schrodinger.ui.chooseligand module¶
- class schrodinger.ui.chooseligand.ChooseLigandModel(parent, allLigands)[source]¶
- class CheckIndexOption(value)¶
An enumeration.
- DoNotUseParent = 2¶
- IndexIsValid = 1¶
- NoOption = 0¶
- ParentIsInvalid = 4¶
- class CheckIndexOptions¶
- class CheckIndexOptions(Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption]) None
- class CheckIndexOptions(QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- HorizontalSortHint = 2¶
- class LayoutChangeHint¶
- NoLayoutChangeHint = 0¶
- VerticalSortHint = 1¶
- ChooseLigandModel.beginInsertColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ChooseLigandModel.beginInsertRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ChooseLigandModel.beginMoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ChooseLigandModel.beginMoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ChooseLigandModel.beginRemoveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- ChooseLigandModel.beginRemoveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int)
- beginResetModel(self)¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- buddy(self, QModelIndex) QModelIndex ¶
- canDropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- canFetchMore(self, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- ChooseLigandModel.changePersistentIndex(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex)
- changePersistentIndexList(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], Iterable[QModelIndex])¶
- checkIndex(self, QModelIndex, options: Union[QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOptions, QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption] = QAbstractItemModel.CheckIndexOption.NoOption) bool ¶
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- columnsAboutToBeInserted¶
columnsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeMoved¶
columnsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsAboutToBeRemoved¶
columnsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsInserted¶
columnsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- columnsMoved¶
columnsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- columnsRemoved¶
columnsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- ChooseLigandModel.createIndex(self, int, int, object: object = 0) -> QModelIndex
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- dataChanged¶
dataChanged(self, QModelIndex, QModelIndex, roles: Iterable[int] = []) [signal]
- ChooseLigandModel.decodeData(self, int, int, QModelIndex, QDataStream) -> bool
- deleteLater(self)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dropMimeData(self, QMimeData, Qt.DropAction, int, int, QModelIndex) bool ¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- encodeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex], QDataStream)¶
- endInsertColumns(self)¶
- endInsertRows(self)¶
- endMoveColumns(self)¶
- endMoveRows(self)¶
- endRemoveColumns(self)¶
- endRemoveRows(self)¶
- endResetModel(self)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- fetchMore(self, QModelIndex)¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- flags(self, QModelIndex) Qt.ItemFlags ¶
- hasChildren(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ChooseLigandModel.hasIndex(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- headerDataChanged¶
headerDataChanged(self, Qt.Orientation, int, int) [signal]
- ChooseLigandModel.index(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> QModelIndex
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- insertColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ChooseLigandModel.insertColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- insertRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ChooseLigandModel.insertRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- itemData(self, QModelIndex) Dict[int, Any] ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layoutAboutToBeChanged¶
layoutAboutToBeChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- layoutChanged¶
layoutChanged(self, parents: Iterable[QPersistentModelIndex] = [], hint: QAbstractItemModel.LayoutChangeHint = QAbstractItemModel.NoLayoutChangeHint) [signal]
- match(self, QModelIndex, int, Any, hits: int = 1, flags: Union[Qt.MatchFlags, Qt.MatchFlag] = Qt.MatchStartsWith | Qt.MatchWrap) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- mimeData(self, Iterable[QModelIndex]) QMimeData ¶
- mimeTypes(self) List[str] ¶
- modelAboutToBeReset¶
modelAboutToBeReset(self) [signal]
- modelReset¶
modelReset(self) [signal]
- ChooseLigandModel.moveColumn(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ChooseLigandModel.moveColumns(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ChooseLigandModel.moveRow(self, QModelIndex, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- ChooseLigandModel.moveRows(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) -> bool
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- persistentIndexList(self) List[QModelIndex] ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- removeColumn(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ChooseLigandModel.removeColumns(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeRow(self, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) bool ¶
- ChooseLigandModel.removeRows(self, int, int, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> bool
- resetInternalData(self)¶
- revert(self)¶
- roleNames(self) Dict[int, QByteArray] ¶
- rowsAboutToBeInserted¶
rowsAboutToBeInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeMoved¶
rowsAboutToBeMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsAboutToBeRemoved¶
rowsAboutToBeRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsInserted¶
rowsInserted(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- rowsMoved¶
rowsMoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int, QModelIndex, int) [signal]
- rowsRemoved¶
rowsRemoved(self, QModelIndex, int, int) [signal]
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setData(self, QModelIndex, Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.EditRole) bool ¶
- setHeaderData(self, int, Qt.Orientation, Any, role: int = Qt.ItemDataRole.EditRole) bool ¶
- setItemData(self, QModelIndex, Dict[int, Any]) bool ¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setParent(self, QObject)¶
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- ChooseLigandModel.sibling(self, int, int, QModelIndex) -> QModelIndex
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- sort(self, int, order: Qt.SortOrder = Qt.AscendingOrder)¶
- span(self, QModelIndex) QSize ¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- submit(self) bool ¶
- supportedDragActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- supportedDropActions(self) Qt.DropActions ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- class schrodinger.ui.chooseligand.ChooseLigandDialog(parent, complex_st, ligands_list, text=None)[source]¶
- __init__(parent, complex_st, ligands_list, text=None)[source]¶
- Parameters
parent (QWidget) – Parent for the dialog window.
complex_st (
object) – Receptor/ligand complex structure.ligands_list (list(schrodinger.structutils.analyze.Ligand)) – List of ligands to choose from.
text (str) – Label to show at the top of the ligands table.
- Accepted = 1¶
- class DialogCode¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- Rejected = 0¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accepted¶
accepted(self) [signal]
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(self, QCloseEvent)¶
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- done(self, int)¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- exec(self) int ¶
- exec_(self) int ¶
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- finished¶
finished(self, int) [signal]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isSizeGripEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- open(self)¶
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- reject(self)¶
- rejected¶
rejected(self) [signal]
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- result(self) int ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.scroll(self, int, int)
- ChooseLigandDialog.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setModal(self, bool)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setResult(self, int)¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setSizeGripEnabled(self, bool)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- ChooseLigandDialog.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- show(self)¶
- showEvent(self, QShowEvent)¶
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- ChooseLigandDialog.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶
- schrodinger.ui.chooseligand.choose_ligand(parent, complex_st, text=None)[source]¶
Given a Structure object and a parent window, ask the user to select a ligand from the complex (if more than one is available).
If no ligands are present, ValueError is raised.
If only one ligand was present, the Ligand instance for it is returned.
If the user selected a ligand, the Ligand instance for that ligand is returned (See schrodinger.structutils.analyze.Ligand)
If the user cancelled the dialog, None is returned.
- Parameters
parent (QWidget) – Parent for the dialog window.
complex_st (
object) – Receptor/ligand complex structure.text (str) – Label to show at the top of the ligands table.
- class schrodinger.ui.chooseligand.TestApp[source]¶
Class for testing this module.
- AllowNestedDocks = 2¶
- AllowTabbedDocks = 4¶
- AnimatedDocks = 1¶
- class DockOption¶
- class DockOptions¶
- class DockOptions(Union[QMainWindow.DockOptions, QMainWindow.DockOption]) None
- class DockOptions(QMainWindow.DockOptions) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- DrawChildren = 2¶
- DrawWindowBackground = 1¶
- ForceTabbedDocks = 8¶
- GroupedDragging = 32¶
- IgnoreMask = 4¶
- class PaintDeviceMetric¶
- PdmDepth = 6¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11¶
- PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12¶
- PdmDpiX = 7¶
- PdmDpiY = 8¶
- PdmHeight = 2¶
- PdmHeightMM = 4¶
- PdmNumColors = 5¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9¶
- PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10¶
- PdmWidth = 1¶
- PdmWidthMM = 3¶
- class RenderFlag¶
- class RenderFlags¶
- class RenderFlags(Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag]) None
- class RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlags) None
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- VerticalTabs = 16¶
- acceptDrops(self) bool ¶
- accessibleDescription(self) str ¶
- accessibleName(self) str ¶
- actionEvent(self, QActionEvent)¶
- actions(self) List[QAction] ¶
- activateWindow(self)¶
- addAction(self, QAction)¶
- addActions(self, Iterable[QAction])¶
- addButtonToBottomLayout(text, command)¶
Adds a button to the bottom bar, to go to the right of Job Start buttons. Useful when you need a button on the bottom which is not standard job launching.
