schrodinger.ui.qt.ligand_list module¶
Present a list of all ligands that have been included in the Workspace or selected in the project, and allow the user to select their desired ligand or ligands.
is the standard widget for including this list in a panel.
- class schrodinger.ui.qt.ligand_list.LigSource(value)¶
An enumeration.
- included = 1¶
- selected = 2¶
- class schrodinger.ui.qt.ligand_list.Ligand(found_lig, proj_row)[source]¶
An object representing one ligand in the list. Contains a reference to the analyze.Ligand object.
- __init__(found_lig, proj_row)[source]¶
- Parameters
found_lig (
) – The ligand object found usingschrodinger. structutils.analyze.AslLigandSearcher
proj_row (
) – The Project Table row
- property struc¶
- getName(only_one_entry)[source]¶
Get the name to use for this ligand in the ligand list. If the ligand is the entire entry, the structure title will be used. Otherwise, the entry title followed by the residue name and number will be used (or a multiple residue names and numbers for ligands that span multiple residues).
- Parameters
only_one_entry (bool) – Whether only one entry is included in the workspace (all ligands in the list came from it). In this case, the entry title will be excluded from the row name. Note that this setting will be ignored when the ligand is the entire entry.
- Returns
The properly formatted name
- Return type
- class schrodinger.ui.qt.ligand_list.LigandListView(parent=None)[source]¶
A list view for ligands. Note that multiple ligand selection can be enabled via
.- Variables
ligandSelectionChanged (
) – A signal emitted when the selected ligands have changed.
- ligandSelectionChanged¶
- setAutoInclude(auto_include)[source]¶
Specify whether ligands should be included in the Workspace when they are selected in the list. Only relevant when selecting ligands that are selected the Project Table.
- Parameters
auto_include (bool) – True if ligands should be included. False otherwise.
- setAutoFit(auto_fit)[source]¶
Specify whether ligands should be zoomed in on in the Workspace when they are selected in the list. Requires auto-include.
- Parameters
auto_fit (bool) – True if ligands should be zoomed in on. False otherwise.
- setMarkSelectedLigands(use_markers)[source]¶
Specify whether ligands that are selected in the ligand list should be marked in the workspace. See
to control the marker color.- Parameters
use_markers (bool) – True if workspace markers should be used. False otherwise.
- setMarkerColor(color)[source]¶
Specify the color of the workspace markers used to mark selected ligands. Only has an effect if
has been set to True.- Parameters
color (tuple) – A tuple of RGB float values for the marker color.
- selectLigandsFromAtoms(atoms)[source]¶
Select all ligands containing the specified atom(s).
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – A list of atoms (schrodinger.structure._StructureAtom
) or a singleschrodinger.structure._StructureAtom
. This atom must be from a Workspace or Project Table structure.- Raises
ValueError – If
doesn’t specify any ligands. ValueError will also be raised ifatoms
specified more than one ligand and the view is in SingleSelection selection mode.
- selectLigandsFromWorkspaceAtomNums(atom_nums)[source]¶
Select all ligands containing the specified atom(s).
- Parameters
atoms (list or int) – A list of Workspace atom numbers (ints) or a single Workspace atom number.
- Raises
ValueError – If
doesn’t specify any ligands. ValueError will also be raised ifatom_nums
specified more than one ligand and the view is in SingleSelection selection mode.
- LigandListView.selectionChanged(self, QItemSelection, QItemSelection)[source]
- selectIfNoSelection()[source]¶
When called this function will select the first ligand in the list if no other ligand in the list is currently selected.
