schrodinger.application.matsci.qexsd.qespresso.xsdtypes.xmlschema module¶
This module contains XMLSchema class for xsdtypes package
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.qexsd.qespresso.xsdtypes.xmlschema.XMLSchema(xsd_file)[source]¶
Class to wrap an XML Schema for types lookups.
- XML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACES = {'xs': '', 'xsd': '', 'xsi': ''}¶
- namespaces¶
Namespaces used by XSD file
- types¶
Map XSD global types to XSDType instance
- attributes¶
Map XSD global attributes to XSDType instance
- attribute_groups¶
Group XSD attributes definitions
- elements¶
Map XSD global elements to XSDType instance
- groups¶
Group XSD elements definitions
- target_namespace¶
Target namespace URI
- target_prefix¶
Namespace prefix for declarations
- get_type(type_name)[source]¶
Return the XSD type instance corresponding to the argument.
- Parameters
type_name – Name of the type. Types in the schema’s
namespace have to be provided with namespace URI or prefix. Unqualified names are interpreted as typed of xsd/xs namespace. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance
- get_element_tag(element_path)[source]¶
Return the XSD type instance of the element.
- Parameters
element_path – The absolute path to the element. Schema’s
namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance
- get_element_type(element_path)[source]¶
Return the XSD type instance of the element.
- Parameters
element_path – The absolute path to the element. Schema’s
namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance
- get_attribute_type(attribute_name, element_path)[source]¶
Return the XSD type instance of the attribute.
- Parameters
attribute_name – The name of the attribute. Schema’s
namespace prefix or URI is stripped from the name. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema’s namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance
- get_element_default(element_path)[source]¶
Return the default of the element.
- Parameters
element_path – The absolute path to the element. Schema’s
namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance
- get_attribute_default(attribute_name, element_path)[source]¶
Return the XSD type instance of the attribute.
- Parameters
attribute_name – The name of the attribute. Schema’s
namespace prefix or URI is stripped from the name. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema’s namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance
- find(path, namespaces=None)[source]¶
Find first matching element by tag name or path.
- Parameters
path – is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
namespaces – is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.
- Returns
the first matching element, or None if no element was found
- findall(path, namespaces=None)[source]¶
Find all matching subelements by tag name or path.
- Parameters
path – is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
namespaces – is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.
- Returns
the first matching element, or None if no element was found
- iselement(elem)[source]¶
Checks if an element instance appears to be a valid element object. :param elem: