schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator module¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.BaseMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
Base class.
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
# TODO consider renaming
or more genericslots
:param jobname: The jobname.- Parameters
cd_params – A dictionary with
set to the number of gpu slots to use, and ‘mps_factor` set to the number of processes per GPU.forcefield (str) – The name of the forcefield to use.
sim_time (int) – The simulation time for the production stage in ps.
sim_time_complex (int) – The simulation time for the complex leg in ps
sim_time_solvent (int) – The simulation time for the solvent leg in ps
rand_seed (int) – The random seed.
ensemble (str) – The ensemble, NPT or NVT.
buffer_width (float) – The buffer width in Angstrom determines how much solvent is added to the solute. This is only used if it is larger than the default buffer width.
lambda_windows (int) – Number of lambda replicas to use for the FEP stages.
custom_charge_mode (CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE) – Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.ASSIGN to assign custom charges. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.CLEAR to clear custom charges if present, without reassigning. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.KEEP to keep existing custom charges if present.
h_mass (bool) – Set to True to enable hydrogen mass repartitioning and False to disable it. Default is True.
concatenate (bool) – Set to True to concatenate the equilibration FEP stages. Default is True.
max_walltime – Maximum walltime in seconds before the subjobs are automatically checkpointed and restarted. The default of 0 means to not set a maximum walltime.
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.BaseFepMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
# TODO consider renaming
or more genericslots
:param jobname: The jobname.- Parameters
cd_params – A dictionary with
set to the number of gpu slots to use, and ‘mps_factor` set to the number of processes per GPU.forcefield (str) – The name of the forcefield to use.
sim_time (int) – The simulation time for the production stage in ps.
sim_time_complex (int) – The simulation time for the complex leg in ps
sim_time_solvent (int) – The simulation time for the solvent leg in ps
rand_seed (int) – The random seed.
ensemble (str) – The ensemble, NPT or NVT.
buffer_width (float) – The buffer width in Angstrom determines how much solvent is added to the solute. This is only used if it is larger than the default buffer width.
lambda_windows (int) – Number of lambda replicas to use for the FEP stages.
custom_charge_mode (CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE) – Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.ASSIGN to assign custom charges. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.CLEAR to clear custom charges if present, without reassigning. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.KEEP to keep existing custom charges if present.
h_mass (bool) – Set to True to enable hydrogen mass repartitioning and False to disable it. Default is True.
concatenate (bool) – Set to True to concatenate the equilibration FEP stages. Default is True.
max_walltime – Maximum walltime in seconds before the subjobs are automatically checkpointed and restarted. The default of 0 means to not set a maximum walltime.
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.MapperMsjGenerator(jobname, cd_params, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname, cd_params, **kwargs)¶
In addition to the parameters passed to
, theMapperMsjGenerator
supports the following.- Parameters
atom_mapping – The SMARTS string used to determine the core for atom mapping. Default is to determine the atom mapping automatically.
align_core_only – Do not adjust the non-core atoms when aligning the core atoms. Default is False.
ats – (deprecated) Set to True to enable automated torsion scaling. Default is False.
charged_lambda_windows – Set the number of lambda windows used for charged perturbations. Default is 24.
core_hopping_lambda_windows – Set the number of lambda windows used for core-hopping perturbations. Default is 16.
membrane – Set to the filename containing the membrane structures. Default is None, there is no membrane.
salt_concentration – Concentration of ions to add in M. Default is 0.0, don’t add any salt to non-charged protocols.
modify_dihe – Set to True to modify retained dihedral angle interactions for customized core. Default is False.
minimize_volume – Set to True to turn on volume minimization during the system_builder or build_geometry stages. Default is False.
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- generate_main_msj()¶
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None, treat_solvent_like_complex=False, **kwargs)¶
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- write_complex_msj()¶
- write_solvent_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.SmallMoleculeMsjGenerator(jobname, cd_params, **kwargs)¶
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- write_complex_msj()¶
Write the complex subjob msjs.
- write_solvent_msj()¶
Write the solvent subjob msjs.
