a0: str) [signal]

effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr

Enable/disable all item in combobox


enable (bool) – Enable or disable item

enableItems(texts=None, enable=True)

Enable/disable item in combo box based on texts :param list texts: list of item text to be enabled or disabled :param bool enable: Enable or disable item

enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)
event(self, event: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findData(data, role=ItemDataRole.UserRole)

Get the index of the item containing the specified data. Comparisons are done in Python rather than in C++ (as they are in QComboBox.findData) so that Python types without a direct C++ mapping can be compared correctly. See qt_utils.combo_find_data_py for additional documentation.

  • data (object) – The data to search for

  • role (Qt.ItemDataRole) – The role to search

findDataPy(data, role=ItemDataRole.UserRole)

Get the index of the item containing the specified data. Similar to findData, but a ValueError will be raised if the specified data cannot be found. (findData mimics the QComboBox.findData behavior and returns a -1 in that scenario.)

See findData documentation for parameter documentation.

findText(self, text: str, flags: Qt.MatchFlag = static_cast<QFlags<Qt.MatchFlag>>(Qt.MatchExactly|Qt.MatchCaseSensitive)) int
focusInEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameSize(self) QSize
geometry(self) QRect
grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasFocus(self) bool
hasFrame(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, e: QHideEvent)

highlighted(self, index: int) [signal]

iconSize(self) QSize
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionComboBox)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery, argument: Any) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
insertItem(self, index: int, text: str, userData: Any = None)
insertItem(self, index: int, icon: QIcon, text: str, userData: Any = None) None
insertItems(self, index: int, texts: Iterable[str])
insertPolicy(self) QComboBox.InsertPolicy
insertSeparator(self, index: int)
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isEditable(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
itemData(self, index: int, role: int = Qt.UserRole) Any
itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate
itemIcon(self, index: int) QIcon
itemText(self, index: int) str

Return the current list of items in the combo box.

Return type



the current list of items


Ignore Up/Down key press events if any action items are present. In the future, consider re-implementing these handlers; it’s a non- trivial task. See

keyReleaseEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
lineEdit(self) QLineEdit
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maxCount(self) int
maxVisibleItems(self) int
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
minimumContentsLength(self) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
model(self) QAbstractItemModel
modelColumn(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, e: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
placeholderText(self) str
pos(self) QPoint
previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
removeItem(self, index: int)

Removes the item with the given text


text (str) – the text of the item to be removed

Return type



True if an item was removed, False otherwise

render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None

Reset the current ComboBox item to the default item.

resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeEvent(self, e: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
rootModelIndex(self) QModelIndex
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setCompleter(self, c: QCompleter)
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCurrentData(data, role=ItemDataRole.UserRole)

Select the index with the specified user data

  • text – The user data to select

  • role (int) – The role to search


ValueError – If the specified data is not found in the combo box

setCurrentIndex(self, index: int)

Set the combobox to the item with the supplied text


text (str) – The text of the item to make the current item


ValueError if no item with text exists

setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setDuplicatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setEditText(self, text: str)
setEditable(self, editable: bool)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setFrame(self, a0: bool)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setIconSize(self, size: QSize)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setInsertPolicy(self, policy: QComboBox.InsertPolicy)
setItemData(self, index: int, value: Any, role: int = Qt.UserRole)
setItemDelegate(self, delegate: QAbstractItemDelegate)
setItemIcon(self, index: int, icon: QIcon)
setItemText(self, index: int, text: str)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLineEdit(self, edit: QLineEdit)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaxCount(self, max: int)
setMaxVisibleItems(self, maxItems: int)
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMinimumContentsLength(self, characters: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setModel(self, model: QAbstractItemModel)
setModelColumn(self, visibleColumn: int)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setPlaceholderText(self, placeholderText: str)
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setRootModelIndex(self, index: QModelIndex)
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, policy: QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setValidator(self, v: QValidator)
setView(self, itemView: QAbstractItemView)
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showEvent(self, e: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QComboBox.SizeAdjustPolicy
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool

textActivated(self, a0: str) [signal]


textHighlighted(self, a0: str) [signal]

thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, a0: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
validator(self) QValidator
view(self) QAbstractItemView
visibleRegion(self) QRegion
whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, e: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) int
y(self) int
class*args, **kwargs)

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QTableWidget

A QTableWidget for the Properties table on the Properties tab

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Shrink the row height to eliminate unnecessary vertical padding


Set the preferred size of the table so that all rows are visible.

AboveItem = 1
AdjustIgnored = 0
AdjustToContents = 2
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AllEditTriggers = 31
AnimatingState = 6
AnyKeyPressed = 16
BelowItem = 2
Box = 1
CollapsingState = 5
ContiguousSelection = 4
CurrentChanged = 1
class CursorAction(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

MoveUp = 0
MoveDown = 1
MoveLeft = 2
MoveRight = 3
MoveHome = 4
MoveEnd = 5
MovePageUp = 6
MovePageDown = 7
MoveNext = 8
MovePrevious = 9
DoubleClicked = 2
DragDrop = 3
class DragDropMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoDragDrop = 0
DragOnly = 1
DropOnly = 2
DragDrop = 3
InternalMove = 4
DragOnly = 1
DragSelectingState = 2
DraggingState = 1
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
class DropIndicatorPosition(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

OnItem = 0
AboveItem = 1
BelowItem = 2
OnViewport = 3
DropOnly = 2
EditKeyPressed = 8
class EditTrigger(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