- AboveItem = 1¶
- Adjust = 1¶
- AdjustIgnored = 0¶
- AdjustToContents = 2¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AllEditTriggers = 31¶
- AnimatingState = 6¶
- AnyKeyPressed = 16¶
- Batched = 1¶
- BelowItem = 2¶
- Box = 1¶
- CollapsingState = 5¶
- ContiguousSelection = 4¶
- CurrentChanged = 1¶
- class CursorAction¶
- DoubleClicked = 2¶
- DragDrop = 3¶
- class DragDropMode¶
- DragOnly = 1¶
- DragSelectingState = 2¶
- DraggingState = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class DropIndicatorPosition¶
- DropOnly = 2¶
- EditKeyPressed = 8¶
- class EditTrigger¶
- class EditTriggers¶
- class EditTriggers(Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger]) None
- class EditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- EditingState = 3¶
- EnsureVisible = 0¶
- ExpandingState = 4¶
- ExtendedSelection = 3¶
- Fixed = 0¶
- class Flow¶
- Free = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IconMode = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InternalMove = 4¶
- class LayoutMode¶
- LeftToRight = 0¶
- ListMode = 0¶
- MoveDown = 1¶
- MoveEnd = 5¶
- MoveHome = 4¶
- MoveLeft = 2¶
- MoveNext = 8¶
- MovePageDown = 7¶
- MovePageUp = 6¶
- MovePrevious = 9¶
- MoveRight = 3¶
- MoveUp = 0¶
- class Movement¶
- MultiSelection = 2¶
- NoDragDrop = 0¶
- NoEditTriggers = 0¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- NoSelection = 0¶
- NoState = 0¶
- OnItem = 0¶
- OnViewport = 3¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- PositionAtBottom = 2¶
- PositionAtCenter = 3¶
- PositionAtTop = 1¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class ResizeMode¶
- class ScrollHint¶
- class ScrollMode¶
- ScrollPerItem = 0¶
- ScrollPerPixel = 1¶
- SelectColumns = 2¶
- SelectItems = 0¶
- SelectRows = 1¶
- SelectedClicked = 4¶
- class SelectionBehavior¶
- class SelectionMode¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- SinglePass = 0¶
- SingleSelection = 1¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- Snap = 2¶
- class State¶
- Static = 0¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- TopToBottom = 1¶
- VLine = 5¶
- class ViewMode¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addJaguarMarker(atoms, color=None, icon=None, text='', alt_color=None, highlight=False)¶
Add a marker to the specified atom(s)
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – The atom or list of atoms to mark. A list may contain between one and four atoms (inclusive).color (tuple, str, int, or
) – The color of the marker and icon. May be an RGB tuple, color name, color index, orschrodinger.structutils.color
instance. If not given, white will be used.icon (int) – The icon to draw next to the marker. Should be one the self.MARKER_ICONS constants. If not given, no icon will be drawn.
text (str) – The text to display next to the marker. If not given, no text will be displayed. Note that this argument will be ignored when marking a single atom.
alt_color (tuple, str, int, or
) – The alternate marker color. This color is always used for text, and is used for the marker and icon whenhighlight
is True. If not given,color
will be used.highlight (bool) – Whether the marker should be highlighted. A highlighted marker is indicated with thicker lines and is colored using
instead ofcolor
- Returns
The newly created marker
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If a marker already exists for the specified atoms
- Note
Either an icon or text may be displayed on a marker, but not both. If both are given, only the text will be shown.
- addMarker(atoms, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), group_name=None)¶
Generates a set of simple, dot-styled markers for a group of atoms.
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – List of atoms to be markedcolor (tuple of 3 floats) – The amount of red, green and blue to use, each ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is white (1., 1., 1.).
@group_name: Optional string to set as the name of this group of markers in Maestro. If not set, a unique identifier will be generated.
- addMarkerFromAsl(asl, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), group_name=None)¶
Generates a set of simple, dot-styled markers for group of Workspace atoms that match the given ASL. Same atoms continue to be marked even if the Workspace is later modified such that ASL matching changes.
- Parameters
asl – ASL for the atoms to mark.
color (tuple of 3 floats) – The amount of red, green and blue to use, each ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is white (1., 1., 1.).
@group_name: Optional string to set as the name of this group of markers in Maestro. If not set, a unique identifier will be generated.
- Returns
Marker object
- Return type
- addScrollBarWidget(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alternatingRowColors(self) bool ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- autoScrollMargin(self) int ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- batchSize(self) int ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LigandListView.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- clearPropertyFlags(self)¶
- clearSelection(self)¶
- clicked¶
clicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEditor(self, QWidget, QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)¶
- closeEvent(event)¶
Hide all markers when the panel is closed.
- closePersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- commitData(self, QWidget)¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- cornerWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- LigandListView.currentChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- currentIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- LigandListView.dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
- defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction ¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- doubleClicked¶
doubleClicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode ¶
- dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex)¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, QEvent) bool
- editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers ¶
- editorDestroyed(self, QObject)¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- entered¶
entered(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- executeDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- flow(self) QListView.Flow ¶
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Get all markers._BaseMarker currently loaded into the panel
- Returns
An iterator of markers._BaseMarker
- Return type
- getAllMarkers()¶
Get all markers.Marker loaded into the panel
- Returns
- Return type
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- getJaguarMarker(atoms)¶
Retrieve a marker for the specified atom(s)
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – The atom or list of atoms to retrieve the marker for. A list may contain between one and four atoms (inclusive).- Returns
The requested marker
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If no marker exists for the specified atoms
- Note
As indicated by the return type, this function only returns
derived markers. Multi atomschrodinger.maestro.markers.Marker
type markers are not accessible in this way.
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- gridSize(self) QSize ¶
- hasAutoScroll(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Hide all
markers for this panel
- hideAllMarkers()¶
Hide all
markers for this panel.
