Classes for parsing Jaguar output files and accessing output properties programmatically.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
- exception[source]¶
Indicators that the output is incomplete.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- args¶
- with_traceback()¶
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
- class, atom_name, homo_nn, homo_ns, homo_sn, homo_ss, lumo_nn, lumo_ns, lumo_sn, lumo_ss)[source]¶
A class to store Atomic Fukui indices.
- precision = 0.01¶
- class, atom_name)[source]¶
A class for holding atomic level properties.
- forces (list of floats, Hartree/Bohr)
Atomic forces.
- charge_esp (float)
Electrostatic potential charge.
- charge_nbo (float)
NBO charge.
- charge_stockholder (float)
Stockholder charge.
- charge_lowdin (float)
Lowdin charge.
- spin_lowdin (float)
Lowdin spin density.
- charge_mulliken (float)
Mulliken charge.
- spin_mulliken (float)
Mulliken spin density.
- fukui_indices (FukuiIndices)
Fukui indices.
- nmr_shielding (float)
NMR shielding.
- nmr_abs_shift (float)
NMR absolute shifts
- nmr_rel_shift (float)
NMR relative shifts, defined only for C/H.
- nmr_h_avg_shift (float)
NMR relative shifts, with the shifts of H’s bonded to the same atom averaged.
- nmr_2d_avg_shift (float)
NMR relative shifts, with 2D equivalent sites shifts averaged.
- maxat_esp (float)
Max atomic ESP value on molecular surface.
- minat_esp (float)
Min atomic ESP value on molecular surface.
- maxat_alie (float)
Max atomic ALIE value on molecular surface.
- minat_alie (float)
Min atomic ALIE value on molecular surface.
- epn (float)
Electrostatic potential at the nucleus.
- forces_precision = 0.0001¶
- charge_precision = 5e-05¶
- nmr_precision = 0.01¶
- esp_precision = 0.01¶
- alie_precision = 0.01¶
- epn_precision = 0.01¶
- class, charge)[source]¶
A class to store bond-midpoint charges calculated in ESP fitting.
- precision = 5e-05¶
- class, index, energy, symmetry=None)[source]¶
A class for storing orbital information.
energy (float, Hartrees)
symmetry (str)
- precision = 0.0001¶
- class, diis, icut, grid, energy, energy_change, rms_density_change, max_diis_error)[source]¶
A simple storage class for storing info on an SCF iteration.
- header = ' i u d i g\n t p i c r RMS maximum\n e d i u i energy density DIIS\n r t s t d total energy change change error\n\n'¶
- class, x=None, y=None, z=None, magnitude=None)[source]¶
A class for storing dipole information.
- magnitude (float, Debye)
The magnitude of the dipole moment.
- x, y, z (float, Debye)
The x, y, z components of the dipole moment.
- precision = 0.0001¶
- class, angle_unit)[source]¶
A class to store Z-variables and their values, generated in scan jobs.
The class is basically a dictionary with added attributes indicating the length and angle units.
- length_unit (str)
Either Angstrom or Bohr. (The value is equal to one of the module level constants unAngstrom or unBohr.)
- angle_unit (str)
Either degree or radian. (The values is equal to one of the module level constants unDegree or unRadian.)
- precision = 0.01¶
- __contains__(key, /)¶
True if the dictionary has the specified key, else False.
- __len__()¶
Return len(self).
- clear() None. Remove all items from D. ¶
- copy() a shallow copy of D ¶
- fromkeys(value=None, /)¶
Create a new dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
- get(key, default=None, /)¶
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- items() a set-like object providing a view on D’s items ¶
- keys() a set-like object providing a view on D’s keys ¶
- pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. ¶
If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised
- popitem()¶
Remove and return a (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple.
Pairs are returned in LIFO (last-in, first-out) order. Raises KeyError if the dict is empty.
- setdefault(key, default=None, /)¶
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
- update([E, ]**F) None. Update D from dict/iterable E and F. ¶
If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]
- values() an object providing a view on D’s values ¶
- class, temp, press, energy_units, total, trans=None, rot=None, vib=None, elec=None)[source]¶
A class to store the components of calculated thermodynamic properties.
- Variables
type_ (str) – Descriptive string indicating which thermodynamic property (U/Cv/S/H/G/lnQ) this instance refers to
temp (float) – The temperature at which the properties were calculated.
energy_units (str) – Units of provided values
total (float) – The total calculated thermodynamic property.
translational (float) – The translational contribution to the calculated property.
rotational (float) – The rotational contribution to the calculated property.
vibrational (float) – The vibrational contribution to the calculated property.
electronic (float) – The electronic contribution to the calculated property.
