schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path module¶
Classes and functions for generating reaction paths.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.ParserWrapper(scriptname, description)[source]¶
Manages the argparse module to parse user command line arguments.
- JOB_NAME = 'rxnpath'¶
- REACTANT = 'reactant'¶
- PRODUCT = 'product'¶
- TS = 'ts'¶
- REACTANT_LIKE = 'reactant_like'¶
- MIDWAY = 'midway'¶
- PRODUCT_LIKE = 'product_like'¶
- PRESUMED_TS = 'midway'¶
- PRESUMED_TS_CHOICES = ['reactant_like', 'midway', 'product_like']¶
- SAMPLE_DEFAULT = [10.0]¶
- SUPPORTEDINEXTS = ['.mae', '.mae.gz', '.maegz']¶
- FVAL_KEYS = ['reactant', 'reactant_like', 'midway', 'product_like', 'product']¶
- FVAL_VALUES = [0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]¶
- FVAL_DICT = {'midway': 0.5, 'product': 1.0, 'product_like': 0.75, 'reactant': 0.0, 'reactant_like': 0.25}¶
- BONDWEIGHT = 1000.0¶
- ANGLEWEIGHT = 1000.0¶
- CARTESIAN = 'cartesian'¶
- DISTANCE = 'distance'¶
- INTERNAL = 'internal'¶
- INTERPOLATIONCHOICES = ['internal', 'distance', 'cartesian']¶
- BEFORESUPERPOSITION = 'beforesuperposition'¶
- AFTERSUPERPOSITION = 'aftersuperposition'¶
- GUESSCHOICES = ['beforesuperposition', 'aftersuperposition']¶
- CONNECTIVITYCHOICES = ['reactant', 'ts', 'product']¶
- VDWSCALE = 1.0¶
- REORDER = False¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.CheckInput[source]¶
Check user input.
- PAIRS = [('[]', ''), ('][', '-'), ('[', ''), (']', ''), (';', ''), (' ', '_')]¶
- COMBIGLD_REPLACEMENTS = {' ': '_', ';': '', '[': '', '[]': '', ']': '', '][': '-'}¶
- TITLEKEY = 's_m_title'¶
- ENTRYNAMEKEY = 's_m_entry_name'¶
- checkJobName(job_name, logger=None)[source]¶
Check job_name option.
- Parameters
job_name (str) – name of job
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
job_name, name of job
- checkInputFiles(inputfiles, logger)[source]¶
Check input files.
- Parameters
inputfiles (list of str) – all provided input files
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- checkStructures(logger=None, *allstructures)[source]¶
Check structures.
- Parameters
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
allstructures (tuple of schrodinger.structure.Structure) – all provided structures
- Return type
list of schrodinger.structure.Structure
- Returns
structures, updated list of structures
- checkStructurePairs(reorder, logger=None, *allstructures)[source]¶
Check reactant and product pairs of structures.
- Parameters
reorder (boolean) – normalize the atomic ordering
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
allstructures (tuple of schrodinger.structure.Structure) – all provided structure
- Return type
list of schrodinger.structure.Structure
- Returns
structures, updated list of structures
- checkSample(sample, logger=None)[source]¶
Check sample option.
- Parameters
sample (list of float) – sample points
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
list of floats
- Returns
sample, sample points
- checkPresumedTs(presumed_ts, logger=None)[source]¶
Check the location of the presumed ts.
- Parameters
presumed_ts (str) – gives the location of the presumed ts
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
presumed_ts, the location of the presumed ts
- checkInterpolation(interpolation, logger=None)[source]¶
Check interpolation option.
- Parameters
interpolation (str) – coordinate system used for interpolating
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
interpolation, coordinate system used for interpolating
- checkMixPrevious(mixprevious, logger=None)[source]¶
Check mixprevious option.
- Parameters
mixprevious (float) – mixing weight of solution from previous path point
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
mixprevious, mixing weight of solution from previous path point
- checkGuess(guess, logger=None)[source]¶
Check guess option.
- Parameters
guess (str) – type of guess solution
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
guess, type of guess solution
- checkConnectivity(connectivity, logger=None)[source]¶
Check connectivity option.
- Parameters
connectivity (str) – type of connectivity
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
connectivity, type of connectivity
- checkNoRxnComplex(norxncomplex, vdwscale, logger=None)[source]¶
Check norxncomplex and vdwscale options.