Buttons are added from left to right in the order that this function is called..
:param text text that goes on the button :type text str
:param command the slot that the button will run :param callable
- Return type
- Returns
name of button, to be used in setButtonEnabled
- addCentralWidget(w)¶
Add a widget to the central area of the AppFramework dialog
- addDockWidget(self, Qt.DockWidgetArea, QDockWidget)¶
- addDockWidget(self, Qt.DockWidgetArea, QDockWidget, Qt.Orientation) None
- addToolBar(self, Qt.ToolBarArea, QToolBar)¶
- addToolBar(self, QToolBar) None
- addToolBar(self, str) QToolBar
- addToolBarBreak(self, area: Qt.ToolBarArea = Qt.TopToolBarArea)¶
- adjustSize(self)¶
- askOverwrite(files=None, parent=None)¶
Display a dialog asking the user whether to overwrite existing files. Returns True if user chose to overwrite, False otherwise.
Optionally specify a list of files that will be overwritten if the user presses the Overwrite button.
- askOverwriteIfNecessary(files)¶
If any of the files in the <files> list exists, will bring up a dialog box asking the user whether they want to overwrite them. Returns True if the user chose to overwrite or if specified files do not exist. Returns False if the user cancelled.
- autoFillBackground(self) bool ¶
- backgroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- baseSize(self) QSize ¶
- blockSignals(self, bool) bool ¶
- centralWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- changeEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- childAt(self, QPoint) QWidget ¶
- TestApp.childAt(self, int, int) -> QWidget
- childEvent(self, QChildEvent)¶
- children(self) List[QObject] ¶
- childrenRect(self) QRect ¶
- childrenRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- clearFocus(self)¶
- clearMask(self)¶
- close(self) bool ¶
- closeEvent(event)¶
Called by QApplication when the user clicked on the “x” button to close the window. Will call the user-specified close command (if specified).
- closePanel()¶
Hide panel, if in Maestro. Otherwise close it.
- colorCount(self) int ¶
- connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- contentsMargins(self) QMargins ¶
- contentsRect(self) QRect ¶
- contextMenuEvent(self, QContextMenuEvent)¶
- contextMenuPolicy(self) Qt.ContextMenuPolicy ¶
- corner(self, Qt.Corner) Qt.DockWidgetArea ¶
- create(self, window: PyQt5.sip.voidptr = 0, initializeWindow: bool = True, destroyOldWindow: bool = True)¶
- createMenus(d)¶
Setup for making individual menus, create MainMenuBar.
- createPopupMenu(self) QMenu ¶
- createWindowContainer(QWindow, parent: QWidget = None, flags: Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType] = 0) QWidget ¶
- cursor(self) QCursor ¶
- customContextMenuRequested¶
customContextMenuRequested(self, QPoint) [signal]
- customEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- deleteLater(self)¶
- depth(self) int ¶
- destroy(self, destroyWindow: bool = True, destroySubWindows: bool = True)¶
- destroyed¶
destroyed(self, object: QObject = None) [signal]
- devType(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatio(self) int ¶
- devicePixelRatioF(self) float ¶
- devicePixelRatioFScale() float ¶
- disconnect(QMetaObject.Connection) bool ¶
- disconnect(self) None
- disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)¶
- dockOptions(self) QMainWindow.DockOptions ¶
- dockWidgetArea(self, QDockWidget) Qt.DockWidgetArea ¶
- documentMode(self) bool ¶
- dragEnterEvent(self, QDragEnterEvent)¶
- dragLeaveEvent(self, QDragLeaveEvent)¶
- dragMoveEvent(self, QDragMoveEvent)¶
- dropEvent(self, QDropEvent)¶
- dumpObjectInfo(self)¶
- dumpObjectTree(self)¶
- dynamicPropertyNames(self) List[QByteArray] ¶
- effectiveWinId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- ensurePolished(self)¶
- enterEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- error(text, preferences=None, key=None)¶
Display an error dialog with the specified text. If preferences and key are both supplied, then the dialog will contain a “Don’t show this again” checkbox. Future invocations of this dialog with the same preferences and key values will obey the user’s show preference.