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- horizontalOffset(self) int ¶
- horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- horizontalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- iconSizeChanged¶
iconSizeChanged(self, QSize) [signal]
- indexAt(self, QPoint) QModelIndex ¶
- indexWidget(self, QModelIndex) QWidget ¶
- indexesMoved¶
indexesMoved(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) [signal]
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- LigandListView.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isIndexHidden(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isPersistentEditorOpen(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isRowHidden(self, int) bool ¶
- isSelectionRectVisible(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- isWrapping(self) bool ¶
- itemAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegate(self, QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
- itemDelegateForColumn(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegateForRow(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- keyboardSearch(self, str)¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- layoutMode(self) QListView.LayoutMode ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumViewportSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- modelColumn(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LigandListView.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveCursor(self, QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, Union[Qt.KeyboardModifiers, Qt.KeyboardModifier]) QModelIndex ¶
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- movement(self) QListView.Movement ¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- openPersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- pressed¶
pressed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- rectForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Remove all markers
markers from this panel
- removeAllJaguarMarkersForEntry(eid)¶
Remove all markers for the specified entry id from this panel
- Parameters
eid (str) – The entry id to remove markers for
- removeAllMarkers()¶
Remove all
markers from this panel.
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeJaguarMarker(marker)¶
Removes the specified marker
- Parameters
marker (
) – The marker to remove- Raises
ValueError – If there is no marker on the specified atoms
- removeJaguarMarkerForAtoms(atoms)¶
Removes the marker for specified atom(s)
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – The atom or list of atoms to retrieve the marker for. A list may contain between one and four atoms (inclusive).- Raises
ValueError – If no marker exists for the specified atoms
- removeMarker(marker)¶
Remove the
- Parameters
marker (
) – Marker to remove- Raises
ValueError – If marker is the wrong type or is not associated with the panel.
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LigandListView.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset(self)¶
- resetHorizontalScrollMode(self)¶
- resetVerticalScrollMode(self)¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LigandListView.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- resizeMode(self) QListView.ResizeMode ¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- LigandListView.rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LigandListView.rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- scheduleDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- LigandListView.scroll(self, int, int)
- LigandListView.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- scrollBarWidgets(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) List[QWidget] ¶
- LigandListView.scrollContentsBy(self, int, int)
- LigandListView.scrollDirtyRegion(self, int, int)
- scrollTo(self, QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)¶
- scrollToBottom(self)¶
- scrollToTop(self)¶
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior ¶
- selectionCommand(self, QModelIndex, event: QEvent = None) QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags ¶
- selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode ¶
- selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlternatingRowColors(self, bool)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScroll(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScrollMargin(self, int)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LigandListView.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setBatchSize(self, int)¶
- LigandListView.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCornerWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultDropAction(self, Qt.DropAction)¶
- setDirtyRegion(self, QRegion)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragDropMode(self, QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)¶
- setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropIndicatorShown(self, bool)¶
- setEditTriggers(self, Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger])¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LigandListView.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFlow(self, QListView.Flow)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LigandListView.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setGridSize(self, QSize)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setHorizontalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setIndexWidget(self, QModelIndex, QWidget)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setItemAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForColumn(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForRow(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLayoutMode(self, QListView.LayoutMode)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LigandListView.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LigandListView.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModelColumn(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setMovement(self, QListView.Movement)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPositionForIndex(self, QPoint, QModelIndex)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setResizeMode(self, QListView.ResizeMode)¶
- setRootIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setRowHidden(self, int, bool)¶
- setSelection(self, QRect, Union[QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag])¶
- setSelectionBehavior(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)¶
- setSelectionMode(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)¶
- setSelectionModel(self, QItemSelectionModel)¶
- setSelectionRectVisible(self, bool)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- LigandListView.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setSpacing(self, int)¶
- setState(self, QAbstractItemView.State)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LigandListView.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setTextElideMode(self, Qt.TextElideMode)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUniformItemSizes(self, bool)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVerticalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setVerticalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setViewMode(self, QListView.ViewMode)¶
- setViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- LigandListView.setViewportMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setViewportMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setWordWrap(self, bool)¶
- setWrapping(self, bool)¶
- setupViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- show()¶
Re-show all panel markers when the panel is re-shown. This separate method is needed for QDialog instances.
- showAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Show all
markers for which all marked atoms are in the workspace. Hide all other markers.
- showAllMarkers()¶
Set all
markers to be shown if the relevant atoms are in the workspace. These markers are hidden automatically by Maestro when atoms are excluded.
- showDropIndicator(self) bool ¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Re-show all panel markers when the panel is re-shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForColumn(self, int) int ¶
- sizeHintForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForRow(self, int) int ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- spacing(self) int ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startDrag(self, Union[Qt.DropActions, Qt.DropAction])¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- state(self) QAbstractItemView.State ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- uniformItemSizes(self) bool ¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QModelIndex) None
- updateEditorData(self)¶
- updateEditorGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- verticalOffset(self) int ¶
- verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- verticalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- viewMode(self) QListView.ViewMode ¶
- viewOptions(self) QStyleOptionViewItem ¶
- viewport(self) QWidget ¶
- viewportEntered¶
viewportEntered(self) [signal]
- viewportEvent(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- viewportMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- viewportSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- visualRect(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- visualRegionForSelection(self, QItemSelection) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- wordWrap(self) bool ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.ui.qt.ligand_list.LigandListWidget(parent=None)[source]¶
A list view for ligands that contains its own model. The model will be automatically updated whenever the project changes. As with
, multiple ligand selection can be enabled vialigand_list_widget.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QListView.ExtendedSelection)
.- setLigandSource(source)[source]¶
Specify whether ligands should be taken from selected or included Project Table entries.
- Parameters
source (
) – The desired ligand source.
- ligandSource()[source]¶
Return whether ligands are currently being taken from selected or included Project Table entries.
- Returns
The current ligand source.
- Return type
- AboveItem = 1¶
- Adjust = 1¶
- AdjustIgnored = 0¶
- AdjustToContents = 2¶
- AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow = 1¶
- AllEditTriggers = 31¶
- AnimatingState = 6¶
- AnyKeyPressed = 16¶
- Batched = 1¶
- BelowItem = 2¶
- Box = 1¶
- CollapsingState = 5¶
- ContiguousSelection = 4¶
- CurrentChanged = 1¶
- class CursorAction¶
- DoubleClicked = 2¶
- DragDrop = 3¶
- class DragDropMode¶
- DragOnly = 1¶
- DragSelectingState = 2¶
- DraggingState = 1¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- class DropIndicatorPosition¶
- DropOnly = 2¶
- EditKeyPressed = 8¶
- class EditTrigger¶
- class EditTriggers¶
- class EditTriggers(Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger]) None
- class EditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- EditingState = 3¶
- EnsureVisible = 0¶
- ExpandingState = 4¶
- ExtendedSelection = 3¶
- Fixed = 0¶
- class Flow¶
- Free = 1¶
- HLine = 4¶
- IconMode = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- InternalMove = 4¶
- class LayoutMode¶
- LeftToRight = 0¶
- ListMode = 0¶
- MoveDown = 1¶
- MoveEnd = 5¶
- MoveHome = 4¶
- MoveLeft = 2¶
- MoveNext = 8¶
- MovePageDown = 7¶
- MovePageUp = 6¶
- MovePrevious = 9¶
- MoveRight = 3¶
- MoveUp = 0¶
- class Movement¶
- MultiSelection = 2¶
- NoDragDrop = 0¶
- NoEditTriggers = 0¶
- NoFrame = 0¶
- NoSelection = 0¶
- NoState = 0¶
- OnItem = 0¶
- OnViewport = 3¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- Panel = 2¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Plain = 16¶
- PositionAtBottom = 2¶
- PositionAtCenter = 3¶
- PositionAtTop = 1¶
- Raised = 32¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class ResizeMode¶
- class ScrollHint¶
- class ScrollMode¶
- ScrollPerItem = 0¶
- ScrollPerPixel = 1¶
- SelectColumns = 2¶
- SelectItems = 0¶
- SelectRows = 1¶
- SelectedClicked = 4¶
- class SelectionBehavior¶
- class SelectionMode¶
- class Shadow¶
- Shadow_Mask = 240¶
- class Shape¶
- Shape_Mask = 15¶
- SinglePass = 0¶
- SingleSelection = 1¶
- class SizeAdjustPolicy¶
- Snap = 2¶
- class State¶
- Static = 0¶
- class StyleMask¶
- StyledPanel = 6¶
- Sunken = 48¶
- TopToBottom = 1¶
- VLine = 5¶
- class ViewMode¶
- WinPanel = 3¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- activated¶
activated(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addJaguarMarker(atoms, color=None, icon=None, text='', alt_color=None, highlight=False)¶
Add a marker to the specified atom(s)
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – The atom or list of atoms to mark. A list may contain between one and four atoms (inclusive).color (tuple, str, int, or
) – The color of the marker and icon. May be an RGB tuple, color name, color index, orschrodinger.structutils.color
instance. If not given, white will be used.icon (int) – The icon to draw next to the marker. Should be one the self.MARKER_ICONS constants. If not given, no icon will be drawn.
text (str) – The text to display next to the marker. If not given, no text will be displayed. Note that this argument will be ignored when marking a single atom.
alt_color (tuple, str, int, or
) – The alternate marker color. This color is always used for text, and is used for the marker and icon whenhighlight
is True. If not given,color
will be used.highlight (bool) – Whether the marker should be highlighted. A highlighted marker is indicated with thicker lines and is colored using
instead ofcolor
- Returns
The newly created marker
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If a marker already exists for the specified atoms
- Note
Either an icon or text may be displayed on a marker, but not both. If both are given, only the text will be shown.