- Parameters
norxncomplex (boolean) – disable preprocessing into a reaction complex
vdwscale (float) – scales the intermolecular distance
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
boolean, float
- Returns
norxncomplex, vdwscale, disable preprocessing into a reaction complex and scales the intermolecular distance
- checkReorder(reorder, logger=None)[source]¶
Check reorder option.
- Parameters
reorder (boolean) – normalize the atomic ordering
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
reorder, normalize the atomic ordering
- checkReverseInterpolation(reverse_interpolation, logger=None)[source]¶
Check reverse interpolation option.
- Parameters
reverse_interpolation (boolean) – interpolate the reaction path in reverse
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
reverse_interpolation, interpolate the reaction path in reverse
- checkWeights(bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, penaltyweight, logger=None)[source]¶
Check weights, i.e. bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, and penaltyweight.
- Parameters
bondweight (float) – weight of the bond term
angleweight (float) – weight of the angle term
dihedralweight (float) – weight of the dihedral term
cartesianweight (float) – weight of the Cartesian term
penaltyweight (float) – weight of the bond penalty term
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
float, float, float, float, float
- Returns
bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, penaltyweight, weights of the bond, angle, dihedral, Cartesian, and penalty terms
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.Coord(indicies, names, value)[source]¶
Manage the properties of an internal coordinate.
- BOND = 'bond'¶
- ANGLE = 'angle'¶
- DIHEDRAL = 'dihedral'¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.InternalCoords[source]¶
Manage the internal coordinates of a structure.
- getZmatrix(astructure)[source]¶
Get the Z-matrix for the structure.
- Raises
ValueError – if there is a problem with the input
- Parameters
astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure
- getDmatrix(astructure)[source]¶
Get the distance matrix for the structure.
- Parameters
astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure
- schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.max_pair_vdw_distance(astructure)[source]¶
Find the largest atom-atom VDW distance in a structure.
- Parameters
astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure
- Return type
int, int, float
- Returns
atom1, atom2, maxdistance, atom1 and atom2 are the first and second atom indicies and maxdistance is the largest distance. If input structure is a single atom then just return that atom index twice followed by twice its VDW radius, i.e. the atomic diameter.
- schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.add_temp_hydrogen(astructure, index)[source]¶
To the given structure add a temporary hydrogen to the atom with the given index. This function is more robust than
- Parameters
astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure containing the atom to which a hydrogen will be added
index (int) – the index of the atom to which to add the hydrogen
- Return type
- Returns
the index of the added temporary hydrogen
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.ReactionCoords[source]¶
Manage reaction coordinates.
- PRODUCTPREFIX = 'post-'¶
- getNormalOrdering(reactant, product, logger=None)[source]¶
Attempt to normalize the atomic ordering between reactants and products.
- Parameters
reactant (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the reactant
product (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the product
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
schrodinger.structure.Structure, schrodinger.structure.Structure
- Returns
newreactant, newproduct, if defined specifies the reordered reactant and product structures
- makeRxnComplex(reactant, product, vdwscale, logger=None)[source]¶
For certain bimolecular reactions preprocess reactants and products into reaction complexes.
- Parameters
reactant (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – reactant
product (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – product
vdwscale (float) – scales the intermolecular distance
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
schrodinger.structure.Structure, schrodinger.structure.Structure
- Returns
newreactant, newproduct, if defined specifies the reactant and product structures in the created reaction complex
- collectInternals(reactant, product, rinternals, pinternals, logger=None)[source]¶
Find the redundant internal coordinates by merging the coordinates defined in the reactant and product.
- Parameters
reactant (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – reactant
product (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – product
rinternals (InternalCoords) – reactant internal coordinates
pinternals (InternalCoords) – product internal coordinates
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- getReactionInternals(rinternals, pinternals, reactioninternals)[source]¶
Determine the reactive redundant internal coordinates.
- Parameters
rinternals (InternalCoords) – reactant internal coordinates
pinternals (InternalCoords) – product internal coordinates
reactioninternals (InternalCoords) – reaction internal coordinates
- runSuperposition(reactant, product, reactioninternals, logger=None)[source]¶
Superpose the product structure on to the reactant structure using the non-reactive atoms, i.e. those that do not define any reactive redundant internal coordinate.
