schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.display_settings_manager module¶
- class schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.display_settings_manager.DisplaySettingsManager(data)[source]¶
This class makes use of schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.display_settings_data.DisplaySettingsData or schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.playback_settings_data.PlaybackSettingsData class objects and generates appropriate asl based display settings. It also provides ability to get dynamic tooltip based on display settings. Provides ability to update atoms visibility in the structure based on display settings.
- __init__(data)[source]¶
- Parameters
data (DisplaySettingsData or PlaybackSettingsData) – Display settings
- getHideAtomsBeyondBindingSiteASL()[source]¶
Returns hide atoms asl based on ‘Beyond binding site’ settings
- getHideAtomsNonpolarHydrogensASL()[source]¶
Returns hide atoms asl based on ‘Nonpolar hydrogens’ settings
- honorMatchingAtomsAsl()[source]¶
Whether to honor ‘Atoms matching ASL definition:’ option
- Return type
- getMatchingAtomsAsl()[source]¶
Returns matching atom asl based on ‘Display only:’
- Return type
str or None
- getDisplayAtomsAsl()[source]¶
Returns display atom asl based on ‘Hide atoms:’ & ‘Display only:’ settings
- Return type
str or None
- applyShowHideAtomsAsl(st: schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure, varying_atoms_frame: bool)[source]¶
Display or hide atoms in the st based on stored atoms asl.
ASL acts as display only asl if display_only is set, otherwise acts as hide specified atoms.
- Parameters
varying_atoms_frame – True if method is called for varying atoms frame.
:param st : The structure to be updated.
- applyVisibilityAsl(st: schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure, asl: str, display_only: bool, visible: bool)[source]¶
Apply visibility asl according to evaluated asl on structure.
- Parameters
st – Structure to be updated.
asl – ASL to be evaluated for this structure.
visible – Visibility value of atoms matching the asl.
- setDisplayAtomsASL()[source]¶
Set matching atoms asl. This ASL acts as display only asl if Display Only turned on. Otherwise acts as hide specified atoms.
- shouldUpdateVisibility(varying_atoms_frame: bool)[source]¶
Check if visibility should be updated or not. Applicable in both restoring original visibility and apply asl based visibility.
- Parameters
varying_atoms_frame – True if method is called for varying atoms frame.
- Return type
- Returns
True if visibility should be updated.
- shouldRestoreVisibility(varying_atoms_frame: bool)[source]¶
Determine if frame visibility should be restored or not.
- Parameters
varying_atoms_frame – True if method is called for varying atoms frame.
- Return type
- Returns
True if visibility should be restored.
- needVisibilityUpdate(varying_atoms_frame: bool)[source]¶
Determine if frame visibility should be updated or not.
- Parameters
varying_atoms_frame – True if method is called for varying atoms frame.
- Return type
- Returns
True if visibility should be updated.
- restoreDefaultVisibility(ref_st: schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure, frame_st: schrodinger.structure._structure.Structure)[source]¶
Set ref_st atoms visibility in the frame_st.
- Parameters
ref_st – Reference structure to be used to update frame structure.
frame_st – Frame structure to be updated.