#!/usr/bin/env python
The sshconfig module contains code to configure Passwordless SSH.
A) Get the keypair to use using find_key_pair(..).
B) Check the keypair is okay before local host ssh setup using
C) If the keypair is not okay, generate keypair in local system using
D) Setup passwordless SSH to desired host using install_remote_pubkey(..).
from schrodinger.utils import sshconfig
(priv_file, pub_file) = sshconfig.find_key_pair()
pub_key = sshconfig.check_key_pair(priv_file, pub_file)
if not pub_key:
pub_key = sshconfig.configure_local_ssh_setup(priv_file, pub_file)
sshconfig.install_remote_pubkey("bobio", "rajagopa", "blah-blah", pub_key)
import base64
import getpass
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import sys
import warnings
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils
from . import subprocess
# Remove warning filter after BLDMGR-2748
with warnings.catch_warnings():
import Crypto.pct_warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Crypto.pct_warnings.PowmInsecureWarning)
except ImportError: # once paramiko is updated, it doesn't depend on pycrypto
import paramiko
def _get_pub_key(pub_file):
Get the public key from SSH keypair setup on your local machine.
:type pub_file: string
:param pub_file:
Public key file to read and get the data.
:returntype: string
public key as base64 string.
pub_key_text = ""
with open(pub_file) as f:
if sys.platform == "win32":
pub_footer = ""
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
if line.find("BEGIN ") != -1:
pub_key_text = "ssh-rsa "
elif line.find("END ") != -1:
elif line.find("Comment:") == 0:
pub_key_text += line
pub_key_text += pub_footer
pub_key_text = f.read()
pub_key_text = pub_key_text.rstrip()
except OSError:
return pub_key_text
def _convert_ppk_openssh(ppk_file, priv_file):
Convert ppk to OpenSSH.
:type ppk_file: string
:param ppk_file:
file to convert the ppk format.
:type priv_file: string
:param priv_file:
file to write the OpenSSH format.
:raise OSError:
if plink_keygen binary to convert ppk to OpenSSH doesn't exist
:raise RuntimeError:
if the command to convert ppk to OpenSSH failed
plink_keygen = os.path.join(os.environ["SCHRODINGER"],
proc = subprocess.Popen([
plink_keygen, "-b",
"%d" % GENERATE_KEY_BITS, ppk_file, "-O", "private-openssh", "-o",
stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
if proc.returncode:
raise RuntimeError("Command to convert ppk to OpenSSH failed "
"with exit code - {}. Error is - {}"\
.format(proc.returncode, stderr))
def _convert_openssh_ppk(priv_file, ppk_file):
Convert OpenSSH to ppk.
:type priv_file: string
:param priv_file:
file to convert the OpenSSH format.
:type ppk_file: string
:param ppk_file:
file to write the ppk format.
:raise OSError:
if plink_keygen binary to convert OpenSSH to ppk doesn't exist
:raise RuntimeError:
if the command to convert OpenSSH to ppk failed
plink_keygen = os.path.join(os.environ["SCHRODINGER"],
proc = subprocess.Popen([
plink_keygen, "-b",
"%d" % GENERATE_KEY_BITS, priv_file, "-O", "private", "-o", ppk_file
stderr = proc.communicate()[1]
if proc.returncode:
raise RuntimeError("Command to convert OpenSSH to ppk failed "
"with exit code - {}. Error is - {}"\
.format(proc.returncode, stderr))
def _grep(filename, search_string):
Grep the given search string in provided filename.
:type filename: string
:param filename:
filename to search the given pattern.
:type search_string: string
:param search_string:
Pattern to search in the given filename.
:returntype: bool
True if search string is found.
False if search string is not found or given filename doesn't exist.
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return False
pattern = re.compile(search_string)
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
if pattern.search(line):
return True
return False
[docs]def find_key_pair():
Get the private and public key filename to use.
:returntype: tuple
A tuple containing private and public key filename.
home = fileutils.get_directory_path(fileutils.HOME)
ssh_identity = os.environ.get("SCHRODINGER_SSH_IDENTITY", "")
if ssh_identity:
return (ssh_identity, ssh_identity + ".pub")
if sys.platform == 'win32':
priv_file = os.path.join(home, getpass.getuser() + ".ppk")
pub_file = os.path.join(home, getpass.getuser() + ".pub")
priv_file = os.path.join(home, ".ssh", "id_rsa")
pub_file = os.path.join(home, ".ssh", "id_rsa.pub")
return (priv_file, pub_file)
[docs]def check_key_pair(priv_file, pub_file):
Check the given private and public key file to make sure they match.