NoEditTriggers = 0
CurrentChanged = 1
DoubleClicked = 2
SelectedClicked = 4
EditKeyPressed = 8
AnyKeyPressed = 16
AllEditTriggers = 31
EditingState = 3
EnsureVisible = 0
ExpandingState = 4
ExtendedSelection = 3
HLine = 4
IgnoreMask = 4
InternalMove = 4
MoveDown = 1
MoveEnd = 5
MoveHome = 4
MoveLeft = 2
MoveNext = 8
MovePageDown = 7
MovePageUp = 6
MovePrevious = 9
MoveRight = 3
MoveUp = 0
MultiSelection = 2
NoDragDrop = 0
NoEditTriggers = 0
NoFrame = 0
NoSelection = 0
NoState = 0
OnItem = 0
OnViewport = 3
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
Panel = 2
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Plain = 16
PositionAtBottom = 2
PositionAtCenter = 3
PositionAtTop = 1
Raised = 32
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
class ScrollHint(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

EnsureVisible = 0
PositionAtTop = 1
PositionAtBottom = 2
PositionAtCenter = 3
class ScrollMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ScrollPerItem = 0
ScrollPerPixel = 1
ScrollPerItem = 0
ScrollPerPixel = 1
SelectColumns = 2
SelectItems = 0
SelectRows = 1
SelectedClicked = 4
class SelectionBehavior(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

SelectItems = 0
SelectRows = 1
SelectColumns = 2
class SelectionMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoSelection = 0
SingleSelection = 1
MultiSelection = 2
ExtendedSelection = 3
ContiguousSelection = 4
class Shadow(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Plain = 16
Raised = 32
Sunken = 48
Shadow_Mask = 240
class Shape(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

NoFrame = 0
Box = 1
Panel = 2
WinPanel = 3
HLine = 4
VLine = 5
StyledPanel = 6
Shape_Mask = 15
SingleSelection = 1
class SizeAdjustPolicy(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

AdjustIgnored = 0
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AdjustToContents = 2
class State(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoState = 0
DraggingState = 1
DragSelectingState = 2
EditingState = 3
ExpandingState = 4
CollapsingState = 5
AnimatingState = 6
class StyleMask(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Shadow_Mask = 240
Shape_Mask = 15
StyledPanel = 6
Sunken = 48
VLine = 5
WinPanel = 3
acceptDrops(self) bool
accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]

activated(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
addScrollBarWidget(self, widget: QWidget, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag)
alternatingRowColors(self) bool
autoFillBackground(self) bool
autoScrollMargin(self) int
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool

cellActivated(self, row: int, column: int) [signal]


cellChanged(self, row: int, column: int) [signal]


cellClicked(self, row: int, column: int) [signal]


cellDoubleClicked(self, row: int, column: int) [signal]


cellEntered(self, row: int, column: int) [signal]


cellPressed(self, row: int, column: int) [signal]

cellWidget(self, row: int, column: int) QWidget
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion

clicked(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

close(self) bool
closeEditor(self, editor: QWidget, hint: QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
closePersistentEditor(self, item: QTableWidgetItem)
colorCount(self) int
column(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) int
columnAt(self, x: int) int
columnCount(self) int
columnCountChanged(self, oldCount: int, newCount: int)
columnMoved(self, column: int, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int)
columnResized(self, column: int, oldWidth: int, newWidth: int)
columnSpan(self, row: int, column: int) int
columnViewportPosition(self, column: int) int
columnWidth(self, column: int) int
commitData(self, editor: QWidget)
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
cornerWidget(self) QWidget
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget

currentCellChanged(self, currentRow: int, currentColumn: int, previousRow: int, previousColumn: int) [signal]

currentChanged(self, current: QModelIndex, previous: QModelIndex)
currentColumn(self) int
currentIndex(self) QModelIndex
currentItem(self) QTableWidgetItem

currentItemChanged(self, current: QTableWidgetItem, previous: QTableWidgetItem) [signal]

currentRow(self) int
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
dataChanged(self, topLeft: QModelIndex, bottomRight: QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)

doubleClicked(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode
dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool
dragEnabled(self) bool
dragEnterEvent(self, e: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, e: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, e: QDragMoveEvent)
drawFrame(self, a0: QPainter)
dropEvent(self, event: QDropEvent)
dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition
dropMimeData(self, row: int, column: int, data: QMimeData, action: Qt.DropAction) bool
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
edit(self, index: QModelIndex)
edit(self, index: QModelIndex, trigger: QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, event: QEvent) bool
editItem(self, item: QTableWidgetItem)
editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger
editorDestroyed(self, editor: QObject)
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)

entered(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

event(self, e: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, object: QObject, event: QEvent) bool
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findItems(self, text: str, flags: Qt.MatchFlag) List[QTableWidgetItem]
focusInEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameRect(self) QRect
frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow
frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape
frameSize(self) QSize
frameStyle(self) int
frameWidth(self) int
geometry(self) QRect
grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
gridStyle(self) Qt.PenStyle
hasAutoScroll(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideColumn(self, column: int)
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)
hideRow(self, row: int)
horizontalHeader(self) QHeaderView
horizontalHeaderItem(self, column: int) QTableWidgetItem
horizontalOffset(self) int
horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar
horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy
horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode
horizontalScrollbarAction(self, action: int)
horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, value: int)
iconSize(self) QSize

iconSizeChanged(self, size: QSize) [signal]

indexAt(self, p: QPoint) QModelIndex
indexFromItem(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) QModelIndex
indexWidget(self, index: QModelIndex) QWidget
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionFrame)
initViewItemOption(self, option: QStyleOptionViewItem)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
insertColumn(self, column: int)
insertRow(self, row: int)
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isColumnHidden(self, column: int) bool
isCornerButtonEnabled(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isIndexHidden(self, index: QModelIndex) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isPersistentEditorOpen(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isRowHidden(self, row: int) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isSortingEnabled(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
item(self, row: int, column: int) QTableWidgetItem

