schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils module¶
Utilities for bandshape calculations.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.NormalMode(frequency, normal_mode)¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
Return key in self.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- count(value, /)¶
Return number of occurrences of value.
- frequency¶
Alias for field number 0
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)¶
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- normal_mode¶
Alias for field number 1
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.VibState(index, n_quantum, huang_rhys_f)[source]¶
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.Transition(index, energy, intensity, initial_vib_states, final_vib_states, max_n_imaginary)[source]¶
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.is_bs_spectrum_file_key(key)[source]¶
Return True if the given structure property key is a bandshape spectrum file key.
- Parameters
key (str) – the structure property key to check
- Return type
- Returns
True if the given key is a bandshape spectrum file key
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_temp_from_bs_spectrum_file_key(key)[source]¶
Return the temperature from the given bandshape spectrum file structure property key.
- Parameters
key (str) – the structure property key containing the temperature
- Return type
- Returns
the temperature in K
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_bs_spectrum_file_temps_keys(struct)[source]¶
Return the bandshape spectrum file structure property keys and associated temperatures for the given structure.
- Parameters
struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure with the property keys
- Return type
- Returns
pair tuples of temperatures in K and bandshape spectrum file structure property keys
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_transition_type(atable)[source]¶
Return the transition type of the given table.
- Parameters
atable (table.Table) – the table to check
- Return type
str or None
- Returns
module constant ABSORPTION or EMISSION or None if it is unknown
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.BandshapeSpectrumFile(data_file_name, spm_file_name, transition_type=None)[source]¶
Manage a bandshape spectrum file.
- ENERGY_KEY = 'r_j_Excitation_Energy_(eV)'¶
- ENERGY_TITLE = 'Excitation Energy (eV)'¶
- INTENSITY_KEY = 'r_j_Intensity'¶
- INTENSITY_TITLE = 'Intensity'¶
- SYMMETRY_KEY = 's_j_Symmetry'¶
- SYMMETRY_TITLE = 'Symmetry'¶
- SPECTRUM_KEY = 's_j_spectrum_type'¶
- SPECTRUM_TITLE = 'Electronic Transition w/ Bandshape'¶
- X_KEY = 's_j_x_label'¶
- X_ALIAS = 'r_j_Excitation_Energy_(eV)'¶
- Y_KEY = 's_j_y_label'¶
- Y_ALIAS = 'r_j_Intensity'¶
- HEADERS = {'s_j_spectrum_type': 'Electronic Transition w/ Bandshape', 's_j_x_label': 'r_j_Excitation_Energy_(eV)', 's_j_y_label': 'r_j_Intensity'}¶
- COLUMNS = {'r_j_Excitation_Energy_(eV)': 'Excitation Energy (eV)', 'r_j_Intensity': 'Intensity', 's_j_Symmetry': 'Symmetry'}¶
- EXT = '.uvv.spm'¶
- __init__(data_file_name, spm_file_name, transition_type=None)[source]¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
data_file_name (str) – the text file containing whitespace separated energies and intensities, one pair per line, energies in eV
transition_type (str or None) – module constant ABSORPTION or EMISSION or None if it is unknown
- Param
spm_file_name: the name of the
file to create
- static isBandshapeTable(atable)[source]¶
Return True if the given table is a bandshape table.
- Parameters
atable (table.Table) – the table to check
- Return type
- Returns
True if the given table is a bandshape table
- static getTrimmedTable(filepath, bin_width=None)[source]¶
Return a table of trimmed data for the given file path and bin width.
- Parameters
filepath (str) – the file path to the file with the data
bin_width (float) – the bin width in wavenumbers (cm-1) used for binning
- Raises
ValueError – if there isn’t any data
- Return type
- Returns
table of trimmed data
- static getData(data_file_name, separator=None, types=None)¶
Return the data from the given data file.
- Parameters
data_file_name (str) – the text file containing the data
separator (str) – the data separator
types (list) – a list of types used to type cast the data
- Return type
- Returns
contains data tuples
- write()¶
Write the
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_translated_xyz_vec(st)[source]¶
Return a vector of cartesian coordinates of the given structure which have been translated so that the center of mass is at the (0, 0, 0) origin.
- Parameters
st (
) – the structure- Return type
- Returns
the translated cartesian coordinates
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_mwc_to_nm_transform(jagout)[source]¶
Return the mass-weighted Cartesian coordinate to normal mode transformation matrix.
- Parameters
jagout (JaguarOutput) – the Jaguar output class
- Return type
numpy.array or None
- Returns
the transformation matrix or None if there isn’t one
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_huang_rhys_fs(spectrum_type, initial_vib_jo, final_vib_jo, geoms_base_name=None)[source]¶
Return the Huang-Rhys factors for the initial and final states.
- Parameters
spectrum_type (str) – the spectrum type, either module constant ABSORPTION or EMISSION
initial_vib_jo (JaguarOutput) – the Jaguar output class for the initial state frequency calculation
final_vib_jo (JaguarOutput) – the Jaguar output class for the final state frequency calculation
geoms_base_name (str or None) – if given use geometries from Jaguar restart files rather than from the input Jaguar objects
- Return type
list, list
- Returns
Huang-Rhys factors for initial and final states
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_transitions(bs_out_file_name, initial_jo=None, final_jo=None)[source]¶
Return a list of transitions from the given band shape output file.
- Parameters
bs_out_file_name (str) – the band shape output file name
initial_jo (JaguarOutput or None) – the Jaguar output class for the initial state
final_jo (JaguarOutput or None) – the Jaguar output class for the final state
- Return type
- Returns
contains Transition
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_bs_base_name(name)[source]¶
Return the base name of the given bandshape name.
