schrodinger.livedesign.rgfile_parse module¶
Prototype for a RGfile parser. This will be eventually implemented in RDKit.
The RG parser is more general than the SD one, and any .sdf file should parse ok with it.
Only V3000 format is supported.
We only support default RLOGIC settings. Allowing RLOGIC would require our MolAddRecursiveQueries() strategy to construct the queries, and require a complex query enumeration strategy.
- schrodinger.livedesign.rgfile_parse.parse_rgmol(data_src: Union[Iterator[str], TextIO], sanitize: bool = True, removeHs: bool = True, strictParsing: bool = True)[source]¶
Parse a V3000 RG mol from an iterable stream
- Parameters
data_src – the iterator over the RG molblock being parsed
sanitize – whether to sanitize the different mol when parsing them
removeHs – whether to remove Hs from the parsed mols
strictParsing – whether to enable strict parsing for the mols
- Returns
a mol with subqueries for each of the defined RGROUPS
- class schrodinger.livedesign.rgfile_parse.ForwardRGMolSupplier(data_src: Optional[Union[TextIO, str]] = None, sanitize: bool = True, removeHs: bool = True, strictParsing: bool = True)[source]¶
An iterator class for lazy parsing of RGfiles in imitation of RDKit’s ForwardSDMolSupplier.
Only V3000 files and default RLOGIC values are supported.
Allowed data sources are either file objects or strings.