itemActivated(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) [signal]

itemAt(self, p: QPoint) QTableWidgetItem
itemAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QTableWidgetItem

itemChanged(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) [signal]


itemClicked(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) [signal]

itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate
itemDelegateForColumn(self, column: int) QAbstractItemDelegate
itemDelegateForIndex(self, index: QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
itemDelegateForRow(self, row: int) QAbstractItemDelegate

itemDoubleClicked(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) [signal]


itemEntered(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) [signal]

itemFromIndex(self, index: QModelIndex) QTableWidgetItem

itemPressed(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) [signal]

itemPrototype(self) QTableWidgetItem

itemSelectionChanged(self) [signal]

items(self, data: QMimeData) List[QTableWidgetItem]
keyPressEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
keyboardSearch(self, search: str)
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
lineWidth(self) int
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumViewportSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
midLineWidth(self) int
mimeData(self, items: Iterable[QTableWidgetItem]) QMimeData
mimeTypes(self) List[str]
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
model(self) QAbstractItemModel
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveCursor(self, cursorAction: QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, modifiers: Qt.KeyboardModifier) QModelIndex
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

openPersistentEditor(self, item: QTableWidgetItem)
overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, e: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint

pressed(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeCellWidget(self, arow: int, acolumn: int)
removeColumn(self, column: int)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
removeRow(self, row: int)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeColumnToContents(self, column: int)
resizeEvent(self, e: QResizeEvent)
resizeRowToContents(self, row: int)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
rootIndex(self) QModelIndex
row(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) int
rowAt(self, y: int) int
rowCount(self) int
rowCountChanged(self, oldCount: int, newCount: int)
rowHeight(self, row: int) int
rowMoved(self, row: int, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int)
rowResized(self, row: int, oldHeight: int, newHeight: int)
rowSpan(self, row: int, column: int) int
rowViewportPosition(self, row: int) int
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, parent: QModelIndex, start: int, end: int)
rowsInserted(self, parent: QModelIndex, start: int, end: int)
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
scrollBarWidgets(self, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag) List[QWidget]
scrollContentsBy(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scrollDirtyRegion(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scrollTo(self, index: QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)
scrollToItem(self, item: QTableWidgetItem, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)
selectColumn(self, column: int)
selectRow(self, row: int)
selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex]
selectedItems(self) List[QTableWidgetItem]
selectedRanges(self) List[QTableWidgetSelectionRange]
selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior
selectionChanged(self, selected: QItemSelection, deselected: QItemSelection)
selectionCommand(self, index: QModelIndex, event: typing.Optional[QEvent] = None) QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag
selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode
selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAlternatingRowColors(self, enable: bool)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setAutoScroll(self, enable: bool)
setAutoScrollMargin(self, margin: int)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setCellWidget(self, row: int, column: int, widget: QWidget)
setColumnCount(self, columns: int)
setColumnHidden(self, column: int, hide: bool)
setColumnWidth(self, column: int, width: int)
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCornerButtonEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setCornerWidget(self, widget: QWidget)
setCurrentCell(self, row: int, column: int)
setCurrentCell(self, row: int, column: int, command: QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag) None
setCurrentIndex(self, index: QModelIndex)
setCurrentItem(self, item: QTableWidgetItem)
setCurrentItem(self, item: QTableWidgetItem, command: QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag) None
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDefaultDropAction(self, dropAction: Qt.DropAction)
setDirtyRegion(self, region: QRegion)
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setDragDropMode(self, behavior: QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)
setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, overwrite: bool)
setDragEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setDropIndicatorShown(self, enable: bool)
setEditTriggers(self, triggers: QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setFrameRect(self, a0: QRect)
setFrameShadow(self, a0: QFrame.Shadow)
setFrameShape(self, a0: QFrame.Shape)
setFrameStyle(self, a0: int)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGridStyle(self, style: Qt.PenStyle)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setHorizontalHeader(self, header: QHeaderView)
setHorizontalHeaderItem(self, column: int, item: QTableWidgetItem)
setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self, labels: Iterable[str])
setHorizontalScrollBar(self, scrollbar: QScrollBar)
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, a0: Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
setHorizontalScrollMode(self, mode: QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)
setIconSize(self, size: QSize)
setIndexWidget(self, index: QModelIndex, widget: QWidget)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setItem(self, row: int, column: int, item: QTableWidgetItem)
setItemDelegate(self, delegate: QAbstractItemDelegate)
setItemDelegateForColumn(self, column: int, delegate: QAbstractItemDelegate)
setItemDelegateForRow(self, row: int, delegate: QAbstractItemDelegate)
setItemPrototype(self, item: QTableWidgetItem)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLineWidth(self, a0: int)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMidLineWidth(self, a0: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setModel(self, model: QAbstractItemModel)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setRangeSelected(self, range: QTableWidgetSelectionRange, select: bool)
setRootIndex(self, index: QModelIndex)
setRowCount(self, rows: int)
setRowHeight(self, row: int, height: int)
setRowHidden(self, row: int, hide: bool)
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setSelection(self, rect: QRect, command: QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag)
setSelectionBehavior(self, behavior: QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)
setSelectionMode(self, mode: QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)
setSelectionModel(self, selectionModel: QItemSelectionModel)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShowGrid(self, show: bool)
setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, policy: QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setSortingEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setSpan(self, row: int, column: int, rowSpan: int, columnSpan: int)
setState(self, state: QAbstractItemView.State)
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabKeyNavigation(self, enable: bool)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setTextElideMode(self, mode: Qt.TextElideMode)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setVerticalHeader(self, header: QHeaderView)
setVerticalHeaderItem(self, row: int, item: QTableWidgetItem)
setVerticalHeaderLabels(self, labels: Iterable[str])
setVerticalScrollBar(self, scrollbar: QScrollBar)
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, a0: Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
setVerticalScrollMode(self, mode: QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)
setViewport(self, widget: QWidget)
setViewportMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setViewportMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
setWordWrap(self, on: bool)
setupViewport(self, viewport: QWidget)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showColumn(self, column: int)
showDropIndicator(self) bool
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)
showGrid(self) bool
showRow(self, row: int)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy
sizeHintForColumn(self, column: int) int
sizeHintForIndex(self, index: QModelIndex) QSize
sizeHintForRow(self, row: int) int
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
sortByColumn(self, column: int, order: Qt.SortOrder)
sortItems(self, column: int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startDrag(self, supportedActions: Qt.DropAction)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
state(self) QAbstractItemView.State
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropAction
tabKeyNavigation(self) bool
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
takeHorizontalHeaderItem(self, column: int) QTableWidgetItem
takeItem(self, row: int, column: int) QTableWidgetItem
takeVerticalHeaderItem(self, row: int) QTableWidgetItem
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, event: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, index: QModelIndex) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
verticalHeader(self) QHeaderView
verticalHeaderItem(self, row: int) QTableWidgetItem
verticalOffset(self) int
verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar
verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy
verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode
verticalScrollbarAction(self, action: int)
verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, value: int)
viewport(self) QWidget