- __init__(jobname, cd_params, **kwargs)¶
In addition to the parameters passed to
, theMapperMsjGenerator
supports the following.- Parameters
atom_mapping – The SMARTS string used to determine the core for atom mapping. Default is to determine the atom mapping automatically.
align_core_only – Do not adjust the non-core atoms when aligning the core atoms. Default is False.
ats – (deprecated) Set to True to enable automated torsion scaling. Default is False.
charged_lambda_windows – Set the number of lambda windows used for charged perturbations. Default is 24.
core_hopping_lambda_windows – Set the number of lambda windows used for core-hopping perturbations. Default is 16.
membrane – Set to the filename containing the membrane structures. Default is None, there is no membrane.
salt_concentration – Concentration of ions to add in M. Default is 0.0, don’t add any salt to non-charged protocols.
modify_dihe – Set to True to modify retained dihedral angle interactions for customized core. Default is False.
minimize_volume – Set to True to turn on volume minimization during the system_builder or build_geometry stages. Default is False.
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_main_msj()¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None, treat_solvent_like_complex=False, **kwargs)¶
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.VacuumMsjGenerator(jobname, cd_params, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname, cd_params, **kwargs)¶
for a description of the input parameters.
- generate_vacuum_msj(net_charge=False, core_hopping=False)¶
- write_vacuum_msj(concatenate=False)¶
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_main_msj()¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None, treat_solvent_like_complex=False, **kwargs)¶
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_complex_msj()¶
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_solvent_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.SmallMoleculeWithVacuumMsjGenerator(*args, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
In addition to the parameters passed to
, theMapperMsjGenerator
supports the following.- Parameters
atom_mapping – The SMARTS string used to determine the core for atom mapping. Default is to determine the atom mapping automatically.
align_core_only – Do not adjust the non-core atoms when aligning the core atoms. Default is False.
ats – (deprecated) Set to True to enable automated torsion scaling. Default is False.
charged_lambda_windows – Set the number of lambda windows used for charged perturbations. Default is 24.
core_hopping_lambda_windows – Set the number of lambda windows used for core-hopping perturbations. Default is 16.
membrane – Set to the filename containing the membrane structures. Default is None, there is no membrane.
salt_concentration – Concentration of ions to add in M. Default is 0.0, don’t add any salt to non-charged protocols.
modify_dihe – Set to True to modify retained dihedral angle interactions for customized core. Default is False.
minimize_volume – Set to True to turn on volume minimization during the system_builder or build_geometry stages. Default is False.
- generate_main_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the vacuum msj in addition to the complex+solvent msjs
- write_vacuum_msj()¶
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None, treat_solvent_like_complex=False, **kwargs)¶
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_complex_msj()¶
Write the complex subjob msjs.
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_solvent_msj()¶
Write the solvent subjob msjs.
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.CovalentMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], fmp_fname: str, **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], fmp_fname: str, **kwargs)¶
for a description of the input parameters.In addition to these parameters, the following are supported.
- Parameters
fmp_fname – Name of the fmp file to use for covalent fep.
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None, treat_solvent_like_complex=False)¶
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
Not support custom .pkl file for now
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_main_msj()¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_complex_msj()¶
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_solvent_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.MetalMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], mp: List[str], **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], mp: List[str], **kwargs)¶
for a description of the input parameters.In addition to these parameters, the following are supported.
- Parameters
mp – List of metalloprotein ct properties.
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None, treat_solvent_like_complex=False)¶
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_main_msj()¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_complex_msj()¶
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_solvent_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.ProteinMapperMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], fep_type: str, solvent_asl: Optional[str] = None, mutation_filename: str = 'mutations.txt', residue_file: str = '', neighbor: Optional[int] = None, structure_file: str = '', **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], fep_type: str, solvent_asl: Optional[str] = None, mutation_filename: str = 'mutations.txt', residue_file: str = '', neighbor: Optional[int] = None, structure_file: str = '', **kwargs)¶
for a description of the input parameters.In addition to these parameters, the following are supported.
- Parameters
fep_type – Type of protein fep.
neighbor – Number of residues to flank the mutated residue when creating the mutant peptides. Its default value will be set based on
.solvent_asl – Specify ASL to put in solvent leg for protein residue mutation.
mutation_filename – Filename containing the list of mutations.
residue_file – Mae filename which contains the non-standard amino-acids structures.
structure_file – If present, the filename for the input structure. This is used to expand a previous run, where additional mutations are added to the graph and run.
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None)¶
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None)¶
The subjob msj file will be similar to the covalent bond workflow. For protein/ligand selectivity calculations, both complex and solvent legs contain the receptor, so they will be treated like the complex leg.
