schrodinger.application.desmond.system_builder_util module
The script truncates protein beyond truncate_distance from ligand atoms, restrain remaining protein heavy atoms beyond restrain_distance from ligand atoms, and solvate it by solvent_buffer distance. The truncation is done by residue based ASL.
Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
class schrodinger.application.desmond.system_builder_util.DesmondBoxSize(**kwargs)[source]
Bases: object
Returns the a, b, & c absolute coordinates, even when
the user specified buffer distances
Returns None if there are no atoms in the Workspace
Returns the vectors representing the box.
Origin is the back face bottom left.
Returns None on error (after displaying a dialog box)
Will return 0 on error (after showing dialog)
static translateCentroidToOrigin(strucs, skip_solvent=True, solvent_asl=None)[source]
Re-zeros strucs
- Parameters
schrodinger.application.desmond.system_builder_util.truncateProtein(protein_st, ligand_st, retain_ligand=False, truncate_distance=0, restrain_distance=- 1)[source]
- Parameters
restrain_distance – -1 means no restrain, 0 means restrain all atoms
schrodinger.application.desmond.system_builder_util.find_equivalent_st(my_st, st_list, pname)[source]
Find a equivalent st of my_st from iterable st_list
Copy the pname values to ‘r_ffio_custom_charge’ of my_st