- addMarker(atoms, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), group_name=None)¶
Generates a set of simple, dot-styled markers for a group of atoms.
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – List of atoms to be markedcolor (tuple of 3 floats) – The amount of red, green and blue to use, each ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is white (1., 1., 1.).
@group_name: Optional string to set as the name of this group of markers in Maestro. If not set, a unique identifier will be generated.
- addMarkerFromAsl(asl, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), group_name=None)¶
Generates a set of simple, dot-styled markers for group of Workspace atoms that match the given ASL. Same atoms continue to be marked even if the Workspace is later modified such that ASL matching changes.
- Parameters
asl – ASL for the atoms to mark.
color (tuple of 3 floats) – The amount of red, green and blue to use, each ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is white (1., 1., 1.).
@group_name: Optional string to set as the name of this group of markers in Maestro. If not set, a unique identifier will be generated.
- Returns
Marker object
- Return type
- addScrollBarWidget(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- alternatingRowColors(self) bool ¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- autoScrollMargin(self) int ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- batchSize(self) int ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buildCallbackDicts()¶
Create a dictionary of all methods that have a maestro_callback decorator.
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- LigandListWidget.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- clearPropertyFlags(self)¶
- clearSelection(self)¶
- clicked¶
clicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEditor(self, QWidget, QAbstractItemDelegate.EndEditHint)¶
- closeEvent(event)¶
Hide all markers when the panel is closed.
- closePersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- commitData(self, QWidget)¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- cornerWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- LigandListWidget.currentChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- currentIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- LigandListWidget.dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = [])
- defaultDropAction(self) Qt.DropAction ¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- dirtyRegionOffset(self) QPoint ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- doubleClicked¶
doubleClicked(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- dragDropMode(self) QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode ¶
- dragDropOverwriteMode(self) bool ¶
- dragEnabled(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- drawFrame(self, QPainter)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dropIndicatorPosition(self) QAbstractItemView.DropIndicatorPosition ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex)¶
- edit(self, QModelIndex, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger, QEvent) bool
- editTriggers(self) QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers ¶
- editorDestroyed(self, QObject)¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- entered¶
entered(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(obj, event)¶
Respond to the window being shown or closed.
documentation for argument documentation.
- executeDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- flow(self) QListView.Flow ¶
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameRect(self) QRect ¶
- frameShadow(self) QFrame.Shadow ¶
- frameShape(self) QFrame.Shape ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- frameStyle(self) int ¶
- frameWidth(self) int ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Get all markers._BaseMarker currently loaded into the panel
- Returns
An iterator of markers._BaseMarker
- Return type
- getAllMarkers()¶
Get all markers.Marker loaded into the panel
- Returns
- Return type
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- getJaguarMarker(atoms)¶
Retrieve a marker for the specified atom(s)
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – The atom or list of atoms to retrieve the marker for. A list may contain between one and four atoms (inclusive).- Returns
The requested marker
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – If no marker exists for the specified atoms
- Note
As indicated by the return type, this function only returns
derived markers. Multi atomschrodinger.maestro.markers.Marker
type markers are not accessible in this way.
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- gridSize(self) QSize ¶
- hasAutoScroll(self) bool ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Hide all
markers for this panel
- hideAllMarkers()¶
Hide all
markers for this panel.
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- horizontalOffset(self) int ¶
- horizontalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- horizontalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- horizontalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- horizontalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- horizontalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- iconSizeChanged¶
iconSizeChanged(self, QSize) [signal]
- ignoreMaestroCallbacks()¶
A context manager for temporarily disabling Maestro callbacks created using the decorators above. (Note that callbacks that have been manually added using maestro.*_callback_add() will not be disabled.)
def includeEntry(self, entry_id): proj = maestro.project_table_get() with self.ignoreMaestroCallbacks(): proj[entry_id].in_workspace = project.IN_WORKSPACE @maestro_callback.project_changed def onProjectChanged(self): print "This method will not be called during includeEntry." @maestro_callback.workspace_changed def onWorkspaceChanged(self): print "Neither will this one."