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_main_msj()¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_complex_msj()¶
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_solvent_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.CombinedProteinMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], fep_type: str, solvent_asl: Optional[str] = None, mutation_filename: str = 'mutations.txt', residue_file: str = '', neighbor: Optional[int] = None, structure_file: str = '', **kwargs)¶
Msj generator for the combined protein fep workflows (
). Extends the capability ofProteinMapperMsjGenerator
to add the fragment leg that is needed for the combined workflows.- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], fep_type: str, solvent_asl: Optional[str] = None, mutation_filename: str = 'mutations.txt', residue_file: str = '', neighbor: Optional[int] = None, structure_file: str = '', **kwargs)¶
for a description of the input parameters.In addition to these parameters, the following are supported.
- Parameters
fep_type – Type of protein fep.
neighbor – Number of residues to flank the mutated residue when creating the mutant peptides. Its default value will be set based on
.solvent_asl – Specify ASL to put in solvent leg for protein residue mutation.
mutation_filename – Filename containing the list of mutations.
residue_file – Mae filename which contains the non-standard amino-acids structures.
structure_file – If present, the filename for the input structure. This is used to expand a previous run, where additional mutations are added to the graph and run.
- generate_fragment_msj(net_charge: bool = False, ch: bool = False)¶
Generate the subjob msj for the fragment leg.
- Parameters
net_charge – whether the msj is for the charge protocol
ch – whether the msj is for the core-hopping protocol
- write_fragment_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw: schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map)¶
Modifies the job arg lists of the fep_launcher stage.
Calls the parent class, which handles modification for the complex and solvent legs then modifies the fragment leg here.
- Parameters
raw – The deserialized text of the main msj as a
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_main_msj()¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None)¶
- generate_subjob_msj(buffer_width, is_complex_leg=False, net_charge=False, ch=False, keep_struc_tags=None)¶
The subjob msj file will be similar to the covalent bond workflow. For protein/ligand selectivity calculations, both complex and solvent legs contain the receptor, so they will be treated like the complex leg.
- Parameters
keep_struc_tags – List of structure tags for structures to keep. Structure tags are as defined by
means to use the default set of tags for this fep type.
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_complex_msj()¶
- write_main_msj()¶
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_solvent_msj()¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.SolubilityMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
Generates the msj files needed to run the Solubility FEP workflow.
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
for a description of the input parameters.In addition to these parameters, the following are supported.
- Parameters
hydration_fep_sim_time – The simulation time for the Hydration FEP production stage.
sublimation_fep_sim_time – The simulation time for the Sublimation FEP production stage.
hydration_only – Set to True to only run the hydration leg.
solvation_only – Set to True to run the solvation protocol. Similar to
, but for non-water solvents.rest_enabled – Set to True to enable REST sampling of ligand atoms for hydration/solvation legs and False to disable it. Default is True.
- generate_main_msj() schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map ¶
Generate the main msj.
- generate_solvation_msj() schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map ¶
- generate_subjob_msj(is_fep: bool = True, hydration: bool = False) schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map ¶
Generate the msj and return as a sea.Map.
- Parameters
is_fep – Set to True for FEP subjob, False for MD.
hydration – Set to True to for hydration FEP and False for sublimation FEP. Ignored if not FEP.
- write_main_msj() str ¶
Write out the main msj and return the filename.
- write_md_msj() str ¶
Write out the md msj and return the filename.
- write_fep_msj()¶
Write out the fep msj files.
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.MixedSolventMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], builder_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], builder_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
# TODO consider renaming
or more genericslots
:param jobname: The jobname.- Parameters
cd_params – A dictionary with
set to the number of gpu slots to use, and ‘mps_factor` set to the number of processes per GPU.forcefield (str) – The name of the forcefield to use.
sim_time (int) – The simulation time for the production stage in ps.
sim_time_complex (int) – The simulation time for the complex leg in ps
sim_time_solvent (int) – The simulation time for the solvent leg in ps
rand_seed (int) – The random seed.
ensemble (str) – The ensemble, NPT or NVT.
buffer_width (float) – The buffer width in Angstrom determines how much solvent is added to the solute. This is only used if it is larger than the default buffer width.
lambda_windows (int) – Number of lambda replicas to use for the FEP stages.
custom_charge_mode (CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE) – Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.ASSIGN to assign custom charges. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.CLEAR to clear custom charges if present, without reassigning. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.KEEP to keep existing custom charges if present.
h_mass (bool) – Set to True to enable hydrogen mass repartitioning and False to disable it. Default is True.
concatenate (bool) – Set to True to concatenate the equilibration FEP stages. Default is True.
max_walltime – Maximum walltime in seconds before the subjobs are automatically checkpointed and restarted. The default of 0 means to not set a maximum walltime.