- precision = 0.001¶
- class, press, units, total, trans, rot, vib, elec, UTotal, HTotal, GTotal)[source]¶
A class to store a full set of calculated thermodynamic properties at a given temperature.
- temp (float)
The temperature at which the properties were calculated.
- press (float)
The pressure at which the properties were calculated. (in atm units)
- units (str)
Units that the energy values are in (if not in Hartrees)
- total (list of floats)
The total calculated thermodynamic properties for, in order, U/Cv/S/H/G
- trans (list of floats)
The translational contribution for, in order, U/Cv/S/H/G
- rot (list of floats)
The rotational contribution for, in order, U/Cv/S/H/G
- vib (list of floats)
The vibrational contribution for, in order, U/Cv/S/H/G
- elec (list of floats)
The electronic contribution for, in order, U/Cv/S/H/G
- UTotal (float, Hartrees)
Total internal energy (SCFE + ZPE + U)
- HTotal (float, Hartrees)
Total enthalpy (UTotal + pV)
- GTotal (float, Hartrees)
Total Gibbs free energy (HTotal - T*S)
- precision = 1e-06¶
- class, t_atoms, index)[source]¶
A class for storing normal mode results.
frequency (float, 1/cm)
- symmetry (str)
The symmetry type (Mulliken symbol) of the normal mode; None if symmetry is not present or used.
- ir_intensity (float, km/mol)
The IR intensity; set to None if not calculated.
- raman_activity (float, Angstrom^4)
The Raman activity; set to None if not calculated.
- raman_intensity (float, Angstrom^4)
The Raman intensity; set to None if not calculated.
reduced_mass (float, amu)
force_constant (float, mDyne/Angstrom)
- dipole_strength (float, DSU)
The dipole strength; set to None if not calculated.
- rotational_strength (float, RSU)
The rotational strength; set to None if not calculated.
- displacement (float array)
The atomic displacements, as an array with x, y, z columns for each atom row.
- frequency_precision = 0.1¶
- ir_intensity_precision = 0.1¶
- raman_activity_precision = 0.1¶
- raman_intensity_precision = 0.1¶
- reduced_mass_precision = 0.1¶
- force_constant_precision = 0.1¶
- dipole_strength_precision = 0.1¶
- rotational_strength_precision = 0.1¶
- class[source]¶
A class for keeping track of specific calculation options.
- ip (list of int)
the values of all ip flags, indexed from 1
- pseudospectral (bool)
whether the calculation used the pseudospectral method
- solvation (bool)
whether the calculation used solvation
- analytic_gradients (bool)
True if analytic gradients, False if calculated by finite difference. Is only meaningful when gradients are actually being calculated (i.e. when ‘forces’ of JaguarResults object is defined).
- analytic_frequencies (bool)
True if analytic second derivatives are used, False if calculated by finite difference. Is only meaningful when frequencies are being calculated (i.e. when the JaguarResults normal_mode list attribute is non-empty).
- esp_fit (int)
If no electrostatic potential fit is being done, this will be set to JaguarOutputs.ESP_NONE. If ESP atom centered fitting is being done, it will be set to JaguarOutputs.ESP_ATOMS. If ESP fitting is being done with atom centers and bond midpoints, esp_fit will be set to JaguarOptions.ESP_ATOMS_AND_BOND_MIDPOINTS.
- ip_default = 1¶
- ESP_NONE = 0¶
- ESP_ATOMS = 1¶
- class[source]¶
A class for building and holding properties derived from other _Attributes in JaguarResults. Designed only with single primitive valued _Attribute’s in mind (no lists). By its nature this class will be pretty manual, since every derived property will have its own logic. Class method buildDerivedAttrs called by JaguarOutput parent at end of init (after textparsing)
- energy_aposteri0 (float, Hartrees)
Uncorrected energy in the case of a posteri-corrected calculations (energy-energy_aposteri)
- homo_lumo_gap (float, Hartrees)
HOMO-LUMO Gap energy. Calculated as lower of same-spin orbital differences in unrestricted calcs
- lambdamax_ev (float, eV)
Excitation energy (ev) of state with highest oscillator strength
- lambdamax_nm (float, nm)
Excitation energy (nm) of state with highest oscillator strength
- energy_precision_hartree = 1e-06¶
- exc_energy_precision_ev = 0.0006¶
- exc_energy_precision_nm = 20¶
- orbe_precision = 0.0001¶
- osc_precision = 0.001¶
- class[source]¶
A class for holding results for a specific geometry.
