schrodinger.job.remote_command module¶
- exception schrodinger.job.remote_command.CommandError(sp_error=None, command='', errmsg=None, output='', userhost='', returncode=None)[source]¶
Used to report external commands that fail.
When this is caught by the main cmdline driver, the error message will be printed and the usage message displayed.
- __init__(sp_error=None, command='', errmsg=None, output='', userhost='', returncode=None)[source]¶
The constructor takes a subprocess.CalledProcessError for the failed command, from which details of the command are extracted. A user- friendly error message will be composed from that information unless an explicit error message is provided.
- args¶
- with_traceback()¶
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- schrodinger.job.remote_command.which(program, search_path=None)[source]¶
Search for a file in the given list of directories. Use $PATH if no search path is specified.
Returns the absolute pathname for the first executable found.
- Parameters
rogram – the executable to search for
- Return type
- Returns
the absolute pathname for the executable found, or None if the program could not be found.
- schrodinger.job.remote_command.get_rsh_exec()[source]¶
Return the name of the rsh-compatible program to use for executing remote commands.
Return the pathname to a Bourne-compatible shell that can be used for running shell commands.
- schrodinger.job.remote_command.remote_command(command, host, user=None, capture_stderr=False)[source]¶
Execute a the given command on a particular host.
Returns a tuple containing the captured output and an error message.
- Parameters
host (string) – the host on which to run the command
user (string) – the user account under which to run the command
command (string) – the command to be executed on the remote machine
capture_stderr (boolean) – should stderr be captured along with stdout?
- Return type
- Returns
the captured output from the command
- Raises
CommandError – if the remote command fails
- schrodinger.job.remote_command.rsh_put_cmd(remotehost, put_fn, remoteuser=None, from_remote=False)[source]¶
Returns the ‘scp’ command needed to execute to copy a file to a given remote host. The actual remote command needs to be appended to the returned string.
- Parameters
remotehost (string) – string
put_fn (string) – Path to the file that will be copied over. If it is a directory, it will be copied recursively
remoteuser (string) – Remote username
from_remote (bool) – If True, put from remote to local, otherwise (default) from local to remote
- Return type
- Returns
the list of command args for the command, suitable for use in subprocess functions
- schrodinger.job.remote_command.get_remote_path(remoteuser, remotehost, path)[source]¶
Assemble remote path from remote user, host and path.
- Parameters
remoteuser (str or None) – Remote user, can be None
remotehost (str) – Remote host
path (str) – Remote absolute path
- Return type
- Returns
Remote path with user and host