For Windows, the private key file is assumed to be in ppk understandable
:type priv_file: string
:param priv_file:
Private key file.
:type pub_file: string
:param pub_file:
Public key file.
:returntype: string
base64 string containing public part of the key pair, on success
empty string otherwise
pub_key = ""
if sys.platform == 'win32':
ppk_file = priv_file
priv_file = ppk_file + "%s.openssh" % os.getpid()
_convert_ppk_openssh(ppk_file, priv_file)
# Compare public key from private key file and public key file
# to make sure they match.
k_priv = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(priv_file)
orig_pub_key = _get_pub_key(pub_file)
pub_key_data = orig_pub_key.replace("ssh-rsa ", "")
pub_key_data = pub_key_data.split()[0]
k_pub = paramiko.RSAKey(data=base64.b64decode(pub_key_data))
if k_priv == k_pub:
pub_key = orig_pub_key
# Catch and ignore cases where the key files don't exist (and possibly
# other cases). See PYTHON-3036.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
except OSError:
return pub_key
[docs]def install_remote_pubkey(hostname, user, password, pubkey):
Setup passwordless ssh to the given remote host.
:type hostname: string
:param hostname:
Setup passwordless ssh to this remote host.
:type user: string
:param user:
Specify the user to log in as on the remote machine.
:type password: string
:param password:
Password to use for logging into the remote machine.
:type pubkey: string
:param pubkey:
Public key to cache in 'authorized_keys' of the remote machine.
:raise paramiko.AuthenticationException:
if the authentication failed.
:raise paramiko.SSHException:
if there was an error connecting or establishing an SSH session.
:raise RuntimeError:
if the command to cached public key at remote host fail or
if the command to cache remote host's fingerprint in registry
fail (Windows).
config_cmd = 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ' \
'echo "%s" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && ' \
'chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && ' \
'chmod 700 ~/.ssh/' % pubkey
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(hostname, username=user, password=password)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(config_cmd)
exit_status = stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()
if exit_status > 0:
raise RuntimeError("Remote command to cache public key failed "
"with exit status - {0}. Error is - {1}".\
format(exit_status, format('\n'.join(stderr.readlines()))))
cache_hostname_plink(user, hostname)
[docs]def cache_hostname_plink(user, hostname):
Caches particular host name. This is intended to be run after we
already have set up public key on remote host.
:type hostname: string
:param hostname: name of host
:type user: string
:param user: username for remote host
# This is required for windows to cache the remote host fingerprint
# in the registry similar to known_hosts list.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
if not hostname_in_registry(hostname):
proc = subprocess.Popen(['plink.exe', '-l', user, hostname, 'exit'],
stderr = proc.communicate(input=b'y')[1]
if not hostname_in_registry(hostname):
raise RuntimeError("Failed to cache fingerprint for {} in "
"in registry. Error: {}".format(
hostname, stderr))
[docs]def has_plink_ssh_host_key(prefix: str, hostname: str) -> bool:
Check PuTTY registry entries for hostname key.
:param prefix: encryption type prefix (rsa2@22: or ssh-ed25519@22:)
:param hostname: name of machine for connecting
import winreg
with winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
r"Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\SshHostKeys") as aKey:
winreg.QueryValueEx(aKey, prefix + hostname)[0]
except OSError:
return False
return True
[docs]def hostname_in_registry(hostname):
If hostname is in cached registry, returns True. Only
relevant to call on Windows.
:param hostname: name of host referred to in plink
:type hostname: str
:return: bool
if sys.platform != "win32":
for keytype in {"rsa2@22:", "ssh-ed25519@22:"}:
if has_plink_ssh_host_key(keytype, hostname):
return True
return False
[docs]def known_hostname(hostname):
Checks if hostname has already been configured to use Passwordless SSH.
:param hostname: name of host
:type hostname: str
:return: bool
if sys.platform == "win32":
return hostname_in_registry(hostname)
# Check if hostname is listed in known_hosts file. Empty str will be
# returned if no occurences of hostname are found. '-H' specified so
# found keys are returned in hashed format.
return bool(
subprocess.check_output(["ssh-keygen", "-H", "-F", hostname]))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False