viewportEntered(self) [signal]

viewportEvent(self, e: QEvent) bool
viewportMargins(self) QMargins
viewportSizeHint(self) QSize
visibleRegion(self) QRegion
visualColumn(self, logicalColumn: int) int
visualItemRect(self, item: QTableWidgetItem) QRect
visualRect(self, index: QModelIndex) QRect
visualRegionForSelection(self, selection: QItemSelection) QRegion
visualRow(self, logicalRow: int) int
whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
wordWrap(self) bool
x(self) int
y(self) int

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QCheckBox

A checkbox that is skinned to look like the Project Table workspace inclusion checkbox. This checkbox is used in the Transition State and IRC tabs.


This skinning could be done using a style sheet, but that requires separate images for checked + disabled and unchecked + disabled. By using a QIcon, these disabled images are generated automatically.

paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent)
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
acceptDrops(self) bool
accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]
addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
autoExclusive(self) bool
autoFillBackground(self) bool
autoRepeat(self) bool
autoRepeatDelay(self) int
autoRepeatInterval(self) int
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
changeEvent(self, e: QEvent)
checkState(self) Qt.CheckState
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion

clicked(self, checked: bool = False) [signal]

close(self) bool
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
colorCount(self) int
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
dragEnterEvent(self, a0: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, a0: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, a0: QDragMoveEvent)
dropEvent(self, a0: QDropEvent)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)
event(self, e: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject, a1: QEvent) bool
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
focusInEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameSize(self) QSize
geometry(self) QRect
grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
group(self) QButtonGroup
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)
hitButton(self, pos: QPoint) bool
icon(self) QIcon
iconSize(self) QSize
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionButton)
inputMethodEvent(self, a0: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, a0: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isCheckable(self) bool
isChecked(self) bool
isDown(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isTristate(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
keyPressEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, a0: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint

pressed(self) [signal]

previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)

released(self) [signal]

removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeEvent(self, a0: QResizeEvent)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoExclusive(self, a0: bool)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setAutoRepeat(self, a0: bool)
setAutoRepeatDelay(self, a0: int)
setAutoRepeatInterval(self, a0: int)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setCheckState(self, state: Qt.CheckState)
setCheckable(self, a0: bool)
setChecked(self, a0: bool)
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setDown(self, a0: bool)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setIconSize(self, size: QSize)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int])
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setText(self, text: str)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setTristate(self, on: bool = True)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
shortcut(self) QKeySequence
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int

stateChanged(self, a0: int) [signal]

staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
text(self) str
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, e: QTimerEvent)

toggled(self, checked: bool) [signal]

toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, a0: QRect) None
update(self, a0: QRegion) None
update(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
visibleRegion(self) QRegion
whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
x(self) int
y(self) int

Bases: PyQt6.QtWidgets.QTableView

A table view that mimics the selecting and editing behaviors of the Project Table

selectionCommand(index, event=None)

Don’t update the current selection when using the keyboard to navigate or when clicking on a selected editable item.

  • index (PyQt5.QtCore.QModelIndex) – The newly selected index

  • event (PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent) – The event that triggered the index change


A flag describing how the selection should be updated

Return type


commitDataToSelected(editor, index, delegate)

Commit data to all selected cells in the column that is currently being edited.

  • editor (PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget) – The editor being used to enter data

  • index (PyQt5.QtCore.QModelIndex) – The index being edited

  • delegate (PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAbstractItemDelegate) – The delegate used to create the editor

setItemDelegateForColumn(column, delegate, connect_selected=False)

Set the delegate for the specified column. Note that this function adds the optional connect_selected argument not present in the QTableView function.