- Parameters
text (str) – The information to display in the dialog
preferences – obsolete; ignored.
key (str) – The key to store the preference under. If specified, a “Do not show again” checkbox will be rendered in the dialog box.
- Return type
- event(self, QEvent) bool ¶
- eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) bool ¶
- exec()¶
Calls exec() method of the application.
- find(PyQt5.sip.voidptr) QWidget ¶
- findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject ¶
- findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) QObject
- findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject] ¶
- findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) List[QObject]
- focusInEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusNextChild(self) bool ¶
- focusNextPrevChild(self, bool) bool ¶
- focusOutEvent(self, QFocusEvent)¶
- focusPolicy(self) Qt.FocusPolicy ¶
- focusPreviousChild(self) bool ¶
- focusProxy(self) QWidget ¶
- focusWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- font(self) QFont ¶
- fontInfo(self) QFontInfo ¶
- fontMetrics(self) QFontMetrics ¶
- foregroundRole(self) QPalette.ColorRole ¶
- frameGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- frameSize(self) QSize ¶
- geometry(self) QRect ¶
- getApp()¶
Return QApplication instance which this panel is running under. If in Maestro, returns Maestro’s global QApplication instance.
- getContentsMargins(self) Tuple[int, int, int, int] ¶
- getInputFile()¶
Return the selected input file path (Python string).
If the panel has no input frame, raises RuntimeError. If FILE source is not allowed, raises RuntimeError.
- getInputSource()¶
Return the selected input source. Available values (module constants):
If the panel has no input frame, raises RuntimeError.
- getOpenFileName(caption='Select a file', initial_dir=None, support_mae=True, support_sd=True, support_pdb=True)¶
Brings up an open file dialog box for selecting structure files. By default reads Maestro, SD, and PDB formats. Returns file path that is readable by StructureReader. Is user pressed cancel, empty string is returned.
- grab(self, rectangle: QRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(- 1, - 1))) QPixmap ¶
- grabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType, flags: Union[Qt.GestureFlags, Qt.GestureFlag] = Qt.GestureFlags())¶
- grabKeyboard(self)¶
- grabMouse(self)¶
- grabMouse(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape]) None
- grabShortcut(self, Union[QKeySequence, QKeySequence.StandardKey, str, int], context: Qt.ShortcutContext = Qt.WindowShortcut) int ¶
- graphicsEffect(self) QGraphicsEffect ¶
- graphicsProxyWidget(self) QGraphicsProxyWidget ¶
- hasFocus(self) bool ¶
- hasHeightForWidth(self) bool ¶
- hasMouseTracking(self) bool ¶
- hasTabletTracking(self) bool ¶
- height(self) int ¶
- heightForWidth(self, int) int ¶
- heightMM(self) int ¶
- help()¶
Display the help dialog (or a warning dialog if no help can be found). This function requires help_topic to have been given when the class was initialized.
- hide(self)¶
- hideEvent(self, QHideEvent)¶
- iconSize(self) QSize ¶
- iconSizeChanged¶
iconSizeChanged(self, QSize) [signal]
- info(text, preferences=None, key=None)¶
Display an information dialog with the specified text. If preferences and key are both supplied, then the dialog will contain a “Don’t show this again” checkbox. Future invocations of this dialog with the same preferences and key values will obey the user’s show preference.
- Parameters
text (str) – The information to display in the dialog
preferences – obsolete; ignored.
key (str) – The key to store the preference under. If specified, a “Do not show again” checkbox will be rendered in the dialog box.
