schrodinger.protein.buildpeptide module¶
Module for converting protein residue sequences to 3D structures.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- class schrodinger.protein.buildpeptide.SECONDARY_STRUCTURE(value)¶
An enumeration.
- Extended = 1¶
- AlphaHelix = 2¶
- PiHelix = 3¶
- ThreeTenHelix = 4¶
- CollagenHelix = 5¶
- LeftHandedAlphaHelix = 6¶
- ParallelPleatedSheet = 7¶
- AntiparallelPleatedSheet = 8¶
- Custom = 9¶
- CustomAngles = 10¶
- schrodinger.protein.buildpeptide.get_fragment_structure(fragname)[source]¶
Return the fragment structure for the given peptide residue.
- Parameters
fragname (str) – Fragment name (e.g. “ALA”)
- Returns
- Return type
- schrodinger.protein.buildpeptide.grow_fragment(st, fromatom, toatom, fraggroup, fragname, direction=None)[source]¶
Grow the given fragment to the given ct, in alpha-helix configuration.
- Parameters
st (
) – Input structurefromatom (int) – The “from” grow atom.
toatom (int) – The “to” grow atom.
fraggroup – Fragment group (e.g. “organic”)
fragname (str) – Fragment name (e.g. “Hydroxyl”)
direction (str) – Direction to grow in (e.g. “forward”)
- Tupe fraggroup
- Returns
(new from atom, new to atom) for the next grow operation.
- Return type
(int, int)
- schrodinger.protein.buildpeptide.build_peptide(sequence, secondary_structure=None, ss_seq=None, angles=None, cap=False)[source]¶
For each amino acid in the sequence, test to make sure that it is a valid code and build the peptide.
- Parameters
sequence (str) – Amino acid sequence of the peptide to be built.
secondary_structure (enum SECONDARY_STRUCTURE) – A description of how the secondary structure can be set.
ss_seq (list) – If the secondary structure is Custom then this is sequence of secondary structure codes - one per residue
angles – If the secondary structure is Custom Angles then this is a list of pairs of Phi/Psi angles - two per residue
cap (bool) – Option to include capping groups.
- Returns
Initial peptide structure
- Return type