schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.readutils module¶
A collection of functions for reading different files and quantities.
- schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.readutils.get_wf_attributes(filename)[source]¶
Read attributes from a wfc file.
- Parameters
filename – the path to the wfc file
- Returns
a dictionary with all attributes included reciprocal vectors
- schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.readutils.get_wavefunctions(filename, start_band=None, stop_band=None)[source]¶
Returns a numpy array with the wave functions for bands from start_band to stop_band. If not specified starts from 1st band and ends with last one. Band numbering is Python style starts from 0.abs
- Parameters
filename – path to the wfc file
start_band – first band to read, default first band in the file
stop_band – last band to read, default last band in the file
- Returns
a numpy array with shape [nbnd,npw]
- schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.readutils.get_wfc_miller_indices(filename)[source]¶
Reads miller indices from the wfc file
- Parameters
filename – path to the wfc file
- Returns
a np.array of integers with shape [igwx,3]
- schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.readutils.read_pseudo_file(xmlfile)[source]¶
This function reads a pseudopotential XML-like file in the QE UPF format (text), returning the content of each tag in a dictionary. The file is read in strings and completed with a root UPF tag when it lacks, to avoids an XML syntax error.
TODO: add support for UPF-schema files
- schrodinger.application.matsci.qeschema.qeschema.hdf5.readutils.create_header(prefix, nr, nr_smooth, ibrav, celldms, nat, ntyp, atomic_species, atomic_positions)[source]¶
Creates the header lines for the output charge (or potential) text file as in pp.x. The format is:
system_prefix fft_grid (nr1,nr2,nr3) fft_smooth (nr1,nr2,nr3) nat ntyp ibrav celldms (6 real as in QE) missing line with respect to pp.x List of atoms List of positions for each atom