- Return type
- inherits(self, str) bool ¶
- initPainter(self, QPainter)¶
- inputMethodEvent(self, QInputMethodEvent)¶
- inputMethodHints(self) Qt.InputMethodHints ¶
- inputMethodQuery(self, Qt.InputMethodQuery) Any ¶
- TestApp.insertAction(self, QAction, QAction)
- insertActions(self, QAction, Iterable[QAction])¶
- TestApp.insertToolBar(self, QToolBar, QToolBar)
- insertToolBarBreak(self, QToolBar)¶
- installEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- interior()¶
Return the interior frame where client widgets should be parented from
- isActiveWindow(self) bool ¶
- isAncestorOf(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isAnimated(self) bool ¶
- isDockNestingEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isDockableInMaestro()¶
Returns True if the PyQt panel can be docked into Maestro mainwindow. Otherwise returns false. This function should be called only after parsing the ‘dockable’ argument inside the constructor.
- isEnabled(self) bool ¶
- isEnabledTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isFullScreen(self) bool ¶
- isHidden(self) bool ¶
- isLeftToRight(self) bool ¶
- isMaximized(self) bool ¶
- isMinimized(self) bool ¶
- isModal(self) bool ¶
- isRightToLeft(self) bool ¶
- isSeparator(self, QPoint) bool ¶
- isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) bool ¶
- isVisible(self) bool ¶
- isVisibleTo(self, QWidget) bool ¶
- isWidgetType(self) bool ¶
- isWindow(self) bool ¶
- isWindowModified(self) bool ¶
- isWindowType(self) bool ¶
- jobCompleted¶
- keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyReleaseEvent(self, QKeyEvent)¶
- keyboardGrabber() QWidget ¶
- killTimer(self, int)¶
- launchJobCmd(cmd)¶
Launches job control command. Automatically tracked by the job status button (no need to call monitorJob method afterwards). NOTE: Unlike similar method in AF2, this method does not add -HOST etc options.
- layout(self) QLayout ¶
- layoutDirection(self) Qt.LayoutDirection ¶
- leaveEvent(self, QEvent)¶
- locale(self) QLocale ¶
- logicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- logicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- lower(self)¶
- mapFrom(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapFromParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapTo(self, QWidget, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToGlobal(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mapToParent(self, QPoint) QPoint ¶
- mask(self) QRegion ¶
- maximumHeight(self) int ¶
- maximumSize(self) QSize ¶
- maximumWidth(self) int ¶
- metaObject(self) QMetaObject ¶
- metric(self, QPaintDevice.PaintDeviceMetric) int ¶
- minimumHeight(self) int ¶
- minimumSize(self) QSize ¶
- minimumSizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- minimumWidth(self) int ¶
- monitorJob(jobid, showpanel=False)¶
Monitor the given jobid and show the monitor panel; if in maestro.
- Parameters
jobid – jobid of the job to monitor
showpanel – whether to bring up the Monitor panel. By default, the panel will open if the “Open Monitor panel” preference is set.
Example, after launching the job, use the jobid to issue the command:
- mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseGrabber() QWidget ¶
- mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent)¶
- move(self, QPoint)¶
- TestApp.move(self, int, int) -> None
- moveEvent(self, QMoveEvent)¶
- moveToThread(self, QThread)¶
- nativeEvent(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], sip.voidptr) Tuple[bool, int] ¶
- nativeParentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- nextInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- normalGeometry(self) QRect ¶
- objectName(self) str ¶
- objectNameChanged¶
objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
- overrideWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- overrideWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- paintEngine(self) QPaintEngine ¶
- paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent)¶
- paintingActive(self) bool ¶
- palette(self) QPalette ¶
- parent(self) QObject ¶
- parentWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- physicalDpiX(self) int ¶
- physicalDpiY(self) int ¶
- pos(self) QPoint ¶
- previousInFocusChain(self) QWidget ¶
- processEvents()¶
Allow the QApplication’s or Maestro’s main event loop to process pending events.
- property(self, str) Any ¶
- pyqtConfigure(...)¶
Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.
- question(msg, button1='OK', button2='Cancel', title='Question')¶
Display a prompt dialog window with specified text. Returns True if first button (default OK) is pressed, False otherwise.