- indexAt(self, QPoint) QModelIndex ¶
- indexWidget(self, QModelIndex) QWidget ¶
- indexesMoved¶
indexesMoved(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) [signal]
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- initStyleOption(self, QStyleOptionFrame)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- LigandListWidget.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isIndexHidden(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isPersistentEditorOpen(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isRowHidden(self, int) bool ¶
- isSelectionRectVisible(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- isWrapping(self) bool ¶
- itemAlignment(self) Qt.Alignment ¶
- itemDelegate(self) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegate(self, QModelIndex) QAbstractItemDelegate
- itemDelegateForColumn(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- itemDelegateForRow(self, int) QAbstractItemDelegate ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- keyboardSearch(self, str)¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- layoutMode(self) QListView.LayoutMode ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- ligandSelectionChanged¶
- lineWidth(self) int ¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumViewportSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- midLineWidth(self) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- model(self) QAbstractItemModel ¶
- modelColumn(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- LigandListWidget.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveCursor(self, QAbstractItemView.CursorAction, Union[Qt.KeyboardModifiers, Qt.KeyboardModifier]) QModelIndex ¶
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- movement(self) QListView.Movement ¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- openPersistentEditor(self, QModelIndex)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- pressed¶
pressed(self, QModelIndex) [signal]
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- rectForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Remove all markers
markers from this panel
- removeAllJaguarMarkersForEntry(eid)¶
Remove all markers for the specified entry id from this panel
- Parameters
eid (str) – The entry id to remove markers for
- removeAllMarkers()¶
Remove all
markers from this panel.
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeJaguarMarker(marker)¶
Removes the specified marker
- Parameters
marker (
) – The marker to remove- Raises
ValueError – If there is no marker on the specified atoms
- removeJaguarMarkerForAtoms(atoms)¶
Removes the marker for specified atom(s)
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – The atom or list of atoms to retrieve the marker for. A list may contain between one and four atoms (inclusive).- Raises
ValueError – If no marker exists for the specified atoms
- removeMarker(marker)¶
Remove the
- Parameters
marker (
) – Marker to remove- Raises
ValueError – If marker is the wrong type or is not associated with the panel.
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- LigandListWidget.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- reset(self)¶
- resetHorizontalScrollMode(self)¶
- resetVerticalScrollMode(self)¶
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- LigandListWidget.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- resizeMode(self) QListView.ResizeMode ¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- rootIndex(self) QModelIndex ¶
- LigandListWidget.rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LigandListWidget.rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- scheduleDelayedItemsLayout(self)¶
- LigandListWidget.scroll(self, int, int)
- LigandListWidget.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- scrollBarWidgets(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag]) List[QWidget] ¶
- LigandListWidget.scrollContentsBy(self, int, int)
- LigandListWidget.scrollDirtyRegion(self, int, int)
- scrollTo(self, QModelIndex, hint: QAbstractItemView.ScrollHint = QAbstractItemView.EnsureVisible)¶
- scrollToBottom(self)¶
- scrollToTop(self)¶
- selectAll(self)¶
- selectIfNoSelection()¶
When called this function will select the first ligand in the list if no other ligand in the list is currently selected.
- selectLigandsFromAtoms(atoms)¶
Select all ligands containing the specified atom(s).
- Parameters
atoms (list or
) – A list of atoms (schrodinger.structure._StructureAtom
) or a singleschrodinger.structure._StructureAtom
. This atom must be from a Workspace or Project Table structure.- Raises
ValueError – If
doesn’t specify any ligands. ValueError will also be raised ifatoms
specified more than one ligand and the view is in SingleSelection selection mode.
- selectLigandsFromWorkspaceAtomNums(atom_nums)¶
Select all ligands containing the specified atom(s).
- Parameters
atoms (list or int) – A list of Workspace atom numbers (ints) or a single Workspace atom number.
- Raises
ValueError – If
doesn’t specify any ligands. ValueError will also be raised ifatom_nums
specified more than one ligand and the view is in SingleSelection selection mode.
- selectedIndexes(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- selectionBehavior(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior ¶
- LigandListWidget.selectionChanged(self, QItemSelection, QItemSelection)
- selectionCommand(self, QModelIndex, event: QEvent = None) QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags ¶
- selectionMode(self) QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode ¶
- selectionModel(self) QItemSelectionModel ¶
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAlternatingRowColors(self, bool)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setAutoFit(auto_fit)¶
Specify whether ligands should be zoomed in on in the Workspace when they are selected in the list. Requires auto-include.
- Parameters
auto_fit (bool) – True if ligands should be zoomed in on. False otherwise.
- setAutoInclude(auto_include)¶
Specify whether ligands should be included in the Workspace when they are selected in the list. Only relevant when selecting ligands that are selected the Project Table.
- Parameters
auto_include (bool) – True if ligands should be included. False otherwise.