- scf_energy (float, Hartrees)
SCF energy
- external_program_energy (float, Hartrees)
Energy produced by an external program
- nn_gas_energy (float, Hartrees)
Neural network potential energy
- nn_sol_energy (float, Hartrees)
Neural network potential energy
- nn_energy (float, Hartrees)
Neural network potential energy
- nn_stddev (float, Hartrees)
Neural network potential energy std deviation across models
- rimp2_ss_energy (float, Hartrees)
RI-MP2 same-spin energy
- rimp2_os_energy (float, Hartrees)
RI-MP2 opposite-spin energy
- rimp2_corr_energy (float, Hartrees)
RI-MP2 correlation energy
- rimp2_energy (float, Hartrees)
RI-MP2 energy
- gas_phase_energy (float, Hartrees)
Gas phase total energy
- scf_iter (list of ScfIterations)
details on the scf iterations
- lmp2_energy (float, Hartrees)
LMP2 energy
- solvation_energy (float, Hartrees)
solvation energy
- solution_phase_energy (float, Hartrees)
solution phase energy
- energy_one_electron (float, Hartrees)
total one-electron energy (component (E) in SCF summary)
- energy_two_electron (float, Hartrees)
total two-electron energy (component (I) in SCF summary)
- energy_electronic (float, Hartrees)
total electronic energy (component (L) in SCF summary)
- energy_aposteri (float, Hartrees)
a posteriori correction to the total energy (component (N0) in SCF summary)
- energy_aposteri0 (float, Hartrees)
uncorrected energy in the case of a posteri-corrected calculations (derived quantity not in output file)
- nuclear_repulsion (float, Hartrees)
nuclear repulsion energy
- homo (float, Hartrees)
HOMO energy (set to None for open shell calcs)
- homo_alpha (float, Hartrees)
alpha HOMO energy (set to None for closed shell calcs)
- homo_beta (float, Hartrees)
beta HOMO energy (set to None for closed shell calcs)
- lumo (float, Hartrees)
LUMO energy (set to None for open shell calcs)
- lumo_alpha (float, Hartrees)
alpha LUMO energy (set to None for closed shell calcs)
- lumo_beta (float, Hartrees)
beta LUMO energy (set to None for closed shell calcs)
zero_point_energy (float, kcal/mol)
- canonical_orbitals (int)
Number of canonical orbitals for a given job
- doubted_geom (bool)
Indicates that the Jaguar output contained an indication that this was a bad step
- geopt_step_num (int)
Nominal geometry optimization step according to Jaguar, which is not necessarily monontonic because Jaguar sometimes restarts optimzations
- nops_on (bool)
indicates this is a NOPS calculation
- sm_point (integer)
number of point along string method string.
- sm_iter (integer)
iteration number of string method.
- S_min_eval (float)
minimum eigenvalue of S (overlap matrix)
- orbital (list of Orbitals)
orbitals (defined for closed shell only)
- orbital_alpha (list of Orbitals)
alpha orbitals (defined for open shell only)
- orbital_beta (list of Orbitals)
beta orbitals (defined for open shell only)
- zvar (ZVariables)
a mapping of scan variable names to values; ZVariables is a dict subclass.
- thermo (list of ThermoCollection)
a list of ThermoCollection objects, each representing thermochemical properties at a given temperature
reaction_coord (float)
transition_state_components (list of floats)
- vetted_ts_vector_index (integer)
index eigenvector of TS geometry that has been vetted with vet_ts != 0
- vetted_ts_vector (NormalMode instance)
NormalMode instance representing eigenvector of TS geometry that has been vetted with vet_ts != 0
- dipole_qm (Dipole)
dipole calculated from the wavefunction
- dipole_esp (Dipole)
dipole calculated from the electrostatic potential charges
- dipole_mulliken (Dipole)
dipole calculated from the Mulliken charges
- charge_bond_midpoint (list of BondCharge)
ESP charges for bond midpoints
- atom (list of JaguarAtomicResults)
atom based properties for this JaguarResults object
- normal_mode (list of NormalMode objects)
normal mode information
- scan_value (dict of floats)
a dictionary with zvar keys and float values indicating the scan coordinate values for this geometry
- fdpolar_alpha1 (float)
frequency-dependent polarizability, first frequency
- fdpolar_freq1 (float)
frequency that fdpolar_alpha1 calculated at
- fdpolar_alpha2 (float)
frequency-dependent polarizability, second frequency
- fdpolar_freq2 (float)
frequency that fdpolar_alpha2 calculated at
- fdpolar_beta (float)
frequency-dependent first-order hyperpolarizability, reported as mean of beta-tensor orientations
- fdpolar_freq3 (float)
third frequency used for frequency-dependent hyperpolarizability calcs
- polar_alpha (float)
- polar_beta (float)
first-order hyperpolarizability
- polar_gamma (float)
second-order hyperpolarizability
- et_S_if (float)
overlap of initial and final state wfns in electron transfer