- Parameters
reactant (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – reactant
product (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – product
reactioninternals (InternalCoords) – reaction internal coordinates
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
list of ints, float
- Returns
tosuperpose, armsd, atom indicies used to superpose and the final RMSD
- getCartesianCoords(astructure)[source]¶
Get the Cartesian coordinates of a structure as a 3N dimensional list of floats.
- Parameters
astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – structure
- Return type
list of float
- Returns
cartesians, the 3N Cartesian coordinates ordered like [x1, y1, z1, x2, …, zN]
- prepare(reactant, product, interpolation, norxncomplex, vdwscale, samplepoints, logger=None)[source]¶
Prepare reaction coordinates.
- Parameters
reactant (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – reactant
product (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – product
interpolation (str) – coordinate system used for interpolating
norxncomplex (boolean) – disable preprocessing into a reaction complex
vdwscale (float) – scales the intermolecular distance
samplepoints (list of float) – reaction path sample points
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.Point(index, fval, name, astructure, internals, cartesians)[source]¶
Collect properties of reaction path points.
- __init__(index, fval, name, astructure, internals, cartesians)[source]¶
Create a Point instance.
- Parameters
index (int) – path point index
fval (float) – path point value
name (str) – path point name
astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – structure
internals (InternalCoords) – path point internal coordinates
cartesians (list of float) – the 3N Cartesian coordinates ordered like [x1, y1, z1, x2, …, zN]
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path.ReactionPath[source]¶
Generate reaction path.
- NORMTHRESH = 1e-12¶
- BONDPENALTYTHRESH = 1000000000.0¶
- DIFFHIGHVAL = 1000000000.0¶
- RXNINDEX = 'i_matsci_RXN_Index'¶
- RXNCOORD = 'r_matsci_RXN_Coord'¶
- REACTIVEATOM = 'b_matsci_Reactive_Atom'¶
- getSamplePoints(sample, densearound, presumed_ts)[source]¶
Determine the final set of sampling points.
- Parameters
sample (list of float) – points to be interpolated
densearound (bool) – include additional sampling points at specific regions
presumed_ts (str) – location of presumed ts
- Return type
list of floats
- Returns
samplepoints, the list of points to be sampled.
- getReactiveAtoms(reactant, product)[source]¶
Determine the reactive atoms, i.e. those which have changed Cartesian positions in the superposed reactant/product pair.
- Parameters
reactant (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – reactant
product (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – product
- Return type
list of int
- Returns
reactiveatoms, reactive atoms
- interpolateReactionCoords(pointindex, fval, connectivity, rpoint, ppoint, reactiveatoms, logger=None)[source]¶
Interpolate reaction coordinates between the reactant and product for this sample point.
- Parameters
pointindex (int) – sample point index
fval (float) – interpolated reaction path point
connectivity (str) – specifies the type of connectivity
rpoint (Point) – reactant information
ppoint (Point) – product information
reactiveatoms (list of ints) – reactive atoms
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
ipoint, interpolated point information
- getInitialGuess(cartesians, reactiveatoms)[source]¶
Obtain the initial guess Cartesians for the non-linear least squares solver. The guess is the interpolated Cartesian coordinates for the reactive atoms.
- Parameters
cartesians (list of floats) – all interpolated Cartesian coordinates
reactiveatoms (list of ints) – atom indicies of reactive atoms
- Return type
list of floats
- Returns
guessparams, interpolated Cartesian coordinates of the reactive atoms
- doNonLinearFit(ipoint, guessparams, reactiveatoms, mixprevious, logger=None)[source]¶
Using the interpolated redundant internal coordinates and interpolated Cartesian coordinates obtain the final set of Cartesian coordinates for this reaction path point by minimizing a sum-of-squares error function using non-linear least sqaures, i.e.:
error = \sum_{bonds} bondweight*(r(a,b) - r^{i}(a,b))**2 + \sum_{angles} angleweight*(theta(a,b,c) - theta^{i}(a,b,c))**2 + \sum_{dihedrals} dihedralweight*(tau(a,b,c,d) - tau^{i}(a,b,c,d))**2 + \sum_{atoms} cartweight*[(x(a) - x^{i}(a))**2 + (y(a) - y^{i}(a))**2 + (z(a) - z^{i}(a))**2]
where those variables marked with “^{i}” are the interpolated quantities and where:
r(a,b) = r(x(a), y(a), z(a), x(b), y(b), z(b)) = norm(vec(a,b)) theta(a,b,c) = arccos[(vec(a,b) \dot vec(c,b))/(norm(vec(a,b))*norm(vec(c,b)))] tau(a,b,c,d) = arccos[((vec(c,b) \cross vec(a,b)) \dot (vec(d,c) \cross vec(b,c))) / (norm((vec(c,b) \cross vec(a,b)))*norm((vec(d,c) \cross vec(b,c))))]
The 3N Cartesian coordinates, x(a), y(a), z(a), x(b), …, z(N), are choosen so as to minimize the error.