  • column (int) – The column to set the delegate for

  • delegate (PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAbstractItemDelegate) – The delegate to set

  • connect_selected (bool) – If True, the delegate’s commitDataToSelected signal will be connected

AboveItem = 1
AdjustIgnored = 0
AdjustToContents = 2
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AllEditTriggers = 31
AnimatingState = 6
AnyKeyPressed = 16
BelowItem = 2
Box = 1
CollapsingState = 5
ContiguousSelection = 4
CurrentChanged = 1
class CursorAction(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

MoveUp = 0
MoveDown = 1
MoveLeft = 2
MoveRight = 3
MoveHome = 4
MoveEnd = 5
MovePageUp = 6
MovePageDown = 7
MoveNext = 8
MovePrevious = 9
DoubleClicked = 2
DragDrop = 3
class DragDropMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoDragDrop = 0
DragOnly = 1
DropOnly = 2
DragDrop = 3
InternalMove = 4
DragOnly = 1
DragSelectingState = 2
DraggingState = 1
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
class DropIndicatorPosition(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

OnItem = 0
AboveItem = 1
BelowItem = 2
OnViewport = 3
DropOnly = 2
EditKeyPressed = 8
class EditTrigger(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

NoEditTriggers = 0
CurrentChanged = 1
DoubleClicked = 2
SelectedClicked = 4
EditKeyPressed = 8
AnyKeyPressed = 16
AllEditTriggers = 31
EditingState = 3
EnsureVisible = 0
ExpandingState = 4
ExtendedSelection = 3
HLine = 4
IgnoreMask = 4
InternalMove = 4
MoveDown = 1
MoveEnd = 5
MoveHome = 4
MoveLeft = 2
MoveNext = 8
MovePageDown = 7
MovePageUp = 6
MovePrevious = 9
MoveRight = 3
MoveUp = 0
MultiSelection = 2
NoDragDrop = 0
NoEditTriggers = 0
NoFrame = 0
NoSelection = 0
NoState = 0
OnItem = 0
OnViewport = 3
class PaintDeviceMetric(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

PdmWidth = 1
PdmHeight = 2
PdmWidthMM = 3
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
Panel = 2
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Plain = 16
PositionAtBottom = 2
PositionAtCenter = 3
PositionAtTop = 1
Raised = 32
class RenderFlag(value)

Bases: enum.Flag

An enumeration.

DrawWindowBackground = 1
DrawChildren = 2
IgnoreMask = 4
class ScrollHint(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

EnsureVisible = 0
PositionAtTop = 1
PositionAtBottom = 2
PositionAtCenter = 3
class ScrollMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ScrollPerItem = 0
ScrollPerPixel = 1
ScrollPerItem = 0
ScrollPerPixel = 1
SelectColumns = 2
SelectItems = 0
SelectRows = 1
SelectedClicked = 4
class SelectionBehavior(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

SelectItems = 0
SelectRows = 1
SelectColumns = 2
class SelectionMode(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoSelection = 0
SingleSelection = 1
MultiSelection = 2
ExtendedSelection = 3
ContiguousSelection = 4
class Shadow(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

Plain = 16
Raised = 32
Sunken = 48
Shadow_Mask = 240
class Shape(value)

Bases: enum.IntEnum

An enumeration.

NoFrame = 0
Box = 1
Panel = 2
WinPanel = 3
HLine = 4
VLine = 5
StyledPanel = 6
Shape_Mask = 15
SingleSelection = 1
class SizeAdjustPolicy(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

AdjustIgnored = 0
AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1
AdjustToContents = 2
class State(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

NoState = 0
DraggingState = 1
DragSelectingState = 2
EditingState = 3
ExpandingState = 4
CollapsingState = 5
AnimatingState = 6
class StyleMask(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Shadow_Mask = 240
Shape_Mask = 15
StyledPanel = 6
Sunken = 48
VLine = 5
WinPanel = 3
acceptDrops(self) bool
accessibleDescription(self) str
accessibleName(self) str
actionEvent(self, a0: QActionEvent)
actions(self) List[QAction]

activated(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

addAction(self, action: QAction)
addActions(self, actions: Iterable[QAction])
addScrollBarWidget(self, widget: QWidget, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag)
alternatingRowColors(self) bool
autoFillBackground(self) bool
autoScrollMargin(self) int
backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
baseSize(self) QSize
blockSignals(self, b: bool) bool
changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
childAt(self, p: QPoint) QWidget
childAt(self, ax: int, ay: int) QWidget
childEvent(self, a0: QChildEvent)
children(self) List[QObject]
childrenRect(self) QRect
childrenRegion(self) QRegion

clicked(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

close(self) bool
closeEditor(self, editor: QWidget, hint: QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)
closeEvent(self, a0: QCloseEvent)
closePersistentEditor(self, index: QModelIndex)
colorCount(self) int
columnAt(self, x: int) int
columnCountChanged(self, oldCount: int, newCount: int)
columnMoved(self, column: int, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int)
columnResized(self, column: int, oldWidth: int, newWidth: int)
columnSpan(self, row: int, column: int) int
columnViewportPosition(self, column: int) int
columnWidth(self, column: int) int
commitData(self, editor: QWidget)
connectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)
contentsMargins(self) QMargins
contentsRect(self) QRect
contextMenuEvent(self, a0: QContextMenuEvent)
contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy
cornerWidget(self) QWidget
create(self, window: PyQt6.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)
createWindowContainer(window: QWindow, parent: typing.Optional[QWidget] = None, flags: Qt.WindowType = Qt.WindowFlags()) QWidget
currentChanged(self, current: QModelIndex, previous: QModelIndex)
currentIndex(self) QModelIndex
cursor(self) QCursor

customContextMenuRequested(self, pos: QPoint) [signal]

customEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
dataChanged(self, topLeft: QModelIndex, bottomRight: QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction
depth(self) int
destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)

destroyed(self, object: typing.Optional[QObject] = None) [signal]

devType(self) int
devicePixelRatio(self) float
devicePixelRatioF(self) float
devicePixelRatioFScale() float
dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint
disconnect(a0: QMetaObject.Connection) bool
disconnect(self) None
disconnectNotify(self, signal: QMetaMethod)

doubleClicked(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode
dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool
dragEnabled(self) bool
dragEnterEvent(self, e: QDragEnterEvent)
dragLeaveEvent(self, e: QDragLeaveEvent)
dragMoveEvent(self, e: QDragMoveEvent)
drawFrame(self, a0: QPainter)
dropEvent(self, e: QDropEvent)
dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition
dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray]
edit(self, index: QModelIndex)
edit(self, index: QModelIndex, trigger: QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, event: QEvent) bool
editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger
editorDestroyed(self, editor: QObject)
effectiveWinId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
enterEvent(self, event: QEnterEvent)

entered(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

event(self, event: QEvent) bool
eventFilter(self, object: QObject, event: QEvent) bool
find(a0: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) QWidget
findChild(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChild(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
findChildren(self, type: type, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, name: str = '', options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, type: type, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
findChildren(self, types: Tuple, re: QRegularExpression, options: Qt.FindChildOption = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
focusInEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusNextChild(self) bool
focusNextPrevChild(self, next: bool) bool
focusOutEvent(self, e: QFocusEvent)
focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy
focusPreviousChild(self) bool
focusProxy(self) QWidget
focusWidget(self) QWidget
font(self) QFont
fontInfo(self) QFontInfo
fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics
foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole
frameGeometry(self) QRect
frameRect(self) QRect
frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow
frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape
frameSize(self) QSize
frameStyle(self) int
frameWidth(self) int
geometry(self) QRect
grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap
grabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType, flags: Qt.GestureFlag = Qt.GestureFlags())
grabMouse(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
grabShortcut(self, key: Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int
graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget
gridStyle(self) Qt.PenStyle
hasAutoScroll(self) bool
hasFocus(self) bool
hasHeightForWidth(self) bool
hasMouseTracking(self) bool
hasTabletTracking(self) bool
height(self) int
heightForWidth(self, a0: int) int
heightMM(self) int
hideColumn(self, column: int)
hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent)
hideRow(self, row: int)
horizontalHeader(self) QHeaderView
horizontalOffset(self) int
horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar
horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy
horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode
horizontalScrollbarAction(self, action: int)
horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, value: int)
iconSize(self) QSize

iconSizeChanged(self, size: QSize) [signal]

indexAt(self, p: QPoint) QModelIndex
indexWidget(self, index: QModelIndex) QWidget
inherits(self, classname: str) bool
initPainter(self, painter: QPainter)
initStyleOption(self, option: QStyleOptionFrame)
initViewItemOption(self, option: QStyleOptionViewItem)
inputMethodEvent(self, event: QInputMethodEvent)
inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHint
inputMethodQuery(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any
insertAction(self, before: QAction, action: QAction)
insertActions(self, before: QAction, actions: Iterable[QAction])
installEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
isActiveWindow(self) bool
isAncestorOf(self, child: QWidget) bool
isColumnHidden(self, column: int) bool
isCornerButtonEnabled(self) bool
isEnabled(self) bool
isEnabledTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isFullScreen(self) bool
isHidden(self) bool
isIndexHidden(self, index: QModelIndex) bool
isLeftToRight(self) bool
isMaximized(self) bool
isMinimized(self) bool
isModal(self) bool
isPersistentEditorOpen(self, index: QModelIndex) bool
isRightToLeft(self) bool
isRowHidden(self, row: int) bool
isSignalConnected(self, signal: QMetaMethod) bool
isSortingEnabled(self) bool
isVisible(self) bool
isVisibleTo(self, a0: QWidget) bool
isWidgetType(self) bool
isWindow(self) bool
isWindowModified(self) bool
isWindowType(self) bool
itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate
itemDelegateForColumn(self, column: int) QAbstractItemDelegate
itemDelegateForIndex(self, index: QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
itemDelegateForRow(self, row: int) QAbstractItemDelegate
keyPressEvent(self, e: QKeyEvent)
keyReleaseEvent(self, a0: QKeyEvent)
keyboardGrabber() QWidget
keyboardSearch(self, search: str)
killTimer(self, id: int)
layout(self) QLayout
layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection
leaveEvent(self, a0: QEvent)
lineWidth(self) int
locale(self) QLocale
logicalDpiX(self) int
logicalDpiY(self) int
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapFrom(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapFromParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPoint) QPoint
mapTo(self, a0: QWidget, a1: QPointF) QPointF
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToGlobal(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mapToParent(self, a0: QPoint) QPoint
mapToParent(self, a0: QPointF) QPointF
mask(self) QRegion
maximumHeight(self) int
maximumSize(self) QSize
maximumViewportSize(self) QSize
maximumWidth(self) int
metaObject(self) QMetaObject
metric(self, a0: QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int
midLineWidth(self) int
minimumHeight(self) int
minimumSize(self) QSize
minimumSizeHint(self) QSize
minimumWidth(self) int
model(self) QAbstractItemModel
mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mouseGrabber() QWidget
mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent)
move(self, a0: QPoint)
move(self, ax: int, ay: int) None
moveCursor(self, cursorAction: QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, modifiers: Qt.KeyboardModifier) QModelIndex
moveEvent(self, a0: QMoveEvent)
moveToThread(self, thread: QThread)
nativeEvent(self, eventType: QByteArray, message: PyQt6.sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, PyQt6.sip.voidptr]
nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget
nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget
normalGeometry(self) QRect
objectName(self) str