- quitPanel()¶
Quit the panel (even if in Maestro)
Note that the calling script needs to unset the variable that holds this panel instance in order to truly delete the panel. For example, this method should be subclassed as follows:
- def quitPanel(self):
global mypanel # Where mypanel is the variable holding this object appframework.AppFramework.quitPanel(self) mypanel = None
- raise_(self)¶
- receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) int ¶
- rect(self) QRect ¶
- releaseKeyboard(self)¶
- releaseMouse(self)¶
- releaseShortcut(self, int)¶
- removeAction(self, QAction)¶
- removeDockWidget(self, QDockWidget)¶
- removeEventFilter(self, QObject)¶
- removeToolBar(self, QToolBar)¶
- removeToolBarBreak(self, QToolBar)¶
- render(self, QPaintDevice, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren))¶
- render(self, QPainter, targetOffset: QPoint = QPoint(), sourceRegion: QRegion = QRegion(), flags: Union[QWidget.RenderFlags, QWidget.RenderFlag] = QWidget.RenderFlags(QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawWindowBackground | QWidget.RenderFlag.DrawChildren)) None
- repaint(self)¶
- TestApp.repaint(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- repaint(self, QRect) None
- repaint(self, QRegion) None
- resize(self, QSize)¶
- TestApp.resize(self, int, int) -> None
- resizeDocks(self, Iterable[QDockWidget], Iterable[int], Qt.Orientation)¶
- resizeEvent(self, QResizeEvent)¶
- restoreCursor(app_wide=True)¶
Restore the application level cursor to the default. If ‘app_wide’ is True then if will be restored for the entire application, if it’s False, it will be just for this panel.
- restoreDockWidget(self, QDockWidget) bool ¶
- restoreGeometry(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray]) bool ¶
- restoreState(self, Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], version: int = 0) bool ¶
- saveGeometry(self) QByteArray ¶
- saveState(self, version: int = 0) QByteArray ¶
- TestApp.scroll(self, int, int)
- TestApp.scroll(self, int, int, QRect) -> None
- sender(self) QObject ¶
- senderSignalIndex(self) int ¶
- setAcceptDrops(self, bool)¶
- setAccessibleDescription(self, str)¶
- setAccessibleName(self, str)¶
- setAnimated(self, bool)¶
- setAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute, on: bool = True)¶
- setAutoFillBackground(self, bool)¶
- setBackgroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- TestApp.setBaseSize(self, int, int)
- setBaseSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setButtonEnabled(button, enabled)¶
Enable / disable the specified button, e.g.,
self.setButtonEnabled(‘start’, False)
Raises a RuntimeError if the button doesn’t exist.
- setButtonState(button, state)¶
Set the state of the specified button, e.g.,
self.setButtonState(‘start’, ‘disabled’)
The standard state is ‘normal’. Raises a RuntimeError if the button doesn’t exist or if the requested state can’t be set.
Obsolete. Please use setButtonEnabled() method instead.
- setCentralWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- TestApp.setContentsMargins(self, int, int, int, int)
- setContentsMargins(self, QMargins) None ¶
- setContextMenuPolicy(self, Qt.ContextMenuPolicy)¶
- setCorner(self, Qt.Corner, Qt.DockWidgetArea)¶
- setCursor(self, Union[QCursor, Qt.CursorShape])¶
- setDisabled(self, bool)¶
- setDockNestingEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setDockOptions(self, Union[QMainWindow.DockOptions, QMainWindow.DockOption])¶
- setDocumentMode(self, bool)¶
- setEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setFixedHeight(self, int)¶
- setFixedSize(self, QSize)¶
- TestApp.setFixedSize(self, int, int) -> None
- setFixedWidth(self, int)¶
- setFocus(self)¶
- setFocus(self, Qt.FocusReason) None
- setFocusPolicy(self, Qt.FocusPolicy)¶
- setFocusProxy(self, QWidget)¶
- setFont(self, QFont)¶
- setForegroundRole(self, QPalette.ColorRole)¶
- setGeometry(self, QRect)¶
- TestApp.setGeometry(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- setGraphicsEffect(self, QGraphicsEffect)¶
- setHidden(self, bool)¶
- setIconSize(self, QSize)¶
- setInputMethodHints(self, Union[Qt.InputMethodHints, Qt.InputMethodHint])¶
- setJobname(jobname)¶
- setLayout(self, QLayout)¶
- setLayoutDirection(self, Qt.LayoutDirection)¶
- setLocale(self, QLocale)¶
- setMask(self, QBitmap)¶
- setMask(self, QRegion) None
- setMaximumHeight(self, int)¶
- TestApp.setMaximumSize(self, int, int)
- setMaximumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMaximumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMenuBar(self, QMenuBar)¶
- setMenuWidget(self, QWidget)¶
- setMinimumHeight(self, int)¶
- TestApp.setMinimumSize(self, int, int)
- setMinimumSize(self, QSize) None ¶
- setMinimumWidth(self, int)¶
- setMouseTracking(self, bool)¶
- setObjectName(self, str)¶
- setPalette(self, QPalette)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget)¶
- setParent(self, QWidget, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType]) None
- setProgress(step, total_steps)¶
Set the progress bar value (bottom of the panel) to <step> out of <total_steps>
Set both to 0 to hide the progress bar.
- setProgressError(error)¶
Set the color of the progress bar to red (error=True) or normal color (error=False).
- setProperty(self, str, Any) bool ¶
- setShortcutAutoRepeat(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- setShortcutEnabled(self, int, enabled: bool = True)¶
- TestApp.setSizeIncrement(self, int, int)
- setSizeIncrement(self, QSize) None ¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy)¶
- setSizePolicy(self, QSizePolicy.Policy, QSizePolicy.Policy) None
- setStatusBar(self, QStatusBar)¶
- setStatusTip(self, str)¶
- setStyle(self, QStyle)¶
- setStyleSheet(self, str)¶
- TestApp.setTabOrder(QWidget, QWidget)
- setTabPosition(self, Union[Qt.DockWidgetAreas, Qt.DockWidgetArea], QTabWidget.TabPosition)¶
- setTabShape(self, QTabWidget.TabShape)¶
- setTabletTracking(self, bool)¶
- setToolButtonStyle(self, Qt.ToolButtonStyle)¶
- setToolTip(self, str)¶
- setToolTipDuration(self, int)¶
- setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(self, bool)¶
- setUpdatesEnabled(self, bool)¶
- setVisible(self, bool)¶
- setWaitCursor(app_wide=True)¶
Set the cursor to the wait cursor. This will be an hourglass, clock or similar. Call restoreCursor() to return to the default cursor. If ‘app_wide’ is True then it will apply to the entire application (including Maestro if running there). If it’s False then it will apply only to this panel.
- setWhatsThis(self, str)¶
- setWindowFilePath(self, str)¶
- setWindowFlag(self, Qt.WindowType, on: bool = True)¶
- setWindowFlags(self, Union[Qt.WindowFlags, Qt.WindowType])¶
- setWindowIcon(self, QIcon)¶
- setWindowIconText(self, str)¶
- setWindowModality(self, Qt.WindowModality)¶
- setWindowModified(self, bool)¶
- setWindowOpacity(self, float)¶
- setWindowRole(self, str)¶
- setWindowState(self, Union[Qt.WindowStates, Qt.WindowState])¶
- setWindowTitle(self, str)¶
- setupJobParameters()¶
Setups up the job parameters from the state of the input frame. Do not call directly from your script.
Returns True if success, False on error (after displaying an error message).
- show(also_raise=True, also_activate=True)¶
Redefine the show() method to deiconize if necessary and also raise_() the panel if ‘also_raise’ is specified as True.
- Parameters
also_raise (bool) – If True (default), the
method will also be called on the window. If False it is not. This is important on some Window managers to ensure the window is placed on top of other windows.also_activate (bool) – If True (default), the
method will also be called on the window. If False it is not. This is important on some Window managers to ensure the window is placed on top of other windows.