- Parameters
ipoint (Point) – interpolated point information
guessparams (list of floats) – initial parameters, i.e. Cartesian coordinates of the reactive atoms
reactiveatoms (list of ints) – atomic indicies of reactive atoms
mixprevious (float) – specifies to what extent the optimized Cartesian coordinates from the previous reaction path point are mixed with the coordinates determined by interpolation at the current point.
logger (logging.getLogger) – output logger
- Return type
- Returns
optcartesians, non-linear-optimized Cartesian coordinates for this sample point.
- getInterpolatedStructure(ipoint, optcartesians, reactiveatoms, tosuperpose, fval, connectivity, presumed_ts, rpoint, ppoint)[source]¶
Build the schrodinger.structure.Structure object from the optimized Cartesian coordinates for the interpolated structure at this sample point and update the internal and Cartesian coordinates in the Point object.
- Parameters
ipoint (Point) – interpolated point information
optcartesians (list of floats) – optimized Cartesian coordinates for the reactive atoms
reactiveatoms (list of ints) – atom indicies of reactive atoms.
tosuperpose (list of ints) – contains the atom indicies of the atoms used in the superposition.
fval (float) – The interpolated reaction path point.
connectivity (str) – specifies the type of connectivity
presumed_ts (str) – specifies the location of the presumed ts
rpoint (Point) – reactant information
ppoint (Point) – product information
- Return type
list of floats, InternalCoords object
- Returns
optcartesianssuperposed, reactiveinternals, the optimized Cartesian coordinates for the reactive atoms after superposition on to the reactant structure and an object containing the interpolated and calculated reactive internal coordinates.
- runIt(reactant, product, job_name='rxnpath', sample=[10.0], presumed_ts='midway', densearound=False, bondweight=1000.0, angleweight=1000.0, dihedralweight=1000.0, cartesianweight=1000.0, penaltyweight=1.0, interpolation='cartesian', mixprevious=0.5, guess='beforesuperposition', connectivity='ts', norxncomplex=False, vdwscale=1.0, reorder=False, reverse_interpolation=False, logger=None)[source]¶
Function to orchestrate calculation of the reaction path.
- Parameters
reactant (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – reactant
product (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – product
job_name (str) – name of job
sample (list of floats) – contains either the list of sample points or the number of points to sample as a “decimal-less” float.
presumed_ts (str) – gives the location of the presumed ts.
densearound (bool) – Specifies if additional sampling points should be included in the interpolation.
bondweight (float) – Specifies the weight of the bonding term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares.
angleweight (float) – Specifies the weight of the angle term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares.
dihedralweight (float) – Specifies the weight of the dihedral term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares.
cartesianweight (float) – Specifies the weight of the Cartesian term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares.
penaltyweight (float) – Specifies the weight of the bond penalty term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares.
interpolation (str) – specifies the coordinate system in which the reaction path points are interpolated.
mixprevious (float) – specifies to what extent the optimized Cartesian coordinates from the previous reaction path point are mixed with the coordinates determined by interpolation at the current point.
guess (str) – specifies the type of solution guess generated from the optimized Cartesian coordinates of the previous reaction path point.
connectivity (str) – specifies the type of connectivity to use in defining the structure objects of points along the reaction path.
norxncomplex (boolean) – Disables the preprocessing of reactants and products into reaction complexes for certain bimolecular reactions.
vdwscale (float) – Scales the inter-molecular VDW distance used to separate reactant or product structures when forming reaction complexes for certain bimolecular reactions.
reorder (boolean) – Specifies to run the protocol to normalize the atom ordering in the reactants and products.
reverse_interpolation (boolean) – interpolate the reaction in reverse
logger (a logging.getLogger object) – The output logger for this script.