objectNameChanged(self, objectName: str) [signal]

openPersistentEditor(self, index: QModelIndex)
overrideWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
overrideWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine
paintEvent(self, e: QPaintEvent)
paintingActive(self) bool
palette(self) QPalette
parent(self) QObject
parentWidget(self) QWidget
physicalDpiX(self) int
physicalDpiY(self) int
pos(self) QPoint

pressed(self, index: QModelIndex) [signal]

previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget
property(self, name: str) Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, signal: PYQT_SIGNAL) int
rect(self) QRect
releaseShortcut(self, id: int)
removeAction(self, action: QAction)
removeEventFilter(self, a0: QObject)
render(self, target: QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren))
render(self, painter: QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: QWidget.RenderFlag = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.DrawChildren)) None
repaint(self, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int) None
repaint(self, a0: QRect) None
repaint(self, a0: QRegion) None
resize(self, a0: QSize)
resize(self, w: int, h: int) None
resizeColumnToContents(self, column: int)
resizeEvent(self, e: QResizeEvent)
resizeRowToContents(self, row: int)
restoreGeometry(self, geometry: QByteArray) bool
rootIndex(self) QModelIndex
rowAt(self, y: int) int
rowCountChanged(self, oldCount: int, newCount: int)
rowHeight(self, row: int) int
rowMoved(self, row: int, oldIndex: int, newIndex: int)
rowResized(self, row: int, oldHeight: int, newHeight: int)
rowSpan(self, row: int, column: int) int
rowViewportPosition(self, row: int) int
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, parent: QModelIndex, start: int, end: int)
rowsInserted(self, parent: QModelIndex, start: int, end: int)
saveGeometry(self) QByteArray
screen(self) QScreen
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scroll(self, dx: int, dy: int, a2: QRect) None
scrollBarWidgets(self, alignment: Qt.AlignmentFlag) List[QWidget]
scrollContentsBy(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scrollDirtyRegion(self, dx: int, dy: int)
scrollTo(self, index: QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)
selectColumn(self, column: int)
selectRow(self, row: int)
selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex]
selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior
selectionChanged(self, selected: QItemSelection, deselected: QItemSelection)
selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode
selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel
sender(self) QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) int
setAcceptDrops(self, on: bool)
setAccessibleDescription(self, description: str)
setAccessibleName(self, name: str)
setAlternatingRowColors(self, enable: bool)
setAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)
setAutoFillBackground(self, enabled: bool)
setAutoScroll(self, enable: bool)
setAutoScrollMargin(self, margin: int)
setBackgroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setBaseSize(self, basew: int, baseh: int)
setBaseSize(self, s: QSize) None
setColumnHidden(self, column: int, hide: bool)
setColumnWidth(self, column: int, width: int)
setContentsMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setContentsMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setContextMenuPolicy(self, policy: Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)
setCornerButtonEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setCornerWidget(self, widget: QWidget)
setCurrentIndex(self, index: QModelIndex)
setCursor(self, a0: Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])
setDefaultDropAction(self, dropAction: Qt.DropAction)
setDirtyRegion(self, region: QRegion)
setDisabled(self, a0: bool)
setDragDropMode(self, behavior: QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)
setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, overwrite: bool)
setDragEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setDropIndicatorShown(self, enable: bool)
setEditTriggers(self, triggers: QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger)
setEnabled(self, a0: bool)
setFixedHeight(self, h: int)
setFixedSize(self, a0: QSize)
setFixedSize(self, w: int, h: int) None
setFixedWidth(self, w: int)
setFocus(self, reason: Qt.FocusReason) None
setFocusPolicy(self, policy: Qt.FocusPolicy)
setFocusProxy(self, a0: QWidget)
setFont(self, a0: QFont)
setForegroundRole(self, a0: QPalette.ColorRole)
setFrameRect(self, a0: QRect)
setFrameShadow(self, a0: QFrame.Shadow)
setFrameShape(self, a0: QFrame.Shape)
setFrameStyle(self, a0: int)
setGeometry(self, a0: QRect)
setGeometry(self, ax: int, ay: int, aw: int, ah: int) None
setGraphicsEffect(self, effect: QGraphicsEffect)
setGridStyle(self, style: Qt.PenStyle)
setHidden(self, hidden: bool)
setHorizontalHeader(self, header: QHeaderView)
setHorizontalScrollBar(self, scrollbar: QScrollBar)
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, a0: Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
setHorizontalScrollMode(self, mode: QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)
setIconSize(self, size: QSize)
setIndexWidget(self, index: QModelIndex, widget: QWidget)
setInputMethodHints(self, hints: Qt.InputMethodHint)
setItemDelegate(self, delegate: QAbstractItemDelegate)
setItemDelegateForRow(self, row: int, delegate: QAbstractItemDelegate)
setLayout(self, a0: QLayout)
setLayoutDirection(self, direction: Qt.LayoutDirection)
setLineWidth(self, a0: int)
setLocale(self, locale: QLocale)
setMask(self, a0: QBitmap)
setMask(self, a0: QRegion) None
setMaximumHeight(self, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, maxw: int, maxh: int)
setMaximumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMaximumWidth(self, maxw: int)
setMidLineWidth(self, a0: int)
setMinimumHeight(self, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, minw: int, minh: int)
setMinimumSize(self, s: QSize) None
setMinimumWidth(self, minw: int)
setModel(self, model: QAbstractItemModel)
setMouseTracking(self, enable: bool)
setObjectName(self, name: str)
setPalette(self, a0: QPalette)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget)
setParent(self, parent: QWidget, f: Qt.WindowType) None
setProperty(self, name: str, value: Any) bool
setRootIndex(self, index: QModelIndex)
setRowHeight(self, row: int, height: int)
setRowHidden(self, row: int, hide: bool)
setScreen(self, a0: QScreen)
setSelection(self, rect: QRect, command: QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag)
setSelectionBehavior(self, behavior: QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)
setSelectionMode(self, mode: QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)
setSelectionModel(self, selectionModel: QItemSelectionModel)
setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShortcutEnabled(self, id: int, enabled: bool = True)
setShowGrid(self, show: bool)
setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, policy: QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)
setSizeIncrement(self, w: int, h: int)
setSizeIncrement(self, s: QSize) None
setSizePolicy(self, a0: QSizePolicy)
setSizePolicy(self, hor: QSizePolicy.Policy, ver: QSizePolicy.Policy) None
setSortingEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setSpan(self, row: int, column: int, rowSpan: int, columnSpan: int)
setState(self, state: QAbstractItemView.State)
setStatusTip(self, a0: str)
setStyle(self, a0: QStyle)
setStyleSheet(self, styleSheet: str)
setTabKeyNavigation(self, enable: bool)
setTabOrder(a0: QWidget, a1: QWidget)
setTabletTracking(self, enable: bool)
setTextElideMode(self, mode: Qt.TextElideMode)
setToolTip(self, a0: str)
setToolTipDuration(self, msec: int)
setUpdatesEnabled(self, enable: bool)
setVerticalHeader(self, header: QHeaderView)
setVerticalScrollBar(self, scrollbar: QScrollBar)
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, a0: Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
setVerticalScrollMode(self, mode: QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)
setViewport(self, widget: QWidget)
setViewportMargins(self, left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int)
setViewportMargins(self, margins: QMargins) None
setVisible(self, visible: bool)
setWhatsThis(self, a0: str)
setWindowFilePath(self, filePath: str)
setWindowFlag(self, a0: Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)
setWindowFlags(self, type: Qt.WindowType)
setWindowIcon(self, icon: QIcon)
setWindowIconText(self, a0: str)
setWindowModality(self, windowModality: Qt.WindowModality)
setWindowModified(self, a0: bool)
setWindowOpacity(self, level: float)
setWindowRole(self, a0: str)
setWindowState(self, state: Qt.WindowState)
setWindowTitle(self, a0: str)
setWordWrap(self, on: bool)
setupViewport(self, viewport: QWidget)
sharedPainter(self) QPainter
showColumn(self, column: int)
showDropIndicator(self) bool
showEvent(self, a0: QShowEvent)
showGrid(self) bool
showRow(self, row: int)
signalsBlocked(self) bool
size(self) QSize
sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy
sizeHint(self) QSize
sizeHintForColumn(self, column: int) int
sizeHintForIndex(self, index: QModelIndex) QSize
sizeHintForRow(self, row: int) int
sizeIncrement(self) QSize
sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy
sortByColumn(self, column: int, order: Qt.SortOrder)
stackUnder(self, a0: QWidget)
startDrag(self, supportedActions: Qt.DropAction)
startTimer(self, interval: int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int
state(self) QAbstractItemView.State
staticMetaObject = <PyQt6.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
statusTip(self) str
style(self) QStyle
styleSheet(self) str
tabKeyNavigation(self) bool
tabletEvent(self, a0: QTabletEvent)
testAttribute(self, attribute: Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool
textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode
thread(self) QThread
timerEvent(self, event: QTimerEvent)
toolTip(self) str
toolTipDuration(self) int
tr(sourceText: str, disambiguation: typing.Optional[str] = None, n: int = - 1) str
underMouse(self) bool
ungrabGesture(self, type: Qt.GestureType)
update(self, index: QModelIndex) None
updateMicroFocus(self, query: Qt.InputMethodQuery = Qt.ImQueryAll)
updatesEnabled(self) bool
verticalHeader(self) QHeaderView
verticalOffset(self) int
verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar
verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy
verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode
verticalScrollbarAction(self, action: int)
verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, value: int)
viewport(self) QWidget