- et_H_ii (float)
hamiltonian of initial state in electron transfer
- et_H_if (float)
hamiltonian of initial->final state in electron transfer
- et_T_if (float)
electron transfer transition energy
- min_esp (float)
Minimum ESP value on isodensity surface
- max_esp (float)
Maximum ESP value on isodensity surface
- mean_esp (float)
Mean ESP value on isodensity surface
- mean_pos_esp (float)
Mean positive ESP value on isodensity surface
- mean_neg_esp (float)
Mean negative ESP value on isodensity surface
- sig_pos_esp (float)
Variance of positive ESP values on isodensity surface
- sig_neg_esp (float)
Variance of negative ESP values on isodensity surface
- sig_tot_esp (float)
Total ESP variance on isodensity surface
- balance_esp (float)
ESP balance on isodensity surface
- local_pol_esp (float)
Local polarity on isodensity surface
- min_alie (float)
Minimum ALIE value on isodensity surface
- max_alie (float)
Maximum ALIE value on isodensity surface
- mean_alie (float)
Mean ALIE value on isodensity surface
- mean_pos_alie (float)
Mean positive ALIE value on isodensity surface
- mean_neg_alie (float)
Mean negative ALIE value on isodensity surface
- sig_pos_alie (float)
Variance of positive ALIE values on isodensity surface
- sig_neg_alie (float)
Variance of negative ALIE values on isodensity surface
- sig_tot_alie (float)
Total ALIE variance on isodensity surface
- balance_alie (float)
ALIE balance on isodensity surface
- local_pol_alie (float)
Average deviation from mean ALIE on isodensity surface
- excitation_energies (list of floats)
electronic excitation energies
- singlet_excitation_energies (list of floats)
restricted singlet electronic excitation energies
- triplet_excitation_energies (list of floats)
restricted triplet electronic excitation energies
- oscillator_strengths (list of floats)
excitation energy oscillator strengths
- singlet_oscillator_strengths (list of floats)
singlet excitation energy oscillator strengths
- triplet_oscillator_strengths (list of floats)
triplet excitation energy oscillator strengths
- opt_excited_state_energy_1 (float)
energy of first excited state geometry optimization
- total_lo_correction (float, kcal/mol)
total localized orbital energy correction
- spin_splitting_score (float)
ligand field spin-splitting score for DBLOC calculations
- s2 (float)
spin: <S**2>
- sz2 (float)
spin: Sz*<Sz+1>
- derived_attrs (DerivedAttrs object)
container for simple attributes derived from ones explicitly found in output file
- energy_precision = 1e-06¶
- nucrep_precision = 1e-08¶
- zpe_precision = 0.01¶
- lo_precision = 0.01¶
- spin_splitting_precision = 0.01¶
- rxn_coord_precision = 0.001¶
- ts_component_precision = 0.1¶
- alpha_polar_precision = 0.001¶
- beta_polar_precision = 0.001¶
- gamma_polar_precision = 0.1¶
- esp_analysis_precision = 0.01¶
- balance_esp_precision = 0.001¶
- alie_analysis_precision = 0.01¶
- balance_alie_precision = 0.001¶
- exc_precision = 0.0006¶
- osc_precision = 0.001¶
- tdm_precision = 0.02¶
- property energy¶
The overall/final energy for the calculation. Meant to be a simple handle for one to get the energy of a calculation, since there are many different types of energies in JaguarResults. The energy types range from general to method-specific - energy, solution_phase_energy, gas_phase energy, scf_energy, RI-MP2, LMP2, Neural Net (NN), external. More general energy types can be assigned the value of other energy types depending on the calculation.
For instance, a gas-phase HF job has energy = scf_energy. But a gas-phase RI-MP2 job has energy = rimp2_energy, since that is the “final” energy of the calculation. Solution-phase calculations have more layers.
The code that assigns values to the various energy types is split between _getEnergy() and the various functions in For instance see the rimp2_energies, nn_gas/sol_energy fxns.
- property forces¶
Convenient access to forces for all atoms as a numpy array.
- property atom_total¶
Return the number of atoms in the structure geometry.
- getStructure(properties=None)[source]¶
Get a schrodinger.Structure object for a specific geometry.
- property_names (list of tuples of (string, object))
A list of properties names and values belonging to the overall job these results are a part of.
- diff(other, short_circuit=False, factor=1.0)[source]¶
Return a set of attributes that differ.
- Parameters
other (JaguarResults) – The instance to compare against.
short_circuit (bool) – If True, return immediately upon finding a difference.
factor (float) – A fudge factor to apply to most comparison precision values. The allowed difference between values is multiplied by factor.