schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem module¶
# Third-party code. No Schrodinger Copyright.
GSASIIElem: functions for element types¶
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.getElSym(sym)¶
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetFormFactorCoeff(El)[source]¶
Read X-ray form factor coefficients from
file- Parameters
El (str) – element 1-2 character symbol, case irrevelant
- Returns
: list of form factor dictionaries
Each X-ray form factor dictionary is:
: 4 character element symbol with valence (e.g. ‘NI+2’)Z
: atomic numberfa
: 4 A coefficientsfb
: 4 B coefficientsfc
: C coefficient
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetFFtable(atomTypes)[source]¶
returns a dictionary of form factor data for atom types found in atomTypes
- Parameters
atomTypes (list) – list of atom types
- Returns
FFtable, dictionary of form factor data; key is atom type
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetMFtable(atomTypes, Landeg)[source]¶
returns a dictionary of magnetic form factor data for atom types found in atomTypes
- Parameters
atomTypes (list) – list of atom types
Landeg (list) – Lande g factors for atomTypes
- Returns
FFtable, dictionary of form factor data; key is atom type
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetBLtable(General)[source]¶
returns a dictionary of neutron scattering length data for atom types & isotopes found in General
- Parameters
General (dict) – dictionary of phase info.; includes AtomTypes & Isotopes
- Returns
BLtable, dictionary of scattering length data; key is atom type
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.getFFvalues(FFtables, SQ, ifList=False)[source]¶
Needs a doc string
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.getBLvalues(BLtables, ifList=False)[source]¶
Needs a doc string
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.getMFvalues(MFtables, SQ, ifList=False)[source]¶
Needs a doc string
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetFFC5(ElSym)[source]¶
Get 5 term form factor and Compton scattering data
- Parameters
ElSym – str(1-2 character element symbol with proper case);
- Return El
dictionary with 5 term form factor & compton coefficients
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.CheckElement(El)[source]¶
Check if element El is in the periodic table
- Parameters
El (str) – One or two letter element symbol, capitaliztion ignored
- Returns
True if the element is found
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.FixValence(El)[source]¶
Returns the element symbol, even when a valence is present
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetAtomInfo(El, ifMag=False)[source]¶
reads element information from
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetXsectionCoeff(El)[source]¶
Read atom orbital scattering cross sections for fprime calculations via Cromer-Lieberman algorithm
- Parameters
El – 2 character element symbol
- Returns
Orbs: list of orbitals each a dictionary with detailed orbital information used by FPcalc
each dictionary is:
‘OrbName’: Orbital name read from file
‘IfBe’ 0/2 depending on orbital
‘BindEn’: binding energy
‘BB’: BindEn/0.02721
‘XSectIP’: 5 cross section inflection points
‘ElEterm’: energy correction term
‘SEdge’: absorption edge for orbital
‘Nval’: 10/11 depending on IfBe
‘LEner’: 10/11 values of log(energy)
‘LXSect’: 10/11 values of log(cross section)
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.GetMagFormFacCoeff(El)[source]¶
Read magnetic form factor data from
- Parameters
El – 2 character element symbol
- Returns
MagFormFactors: list of all magnetic form factors dictionaries for element El.
each dictionary contains:
‘mfa’: 4 MA coefficients
‘nfa’: 4 NA coefficients
‘mfb’: 4 MB coefficients
‘nfb’: 4 NB coefficients
‘mfc’: MC coefficient
‘nfc’: NC coefficient
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.ScatFac(El, SQ)[source]¶
compute value of form factor
- Parameters
El – element dictionary defined in GetFormFactorCoeff
SQ – (sin-theta/lambda)**2
- Returns
real part of form factor
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.MagScatFac(El, SQ)[source]¶
compute value of form factor
- Parameters
El – element dictionary defined in GetFormFactorCoeff
SQ – (sin-theta/lambda)**2
gfac – Lande g factor (normally = 2.0)
- Returns
real part of form factor
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.ComptonFac(El, SQ)[source]¶
compute Compton scattering factor
- Parameters
El – element dictionary
SQ – (sin-theta/lambda)**2
- Returns
compton scattering factor
- schrodinger.application.matsci.gsas.GSASIIElem.FPcalc(Orbs, KEv)[source]¶
Compute real & imaginary resonant X-ray scattering factors
- Parameters
Orbs – list of orbital dictionaries as defined in GetXsectionCoeff
KEv – x-ray energy in keV
- Returns
C: (f’,f”,mu): real, imaginary parts of resonant scattering & atomic absorption coeff.