viewportEntered(self) [signal]

viewportEvent(self, e: QEvent) bool
viewportMargins(self) QMargins
viewportSizeHint(self) QSize
visibleRegion(self) QRegion
visualRect(self, index: QModelIndex) QRect
visualRegionForSelection(self, selection: QItemSelection) QRegion
whatsThis(self) str
wheelEvent(self, a0: QWheelEvent)
width(self) int
widthMM(self) int
winId(self) PyQt6.sip.voidptr
window(self) QWidget
windowFilePath(self) str
windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowType
windowHandle(self) QWindow
windowIcon(self) QIcon

windowIconChanged(self, icon: QIcon) [signal]

windowIconText(self) str

windowIconTextChanged(self, iconText: str) [signal]

windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality
windowOpacity(self) float
windowRole(self) str
windowState(self) Qt.WindowState
windowTitle(self) str

windowTitleChanged(self, title: str) [signal]

windowType(self) Qt.WindowType
wordWrap(self) bool
x(self) int
y(self) int

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration of the possible spin treatment settings. Enum values correspond to mmjag settings.

NA = None
Restricted = 0
Unrestricted = 1
Automatic = 2

Does the current spin treatment setting allow for an unrestricted waveform?


True for unrestricted or automatic spin treatments. False otherwise.

Return type