- write_main_msj() str ¶
- write_md_msj() str ¶
- generate_main_msj() List[schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map] ¶
- generate_subjob_msj() List[schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map] ¶
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.AbsoluteBindingMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
Generates the msj files needed to run the Absolute FEP workflow.
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
for a description of the input parameters.In addition to these parameters, the following are supported.
- Parameters
md_sim_time – The simulation time for the md production stage.
ligand_asl – Set the ASL used to identify the ligand.
ligand_restraint (Dictionary with the keys: 'enable', 'name', 'sigma', 'alpha', 'fc'.) – Set to the parameters for the ligand restraints.
adaptive_ligand_restraint (Dictionary with the keys: 'enable', 'name', 'sigma', 'alpha', 'fc'.) – Set to the parameters for the adaptive ligand restraints.
use_representative_structure – Set to True to use the representative structure from MD to prepare the FEP simulations. The default of False means to use the last frame from MD.
skip_fep_cutoff_rmsd – If the RMSD of the ligand aligned on the receptor’s input coordinates goes above this value in Angstroms during the MD production stage, the ligand is considered unstable in the binding pocket, and FEP will be skipped. Set to None to disable skipping FEP.
- property restraint_enabled¶
- generate_main_msj() schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map ¶
- generate_subjob_msj(leg: <schrodinger.application.desmond.constants._MaePropertyValue object at 0x7faa1b8d8070>, protocol: schrodinger.application.desmond.constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL) schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map ¶
- Parameters
leg – Generate the msj for the given leg.
- generate_md_msj(protocol: schrodinger.application.desmond.constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL) schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map ¶
- write_main_msj() str ¶
Write out the main msj and return the filename.
- write_md_msj()¶
Write out the md msjs.
- write_complex_msj()¶
Write out the complex msjs
- write_solvent_msj()¶
Write out the solvent msjs
- generate_complex_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- generate_membrane_msj()¶
- generate_solvent_msj(net_charge, ch=False, **kwargs)¶
- modify_fep_launcher_stage(raw)¶
- modify_graph_stage(raw)¶
- patch_ensemble()¶
A context manager to temporarily change the ensemble and subjob_msj template for this instance to ‘NPT’ if the ensemble is ‘muVT’. NOTE: This is useful to allow the complex and solvent legs to have different ensembles, but in the future this should be replaced with code that natively supports different ensembles for the complex and solvent leg.
- write_membrane_msj()¶
- write_subjob_msjs()¶
Write the msjs for each leg type. Subclasses which run additional legs should override and write the additional msjs
- class schrodinger.application.desmond.mapper_msj_generator.ConstantpHMsjGenerator(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
- __init__(jobname: str, cd_params: Dict[str, object], **kwargs)¶
# TODO consider renaming
or more genericslots
:param jobname: The jobname.- Parameters
cd_params – A dictionary with
set to the number of gpu slots to use, and ‘mps_factor` set to the number of processes per GPU.forcefield (str) – The name of the forcefield to use.
sim_time (int) – The simulation time for the production stage in ps.
sim_time_complex (int) – The simulation time for the complex leg in ps
sim_time_solvent (int) – The simulation time for the solvent leg in ps
rand_seed (int) – The random seed.
ensemble (str) – The ensemble, NPT or NVT.
buffer_width (float) – The buffer width in Angstrom determines how much solvent is added to the solute. This is only used if it is larger than the default buffer width.
lambda_windows (int) – Number of lambda replicas to use for the FEP stages.
custom_charge_mode (CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE) – Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.ASSIGN to assign custom charges. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.CLEAR to clear custom charges if present, without reassigning. Set to CUSTOM_CHARGE_MODE.KEEP to keep existing custom charges if present.
h_mass (bool) – Set to True to enable hydrogen mass repartitioning and False to disable it. Default is True.
concatenate (bool) – Set to True to concatenate the equilibration FEP stages. Default is True.
max_walltime – Maximum walltime in seconds before the subjobs are automatically checkpointed and restarted. The default of 0 means to not set a maximum walltime.
- write_msj() str ¶
- write_cfg() str ¶
- generate_msj() List[schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map] ¶
- generate_cfg() List[schrodinger.utils.sea.sea.Map] ¶