- setAutoScroll(self, bool)¶
- setAutoScrollMargin(self, int)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- LigandListWidget.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setBatchSize(self, int)¶
- LigandListWidget.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCornerWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- setCurrentIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDefaultDropAction(self, Qt.DropAction)¶
- setDirtyRegion(self, QRegion)¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDragDropMode(self, QAbstractItemView.DragDropMode)¶
- setDragDropOverwriteMode(self, bool)¶
- setDragEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDropIndicatorShown(self, bool)¶
- setEditTriggers(self, Union[QAbstractItemView.EditTriggers, QAbstractItemView.EditTrigger])¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- LigandListWidget.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFlow(self, QListView.Flow)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setFrameRect(self, QRect)¶
- setFrameShadow(self, QFrame.Shadow)¶
- setFrameShape(self, QFrame.Shape)¶
- setFrameStyle(self, int)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- LigandListWidget.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setGridSize(self, QSize)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setHorizontalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setIndexWidget(self, QModelIndex, QWidget)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setItemAlignment(self, Union[Qt.Alignment, Qt.AlignmentFlag])¶
- setItemDelegate(self, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForColumn(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setItemDelegateForRow(self, int, QAbstractItemDelegate)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLayoutMode(self, QListView.LayoutMode)¶
- setLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMarkSelectedLigands(use_markers)¶
Specify whether ligands that are selected in the ligand list should be marked in the workspace. See
to control the marker color.- Parameters
use_markers (bool) – True if workspace markers should be used. False otherwise.
- setMarkerColor(color)¶
Specify the color of the workspace markers used to mark selected ligands. Only has an effect if
has been set to True.- Parameters
color (tuple) – A tuple of RGB float values for the marker color.
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- LigandListWidget.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMidLineWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- LigandListWidget.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModel(self, QAbstractItemModel)¶
- setModelColumn(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setMovement(self, QListView.Movement)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setPositionForIndex(self, QPoint, QModelIndex)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setResizeMode(self, QListView.ResizeMode)¶
- setRootIndex(self, QModelIndex)¶
- setRowHidden(self, int, bool)¶
- setSelection(self, QRect, Union[QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlags, QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag])¶
- setSelectionBehavior(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionBehavior)¶
- setSelectionMode(self, QAbstractItemView.SelectionMode)¶
- setSelectionModel(self, QItemSelectionModel)¶
- setSelectionRectVisible(self, bool)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeAdjustPolicy(self, QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy)¶
- LigandListWidget.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setSpacing(self, int)¶
- setState(self, QAbstractItemView.State)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- LigandListWidget.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setTextElideMode(self, Qt.TextElideMode)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUniformItemSizes(self, bool)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVerticalScrollBar(self, QScrollBar)¶
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(self, Qt.ScrollBarPolicy)¶
- setVerticalScrollMode(self, QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode)¶
- setViewMode(self, QListView.ViewMode)¶
- setViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- LigandListWidget.setViewportMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setViewportMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setWordWrap(self, bool)¶
- setWrapping(self, bool)¶
- setupViewport(self, QWidget)¶
- show()¶
Re-show all panel markers when the panel is re-shown. This separate method is needed for QDialog instances.
- showAllJaguarMarkers()¶
Show all
markers for which all marked atoms are in the workspace. Hide all other markers.
- showAllMarkers()¶
Set all
markers to be shown if the relevant atoms are in the workspace. These markers are hidden automatically by Maestro when atoms are excluded.
- showDropIndicator(self) bool ¶
- showEvent(event)¶
Re-show all panel markers when the panel is re-shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeAdjustPolicy(self) QAbstractScrollArea.SizeAdjustPolicy ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForColumn(self, int) int ¶
- sizeHintForIndex(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- sizeHintForRow(self, int) int ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- spacing(self) int ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startDrag(self, Union[Qt.DropActions, Qt.DropAction])¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- state(self) QAbstractItemView.State ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- textElideMode(self) Qt.TextElideMode ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- uniformItemSizes(self) bool ¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QModelIndex) None
- updateEditorData(self)¶
- updateEditorGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometries(self)¶
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- verticalOffset(self) int ¶
- verticalScrollBar(self) QScrollBar ¶
- verticalScrollBarPolicy(self) Qt.ScrollBarPolicy ¶
- verticalScrollMode(self) QAbstractItemView.ScrollMode ¶
- verticalScrollbarAction(self, int)¶
- verticalScrollbarValueChanged(self, int)¶
- viewMode(self) QListView.ViewMode ¶
- viewOptions(self) QStyleOptionViewItem ¶
- viewport(self) QWidget ¶
- viewportEntered¶
viewportEntered(self) [signal]
- viewportEvent(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- viewportMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- viewportSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- visualRect(self, QModelIndex) QRect ¶
- visualRegionForSelection(self, QItemSelection) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- wordWrap(self) bool ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- class schrodinger.ui.qt.ligand_list.LigandListModel(parent=None, source=LigSource.included)[source]¶
- __init__(parent=None, source=LigSource.included)[source]¶
- Parameters
parent (
or NoneType) – The Qt parent widget.source (
) – The desired ligand source.
