schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter module

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciType(value)

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

TCR_A = 'A'
TCR_B = 'B'
TCR_G = 'G'
TCR_D = 'D'
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ResInfo(number: int, ins_code: str, res_name: str)

Bases: object

Class describing the position of a residue in the current numbering scheme, as well as its single-letter code

number: int
ins_code: str
res_name: str
static from_anarci_tuple(numbering_tuple: Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str])

Create a ResInfo instance from the numbering tuple returned from ANARCI :rtype: ResInfo

__init__(number: int, ins_code: str, res_name: str) None
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering(domain_data: List[Tuple[List[Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str]], int, int]])

Bases: object

Class representing the numbering information for a single domain from an


__init__(domain_data: List[Tuple[List[Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str]], int, int]])
start_index: int
end_index: int
property numbering: List[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ResInfo]
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainNumbering(seq_data: List[List[Tuple[List[Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str]], int, int]]])

Bases: list, Generic[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.T]

Class representing the numbering information for any domains in a given single chain from an ANARCI run

__init__(seq_data: List[List[Tuple[List[Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str]], int, int]]])
__contains__(key, /)

Return key in self.


Return len(self).

append(object, /)

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

insert(index, object, /)

Insert object before index.

pop(index=- 1, /)

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(value, /)

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.

sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.

The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment(id: str, description: str, evalue: float, bitscore: float, bias: float, query_start: int, query_end: int, species: str, chain_type: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciType, scheme: str, query_name: str)

Bases: object

Class representing the alignment information for a single domain from an


id: str
description: str
evalue: float
bitscore: float
bias: float
query_start: int
query_end: int
species: str
chain_type: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciType
scheme: str
query_name: str
__init__(id: str, description: str, evalue: float, bitscore: float, bias: float, query_start: int, query_end: int, species: str, chain_type: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciType, scheme: str, query_name: str) None
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainAlignment(seq_data: List[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]])

Bases: list, Generic[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.T]

Class representing the alignment information for any domains in a given single chain from an ANARCI run

__init__(seq_data: List[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]])
__contains__(key, /)

Return key in self.


Return len(self).

append(object, /)

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

insert(index, object, /)

Insert object before index.

pop(index=- 1, /)

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(value, /)

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.

sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.

The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.HmmerHit(id: str, description: str, evalue: float, bitscore: float, bias: float, query_start: int, query_end: int)

Bases: object

Class representing the HMMER data for a single HMM hit against a chain

id: str
description: str
evalue: float
bitscore: float
bias: float
query_start: int
query_end: int
__init__(id: str, description: str, evalue: float, bitscore: float, bias: float, query_start: int, query_end: int) None
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainHitsTable(table: List[List[Union[str, float, int]]])

Bases: list, Generic[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.T]

Class representing the HMMER hit table for a single chain from an ANARCI run

__init__(table: List[List[Union[str, float, int]]])
__contains__(key, /)

Return key in self.


Return len(self).

append(object, /)

Append object to the end of the list.


Remove all items from list.


Return a shallow copy of the list.

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

extend(iterable, /)

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

insert(index, object, /)

Insert object before index.

pop(index=- 1, /)

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(value, /)

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Reverse IN PLACE.

sort(*, key=None, reverse=False)

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.

The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciDomainResult(numbering: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering, alignment_details: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment)

Bases: object

Class representing ANARCI results for a single domain. As the hits table

only exists at the chain level, domains do not have associated HMMER hit table information

numbering: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering
alignment_details: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment
__init__(numbering: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering, alignment_details: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment) None
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciChainResult(numbering: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainNumbering[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering], alignment_details: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainAlignment[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment], hits: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainHitsTable)

Bases: object

Class representing all ANARCI results for a single chain

numbering: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainNumbering[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering]
alignment_details: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainAlignment[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment]
hits: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainHitsTable
__init__(numbering: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainNumbering[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering], alignment_details: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainAlignment[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment], hits: schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainHitsTable) None
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciResults(anarci_results: Tuple[List[List[List[Tuple[List[Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str]], int, int]]]], List[List[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]], List[List[List[Union[str, float, int]]]]])

Bases: object

Class to handle results of an Anarci run. the return type from anarci is far too complicated to manage directly so this class organizes several layers of nested data into a human-readable API

For reference, the type this class’s constructor expects is:

List[List[Dict[str,str|int|float]], List[List[List[Union[str,float,int]]]]]

(This is type-hinted as a Tuple below, as List doesn’t allow mixed types)

__init__(anarci_results: Tuple[List[List[List[Tuple[List[Tuple[Tuple[int, str], str]], int, int]]]], List[List[Dict[str, Union[str, float, int]]]], List[List[List[Union[str, float, int]]]]])
numbering: List[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainNumbering[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainNumbering]]
alignment_details: List[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainAlignment[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.DomainAlignment]]
hit_tables: List[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.ChainHitsTable[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.HmmerHit]]
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.InputSequence(name, sequence)

Bases: tuple

__contains__(key, /)

Return key in self.


Return len(self).

count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.get_anarci_results(sequences: List[schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.InputSequence], **kwargs) schrodinger.application.bioluminate.anarci.anarci_adapter.AnarciResults
Wrapper for anarci which returns the results from the run in a structured

AnarciResults instance