- Parameters
name (str) – the bandshape name
- Return type
- Returns
the base name
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_bs_ext(name)[source]¶
Return the extension of the given bandshape name.
- Parameters
name (str) – the bandshape name
- Return type
- Returns
the extension
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.get_out_file_paths(source_path, patterns)[source]¶
Return the output file paths.
- Parameters
source_path (str) – the source path to the output files
patterns (list) – the glob patterns of the output files
- Raises
NormalModeAnalysisException – if there is an issue
- Return type
- Returns
contains the output file paths in the same order as patterns
- exception schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.NormalModeAnalysisException[source]¶
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- args¶
- with_traceback()¶
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- class schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.NormalModeAnalysis(bs_out_file_name)[source]¶
Manage normal mode analysis.
- TAG = 'normal_mode_analysis'¶
- N_ATOMS_KEY = 'i_j_atom_total'¶
- FREQ_KEY = 'r_j_Frequency'¶
- FREQ_TITLE = 'Frequency'¶
- SYMM_KEY = 's_j_Symmetry'¶
- SYMM_TITLE = 'Symmetry'¶
- INTENSITY_KEY = 'r_j_Intensity'¶
- INTENSITY_TITLE = 'Intensity'¶
- RAMAN_ACT_KEY = 'r_j_Raman_Act'¶
- RAMAN_ACT_TITLE = 'Raman Act'¶
- RAMAN_INT_KEY = 'r_j_Raman_Int'¶
- RAMAN_INT_TITLE = 'Raman Int'¶
- X_KEY = 'r_j_x%s'¶
- X_TITLE = 'x%s'¶
- Y_KEY = 'r_j_y%s'¶
- Y_TITLE = 'y%s'¶
- Z_KEY = 'r_j_z%s'¶
- Z_TITLE = 'z%s'¶
- COLUMNS = {'r_j_Frequency': 'Frequency', 'r_j_Intensity': 'Intensity', 'r_j_Raman_Act': 'Raman Act', 'r_j_Raman_Int': 'Raman Int', 's_j_Symmetry': 'Symmetry'}¶
- __init__(bs_out_file_name)[source]¶
Create an instance.
- Parameters
bs_out_file_name (str) – the band shape output file name
- Raises
NormalModeAnalysisException – if there is an issue
- getVibStates(energy_start, energy_stop)[source]¶
Get all vibrational states within the given energy window for the initial and final states.
- Parameters
energy_start (float) – the lower bound on the energy in eV
energy_stop (float) – the upper bound on the energy in eV
- Return type
dict, dict
- Returns
initial and final vibrational states, keys are indices, values are sets of VibState
- getVibStateWeight(state)[source]¶
Return the weight of the given vibrational state.
- Parameters
state (VibState) – the vibrational state
- Return type
- Returns
the weight
- getAllVibData(all_states, jagout, include_n_quantum)[source]¶
Return all frequencies and normal modes from the given vibrational states.
- Parameters
all_states (dict) – vibrational states, keys are indices, values are sets of VibState
jagout (JaguarOutput) – the Jaguar output class
include_n_quantum (bool) – whether to include effects due to vibrational quantum numbers
- Return type
- Returns
contains NormalMode
- getAvgVibData(all_states, jagout, include_n_quantum)[source]¶
Return an averaged frequency and normal mode from the given vibrational states.
- Parameters
all_states (dict) – vibrational states, keys are indices, values are sets of VibState
jagout (JaguarOutput) – the Jaguar output class
include_n_quantum (bool) – whether to include effects due to vibrational quantum numbers
- Return type
- Returns
the averaged NormalMode
- getMaxVibData(all_states, jagout, include_n_quantum)[source]¶
Return the frequency and normal mode with the largest weight from the given vibrational states.
- Parameters
all_states (dict) – vibrational states, keys are indices, values are sets of VibState
jagout (JaguarOutput) – the Jaguar output class
include_n_quantum (bool) – whether to include effects due to vibrational quantum numbers
- Return type
- Returns
the max (largest weight) NormalMode
- writeVibFile(file_name, n_atoms, normal_modes)[source]¶
Write the
file for the given normal modes.- Parameters
file_name (str) – the file name
n_atoms (int) – the number of atoms
normal_modes (list) – contains NormalMode
- writeFiles(base_name, initial_normal_modes, final_normal_modes, title=None)[source]¶
Write normal mode analysis files.
- Parameters
base_name (str) – a base name for the files
initial_normal_modes (list or None) – contains NormalMode for the initial state
final_normal_modes (list or None) – contains NormalMode for the final state
title (str) – a title to use for structures in the normal mode analysis output files
- run(energy_start, energy_stop, average=False, maximum=False, include_n_quantum=False, base_name=None, title=None)[source]¶
Run it.
- Parameters
energy_start (float) – the lower bound on the energy in eV
energy_stop (float) – the upper bound on the energy in eV
average (bool) – whether to average the normal modes
maximum (bool) – whether to report only the normal mode with the largest weight
include_n_quantum (bool) – whether to include effects due to vibrational quantum numbers
base_name (str) – a base name to use for the normal mode analysis output files
title (str) – a title to use for structures in the normal mode analysis output files
- Raises
NormalModeAnalysisException – if there is an issue
- Return type
- Returns
the name of the Maestro file written
- schrodinger.application.matsci.bandshape_utils.write_simplified_transitions_file(bs_out_file_name, s_bs_out_file_name=None)[source]¶
Write a simplified transitions file.
- Parameters
bs_out_file_name (str) – the band shape output file name
s_bs_out_file_name (str or None) – the simplified band shape output file name, if None then it will be determined from bs_out_file_name