- showEvent(show_event)¶
Override the normal processing when the panel is shown.
- showFullScreen(self)¶
- showMaximized(self)¶
- showMinimized(self)¶
- showNormal(self)¶
- signalsBlocked(self) bool ¶
- size(self) QSize ¶
- sizeHint(self) QSize ¶
- sizeIncrement(self) QSize ¶
- sizePolicy(self) QSizePolicy ¶
- splitDockWidget(self, QDockWidget, QDockWidget, Qt.Orientation)¶
- stackUnder(self, QWidget)¶
- startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) int ¶
- start_wrapper_timeout = 3000¶
- staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>¶
- statusBar(self) QStatusBar ¶
- statusTip(self) str ¶
- style(self) QStyle ¶
- styleSheet(self) str ¶
- tabPosition(self, Qt.DockWidgetArea) QTabWidget.TabPosition ¶
- tabShape(self) QTabWidget.TabShape ¶
- tabifiedDockWidgetActivated¶
tabifiedDockWidgetActivated(self, QDockWidget) [signal]
- tabifiedDockWidgets(self, QDockWidget) List[QDockWidget] ¶
- TestApp.tabifyDockWidget(self, QDockWidget, QDockWidget)
- tabletEvent(self, QTabletEvent)¶
- takeCentralWidget(self) QWidget ¶
- testAttribute(self, Qt.WidgetAttribute) bool ¶
- thread(self) QThread ¶
- timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)¶
- toolBarArea(self, QToolBar) Qt.ToolBarArea ¶
- toolBarBreak(self, QToolBar) bool ¶
- toolButtonStyle(self) Qt.ToolButtonStyle ¶
- toolButtonStyleChanged¶
toolButtonStyleChanged(self, Qt.ToolButtonStyle) [signal]
- toolTip(self) str ¶
- toolTipDuration(self) int ¶
- tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = - 1) str ¶
- trackJobProgress(job)¶
Display a progress dialog showing the progress of this job. (Any previously tracked job will no longer be tracked)
job - a jobcontrol.Job object.
- underMouse(self) bool ¶
- ungrabGesture(self, Qt.GestureType)¶
- unifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(self) bool ¶
- unsetCursor(self)¶
- unsetLayoutDirection(self)¶
- unsetLocale(self)¶
- update(self)¶
- update(self, QRect) None
- update(self, QRegion) None
- TestApp.update(self, int, int, int, int) -> None
- updateGeometry(self)¶
- updateJobname()¶
Update jobname in parameters from main window.
- updateMicroFocus(self)¶
- updateStatusBar()¶
Updates the status bar.
- updatesEnabled(self) bool ¶
- visibleRegion(self) QRegion ¶
- warning(text, preferences=None, key=None)¶
Display a warning dialog with the specified text. If preferences and key are both supplied, then the dialog will contain a “Don’t show this again” checkbox. Future invocations of this dialog with the same preferences and key values will obey the user’s show preference.
- Parameters
text (str) – The information to display in the dialog
preferences – obsolete; ignored.
key (str) – The key to store the preference under. If specified, a “Do not show again” checkbox will be rendered in the dialog box.
- Return type
- whatsThis(self) str ¶
- wheelEvent(self, QWheelEvent)¶
- width(self) int ¶
- widthMM(self) int ¶
- winId(self) PyQt5.sip.voidptr ¶
- window(self) QWidget ¶
- windowFilePath(self) str ¶
- windowFlags(self) Qt.WindowFlags ¶
- windowHandle(self) QWindow ¶
- windowIcon(self) QIcon ¶
- windowIconChanged¶
windowIconChanged(self, QIcon) [signal]
- windowIconText(self) str ¶
- windowIconTextChanged¶
windowIconTextChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowModality(self) Qt.WindowModality ¶
- windowOpacity(self) float ¶
- windowRole(self) str ¶
- windowState(self) Qt.WindowStates ¶
- windowTitle(self) str ¶
- windowTitleChanged¶
windowTitleChanged(self, str) [signal]
- windowType(self) Qt.WindowType ¶
- x(self) int ¶
- y(self) int ¶