- setLigandSource(source)[source]¶
Specify whether ligands should be taken from selected or included Project Table entries.
- Parameters
source (
) – The desired ligand source.
- ligandSource()[source]¶
Return whether ligands are currently being taken from selected or included Project Table entries.
- Returns
The current ligand source.
- Return type
- updateLigandList()[source]¶
Update the contents of the model. This method should be called whenever project inclusion or selection changes.
- atomToLigNumMapping()[source]¶
Return a dictionary of {(entry id, atom number): ligand row number} for all atoms in all ligands in the table.
- COLUMN = None¶
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- Column = None¶
- EDITABLE_COLS = <object object>¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NO_DATA_CHANGED = <object object>¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- ROW_CLASS = None¶
- UNEDITABLE_COLS = <object object>¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- af2SettingsGetValue()¶
This function adds support for the settings mixin. It allows to save table cell values in case this table is included in the settings panel. Returns list of rows if table model is of RowBasedTableModel class type.
- Returns
list of rows in tbe table’s model.
- Return type
list or None
- af2SettingsSetValue(value)¶
This function adds support for the settings mixin. It allows to set table cell values when this table is included in the settings panel.
- Parameters
value (list) – settings value, which is a list of row data here.
- appendRow(*args, **kwargs)¶
Add a row to the table. All arguments are passed to
initialization.- Returns
The row number of the new row
- Return type
- appendRowObject(row)¶
Add a row to the table.
- Parameters
row (
) – Row object to add to the table.- Returns
The row number of the new row
- Return type
- LigandListModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LigandListModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LigandListModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LigandListModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LigandListModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- LigandListModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- LigandListModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- columnChanged(col_number)¶
Call this method when a specific column object has been modified. Will cause the view to redraw that column.
- Parameters
col_number (int) – 0-indexed column number in the model.
- columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- LigandListModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- data(index, role=0)¶
Provide data for the specified index and role. Classes should not redefine this method. Instead, new methods should be created and decorated with
.See Qt documentation for an explanation of arguments and return value
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- LigandListModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- flags(index)¶
See Qt documentation for an method documentation.
- formatFloat(value, role, digits, fmt='')¶
Format floating point values for display or sorting. If
, thenvalue
will be returned as a string with the specified formatting. All otherrole
values are assumed to be a sorting role and value will be returned unchanged.- Parameters
value (float) – The floating point value to format
role (int) – The Qt data role
digits (int) – The number of digits to include after the decimal point for Qt.DisplayRole
fmt (str) – Additional floating point formatting options
- Returns
The formatted or unmodified value
- Return type
str or float
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LigandListModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerData(section, orientation, role=0)¶
Provide column headers, and optionally column tooltips and row numbers.
See Qt documentation for an explanation of arguments and return value
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- LigandListModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LigandListModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LigandListModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- loadData(rows)¶
Load data into the table and replace all existing data.
- Parameters
rows (list) – A list of
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- modelResetContext()¶
A context manager for resetting the model. See
for a decorator version of this.
- LigandListModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LigandListModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LigandListModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- LigandListModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LigandListModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- LigandListModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeRowsByIndices(indices)¶
Remove all rows from the model specified by the given QModelIndex items.
- removeRowsByRowNumbers(rows)¶
Remove the given rows from the model, specified by row number, 0-indexed.
- replaceRows(new_rows)¶
Replace the contents of the model with the contents of the given list. The change will be presented to the view as a series of row insertions and deletions rather than as a model reset. This allows the view to properly update table selections and scroll bar position. This method may only be used if:
objects can be compared using < and ==the contents of the model (i.e.
) are sorted in ascending orderthe contents of
are sorted in ascending order
This method is primarily intended for use when the table contains rows based on project table rows. On every project change, the project table can be reread and used to generate
and this method can then properly update the model.- Parameters
new_rows (list) – A list of
- reset()¶
Remove all data from the model
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowChanged(row_number)¶
Call this method when a specific row object has been modified. Will cause the view to redraw that row.
- Parameters
row_number (int) – 0-indexed row number in the model. Corresponds to the index in the “.rows” iterator.
- rowCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) int ¶
- property rows¶
Iterate over all rows in the model. If any data is changed, call rowChanged() method with the row’s 0-indexed number to update the view.
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setData(index, value, role=2)¶
Set data for the specified index and role. Whenever possible, sub- classes should redefine
rather than this method.See Qt documentation for an explanation of arguments and return value.
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.EditRole) bool ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- LigandListModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