schrodinger.application.combinatorial_diversity.diversity_fingerprinter module¶
This module contains the DiversityFingerprinter class, which generates Canvas fingerprints and, optionally, a default set of physicochemical properties for structures provided as SMILES strings.
Copyright Schrodinger LLC, All Rights Reserved.
- class schrodinger.application.combinatorial_diversity.diversity_fingerprinter.PropertyType(value)¶
An enumeration.
- FLOAT = 1¶
- INT = 2¶
- STR = 3¶
- MISSING = 4¶
- class schrodinger.application.combinatorial_diversity.diversity_fingerprinter.DiversityFingerprinter(fp_type, want_props=False, hba_file=None, hbd_file=None)[source]¶
Generates Canvas fingerprints and a default set of physicochemical propertes for structures provided as SMILES.
- __init__(fp_type, want_props=False, hba_file=None, hbd_file=None)[source]¶
Constructor taking a fingerprint type, whether to calculate default physicochemical properties, and custom rule files for assigning hydrogen bond acceptor and donor counts.
- Parameters
fp_type (str) – Fingerprint type (see LEGAL_FP_TYPES).
want_props (bool) – Whether to calculate default properties.
hba_file (str or NoneType) – File with customized hydrogen bond acceptor rules. Ignored if want_props is False.
hbd_file (str or NoneType) – File with customized hydrogen bond donor rules. Ignored if want_props is False.
- Raises
KeyError – If fp_type is not supported.
FileNotFoundError – If hba_file or hbd_file can’t be found.
- compute(smiles)[source]¶
Computes fingerprints and default properties, if requested, for the provided SMILES. If properties are calculated, they are returned in the order indicated in PROPERTY_NAMES. An empty list of property values is returned if properties are not calculated.
- Parameters
smiles (str) – SMILES string for the structure.
- Returns
Fingerprint and list of property values.
- Return type
canvas.ChmSparseBitset, list(float/int)